DM Talomyr's Kingmaker

Game Master Talomyr

Let it so known that the bearers of this charter, having delivered the northern reaches of the Greenbelt from the scourge of banditry, having provided detailed maps of the lay of the land, and having done no small amount of work in the exploration of said land and the culling of hostile monsters and indigenous hazards, are hereby granted the right to rule.

The nature and laws of rule are theirs to define, and the wellbeing of this new nation is theirs to protect.

In accordance for providing a stable nation to the south of central
Rostland, let there be a generous stipend of funds, support, and advice provided to this fledgling nation as a token of Restov and Brevoy’s goodwill, such that future relations between kingdoms might be mutually beneficial.

So witnessed under the watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and by the authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.

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Male Tiefling Magus (Bladebound/Kensai) 5|Movement speed: 30| HP 43| AC 20 T 18 FF 12 | CMD 24 FF 16| Fort+6 Ref +5 Will+4| Initiative +9 | Perception +1 | Arcana 6/6 | Black Blade Arcana 2/2 | Pearl of power 1/1

Kalaman will slice at the recap standing up as his defenses drop temporarily,

aoo: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
aoo damage: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10

Then attacks (the standing up redcap if my previous attack missed/didn't finish it off, the other if it did) for his actions this round, but seeing the redcap fighting much more defensively, uses his martial training, and a little bit of magic, to give him an insight into what the flow of combat looks like (arcane accuracy magus arcana, 1 point of arcana for insight bonus up to Intelligence bonus (+5) till end of the round)

attack: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (5) + 19 = 24
damage: 1d10 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Tove fires off an arrow, striking the prone quickling, but doing little damage as the fey's body resists the majority.

Kalaman with his first strike, cuts down the first of the redcaps and then proceeds to land a significant blow on the second.

DM Roll:

Blinded and addled from running into the tree. Each Square of Movement Random. Blind and in the area of entangle = 1/4 speed
Direction; 1=Due North then clockwise: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Direction; 1=Due North then clockwise: 1d8 ⇒ 4
Direction; 1=Due North then clockwise: 1d8 ⇒ 7
Direction; 1=Due North then clockwise: 1d8 ⇒ 3
Direction; 1=Due North then clockwise: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Direction; 1=Due North then clockwise: 1d8 ⇒ 1
Reflex Save DC 13: 1d20 + 16 - 4 ⇒ (12) + 16 - 4 = 24
Will Save DC 15: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

The quickling gets up and staggers around, trying to escape, but still finds himself in the area of the entangle. Rubbing his eyes, he seems to clear the sparkling dust and regain his vision.

Initiative Order - bolded may post


Azen, Garethane, Rhiannon, and Celebeth are up. Even though the quickling isn't on the "map", he is still targetable.

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Celebeth moves toward the quickling and launches a grease spell under him.

DC 14 Ref save, or he's prone again.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Azen moves closer, singing to inspire everyone's courage.

Should be +2/+2 for attacks against the quickling, which hopefully will help. I know an 18 misses, so hopefully that will help someone get above that. Unfortunately it isn't until next level that I can start a bardic performance as a move action, so I can't start singing and also shoot.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Rhiannon's battle with the insane redcap continues, retaliating for the vicious kick with a powerful blow of her own with her warhammer, and following through with another swing at the savage fey, though missing with that one.

Cold iron Warhammer/Bless: 1d20 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 8 + 2 = 29
Cold Iron/Bless: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 + 2 = 9

Cold iron Warhammer/Bless: 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 3 + 2 = 16
Cold Iron/Bless: 1d8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 + 2 = 10

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

DM Rolls:

Reflex Save DC 14: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (16) + 16 = 32

Celebeth conjures a patch of grease under the quickling's feet, but the agile fey quite easily maintains his balance.

Azen begins her song in hope of aiding herself and her companions put an end to this fey menace, while Rhiannon lands a significant blow against the remaining redcap, but the bloody hat wearing creature dodges the second blow.

Garethane is up.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Running alongside the edge of the entangle and switching his focus back to dexterity, Garethane draws his bow and takes a shot with one of his remaining cold iron arrows.

+1 Longbow (STR +2)(weakened)(song): 1d20 + 9 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 9 - 2 + 2 = 121d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Garethane lines up a shot, and while the mind is willing, the flesh is weak, and the arrow goes wide right of its target.

The remaining redcap steps away from Rhiannon to focus his ire on the magus, slashing with his scythe and kicking with his iron boot - landing both strikes and badly wounding Kalman.

Kalaman takes 21 damage.

