DM Zyren's Heart of Riddles (Inactive)

Game Master Zyrenity

Second Darkness Adventure Path - Drow, Pirates, a gambling hall, for what more can you ask?!

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Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Caterin shrugs off the thanks as she sips at her own glass of port.

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male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

Winter looks at Bree for a moment, then to Cat, then back to Bree; eyes blinking as though he is still grappling with what was just said.

"Perhaps I shall go and ensure there are suitable rooms for us all, if there aren't then we can move to the mission." he regains his composure and excuses himself to go look at the accommodation.

But he is not even able to rise as the steely grip of two hands presses him down on the chair again. A broadly smiling Clegg Zincher has arrived at your table and telling by his look, he is more than proud of his slimy gambling den.

Hah! I see you like the Ostetatious Ooze? The name's my own ceation, the whole style, too - great, eh? A thing Riddleport had never seen before.

Complacently he nods and grabs a nearby chair

So, I guess you won't be staying here for long, but I have already found some more suiting rooms for you - heroes like you don't have to rest here, I have rooms for you in the Overlord's palace.

Kwava leans over to Sebastian and whispers

Once you have translated the journal we have to meet, meanwhile I'll check some sources...maybe I can find out something about new residents in Celwynvian.

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male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Truly a unique taste. Are you sure it sends the correct message? I know little of such matters, so I defer to your judgment. I know Saul ran a rather gaudy casino, and you needed to make it more your own, I was just expecting something less... colourful"

"We have a few things to do before we move of again, there is need for an armourer of good quality, with a large workshop. We need much made. I also need to look in on Sven to ensure that he has safely found his feet set upon his new righteous path. I am rather keen to take you up on your offer to visit your Palace, no doubt your men are in need of a few kind words of guidance, just as you have benefitted from His words of wisdom... oh how it warms me through to think you have so readily taken the teachings of Erastil to heart and that you would ask me to come to your home and speak to your followers in earnest that more of His good gospel can be spread and lighten the heavy burdens of their rather wayward lives. I can't wait to get over and start sharing the good word!"

Winter looks once again at Bree curiously, as if checking what he thought he may have heard earlier.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

Speaking to Kwava in

"Please let us know anything you find."

Sable smiles as he looks up at the new proprietor, "This place certainly oozes with all the charm of Clegg Zincher. I hope that you find business to seep in and stick around... much like this curious drink. Yes, unique taste."

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Caterine gamely manages to hold her tongue and not tell Clegg what she really thinks... but settles for a simple raised glass in way of partial salute.

Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

Sebastian nods at Kwana's words. "A top priority. And I have the best of tutors to help," as he waves his glass in Cat's direction.

As the choice in accommodations seemed to going from bad to worse, "Here, Here. Yes. We must be off to help the wretches."

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

HERE! I meant here! Rofl. The orgy thing is probably more Alana's style :P Though at base, Bree is as in to women as she is men, she just doesn't seem to be into either of them too awfully much.

Bree seems lost in her thoughts and doesn't see Clegg approach, but as soon as Winter begins to rise, she looks up in time to see Clegg press him back to the chair and she quickly draws the knife strapped to her thigh, keeping it beneath the table long enough to see Clegg is taking no actions to harm Winter. She holds on to it momentarily before sliding it back home. The idea of sleeping in Clegg's home makes her skin crawl.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Aha, Sebastian too has been moved to help spread the good word too, this is truly an extraordinary day, why Clegg I believe that united we might be able to put your whole crew on a new and righteous path to salvation this very day, could you imagine how good it would be for Riddleport if all your men shifted their hearts from rougishness to righteousness? Perhaps I might need to stay in your stronghold a while though, just to ensure their budding flowers of faith can take deep roots, but how glorious an opportunity!"

Winter seems barely able to contain his enthusiasm at getting to preach to all of Cleggs men in their very home. Winter looks back at Bree again, the assured look on his face suggests he is now sure of a thought, he rubs his ear a little as if to clear it.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree's eyebrow twitches slightly under Winter's repeated scrutiny. She wonders if he isn't beginning to think that she may not be worth the trouble after all, since he buys into the miraculous conversion of other Riddleport natives while she has clung to her "roguishness".

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

Perception 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

When few are looking, Winter simply gives Bree a slightly conspiratorial smile as if suggesting to her there is something else going on she might find rather humourous, but says nothing.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Never one to really understand people, Bree shrugs off Winter's smile as being nothing more than normal Winter behavior, and offers him the same smile in return she always does. However, it has become to look less awkward, whether from genuine emotion or merely that with practice she has begun to perfect the social nicety.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

Bluff 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27 - Transfer hidden message to Bree.

