nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Please read over each other's back stories. You've all known each other for at least 6 months, some of you quite a bit longer, so you probably have heard some version of those stories. If there's anything in there you would have hidden from others please say so here so people can self-edit.
I know it's still a hectic time of year so when you check in the first time please mention if there are any days this coming week that you know you wouldn't be able to post.

Salomae Amsel |
Here I be! Not that Sal's background is especially long, but here are the relevant notes regarding connecting with the other characters:
(1) She's 20 and has lived in Sandpoint for the past 9 years.
(2) She's originally from Nybor.
(3) She's spent a lot of her time over the past few years learning various skills from both Savah and Shalelu.
Unless something comes up I should be free to post at least once every day, including weekends. I'll read over other people's characters and start thinking of how Sal might know them (not to mention how well).

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

Checking in! At a party and movies this afternoon, but will be back tonight. I can generally post every day. Very excited to begin!

Kaelaah |

Checking in as well... Today and tomorrow are particularly hectic for me - festive aftershocks with visiting relatives... And, at some point, I really must get to see Star Wars!!!! Daily Posting is the norm for me... I don't always do weekends - as I am running five games and that' s too much of a time sink with little kids!!! But, for this game, I will go daily!
Kaelaah hasn't got a ridiculously long background... But key elements are he is Shoanti but, having been found (possibly abandoned) as a baby by Varisian Travellers, he was bought up with some view of following a Varisian / Desnan lifestyle... But, upon embarking on his journey (literally getting as far as from Magnimar to Sandpoint), he had an epiphany of sorts in the Cathedral... Hearing the 'call' of Sarenrae, he has been in Sandpoint ever since...
...as yet - with no 'teacher', he does not have particularly strong control of his pyrokineticism!!! Nor does he understand why this 'gift' has been bestowed upon him...

Tera Flinders |

Hiya, checking in.
So, Tera's been updated. I still need to work on the crunch. I've just been busy with holiday stuff, but I've got the next week off, so I'll have it done soon enough. :D
As far as timelines go, Tera lived in Magnimar then came to Sandpoint right after the destruction of the old cathedral. She's an outgoing person, and a little silly at times, but anyone who knows her would know that she's serious about her studies, and rather frustrated with how things have been going as far as developing her divine powers.
I'll post more as I read through things and get her crunch done. I need to see what kinds of goodies we have at our disposal already.

Kaede Mayumi |

Checking in, I'll need to get my tagline up, but past that I should be good. Posting once or twice a day shouldn't be any real problem.
Kaede has only been in Sandpoint for a little over a year, so I think that means she's the one that's been here the shortest. Most of her studies in Sandpoint have been learning Inner Sea customs, how Shelyn is worshiped here and the differences in the deities from Tien Xia and the Inner Sea, and Taldane well enough to be fluent. She's also a regular at the Rusty Dragon, and is likely on good speaking terms with Ameiko.

