DM Rah's Thornkeep - "Part 3 - The Enigma Vaults" (Inactive)

Game Master Kobash


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Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Druid 7 - Init +5 - HP: 80/80, - AC: 24/T: 14/FF: 21 18/13/16- Perception: +8 <Darkvision 60ft> F: +10(14)/R: +6(10)/W: +10(14) - CMB: +9 - CMD: 22 <+4 vs trip & bull rush>, Speed: 20ft

"Good idea. Maybe we can lock one of these doors or somethin'. Barricade maybe." Barlor suggests.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Dark Archive

  • 94/94 hp
  • 16 AC (1 size, 4 Arm, 1 Dex)
  • +6 Fort +3 Ref, +5 Will
  • -1 Perception, -1 Sense Motive
  • 2/10 SNA used
  • Gnome Summoner (First Worlder) 9

    "Before we do that, I'm going to send Snave or some other minions into that room everyone's afraid of. Maybe they'll find out if there's something that's either worth some gold trying to kill us. Either way, it's a win/win."

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    "What happens to your plant companion when you make him go away Turg? What happens when Snave dies?"

    Dark Archive

  • 94/94 hp
  • 16 AC (1 size, 4 Arm, 1 Dex)
  • +6 Fort +3 Ref, +5 Will
  • -1 Perception, -1 Sense Motive
  • 2/10 SNA used
  • Gnome Summoner (First Worlder) 9

    "He comes back the next day, pretty much okay. The minions... well... there's always more minions."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    The mi-go determined the star room was nothing more than a curious, and somewhat annoying, illusion. Behind the illusions, the room was empty.

    Dark Archive

    Snave stats:
  • 32/34 hp
  • 17 AC (3 Dex, 4 Arm)
  • Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +5
  • +24 Perception, +8 Sense Motive
  • Fey (Extraplanar) Eidolon 9

    "Well, actually, I--"

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Dark Archive

  • 94/94 hp
  • 16 AC (1 size, 4 Arm, 1 Dex)
  • +6 Fort +3 Ref, +5 Will
  • -1 Perception, -1 Sense Motive
  • 2/10 SNA used
  • Gnome Summoner (First Worlder) 9

    "... It doesn't matter though. All that matters is when he fails, he comes back."

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    László looks angry at Pai's outburst, but is mollified by her apology.

    "I am thinking that we should retreat to the room where we fought the akata and spend the night there. After we have removed the bodies, yes?"

    Grand Lodge

    Illusionist Wizard 11; AC 14, 18 with Mage Armor; HP 21/81 (+ 0 temp HP); F+12, R +11, W+13; Init+7, Perception +12 +1 on saves vs, Transmutations | +2 on saves vs. Illusions

    "I'm fine with that. That mi go creature was tough, though. Here's a question...has anyone heard of that Black Goat referenced in the notes?"

    Know. Planes 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
    Know. Religion 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

    Knowledge Religion DC 25 for Black Goat:
    The term “the
    Black Goat” as referring to Shub-Niggurath, an alien deity of fertility and monsters worshiped by lunatics and worse.

    The group holds up in a room to rest. Nothing disturbs you.

    Refresh spells, etc. I'm moving the group to the last door since there is nowhere else to go.

    Once rested, the group crosses the central vault, passes through the eastern door and down a short hallway before coming to a small chamber with large doors to the north and south. A sinister statue looms in an alcove to the east. The thing is ten feet tall with a human body, but with the head of a deformed, fanged bird and two coiling serpents for legs. The statue clutches a flail in one hand, and holds a large, open book in the other.

    Knowledge Religion DC 20 for Statue:
    This statue depicts the demon lord Abraxas.

    MAP Updated

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    Ayaki casts longstrider as soon as he awkens.

