Philo Pharynx |

Revising Selvara's backstory to include more of her guard career. Stats remain the same, but listed to make it easier for reference.
Selvara grew up as an orphan. She has vague memories of a father and watching his face change from fox to human and back. But for most of her life, she's been on her own. Since almost nobody had fur and a snout, she learned early how to make herself human to blend in. She enjoyed knowing that nobody knew who she was. Still a young child with big sad eyes and a woeful story of a sick mother could usually get a few coins out of people as they walked along.
Still, the city guard saw her often enough to catch on. One, a gruff fellow named Marsden Brae, caught her and seemed to understand her plight. He found a place for her in Mother Gleya's orphanage, which was one of the better places for children in the city.
Nice orphanage or not, Selvara wasn't the kind to stay in one place and follow instructions. She quickly found a way to talk her way out of the orphanage and back onto the streets. Though she moved to a different part of the city, Marsden found her within a couple of weeks. This time he brought her to a cell of stone and iron. Though she was scared, she knew there was more to the story than this. He didn't want to leave her locked up. And there she knew she had a chance.
She talked about how big the orphanage was and how she didn't like so many people around. She talked about how she missed her father and just wanted someone to take care of her. As she talked, she realized that what she was saying was true. She guessed that Marsden lived alone, with nobody around in his lonely apartment. It was the last part that convinced him, and he took her home for a trial.
She kept home for him for the next few years, learning a bit about the watch from the tales he brought home after work. Unlike most guardsmen, he wasn't content to simply walk the streets. He investigated to try and figure out how the criminals thought and find out where they hid. This was his downfall.
One night he didn't come home. Not just coming home late, but not coming at all. She asked at the station, and he wasn't there. Then she went to look for him. She succeeded, but she found him dying. They had beat him for two days before killing him. He was ashamed that she saw him like this, but glad to see her one last time. As a final gift, he gave her his old beaten flask, one with a pattern on one side hard to see through the wear. As he slipped away, she showed him her true face.
At that, she vowed to find his killers. As she changed back to human in that damp alley, her clothes felt off. In her grief she had become Marsden. She went back in a daze. That night she dreamed about a woman standing in the alleyway, a woman half in white moonlight and half in shadows. This strange woman asked questions about the alleyway, questions about the body. Selvara got the sense that the woman knew the answers, but wanted to know if Selvara knew the answers.
In the morning, 'Officer Marsden' reported for duty bruised and battered. From the stories, she knew enough to get by at the office as she asked around to learn details that would help her find the killers. The next day, she walked by as a random stranger and heard them talking about poor dead Marsden.
It took her weeks to find the killers. She figured out which gang had done it, and even impersonated one of them to see their lair. Returning as herself to the guard's headquarters, she asked to talk to {commanding officer for the PC's}. She told them that she was Marsden's ward and how she investigated. She even impersonated the members of the gang so they'd know who they were looking for. Knowing they were avenging one of their own, the raid was quick and bloody.
Afterwards, {commander} asked her what was next. He revealed that Marsden had mentioned that Selvara would be a good guardsman some day. They both agreed that that day had come. That night, the woman in black and white came to her in her dreams again. She seemed pleased, though she had even more difficult questions than before. In the morning, Selvara awoke with new purpose, and a source of power within. After a little research she learned about the Empyreal Lady Zohls, also known as Verity. The almost unrecognizable symbol on Marsden's flask was her symbol, and she felt a part of a great plan. While some would be disturbed by this, it made her feel comfortable, part of something larger.
Over the next few years, she found herself often working on special missions. Her ability to infiltrate criminal groups to find information gave her an advantage in helping the guard find the bad guys. Using this, she set up a few alternate identities of people in the criminal underworld or involved with it. On occasion, she's had a couple of these identities outed, but she's worked to avoid this. Of course, she's had to do criminal work to maintain her identities, but most of this has been in property or harmless crimes. All of this has been reported.
Some of the identities she's used are:
- Vardul. Vardul is a pickpocket. He comes off as the kind of guy who's usually down on his luck but every once in a while gets a good score.
- Issa the blade. A mercenary, low level muscle.
- Arnak. Arnak is a client. He comes off as an agent for somebody rich and important and he buys exotic things - drugs, liqueurs, animal parts. He's only seen when people have unusual items, and the fences have a few ways to signal him.
Female kitsune inquisitor (infiltrator) of Zohls 4/rogue (kitsune trickster) 1
NG Medium humanoid (kitsune, shapechanger)
Hero Points 3
Init +5; Senses Perception +13
AC 19, touch 13, flat-footed 16 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +1 shield)
hp 33 (5d8+5)
Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8; +4 vs. abilities that detect lies or force the truth
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bladed belt - rapier +6 (1d6+1/18-20) or
dagger +5 (1d4/19-20)
Ranged mwk composite longbow +6 (1d8/×3)
Special Attacks judgment 2/day, sneak attack +1d6
Inquisitor Spell-Like Abilities (CL 4th; concentration +7)
At will—detect alignment
Inquisitor (Infiltrator) Spells Known (CL 4th; concentration +7)
2nd (2/day)—detect thoughts (DC 15), spiritual weapon
1st (4/day)—command (DC 15), cure light wounds, divine favor, secret speech
0 (at will)—daze (DC 14), detect magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, sift[APG], stabilize
Domain Redemption inquisition
Str 10, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Dodge, Realistic Likeness[ARG], Shake It Off[UC], Weapon Finesse
Traits amiable blunder, careful combatant
Skills Acrobatics +6, Appraise +7, Bluff +16, Climb +4, Diplomacy +16, Disguise +13, Escape Artist +7, Heal +7, Intimidate +10, Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (local) +9, Knowledge (planes) +7, Knowledge (religion) +7, Linguistics +7, Perception +13, Sense Motive +16, Sleight of Hand +7, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +10, Survival +7, Swim +4
Languages Celestial, Common, Elven, Gnome, Orc, Sylvan
SQ change shape, forbidden lore, gregarious, hero points, kitsune magic, misdirection, necessary lies, patient sensibility, redeemer’s mercy, solo tactics
Combat Gear bladed belt; Other Gear +1 mithral shirt, mwk buckler, dagger, mwk composite longbow, apprentice's cheating gloves, cloak of resistance +1, sleeves of many garments, adventurer's sash, holy symbol with flask of Zohls, mirror, skeleton key (2), 242 gp, 1 cp
Special Abilities
Amiable Blunder (1/day) Diplomacy failed by 5+, re-roll, success averts attitude change.
Bladed belt Belt transforms into any slashing or piercing masterwork weapon on command.
Careful Combatant When withdrawing, the first 2 squares of your movement are not considered threatened.
Change Shape (Human) (Su) Assume a single human form.
Detect Alignment (At will) (Sp) Detect chaos, evil, good, or law at will.
Forbidden Lore (Ex) May cast spells of alignment opposed to own or deity alignment.
Gregarious (Ex) Successful Diplomacy check causes target to take a –2 penalty vs further CHA skills for 24 hr.
Hero Points Hero Points can be spent at any time to grant a variety of bonuses.
Inquisitor (Infiltrator) Domain (Redemption Inquisition) Your deity inspires you with hope that wayward members of your faith can be brought back into the fold.
Granted Powers: You reach out to your misguided fellows and give them every chance to turn back from conflict with the true faith, even
Judgment (2/day) (Su) Variable bonuses increase as the combat continues.
Misdirection (Chaotic Evil) (Sp) When prepare spells choose an alignment to count as for magical detection.
Necessary Lies +4 (Su) Gain bonus to saves vs abilities detecting lies or forcing truth.
Patient Sensibility (Su) You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive checks.
Realistic Likeness Change shape can mimic individuals you've met, gain a +10 bonus to Disguise to impersonate.
Redeemer’s Mercy (Su) Any weapon you wield gains the merciful magic weapon power for as long as you wield it.
Shake It Off Gain +1 to all saving throws per adjacent ally
Skeleton key Use a +10 Disable Device for one try to open a lock.
Sleeves of many garments Transform current clothes into any non-magical new form.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Solo Tactics (Ex) Count Teamwork feats as if your allies had the same ones.