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

Now that I am settled in I wanted to take a good look at all of you and share my thoughts.
First, I must say I am thrilled to be among such good writers, role-players, and story-tellers. With our visionary GM at the helm, I foresee this campaign being a huge success (Gozreh told me so).
Second, about Roakkad. A refugee hailing from the Shriikirri-Quah of Northern Varisia, Roakkad's fate led him to the impossible city of Kaer Maga. A prince among his people, he trained with the druidic cults of that ancient fortress. Now, a dying augur's portent has ushered him to the provincial village of Sandpoint for purposes unknown. He's now 20 years old and has been in Sandpoint two years.
And now, some thoughts on each of you.
Kaede Mayumi (Shelyn) - as someone in Recruitment already pointed out, one of the best-drawn characters of the bunch (the transitory beauty of a lovers quarrel - that's poetry). I can see Kaede perfectly in my mind. I think Roakkad, as a seeker of balance, would admire her quiet, meditative ways. At the same time, her almost monastic discipline may not mesh well with Gozreh's unpredictable methods. But, every hurricane has its eye--that silent, centered space where fury finds its focus. I think I can see Kaede there. P.s. Tien is one of Roakkad's languages. P.s.s. I want to learn more about her trip over the Crown of the World!
Kaelaah (Sarenrae) - Kaelaah is a fellow Shoanti, disconnected from his tribe and cultural identity. Roakkad can definitely relate to this. In fact, I can see him being extremely drawn to Kaelaah because of it, each of you having "lost" your history in some sense. I like that your history involves a sort of rejection of one goddess for another. I wonder what Zache will make of that. I don't know much about the occult classes so need to do some reading on your abilities (nice work including much of that in your alias). How do you see your character advancing, mechanically?
Salomae (Erastil) - Beautifully written profile. We are the same age. Although he's no stranger to the study of scrolls and parchments, like Sal, he relishes nature. Roakkad is no hunter, but they might have enjoyed strolling along the beach or hiking nearby foot trails. Like Sal, Roakkad questions his god's plans for him, and is frustrated by a seeming lack of guidance since landing in Sandpoint (he's only been here 2 years). However, he knows that he is a divine vessel--he has physical proof (his hawk, Tsharat). Gozreh and Erastil are quite friendly, both understanding proper stewardship of the land. I enjoy your emphasis on family--you do a good job of embodying Erastil's ideals. I also like your choice of artwork.
Tera Flinders (Abadar) - Gozreh and Abadar have only the most tenuous truce, due to Abadarian drive toward civilizing the natural world. While both arcane casters, they are quite different. Tera is pedigreed, refined, and civilized. Roakkad is none of those things (though he is well read). Also, Tera and Roakkad take very different approaches to magic. Tera seems polished and studied, while I envision Roakkad adopting a somewhat "wilder" approach. I think this might make for a fun "feud" between them. Speaking of magic, Roakkad will do all the usual fun wizardy control things, but at level 5 he will be able to spontaneously summon nature's ally (augmented), so expect a lot of summons. I found your sample post very sweet. P.s. Happy Birthday, Tera.
Zache Kovachi (Desna) - Another beautiful profile. Followers of Gozreh and Desna are kindred spirits, their eyes drawn ever toward the open sky, so we should get along smashingly. Roakkad will admire (long for?) Zache's family connections. He will also understand Zache's bond with his deceased ancestor.

Zache Kovachi |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

WARNING: I intended to write a short introduction and some musings, and got carried away. I'm sorry, and I'll try not to do this too often.
What ho! - 'tis I, the party's final man,
Delighted to be welcomed to this game
With such familiar faces. Yet I fear
I know not what to do as I progress
Through this campaign. My build is uninspired,
And I have chosen poorly in my feats.
With many here who opt to fight at range,
Perhaps I should look elsewhere for my strengths?
To build to Slashing Grace, perhaps, to help
Provide a flank in melee for Kaede?
But I digress - we've time to talk of that
(Though any input's welcome at this stage!)
For now, I'll look at each of you in turn,
To see what fun connections I discern.
Ah, Salomae! I've played with you before,
Yet I was known by different name back then,
And that was shortly-lived. I see you're lost,
Uncertain of what lies in store for you,
And what Erastil wills. Perhaps I could
Encourage freedom in your day-to-day?
Provide a song, a story, or recite
Some lines to impart wisdom. For, you see,
You're here because Old Deadeye wills it so,
And I can tell you're restless in your aims
And in that sense, we both feel much the same.
Roakkad - we are as one in age and thirst
For knowledge ancient and unknown to man.
I thank your god for clear and cloudless skies
That I may better gaze upon the stars;
My goddess showed your tribe across the plains
With guiding light. We've much to learn, us two,
From one another. While my family's large,
I have not seen them in a long, long time,
And miss them dearly. Separation weighs
More heavy on my heart than I dare tell.
Perhaps you are a confidant to me,
Or simply praise the stars we both can see.
And Tera, I've known you by many names,
And this is not the first bard you have known
To play through this adventure. This time 'round,
Perhaps we may not get along so well.
For I am of the open road and stars,
And I possess a spontaneity
That may not mesh so well with Abadar
And all his laws and tenets. Though, perhaps,
You can appreciate the meter of my verse,
The way it flows, the way the syllables
Fall neatly into place? You seem to like
The way such things unfold. And maybe, too,
I could provide mnemonics that assist
In your memorizations. For, although
We may not get along so well at times,
I wish to help, and I can help with rhyme.
Kaelaah, this is the first time we shall be
Together on the same side of the screen!
Though raised among my people, you're not kin,
Which is confusing. Trapped between two worlds,
Not quite Shoanti, nor Varisian,
Combining traits of both to one strange whole.
I'm not sure what to make of you quite yet,
Though you were here when I did choose to stay,
And so I question not your fiery ways.
Kaede, I demand to know your tale
And care not whether you wish to provide!
I must know of your epic journey, one
Which carried you straight o'er the wide World's Crown
And brought you here. These fifteen passing months
Have surely tried your patience, as I nag,
Persist, and pester, hungry to know more
Of how your journey carried you to us
That I may soon immortalize the tale
In epic form. Perhaps my open ways
Confuse, confound, befuddle your fair mind.
But then, perhaps, appreciating art,
The two of us can find a common ground
For when I spin my tales by fire's light,
My art must fall under your careful sight.
And so it seems I've waffled on too long;
Apologies. I get carried away
When such an opportunity comes by.
Not every day does such a time arise
When I can introduce a character
In flawless iambic pentameter!