DM Rolls:

S @ K: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Damage: 2d4 + 10 ⇒ (1, 3) + 10 = 14

K @ K: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Damage: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Tove is up, followed by the top of the round with Kalaman.

Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

Tove continues to pursue the fleeing quickling, this time making sure to nock an arrow of cold iron before loosing it toward the fey.

Attack (MW Longbow): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Damage: 1d8 ⇒ 7

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Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Tove's attack and damage should be 2 higher because of inspire courage I believe.

Male Tiefling Magus (Bladebound/Kensai) 5|Movement speed: 30| HP 43| AC 20 T 18 FF 12 | CMD 24 FF 16| Fort+6 Ref +5 Will+4| Initiative +9 | Perception +1 | Arcana 6/6 | Black Blade Arcana 2/2 | Pearl of power 1/1

Kalaman will take a 5 foot step to open a path for rhiannon to get back into the fight and slash at the redcap,
attack: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29
damage: 1d10 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12

And seeing he has landed a solid blow will maximize his damage with his martial training

damage will be 19 which will hopefully put down the stubborn redcap

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Tove takes aim and looses an arrow in the direction of the quickling, stapling the speedy fey to a nearby tree. The quickling's head slumps as it appears that the arrow was just enough to finish him off.

Without the inspire courage, the shot would have missed and even if it would have hit, it wouldn't have done enough damage without the extra +2.

Meanwhile, Kalaman strike a heavy blow against the redcap, but he ill-tempered creature still stands.

Initiative Order - bolded may post


Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Azen, still singing, is relieved that the hated quickling that almost killed her sister is finally dead.

She shoots at the redcap, hoping to get the party out of combat, but as soon as possible, she plans to pick her way through the vines over to the quickling to make sure it can't ever come back.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 1 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 6 + 1 + 4 + 2 = 23 (point blank, bullseye shot, inspire)
Damage: 1d8 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 1 + 2 = 13 (point blank, inspire)

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Celebeth gives Azen a quick salute with her blade as her sister runs off to check on the quickling, then sprints south into a loop to assist Kalaman against the redcap.

Double move. Hook around at the end there to avoid taking an AoO.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

With the the despised Fae dispatched by his monarch (with a little bardic help), the Elf hurries back towards the redcap and begins lining up a shot once he again has a clear field of fire.

Double move to within point blank range.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Oops, I left point blank on my roll, but shouldn't have, sorry. Should be one less on attack and damage. Apologies. I copied it from earlier and edited part of it, but unfortunately not that part.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Azen's arrow finds its mark, but the majority of the damage seems to be resisted by the redcap.

Rhiannon is up.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Rhiannon re-engages, bringing her hammer slamming down on the red cap as she steps forward, and following up with a second swing.

Cold iron Warhammer/Bless/Inspire: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 8 + 2 + 2 = 26
1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 7

Cold iron Warhammer/Bless/Inspire: 1d20 + 3 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 2 + 2 = 11
1d8 + 2 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 + 2 + 2 = 14

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Rhiannon steps up and with one heavy swing, knocks the redcap's hat from his head...along with a significant chunk of his skull. The evil fey falls to the ground dead.

Combat Over.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Azen goes over and cuts off the quickling's head.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Breathing a sigh of relief as the battle ends, Rhiannon takes a rag and proceeds to clean the blood and brain matter off of her hammer. "Damn those were some vicious little bastards!" she says as she goes to check the bodies of the fallen redcaps.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

As the writhing vines subside, Azen walks over to behead the quickling. Rhiannon investigates the bodies of redcaps, finding a pair of scythes and two pairs of over-sized (for the redcaps) metal boots. As she searches the bodies, she notices the redcap still wearing its hat's wounds are slowly healing.

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Tiredly walking up behind the triumphant warrior, Garathane quips, "Rhiannon, something tells me that we should take off his hat. Or perhaps gift him with some more cold iron. Maybe both. Well struck, by the way."

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Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

Nodding, Rhiannon quickly brings her hammer slamming down on the redcap's chest with splintering force, before removing the red headgear from the shattered body.

Coup de grace (cold iron warhammer): 3d8 + 6 + 3 ⇒ (3, 7, 4) + 6 + 3 = 23


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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Rhiannon crushes the body of the previously regenerating redcap before knocking the creature's namesake from its head.

Over by the remains of the quickling, Azen finds the evil fey's shortsword and a bottle containing what she assumes is poison.

For the sake of trying to regain a bit of momentum, I'll just tell you what the items in question are: +1 small mithral shortsword, and a bottle of watered down wyvern venom (DC 15; 1d4 CON; Duration 2 rounds; 1 save successful save clears the poison)

What would you like to do?

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Back to exploring the hex? Anyone want the sword or the poison?

