Devil We Know All Parts (Tier 3-4) (Inactive)

Game Master Amsheagar

Devil We Know Run, all 4 parts.
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The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Amsheagar, can you roll for me? Only have access from my phone.

Scar will full attack and Grahl will cast spark again. Attack mods are all in my signature.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Quick question, did Grahl's critical hit confirm? How bad off does that wizard look?

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

yep, and he is looking half dead.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Awesome, thanks!!

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Sorry, we are on a road trip driving from Indiana to Washington and I am currently in a primitive cabin. Can the DM have Scar and Grahl attack the Wizards?

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I will try. If they are not confused from the aura.

The Exchange

Male Human #135676-2 Fighter 6-ArmorMaster HP:64/64 Speed:30 Init:9 AC:24 T:17 FF:18, DR:2, Fort:9, Reflex:8, Will:7, CMB/CMD 9/24, Perception:10

won't care to do my faction mission. They changed that anyway in season 5 I believe.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, i need to make this list now and save it for all of my games. Take 10 and Take 20. What you can use them on and what you can't use them on.

Outside of Combat
Okay to take 10 on
Acrobatics, Appraise, Climb, Craft, Disable Device, Disguise, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Knowledge Checks, Linguistics, Perception, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Spellcraft, Survival and Swim.
Okay to take 20
Appraise, Craft, Disguise, Fly, Handle Animal, Heal, Perform, Profession, Ride, Sense Motive, and Survival.
While in Combat
Take 10 on Perception, Sense Motive, and Appraise.
It is not okay to take a 20 while in combat on anything.
There will be times that I will require a roll, these times might mean that we are going into a combat, or that there is something you need to see. At these times, I will state “Please Roll”

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Okay, getting the ball rolling again... but some sad news.. I won't be able to post that often over the next few weeks. I sorta broke my laptop's screen today... Currently have it hooked up to the projector and am getting the font in focus... blurry as frack.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Darn, that sucks man...

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Hey all:

I will be on a 50-mile backpacking trip to Kings Peak in Utah until Friday, and will have no connectivity whatsoever. I'll return to my mosty-posty self thereafter.

Feel free to bot me, or other players can take actions for me. See you all when I return!

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Nice, have fun!! Going with boy scouts?

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Indeed...26 of them! Scary!

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Be safe.

I'll try to get an update on the game sometime this week. Sorta hard to do with my PC out of commotion.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

I hope everything is ok Amsheagar - good luck getting your PC back up

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Back and ready for action when the others are...

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I have contacted a friend to see if he can take over my games until I can get my PC fixed.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Thanks bud, best of luck getting the PC back up and running

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

So we've been out of commission for a few weeks now. Are we in the territory where we are still waiting for the PC to be fixed, or where we might need to look for a replacement DM?

I can wait if that's all it takes, but if this is a longer-term problem, I guess I'd just like to know.

Could we get an update here?


Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Sorry for the hassle... I got a monitor from a friend, so i'll be able to play now.

I have also submitted the next part of this game for the Gameday 4.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Awesome, welcome back Amsheagar!

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Fantastic! Glad you are back in commission! :)

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 4/ Brawler 1 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 (12 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: +7 (+9 bull rush, Overrun, Sunder Trip), CMD: 20 (24 bull rush & trip) | F: +8, R: +4, W: +5; (+5 Spells or Spell Effects & +3 vs Poison) | Init: +1 | Perc: +6 (+2 Stonework), SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None.


The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

My next turn depends on where the enemies are. I plan to setup a flank either with Scar or Zac.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Someone want to send a PM to Marsk?

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Maybe we just have him double move up? I am curious what the enemy will do.

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13
The ruling of take 10/20 has been addressed in the discussion part of this game

I just wanted to address the Take 10/20 issue because I'm confused.

The rule for take 20 lists Perception as an example of something you can Take 20 on:

Common “take 20” skills include Disable Device (when used to open locks), Escape Artist, and Perception

If you are saying I can't take 20 on perception if I want to search something, I'm okay with that, but just wanted to point out that the rule specifically lists that as a skill you can take 20 on (though I know it's not on your list).

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I am aware of this, I would like you to roll for perceptions.

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Will do. (Rule #1). :)

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Ok, 28 should help us find something cool :)

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 4/ Brawler 1 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 (12 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: +7 (+9 bull rush, Overrun, Sunder Trip), CMD: 20 (24 bull rush & trip) | F: +8, R: +4, W: +5; (+5 Spells or Spell Effects & +3 vs Poison) | Init: +1 | Perc: +6 (+2 Stonework), SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None.

