Fabian Benavente |

An alternative to mul might be dwarf. You get +2 to CON and the +2 to WIS is also quite handy (Will saves and so on) and the -2 to CHA is not really a problem for a wizard as their class skills don't really go in that direction. The background wouldn't need to change much (both muls and dwarves are typically slave races) either. And dwarven focus looks pretty useful to a caster too (boost to spell DCs, to hit rolls and so on).
Another very good suggestion with which I totally agree.
Minimal changes to story and 'better' stats for preserver than mul (already decent).
Up to you Cronax.

Fabian Benavente |

Hi Jerrys, I had a read of your background. Barega sounds like a great character. Obviously I'm not the DM, so anything I say can be gladly ignored and anyway should be passed by Fabian. Nor am I a great expert on Athas. However, I had a few comments which you can take or leave.
Halflings in DS are quite xenophobic. Clearly some of them wander, but their main reputation in the broader world of Athas is as murderous cannibals. Clearly Barega's wanderings would have "socialised" him a bit more, buy this is probably something you need to consider - a halfling is a bit of an edgy choice in Athas given their general proclivities. Also, I wouldn't say that he necessarily needed a mentor - the spirits of the land in Athas are quite strong, and it could be they revealed themselves to him or he worshipped them all along (worship of nature spirits is quite compatible with a tribal halfling background). It could be that Barega wandered to perfect his skills and understand more about the spirit world by meeting with other druids in different places where the spirits are strong, and thereby met other people and cultures that mellowed him somewhat in the cannibalistic/murderous stakes.
The episode with Dhojakt doesn't really explain who Dhojakt is/was and what he was up to and why he felt the need to destroy the halfling village. Given the general remoteness of Forest Ridge he'd need some sort of reason to be there (maybe trying to drain the power of some powerful spiritual site that the halflings worshipped/tended/sacrificed passing strangers to before noshing on the left-overs). Likewise, there isn't an explanation for what the human preserver was doing in the village (following Dhojakt?) and why he wasn't eaten. Also, most of the hunters dying in their own forest makes them sound a bit incompetent. It might work better if Barega and his cohorts pursued the defiler out of the forest and into the desert lowlands (for some reason - had he taken something precious or damaged something that needed to be avenged?) and the hunters died in an unfamiliar environment. Also, the presence of the human preserver is less problematic if it happens outside the Forest Ridge. And it might be more fun if Dhojakt is still alive...
Like I say, no need to heed any of the above, but these thoughts presented themselves.
Good suggestions and certainly worth considering. I especially like the one about Dhojakt still being alive...
Guys, just one more note about me being the DM. I very much mean that this will be a team effort with regards to world building. If there's something that you think ought to be changed, please bring it up and we'll discuss it together.
Now let's get character selection out of the way so we can start playing in earnest.
Game on!

Fabian Benavente |

Alright, time's up and it is what it is.
We'll start the game with the following PCs:
Ala'a, female elf oracle (played by tribeof1)
Barega, male halfling druid (played by jerrys);
Gbaji, male half-giant brawler (played by Aubrey); and
Valsavis, male human slayer (played by Sixteenbiticoin).
Congrats to all four of you and I'm looking forward to a great game!
Here's what I need from all four of you:
a) finish up your 'fluff' (appearance, background, personality, NPCs, and portrait); and
b) start/continue working on your crunch.
I'll post the fluff on the campaign page similat to what I've done with my Mummy's Mask campaign here.
We can discuss shared background if you want but I want nothing more than an acquaintance between PCs at this time.
Once all the 'fluffs' are done, we'll start the game in earnest. Hopefully no later than Wednesday February 4th although I'm ready to start NOW.
Once your crunch is complete, please fill out the character sheet; download and overwrite Basha from here. Once complete, send it to me fabian.benavente AT gmail.com and I'll take a closer look. When acquiring magic items, please try your best to make them DS specific and think outside the box. You don't necessarily have to get the typical weapon, armor, stat enhancer. Remember that I plan to challenge you in different ways so an interesting 'item' will make for a better story. I'm all about reskinning stuff as well so get those creative juices flowing.
Questions, comments, and/or suggestions?
Game on!
PS: There's still room for one more PC so if either Hayato or Cronax are still interested, then please let me know and we'll try to fit you in.

