DM Zyren's Heart of Riddles (Inactive)

Game Master Zyrenity

Second Darkness Adventure Path - Drow, Pirates, a gambling hall, for what more can you ask?!

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male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Hopefully a place we shall all be avoiding dear Bree" Winter offers back by way of encouragement.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree does her best to give him a smile, though almost certainly it comes out tight lipped and... uncomfortable looking.

Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

"She didn't just die. The story was that his lover was a spirit, but the local Adabar priest thought her a demon or dangerous or something. He led the islanders that killed her. Now how much of that was superstition, I don't know, but the killing and the suicide are likely real enough based on what we are looking at."

"Yaris. His name is Yaris. If this is his ghost."

Know. Religion -> 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"It is with some regret then that I find us about to have to possibly repeat history. The disquiet dead are the domain of Pharasma, but as she appears to be otherwhise engaged it seems that setting things to rights has fallen to us."

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree grumbles at Sebastian's words. "Can't you guys just like, I don't know, pray for his spirit to be put to rest?"

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

"Would be easier for us if we can soothe it rather than try and destroy it."

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"The thing I note with undead is that they very rarely have a wish to do things the easy way. The very negative energies that drive them have a charge like the blackest soul, and regardless how fair and decent a man or woman you were in life, such energies compelling you back into the land of the living almost always twist and corrupt the soul of the sentient, or fuel the mindless undead to wreak havoc and pain upon all that light touches"

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree groans quietly, "So what's the plan big man?"

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

The plan is we let Winter here and Sebastian talk old mister spooky over there and see if they get him to leave all quiet like. If that fails we cut him down...if we can. Doubt we'll be getting any sleep tonight regardless.

It almost sounded like Kabal was being sarcastic considering his words but he wasnt known for being so subtle. If he had any second thoughts they didnt show as he didnt hesitate to move forward towards the impending confrontation.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

"And won't our weapons go right through him like they did that thing in the caves?"

While the party still seems a bit undecided, the courageous aasimar leaves his cover behind the wall and steps into the lighthouse ruin proper. As if the ghost could feel his entering, he whirls around and eyes the newcomer with blazing red eyes.

It still looks humanoid, but the ethereal body shows signs of most severe injuries. The neck is surely broken, the ribcage opened at several places and at least the left shoulder is shattered.

With a voice that reminds you of the growling of a wolf, Yaris snarls

Who are you, mortal?

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Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

Sebastian creeps along behind Winter, ready to give any help or advice in a stage whisper. He takes in all the detail of the specter's appearance and the tenor of its voice.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Well met, Yaris. I am Winter, family member of Erastil, and I have come to share the good word and his well wishes for your future. Do you have time today to talk with me about what troubles you may have and how He may help you, friend?"

Whilst his comrades have no doubt come to think of Winter as the Paladin of Erastil, his bearing is now a reminder that he was a Cleric first. His posture erect and righteous, his smile friendly and warm, his angelic Aasimar heritage screaming blessed divinty and given accent by his ornate gleaming full plate.

Diplomacy 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (19) + 10 = 29

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Caterine stands back, waiting.

Winter - got a late night TV infomercial feeling :P
Offer him a free set of steak knives if he converts today!

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

Winter is earnest enough to be a Televangelist, but probably too decent at heart :p

Yaris rolls his eyes and a drop of ethereal saliva runs from his mouth

A cleric? Why have you come? Virashi is already dead, you can't burn her again, hah!

suddenly the creature seems teriibly sad, as if the memory of his lost love still burns like a fresh wound

I...I can still hear her...she wails in terror and agony, but alas, I cannot reach her, I'm bound to this god-forsaken rock.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

Sable approaches to stand behind Winter and watch as the conversation with the spectre unfolds, a bit entranced by the sight of the once mortal man before them.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"The only thing Erastil sees fit to burn are tracts of wilderness in need of renewal, like the humble pine trees who seek the touch of flame to open their cones which in turn release the seeds so they may grow fresh saplings. I know little of this Virashi, and only a little about what transpired here, but my companions and I are stalwart in our efforts to correct injustice and to right wrongs. Perhaps we can aid your cause if the solution is just and decent, perhaps we can find a way to free you both"

"We have come because of the star that fell from the heavens, it has released fell beasts which must be stopped. We also are aware of darker things on this island serving the forces of Evil, and we would ward them away from Riddleport"

Pf fell bests I don't know, but Dark forces of evil? You speak of the black twins of the elves, don't you? They are the ones who imprisoned my Virashi in her cave, so she is unable to visit me...I miss her...I long for her...Priest of Erastil, can you free her? Can you drive away the drow?

His voice sounds much more human now, nearly like a mortal's one.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"They are indeed the dark forces we have come to confront, and Erastil willing, they will be driven from this rock. You say Virashi is imprisoned by them, well once they are routed then her bonds will no doubt be loosened and you star-crossed lovers may once again meet up, but what then? Will you move on to a rested sleep together in the afterlife? Would a reunion have you leave this place?"