Castor Drey |

For Isama. She's travelled out of the jungles of Mwange and traveled across all of Katapesh as a part of a caravan and spent time in Kataphesh before catching a ship down to Quantium. I hope that'e enough of a journey to explain her being level 5
I am happy with Isama's backstory. That is one of the reasons I wrote "a lot of" instead of "all" ;-)

Castor Drey |

Philo, thank you for the update. This is exactly what I ment. And thank you for repeating all the info in one post. This will make it easier for me to compile the list.
To others: I will not comment on all updates. Do not take it personal. Philo was just the first one, so I wanted to confirm that this is (one of the) right way(s) to do it.

Castor Drey |

Been pondering a Dwarf Stonelord. Does that fit the theme? I promise, he has an awesome backstory.
I checked the archetype - there is nothing that would disqualify you out of hand. There might be better classes for investigation and monster hunting, but once you meet the opposition, you would certainly be valuable ally.
It boils down to the character personality and background. That is where we would see if you fit or not.
The crunch can be a bit adjusted to a certain degree to suit the campaign as well (skills, traits etc.)
One of the inspiration for this campaign are Hawk&Fisher. They are more or less classic fantasy heroes (crunch wise). But they make the best pair of Guards in Haven.
general answer (for other potential questions):
- there is not a wrong class / archetype for this campaign (that I am aware of, but you might surprise me)
- if you have interesting and "logical" backstory, you have same chance as everybody else
- I think I may speak for all three of us when I say we prefere interesting characters, not numericaly over-optimised ones (exploiting RAW/ abusing the rules is not a good thing)
- we are only people, each of us certainly has some preferences (that he/she might not even be aware of)
- our choice will be subjective, not objective
- there are three of us and our preferences might not be the same (honestly, at this point I do not even know)
And again, I am not the GM... we just share the goal of having an interesting campaign.

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Ok here is my submission with a little more added to the background (mostly what he did for his 3 years in the guard) and all put together for easier reference.
Male half-elf ranger (urban ranger) 3/rogue (investigator) 2 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 129, 133)
N Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +6; Senses low-light vision; Perception +16
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+4 Dex)
hp 42 (5 HD; 2d8+3d10+10)
Fort +4, Ref +10, Will +2; +2 vs. enchantments
Defensive Abilities evasion; Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Special Attacks combat style (two-weapon combat), favored enemy (humans +2), sneak attack +1d6
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +4; CMB +6; CMD 20
Feats Alertness, Skill Focus (Perception), Two-weapon Defense, Two-weapon Fighting, Urban Forager, Weapon Finesse
Traits friend in every town, warrior of old
Skills Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +6, Craft (alchemy) +10, Diplomacy +8, Disable Device +12, Knowledge (history) +3, Knowledge (local) +8, Linguistics +7, Perception +16, Ride +8, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +11, Survival +7, Use Magic Device +6; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception, follow up
Languages Common, Elven, Kelish, Necril, Osiriani, Vudrani
SQ elf blood, favored community (Middle Class +2), rogue talent (finesse rogue), track +1, trapfinding +2, wild empathy +4
Other Gear 10,500 gp
Special Abilities
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Evasion (Ex) If you succeed at a Reflex save for half damage, you take none instead.
Favored Community (Middle Class +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls when in Favored Community (Middle Class).
Favored Enemy (Humans +2) (Ex) +2 to rolls vs. Favored Enemy (Humans) foes.
Follow Up (Ex) Make two Gather Information checks in the time normally required for one.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Sneak Attack +1d6 Attacks deal extra dam if flank foe or if foe is flat-footed.
Track +1 Add the listed bonus to survival checks made to track.
Trapfinding +2 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.
Two-Weapon Defense +1 to AC while wielding 2 weapons. +2 when doing so defensively.
Urban Forager You may use the Survival skill to forage and track in urban locations using the table below.
Wild Empathy +4 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.
Physical Description: Kal is a young man, just in his mid-20's with raven-black hair and light grey eyes. Even at his young age, his skin has started to take on the leathery look of a man who spends most of his life out-of-doors. A serious man, he none the less is developing laugh-lines at the corners of his mouth. Kal keeps his face clean-shaven, but with synch dark hair it always looks like he is in need of a shave. His dark hair is also kept short and neat. Parted down the middle, his dark bangs frame a high widow's peak.
Kal dresses in a very modest way. When not in his "working" clothes, he usually wears dark brown trousers and a loose white linen shirt covered with a dark green leather vest. He lately has also been wearing a mid-length cloak. When 'on the job' he adds a magical, light chain shirt. Around his waist you will see a cross- braced set of throwing axes.
Personality: Upon first meeting Kal, may have commented on the young man's serious nature, but any who have spent time with him know he is a jovial fellow, ready with a joke or amusing story. Kal has a rather up beat outlook on life. He tries not to 'sweat the small stuff' and keeps a fairly neutral attitude to most folk. Speaking in a slow, deep voice, some think him simple, but soon realize their mistake when he turn the tables on them in some joke.
Background: Growing up in a middle class neighborhood of merchants and shopkeepers, Kal's parents held a place of some prestige. Kal's father worked as a 'Finder', a person who can be hired to, well, find thing so; people, valuables, whatever the client wanted found...and he was quite good.
Kal is the oldest of two children born to the family. He has a sister who is almost 10 years his junior, to whom he is extremely protective. His parents and sister still live in the same house, even though the time have become difficult since his fathers 'accident'.
Kal joined the guard 3 years ago, as a training ground to gain experience for taking over his father's business. He walked a beat through the greater part of the middle class neighborhoods within the city. He was involved with all sorts of crime, from simple assaults and break & enter, to murders and capital crimes. He was even involved in a military exercise outside the walls of the city, as a training course. His knowledge of the neighborhoods and its people grew with every month, and his ability to find whatever he was searching for brought him to the attention of his superiors. He made corporal just 5 months ago, and was well liked by his squad mates and commander, as well as the people he protected.
When his father was injured on one of his jobs, he attempted to get the guard to let him investigate, but he was denied. They told him that the investigation was outside his departments jurisdiction, and it would be examined by the 'Special Branch'. As the weeks went by and no one seemed to be doing anything, he decided to take matters into his own hands. He was actually able to track the criminals to their hide out, where he discovered they were Dhampir. Before he could do anything, however, he was scooped up by members of the Special Branch. He had unwittingly stumbled upon an operation already running. While the unit was upset with him, they were also impressed with his tracking ability. Once the operation was over, he was requested to transfer to the Special Branch, and has only just started with them.

