DM Delmoth's Strange Aeons (Inactive)

Game Master Delmoth


Treasure Sheet

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HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

N’Rateh takes a deep breath and steps in the library. The smells of old books brings her back and her eyes fill with tears as loss hits her.

Hands empty, she moves to the center of the room. With a soft and frail voice, she pleads: ”We do not wish you harm. We too are prisonners here. We wish only to pass through. Would you let us pass through? Is there anything you would like in exchange?”

Diplomacy and guidance: 1d20 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 4 + 1 = 9

N'Dateh is not immediately set upon when she enters the room, rather she hears whispers atop the bookshelves.

DC 20 Perception, Aklo:
"They're back, we still don't have a way back down... Don't trust'em. Kill'em."

The voices speak up after a moment of whispering. At the same time a small Ratman appears atop the bookshelves.

"You. Come"

The creature makes his way a bit deeper into the library.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara waited anxiously by the door. She listened intently, in case N'Dateh needed assistance. The language spoken seemed familiar, somehow, but the meaning eluded her.

Mara will learn Aklo at 3rd lvl.

Perception (listen): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

N'Dateh cannot make the whispers, but when asked, she extends a fragile hand to ask the others to wait, and moves forward towards the Ratman, following it.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

"Be careful!", Mara urged in a low voice. "Don't go too far!" She didn't like the idea of getting separated, and hoped the old woman knew what she was doing. For now, Mara waited.

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

N'Dateh hears Mara's advise and nods. She focuses her attention on the ratman, trying to discern its intentions.

"Where are we going? Should the others come as well?"

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

Oscar finds it hard to let someone leave. "Stay in sight." he says.

After making it roughly ten feet into the library the double doors slam shut on the rest of the party. The rat-man that had been leading her turns and hurls a book at her head.

Attack: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 1 = 10
Damage: 1d2 + 1d6 - 2 ⇒ (1) + (6) - 2 = 5

Missing horribly it hisses at N'Dateh, spitting at her and cursing.


Init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

My intention, although unfortunately not explicitly stated, was that Mara was holding the door open.

"N'Dateh, look out!" Mara shouted.

Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Yeah everybody goes before them. Slow little buggers for their size.

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

"Dervak! Door!" Oscar shouts as the doors slam shut.

Preparing to fling a book right back at one of them when the door opens.

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

"Right. I thought so..." says N'Dateh flatly as she ducks under the book, drawing knives as she moves in and stabs the ratman.

Dagger: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 111d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

"On it!"
Dervak kicks the door open (standard action) and moves in, getting between N'Dateh and the ratman.
If the ratman tries to 5' step and do anything (throw a book, use an ability that would provoke AOOs, etc), Dervak will invoke his Pugnacious trait as an immediate action, gaining an extra 5' reach.

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

TK Projectile: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

One of the books in the library flies off the shelf, clips a corner and goes spinning wildly past his intended target. "Damnitall!" he curses. "Still have the jitters."

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara followed Dervak through the door, but headed left instead of right. She looked around for a grouping of enemies.

If Mara can get 2 or more enemies with Color Spray, without catching her friends in the effect, she will cast the spell (DC 15 Will ). If not, she will stab one with her spear, if she can. Failing that, she will use her Stardust supernatural ability (one enemy glows like a candle for one round: no save, -1 attack rolls and sight based perception checks, cannot benefit from concealment or invisibility).

Longspear (if applicable): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

The ratlings have cover on top of the bookshelves, though now that your into the library you can see that there are sliding ladders at the back end of the shelves.

Two rat-men appear on one of the shorter bookshelves in the center of the room. One of them pointing towards Mara and one towards Oscar, the initial one scurry's back away from Dervak and N'Dateh. And begins gesturing.

Oscar and Mara, Will saves please.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

FWIW, Mara also gets +1 to saves vs extraordinary, spell-like, and supernatural abilities of aberrations (although these probably aren't that).

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

will save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Both Mara and Oscar shake of a creeping dread that had been pulling itself over them.

Hero's go now!

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

I'm assuming that the rat-man that's casting is still within normal (5ft) weapon reach from someone standing on the floor next to the bookshelf.

"The one in the corner might be summoning more rats!" Mara shouted. "Strike it, while I deal with the other two!"

"Daddy, let them see the glory of the heavens!", she cried. Her eyes turned black, the colors around her drained, then shot from her fingertips in a spray of clashing colors at the two rat-men near her.