    Grand Lodge

    Illusionist Wizard 11; AC 14, 18 with Mage Armor; HP 21/81 (+ 0 temp HP); F+12, R +11, W+13; Init+7, Perception +12 +1 on saves vs, Transmutations | +2 on saves vs. Illusions

    Know. Religion 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

    Grand Lodge

    F Human Cleric of Pharasma 8 - HP 67/67 - AC 25/T: 11/FF: 25 - Perception +17 - Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +12 (+1 vs. Transmutation) - CMB: +7, CMD: 17 - Speed 20 - Init. +0

    Knowledge (Religion) for Black Goat: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
    Knowledge (Religion) for statue: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    Is there any writing in the book?

    The book:
    "Iklavni was here!"

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    hmmm statue... I should use my morningstar

    Grand Lodge

    Male Dwarf Druid 7 - Init +5 - HP: 80/80, - AC: 24/T: 14/FF: 21 18/13/16- Perception: +8 <Darkvision 60ft> F: +10(14)/R: +6(10)/W: +10(14) - CMB: +9 - CMD: 22 <+4 vs trip & bull rush>, Speed: 20ft

    Barlor will carry his wand in his buckler hand, in case the statue needs attention.

    Grand Lodge

    Illusionist Wizard 11; AC 14, 18 with Mage Armor; HP 21/81 (+ 0 temp HP); F+12, R +11, W+13; Init+7, Perception +12 +1 on saves vs, Transmutations | +2 on saves vs. Illusions

    Just a note that I'll be out most of the weekend. I've got a football game to watch tomorrow and a family wedding on Sunday. I'll be checking in here and there, but don't let me slow things down. Please feel free to bot Pai.

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    "North doors first, friend Ayaki?"

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    "Lead the way Lashlo-San"

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Through the northern doors you enter a short hall with three alcoves on either side, each of which contains a low shelf covered with nothing but recently disturbed dust. Another large door stands slightly adjar and you pass through to find the hallway turns east, but beyond the first fifteen feet, no details are visible through a glowing, swirling mass of pale mist. To the north the hallway opens into a damp cavern. A wide pool of murky brown water fills the area to the east, and a narrow tunnel that looks like it was dug with picks leads off to the northwest.


    Grand Lodge

    Male Dwarf Druid 7 - Init +5 - HP: 80/80, - AC: 24/T: 14/FF: 21 18/13/16- Perception: +8 <Darkvision 60ft> F: +10(14)/R: +6(10)/W: +10(14) - CMB: +9 - CMD: 22 <+4 vs trip & bull rush>, Speed: 20ft

    Guess I'll reload my wand and continue on behind.

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    "That would be the tunnel the explorers came through, yes? Friend Pai, would you see if the mist is magical?"

    This hall was mentioned in the notes of the mi-go. Apparently it was able to interrogate or read the thoughts of Iklavni and her rogues and determined that they became aware of the secret entrance to the Enigma Vaults through a man called Rozimus of Tymon. Rozimus claimed to be the last of an adventuring party that survived a deep dungeon beneath Thornkeep called The Sanctum of a Lost Age. He mentioned the entrance was beyond a misty hallway that required Iuon Stones to pass safely.

    It was mentioned Pai might need GM control this weekend, so I'll make some checks on her behalf.

    Pai Spellcraft: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
    Pai Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

    Pai is unable to determine any specific properties of the magic of the mists.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    "Turg, is not this the time when you normally send your minions to investigate."

    Dark Archive

  • 94/94 hp
  • 16 AC (1 size, 4 Arm, 1 Dex)
  • +6 Fort +3 Ref, +5 Will
  • -1 Perception, -1 Sense Motive
  • 2/10 SNA used
  • Gnome Summoner (First Worlder) 9

    Turg, lost in some errant thought, comes back to reality. "Hmm? Oh, right."

    Let's go with a Jinkin today, for something different. It will be ordered to keep hidden as it enters.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    The jinkin presses against the wall and sneaks down the hallway into the mist... does not return.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    anybody else have spellcraft?

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    "Perhaps we should return to this place after we have explored to the south, yes? There may be further clues about it there."