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I always assume characters are fluid until gameplay starts. Spells and skills often get shifted around when people see what other party members have, but feats and even your stats can still be changed as far as I'm concerned.
I think Sal and Kaelaah are both planning on being switch hitters. Kaede is melee and can fight with or without reach. Zache can add a fair bit in combat just by buffing them, but if you want to add more melee or ranged damage it certainly won't hurt anything. Without a dedicated front liner you guys may need to try to be a little bit more strategic in how you approach combat but I'm sure it will be manageable (and if it's proving difficult perhaps Sal, Kaelaah, or Kaede will focus on that a little more).
Also, I have another busy day today but I'll have the gameplay thread open later today so that you can all post your introductory/sample posts. I'll also post some more background info about life at the temple.

Tera Flinders |

Thinking it over, I think I'm going have Tera be a jack of all trades with her spells, buffing, blasting, and battle-field control.

Kaelaah |

...truth is, I haven't really planned Kaelaah's development - it's more of a conscious decision than anything, I want to see which direction the game takes him - and what role(s) he ends up being best suited for... For now, he's mainly ranged attacks but he won't (shouldn't) crumble if he gets caught in melee... But, in the future? Who knows!!!

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

@Zache: *clap clap clap*
@All: If you're having trouble finding inspiration for your character, I recommend picking out an image (like Sal) or some music that represents them. I've been jamming to Roakkad's "theme" for a while now and it has definitely helped in forming his character.
I've decided not to wield a crossbow because it doesn't feel right for Roakkad (modern design, metallic parts). Would you consider allowing me to swap crossbow for shortbow proficiency? I'm not taking any archery feats--this is only to address my fears of being ineffective at levels 1-2 until my spells/day increase to something useful. If not, I understand and it's not a problem.
We should probably try to coordinate our spells to make sure we have our bases covered, at least through low-mid levels. I'll try to focus on the "nature" spells like aqueous orb, stone call, ice storm, lightning bolt, etc. But, I am a wizard, and I'm not above choosing effective "arcane" spells (we're battling evil, after all). So you'll also see me using glitterdust, grease, dimension door, etc. You can check out my profile for my currently memorized spells. Between the two of us, we should be able to lock down most encounters. Any thoughts on specific spells you want to use?