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Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

I believe we were still during the first watch of the night

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link
Rhiannon Wyngarde wrote:
I believe we were still during the first watch of the night

That is a fact. That being said, I am perfectly willing to assume you resume your camp and leave out in the morning. You've explored the majority of this hex already, and would like to know where you'd like to go next. You are at the blue X on the Greenbelt Map.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Oh, right. Back to sleep then (except Azen). After we rest, then finish exploring the hex, and then I think next plan was get the lizardmen and go take out that will o' the wisp. Does that sound right?

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Yeah, finish resting, then resume our travels once we've restored our abilities.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)


Taking the time to fully clean and retrieve her weapons, Rhiannon settles in for the rest of the night, glad that she'd opted to sleep in her armor. Comfort was no substitute for not getting murdered in the middle of the night.

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M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

Garethane is still down a bunch of stat points, so likes the idea of sleeping in. After that and exploring the hex, let's work on that Will o the Wisp problem with the lizards once we've swung by the capital.

Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

Sounds good to me.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

DM Rolls:

Day 1: 1d10 ⇒ 6
Day 2: 1d10 ⇒ 6

After finishing a prolonged night's rest, the party moves out to finish exploration of the region before turning their sights back to home.

The day's travel gets you as far as Tiressa's Grove after a late start to the day followed by a bit of exploration. The dryad and her companion, Falcos are more than happy to have you as guests and watch over you as you rest and recuperate from the day's work.

The following day arrives with a misty rain, but otherwise pleasant weather and long, delightfully uneventful ride through the forest. Shortly after nightfall you arrive at Elkmark, ready for a good night's rest.

Yeesh, that was painful to try and post...Web site was not behaving itself. You're back home. How long would you like to stay? Want to take care of Kingdom duties before heading back out? Still intent of dealing with the Will'o'Wisp?

M Elf Feral Hunter 6 | HP /45 | AC 19 T 14 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +9 Will+4 | Initiative +6 | Perception +14 / 18

I'm thinking we should stick around for a bit, reassure our population by our continued presence and head out after the next round of Kingdom duties.

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Celebeth is quite relieved when the group returns to Elkmark. The tremor in her hands has started to subside, which makes her even more relieved—knowing that it will eventually go away, instead of becoming permanent.

"Let's get some rest so we're fully refreshed," she suggests. "We can handle some administrivia and then deal with that nasty ol' wisp."

"Speaking of which—are we still planning to build a neighborhood here for the lizardfolk? Or are we hoping to just finish off the wisp and send 'em home?"

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Well, I think having a foreign quarter is important so that people know that we welcome refugees and we're building a safe haven for all. However, if the lizardfolk all want to go back, then I don't mind if we delay it, or build something else. It would definitely make it less of an immediate need. And I think you're right, we should make sure things are okay here. ... Come to think of it, remember that weird, um, girl we questioned back when we first arrived? I don't think we ever followed up on that... unless you did while I was in Brevoy?

Anyone else remember that? We had a cult and werewolves to deal with, and decided on going that route, but there was also this weird girl who was all kinds of shady.

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

"Oh yeah! Good call, sis, let's follow up while we're here, see if anything has happened," says Celebeth.

"I tend to agree that having a quarter for folks who're, I dunno, different from the 'locals' is probably a good idea, but ultimately that's up to the leadership." She coughs and looks at Tove.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

"It does make sense, both from a safety standpoint, and to make strangers feel a little more at home instead of just being plunged into a community they might not understand." Rhiannon agrees. "Looking into anything else suspicious and letting everyone feel a litlle safer with us back for a bit is also a really good idea...after a night in a warm bed, out of armor that is!"

Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

"I agree completely," says Tove. "A 'foreign' quarter where the township and the natives can choose to co-mingle, without being forced into living on top of one another right away would be a great way to ease the tensions between our immigrant townsfolk and the Kameland natives. It also shows that we're committed to living harmoneously with the native tribes, and not just moving in to replace them as in previous attempts to 'civilise' these lands. Perhaps we'll find not all of the lizardfolk will want to return home, or perhaps some of the Sootscales or svirfneblin will be more inclined to move in, and our little community here might grow."

She smiles to Rihannon and nods. "A warm bed and warm company, but first some warm mead I think."

We don't have a tavern yet but Tove will head toward whichever makeshift one is opperating out of the encampment and spend some time with the people of Elkmark.

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Technically there are two girls. The cultist you captured when the Hag escaped and then there's Mila, whom you had questioned prior to going to the cultist hideout.

While some discuss the future of Elkmark and its potential foreign quarter, and other simply seek a bath and a warm bed. The Baroness retreats to canvas covered lean-to that currently serves as Elkmark's most prominent watering hole.