"I also ask we be given freedom to explore the lighthouse, though the hour grows late and the night comes to us, we must ensure we know as much of the history of this island as possible, any building might hold clues to the power of the Drow and what they are doing here"

Slowly the ghost shakes his head

Leave this place? That's impossible...but I swear that once we would be reunited all wrath would leave us, we would not pose a danger for anyone anymore...

Then he turns to the lighthouse and says

Search this place, but I doubt you will find anything of value - what I can tell you is: The drow came here long before the comet hit the island. I felt that they created a strange field of magical energy whose power waxed until the impact.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

OK well give the area a search, see what might be still in the lighthouse such as books or notes, search quickly any outbuildings... being carefull to stay together (as it is dark) and at all times someone is watching out in case this spirit is not such a friendly ghost after all

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Kabal motioned that he would stand watch. He wasnt one for shifting through mess for clues and would probably miss anything if it wasnt blatant. Plus he would be no help if the did encounter some sort of magic effecting the place. He positioned himself where he could try to watch everyone.

Perception - 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree stashes one of her daggers, keeping one in hand at first, so that it's still ready should she need it but the other hand is free to help search. Should things remain calm, or should she need her other hand, she will finally stow away the second dagger. She too keeps an eye out, she could do no less if she wanted too.

Leave or stay, she doesn't care what the spirit does, she just doesn't want to piss it off.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Yaris returns to the edge of the cliff staring out to the ocean wailing from time to time...a sight you will probably never be able to forget...

The inside of the lighthouse is suprisingly intact with only minor damages done to the walls and floors - however, the rests of furniture shows all signs of the hazards of time, wind and rain...

amongst many broken, rusty and now useless things you find a ring with a large saphire under what looks like the remains of a bed.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

OK as it is night, we may as well stay local and at the Lighthouse. Keep double staggered watch (two on at all times) and rest for as long as it takes... think weve done the whole island, unless we missed soemthing important, so next stop is going back to face the cave and the Demon + Elves. Was really hoping we'd get extra clues/level etc, but guess we are going with what we have!

Winter checks the curiosity.

"I don't suppose that this could have been an engagement ring?" he offers, slightly concerned. "Never mind, keep a watch out through the night for anyone or anything advancing on us, for I suppose there is now nothing left for us to do but rest well and prepare for a push on the Drow"

Finally, Winters unquenchable enthusiasm seems weighted down with resignation and concern.

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Kabal stood outside leaning against the tower as the others searched the creepy place. He watched the shade and his cliffside vigil. The occasional wails set his teeth on edge and if he'd thought he couldve ended it with his sword he wouldve walked right over and cut the man down. Didnt seem that wasy though. Which was really too bad.

poor bastard...

As Winter picks up the ring, Yaris sighs audibly but does not turn around. A moment later he says with grave voice

The value of an object becomes unimportant to a ghost, but not his former symbol may keep it, since I don't want to fight over it with you, but I would bid you to leave it where it was.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"I would not consider stealing from the dead, but I wondered whether it might be of some significance, an engagement ring perhaps, and a token we could have passed to your love to signify your desire to see you bound by love here together. Was it your desire to marry and live to an old age here in this place?"

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Even Bree feels a bit of some sort of stirring at the ghosts request to leave the ring be. Her nose scrunches up a bit and she shifts her weight around, clearly discomforted by the intrusion of sympathy and the ghosts expression of heartfelt emotions. "It's quite lovely." She whispers to the night... Now hurry up and put it back...

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"It is quite lovely, not for what it is, but rather for what it represents. Hounour, dignity, the promise of love, the cornerstone of family. The ring forms a first bond of family, and family is the greatest gift of all"

"You do good deeds Bree, a noble and decent heart beats within your bosom" Winter shows a slight smile of approval, but not so wide as to make her uncomfortable with a show of strong emotion.

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Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Normally, praise is in and of itself enough to make Bree want to hide her head in the sand, but alas, overtime the wizened yet somehow at times naïve Aasimar has made his own little special place in her heart with his frequent words of encouragement and terms of familial endearment. Now, she finds herself not embarrassed by his praise, but merely annoyed with herself for being so pleased by it instead.

She replaces the fleeting grin with a stoic look, and offers a shrug and a self-defiant, "If you say so, Winter."

On a side note, Winter just referenced Bree's "bosom" and as innocent as it was, it was kinda hilarious.

Virashi would surely recognise the ring and since she knows that I would only give it to a friend, she will understand that you are coming to aid her. Keep it, it was a sound idea you had. preist of Erastil.

says the ghost, now looking at the black black stone formation where the drow dwell.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"It goes to her or is returned here to you, only two destinies lay in store for this ring" Winter promises the spirit.

"You stare off to the stone formation that houses our enemy, I pray that the stone does not also become our crypt. There id a Demon there which will test us surely, I will pray hard to Erastil that he may hear us and give us triumph, but that demon cares little for our blades and our will to see him banished... we are armed with faith, and it will have to be enough"

"Good night spirit, I shall pray hard that the dawn that comes will herald a day truiumphant for us, and a reunion for you... not a day where we join you in the great hereafter"

Winter goes off to pray and sleep.