    Grand Lodge

    F Human Cleric of Pharasma 8 - HP 67/67 - AC 25/T: 11/FF: 25 - Perception +17 - Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +12 (+1 vs. Transmutation) - CMB: +7, CMD: 17 - Speed 20 - Init. +0

    Maddie casts Detect Magic and attempts to determine the magical nature of the mists.

    Spellcraft: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13

    Maddie learns nothing. By the way you have not actually entered the cavern, so that area is not fully explored.

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    "Though perhaps we should see if there is anything in the water, yes? It comes to me that Iklavni would not have been pleased with the mi-go's attentions, and she or one of her companions may have tried to leave something where the creature would not find it."

    Perception check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

    Add 2 if it involves humans.

    Grand Lodge

    F Human Cleric of Pharasma 8 - HP 67/67 - AC 25/T: 11/FF: 25 - Perception +17 - Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +12 (+1 vs. Transmutation) - CMB: +7, CMD: 17 - Speed 20 - Init. +0

    Is the mist magical at least? :)

    Maddie helps Laszlo search.

    Aid another (Perception): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

    The mist is powerful magic. Almost overpowering.

    When Maddie and László enter the cave a yellow-orange amoeboid creature slithers forth from the pool, pseudopods grasping ahead of its slow approach.


    László: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
    Pai: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
    Maddie: 1d20 ⇒ 19
    Barlor: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
    Ayaki: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
    Turg: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
    Creature: 1d20 - 5 ⇒ (14) - 5 = 9

    Knowledge Dungeoneering DC 15:
    This creature is a type of ooze called an ochre jelly.

    Ooze Traits:
    Mindless: No Intelligence score, and immunity to all mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects). An ooze with an Intelligence score loses this trait.
    Blind (but have the blindsight special quality), with immunity to gaze attacks, visual effects, illusions, and other attack forms that rely on sight.
    Immunity to poison, sleep effects, paralysis, polymorph, and stunning.
    Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as sneak attack.

    Knowledge Dungeoneering DC 20:

    Acid (Ex) An ochre jelly secretes a digestive acid that dissolves only flesh (not bone) when it strikes a foe—creatures not made of flesh (including most constructs and oozes, skeletal undead, plants, and incorporeal creatures) are immune to the ochre jelly's acid damage.

    Knowledge Dungeoneering DC 25:

    Split (Ex) Slashing weapons, piercing weapons, and electricity attacks deal no damage to an ochre jelly. Instead the creature splits into two identical jellies, each with half of the original creature's current hit point total, rounded down. A jelly with 10 hit points or less cannot be further split and dies if reduced to 0 hit points.

    Barlor 22 <=Up
    Maddie 19 <=Up
    Turg 13 <=Up
    Ayaki 9 <=Up
    Creature 9
    Pai 8
    László 6

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    know dungeoneering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17


    Grand Lodge

    Male Dwarf Druid 7 - Init +5 - HP: 80/80, - AC: 24/T: 14/FF: 21 18/13/16- Perception: +8 <Darkvision 60ft> F: +10(14)/R: +6(10)/W: +10(14) - CMB: +9 - CMD: 22 <+4 vs trip & bull rush>, Speed: 20ft

    Barlor casts Shillelagh and prepares to engage the ooze.
    I suppose it will pop up on the map sooner or later.

    Grand Lodge

    F Human Cleric of Pharasma 8 - HP 67/67 - AC 25/T: 11/FF: 25 - Perception +17 - Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +12 (+1 vs. Transmutation) - CMB: +7, CMD: 17 - Speed 20 - Init. +0

    Knowledge (Dungeoneering): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22

    "It has a nasty acid attack if it touches you." Maddie relates to the group before taking a few steps back and casting Bless.

    Can't see the map, if someone could move Maddie at least 5 ft. away from the ooze towards the group if possible, I'd appreciate it.

    Grand Lodge

    Illusionist Wizard 11; AC 14, 18 with Mage Armor; HP 21/81 (+ 0 temp HP); F+12, R +11, W+13; Init+7, Perception +12 +1 on saves vs, Transmutations | +2 on saves vs. Illusions

    Know. Dungeoneering 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

    Have Pai magic missile the ochre jelly for me, please, gang!

