
Diene's page

569 posts. Alias of hallowsinder.

Full Name

Diene Zaigant Ugh, I hate my last name. :( I much prefer DIENE, THE CRIMSON SISTER!


Half Elf The other half's AWESOME!


Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2/Monk (Kata Master) 4

HP 34/45 | AC 14 | T 14 | F 13 | CMD 24 | F +9 | R +5 | W +7 | Init +0 | Per +13 | Panache 2/2 | Rage 3/7 | Ki 4/4


Female I have nothing witty to write. :/


4'11", 115 lbs. It's all muscle, I swear! :O


22 Isn't this something you're not supposed to ask a girl? Hey, isn't it the same for weight?

Special Abilities

Diene is a front line pugilist, while having some talents in activating magic items, and intimidation. PUGILIST? I have the flashiest and strongest Kung Fu this side of the City of Strangers! >:(


TN, I'm just here to make a show.


None. Blegh, but I don't want to go to church, Dad!


Common and Elven. I know everyone knows it, but why don't we call it Human? Is it because you're the only race anywhere that can't make up it's mind on one language?


Probationary Special Security Forces Haha, I'm one of the fuzz now! Wait... "Special?"

Strength 22
Dexterity 10
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 14
Charisma 14

About Diene

Statblock Construction:
This is just so you know where all the numbers come from. Not necessary if you trust me or if you can figure it out.
Str 17 (13) +2 Racial +1 level 4 +2 Enhancement = 22
Dex 10
Con 12 (2)
Int 10
Wis 14 (5)
Cha 14 (5)

Class: Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2/Monk (Kata Master) 4
How am I a Monk and Barbarian? Adopted trait to get Enlightened Warrior Trait.
BaB 5 (2 Barb, 3 Monk)

Fort: 4 (Monk) +3 (Barbarian) +1 (Con) +1 Enhance
Ref: 4 (Monk) +1 Enhance
Will: 4 (Monk) +2 (Wis) +1 Enhance

12 for first level, 7 for barb, 20 for Monk, 6 for con

Acrobatics 4 ranks +3 trained
Intimidate 6 ranks +3 trained +2 Cha +6 Str +3 Feat
Diplomacy 3 ranks +3 trained +2 Cha
Knowledge (local) 1 rank +3 trained
Perception 6 ranks +3 trained +2 Wis +2 Racial
Stealth 1 rank +3 trained
Climb 1 rank +3 trained +6 Str
Disguise 1 rank +3 trained +2 Cha +1 Trait
Survival 1 rank +3 trained +2 Wis

Lvl 1
(normal pick)Intimidating Prowess
(race Bonus)Skill Focus (Intimidate)
Lvl 3
(normal pick)Dragon Style
(Class bonus)Improved unarmed Strike
(Class Bonus)Dodge
Lvl 4
(Class bonus)Deflect Arrows
Lvl 5
(normal pick)Disarming Threat Deed

Female Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 2/Monk (Kata Master) 4
TN Medium Humanoid (Elf, Human)
Init +0; Senses Perception +12, Low-Light Vision
XP: ???
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 13. . (+1 Dodge, +2 Wis, +1 Monk)
hp 45 (2d12+4d8+6)
Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +7 (+2 vs Enchantment)
Immune sleep; Resist Elven Immunities
Spd 40 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +11 (1d8+6/20/x2/B) and
. . FoB +10/10 (1d8+6/20/x2/B)
. . Raging Dragon +13 (1d8+12/20/x2/B)
Special Attacks Panache 2/2, Rage 7/7, Ki ?/?
Str 22, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 14
Base Atk +5; CMB +12; CMD 24
Feats Intimidating Prowess, Skill Focus (Intimidate), Dragon Style, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge, Deflect Arrows, Disarming Threat Deed
Traits Adopted (Enlightened Warrior), Flashy Dresser
Skills Acrobatics +7, Climb +10, Disguise +7, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +21, Knowledge (local) +4, Perception +13, Stealth +4, Survival +6
Languages Common, Elven.
Combat Gear Belt of +2 Str, Cloak of Resistance, Wand of Mage Armor (20 uses), Wand of Shield (20 uses), Hat of Disguise, Wand of Vocal Alteration (10 uses), Barghest Hero Cloak, AomF Cruel, Eversmoking Bottle

Coin: 150
Arcane TrainingTreat as a level 1 Witch for spell trigger and spell completion.
Elven Immunities Immune to magic sleep, +2 racial vs enchantment spells and effects
Adaptability Skill focus free.
Keen Senses +2 racial perception
Low Light Vision See twice as far as humans in dim light