Kaede Mayumi |

Okay, First of all, Bravo, Zache. That was an impressive start. You earned a bow with it.
On character plans: Yeah, I intend to be in melee for most, if not all, of the run. Heck, the only reason I have a shortbow is for those occasions that I can't/don't want to get to melee. Currently, I only have light armor,(I figured that I should take advantage of my high Dex), But if it looks that I need to move to heavier armor for the parties sake, I can. Spell-wise, I'm probably going to focus on buffs, though I may fervor ones that the whole party should have.
On travelling the Path of Aganhei: Because two people have already commented on this, I should touch a little on the subject. Kaede will say very little about this trip, save for "It was cold, long, monotonous, and rather unpleasent from Hongal to Kalsgard. That frozen world slept while we passed and the guides for that frieght train were happy with the lack of excitement. If I return to Sakakabe, I will go back by a different route. "
On gods: One of the first things that Kaede makes a point in remedying is that she's not familar with the Inner Sea gods nearly as well as she'd like to be. So, while she knows Abadar and Desna(and Shelyn of course), Erastil, Gozreh, and Sarenrae were a blank that she only had the most cursory of knowledge about.

Tera Flinders |

No prob, I still need to finish Tera's crunch.
Also, before I forget, Ronnie, that was awesome. I loved it.
I tend to favor playing blasters for a couple of reasons, one of which is it's so much more satisfying to me to freeze a group of enemies or torch them to cinders. The other reason is, for me, they are a little easier to use effectively than say a battlefield controller or a buffer. I do plan on going Mystic Theurge, though, so I figure I'd wind up with a good mix of blasting, control, and buffing spells anyway, so might as well focus on trying to have that mix early on. The problem I'm kinda facing is that the spells I would choose have people already choosing them, and I'm not familiar enough with the other spells in Pathfinder to know what would be a good choice, and what wouldn't. I could just go ahead and double up, but I would like to be useful as more than just back up.
So, the short of it is, I'm going to taking levels of Cleric, then Mystic Theurge. I'll be getting access to a host of buff and control spells I wouldn't otherwise as a result. I have 6 first level spells to add to my spell book, and what I had thought of at first blush was the following:
-Charm Person
-Burning Hands
-Gravity Bow
-Enlarge Person
-Stumble Gap
What do you guys think?

Zache Kovachi |

Thank you, thank you! It thrills me so to hear
You were delighted with my humble verse.
Perhaps I'll stay with buffing others who
Will be more combat-minded than myself.
Kaelaah, you'll find yourself in need of few
Abilities or feats as you progress.
Kinetic Blade's a worthwhile thing to have
(Particularly when you reduce the burn!)
Just go with what feels right, and have some fun
Incinerating foes with holy flame!
Roakkad, that's an interesting point
And not one I'd considered until now.
Perhaps I'll scour my playlists sometime soon
And seek a suite to bring dear Zache to life.
Kaede, it disappoints me so to hear
Your trek was not eventful as I thought.
Perhaps you'll have another tale someday
More fitting to immortalize in verse.
Tera, your plan intrigues me. Are you sure
You wish to take that long and storied path?
Of course, I'd like to see how you progress
With such endeavors. For in utility
You're likely to be unsurpassed.
And all,
I ask your guidance. For, while Battle Cry
Is quite a fun, thematic choice of feat,
I fear its use is limited to us.
Are there any suggestions you may have
Of more utility, or flair, or fun?
I've pondered building up to Dirty Tricks,
But wonder if it's worth investing such.
If anyone gets sick of this just say so; right now I'm just trying to see how far I can push myself before I snap.

