Dark Sun ala Fabian - To Save a Dying World (Inactive)

Game Master Fabian Benavente

Dark Sun played with Pathfinder Rules (and a healthy dose of house rules) focused on the on-going story of an unlikely group of heroes called to destiny.

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Ok, I love Dark Sun; it was my first online game!

Perhaps, I can be persuaded to run Dragon’s Crown here on the boards but a few conditions need to be met.

1) Players
I want to have three to five committed players. These players would post at least once per 48 hours but these would have to be ‘substantial’ posts (no ‘one line’ posts) that involve other players and promote roleplaying. I’ll move the game forward by doing ‘turn recaps’. Take a look at my Mummy’s Mask game
here to see what I’m talking about. Read a couple of the turn recaps in the gameplay thread. Peruse the discussion thread to see how players post. Yes, it’s a little bit more work for the players and lots more work for the GM but the results are well worth it. I like my players to be a very important part of the world and create NPCs, locations, etc. It’s their world as much as it is mine. I like my games to read like an ongoing story.

2) Conversion
I found this document which I like (I’ll gladly credit the author but I don’t know who he/she is). The races are not overpowered. I need to review the other house rules proposed but, all in all, I think this is a very good start.

Anything else could be obtained from the DS3_r7.pdf from Athas.org.

Now, I need a quick and easy way to convert AD&D to PF. I mean things look like this in the module:

Black Sand Raiders (8): Human F4; AL CE; AC 5
(chitin hide armor, shield); MV 12 (15 mounted);
hp: 25 each; THAC0 17 (+1 to hit unmounted
opponents, -1 to hit with bone weapons); #AT 1;
Dmg 1d6 (medium lance, bone) or 1d8-1 (bone
long sword); ML 16; XP 270.

Or this

Defiler (1): Elf De6; AL CE; AC 6 (exceptional
Dexterity, robes); MV 12 (1.5 mounted); hp: 17;
T H A C 0 1 3 ; # A T 1 ; D m g 1 d 6 ( s t a f f ) ; D e f i l e r
spells: 1) color spray, magic missile (×2), wall of
fog; 2) blur, web; 3) fireball, slow; ML 16.

Granted that my first inclination is to change THAC0 and AC and then ‘wing it’. This game format gives me a very important resource: time. I don’t have to convert the entire adventure; I can do this as I go along.

The above would be easy. However, as you may have noticed, the results will be very weak 4th level fighters and 6th level wizards. But this is good because it means that I can ‘lower’ the level of the adventure (I don’t like high level adventures anyway). The original called for 10th to 13th level PCs; do you think lowering by 3 levels (7th to 10th) is appropriate?

We’ll probably have to adjust treasure level and other things that I haven’t even thought of yet.


Interested players?

Color me interested!

Hey again Fabian.

I'll need to read the pdf later, but it seems interesting. And the world building as you described is something that I really like.
More than that, I find your ‘unique’ play style interesting, I’ll admit I never tried it because I find it extremely difficult do turns recap like that, but the ongoing ‘history’ feel is something really good.

Would love to play but can't commit the time at the moment and not sure when that's likely to change. :( Hopefully you're happy to have lurkers though. Good luck with the game.


I really like the feel and overall grit to the dark sun world, the opportunity to play a Mul or a half-giant is also very tempting. I can see the storytelling appeal of your ‘turn recaps’ system. I looked at several of the "discussion threads" there seemed to be a lot of interaction (which is important to me) not just long monologues, it does seem a little schizophrenic to post both a successful strike and a failed strike, but I understand the need for it. As far as my posting style it really depends on the character and the interaction with the other players as well as NPC's. So I guess in that way I'm a little schizophrenic also.

Two Questions

Where is the combat map for use during combat, I saw the ones at the end of the 'turn recaps' I assume those are available during combat, I just did not see where.

Do you know what level your starting at? I realize you said 7-10, have you decided which specifically?

more drivel:

I'm leaning toward a gladiator half-giant who was ambivalent to the overthrow of slavery and the end of gladiatorial matches. I like the Axis alignment idea, it would allow the character to seem almost split personality, it matches the schizophrenic succeed/fail attacks :) I've been intrigued with the character "Friendly" in the Joe Abercrombie book 'Best served cold' and this would allow me to play someone a little similar.