Controlled Rage May apply a +4 morale bonus to Str, Dex, or Con, and may divide this as wished in increments of +2. 7/rounds a day. End as free action, fatigued for rounds equal to 2 times number of rounds spent in rage.
Crowd ControlGains +1 on attack rolls and dodge to AC, when adjacent to two or more enemies. Movement is not impeded by crowds, and gains a bonus equal to half barbarian level on intimidate checks to influence crowds.
Uncanny Dodge Cannot be caught flat-footed, nor loses dex bonus to ac if attacker is invisible. Can still lose vs feint.
Reckless Abandon Choose to gain +1 to Attack, -1 to AC, while raging. Scales as power attack with barbarian level.

Panache Gain Panache points equal to cha, max is cha, gain by critting/defeating HD 3 or higher opponents, may use Derring-do and opportune parry and riposte, can use monk weapons and unarmed strike in place of light/one handed piercing melee weapons.
Derring-Do Spend a panache point to get to make an acrobatics, climb, escape artist, fly, ride or swim check with an extra d6. If that is a six, roll again up to Dex mod times (min 1).
Opportune Parry and Riposte Expend a panache and attack of opportunity to attempt to parry an attack. Roll attack vs that attack (-2 per size mod enemy is larger), if higher, the enemy attack misses. Must do this before they roll to hit. If the parry is successful, and they have a panache point left over, may attack as an immediate action if the target is within reach.
Menacing Swordplay As long as has at least one Panache point, after hitting an opponent with unarmed or monk weapon, may demoralize as a swift action.
Flurry of Blows Full round action, to two-weapon fighting with full strength on each attack, -2 to all attacks, treating monk level as BaB. May substitute Disarm, sundar, and trip combat maneuvers for unarmed attacks.
Unarmed Strike Deal increased damage with unarmed strike, and does not need hands free to unarmed strike. Current damage = 1d6.
Evasion Successful reflex save means no damage.
Fast Movement +10 Enhancement bonus to speed.
Maneuver Training Treat monk level as BaB for combat maneuver bonus.

Flashy Dresser +1 Disguise, and Disguise as class skill.
Adopted Gains Enlightened Warrior (Can be a monk while Neutral alignment).

Letter of Recommendation:

This fresh letter of recommendation has been scribbled on. Heavily.
Name: Diene Zaigant Ugh, I hate my last name. :( I much prefer DIENE, THE CRIMSON SISTER!
Race: Half Elf The other half's AWESOME!
Gender: Female I have nothing witty to write. :/
Height and Weight: 4'11", 115 lbs. It's all muscle, I swear! :O
Age: 22 Isn't this something you're not supposed to ask a girl? Hey, isn't it the same for weight?
Special Abilities: Diene is a front line pugilist, while having some talents in activating magic items, and intimidation. PUGILIST? I have the flashiest and strongest Kung Fu this side of the City of Strangers! >:(
Diety: None. Blegh, but I don't want to go to church, Dad!
Languages: Common and Elven. I know everyone knows it, but why don't we call it Human? Is it because you're the only race anywhere that can't make up it's mind on one language?
Rank: Probationary Special Security Forces Haha, I'm one of the fuzz now! Wait... "Special?"
Background: Diene is ... not reluctant to talk about her past. I have heard each of her birthday parties in excruciating detail by now, as well as more than I can count blow by blow reports of her fights. Often, there are more than one of the latter for each of the former. However, as much of her past hails from Kaer Maga, the city of strangers, I have yet to confirm it. She claims to have been born to Aritian Zaigant, a human-type Aasimaar of Agathion-Blood, and Misriel Zaigant, an elf, with seven brothers, each of whom she can endlessly describe to you, often focusing on their favorite punches. I believe her on that, as it explains a lot. She claims to have left her family on good terms, and headed to Nex as a place to fight people with interesting new punches, as well as show off her style, which I also believe. Wow, you paid attention, Sarge. I won't let your trust down, sir, I ALWAYS tell the truth. :P

What we can confirm is her more recent past. Having fell in with criminals, we have her identified and connected with 159 counts of intimidation, 89 counts of assault, 24 counts of property damage, 18 counts of resisting arrest, and 3 counts of disturbing open mic night at the Silver Tree. She was seen fighting on the side of 14 different criminal groups as hired muscle. Upon defecting to our side, she was quite disappointed that she hadn't been identified for all of her crimes, stating she had 5 addition cases of intimidation, and 3 more assaults. Hang on a minute... that only comes to 164... I thought for sure I had made it to a nice round number... Am I forgetting some?