Seeing Bree is now making eye contact, Winter draws his eyes first to Clegg whilst Clegg isn't looking, then to his Parables of Erastil then back to Bree and raises his eyebrows incredulously. Winter's expression makes it plain to Bree he is 'up to something'.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree nods slightly to indicate that she will follow his lead. She's not sure exactly what he's up too, but she'll play along.

"I'm sure they would all be happy to see what a shining example I have become after learning of the ways of Erastil. I make an honest living now, I haven't had to beg or steal for food since having met Winter and being taught to follow the path of Erastil. Truly, I have been blessed."

Bluff 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

It sounds dry and unenthusiastic coming from Bree, which pretty much means she sounds like herself.

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Kabal came close...very close... to leaping over the table and throttling Zincher when he put his hands on Winter's shoulders like he did but with the priest smiling the whole time he wouldve felt like a stone headed fool for doing so. He did key in one one thing the scoundrel said.

Overlord huh? Sounds fancy. Same as a palace. Hope it aint decorated as ghastly as this joint. You got hot food here or what?

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male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Ahhh see there..." Winter remarks to Clegg, "Since dear Bree has joined in my family she has enjoyed nothing but the honest fruits of honest toil and labour, only the most minor of indiscretions may have passed her mind, but not a single deed can I say I have seen that has been anything less than exemplary. Can you imagine how me staying at your Overlords Palace could so amazingly transform your empire? With us as your guests there it would send a clear sign to your men that you were endorsing me spreading the joys of order amongst them, no doubt you'd be thrilled to see them all turn to honest trades and honest means, should we head there fairly soon that I might find a good spot to begin holding sermons? Or would you prefer we stay here at the Goblin in the interim whilst you think about our living arrangements there at your stronghold and prepare more fully for our arrival at a later date?"

Sense Motive 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Winter watches Clegg for any clues to his feelings about all that 'goodness' soon to be arriving at his doorstep.

During the whole conversation Clegg has become more and more uneasy

Oh, when I give the whole thing a second thought, I guess it's better you stay here. The palace still bears the stench of the former owner and I would like to show you the place when it is refitted for me. I'll get you some rooms at the Captain's Lodge, the best hotel in all of Riddleport, watched by the Gendarmes all the time, so you don't have to worry about safety and so on. I heard they have a famous halfling chef there too, Bobo...uh something...There you will also find Kadar's workshop only two streets further down to the harbour. An excellent smith he is.

With that Clegg stands up, tells the nearest jelly cube that all your drinks are on him and that he should give you 50gp in chips for gambling.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"You are a most thoughtful host dear Clegg, it is very considerate of you to wish to clean and have the place in order before recieving guests, Erastil himself tells us of the virtue of maintaining a clean hearth and home for the better administration of ones family and to ensure all guests are well at ease, so I can only seek to congratulate your seeking to adhere to such wisdom so earnestly. Should you have a few free moments in your busy schedule over the next while, please put aside some time that I may share with you some more readings of The Parables that you may be further enlightened as to His great plans for your future" Winter gives Clegg a fond farewell wave.

Once Clegg is gone Winter sits relaxed once more "Perhaps the new rooms secured for us at the Captains lodge might make a nice compromise for us all, maybe staying with Clegg might have been less than suitable for the time being, I am comforted that he sought to offer us his hospitality so freely, suppose it is for the best that it was politely postponed if it wasn't going to be suited to our mutual purpose"

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

More than likely he had a plan for finishing us while we enjoyed his palace. Lets get the hell out of here. This Captain's Lodge sounds like a more secure location...especially after you have a talk to them Gendarmes.

Kabal will finish his drink in one shot and make ready to leave.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2
Kabal Breven wrote:
More than likely he had a plan for finishing us while we enjoyed his palace.

"I suppose he changed his mind on having us stay with him; you don't think it is something I may have said do you?" Winter asks, with just the right level of earnestness, the look in his eye, however, suggests he knows full well what just took place, and he knows his fingerprints are all over it.

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Hah! You know damned well he was scared s#*!less that you would convert all his loyal lapdogs into righteous men. And then where would the Overlord be? Without anyone willing to do murder for him thats where.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

"That was really rather devious of you, Winter. Perhaps I've rubbed off on you more than you think. Clearly Sebastian's acting skills have."

Bree downs her drink as well and stands from the table, she is clearly eager to leave the place.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2
bree wrote:
" Perhaps I've rubbed off on you more than you think. "

Once again Winters eyes go a bit saucerlike as he looks at Bree, then he recomposes himself back to his normal demeanour.

"Some might say devious, others, like myself, merely painted a picture for him of what the future may hold should he choose to stick on his course of action"

"It's all part of the plan, and the plan is moving well" Winter smiles rather self-assuredly

Liberty's Edge

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Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

"Can't tend the field without getting your hands dirty, eh Winter?"

2 people marked this as a favorite.
male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Very much so Sable, very much so."