Definitely one of the best campaign settings they put together in my mind. Count me in as interested.

I remember in the original campaign setting players were suggested to start out as lvl 3 but I'm not sure if this too low for you.


Hey Fabian, this is Nuuko from the other Dark Sun thread. Since it appears that the GM for that game has disappeared (to my utter dismay) it brings me great joy to see that you are willing to carry the Dark Sun torch.

I'd still be interested in playing Nuuko, I will simply modify his build for this level. I will be honest that I've never played pathfinder at such a high level, but I am excited at the opportunity!

Just to refresh your mind, I am planning on going into Soul Archer after I have sufficient levels of Zen Archer and Soulbolt. At 10th level, for example, Nuuko would be Soulbolt 3/Zen Archer 3/Soul Archer 4.

Just let me know if this character interests you and I'll get started as soon as we have a firm starting level.



Edit: I see from the document you linked that both monk and soulknife are disallowed. Are those the class guidelines you will be adhering to? If so, it seems I'll have to head back to the drawing board for my character. Maybe an Athasian bard-type. A roguey character could be quite fun in the Dark Sun setting. I'll wait for your response before I start brainstorming, however.

Wow, OK. I'm humbled by the interest. I hope you guys have checked out the game link I provided and understand that you will be required to write 'a little bit more than usual'.

OK, on to specific answers.

@Robert: Yes, we're not talking only about monologues here. We're talking about describing your PC's actions and 'tagging' other players and NPCs to involve them in roleplaying.

The combat maps are the ones available at the end of the recap. I put a grid on them so you can tell me where your PC moves to. They are not 'live' maps where you move the PC by yourselves but they work pretty decently for tactical combat (flanking, range, etc.)

The success/fail writing is just for posting. The turn recap will have one of the two outcomes.

@Karmic: Right now my gut tells me 7th level starting level but that may change. And if it does change, I expect players to go along with it. If after a couple of weeks, we determine that the challenges are 'off' then we'll adjust something (probably easier to adjust PC levels).

@Nuuko: I want to capture the original Dark Sun feel so if you can point me to a similar AD&D class then we'll do it.

Other questions?

Any comments on the conversion or do I need to start a thread in the conversion area?

Game on!


There is a dungeon magazine #110 and a dragon magazine #319 that both have articles about dark sun which can be very useful i think.

Your posting method is pretty similar to mine, only i guess i use more direct speech and dialogues, what, depending on the rest, leads to more communication often.

No idea on the conversation though, can´t really remember how THACO functions^^

Would you insist on those classes?
Or can you imagine allowing different Pathfinder classes that fit in, with some tweaks?
I think swashbuckler and arcanist could be a good fit too.

I'm pretty good with game on, I do most of my posting at night (EST) is that a problem, I will ask questions and converse back and forth during the day but the primary post will be late. If that is a problem I would understand.

For character backgrounds, if I remember my "Athas" history correct, the city that we start in has been "liberated" and slavery ie. gladiatorial bouts, are a thing of the past right? So would it be ok for my character to start as a gladiator and double class as a fighter to reflect the change in the city?

As far as equipment goes, is anything in the dark sun 3 manual fair game, what about anything from the other books on that webpage?

so either 25 or 4x6 drop the lowest right?

4d6 ⇒ (5, 4, 1, 1) = 11-1=10
4d6 ⇒ (3, 4, 4, 2) = 13-2=11
4d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 6, 6) = 19-1=18
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 3, 1) = 15-1=14
4d6 ⇒ (4, 6, 2, 1) = 13-1=12
4d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 2, 6) = 15-1=14

hard to pass up a 30 point buy.

Level 7 is fine, what kind of starting wealth are we looking at?

That sounds fine Fabian. If you are willing to put in that much work then so am I. Let's see how the dice treat me.

Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 5) = 11 10
Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 5) = 20 16
Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 2, 2) = 6 5 (reroll?)
Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 3, 1) = 15 14
Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 4, 6, 5) = 16 15
Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (4, 4, 2, 4) = 14 12

If allowed to reroll the 5: Dice: 4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 2, 3) = 12 10

Even with the reroll that's only 24 point buy, so I'll take the 25. My (un)luck with the dice strikes again!

@Hayato: I'll take a look at those articles, thanks.
THAC0 is directly related to BAB.
I may allow other PF classes. A daring, cocky fighter (swashbuckler) would be appropriate. I'll have to think on the arcanist since Athas has a veru peculiar magic system.