Casting Color Spray (DC 15 Will) at the rat-men on the shorter bookshelf in the center of the room. The color draining effect happens when she uses one of her Heaven's spirit abilities (in this case a spirit spell).

Longspear AoO, in case one provokes:
Longspear: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

Oscar draws on his new charm, pointing with his hand at the casting creature, a thin ray of electricity shooting from his fingertips and lancing into the fuzzy spellcaster.

Spending a focus point (1 of 3 invested in the relic) to shoot an energy ray.
Energy Ray: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17 vs. Touch
Electricity: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5 Intense Focus applied

"Oh no, we'll have none of that!" he calls to it.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Are the bookcases firmly attached, or does Dervak think he could topple one with a good shove?

The ones lining the walls seem solidly attached, the ones in the center however do seem loose.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Dervak tries to push over the center bookshelf with the ratfolk on it. He lowers his shoulder and gives a shove.
Strength: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12

Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Will: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

One of the ratlings on the bookshelf slumps and falls, seemingly unconscious. The other merely hisses and blinks its eyes for a moment before Dervak tips the table over.

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11

The ratling that remains standing falls and lands prone as the bookshelf topples. The Ratling that Oscar attempted to interrupt-

Concentration: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

-Fails to maintain his spell.

N'Dateh dashes to the ladder, climbs up a few feet and stabs at the Ratling.

Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (1) - 1 = 0

She sadly misses.

The Ratlings that are still awake take a last ditch effort against the party and cast another spell each.

Aoo for N'Dateh: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15Miss
Damage: 1d4 - 1 ⇒ (2) - 1 = 1

Will saves from Mara and Dervak. DC 12

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Will: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28

Mara shook of the Ratling's spell. Leaving Dervak to take care of the enemies on the ground, she moved so stab the one still on a bookcase.

Longspear, Bless: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

"You should have acted in good faith!", she admonished it, although she didn't think it understood her.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Extra +4 if this is a fear effect, but passed anyway.
"Trying to mess with my head, little rat? HA! It's too messed with already!"
Dervak moves around the fallen bookshelf and takes a mighty overhand chop at the ratling.
Falchion vs Prone: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 4 = 28
Confirm: 1d20 + 6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 6 + 4 = 11 Nope
Damage: 2d4 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Just noticed a copy/paste error in my earlier post — Bless is not active. My modifier is correct (+1 BAB, +1 Str), but I neglected to remove Bless in the description. The attack total remains 19.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Okay, so Dervak has only a 28 to hit the ratfolk. Edited above.

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

Sorry we're moving so I have like 5 minutes to post before I gotta shut down my PC for the rest of the weekend...

Oscar moves up to the prone but not unconscious rat-thing and stabs it with his short sword.

TK Projectile: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16 Prone defenders against melee get -4 AC
damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

The rattling on the bookshelf collapses as Mara digs her spear into the creatures stomach, falling into the spear and off the bookshelf. The Ratling on the ground seems to panic a quite a lot as Dervak carves of a long stretch of flesh from its arm, its eyes darting around to all the larger foes surrounding it. It screams "WAIT!" leans over to the unconscious Ratling beside it and bites into its throat, ripping the flesh asunder and almost certainly killing it. "Two tails help!"

Level up everybody

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Dervak lowers his sword. He tries to speak as slowly and simply as possible so the ratfolk can understand him, and as a result sounds even dumber than usual.
"Okay. Two Tails help. Tell us:
Other humans trapped or hurt?
Other monsters nearby?
Secret passages?"

Level 3! Do we need to rest to level up?

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara walked around the fallen bookcase to get a better look at the creature Dervak was talking to. She couldn't help but to look at its tail, given what it was calling itself.

After the Two Tails responded to Dervak, Mara asked, "Why did your group attack us? We were trying to be peaceful!"

No need to rest, just think of it as reclaiming a little more of your ability from before the amnesia.

The rat face'd beast does indeed live up to its name, having to tails it grasps one in each hand squeezing them like a child would a blanket. Two tails answers Dervaks questions, their entire body tremmoring with fear.
"You only humans we see, stay in library, nothing else try come in! Secret way's? There's door other side of shelf, nothing else big people fit in!" Mara's question only brings about more shaking as two tails starts to plead for her life. "Please! Scabeye told us too! Stuck outside warrens! Trying too get back!"

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

"Where are the warrens?", Mara asked. "We might be able to help you, if you will help us. We're looking for information about what has happened in this place, and the source of the yellow fog outside."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Sense Motive, Naive (judging truthfulness of responses): 1d20 + 10 - 4 ⇒ (4) + 10 - 4 = 10

Using Mara's lvl 3 skill modifiers now.