Fabian Benavente |

Has anyone else had any luck manipulating the Basha character sheet? I don't have Word and the document is a mess when I open it with OpenOffice. I can view it but not open it to manipulate in Google Docs because I get some sort of script error. Thoughts, suggestions?
Since there's only four of you and if you are still having trouble with the character sheet, then send me the stats anyway you can and I will fill it out for you.
Game on

Ala'a Dawnchaser |

Ok, I'll send it along when I've got everything tidied up in the next day or two.
Another question: Could I add the powers of a wayfinder to my enchanted shield? (Standard cost is 500 gp +50 percent since its a secondary ability, so 750 gp). It would play off the carved constellations on the shield and add a little more to the personal value of that item. If that works I'll ditch the cloak of resistance and pick up a potion or two.

Fabian Benavente |

Ok, I'll send it along when I've got everything tidied up in the next day or two.
Another question: Could I add the powers of a wayfinder to my enchanted shield? (Standard cost is 500 gp +50 percent since its a secondary ability, so 750 gp). It would play off the carved constellations on the shield and add a little more to the personal value of that item. If that works I'll ditch the cloak of resistance and pick up a potion or two.
Yes, sounds fine for the wayfinder/shield.
I always thought that the elven blades were 'katana-like' and you needed two hands. What are they really? Just longer scimitars?
Everyone please remember that you need to spend a skill rank if you want to be literate in Athas.
And I'm sure you meant 'fruit or two'.
Game on!

Fabian Benavente |

Does anyone see my post in the gameplay thread?
It behaves rather weird, because i can´t see my own post there nor delete it therefore.Coming home in the afternoon and details on my character will be online in the next days.
Hey Hayato,
I haven't seen your post in the gameplay nor do I want to. ALL posts from everyone go in the discussion thread. The gameplay thread is reserved for turn recaps.
With regards to your PC, this game is starting no later than Wednesday and I hate to be a hard-ass but it's really up to the GM to keep the game 'orderly'. You've been with us since January 15th and I still don't have enough to properly evaluate your PC.
As such, if you're thinking of joining, there's still time but that window is closing fast. I have also already accepted a halfling PC and I don't want another one; one xenophobic cannibal is enough. :)
If you want to play with the human psion you mentioned earlier, that would be fine. Anything else and please check with me.