hallowsinder |
Well, I had a concept, and before I dive too far in and get too attached, I wanted to run it by, because it makes some assumptions about who the guard will trust and the politics of how they assign people to special squads on occasion.
Diene, the Crimson Sister
Hailing from Kaer Maga, the city of strangers, the fact that Diena fell in with criminals is not surprising. Quickly becoming a muscle for hire, selling beatings and intimidation, among the underworld, she acquired quite a long list of offenses. She was not a typical thug, using explosively showy kung fu and wearing a signature red outfit. Her lack of stealth soon had a regular squad assigned to hunt her down after a particularly high profile crime.
It was a surprise, however, when Diene dragged the regular squad, beaten black, blue, and unconscious, back to the local station, and she said she wanted to switch sides. Her stated reasoning was that she couldn't advance any further in the underworld without killing innocents, and that she wasn't comfortable doing that. She offered a deal, she'd turn in her long list of criminal acquaintances in return for a position on the force, of all things.
Naturally, the Guard was suspicious, but after Diene lead several successful raids, it seemed she was on the level. The decision was made to move her to a special squad. For all the showiness of her style, her Kung Fu was strong and could be of use, if she ever dropped the other shoe, only a special squad would be able to bring her to justice before dealing damage.

Darkest Corners GM |
Paladins, Stonelords and Codes
Mechanics wise I'm fine with these classes in the game.
The issue is likely to be with the code.
Nex is a very accepting city, and effectively an ally of Geb. There is every chance your paladin could end up saving a Vampire from a Knight of Ozem or something. You might also have to look aside when corruption in the guard crops up.
This is something you will need to seriously address in any application.

Darkest Corners GM |
Well, I had a concept, and before I dive too far in and get too attached, I wanted to run it by, because it makes some assumptions about who the guard will trust and the politics of how they assign people to special squads on occasion.
Yeah, they'd go for it. Yeah, you could well get assigned to the special squad.
Issue I see is the Guard won't really trust you for a long time (you've turned on a group once before), and the criminals will hate you. You'll have a hard time talking around the special squad, and probably fairly dismal promotional prospects unless you turn out to be amazing.

Thessirris Running Brook |

Expanded the backstory some. Opinions?
Background Story
While not magically gifted in bardic arts she does own a flute and can play it well, though for her it is more a hobby then a way to earn additional income. She is quite happy to live on her on salary as a Guard in Quantium.
Thessirris did not have a happy childhood. In order to gain citizenship in the city of Quantium her abusive father put her ‘on the market corner’ rather than do any hard work for the government. This did a significant amount of damage to her sense of self-worth, though it did teach her how to ‘conduct’ herself around people, and the dangers of the profession forced on her, lead to her developing a talent for avoiding blows from customers and her father.
When her father bought himself citizenship, he abandoned her on the Street of Gods and left her a literal stray. Young, alone, terrified, and after days on her own, growing hungry, she started to chase after a beautiful thrush…mostly to eat it. She chased it into the temple of Shelyn where the bird and many of its kind were sheltered and was taken into the clergy to be fed, clothed and Common. While still a stray, Tess took the path of a paladin in the church getting her first test of true weapons training, and learned an appreciation for music. She also keeps the same thrush she chased as a child as her familiar, even though she doesn’t treat him like one, as she views their bond as a partnership rather than service. Still, she wanted earn true citizenship, and do it the way he father found so distasteful, part of that motivation was still spite, but her dedication to protecting art and beauty could be accomplished well in service to the Guard.
To join the guard, she kept her young age a secret, more by not divulging it, rather than outright lying. She followed orders of her superiors to the letter during training, sometimes literally if it didn’t violate her paladin code. She made high marks for her agility, and sword play, taking a liking to the long and sharp Estoc. She also is valued for her willingness to open dialogs with anyone no matter what they look like. She was deemed well qualified to be in the ‘special squad’ and when assigned she gleefully accepted the post.
When she was working to gain full citizenship the paladin of Shelyn eventually came across her deadbeat father. Her father had been brutally beaten and left in an alley to die. Though part of her wanted to leave him to his fate, she not only healed him, but forgave him. She even took his testimony on what had occurred, and discovered her father had racked up a serious gambling debt, and set out to arrest the perpetrators of the crime. Working with her squad she tracked a group of half orcs bruisers and convinced a few of the lower ranking members, they’d receive leniency, for assistance in apprehending the main leader. By the time the bruisers’ leader was in manacles, she had managed to uphold the law, with minimum bloodshed.
Tess is a born negotiator but also knew she was small and not the strongest member of the guard by far and thus has also sought out teachers in fighting styles that combine quick foot work and agile use of her Estoc in ways that lets her use the long stabbing blade one handed and keep her hand free as well as allowing a few practical close quarter tricks with her sharp and often painted claws. She has often put in for extra training assignments when none are required to further her talents in swordplay and negotiation.
She hasn’t figured it out yet, but the same thrush she keeps as a familiar was the same one almost four years ago that she had chased into the temple, and hasn't yet learned that her Barrett is a very special guide, that led the otherwise doomed girl to have a chance at making something of herself. He has helped when he could, chirping at important religious symbols and sharing his feelings with her to guide her spiritually. He also watches her back, though as of yet he can not yet find a way to truly communicate with her.

John Whyte |

@ Castor
I've sort of deliberately left Bazokass background in the dessert thin, mentioning only his last adventure with the slavers. As a dm I appreciate players whose back stories have semi blank areas to drop a plot hook or npc back into. In this case I've got a blank slate of dessert horrors, rumours, tombs of the dead, that can be plucked out to move a scene or theme forward. It helps that one of my skills is an ability to quickly improv a bunch of plot threads/background together in a consistent manner.
It's no drama to me if you think it's short, or if you think it's a style of play that won't mesh. Full back stories work well, but I'm very interested in your dms planned stories. I've skimmed his work so far and my application is designed so I can mesh in with those future plans by being a little vague with some details.
This is far too long, I see your point I just thought I'd blab a little about a choice made from my end :)

Darkest Corners GM |
Expanded the backstory some. Opinions?
Background Story
** spoiler omitted **...
Well, given you asked.
See my previous comments about Paladins. I'm hopeful this will be a game of greys.
I am uncomfortable (given the nature of PbP and these boards in particular) with the child exploitation at the beginning of the background. Forced into thievery, or even assault, is fine.