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Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

LOL @ Bree! Id already had a typical Kabal-like response for that and now I'll have to stick with it ^_^

Kabal's eyes widened in shock at Winter's mentioning of Bree's bosom. He'd thought he was the only hot blooded male amongst them to have noticed. It was bad enough she was always putting them on display when she crossed her arms under them but now the priest was talking openly about them!...this damn island is driving us all mad...we rode a toppling tower and dance with drow and we're talking to ghosts and Winter's getting poetic about things better left unsaid...I need some sleep...and bad...

He shook his head to clear the thoughts and finished his shift on watch before trying to fnd some sleep. He was actually looking forward to facing off with the shadow demon on the morrow.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Beautiful, Kabal. Just perfect ;)

Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

"Imprisoned in a cave?...I think we saw the evidence of that. One question that I must ask, please. What form does Virashi now take so that we will recognize her?"

Her form?

the ghost does not seem to understand at first, but after a deep sigh he explains

For me she will always remain the beautiful birdmaiden she once was...but I fear she is now some form of banshee...

his voice trails away and he looks back at the sea


The following night is a very quiet one and no one disturbs your sleep, somehow you even think that Yaris watched over you. A sunny morning and the cries of seagulls awaken you, Yaris is gone and Mercus asks for a breakfast - seems like everything is back to normal.

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Caterine wakens early and any who seek to find her see her reflecting upon the calm of the sea as the waves roll in and out.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

Sable spends his watch entranced by the spectre, listening to the waves crash around the bluff. Waking, he renews his vigor.

"Shall we fetch a few fish before plunging back into the muted den or darkened honeycomb?"

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Kabal hands Mercus one of his trail ration packs and will give anyone else one as well.

From what Ive seen; fishing could take all damn day to get a bite or be a busy day from the first time you cast. To fickle if you ask me. I got rations if your hungry but I dont think we can delay much longer.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree spots Caterine in her reflections while scouting the area at first light. She leaves the woman be, though, understanding all to well the need for a few minutes alone to think.

Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

Sebastian awakes with a start, almost surprised to find himself not attacked in the middle of the night. He still takes a moment to check himself for bites. Satisfied he rises and finds his way to some of Kabal's rations.

Between bites of hardtack, he makes notes in a journal while muttering to himself. "A Bansee...that will be interesting to see. A deadly damsel in our story. That on top of Yaris a full-blown ghost full of remorse." He continues writing what he remembered of yesterday, the void riders, the Drow, the Shadow Demon. When he gets to describing the state of the lighthouse he pauses and looks up, "Sable, did you catch that Yaris called her his Birdmaiden? An interesting pet name, no?"

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

Winter rises and starts his preparations for the day.

"I suppose the first consideration will be what to do about that Demon. I have prepared my prayers to include one that will imbue a weapon with the grace and will of Erastil, all the better to strike at the thing. Ensure you each have some sort of weapon made of cold iron, and have them on hand for the opening of the foray. If we can crack that demon and send it back to the Abyss then we will have created a good foothold in the caves. I will be using my prayer to enchant Kabals weapon, as he will join me at the forefront of the fighting."

"The Drow are a clever and cunning lot, so I expect they have laid on traps and alarms to warn them of our approach and to hamper us in our efforts. I suspect that a few days waiting around will have cooled their enthusiasm for an ambush and they will have returned to carrying out their broader plans"

"As to Yaris' lady love, we must also approach with caution and diligence, for who nows how her anger may have grown if she is indeed trapped by the Drow."

If there's nothing left to do and theres nowhere usefull left to explore then ready to move to the tunnel...!

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Caterine stands from her spot of solitude and dusts off the dirt, before moving back to the group "Aye, lets be ending this." though not looking forward to the slippery ledge that has twice almost claimed her life...

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"This time as we cross that ledge I recommend we take our time and rope it carefully. No point rushing only to find we have one of us slip and fall, and the Dark Elves and their Demon ally are unlikely to be sticking their heads out into the sunlight too often, so we may yet make it unnoticed"

Didn't you say you wanted to take a look at the old pirate ship that has run on the reef in the west?

Mercus asks while munching on something meaty from Kabal's rations.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Not sure we can burn another day and await another dawn, unless that reef is not too much a detour...I'm keen to get to the assault with the Sun overhead."

Is it close? We haven't done real well putting on levels and gear since arriving, and I'm half drawn to go there just to suck up some xp as I guess we are sort of getting close to 5, and every bit will help!

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

A pirate ship? Cold have loot stashed on board. I just hope it isnt out in the damn water. Then again we'd be safe from akatas if it was. Those ghosts aren't going anywhere and what's another day or so delay on the drow cave? Just gives them more time to grow lax. Don't matter either way to me. Make the call and let's get moving Winter.

Kabal used some spare camp water to slick his unkempt hair back and scratched at his bristly jaw. He could use a bath and shave but he'd gone alot longer without either before so it wasn't too bothersome.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

"Such curious sights at Devil's Elbow. Darkened kin, and loves long flown. Yes, Sebastian this will certainly make for a tale. I do hope to see this Birdmaiden, if her sorrow will not usher us closer to the grave."

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