Wrath of Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Spazmodeus


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Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

"Thank you Mutasafen. We shall summon assistance to perform the steps necessary to close the rift."

Milamber goes to Aladir and asks "We should ask Queen Galfrey to join us and bring the items necessary to remove this opening from the Abyss. We should also take whatever steps required to prepare ourselves for our trip into a very unfriendly place."

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

"I have a few spells that would help up once we get there and into trouble, because there is always trouble. There is also the talisman that the Queen gave us." Iona said as she put her sword away. "Though Iomedae's guidance is the main thing I believe we'll need. I will also have the ability to take us back to this plane if we need to at any time."

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

The elf nods slowly as he eyes the machine from his position of safety, thoughtfully stroking his chin.

"Yes...yes, you're right. We clearly don't have the means, in and of ourselves, to destroy this abomination, and it seems like doing so is going to require us going to, as you say, a very unfriendly place." he answers, huffing out a breath.

"It's too bad we can't get any intel on what's on the immediate other side of this rift...I'd like to know if there's anything unfriendly waiting for us."

Sorry for taking so long to respond to that post; my wife's family came down for an early Thanksgiving get-together.

Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)

Hyram nods his head at Aladir's words. Yes, it would be nice to know, but if The Inheritor does not want us to know, then who am I to argue?

Sorry, got a bit busy there. So , some good discussion...but what is the plan?

Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)

Do we know how to enter the rift?

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

We need to call the Queen in, I'd figure the easiest way would be to have Aladir do it. Though this is assuming our nice demon is close enough to tell the Queen we're ready for her.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

I assume we walk into it, but I don't know the consequences of doing so. There may be some negative effects - i.e. saving throws/damage/etc. Maybe Queen Galfrey knows more about this. I will do a knowledge check and see if I can recall anything specific about it.

Knowledge Planes: 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (3) + 23 = 26

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

Aladir is certainly willing to do whatever is needed here.


You know that rifts such as this provide instant transportation into the plane linked on the otherside, in this case a location in the Midnight Isles, in the Abyss.

You also know that the rift will certainly be anathema to those of good alignments, probably manifesting in some discomfort.

Then you remember a more disquieting bit of scholarship: rifts such as this are often guarded by Nalfeshnee demons, self style protectors of the Abyss.

Few demons understand the inner workings of the Abyss like the nalfeshnee, and it is not unusual to see a nalfeshnee seeming to serve the Abyss itself rather than a demon lord. Some claim stewardship over the fleshy realms that birth new demons, while others guard sites of particular significance deep in the plane’s secret reaches. Often, a nalfeshnee’s realm in the Abyss surpasses the strength and size of the largest of mortal kingdoms, for nalfeshnees display a singular gift for managing and ordering the chaos of the Abyss.

They are a towering, corpulent beast, this fiend has the hideous head of a boar and arms ending in fatty, four-fingered hands.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

If Milamber knows the procedure to communicate with Queen Galfrey, he will initiate communications in an attempt to let her know the group is ready to close the rift. If he does not, he asks the group that if anyone knows how to communicate with the Queen should start a conversation and request her presence here.

He also lets the group know about the demon(s) that may be protecting the rift.

"Everyone should know that there is a type of demon known as Nalfeshnee that see themselves as 'protectors' of the Abyss. It is likely that we may encounter one when we attempt to close the rift. We should prepare ourselves accordingly."

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

"It everyone able to go in as they are now?" Iona asked. "I can heal you if you need it, however your powers are your own to replenish as I cannot do anything for that." She added.

"Will you be able to close it from the Abyss side Milamber? Or would I have to?" She asked.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

"I am not sure, I have not had a chance to read the Lexicon of Paradox. We left it with the Queen. I think the details on what to do are in that book. The last I heard was the Queen would perform the steps on this side of the rift while we perform the steps on the Abyssal side. She did not indicate if the closing is done by one or all of us."