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Rejig of Gbaji under the new character creation rules:
STR 18 (+4) (14 base + 4 racial)
DEX 13 (+1) (15 base - 2 racial)
CON 18 (+4) (15 base + 2 racial + 1 level)
INT 8 (-1) (10 base -2 racial)
WIS 11 (+0) (11 base)
CHA 10 (+0) (10 base)
AC 18 (DEX +1, Armour +5, Dodge +2)
BAB +5
CMB +10 (BAB +5, STR +4, Size +1) (extra +1 for Grapple)
CMD 22 (10 plus BAB +5, STR +4, DEX +1, Size +1, Dodge +1) (extra +1 v Grapple)
Move 30
Size M
HP 64 (10 [lvl 1 max] + 6 + 6 + 6 + 6 [lvls 2-5] + 5 [favoured class] + 5 [Toughness] + 20 [CON])
Fort +8 (4 [base] + 4 [CON])
Ref +5 (4 [base] + 1 [DEX])
Will +1 (1 [base] + 0 [WIS])
Alignment: Neutral
Hero Points: 3
Skill ranks 3 (4 - 1 [INT]) x 5 = 15 (*class skills)
Skills: *Acrobatics +9 (5 ranks), *Climb +8 (1 rank), *Escape Artist +5 (1 rank), *Intimidate +13 (5 ranks), *Perception +4 (1 rank), Stealth +0 (1 rank), *Survival +4 (1 rank)
Feats: Combat Expertise (B), Dodge (B), Improved Unarmed Strike (B), Intimidating Prowess, Power Attack, Toughness
Traits: Brute (+1 to Intimidate, Intimidate is a class skill [Racial]), Poverty-Stricken (+1 to Survival, Survival is a class skill [Social])
Languages: Common
Racial Features
Humanoid (Giant)
Low-Light Vision
Powerful Build (counts as Large for CMB and CMD, for special attacks based on size affecting him, and for weapon size, and carrying capacity)
Big-Britches (counts as Large for armour size, weight and cost)
Large And In Charge: +2 to Intimidate checks for smaller creatures
Looming Presence: -2 to Stealth checks
Large Appetite: require double food and water compared to other Medium creatures
Stomp (1/day, ML 2, DC 10)
Favoured Class: Brawler (+5hp)
Class Features
Brawler's Cunning (INT counts as 13 for meeting feat prerequisites)
Martial Flexibility (5/day, 1 minute duration, as move action gains benefit of combat feat he does not possess, must meet the prerequisites)
Martial Training (levels in Brawler count as levels in Fighter and Monk for feat prerequisites, counts as both Figher and Monk for magic item effects)
Unarmed Strike (full STR bonus for all unarmed strkes, lethal or non-lethal damage, counts as natural and manufactured weapon for spells and effects, enhanced damage)
Brawler's Flurry (gains use of Two-Weapon Fighting as a full round action when using unarmed strikes, monk weapons, close fighter weapons, full STR modifier to damage, can substitute tip, sunder or trip manoeuvres for unarmed strikes)
Manoeuvre Training (+1 to CMB and CMD for grapple attacks for grapple attacks)
AC Bonus (+1 Dodge bonus to AC and CMD while wearing light or no armour)
Knockout (1/day, must announce before attack, if attack hits and deals damage target must make Fort save DC 16 or fall unconscious for 1d6 rounds, does not affect creatures immune to critical hits or non-lethal damage)
Brawler's Strike (unarmed strikes count as magic for DR)
Close Weapon Mastery (base damage for close weapons = unarmed strike damage for level minus 4)
Psionic Talent: Conceal Thoughts
Unarmed Strike / +10 to hit / 2d6+5 damage
Heavy Crossbow / +7 to hit / 2d8
Equipment: Hide Shirt +2, Masterwork Heavy Crossbow, 20 Bolts, Amulet of Mighty Fists +1, Healing Fruit (Cure Moderate Wounds), 180cp
Does Gbaji still get a psionic talent? He seems to get plenty already and he has Stomp as well.

Fabian Benavente |

Rejig of Gbaji under the new character creation rules:
Does Gbaji still get a psionic talent? He seems to get plenty already and he has Stomp as well.
Yes, all PCs get the psionic talent in addition to any 'racial psionic benefits'.
Thanks for the crunch. It seems very clear and easy to follow. I'll review later tonight and let you know if I have any comments. No need to fill out the .docx character sheet; I'll do that myself.
I can take the background and personalty (and NPCs) from your previously posted fluff. Can you please write a couple of sentences about his physical description? You may to take advantage of this and also 'describe' his magic items.
Other than that, I think you're done.
Game on!

Valsavis |

I did a bit of searching and couldn't find anything close to what I was envisioning. I was planning on just using my avatar from these boards if that will suffice. I'd rather not choose one simply because you require it and have it not represent the character.
I just finished adding the updated psionics information to my sheet. I will work on the bits and pieces of his background that need fine-tuning. I'm not sure if I will have time to give explicit detail to every one of his magical items, but I will consider it.

Ala'a Dawnchaser |

Does anyone see my post in the gameplay thread?
It behaves rather weird, because i can´t see my own post there nor delete it therefore.Coming home in the afternoon and details on my character will be online in the next days.
Did you just type "dot"? That's what I did and the post didn't show up (I had planned to post and delete) but it did work to "tag" the campaign for me. It may be a new feature of the boards, but I haven't tested to be sure.