Salomae Amsel |
Sorry for the delayed response everyone; have been dealing with some sickness in the place and so I spent most of yesterday sleeping. Now to address some things:
@Roakkad - That was a great analysis of all the characters! I'm glad you like Sal's profile and the picture I dug up for her. Not sure when exactly I got started, but now I always look to DeviantArt for concept pictures. They're especially nice when the available avatars here on Paizo don't quite cut it.
@Zache - To echo the others: bravo! *furious applause* To answer your question on feats though, I'm not really sure...how do you see yourself? Someone cheering the rest of us on and lending support through song and spell in the background or more inclined to take the fight directly to the enemies yourself? You could always ask Hmm for suggestions since she's crazy about bards :3
@Tera - Grease always gets a thumbs up from me. If you're wanting to focus more on control than damage, Adhesive Spittle is fun (you spit a tanglefoot bag!), Burning Disarm is fun (I so miss Heat Metal) and there's Color Spray (*Nelson laugh*). I know it may sound kinda boring, but you will probably want to pick up Mage Armor at some point as well.
Re: combat - I had initially pictured Sal as a switch-hitter and even laid out loose 'build' path to that effect but if it would be more useful for her to be up in the thick of things with Kaede, that can certainly be arranged! I can always build her to be more of a traditional melee slayer with her longbow as a backup. Admittedly I hadn't really seen her as the disable device/lockpicking type but she can pick up Trapfinding as a slayer talent - it'll just be a few levels before she can do so.
I almost always play full-casters or hybrids, so playing a purely melee/nonmagical class (speshul divine powers notwithstanding) should be fun...

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I was almost done with the first gameplay post... I even wrote it in notepad so paizo couldn't eat it... then my whole town lost power and my unsaved text file vanished into the aether :(
Power's back now... I'll start writing a new one ;_;
Sal- I don't recall every aspect of every event in the AP but I think you guys could get away with not having a trapfinder in the party if you don't see Sal working on that.

Salomae Amsel |
Okay, some more thoughts regarding how Sal sees/relates to the others:
Zache - I'm not sure how long Zache has been in Sandpoint, but I do think she would (like Roakkad) long for and admire the connection Zache has with his family. Depending on how flighty his personality is, I could see a bit of a clash as I envision Sal to be pretty practical and down-to-earth most of the time. Probably nothing major, most likely just exasperation on her part :)
Kaede - I don't see Sal disliking Kaede at all, but I can see some mixed feelings about her. I think she would admire Kaede's devotion to her duties and her training, especially the fact that she was willing to leave everything she'd ever known behind to travel to Varisia, but I also think she will be envious of her connection with her goddess Shelyn.
Tera - Tera has actually been in Sandpoint for quite awhile, so Sal would definitely know her though I'm not sure how close they would be at this point. It seems from her background that Tera likely runs in/ran in slightly different circles than Sal and that they probably don't have a lot in common, at least on the surface. But sometimes that makes for the best sorts of roleplaying as characters try to grow to understand one another better :)
Kaelaah - Hum...I think Sal would sympathize with Kaelaah's search for purpose and might actually be concerned that the attempt to try and live in two different worlds (cultures) will do him more harm than good in the long run.
Roakkad - A lot of how Sal feels about Roakkad will be similar to how she feels about Kaelaah, but I definitely suspect that of everyone in the party Roakkad will be the one she's on the best footing with from get-go and the one she'd be the most likely to confide in regarding some of her worries and frustrations.
Re: trapfinding - Actually, I could see a way to work it in that would make sense for her. I'm not sure if goblins would be smart or patient enough to come up with much in the way of traps, but I can see needing to keep an eye out for traps and snares set in the forests near Sandpoint by other people/peoples/creatures. It's more a question of finagling around with the slayer talents because Sal's archetype replaces the slayer talents gained at 2nd, 6th, and 10th. Of course with taking the 1/6th slayer talent FCB she'll gain the one at 6th back, but it still makes for a bit of juggling things around :)
Also oh no on losing the post! That stinks :(

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

alright, its a little shorter but the new opening gameplay post is up. hopefully it sets the stage for you to all post your initial/introductory posts which you should do now.
Most of you should be able to use the introductory post you already wrote but if you feel like it doesn't quite fit with the timing described here (or you're feeling particularly inspired to write a new post) you may post something different.

Zache Kovachi |

Apologies, I didn't spell it out,
But Zache has been in Sandpoint for some time -
He came when he was sixteen years of age,
And recently begun his twentieth year.
I'm more inclined to action than to words
(Though words are my first love; I spin them well) -
I wouldn't think myself as flighty, though
I see how others would get that idea.
Fear not - for one who dreams, I'm down-to-earth,
Aware that heads in clouds won't get us far.
For, after all, the greatest epic tales
Are told by those who dared to seize the day
And dive into the danger for themselves!
Rejoice! The gameplay thread has now begun!
I'll hasten there to make my entrance known!