Her defection was when she turned herself in, after acquiring the last 6 counts of resisting arrest by defeating the entire squad sent to apprehend her. She expressed a desire to "switch sides" each of the organizations she had joined with. This was described as being "bored" as well as citing a lack of ability to advance without getting to more serious crime. Note, in each of the cases of assault and resisting arrest, her opponents were knocked out without suffering more than bruises. Despite our initial reluctance, her knowledge was too great to say no, and her performance was so exceptional in the field it was decided to accept her offer. Performance, psssh, that's the right word. None of those opponents were enough to be a real fight! Looking forward to some real opponents, thanks for the reco, sarge. :D

Summary: Diene's loyalties will always be in question, her flighty nature is not to be trusted. Though, she has been on the level in force so far, and has followed orders, though in excessively flashy ways. Likely the most convincing thing to me of her reform has been her reluctance to kill, regardless of target. This is both strength and weakness. Regardless, she has an eagerness to prove herself and display her martial prowess. With proper focus and direction for her talents, I believe she can be of proper use to a special squad. Aw "martial prowess"? You're sweet on me, aren't ya, Sarge? But really, for all the metaphor about "crimson blood", blood is just not the right shade for my cloak and it's hard to clean.

Diene on Social Classes:

Most Comfortable
Wealthy Outsiders:
My belt alone is worth more than ten years of a normal family's entire income, does that mean I'm part of this one? If so, cool. Diene doesn't really consider this her home yet. It's a stage to perform upon, and to soak in the sights. Though Diene may not be as wealthy as them, she has a surprising amount in common.
Middle Class Outsider: Would you believe how many old buds from Kaer Maga I found in ye old underworld? And there was the Sczarni's, and this gnome from Katapesh with a crossbow hat! Good times. She consider this her class, and she always enjoys swapping stories with outsiders.

Woooooh! They know how to put on a party! Who cares about politics? Diene doesn't have the exact social skill set necessary to interact with nobility, to say the least, but she's good enough at picking up on cues to follow someone's lead. One of her favorite non-fight moments in Qantium has been sneaking into a noble dance and managing to fit in. With her looks, bright eyed naivety, and lack of interest in political power, she'd make an excellent trophy wife if not for the fact that she'd make a horrible trophy wife.

Working Poor:
I admire a man with little enough to lose that he can just slug someone who ticks him off. A little more foresight would mean he'd have accumulated a lot more to lose, though. Diene enjoys "hanging out" with the working poor by her definition of "hanging out" is. But she looks down on them, and doesn't sympathize.
Magocracy:Zzzzzzz... To her, the magocracy isn't as flashy and fun as the nobility, and she's not interested in politics. Sooo...
Middle Class Citizens/Wealthy Citizens:Soo.... boring... And they have more rulesssss.... Aaaauuuggghhh...While technically her second most uncomfortable, it's really not uncomfortable so much as "bored out of her skull" and "I don't wanna learn the rules...." Thus I did not include it below.

Most Uncomfortable
Desperate Poor:
I'm the kinda person who, when I want to do something, I do it. So if I had the least bit of empathy for these folks, they'd be calling me a saint and second coming of whatever god is all about kindness and generosity. *three hours later* Hey, did you know I couldn't find a single god with a portfolio that included kindness or generosity? Apparently they aren't important enough to mentioned, or are just subsumed as understood under "good". Diene is quite aware that if she let herself feel any empathy for these folks, she's not the kind of person to donate a little. She's not half-hearted in anything she does. It would be the rest of her life. So, she silences any shred of empathy in her soul in regard to them, and meets them with a stone heart. Their closeness to death unnerves her, and she hates being in their presence.

Diene's Rogues Gallery:

Still under construction lost mah post. BLEEEEH.

Mama Griff Ugghhh... Mama Griff...

Tarnation John A point of consternation on my initial... "hire", shall we say?, was that I couldn't give ya a base of operations or any names for Tarnation John, despite how many times I've worked for him. Thing is, Tarnation John's not so much a gang leader as he is the head of a cult of personality. Tarnation John slams open the door of the room you're drinking and playing cards in with your buds, and says you're on his team for his next gig, you're on his team for your next gig.