Castor Drey |

Clarification: The point of enhanced background is to give you better chance at success, when we get down to choosing new recruits. With my posts I aimed at rising the overall “interestness” of character backgrounds and giving you reason to go through your submissions again and check if anything can be done to improve them.
Generally, some backgrounds/characters might be interesting and inspiring with just a few sentences. Some are very detailed in some parts but might lack interesting points. Sometimes, the difference between successful submission and rejected one is just one sentence.
What I really do not want to do at this point is discuss individual submissions. Not here and certainly not over PM. I do not have enough time to do it properly with everybody, so it would not be fair to do that with any one of you. I will be glad to point you in the right direction and answer very specific in-game or rules questions to the best of my knowledge. But that is it.
Again, remember, I am not the GM, so anything he says overrules anything I say. And there are three individuals, who will make the final choice.
If you are uncertain if your submission is good enough, you may ask yourself these questions in-game:
As a commanding officer, would I choose this character for the special squad?
Why? Does her/his history speak for itself? Is she/he well known for her/his abilities?
Would someone recommend my character? (not necessarily because of your skills, it might be just because they want to get rid of you…)
If you feel you answered these questions to your satisfaction, you do not need to ask us. Just keep your fingers crossed and hope for the best.
And here is the updated list:
This time I try to loosely group the characters based on their abilities with regard to the squad’s current needs. Again, there is no particular order to the submissions inside the groups. If you feel you should be in a different group, let me know.
(these are not exactly individual slots to be filled)
player Daniel Steward / character: Kal Lomarsson - half-elf ranger (urban ranger) 3/rogue (investigator) 2
player gossamar4 / character: Zandor Gossamar - human brawler (shield champion) 4/investigator (mastermind) 1
player Derz / character: Samson Perlych – Human Fighter (Armor Master) 5
player Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal / character: Thadeuzs 'Tad' Orlovsky – Human Fighter (Brawler) 5
player KingmanHighborn / character: Thessirris Running Brook - human brawler (shield champion) 4/investigator (mastermind) 1
player John Whyte / character: Bazokas The Dwarf - Dwarf Barbarian (Superstitious) 5
player Philo Pharynx / character: Selvara - kitsune inquisitor (infiltrator) of Zohls 4/rogue (kitsune trickster) 1
Melee and divine:
player Azih / character: Isama Zenj – Human Urban Druid 5
player Ealiane / Valjoen KC / character: Ptahh Spyritfang - Skinwalker Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 5
Not specified yet:
player The Dread Pirate Hurley / character: gunslinger?
player Arknight / character: swashbuckler?
player hallowsinder / character: monk?
player Mowque / character: Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord)?
player thunderbeard / character: ???
player bigrig107 / character:???
player Kubular / character: ???
And again: I wish you all luck! May the craftiest ones win!
Quotes of the day:
“What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny?” ― Jim Butcher, White Night
“When you are tired of life, come to Haven. And someone will kill you.” ― Simon R. Green, Guards of Haven: The Adventures of Hawk and Fisher

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I was thinking about doing a monk (martial Artist), but I'm not sure yet if I want to fight over that niche. Is Haramaki or Armored kilt available in this setting in case I decide to stick with it?
I'm thinking about a Summoner (Synthesist) or a Gunslinger. Maybe an alchemist, but you folks don't seem to be short in the intellect department.
I was originally thinking of a goody-two shoes cop character who got shafted to the Spook squad for making a bad political move. Felt a little too "Murphy" at first, but maybe I can make it work.

Jaime Sommers |

Dotting and thinking about an Oracle with the Psychic Searcher Archetype.
(Everybody knows that sometimes the police just have to recourse to a psychic to solve the really, really tough cases, right?)
Awaiting GM's approval on the archetype before fleshing out the character.
Also, what's the deadline for submission?

Thessirris Running Brook |

Thessirris Running Brook wrote:Expanded the backstory some. Opinions?
Background Story
** spoiler omitted **...Well, given you asked.
See my previous comments about Paladins. I'm hopeful this will be a game of greys.
I am uncomfortable (given the nature of PbP and these boards in particular) with the child exploitation at the beginning of the background. Forced into thievery, or even assault, is fine.
No problem. I admittedly went a bit darker then I ever do, since last few characters I've made with 'sad' backstories I've been told are...cliché. Or surprisingly rosey. So I have zero problem changing it.
And don't worry I know how to play LG without being Lawful Stupid.
Anyways new version:
Thessirris did not have a happy childhood. In order to gain citizenship in the city of Quantium her abusive father taught her to steal at a young age rather than do any hard work for the government, and when her claws were sharp enough, to cut purses. Simply put he'd beat her if she didn't steal, and beat her if she got caught to 'straighten her out'. But Thessirris was not cut out for thievery or any brand of thuggery, she found it was easier to talk people into charity for bread rather then steal the bread herself. While this was good enough for her, as a child her father wanted coin and valuables.
By the time her father had bought himself citizenship on what she had pilfered or begged for, he abandoned her on the Street of Gods and left her a literal stray. Young, alone, terrified of being caught if she did steal without her father's support, and after days on her own, she was growing hungry. Then one morning she found a thrush on window sill started to chase after a beautiful bird…mostly to eat it. She chased it through alleys, climbed up onto the roofs of the slum houses and straight into the temple of Shelyn where the bird and many of its kind were sheltered. Face to face with the clergy she was taken into by clergy of Shelyn to be fed, and clothed in exchange for cleaning the temple. While still legally a stray, Tess took the path of a paladin in the church after seeing a beautiful warrior in a storybook and learning of their job to protect others and works of art and beauty, including true inner beauty. She got her first taste of true weapons training, and her appreciation for music in the church. She also keeps the same thrush she chased as a child as her familiar, even though she doesn’t treat him like one, as she views their bond as a partnership rather than service. Still, she wanted earn true citizenship, and do it the way he father found so distasteful, part of that motivation was still spite, but her dedication to protecting art and beauty could be accomplished well in service to the Guard.
To join the guard, she kept her young age a secret, more by not divulging it, rather than outright lying. She followed orders of her superiors to the letter during training, sometimes literally if it didn’t violate her paladin code. She made high marks for her agility, and sword play, taking a liking to the long and sharp Estoc. She also is valued for her willingness to open dialogs with anyone no matter what they look like. She was deemed well qualified to be in the ‘special squad’ and when assigned she gleefully accepted the post.
When she was working to gain full citizenship the paladin of Shelyn eventually came across her deadbeat father. Her father had been brutally beaten and left in an alley to die. Though part of her wanted to leave him to his fate, she not only healed him, but forgave him. She even took his testimony on what had occurred, and discovered her father had racked up a serious gambling debt, and set out to arrest the perpetrators of the crime. Working with her squad she tracked a group of half orcs bruisers and convinced a few of the lower ranking members, they’d receive leniency, for assistance in apprehending the main leader. By the time the bruisers’ leader was in manacles, she had managed to uphold the law, with minimum bloodshed.
Tess is a born negotiator but also knew she was small and not the strongest member of the guard by far and thus has also sought out teachers in fighting styles that combine quick foot work and agile use of her Estoc in ways that lets her use the long stabbing blade one handed and keep her hand free as well as allowing a few practical close quarter tricks with her sharp and often painted claws. She has often put in for extra training assignments when none are required to further her talents in swordplay and negotiation.
She hasn’t figured it out yet, but the same thrush she keeps as a familiar was the same one almost four years ago that she had chased into the temple, and hasn't yet learned that her Barrett is a very special guide, that led the otherwise doomed girl to have a chance at making something of herself. He has helped when he could, chirping at important religious symbols and sharing his feelings with her to guide her spiritually. He also watches her back, though as of yet he can not yet find a way to truly communicate with her.