In general, the people of the burgeoning city seem pleased to see their monarch. Listening in to conversations, there seems to be little in way of complaint beyond the standard, mundane gripes of the working class - To much to do, not enough time or pay, family issues, etc.

After a bit of time, General Naevirion arrives at the lean-to. "You've made it back. Good." she says with a smile. "It's been blissfully quiet here. I trust the road wasn't too bad?"

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

I think it was Mila that was acting strange, but for sure, if there is another cult to take down, we should do that as well. Weren't there cultists at the werewolf den... err, I don't know, actually. Too far back. The one I remember was Mila I think though.

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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Mila was the one you followed and was a student of Goody Niska. Niska was one of the cultists with the Hag. You captured a different cultist in their hideout, killed the others including Niska. The Hag herself got away.

Greenbelt | Roll20 | NG Female Human Arrowsong Minstrel Bard 6 | HP 39/39 | CMB +6 / CMD +18 | AC 18 / T 13 / FF 15 | Fort +3 / Ref +8 / Will +5 | Initiative +3 | Bardic Performances 17/18 (Inspire Courage at +2) | Perception +9 | Spells 1L 3/4 2L 3/3

Okay... so nothing left to investigate? Apologies to everyone for my bad/incomplete memory.

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Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

Nothing to apologize was 2 years ago! To the best of my knowledge, there are no loose threads outside of the Wisp and potentially the Hag. After you've all gotten to the next day, I'llchange that.

Female Human Fighter (Unbreakable) 6 | 52/52 HP | AC 22 T 13 FF 19 | Fort +8 (+9) Ref +8 Will +4 (6 mind affecting) | Initiative +7 | Perception +4, Sense Motive +1| Heroic Recovery* (1x/day 2nd save vs ongoing effect)

While a drink does indeed sound good, Rhiannon goes in search of a hot bath first, enjoying the sight of the rapidly growing capitol.

Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

Just as the people are pleased to see Tove, the Stag Lord of Elkmark is glad to once again find herself surrounded by her people. She listens to several of the townsfolk's worries, and between Erastil's blessings and a round of drinks she does her best to set their minds at ease.

If it were possible, Tove grins even wider as General Naevirion arrives, pulling the half-elf into a tight embrace. "Good too see you too, Celeste," she answers, handing the woman a drink. "The road was good. Had a bit of a run in with some troublesom fey, but nothing we couldn't handle."

Greenbelt Map Roll20 Link

"Troublesome fey?" she asks with a raised eyebrow. "First hags and werewolves and now the fey? Are you sure this is the best place to set up a kingdom?"

Female Half-Elf Unchained Rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) 6 | 45/45 HP | AC 13 T 13 FF 11 | Fort +4 Ref +8 Will +4 | Initiative +3 | Perception +12 (+15 vs. traps, trap spotter) | Recruits

Celebeth heads off to talk to her uncle about the expansion plans, though not without asking her sister if she wants to join.

This discussion, from a distance, takes place at the edge of the river as it heads south toward the bay, with a lot of animated gesturing, Celebeth making pointing and chopping motions with her hand toward the east, and Turcáno turning to face that direction, then turning back around and making some notations in his paperwork. Celebeth then points to the north, there's some more animated discussion and notation, and then finally Celebeth hugs her uncle suddenly.

Once the team reassembles, she explains, "Turcáno will take care of the budgeting of supplies. We're going to put a footbridge over the river for now. That will let us set up space for the lizardfolk on the other side. They can have access to the bay there so they'll have water to swim in and catch fish in, but they'll have their own neighborhood separated from the rest of the town, to help cut down on misunderstandings and hostile interactions. Meridian will make it clear that people shouldn't bother or harass them, and will try to get across to the lizardfolk that the domestic animals here aren't for hunting."

"We'll have to use the timber that we'd previously allocated for the tavern that we wanted to build, but we can try to get that done next month. The carpenters will be continuing to turn out new planks the whole time anyway."

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Female Human (Ulfen) Cleric 6 | HP 44/44| AC 18 T 13 FF 16 | Fort+4 Ref +4 Will+8 | Initiative +2 | Perception +10* | Channel 7/8 | Portrait | Elkmark Calendar

"Why, not feeling up to the challenge? You're not scared are you?" Tove teases, a smirk creeping across her face.

"The fey of the Narlmarch Woods have always been trouble. If this were an easy place to build a kingdom the Swordlords would have done so centuries ago. These lands have remained wild with a fierce tenacity, but I embrace their wild nature with open arms. That is why we will succeed, where all others have failed."

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