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

N'Dateh keeps to the shadows. The Ratman had proved false beyond her hope and she cursed herself for having dropped her guard down. At over a hundred years, she should know better. As she stood in the corner, she could feel the shadows hugging around her, like a comforting cloak. this was strange, yet pleasant.

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

Oscar looks around the library, marveling at the knowledge stored there and also feeling a little disgusted at the fact these ratlings were EATING the books.

Arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27
"Hmm... no books of spells here. Ratlings? Why do they have to EAT the damn books..." Oscar grumbles, not really aware of what he's saying. He picks up a munched-upon tome and sighs, dropping it. "Still this place should possess ample information should we take the time to search it."

Looking forward to doing the research/investigation parts.

"D-don't know about fog, books only thing to eat! Don't like eatin them, hard to pass..." She takes one of her tails in her mouth and begins sucking, Seems to Mara that she's to scared to lie.

While they did eat and use the books for nesting, most of the expansive library remains intact. Religion, history or local if you wish to conduct research. It will take 8 hours to garner anything substantial.

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara looked on the frightened ratling with pity. She didn't trust it (the willingness to turn on its compatriots didn't inspire confidence), but it could have useful information, she was sorely lacking. "Here, have some of my rations," she said, handing Two Tails some food, and offering some water. "No more eating books!"

Mara picked up one of the books from the overturned bookcase and opened it, glancing at the pages. "I agree, Oscar," she replied to her new friend. "We might be able to learn something useful from these volumes."

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

I lost track... Is there a way out of this room, beyond the one we took coming in?

Occultist Spells Known 1st (4/day)—gravity bow, psychic reading, burning hands; 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, telekinetic projectile ; Init +4; Perception +6; Mental Focus 7/7; (Evocation 4, Transmutation 3) AC 18, T 14, FF 14; hp 18/18; Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +4

Yeah there's doors on the opposite end of the library.

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

N'Dateh keeps to the shadows, but makes her way to the doors on the opposite side of the library and inspects them.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

"Ever wandered through those doors?" she asks the ratman.

M Human Destined Urban Bloodrager 16 | HP 102/148 (118/164) | AC 54 (T31, FF54, CMD60) | F+26/R+28/W+30 (+2 vs fear, +5 vs mind-affecting) | Mv 40' | Init +9 | Per +24| Rage 30/36 | Spells 4/2/1/0 (6/4/3/2) | Active: Heroism, Barkskin, See Invis, Shield, FoM, Long Arm, Dance, Vigor, Tactical, BoF, Legendary

Dervak would prefer to continue exploring - he feels great.
He follows N'Dateh and takes a look through the doors.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara moved up behind Dervak, her spear at the ready. She listened intently for sounds beyond the open doors.

Perception (listen): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

The door swings open with ease, opening too an L-shaped hallway with multiple doors with strange fluid trailing between three of them.

Two tails lets loose a shrill "WAIT!" Pulling on N'dateh's shirt. She shakily reaches into one of her pouches and slowly hands over a set of harrow cards to the old woman. "I-I wait to give to you. Thought you was lying about letting live. Don't know what it is... maybe you figure it out."

Half-Orc Heavens Shaman 16 (Speaker for the Past) | HP: 150/ 159 4 con damage Init 8 (roll three times) Per: 29 (See Invisibility)| CMB: +13 CMD: 30 | AC:30 T:17 F:26|Saves F:15 R:15 W: 26 (27 aberrations)
Hexes Used:
  • Fortune:
  • Healing:
  • Heaven's Leap: Dervak
  • Time Flicker:
  • Speed or Slow Time: 0/2

Mara came over to N'Dateh to look at the harrow cards, checking them for magic auras.

Casting Detect Magic.

"Where did you find these, Two Tails?", Mara asked. "Anything you can tell us will help."

HP 18/24 | AC 16 | Acr +3 Ath -1 Dec +1 Ins +5 Int +3 Perc +5 Pers +3 Ste +3 Sur +5 | Saves: S -1, D +3, C +4, I +1, W +5, Ch +1 | Init +3 | PPerc 15; PInv 9; Pins 15. | Spd 30' | Insp: No | HD 3/3 | Spell DC 13 (1: 3/4; 2: 2/2) | Spell Att +5 | WildShp 2/2 (1hr) | Status: Ok

 “Thanks. But you have not answered my question: Have you been past these doors?”

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