Queen Galfrey wrote:

”I intend to handle the Material Plane side of the ritual to close the rift while the you tackle the Abyssal side. Once the rift is closed, you’ll need to engineer your own ways back home, but since the remainder of your mission takes place beyond this rift, it only makes sense that you should be on the far side of the rift as it closes.”

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

"Not all of us could do it or we leave ourselves open to attack in the Abyss." Iona said.

"But we shall see once she gets here." She sighed. She didn't like waiting in the place but it was where they where needed at the moment.

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

"Unfortunately, it seems we have little choice but to notify the Queen that we are ready for her to come close the Material side of the rift. Unless we want to scout the Abyssal side a bit before we call for her. I doubt sincerely that she'll be traveling by conventional means; more likely she intends to teleport or something to get the task done more quickly."

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

While we are waiting on the Queen, did my Spellcraft checks on the items Ursathella was carrying result in anything interesting?

Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)

Hyram will mentally prepare himself by praying to The Inheritor to give him strength in the upcoming trial.

Sorry, got hammered by work...

Milamber recalls the sending stone Queen Galifrey provided the team, but realizes that it would be quite the inefficient manner with which to communicate; Aladir's connection with Arueshalae would me much more efficient.

So , after appraising Arueshalae of their situation, the succubus confirms that she will communicate their status to the Queen. She advises that it may take some time to obtain an audience with the Queen, she feels that Her Highness does not quite trust her.

Sorry , Milamber I do owe you the list of magical items

Magic identified:

3 scrolls of Sending
+ 3 chain shirt
+ 3 unholy scythe
cloak of resistance +2

Ash Giant x2
breastplate +2
+1 Heavy Pick

Also, if you take a look at the map, there is two doors you haven't explored...

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

Milamber will move to the room with the balcony and listen at the door leading west.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16

Milamber does not hear anything from beyond the door.

What if anything is the rest doing ?

Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)

Hyram waits for Milamber to give the all clear. He holds his sword in front of him, ready for whatever foul creature is beyond the door.

I am assuming that Milamber does not like opening the doors after he checks them out! LOL!

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

Milamber will check to see if the door is locked. If not, he will open it.

Finding the door unlocked, and with Hyram backing him up, Milamber opens the door to reveal a room comprised of several alcoves, each containing shelves filled with tools and alchemical supplies. A small desk and chair sits in one corner.


To your expert eye, the supplies are all Mustafen needed to produce his elixirs. There's probably around 12,000 gp worth of assorted magical supplies, components and reagents stored here.

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

Aladir follows behind, acting as rear guard and keeping an eye on their flank, an arrow nocked to the string of his bow as they move. Seeing as they have a few minutes of quiet, he turns his attention back to his ever-present mental companion.

It seems we've won the day this time...there aren't any more demons rushing up to try and decorate the walls with our entrails. We must wait for Queen Galfrey to arrive before we can do anything more, though...there is an open rift to the Abyss here that needs closing and, unfortunately, that requires someone on both sides of it.

The telepathy you bestowed upon me will work even when we're on different planes, won't it? I suppose I'm going, whether it does or not. While I'm always glad for your company, I'm honestly glad you aren't coming with us on this part of the mission. I'm glad you don't have to see or experience any direct reminders of who, and what, you used to be.

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

Iona came up to Milamber and Hyram, and looked into the room they had just opened. Though the look on her face said she was thinking of something else and wasn't fully here, however it did seem like she was trying to force it to the side for the moment.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

"Lots of stuff in here that Mutasafen probably used. We should check with the Queen to find out what we should do with it. Until she gets here, we should check to see if there are any other threats in this place."

Milamber moves to the other door and listens/checks to see if it is locked.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16


Yes, that is how I understand the Paradox Ritual will be performed. Beware of any Nalfeshee that guard that rift, they will not appreciate your efforts.

She pauses for a moment, "As we discussed before, returning to the Abyss would, I think, lead me away from the path I've started. Yes, this link will continue to work once you've gone beyond the Rift. Call on me for aid or advice...anytime.