"I believe Cleggs offer to stay with him was probably rather genuine, and that he unlikely bore any real malice or hidden intent within it. I would go further to suggest that we would have simply been treated to a few days generous hospitality before we moved on to our next adventure, however I believe that a certain distance might need to be maintained between him and his, and us. I doubt you'd all be at ease in such a place, but to simply refuse the man would have been unacceptably rude on my behalf, as he was making an offer of hospitality and reaching out, to flatly deny him would have been somewhat unwarranted and may have caused a needless offence, it might also have undone some of the progress made. Hence I simply gave him a glimpse at a future possibility our stay might engender, and gave him a way out"

"Clegg has come a great distance away from the man he was to the man he now is, however the foundations of his budding faith are still new, they have not developed any sort of deep root, and this must be considered, a wild animal is and always will be a wild animal, no matter how familiar we might become with it, and it behooves us well to remember its true nature and understand it may revert to its old ways with little notice. Clegg is no different"

"Riddleport is an overgrown forest full of spikes and poisonous things, a treacherous place for the unwary and a miserable destination for the cautious, it is my hope that I can at least clear some acrage within it that the seeds of hope can be planted and faith spring from it. I will never tame the forest, but I can make a few goodly sized patches of order. The nature of this city dictates that there will always be a nasty underbelly to it, and only the most recklessly naive would think this could ever really be different. So I need Clegg. And I need him exactly where he is, I need him as Riddleports number one Overlord with an undisputed claim. What I then need to do is exist ever at the edge of his mind, tempering the worst of his deeds and thus limiting the number of unchecked atrocities we used to endure when it was a bunch of warring factions roaming free. Now we just have one Overlord, and with no Saul or Croat around there is no one to cause him threat. We can have some semblance of general order"

"If he was ever truly converted, the criminally minded of this city would simply have a new replacement up in days, nature abhors a vacuum and so that space would be filled. Then we'd be back to square one. That's just how it will always be"

"With all that said and done, Clegg also needs me around, for he knows that I am about the most reasonable and realistic agent he will encounter from the side of lightness. He understands that from order springs properity, and knows he needs to indulge some semblance of stability for the population if they are to stay and toil for coin, even if it is to hand back to him in his casinos and alehouses. I can only imagine what might happen and how many would be killed if a bunch of disciples of Iomedae came through trying to effect change. If they can see that a holy quest to bring light to Riddleport is already taking place, they might be discouraged from trying their hand at it. Similarly, anyone trying to depose Clegg will know he has an angel on his shoulder that has a desire to see him stay right where he is"

"Indeed Sable, the farmer needs to get his hands dirty if he is ever to plant any seeds, it just seems for a while mine will be elbow deep in sh;t."

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

Sable looks to his worn mantle, decorated here and there by leavings of his own familiar, smiles and shrugs. "I can't say that's something I'm not already accustomed to. You are a credit to your patron, Winter, and you do us all well with your company." Sable pours another glass and raises it, "To the fine and expanding flock I have fallen in with." Quaffing the glass, "I do believe now, though, it is time to fly to wherever we are nesting this evening, lest Bree start tearing out her feathers in anxiety."

Fortitude Save 1d20 ⇒ 3

Sable stumbles a bit as he tries to rise from his seat, and leans heavily upon his staff.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"To the flock!" Winter downs his drink as well, then helps Sable to his feet. "And now lets head to Captains' for a well deserved bath and bed"

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree furrows her brow as Winter gives her yet another odd look. Aside to Cat she asks, "Is there something on my face, or in my hair or something?"

To the group in general although she seems to mostly just be rambling to herself, "Yes, a bath sounds quite nice. I remember a time when I had to go weeks with little more than a dip in the water down by the docks to clean myself. That was never very pleasant. The dock workers watched me a little too closely and I never felt clean, not to mention it was oh so cold. Indeed a bath, a hot bath sounds wonderful."

VC - Sydney, Australia
Bree Longfield wrote:
, "Is there something on my face, or in my hair or something?"

Not yet.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

roflmfao oy vey.


The jelly cube at the door looks a bit sad as you leave without having gambled...two streets later you still ask yourself how he was able to look sad...but nevermind, the Captain's Lodge is an impressive three-storey building, its front decorated with hundreds of steering wheels of old ships. A gendarme stands next to the door and chats with a cute serving wench as you arrive. He gives you only a superficial glane - obviously you are not the kind of visitor that frequent this place often.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Dear friend, I believe Mr Zincher has requested some rooms on our behalf." Winter looks about. "Perhaps you'd care to arrange them quickly and my friends and I will wait in your parlour in the meantime, some Port and dried fruits would be lovely, and some hot baths. Some separate for the ladies, I believe they would like to preserve their modesty"

With that he heads for a warm fire if he can find one.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

Wait, we don't even get to vote on group baths?!