Fabian Benavente |

I did a bit of searching and couldn't find anything close to what I was envisioning. I was planning on just using my avatar from these boards if that will suffice. I'd rather not choose one simply because you require it and have it not represent the character.
I just finished adding the updated psionics information to my sheet. I will work on the bits and pieces of his background that need fine-tuning. I'm not sure if I will have time to give explicit detail to every one of his magical items, but I will consider it.
Really? I would have thought your PC would the easiest to find a picture for.
Did you check 'desert ranger', 'desert rogue', etc. in google images, pinterest, deviantart?
In the last two sites, once you identify something close to what you like, you just ask for 'more like this' and you get a bunch.
I have to check myself or I end 'wasting' too much time on those sites. There are just so many pics that inspire me to create PCs, NPCs, scenes, etc.
I mean I can use your avatar but I'm sure you can find something.
Also, don't feel the need to detail every little bit of 'everything'. Remember that this is supposed to be fun so don't turn into a chore.
Game on!

Hayato Ken |

Actually i was talking about the "post" to get the campaign into your gameplay tab. I had it there, but it vanished. Tried again and didn´t come up there. That´s why i asked.
Also as i said i was traveling over the weekend on some business and didn´t have much time there. Initially there was talk about beginning the game on the 7., on what i oriented my time schedule. In between, character creation changed a bit. Now there´s another halfling, that joined later, and you say you don´t want a second one. I´m surely flexible, but there´s not much i can do there...
Of course i didn´t work much on the psion concept, more on the halfling and looked over some materials for that. I´ll be busy again in the evening, but can post it soon.

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Actually I don't see the problem with another halfling if Beraga and the putative second halfling know eachother (maybe were on the fateful raid together). As a metagame thing, I'm a bit more concerned we don't have the equivalent of a "wizard" type - maybe a halfling preserver sorcerer or something.

Fabian Benavente |

Actually i was talking about the "post" to get the campaign into your gameplay tab. I had it there, but it vanished. Tried again and didn´t come up there. That´s why i asked.
Also as i said i was traveling over the weekend on some business and didn´t have much time there. Initially there was talk about beginning the game on the 7., on what i oriented my time schedule. In between, character creation changed a bit. Now there´s another halfling, that joined later, and you say you don´t want a second one. I´m surely flexible, but there´s not much i can do there...
Of course i didn´t work much on the psion concept, more on the halfling and looked over some materials for that. I´ll be busy again in the evening, but can post it soon.
Hey Hayato,
Yes, I changed character creation rules on everyone; sorry about that.
However, I've been saying all along that I only wanted the fluff to evaluate your character. On Thursday (post 171 above), I posted and asked everyone to have their fluff ready for Sunday when I was going to finalize PC selection. You said you would be ready.
So, as stated, I selected PCs on Sunday. There was one halfling PC and it got selected. I tried to make this as transparent as possible. I thought that it was pretty clear.
Right now, I've asked everyone to finish their fluff by Wednesday when the game will start in earnest.
I still want 5 PCs so if you come with something that will 'round out the party' then you'll probably be asked to play. I don't there's anyone else working on a PC at this time. Nothing personal about your halfling, I wouldn't let a halfling in from anyone.
If your PC is not ready by Wednesday then we could probably have him join a little later. No big deal.
If the psion is not to your liking, then offer up some other options.
Game on!

Fabian Benavente |

Actually I don't see the problem with another halfling if Beraga and the putative second halfling know eachother (maybe were on the fateful raid together). As a metagame thing, I'm a bit more concerned we don't have the equivalent of a "wizard" type - maybe a halfling preserver sorcerer or something.
Yeah, I thought about that two; the two halfling tribesmen come down from the forest.
However, there are so many other cool concepts for PCs in Dark Sun that I really want to explore something else.
From a party balance POV, it also makes sense to have something else. Although I have always told my players that I'll run a game with 5 wizards as long as they were being played differently and each had their own voice.
There are plenty of good options.
@Hayato: let us know if you want some ideas and I'm sure everyone here would love to provide input.
Game on!