Jaime Sommers |

Dotting and thinking about an Oracle with the Psychic Searcher Archetype.
(Everybody knows that sometimes the police just have to recourse to a psychic to solve the really, really tough cases, right?)Awaiting GM's approval on the archetype before fleshing out the character.
Also, what's the deadline for submission?
Just a preview of Penelope "Penny" Hallways, ancestor hunted psychic searcher oracle, to stir your curiosity:
Penny is a lovely girl, comely, graceful, kind and well behaved. She's chatty and warm to anyone and everyone. Charming, right? Right... until she starts talking about Aunt Liza, who died of a heart attack 50 years ago and whom Penny talks to every other day; or great uncle Tommy, who drowned in a stream when he was seven years old and who likes to play pranks on Penny on a daily basis; or great-great-great-grandfather Hector, who sternly rebukes Penny any time she fails to honor the memories of her ancestors. Yes, Penny is lovely, warm, and also kind of... sort of... just a bit... creepy. But she gets the job done every single time, and that's why for the last two years she's been helping the Guard when crimes get too hard - or too strange - for them to solve with more conventional methods of investigation.

Diene |

Str 17 (13) +2 Racial +1 level 4 +2 Enhancement = 20
Dex 10
Con 12 (2)
Int 10
Wis 14 (5)
Cha 14 (5)
Class: Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2/Monk (Kata Master) 3
How am I a Monk and Barbarian? Adopted trait to get Enlightened Warrior Trait.
BaB 4 (2 each)
Fort: 3 (Monk) +3 (Barbarian) +1 (Con) +1 Enhance
Ref: 3 (Monk) +1 Enhance
Will: 3 (Monk) +2 (Wis) +1 Enhance
12 for first level, 7 for barb, 15 for Monk, 5 for con
Acrobatics 4 ranks +3 trained
Intimidate 5 ranks +3 trained +2 Cha +6 Str +3 Feat
Diplomacy 2 ranks +3 trained +2 Cha
Knowledge (Local) 1 rank +3 trained
Perception 5 ranks +3 trained +2 Wis +2 Racial
Stealth 1 rank +3 trained
Climb 1 rank +3 trained +6 Str
Disguise 1 rank +3 trained +2 Cha +1 Trait
Lvl 1
(normal pick)Intimidating Prowess
(race Bonus)Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Lvl 3
(normal pick)Dragon Style
(Class bonus)Improved unarmed Strike
(Class Bonus)Dodge
Lvl 4
(Class bonus)Deflect Arrows
Lvl 5
(normal pick)Disarming Threat Deed
Female Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2/Monk (Kata Master) 3
TN Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +12, Low-Light Vision
XP: ???
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 12. . (+1 Dodge, +2 Wis)
hp 39 (2d12+3d8+5)
Fort +8, Ref +4, Will +6 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +10 (1d6+6/20/x2/B) and
. . FoB +9/9 (1d6+6/20/x2/B)
Ranged +1 Longbow, Composite (Str +2) +8 (1d8+3/20/x3)
Special Attacks Panache 2/2, Rage 7/7
Str 22, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +4; CMB +11; CMD 22
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Dragon Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Disarming Threat Deed
Traits Adopted (Enlightened Warrior)
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +10, Disguise +7, Diplomacy +6, Intimidate +18, Knowledge (Local) +4, Perception +12, Stealth +4,
Languages Common, Elven.
Combat Gear Belt of +2 Str, Cloak of Resistance, Wand of Mage Armor (50 uses), Wand of Shield (50 uses), Hat of Disguise, Wand of Vocal Alteration
Coin: 1450
Arcane TrainingTreat as a level 1 Sorcerer for spell trigger and spell completion.
Elven Immunities Immune to magic sleep, +2 racial vs enchantment spells and effects
Adaptability Skill focus free.
Keen Senses +2 racial perception
Low Light Vision See twice as far as humans in dim light
Controlled Rage May apply a +4 morale bonus to Str, Dex, or Con, and may divide this as wished in increments of +2. 7/rounds a day. End as free action, fatigued for rounds equal to 2 times number of rounds spent in rage.
Crowd ControlGains +1 on attack rolls and dodge to AC, when adjacent to two or more enemies. Movement is not impeded by crowds, and gains a bonus equal to half barbarian level on intimidate checks to influence crowds.
Uncanny Dodge Cannot be caught flat-footed, nor loses dex bonus to ac if attacker is invisible. Can still lose vs feint.
Reckless Abandon Choose to gain +1 to Attack, -1 to AC, while raging. Scales as power attack with barbarian level.
Panache Gain Panache points equal to cha, max is cha, gain by critting/defeating HD 3 or higher opponents, may use Derring-do and opportune parry and riposte, can use monk weapons and unarmed strike in place of light/one handed piercing melee weapons.
Derring-Do Spend a panache point to get to make an acrobatics, climb, escape artist, fly, ride or swim check with an extra d6. If that is a six, roll again up to Dex mod times (min 1).
Opportune Parry and Riposte Expend a panache and attack of opportunity to attempt to parry an attack. Roll attack vs that attack (-2 per size mod enemy is larger), if higher, the enemy attack misses. Must do this before they roll to hit. If the parry is successful, and they have a panache point left over, may attack as an immediate action if the target is within reach.
Menacing Swordplay As long as has at least one Panache point, after hitting an opponent with unarmed or monk weapon, may demoralize as a swift action.
Flurry of Blows Full round action, to two-weapon fighting with full strength on each attack, -2 to all attacks, treating monk level as BaB. May substitute Disarm, sundar, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks.
Unarmed Strike Deal increased damage with unarmed strike, and does not need hands free to unarmed strike. Current damage = 1d6.
Evasion Successful reflex save means no damage.
Fast Movement +10 Enhancement bonus to speed.
Maneuver Training Treat monk level as BaB for combat maneuver bonus.
Flashy Dresser +1 Disguise, and Disguise as class skill.
Adopted Gains Enlightened Warrior (Can be a monk while Neutral alignment).
This fresh letter of recommendation has been scribbled on. Heavily.
Name: Diene Zaigant Ugh, I hate my last name. :( I much prefer DIENE, THE CRIMSON SISTER!
Race: Half Elf The other half's AWESOME!
Gender: Female I have nothing witty to write. :/
Height and Weight: 4'11", 115 lbs. It's all muscle, I swear! :O
Age: 22 Isn't this something you're not supposed to ask a girl? Hey, isn't it the same for weight?
Special Abilities: Diene is a front line pugilist, while having some talents in activating magic items, and intimidation. PUGILIST? I have the flashiest and strongest Kung Fu this side of the City of Strangers! >:(
Diety: None. Blegh, but I don't want to go to church, Dad!
Languages: Common and Elven. I know everyone knows it, but why don't we call it Human? Is it because you're the only race anywhere that can't make up it's mind on one language?
Rank: Probationary Special Security Forces Haha, I'm one of the fuzz now! Wait... "Special?"
Background: Diene is ... not reluctant to talk about her past. I have heard each of her birthday parties in excruciating detail by now, as well as more than I can count blow by blow reports of her fights. Often, there are more than one of the latter for each of the former. However, as much of her past hails from Kaer Maga, the city of strangers, I have yet to confirm it. She claims to have been born to Aritian Zaigant, a human-type Aasimaar of Agathion-Blood, and Misriel Zaigant, an elf, with seven brothers, each of whom she can endlessly describe to you, often focusing on their favorite punches. I believe her on that, as it explains a lot. She claims to have left her family on good terms, and headed to Nex as a place to fight people with interesting new punches, as well as show off her style, which I also believe. Wow, you paid attention, Sarge. I won't let your trust down, sir, I ALWAYS tell the truth. :P
What we can confirm is her more recent past. Having fell in with criminals, we have her identified and connected with 159 counts of intimidation, 89 counts of assault, 24 counts of property damage, 18 counts of resisting arrest, and 3 counts of disturbing open mic night at the Silver Tree. She was seen fighting on the side of 14 different criminal groups as hired muscle. Upon defecting to our side, she was quite disappointed that she hadn't been identified for all of her crimes, stating she had 5 addition cases of intimidation, and 3 more assaults. Hang on a minute... that only comes to 164... I thought for sure I had made it to a nice round number... Am I forgetting some?
Her defection was when she turned herself in, after acquiring the last 6 counts of resisting arrest by defeating the entire squad sent to apprehend her. She expressed a desire to "switch sides" each of the organizations she had joined with. This was described as being "bored" as well as citing a lack of ability to advance without getting to more serious crime. Note, in each of the cases of assault and resisting arrest, her opponents were knocked out without suffering more than bruises. Despite our initial reluctance, her knowledge was too great to say no, and her performance was so exceptional in the field it was decided to accept her offer. Performance, psssh, that's the right word. None of those opponents were enough to be a real fight! Looking forward to some real opponents, thanks for the reco, sarge. :D
Summary: Diene's loyalties will always be in question, her flighty nature is not to be trusted. Though, she has been on the level in force so far, and has followed orders, though in excessively flashy ways. Likely the most convincing thing to me of her reform has been her reluctance to kill, regardless of target. This is both strength and weakness. Regardless, she has an eagerness to prove herself and display her martial prowess. With proper focus and direction for her talents, I believe she can be of proper use to a special squad. Aw "martial prowess"? You're sweet on me, aren't ya, Sarge? But really, for all the metaphor about "crimson blood", blood is just not the right shade for my cloak and it's hard to clean.
I need to add appearance, and more "hooky" bits to backstory. That was just a "what your characters would know about her backstory and personality" thing.
So, on the "extra campaign traits depending on backstory" thing, would an example be Diene's backstory gaining a bonus on Knowledge Local checks related to the underworld that she was a part of?