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree's taken group baths before. In the ocean. With about 12 other street rats. In their clothes. Without soap. She would so totally take a group bath with you guys, in clean, hot water, without clothes and with soap.

Knowledge (local) to know who the owner of this fine establishment is 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

you can't remember who owns this place but he is most probably very rich :)

The Gendarme eyes you again, this time more thouroughly

Sir he nods and pushes the door open for accomodations you have to ask inside, I'm just a guard.

The inside of the Captain's Lodge consists of a large dark wooden taproom. Old maps line the walls and the whole furniture looks like it was taken out of a captain's cabin.

An old bearded man wearing a worn tricorne stands behind the bar and polishes some flagons

Ahoy and welcome to the Captain's Lodge fellow privateers!

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Aha! I'll request again, Mr Zincher has requested some rooms on our behalf, perhaps you'd care to finalise their appointment whilst my friends and I wait in your parlour; in the meantime, some Port and dried fruits would be lovely, and please run some hot baths. The ladies will require baths very much separate from the mens bathing area, for modesty of course. Do you have a masseuse? All this armour is starting to chafe"

The old man nods friendly and whistles, soon half a battalion of servants swarm around you and bring you everything Winter has demanded. Baths are prepared and you receive wonderfully luxurious rooms.

Mir. Zincher has made absoluetly clear that you should receive everything as you demand it. the old man says while bringing you the plate with Port and fruits.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"So friends, I suppose you may recover in some comfort, but there is some work to be done at least by me in the daylight hours. I must check on Sven, and there is a book to decipher. With luck we won't have too much conflict to contend with"

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Kabal wasted no time stripping down and sinking into the hot bath. He ahd been at the point where his own stench was offensive. He'd need to clean his gear and shave as well but first soap and hot water.

I can go look into getting a smith started on our noqual armor while you do that.

Liberty's Edge

Male Elf Witch/10 (HP: 27/27; AC15; FF13; T15; F+2, R+5, W+10; Perc: +31, Init +2)

"I'd like to check back in with the cyphermages myself, and I am curious to help decipher the journals. I am also wanting to see Old Scratch, if I am able. We've encountered some of the raptors who started this process, but the ill winds remain."

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7
DM Zyren / Heart of Riddles wrote:
Mir. Zincher has made absoluetly clear that you should receive everything as you demand it.

Looking askance at the others with their keen-ness to keep to task without call for even a day's relaxation Caterine shakes her head, before speaking to the attendant "Feck the bath for now, I'll have a magnum of Qadiran shiraz, a shisha loaded with Osiriani tabac and a platter of Thuvian dates and bread." kicking out of her boots and shrugging her gear onto the floor with an unceremonious clatter "Oh.. and have that brought up to my room." retaining her grip on the drow journal clear that she intends to mix business with her pleasure.

Female Human Rogue-Knife Master/10 (Init: +4)

Bree mostly stands wide eyed, mouth slightly agape. She takes a few inconspicuous steps closer to the group.

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Cat'd order reminded Kabal's of how hungry he was so he asked for hot food and cold ale and was tempted to pray to whichever god would listen that it didnt come with ooze on it.

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Male Half-Elf (Taldan) Bard (Archivist) 7 Drow Stats 51/51 hp;AC 19/T 14/FF 16; F +2/R +8/W +3; Int/Wis Skills -1

"Do they have to be mutually exclusive." With Lara on his arm, Sebastian starts to head for the baths calling out for wine, fruit, cheese and fresh bread to the attendants in his wake.

The old bartender smiles, obviously he is used to serving guests with exquisite tastes and so it is no problem for him to organise a wonderful stay with all accomodations you like.

Sooo...let's get some structure in the next steps:
Cat=Deciphering journal
Sebastian=Slippery bath
Sable=Cyphermage Lodge
is that correct?

Female Half-Elf (Varisian) Fighter (Lore Warden archetype) 7

Correct - shisha in left hand and journal in right

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Sounds good.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Kabal and Bree, perhaps a quick jaunt down to the Smithy, and perhaps we can pass by and observe how Sven might be handling his new role?"

Male Human Weapon Master 6 ~ Inv. Rager 4 | AC 24 T 13 FF 22 | HP 129/129 | F +14 R +6 W +7 | Init +2

Thanks to the hot water and cold beer Kabal was just starting to relax. He wouldnt have been able to do that at Clegg's that was for sure.

Hah! If that angry blonde has found your man Sven then I doubt he's handling anything more than her right now. Hahaha! But yes, I'm with you on that.

male Aasimar Clr 3/Pal4 HP:62/62, AC:21/T:12/FF:21 - Percep: +13(Dark Vis) F:+10/R:+5/W:+14 CMD: 20, Spd: 20ft, Init: +2

"Once you have washed and relaxed first, of course,we needn't be too hasty for toil. There need always be a rest period." Winter assures, keen to see people having a bit of well earned respite from always toiling.

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