@Robert: Your posting frequency/times are fine, similar to mine actually. However, I'm not ready to answer your specific questions with regards to wealth, character generation, etc. I can tell you that it will be 20 point buy though.

There is a shared history for your PCs that will be important to the game so we'll talk about that later but you are right, you would start in Tyr, recently liberated. And a gladiator/fighter would be very appropriate.

I'm thinking anything in Athas.org will be fair game but we'll take a closer look at it and modify as necessary.

If I'm lucky enough to have more than 5 people interested, I would have to choose players based on fluff (appearance, background, personality) and willingness to be a part of an on-going story. Previous knowledge of Dark Sun and writing style are important but not determinant (I'm willing to take a new enthusiastic Dark Sun fan) and should be reflected in the 'fluff'.

@all: I just realized that the document offers a 25-point buy or a rolling system for stat generation. Let's change that to a 20-point buy.


I've never played Dark Sun anything, and know little of it, but from what I know of it, it tantalizes me greatly.

I'll be posting a submission soon.


Toying with the idea of a LE Mul Antipaladin. A servant of a sorceror king probably.
Perhaps gone rogue and estranged from his service if the whole Sorceror King bent conflicts directly with party stuff.

Would this fit into the setting?

I'll read up on whatever as I have time, I hate not fitting things into settings appropriately.

Can we still do 4d6 drop or is it all 20pt buy?

@Nuuko and others: No dice rolling necessary, use a 20-point buy.

Interesting but 1/48h is going to be too slow for me.

My heart would break if I don't make the cut since I had a guaranteed spot in the last game and was eager to feast on some Dark Sun pbp goodness!

20-point buy. Got it. I am brainstorming, but I would like to see your final verdict on allowed classes before committing to something. I have had a hankering to play a swashbuckler (inspired blade) recently so maybe that is something I would like to persue. Otherwise, as I said before Asthasian Bard or a Desert Ranger of sorts would interest me greatly. Above all else, I want to honor the original flavor of the series.

This is Nuuko btw, I just ditched the alias since I will not be playing the character.

Edit: Oh! Would you permit the Slayer class? It seems perfectly tailored to fit into the grittiness of the Dark Sun setting and I have an amazing twf intimidate slayer build I've been wanting to try.

Concerning said Mul Antipaladin:

He could be one of the few Templar Knights of Tyr who still held their power as their king fell, struggling to find stability in the new broken status he holds, with many an enemy from his previous dealings.

We could make the psycho-analysis quite enjoyable. What do you think?

I thought I read somewhere in this thread that this would be set in a recently-liberated Tyr, and thought that meant their Sorceror King died. I can't find that bit inside of the thread now, but that is the assumption I'm working from.


FangDragon wrote:
Interesting but 1/48h is going to be too slow for me.

I respect your opinion on the matter but I beg to differ.

Take a look at the turn recaps in the above game. They started on Nov 23 and the last turn went out last night. That's 17 turns in less than 2 months (with holidays in between).

Now look at all the roleplaying that went on in those turn recaps. A turn recap will have at least 2 places (scenes) for players to respond to, unless it's a combat turn where we go 2 rounds at a time.

I realize that this much roleplaying is not to everyone's liking. Most games don't care to meet the mother and wife of a PC or meet the widow and children of a rival. However, this type of game is NOT slow.

But again, I respect your opinion because I know this 'turn recap' game is not popular on the boards.

@Sixteenbiticoin: The original flavor is what we are going for so Athasian bard or desert ranger would be a winner. However, I can also see a slayer in there so if that works for you, go for it.

@That other guy: Mul anti-paladin is not doable. I like my PCs to be heroes. I can see a PC that was part of the templars and changed his mind but mechanically he would have to be something else (rogue, fighter, whatever).

No prob. I'll cook something up!

Is your class list exactly the same as the pdf or is there anything else you'd consider viable? (or not, such as the Anti Paladin)


As of now I'm looking at a Half-Elf Desert Archetype druid, who out of dire necessity and need found himself melding to the environment, saving him from starvation. Perhaps an outlander-ish character who holds a few secrets of the wilds, concerned with survival, but has ideals and sympathies. Perhaps leery of a couple races more than others... But willing to lend a hand.