Castor Drey |

Dotting and thinking about an Oracle with the Psychic Searcher Archetype.
(Everybody knows that sometimes the police just have to recourse to a psychic to solve the really, really tough cases, right?)Awaiting GM's approval on the archetype before fleshing out the character.
Also, what's the deadline for submission?
While I am not the GM, I am pretty confident there is no problem whatsoever with the archetype... I even went to great lengths to explain all archetypes are allowed...
And this one even suits the campaign quite well thematically.As for the deadline, it is 24th April as written in the very first post...

Castor Drey |

By the way, I'm wondering when we go mythic. If Simon R. Green is one of the inspirations, we'll be burning through mythic tiers like nobody's business!
We are not leaving the city for Forrest Kingdom any time soon so mythic is not on the table. ;-)
I do not remember Hawk&Fisher did anything really over-the-top in Haven. So they probably gained first mythic tier as quite high level characters upon their return home ;-)And if somebody asks about Harry - this is definitely before Changes ;-)

Darkest Corners GM |
Dotting and thinking about an Oracle with the Psychic Searcher Archetype.
(Everybody knows that sometimes the police just have to recourse to a psychic to solve the really, really tough cases, right?)Awaiting GM's approval on the archetype before fleshing out the character.
Also, what's the deadline for submission?
Sure, and it was 24/4... though we've had a lot of applicants.

Castor Drey |

Other serving as a front line melee DPS(and tank if she has time to Mage Armor/Shield), Diene has face capabilities with decent diplomacy and insane intimidate (+18(19 vs crowds)) and her ability to remove the "after" penalties from intimidate with Disarming Threat Deed. Good perception, and very good disguise (+17 all the time, and with another +10 with time to buff). Can use arcane CLW wand. :P
Nice. But please explain how she can use arcane CLW wand without UMD when her favored class is sorcerer. I might have overlooked something but it just does not add up. But it is after midnight here so maybe I am just tired.

Castor Drey |

I was thinking about doing a monk (martial Artist), but I'm not sure yet if I want to fight over that niche. Is Haramaki or Armored kilt available in this setting in case I decide to stick with it?
I'm thinking about a Summoner (Synthesist) or a Gunslinger. Maybe an alchemist, but you folks don't seem to be short in the intellect department.
I was originally thinking of a goody-two shoes cop character who got shafted to the Spook squad for making a bad political move. Felt a little too "Murphy" at first, but maybe I can make it work.
Intelect department is always hiring ;-) And alchemist can be done very differently from investigator and diviner.
But all the classes could be interesting. Just do not go overboard with the Synthesist.
Gunslinger Murphy?
To all: references of the books or lack thereof has no impact on the selection process ;-)

Castor Drey |

Well, you did, but almost all of them are frontline fighters. :P
Oh yeah, forgot, that meant magus/witch wand, was just focused on the arcane bit. Shows you how often I play casters. :P
Still not following, the only arcane classes with access to CLW are alchemist, bard and witch... ;-)
But I do get that there was a mistake involved.Really tired now, I better go off to sleep...

Darkest Corners GM |
Philo Pharynx wrote:By the way, I'm wondering when we go mythic. If Simon R. Green is one of the inspirations, we'll be burning through mythic tiers like nobody's business!We are not leaving the city for Forrest Kingdom any time soon so mythic is not on the table. ;-)
I do not remember Hawk&Fisher did anything really over-the-top in Haven. So they probably gained first mythic tier as quite high level characters upon their return home ;-)And if somebody asks about Harry - this is definitely before Changes ;-)
Nice to see people know the source material :)
I can see the counter argument, so I'll tell you what:If you have a great concept, that would fit the source material, and that requires something from Mythic rules
Then I'll let you trade levels for tiers on a 1:1 basis.
Don't do it for the cheese.