Kaelaah |

...also a very slightly edited gameplay post for Kaelaah...
...and it is a little late but here's my applause for Zache's mastery of verse... am happy to be on the other side of the screen with so many familiar faces :)

Tera Flinders |

Crunch is done. I am aware that she has no ammunition, that's going to be explained in-game soon enough. :D
In a word, bubbly. She's not above cutting up and often gets in trouble for it, though not a lot. She tends to brighten others' days with her sunny disposition.
She doesn't mind hard work, but she does mind having to spend hours on apparently fruitless endeavors which does have her butting heads with those that believe she is supposed to be a priestess of the faith. Her perceived failure in the divine arts is the one point of continued frustration for her, and the main bone of contention with the Abadarian clergy.
Other than that, she's a charming young woman that is known for being honest and up front with people, though she's quite capable of using her silver tongue when she needs to.
Okay, now that I have that on paper as a guideline, I think I can start laying out what kind of relationships Tera has built since her arrival. I want to work with everyone on this part since it's not just my character, so if you have a difference of opinion, please let me know. I'm more than happy to talk it out.
She'd probably not be much more than an acquaintance of Zache's. Desnans are flighty and unreliable, after all, and a proper Abadarian will wisely keep them at a distance. At least, that's the case according to the other Abadarians.
I imagine that they have danced a time or two, but it was a more formal affair, rather than the more spontaneous dances of the Varisians. She might have also helped with some poetry, considering his use of classic meters and her knowledge of classic literature. In return, he could have helped here with remembering some of the more tricky bits of her spells as she was learning.
She probably knows Roakkad the least. He has been there longer than Kaede, but she's probably talked to him the least. She knows who you are, and that you are from Kaer Maga, but nothing beyond that.
Since her arrival, Kaede has probably been bombarded with questions about Tian Xia by Tera. Being the chosen of Abadar, she's very curious about the culture of other places, and how civilization differs from the Inner Sea. She's also fairly knowledgeable about the gods of the Inner Sea and could have been very useful in filling Kaede in about them.
Given that Tera's roommate for the past few years is also a Shelynite named Elizabeth and is the same age as Kaede, it's probable that the three of them are rather friendly with each other, though Kaede is definitely the quiet one of the trio, and probably finds the antics they get up to a little on the immature side.
I'm afraid that how well Tera and Kaelaah get along is going to come down to timing. If Kaelaah came before the fires ravaged Sandpoint, then it's likely that the two of them are about on the same terms as she and Zache, acquaintances, but not much beyond that. If he came after the fire and after Tera, then Tera's probably at least a little afraid of him because spontaneously combusting for no reason falls under the heading of Very Dangerous for the Abadarian, and given the nature of his powers, she'll probably distrust him, not because of what he can do, but because she can't explain what is going on.
Tera and Salomae probably do run in different circles, but Tera is a perceptive person and she probably would have noticed the signs of frustration that Salomae was/is feeling because Tera is feeling frustration herself and she's not the type to let others suffer alone. How things go after that is really dependent on how Salomae reacts to hearing her thoughts laid out aloud by Tera when the Abadarian opens up to her. Sal and Tera are both wondering if there was a mistake, if they really aren't the chosen of their deities, and that could make them very close since there would be a sort of kinship there. On the other hand, it could be that Tera was hurt by Sal when the Erastillian rejected her and though Tera would like to bridge that gap and be friends, or at least reach an understanding, she'd be hesitant to try for fear of getting hurt again.
As I said, just my two cents on the state of affairs at the beginning of the game. If you guys feel differently, I welcome any and all discussion. :D

Zache Kovachi |

I see that working. Our alignments are
Not as compatible as I'd prefer.
We've butted heads, most likely, though I'd try
To smash your expectations of my kind
And meet with limited success. I like
The thought of dancing, though it's not my strength.
I need not your assistance!... well, alright,
Sometimes it's hard to find the perfect words.
As for your memory, sometimes it seems
That all you need's a simple rhyme to help
Remember everything. It works quite well,
I'm sure you'll find... but only time will tell.