Does that sound fitting? I'm definitely willing to read up ALOT and this is another very very rough draft concept idea, that can be trashed or developed and tweaked.

I'm all about immersive storytelling and think that I would be able to contribute to this game as a player, and in my character. (whatever that ends up being.) Slow pacing sounds wonderful to me as well.

@That other guy: the class list is not definitive. I just accepted a slayer a few posts above so try if you think it would fit.

The half-elf desert druid is very fitting.

Remember that characters will have shared background that sets up the current adventure. I'll post this later once we have decided on players.

Alrighty! We'll run with that.

What fluff or crunch would you want included for a submission then?

Fabian: How would you rule on Fearsome Finish? It is a vital part of my Slayer build, but I don't want to play an evil character if it doesn't fit in with your campaign guidelines and there are no deities in Dark Sun. It would tie in with the background I have in mind, which I can detail for you if you'd like. It is in a more non-linear vein, so that may or may not work with this game depending on what you have planned.

I can give you the gist: He and his sister ran as guards for his fathers caravan. They were raided by some sort of opposing faction or force and he witnessed his sister's death. He was wounded and left for dead, but was eventually found by the party (an individual or the party as a whole). His main goal is to find out who raided his father's caravan and why, to avenge his sister, and to find out the fate of his father. The fact that he is so hellbent on revenge gives a decent reasoning for his brutal battlefield tactics and merciless fighting habits.

Otherwise, I may run with the Desert Ranger idea (not sure if archery or twf focused). And I see it going hand in hand with That Other Guy's druid. Best buds maybe? :P

20 pt buy, oh well...I really liked the 30 I rolled up :)

I will have a little fluff and crunch up for you by this time tomorrow. going half-giant gladiator/fighter (probably 6/1, due to the latest change and lack of interest in things since then) His axis alignment will be neutral, seeing as how his past master would expect him to be really evil on fight days :)

going to get some sleep and then start writing, thanks for the feedback

@That other guy: fluff is appearance, background, and personality; also add a bit on PC concept (druid with crodlu companion, focused on melee or whatever).

@Sixteenbiticoin: Feat and background are fine

@Robert: I'm Ok with this.

Alright cool.

Here is a less-rough, but still rough submission: It is VERY crude. This is BY FAR no reflection of my writing style, I'm braindead at the moment. midnight where i am... But here is a base framework....

Ulievt, Sandwalker



Short, unkept red hair underneath a white hood of a white tattered robe, covered in lengths of shed snake skins with nothing else but a rope belt and a thin wooden staff, this spindly half-elf wanders endlessly. Green eyes, thin but solid frame, has a face of one who looks like got punched in the face.(if that makes any sense..... this is unfinished, as is the rest of this.)

For many years he has learned to meld with the sands, and stay out of conflict for survival, which has developed into an almost iron-clad lifestyle of solitude.

Originally exiled (or something else) by the force of the Tyran state with his family (or whole town, whatever works best, this whole bit is really just brainstorming as I know it'll change with your intents, which I'm mega cool with.) into the sands for hubris against the Sorceror King of Tyr, he watched as many among him were ripped apart by the cruelty of the sands, and the many threats that it held. He learned over time to hide is better than to fight, because to fight meant to bleed. Soon, after a long while, people began to almost evaporate from his life, and he was the last one left alive. But he too was ready to evaporate. Wandering the sands, he almost died from starvation, and began to almost pray to the earth to help him survive.

A snake came, and bit him. But he did not die. Ulievt could understand the snake. It whispered secrets of the wilds to him through a forked tongue. It taught him how to live and thrive in the sands. Eventually, Ulievt came to see that the snake was a nature spirit, answering his prayer of death.

Quiet and reserved. Introverted, but incredibly curious. Has a strong dislike for Mul and Dwarf kind in general, not due to his own blood, but from his interactions with the lot.

Wants to get by. He is also searching for something to give his life value, beyond the ruthless survival of the sands. Also ponders the world as it used to be, undefiled and full of life. Is afraid of the idea of large bodies of water and drowning. He has never seen such a thing in his life, other than maybe a river or two (but probably not even that). He can call to water with his druidic arts, but will only get what he needs, and never more than that. Almost hates water. Finds himself very content at home inside of the sands. Inside of the endless amounts of time he has inside his mind undisturbed, he has thought of all forms of nature, and has riddled himself with questions. He seeks sources of knowledge which will sate his undying thirst for answers.