    Dark Archive

  • 94/94 hp
  • 16 AC (1 size, 4 Arm, 1 Dex)
  • +6 Fort +3 Ref, +5 Will
  • -1 Perception, -1 Sense Motive
  • 2/10 SNA used
  • Gnome Summoner (First Worlder) 9

    Mites!: 1d3 ⇒ 3

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Daggers: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 181d3 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 31d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 41d3 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 41d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 121d3 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2

    Magic Missile: 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3

    Pai sends a magic missile into the jelly, taking a piece out in a spray of ooze.

    Turg summons a horde of mites, which start stabbing and cutting at the creature. At first it seems they are being quite successful as two of them manage to cut large pieces off the creature. However, those two pieces take on a life of their own and suddenly the party finds themselves fighting three ochre jellies!

    MAP UPDATED. Ayaki, are you going to take any actions this round?

    Grand Lodge

    Male Tengu | HP 57/68 | AC 21, touch 13, FF 18 | Fort +7 | Ref +9 | Will +5 | CMB +8 | CMD 22 | Spd 30' | Init +3 (+5 Underground/Urban) | Perception +14 Ranger 8

    Ayaki casts lead blades this turn

    The ochre jellies surge out at the mites. Two are engulfed and dissolved back to the first world. The third gulps in fear.

    Jelly Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
    Jelly Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
    Jelly Roll: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10

    damage + acid: 2d4 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (4, 4) + 3 + (4) = 15
    damage + acid: 2d4 + 3 + 1d4 ⇒ (1, 3) + 3 + (2) = 9

    Moving everyone after the Ochre Jelly into the next round for better organization.

    ROUND 2 - Everyone can go!

    Grand Lodge

    F Human Cleric of Pharasma 8 - HP 67/67 - AC 25/T: 11/FF: 25 - Perception +17 - Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +12 (+1 vs. Transmutation) - CMB: +7, CMD: 17 - Speed 20 - Init. +0

    Bless is active.

    "I don't know if this helpful, but I believe that Snave might be immune to its acid attacks."

    Maddie pulls a vial of alchemist fire from her backpack and tosses it at a part of the jelly not currently in melee and away from Laszlo.

    Ranged Touch attack with Bless and 15 ft. away: 1d20 + 2 + 1 - 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 1 - 2 = 18
    Damage: 1d6 ⇒ 3

    In case of miss, random square away targeted square: 1d8 ⇒ 4

    Also, every creature within 5 feet of the point where the flask hits takes 1 point of fire damage

    Maddie's alchemist fire burns the ooze and also catches one of its active severed parts with its splash.

    Grand Lodge

    F Human Cleric of Pharasma 8 - HP 67/67 - AC 25/T: 11/FF: 25 - Perception +17 - Fort: +9, Ref: +3, Will: +12 (+1 vs. Transmutation) - CMB: +7, CMD: 17 - Speed 20 - Init. +0

    On review, Snave probably isn't immune. I thought he was plant-based for some reason.

    The Exchange

    Male Varisian Human Rogue/2 Urban Ranger/4 HP: 30/30* |AC 22 T 16 FF 18| Fort +8/Ref +13/Will +3| Init +5| Perc +10| SM +10

    The Varisian retreats from the amorphous creatures, unwilling to attack them and risk splitting them further.

    Grand Lodge

    Male Dwarf Druid 7 - Init +5 - HP: 80/80, - AC: 24/T: 14/FF: 21 18/13/16- Perception: +8 <Darkvision 60ft> F: +10(14)/R: +6(10)/W: +10(14) - CMB: +9 - CMD: 22 <+4 vs trip & bull rush>, Speed: 20ft

    Barlor casts Stone Call on the area, raining down pebbles upon the jellies.
    B dmg: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 6) = 10
    Difficult terrain for 3 rounds.

    -Posted with Wayfinder

    Barlor stone call has a 40' radius. How are you going to position it so it doesn't bomb your companions?

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