Tera Flinders |

@Zache: I actually pictured it like she was remaining distant to avoid getting in trouble. I probably didn't make that clear at all. Sorry about that. I also must commend you on maintaining that meter. I know I couldn't.

Zache Kovachi |

No need to spout apologies. I have
To take some liberties for sake of verse.
This started as an exercise, but now
I wish to see how long I can maintain
This meter... or drive everyone insane!

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

Perhaps I can catch Roakkad after the opening ceremonies, if I'm lucky. He usually doesn't let the excitement of the festival go to his head. Much.
@Zache I bet you can make it through Book 1 at least!

Salomae Amsel |
^ Hope that wasn't too presumptuous on my part but given what you've mentioned about Roakkad's nature being more wild in some respects, I figured it might not be too much of a stretch that he sometimes will cut loose a bit for a celebration :3
That actually works pretty well; even if they do largely run in different circles, I don't envision Sal pushing Tera away when/if she tries to commiserate on their shared frustrations. If anything, I expect Sal might actually be surprised that Tera feels the way that she does, given that she appears to more or less have her business/studies in order - at least on the surface.

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

Time will tell, time will tell. Not presumptuous, I enjoy the thought. We need to hit Ye Old Tavern soon!

Tera Flinders |

@Sal: Works for me.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

ok, this is a bit of an info dump but here's some stuff you should probably all know. some of this will be first hand knowledge for some of you and second hand for others but I think everyone would know it all by now.
Well, that took longer than I expected (and I had less time than I expected) so we'll call this 'part 1' of a larger info dump that will come in installments.

Kaelaah |

Thanks... That'll help me put something more concrete around Kaelaah's last five or six years.... And, before anyone asks, No, he didn't burn down the old cathedral... Although, I imagine some people still believe he may have done...

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

Roakkad's post brought up an interesting point... I greatly prefer to use actual other languages to simulate using in-game foreign languages, like he did. I'm not going to penalize anyone for glossing over that but as much as possible I'd appreciate people using that system. I just use google translate to copy and paste and end up with he posted (with the translation in a spoiler like that for those who share the language. For the sake of immersion I like to keep the languages consistent so I'm posting a language guide for those willing to use it up in the campaign info. Or here if you want to bookmark it yourself somehow.
Part 2-
Father Zantus- The High Priest, formerly the priest of Desna's shrine. At 38, he is fairly young for a high priest (due to his predecessor's untimely death), but he has settled into the position well over the past 5 years. His short brown hair and beard are beginning to show patches of gray and his golden eyes remind the people of Sandpoint of his Varisian heritage.
Sister Callinova- The priestess of Desna and Father Zantus' apprentice. She is a purebred Varisian with rudy skin and intensely blue eyes. Although it's very likely that she will one day take over as High Priest, and need to learn some discipline then, she is currently a very free spirit and given to more emotional extremes than any of the other priests.
Brother Edrus- The priest of Gozreh. His flowing blonde hair hints at having northern ancestors, and gives him an intentionally androgynous appearance. Although most Varisians are unfazed by 'non-traditional' romances, some of the stuffier residents of Sandpoint (mostly of Chelaxian decent) are uncomfortable with his open bisexuality.
Brother Faustwick- The priest of Abadar. From his pale skin and black hair it is clear that he is a Chelaxian, though his family has been in Magnimar for generations. He is by far the most meticulous person in the church: all day everyday is scheduled out, he tracks all of the money in and out of the Cathedral down to the copper, and he is never seen with a single hair or thread out of place.
Brother Augustino- The priest of Shelyn. With curly brown hair and a perpetual tan, he must be at least partly Varisian. The priest of Shelyn is exceedingly handsome and something of a flirt. He wears a sleeveless teal robe that hangs open in the front, revealing a matching loincloth and a chest and abs that the greatest statues would envy. He is also a graceful and skilled combatant whose use of a glaive has the same beautiful, dance-like quality as Kaede's. Any of you with any melee ability has probably had some lessons with him.
Sister Amet'Ra- The priestess of Sarenrae was born and raised in Osirion. As a young acolyte she was charged several times with transporting messages and relics from one church to another. The last such charge lead her to Sandpoint where she found her successor in failing health. She cared for the old priest for nearly a year before his passing and for the last 20 years she has served as his replacement. She is a kind, compassionate, and patient woman.
Sister Hera- The priestess of Erastil might be the most matronly woman in all of Sandpoint. Now in her mid-sixties, she is still quite able-bodied and treats everyone at the Cathedral as if she were their mother (including Father Zantus, which some of the students find rather amusing). She wears he grey hair in a thick braid that nearly drags on the ground as she walks and she has a masterful way of balancing encouragement and discipline. She is also in charge of all the cooking at the church and does a marvelous job at that as well.