He also cannot suffer the greed of the Sorceror kings. When he is able to, he will hinder templars he meets, so long as he does not reveal himself in doing so or put himself at risk in the doing. Has cursed many knights and templar servants of the kings to death by dehydration.

This is very rough sketch status again. I will develop it a bit more as time goes by.

Half-Elf Desert Druid
STR 10, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 13, WIS 18, CHA 10 (4th level adv. goes to WIS)

Will have Wildspeech and Natural Spell feats...

Stealth, Defense, and Utility focused Desert Druid archetype Caster build. Will use primarily Vermin and serpent forms. Will use Wildshape for combat only when absolutely neccessary, will almost always use it primarily for stealth and fleeing from conflicts.
(However in a party setting this would change, I'm noting that for when he would be surviving in the wilds on his own.)

He will have the desert domain, no animal companion. (Friends often die too easily anyways, he'd rather rely on himself and save himself the emotional loss.)

EDIT QUESTION: How opposed/okay with are you about reskinning spells to be more appropriate? Like, I want to use Fog Cloud and Entangle, but plant life and 'air moisture' seems to be at an all time low in this setting.

That Other Guy wrote:
Here is a less-rough, but still rough submission: It is VERY crude. This is BY FAR no reflection of my writing style, I'm braindead at the moment. midnight where i am... But here is a base framework....

Hey, I can work with this; especially the willingness to change/adapt.

Let's if other people get on board.

Will start cooking something up. Will start bouncing ideas off you soon.

Edit: Disregard this post. Going with my planned Slayer/Rogue(thug) build.

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@Karmic: Ok, I look forward to bounce back.

@Sixteenbiticoin: I don't follow you. Why wouldn't rogues be allowed? Rogues are allowed. While I wholeheartedly agree that you should have a PC that you really enjoy playing, I'll admit that you are making me a little nervous with all the 'crunchy' questions. :) If you're looking for a game to try out your super-duper build that will outshine all the other players, this is NOT your game. I like well-rounded characters (no dopes either) that will roleplay and not just rollplay. I just want to make sure you (and everyone else that may be reading) understand that. I'm all about the story here but rest assured that I do roll dice.

Yes, I just noticed that. The not allowing rogues was something I carried over in my mind from the other Dark Sun recruitment. I normally don't get all this excited (I'm a pretty low-key guy, honest) it's just the possibility of playing Dark Sun that makes me act like a fool sometimes. It's just something that I've wanted to do for so long (since the mid-90s?) that I kinda lose my head when the possibility arises.

Trust me, it's not just the mechanics of this concept that I want to play, it's the flavor of the character. I most certainly don't want to outshine anyone else, I just am happy to contribute what I can to the success of the party. And considering Dark Sun's reputation for being extremely deadly, I think we're all going to need all the help we can get. :)

Please, rest assured, I am extremely dedicated and will not disappoint.

Sixteenbiticon wrote:
Please, rest assured, I am extremely dedicated and will not disappoint.

No problem. I just wanted to make sure that we were all on the same page. I like the enthusiasm. :)

Here is sixteenbiticon's alias for this campaign. I will fill in more details once we have ironed out details regarding character wealth and starting location/campaign background.

So this is a thing in motion^^
That´s mostly a good sign!

I believe the arcanist and many of the newer feats are really well suited to the fluff of Athas, especially defilers :D

What i would also be interested in is swashbuckler, barbarian or slayer going into the shadowdancer prestige class, gaining a shadow companion.
Since this is on Athas i would also consider hellcat stealth to be able to stealth in sunlight better. That character would probably depend on flanking and/or vital strike as well as spring attack, being more of a questionable element.

Else i would strongly consider a psion.

@Hayato: I'm fine with the options you listed with the exception of the arcanist; preservers will have to do for arcane. Read my comment above about focusing too much on the 'crunchy' parts.

I´m cool with that^^
More than enough interesting options left for me!

Will think about character concept and backstory.
So, everyone is from Tyr and has a common past?
That would include outsiders like elves etc i guess?

Found this about THACO here:

A rough guide to convert THAC0 and AC to 3.0 and higher is to subtract the number from 20. so 20-THAC0= Attack bonus, 20-AC= (New)AC.