About him? Well, the man is, as it puts it himself, "Harder'n Steel" and he's got that unstoppable lonesome cowboy outlaw vibe. Pretty sure he's from Alkenstar, or at least his gun is, and he's damn good with it, and more than a match for me in hand to hand. I like to boast plenty, my punches are not love taps. But I can't even bruise him. OH? What he looks like? Mmm... Well, you know how much I like red? He likes dusty leather brown. I swear, I think he'd bring his own dirt from out of the city if there wasn't enough here already. Leather duster, leather chaps, leather braces, I think the only things he's wearing that isn't is his wide brim hat. Other than that, looks pretty normal for a grizzled middle aged man.

You might wonder what kind of idiots get taken in by him? Well, yours truly, for one. And he picks people like me cause it's not about the money like it is for Duke Lenshir. It's not about the evil like is for Mama Griff. It's about the style. My missions with him were some of the funnest I've ever done. (By the way, did you ever get me on record for the dance hall robbery at Kalinda's? No? Aww... I suppose I was in disguise as the inside man, so it's fair.) If I ever abandon the force, it'll probably because Tarnation John asked me nice after swinging through my bedroom window on fire. Or if I get bored. *SMIIIILE*

Sergeant Aladomus GrenOriginally, I'd call him boring, but his deadpan has really charmed me. I peg him as the kinda guy whose been doing this for faaar too long, who just keeps going because it's what he does. Sergeant Aladomus Gren has made enough missteps to assure that he will never advance in the ranks, but never made a flashy enough one to be demoted. Shares a very predictable but not unwelcome marriage with one Ahuri Gren. They are empty nesters.

Bandaids.This guy's the best. I never fail to get a rise out of him, and he heals me for free! Getting to be even MORE reckless than normal with him around was awesome. I'll miss 'ol bandaids. Guard Sorcerer Illian Farsuil, as Diene has never referred to him by, is an elven cleric of Arshea. Whom no one has ever heard of. :P Illian Farsuil is not particularly devoted, a cleric of weak power, who has long since given up trying to spread his religion here. Thus, he uses most of his little clerical power to heal, thus Diene's nickname for him.

Physical Description:

On first glance, Diene is a half-elven girl wearing a lot of flamboyant red. Red ribbons in hair, red in her jacket, red in her sashes, red in her pants. Everything that isn't a functional brown leather or white undershirt, is generally some shade of red. At second glance with an well informed eye, you notice the skin tone, a shade darker and warmer than normal, and the details of her scarves, you can tell a hint of Varisian ancestry. But even without a well informed eye, you will spot the pumped muscle and the swagger. These two things can be highly informative that Diene is not a little girl.

Fun Quotes:

"Diene is to be commended for her excellent performance of the "good guard, bad guard" routine."
"Though I presume it's bad, I'm curious, which one did she play?"

~Sergeant Aladomus Gren and Guard Sorcerer Illian Farsuil

"You know," WHAM "people always get fussy about violence." *WHAM* "I don't really see why."WHAM "Sure, knuckles and elbows can break your bones,"*WHAM*"but words.. words.. words can break who you ARE." Looks down. "Oh, hum... You're not really able to listen anymore. Meh, my bad."

"I'm curious, Diene, how did you manage to say all that while falling on the suspect from above?
"I climbed an extra story.... Ow... Totally worth his expression..."
~Sergeant Aladomus Gren and Diene.

~Diene and guess.

Mechanics Role:

Other than serving as a front line melee DPS(and tank if she has time to Mage Armor/Shield), Diene has face capabilities with decent diplomacy and insane intimidate (+18(19 vs crowds)) and her ability to remove the "after" penalties from intimidate with Disarming Threat Deed. Good perception, and very good disguise (+17 all the time, and with another +10 with time to buff). She can also use the Arcane CLW wand. :P

Thematic Role/Personality:

The Buddy Cop genre almost always involves a by-the-books cop and a no-rules cop. It's a tired formula, but it's one that has proved itself to work very very well. Diene is the latter, in that the only rules she follows unequivocally are her own. That is not to say she will be playing that perfectly straight as an excuse for a three dimensional personality. She has an aversion to killing, a very firm line that is uncommon for the no-rules cop. For all the tough gal, devil-may-care, attitude with a desire to show off, she also is still very young for a half-elf, and is still piecing together who she is as a person, and could definitely use some good solid and grounded folks to bounce ideas off. She is meant to serve the role of a no-rules cop, with surprisingly sharp morals but also a childish flair for the dramatic rather than tough macho grizzle, who that is also looking for a little introspection and growth. In a party of all rule breakers, she'd probably be competing for spotlight, but with a good relationship with a somewhat straight man or by-the-books cop, Diene should shine. :)