![]() |

Kubular wrote:I was thinking about doing a monk (martial Artist), but I'm not sure yet if I want to fight over that niche. Is Haramaki or Armored kilt available in this setting in case I decide to stick with it?
I'm thinking about a Summoner (Synthesist) or a Gunslinger. Maybe an alchemist, but you folks don't seem to be short in the intellect department.
I was originally thinking of a goody-two shoes cop character who got shafted to the Spook squad for making a bad political move. Felt a little too "Murphy" at first, but maybe I can make it work.
Intelect department is always hiring ;-) And alchemist can be done very differently from investigator and diviner.
But all the classes could be interesting. Just do not go overboard with the Synthesist.
Gunslinger Murphy?
To all: references of the books or lack thereof has no impact on the selection process ;-)
Aghh, now I have to do Gunslinger Murphy. Or maybe not. Maybe Fighter (Brawler) 4/Gunslinger 1. Gotta have those martial arts for extra Murph Flavor. Too bad you can't flurry with guns or I'd do monk instead. That would be great. And hilarious.
In all seriousness, I wasn't planning on going crazy with Synthesist. I just liked the idea of a detective with an Alter Ego. Was probably going to go biped and make him like robocop or iron man. I was also thinking Summoner because having access to all the Knowledge skills seems really handy.
I think I'm going to go ahead with the gunslinger idea and see where it takes me. Thanks for your response.

Darkest Corners GM |
To all: references of the books or lack thereof has no impact on the selection process ;-)
This is true. It's supposed to fit the flavour of the books, not be in that world.
What will make an impact is how well you fit the flavour we're going for, not that you can quote all the names :)
The Mythic thing I talked about was not something I was going for, but I do have to admit the flavour of some of the characters in the books *does* have Mythic stuff in it. I don't want to outright ban people who want to build them, so it is a possibility.
That said, you'll still have to get it past the committee, so it would be better *not* to use it if you don't have to. Put a little more roughly: "We'd better be ******* impressed".

![]() |

Castor Drey wrote:
To all: references of the books or lack thereof has no impact on the selection process ;-)This is true. It's supposed to fit the flavour of the books, not be in that world.
What will make an impact is how well you fit the flavour we're going for, not that you can quote all the names :)
I was initially concerned for the other way around. That if my character was too similar to one in the books I wasn't going to get in. Which is why I said what I said.

Darkest Corners GM |
Darkest Corners GM wrote:I was initially concerned for the other way around. That if my character was too similar to one in the books I wasn't going to get in. Which is why I said what I said.Castor Drey wrote:
To all: references of the books or lack thereof has no impact on the selection process ;-)This is true. It's supposed to fit the flavour of the books, not be in that world.
What will make an impact is how well you fit the flavour we're going for, not that you can quote all the names :)
Let's just say certain PCs have gone pretty close before without an issue. Don't use the actual names and remember it is a different world, but otherwise you should be okay.

Philo Pharynx |

Philo Pharynx wrote:By the way, I'm wondering when we go mythic. If Simon R. Green is one of the inspirations, we'll be burning through mythic tiers like nobody's business!We are not leaving the city for Forrest Kingdom any time soon so mythic is not on the table. ;-)
I do not remember Hawk&Fisher did anything really over-the-top in Haven. So they probably gained first mythic tier as quite high level characters upon their return home ;-)
I'm talking about his Nightside and Edwin Drood books. Definitely mythic. Mythic plus.

Jaime Sommers |

While I am not the GM, I am pretty confident there is no problem whatsoever with the archetype... I even went to great lengths to explain all archetypes are allowed...
And this one even suits the campaign quite well thematically.As for the deadline, it is 24th April as written in the very first post...
Thanks, just wanted to be sure since Psychic Searcher is from ACG and some GMs have issues with that book, also I read the original deadline but there are so many submissions that I was afraid the recruitment would be closed sooner.
I'll post a full character sheet in a couple of days.
Jaime Sommers |

Hello GM and players, here's a rough draft for Penelope "Penny" Hallways.
Penny lives in her grandmother’s house and earns her living by performing “psychic readings” for wealthy people. Her Grannie is a sweet, spirited old lady with a penchant for alchemy and herbal medicine, and a soft spot for cats.
Penelope "Penny" Hallways
Ancestor Oracle 5 - Psychic Searcher Archetype - Curse: Haunted - NG human
Roles: buff, skills, debuff, healing.
Init +6 Perception + 7
AC18 , touch 13 , flat footed 16
HP 8+2+(5+2)*4=38
Fort +5, Reflex +5, Will +6
Speed 30 ft
BAB +3
Ranged + 5 (6 w/masterwork)
Melee + 3 (4 w/masterwork)
Str 11, Dex 14 (+2), Con 14 (+2), Int 12 (+1), Wis 14 (+2), Cha 18 (15+2+1) (+4)
Languages Common, Aklo
Extra Revelation, Great Fortitude, Lightning Reflexes, Improved Initiative
Fast-Talker: You had a knack at getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.
Focused Mind: Your childhood was either dominated by lessons of some sort (whether musical, academic, or other) or by a horrible home life that encouraged your ability to block out distractions and focus on the immediate task at hand. You gain a +2 trait bonus on concentration checks.
Special abilities
Curse: Haunted. Malevolent spirits follow you wherever you go, causing minor mishaps and strange occurrences (such as unexpected breezes, small objects moving on their own, and faint noises). Retrieving any stored item from your gear requires a standard action, unless it would normally take longer. Any item you drop lands 10 feet away from you in a random direction.
Extra spells: 1st :mage hand and ghost sound; 5th level: levitate and minor image; 10th level: telekinesis; 15th level: reverse gravity.
Ancestor Mistery - Extra spells: see Archetype - Revelations:
1st lev: Sacred Council (Su): As a move action, you can call upon your ancestors to provide council. This advice grants you a +2 bonus on any one d20 roll. This effect lasts for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus (4)
Extra Revelation: Voice of the Grave (Su): You can speak with the dead, as per the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. At 5th level, and every five levels thereafter, the dead creature you question takes a cumulative –2 penalty on its Will save to resist this effect.
Archetype: Psychic Searcher.
Bonus Spells: Augury (4th), locate object (6th), divination (8th), find the path (12th), discern location (16th), foresight (18th). These bonus spells replace the oracle's normal mystery bonus spells at these levels.
Inspiration (Ex) (4/day): At 2nd level, a psychic searcher gains an inspiration pool, as the investigator class ability (“An Investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll”). A psychic searcher uses her oracle level as her investigator level to determine the effects of this ability. She gains free uses of inspiration on Diplomacy, Knowledge (arcana, history, local, nobility, planes, religion), and Sense Motive skill checks without spending a use of inspiration, provided she's trained in that skill. A psychic searcher's inspiration pool refreshes each day, usually when she refreshes her spells. A psychic searcher's inspiration pool is based on her Wisdom modifier, not Intelligence. This ability replaces the mystery spell gained at 2nd level.
Psychic Talent (Su): At 3rd level, a psychic searcher's mastery of her supernatural insight grows, granting her a new investigator talent from the following list: amazing inspiration, eidetic recollection, empathy, inspired alertness, item lore, perceptive tracking (except using Sense Motive instead of Perception or Survival), rogue talent (only for hard to fool), and tenacious inspiration. Whenever a psychic searcher can select a new revelation, she can instead select an investigator or rogue talent from the above list. This ability replaces the revelation gained at 3rd level.
Selected Talent: TBD
Skill points (4+1 int + 1 human)*5 + 3 (fav. Class lev. 1 to 3)=33
(*class - char - ranks - other)
Acrobatics (Dex) 0+2+3=5
*Bluff (Cha) 3+4+2+1=10
Climb (Str) 0+0+1=1
*Craft (Int)
*Diplomacy (Cha) 3+4+5=12
Fly (Dex)
*Heal (Wis) 3+2+1=6
*Knowledge Arcana (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Dungeoneering (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Engineering (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Geography (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge History (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Local (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Nature (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Nobility (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Planes (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Knowledge Religion (Int) 3+1+1=5
*Linguistics (Int)
Perception (Wis) 0+2+5=7
*Profession (Wis)
Ride (Dex) 0+2+1=3
*Sense Motive (Wis) 3+2+1=6
Stealth (Dex) 0+2+1=3
Swim (Str) 0+0+1=1
*Spellcraft (Int) 3+1+1=5
Use Magic Device (Cha) 0+4+1=5
Level___Spells Known___Available Slots (favored class bonus: extra spell know after 3rd level)
Spells known:
0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Light, Mending, Stabilize, Purify Food and Drink, MAGE HAND, GHOST SOUND
1 (DC15): Bless, Shield of Faith, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil, Ray of Sickening, CURE LIGHT WOUNDS
2 (DC 16): Hold person, Lesser Restoration, CURE MODERATE WOUNDS, AUGURY, LEVITATE, MINOR IMAGE
ORACLE'S KIT Price 9 gp; Weight 29 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a flint and steel, an iron pot, mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Mirror small steel 10 gp
Mithril Chain Shirt 1250 gp +4 AC (ACP 0)
Masterwork Buckler 155 gp +1 AC (ACP 0)
Masterwork Morningstar 308 gp
Masterwork Light Crossbow + 10 bolts 336 gp
Ring of protection +1 2000 gp
2 Scrolls of Remove Sickness - 2 Scrolls of Remove Fear - 2 Scrolls of Magic Weapon - 2 Scrolls of Obscuring Mist - 1 Scroll of Comprehend Languages - 1 Scroll of Diagnose Disease (25x10=250 gp)
Explorer's outfit (free)
Entertainer’s outfit (psychic reader) 3 gp
5000-4321=679 gp =>79 gp in material components for spells, 600 gp remaining.
First Psychic Talent is still missing since that will require GM's review.
Feedbacks and suggestions will be welcome and appreciated. Thank you!