Thanks but right now I'm leaning towards keeping the fluff and just restating the encounters.

They weren't really good at balancing stuff back in the day anyways.

So if you are meeting a party of desert raiders; I'll figure out the party's APL, decided how 'challenging' I want the encounter to be to determine my XP pool, and then provide generic stats for the NPCs. Between the Gamemaster Guide and NPC codex, there are plenty of stats.

With that and some of the stats from the earlier conversions (3.0 and 3.5), we'll be fine. I think it's going to be easier than I anticipated.

Now we just have to find us some committed players...


QUESTION: How opposed/okay with are you about reskinning spells to be more appropriate? Like, I want to use Fog Cloud and Entangle, but plant life and 'air moisture' seems to be at an all time low in this setting.

ANOTHER QUESTION: How do you feel about traits? Right now there is a trait that is sort- of key to the crunch side of this character that I'm planning on using. Wisdom in the Flesh, to make stealth a class skill, and be based off of wisdom rather than dex.

Having difficulty putting together the character that I would want to play. I've been reading manuals on athas.org; unfortunately the more I read the less I know. I've realized I do not have the knowledge of the location to play the character as well as I would like, so I am removing my application. The learning curve with the different posting style I believe will be to much to fit in my schedule. thank you for your consideration and good luck with your game, I will be reading along.

For this character I think I want to explore the concept of disassociation.  I think an event as traumatic as the loss of a loved one or loved ones has the potential to be very devastating upon one's psyche, and in turn would greatly impact one's mental stability.  I'm not saying I would necessarily play the character as insane, but I was thinking more along the lines of having two internal representations of Valsavis: The pre-attack Valsavis, and the post-attack Valsavis.  I am thinking the pre-attack Valsavis could be more innocent and possibly even childlike, while the post-attack Valsavis would represent the character reflected in the build: a bounty hunter of sorts, a merciless killing machine. 

I was thinking I would keep this duality mostly internal, unless you would be interested in the conflict having an impact on his speech patterns (in that case, it probably would play out as more like a character who has lost his mind or whom the other players might think is insane.)  I didn't want to move forward with this without your approval because I wasn't sure if the other players would take to having to deal with what seemed to be a crazy person in the party.  

I was thinking more along the lines that his brutal stoic persona would be a wall he put up to protect his pre-attack self, which hasn't accepted the death of his sister or the unknown whereabouts of his father.  The pre-attack self could also fuel his desire to bring the attackers to justice and serve to justify his brutal battle tactics.  He believes that once the people responsible have been found and dealt with, it would bring him closure and hopefully make him whole again.  Whether this is actually true or not, I will leave for you to decide.  

Please, let me know your thoughts.  Normally, I wouldn't go quite this deep with a character, but I thought it would fit with your format. Is this something you would be interested in exploring in this game?  I can most certainly tone it down or amp it up to suit your preferences.

@That other guys: rekinning is encouraged so go for it. There will be two traits per PC.

@Robert: I understand. One must always make sure the time and desire are there; otherwise the game is no fun for anyone. If you'd like to join in the future, then contact me.

@Valsavis: I'm all for deep, intricate characters as long as they play along with the other PCs and don;t become dull, morose muls (i.e., turn into one line posters).

That Other Guy:
Do you think it would be suitable to have Ulievt be the one who stumbled across Valsavis' body when he was left for dead after the attack on his father's caravan?

I like that it would play with Ulievt's tendencies as a loner and also be the groundwork for a possible debt Valsavis feels must be honored in return for saving his life. Thoughts?

So far we have:

Aku Warashi: interested, new to setting
Karmic Knight: interested
Hayato Ken: thinking of swashbuckler, barbarian or slayer
That Other Guy: half-elf druid
Valsavis: human slayer

If at least three of you follow through with a decent character then it looks like this game is on then!

I've identified another adventure that I want to run previous to Dragon's Crown (very tied to it) making a nice path that will take you all from 5th level to 10th level and provide 2-3 years of real time playing.

Yes, you read right, I said 2-3 years (I have a current game going on 3 years) so make sure you know what you're getting into.

The common tie-in will be that at one point in your illustrious adventuring career (you start out as 5th level), your butt was saved big time by an old preserver. You come up with the details (part of your background). He has now contacted you for a 'service'.