Fabian Benavente |

Actually, I think I'll go with this one.
See! I knew you could do it! :)
That's actually pretty good.

Hayato Ken |

The outline for my halfling would have been that he was one of Uriks special halfling troops, but deserted because there were some issues with his discipline and adaption to human ways in a battalion like that.
While not a complete wildling anymore, he kept himself some of the native halfling ways. The story goes a lot deeper, but now it´s moot^^
I´ll hurry to come up with a story for the psion untill wednesday.
But wasn´t Cronax going to play a wizard?

Fabian Benavente |

The outline for my halfling would have been that he was one of Uriks special halfling troops, but deserted because there were some issues with his discipline and adaption to human ways in a battalion like that.
While not a complete wildling anymore, he kept himself some of the native halfling ways. The story goes a lot deeper, but now it´s moot^^
I´ll hurry to come up with a story for the psion untill wednesday.
But wasn´t Cronax going to play a wizard?
Cronax decided that the 'new racial stats' weren't favorable for his mul wizard.
We suggested that he consider his PC to be either a dwarf or human (with little to no change in his background) bu he never replied to us.
We last heard from him this past Saturday so 'we moved on' with character selection, etc.

Valsavis |

Valsavis' profile has been updated with his final crunch and fluff (pending GM approval) in case any of you want to give it a read. Very much looking forward to getting the ball rolling on Wednesday.
@Aubrey: I just got around to reading up on Gbaji's crunch and story. Very many similarities between him and Val. I have a feeling they will be getting along quite well, even if it takes some time for them to trust one another.

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Minus the metal armour, and maybe with his hide shirt on, this looks a good representation of Gbaji.

Fabian Benavente |

Rejig of Gbaji under the new character creation rules:
** spoiler omitted **...
Hey Aubrey,
Some very minor comments; please check my math.
intimidate should be +11;
stealth should be +3;
survival should be +5;
large heavy crossbow damage should be 2d6;
did you mean hide shirt +2 or studded leather +2. I'm sure you want to have light armor, right?; and
DC for stomp is 11.
Please walk me through the items purchased. How much for whatever armor you have?
Other than the above, I'm good.

Hayato Ken |

Besides Dwarven, Dray (Draconic), Elven, Halfling, what is a good language to learn?
I just had the idea to do something like this.
Psion with animal companion through feats, perhaps merged with psicristall. A bit weird but cool.

jerrys |
A picture and a backstory scene for Barega.
The man winced and emitted a sharp yelp of pain as blood trickled from his leg.
Barega grinned. "We must set the bone, or your already clumsy gait will soon include a limp as well."
"I know," said the man. "You needn't take such joy in it."
The halfling continued his ministrations to the man's wound.
"That should do it," Barega said, finishing the splint and turning away. His hands were covered in the Man's blood. "Get some rest." His thoughts began to drift. It had been a close thing, this fight. This arcanist was clever, and his mercenaries fierce. The big one had nearly taken this man's leg off at the knee with his hammer, and it would have been Barega's head if the man hadn't interposed himself. Another debt that he would find it hard to repay.
"Don't even think about it!", the man exclaimed sharply.
Startled, Barega noticed that he had been licking the his fingers, and was salivating slightly. He paused. It had been a while since he'd had a good meal... The skin around his eyes crinkled. "No, not today, Man. Maybe tomorrow."

Fabian Benavente |

A picture and a backstory scene for Barega.
The man winced and emitted a sharp yelp of pain as blood trickled from his leg.
Barega grinned. "We must set the bone, or your already clumsy gait will soon include a limp as well."
"I know," said the man. "You needn't take such joy in it."
The halfling continued his ministrations to the man's wound.
"That should do it," Barega said, finishing the splint and turning away. His hands were covered in the Man's blood. "Get some rest." His thoughts began to drift. It had been a close thing, this fight. This arcanist was clever, and his mercenaries fierce. The big one had nearly taken this man's leg off at the knee with his hammer, and it would have been Barega's head if the man hadn't interposed himself. Another debt that he would find it hard to repay.
"Don't even think about it!", the man exclaimed sharply.
Startled, Barega noticed that he had been licking the his fingers, and was salivating slightly. He paused. It had been a while since he'd had a good meal... The skin around his eyes crinkled. "No, not today, Man. Maybe tomorrow."
Yeah, these little scenes are also a good way to portray the background.
Ala'a has several of these.
I'll add it/them to the respective backgrounds.
Game on!