Name: John S.
Characters Name: Brachar
PFS #: 75655-7
Faction: Exchange
Day Job Roll: Profession (Miner): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

The Exchange

Male Human #135676-2 Fighter 6-ArmorMaster HP:64/64 Speed:30 Init:9 AC:24 T:17 FF:18, DR:2, Fort:9, Reflex:8, Will:7, CMB/CMD 9/24, Perception:10

profession stuntmant: 6 + 1d20 ⇒ 6 + (17) = 23

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Player Name: Matt Jones
Character Name: Grahl
PFS#: 71213-1
Faction: Exchange
Day Job Roll: Survival (Hunter's Lodge): 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
Portfolio reroll to take 10 (10+18=28)

Thanks again for running Amsheagar!

Oh, and Grahl dinged to level 4!

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Player: PatheticWretch
Character: Thael Silverstep
PFS# 132,076-3
Faction The Exchange

day job (craft calligraphy): 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Yes, many thanks for running this! Appreciate your time! :)

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

I'll start the next game on game day... But I will be away in America from the 23-30th. Brothers wedding.

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 4/ Brawler 1 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 (12 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: +7 (+9 bull rush, Overrun, Sunder Trip), CMD: 20 (24 bull rush & trip) | F: +8, R: +4, W: +5; (+5 Spells or Spell Effects & +3 vs Poison) | Init: +1 | Perc: +6 (+2 Stonework), SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None.

Can we expect chronicles before then? Been auditing characters for gameday, I have 5 games and 2 GM sessions lined up. Oh boy!

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Hmmmm... Maybe... i would have to do some work and make a folder and put them into it.. I'll think about it. here

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 4/ Brawler 1 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 (12 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: +7 (+9 bull rush, Overrun, Sunder Trip), CMD: 20 (24 bull rush & trip) | F: +8, R: +4, W: +5; (+5 Spells or Spell Effects & +3 vs Poison) | Init: +1 | Perc: +6 (+2 Stonework), SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None.

LOL - Awesome sauce. Thanks so much. Time to go catalog shopping. Hmm what goes with grumpy, badass dwarf?

See you all next weekend!

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

A pony

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Thanks bud!!

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Next game starts Friday. Let me know if you're in so I can recruit more if needed.

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 4/ Brawler 1 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 (12 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: +7 (+9 bull rush, Overrun, Sunder Trip), CMD: 20 (24 bull rush & trip) | F: +8, R: +4, W: +5; (+5 Spells or Spell Effects & +3 vs Poison) | Init: +1 | Perc: +6 (+2 Stonework), SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None.

In and thanks as always ;)

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

I'm in, thanks!

The Exchange

Human Wizard 5 / Arcane Savant 3 | HP 58/58 | AC 16; Tch 11; FF 15 | F +6; R +5; W +8 | CMB +2; CMD 13 | Speed 30 ft | Init +5 | mwk Quarterstaff: +3 (1d6-1) | Perc +13

Definitely in!

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Zac, are you in?

Silver Crusade

Male Elf #135676-7 Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager) 2: HP:23/23 (27/27 on rage), Spd:30, Init:12, AC:21(19 on rage), T:14, FF:17, DR:1, Fort:4 (6 on rage), Ref:4, Will:0(2 on rage), Perc:4, Lowlight, Rages:7/7, (1 acid resistance on rage)

I"m in, but I have to switch characters, otherwise I'd be playing two games with the same character. So I"m using my level 2 elf barbarian instead.

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Hey, if anyone wants to play Seige of Sarpents I the 7-8 tier, sign up here.

The Exchange

Male N Dwarf Fighter (Foehammer) 4/ Brawler 1 | HP: 48/48 | AC: 22 (12 Tch, 21Fl) | CMB: +7 (+9 bull rush, Overrun, Sunder Trip), CMD: 20 (24 bull rush & trip) | F: +8, R: +4, W: +5; (+5 Spells or Spell Effects & +3 vs Poison) | Init: +1 | Perc: +6 (+2 Stonework), SM: +2 | Speed 20ft | Active Conditions: None.

Already signed up for the 3-4 tier, but I appreciate the offering. Tough to find good GMs so it is nice to hear when you run something else.

The Exchange

Male Tiefling Druid 4.2
  • Grahl HP 35/35 AC 18/17/11 F6/R2/W7 CMB +7 CMD 18 Init +4 Perc +17 Spd:30' scimitar +7/1d6+4 (darkvision)
  • Scarnorak HP 26/26 AC 22/13/19 F6/R7/W2 CMB +7 CMD 20 Init +3 Perc +7 Spd:30 Swim:20 bite +7/1d6+4 2claws +7/1d4+4 (low-light)

Wow, sounds awesome! Unfortunately, Grahl is my highest character at level 4 now :).

Scarab Sages

Temp Claw as Dragon:
Elf Druid lvl 17| AC:30 T:23 FF:25|HP: 92/207|BaB: +12 /+7/+2|F/R/W19/16/22|Init:+8|CMB: +19|CMD: 36|SR (Fire) 20
Temp Bite as Dragon:

Since we haven't heard form Marsk in a while. i want to know if you guys are good with going with 4, or do you want to wait till we get five?

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