The story starts in the Ivory Triangle so make sure your recent history has you in this vicinity.


Hp/gear specs,

When do you want to start?

I'd like to start at like the end of the month

...So I can get all of my droods' ducks in a row, background-wise.

If this is a long game, I want to do it right.

Starting 5th level.

How do you feel about retraining feats? :D

Alright, time to de-level Valsavis, haha.

I appreciate the campaign details, GM. I guess you can ignore the spoiler That Other Guy as I will be writing in being saved by this old preserver (any details on her/him?). I'm not familiar with the Ivory Triangle off the top of my head. I'll start doing some research.

Echoing TOG's concerns about HPs and character wealth.

Let's take it nice and slow, making characters that I know will get play (like you two) is already playing.

I'll be converting on the fly so to make my life easier and not force me into the crunch too much (so I can concentrate on the fluff), let's keep these PCs as PF level (I know DS is supposed to be tougher).

So let's do max hp at 1st level and then 1/2+1 on other levels.
Character wealth is as PF or 10,500 gp for 5th level. However, I'll have to refresh myself about wealth and what you can and cannot obtain. The 3.5 conversion posted in Athas.org will probably be my 'go by'.

Preserver is older guy who would not accept any form of payment (pay it forward) and said he would contact you in the future.

No retraining feats unless your class allows for that.

Alrighty then.

I'll refrain from buying anything until you're ready and all that. From what I've been reading, it's hard to get a lot of things that are menial on other realms when on Athas.

Retraining Stuff

From that it seems like it's no holds barred in PF rules as long as you put time and gold in.

The only thing I want to retrain is my level 5 feat into Natural Spell. Because I'm a Desert archetype drood I get Wildshape at level 6. That's the only reason I bring it up at all, no cheese, just logistics of wildshaping. So then for that 6th level, before I pick up Wildspeech at level 7, things might be a little odd RP wise, when I'm assuming the form of an eagle or a snake for 7 hours or so.

I'm not saying that things will definitely turn out that way as a standard, just in those ever-impending special circumstances...

...Maybe I'm just paranoid.

ANOTHER QUESTION: About your posting dynamic: I think it's great and I can't wait to use it. Which thread will reality be more based in, the recap thread or the discussion thread? Is the turn recap like a football play-back, or is reality defined more by those posts than the RP inside of the discussion thread? Also, do you just blend OOC posts into the discussion thread as well, or do we use the recruitment thread, or what?


This is That Other Guy, I will be updating this one's profile page as everything melts into one.

I have two character concepts in mind which i will further develop.
Actually three now.

I´m a bit busy untill next tuesday though.
Here´s an outline on the concepts:

First would be the martial swashbuckler/barbarian/slayer. Might be a bit redundant since there already is a slayer. This one would be a captured slave forced to work as gladiator, being a bit sinister because of the past and lost things. Perhaps looking at shadowdancer.

A psion of some sort. Telepath, Divination or Psychoportation. Could be an elf.

A halfling raider. Most difficult to make, since i would love the cavalier class for this with the halfling archetype. Could be some sort of gladiator or mercenary. Would require a dog or wolf, but could be reskinned.

@Reaubalt: Retraining may be OK, on a case by case basis so in your case probably yes.

On posts. Everything will be posted in the discussion thread. The turn recaps will be posted by me in the gameplay thread.

Here's how it goes. I post turn recap 02. We all post in the discussion thread for the situations presented in turn 02. After we are done (usually 48-72 hours), I compile all the posts from the discussion thread, put them in turn recap 3 and add 1 or 2 more 'situations' for posting. If there were any inconsistencies in the discussion thread, I'll sort them out in the turn recap. After it's all said and done, the turn recaps can be read like story so in that sense, it's the 'official reality'.

The discussion threads has both IC and OOC posting; we just need to be able to tell the difference.

@Hayatu: No hurry, just as long as I know you're in.
Concept 1: redundant but doable, no two melee guys have to be the same
Concept 2: doable
Concept 3: doable but you can't have dog or a wolf. This is Athas! Look into my submission for the 'defunct' game that started this thread for a sample halfling hunter.

Guys, the file you want to read is the 3.5 conversion (DS3_r7.pdf from Athas.org); that will give you a good idea on the rules and fluff for races and classes, although it sadly lacks pics.

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