Fabian Benavente |

Besides Dwarven, Dray (Draconic), Elven, Halfling, what is a good language to learn?
I just had the idea to do something like this.
Psion with animal companion through feats, perhaps merged with psicristall. A bit weird but cool.
I think you covered most languages above.
About your concept. Uh, I don't know...
Don't go taking 1 level of something that gives you an animal companion (druid, cleric with animal domain, etc.) and 4 levels of psion with the boon companion feat.
I would rather see a 'coherent character'. You can however go psion with psicrystal or preserver with familiar.

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intimidate should be +11;
Skill ranks 5 + class skill 3 + STR bonus 4 (Intimidating Prowess) + trait bonus 1 = 13
stealth should be +3;
Skill ranks 1 + DEX bonus 1 - 2 racial penalty = 0 (not a class skill)
survival should be +5;
Skill rank 1 + class skill 3 + trait bonus 1 = 5 (I'll give you that one)
large heavy crossbow damage should be 2d6;
A medium heavy crossbow does 1d10 damage, and on the conversion chart in the Core Rules a large weapon version does 2d8
did you mean hide shirt +2 or studded leather +2. I'm sure you want to have light armor, right?; and
A hide shirt is light armour (as opposed to hide armour, which isn't) - see this listing. I hadn't remembered hide shirt until it was actually mentioned in your equipment guide as not being fragile (unlike studded leather).
DC for stomp is 11
Agreed - forgot to add the power level.
Please walk me through the items purchased. How much for whatever armor you have?
Will do in a later post.

Valsavis |

I have tried many times to dot-delete the gameplay thread and nothing happens. I'm not sure why. I assumed it was because the GM hadn't posted yet, but others have been successful?

Fabian Benavente |

I have tried many times to dot-delete the gameplay thread and nothing happens. I'm not sure why. I assumed it was because the GM hadn't posted yet, but others have been successful?
Are you sure?
You must have done something right because you now show as current player and character in 'my campaign view'.
BTW, Ala'a fluff has been incorporated to the campaign page.
If the other players didn't get a chance to do so yet; I would recommend reading both these fluffs because they have some really good stuff.
Game on!

Hayato Ken |

So, i came up with a backstory for the psion, need to type it down and create an alias. No animal companion
Quick outline:
Lalali-puy, daughter of one of Uriks minor trade houses that lost a game of intrigues, the family was slaughtered or enslaved and separated as templars and rival houses took down the house. She was enslaved, suffered and developed some mental powers for protection she used freely to make her miserable life better. One day it failed though and punishment came along. Was saved by the benefactor who brought her out of the city to some nomads. Those taught her more about the way of the mind and she wandered around with them in the wasteland untill called back to Urik recently.

Fabian Benavente |

So, i came up with a backstory for the psion, need to type it down and create an alias. No animal companion
Quick outline:
Lalali-puy, daughter of one of Uriks minor trade houses that lost a game of intrigues, the family was slaughtered or enslaved and separated as templars and rival houses took down the house. She was enslaved, suffered and developed some mental powers for protection she used freely to make her miserable life better. One day it failed though and punishment came along. Was saved by the benefactor who brought her out of the city to some nomads. Those taught her more about the way of the mind and she wandered around with them in the wasteland untill called back to Urik recently.
Good start!
You do know that Lalali-puy is the name of the sorceress-queen of Gulg?
Was this intentional (and backed up in story)? If so, that's fine. If not, then you may want to consider another name.
If you flesh her out by tomorrow (just fluff); you'll start with the rest of the group. If not, we'll fit you in as soon as we can.
Game on!