Ptahh |

Ptahh's information is updated in his profile.
I'm still writing his background story as I'm only up to the point that he is about to start his adventuring career. The basics is that he is hunting down his brother to discover the identity of the slaver who took his mother and sisters. This will, of course, lead him to Qantium.
As for the crunch, it is very tanking/defensive minded. This style fits better with his background. If the party needs a more offensive minded character, I have a secondary crunch about ready to go.

Castor Drey |

To no one in particular: You can see the character in your mind’s eye. You know his history, you know how he will react in certain situations, you know what his favorite quotes will be, you know he is perfect, you know he will fit very well into the campaign. But if you do not share that vision, the only person who can see that… is you. It happened to me before, it will probably happen again.
As there is still time, maybe you can ask some of your friends to read your submission and give you feedback.
Note to self: Might be a good idea to remember this next time I am writing a character submission.
Here comes the updated list:
player Daniel Steward / character: Kal Lomarsson - half-elf ranger (urban ranger) 3/rogue (investigator) 2
player gossamar4 / character: Zandor Gossamar - human brawler (shield champion) 4/investigator (mastermind) 1
player Derz / character: Samson Perlych – Human Fighter (Armor Master) 5
player Irnk, Dead-Eye's Prodigal / character: Thadeuzs 'Tad' Orlovsky – Human Fighter (Brawler) 5
player KingmanHighborn / character: Thessirris Running Brook - human brawler (shield champion) 4/investigator (mastermind) 1
player John Whyte / character: Bazokas The Dwarf - Dwarf Barbarian (Superstitious) 5
player hallowsinder / character: Diene - Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2/Monk (Kata Master) 3
player Philo Pharynx / character: Selvara - kitsune inquisitor (infiltrator) of Zohls 4/rogue (kitsune trickster) 1
player Jaime Sommers / character: Penelope "Penny" Hallways – Human Ancestor Oracle 5 (Psychic Searcher)
Melee and divine:
player Azih / character: Isama Zenj – Human Urban Druid 5
player Ealiane / Valjoen KC / character: Ptahh Spyritfang - Skinwalker Warpriest (Sacred Fist) 5
player bigrig107 / character: Valignatir - Human Cleric of Asmodeus 5 (crusader)
Not specified yet:
player The Dread Pirate Hurley / character: gunslinger?
player Arknight / character: swashbuckler?
player Mowque / character: Dwarf Paladin (Stonelord)?
player Kubular / character: gunslinger?
player thunderbeard / character: ???
Quotes of the day:
“My magic. That was at the heart of me. It was a manifestation of what I believed, what I lived. It came from my desire to see to it that someone stood between the darkness and the people it would devour.” ― Jim Butcher, Fool Moon
“Being scared in dangerous situations is good. Keeps you sharp, gives you an edge.” “Then I am sharper and edgier than you will ever be.” ― Simon R. Green, Once in a Blue Moon
Extra quote:
“Steal from the best, and call it research!” ― Simon R. Green

Castor Drey |

Hello GM and players, here's a rough draft for Penelope "Penny" Hallways.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **...
Just a quick observation regarding your equipment - if I am reading that right you used only half of your available funds.
It does not really matter at the moment, it can be adjusted if you are selected.To all: We will check the crunch in detail if you are selected. So do not worry if something is missing. At the moment we just want to see where you are aming with your build.

Castor Drey |

So, on the "extra campaign traits depending on backstory" thing, would an example be Diene's backstory gaining a bonus on Knowledge Local checks related to the underworld that she was a part of?
Example? Sure.
But it is way too early to talk about those. As the GM will have to make them up, I am pretty sure he will not be devoting any time to that before the selection process is over.

Castor Drey |

I know we asked primarily for melee and divine characters. And we got them. Quite a lot of them to choose from.
Now as we will select at least three new Guards, at least one of them need not be either melee or divine.So for those people who have not expressed interest yet, are still undecided regarding the class or has not started working on the crunch yet, here are my (and only my) tips on what may be submitted without stepping (much) on anybody else's toes:
- archer (or another long range combatant) / any class
- alchemist
- arcanist
- bard
- magus
- rogue or ninja
- sorcerer
- witch
And I almost forgot: I wish you all luck! May the craftiest ones win!

Jaime Sommers |

Castor Drey wrote:You're SOOO right. For some inexplicable reason I was sure I could only spend 5000 gp. Yay for more shopping!Just a quick observation regarding your equipment - if I am reading that right you used only half of your available funds.
More shopping:
Amulet of natural armor +1 2,000 gpCloak of resistance +1 1,000 gp
Handy haversack 2000 gp
Will add to the equipment list if selected.

Mowque |

Thrius Undershale's fluff and most of his sheet are done. Just waiting to get some advice on armor, weapons and feats. I had fun with his background, a different format then is usual.
Should I wait until all is done? Not sure how much you need before you can decide on a character. I know you have alot to wade through all ready.