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

Awesome! I used simplified Chinese in my post but will switch to Japanese for Tien in the future. I also just made up s name for the priest of Gozreh, but if you have something in mind we can switch to it.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

No- Edrus works just fine.
Technically, only the High Priest should be called "Father" and the other priests are called "Brother" or "Sister". It is not uncommon, though, for members of a specific faith to call their priest Father or Mother. Sister Hera is almost exclusively called "Mother" by everyone (not even "Mother Hera", just "Mother"). Brother Faustwick alone corrects people for it, or when they call him Father. Once they've taken their vows, acolytes can also use the honorifics Brother or Sister.

Zache Kovachi |

The timeline helped! So Zache's been living 'midst
Construction work for his four years in town.
I thank you for the info dump; could we
Perhaps have it saved for posterity?

Kaede Mayumi |

Actually, Stick with Chinese for Tien, and save Japanese for Minkaian. If you think about the Tien states, the assignment makes sense, and Kaede(plus I think all of the Kaijitsus) speak both Tien and Minkaian.

Kaede Mayumi |

.... I completely missed that you used Chinese..... I feel dumb now....

Kaelaah |

So it seems that Kaelaah is a little bit of a loner... I think, of all of the marked, he is the one least 'trusted' by the Sandpoint Villagers... Mostly because of his abilities - which will have learnt not to manifest in public - but also due to rumours that he was, in some way, involved in the old Cathedral burning down...
...he's not unfriendly (Cha is far from a dump stat and he has ranks in Diplomacy / Perform) - and, I'm planning, as time goes by, he'll realise that the 'marked' are the closest thing to family that he has...
...I would like to think that he has some kind of bond (even if it isn't very strong yet) with at least one of the 'Marked' though... I'm thinking it would be either Roakkad due to his Shoanti heritage or Zache due to her being chosen by Desna (and Kaelaah's respect for Desnan philosophies)...

Salomae Amsel |
Heh, Roakkad seems to be the go-to guy for bridging gaps between everyone else! Also for those that like symmetry, not only do we have six characters for six gods, we also have exactly three men and three women in the group. Actually a bit of a change from most of my games that are either:
All dudes + one woman (me)
All women + one dude
All women

Roakkad Shrikkir-tsha |

One thought I've had for this character is to write up "flashback" scenes into gameplay that relate, somehow, to the situation at hand. I thought it would be a fun way to show backstory without turning my profile into a novel. I don't want to clutter that thread, though.
I'll post the first sometime soon and ya'll can tell me if it's too much :).
@Kaelaah - Fantastic! I would be happy to see where that goes.

Zache Kovachi |

I'd welcome bonds 'tween Zache and Kaelaah -
He's easy-going, welcoming, and kind,
And while uncertain what to make of him
Would not deny Kaelaah his company.
I think he gets along with everyone
To some extent - or tries to, at the least.

Tera Flinders |

Speaking of which. I figured Varisia was the closest we have to Louisiana on Golarion, so I figured things like gumbo and jumbalaya would be common enough dishes.