Oh, it seems that my audience will be granted. I will let you know what happens...

Milamber does not hear anything beyond the double doors...

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

Aladir's ears perk slightly at the mental conversation he's having with their succubus companion, even from this distance.

"Arueshalae sends a warning that there might be Nalfeshnee guarding the other side of the rift. I'm going to assume that's some type of demon, but I haven't a clue beyond that. Milamber?"

Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)

Knowledge (Planes) Nalfeshnee: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34

Milamber of the Inner Sea wrote:

If Milamber knows the procedure to communicate with Queen Galfrey, he will initiate communications in an attempt to let her know the group is ready to close the rift. If he does not, he asks the group that if anyone knows how to communicate with the Queen should start a conversation and request her presence here.

He also lets the group know about the demon(s) that may be protecting the rift.

"Everyone should know that there is a type of demon known as Nalfeshnee that see themselves as 'protectors' of the Abyss. It is likely that we may encounter one when we attempt to close the rift. We should prepare ourselves accordingly."


You know that rifts such as this provide instant transportation into the plane linked on the otherside, in this case a location in the Midnight Isles, in the Abyss.
You also know that the rift will certainly be anathema to those of good alignments, probably manifesting in some discomfort.

Then you remember a more disquieting bit of scholarship: rifts such as this are often guarded by Nalfeshnee demons, self style protectors of the Abyss.

Few demons understand the inner workings of the Abyss like the nalfeshnee, and it is not unusual to see a nalfeshnee seeming to serve the Abyss itself rather than a demon lord. Some claim stewardship over the fleshy realms that birth new demons, while others guard sites of particular significance deep in the plane’s secret reaches. Often, a nalfeshnee’s realm in the Abyss surpasses the strength and size of the largest of mortal kingdoms, for nalfeshnees display a singular gift for managing and ordering the chaos of the Abyss.

They are a towering, corpulent beast, this fiend has the hideous head of a boar and arms ending in fatty, four-fingered hands.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

"Nalfeshnees are a towering, corpulent beast. They have the hideous head of a boar and arms ending in fatty, four-fingered hands. Most demons have some kind of magical ability that may debilitate us. Unfortunately, we don't know how many of the foul beasts may be guarding this rift. Hopefully since it is a small rift close to a very large one, their numbers will be small. I cannot foresee the future, so for now let's make sure this side of the rift is clear."

With that Milamber tries to open the double doors leading to an unknown section of the fane.

Milamber opens the doors to reveal a corridor leading southeast, ending in another set of double doors.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

Milamber will proceed down the corridor and listen at the next set of double doors.

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

Iona followed Milamber down the hall. Though after he was done listening to the door, the cleric motioned for him to move and unless he gave her the sign to hold, she'd open the doors ready to put up her shield just in case.

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

Aladir follows after the others, bringing up the rear as he has been doing and keeping an eye on their flank.

Perception: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24

Listening at the door , Milamber hears nothing suspicious. Iona opens the door to see a chamber whose ceiling towers nearly fifty feet overhead. In the southeast, a three-tiered dais covered with furs and cushions looks out across the room to an area that’s been caged off with iron bars. A single locked iron gate provides access to the cage’s interior.

At the moment, the cage appears to be empty.

The cushioned dais appears large enough to accommodate Ursthella's large natural frame...

Perception DC 35:

You notice a secret door cleverly hidden in the eastern wall...

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (3) + 15 = 18

"Looks like this is where Ursathella lived. It doesn't look like there is anything of interest in here and no threats to deal with. Aladir, will Arueshalae teleport the Queen here? I think we are ready to start."

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (15) + 13 = 28

"I agree." Iona said to Milamber. "I'd like that as well, a Queen who knows the dangers we are in should not dare to keep us waiting so long. It is improper at best and a personal insult at worst."

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

35 is pretty steep, so I'm going to use a free action to activate my Assured Skill mythic ability, which let's me roll a skill check twice, take the higher result, and add my tier to the total.

Perception 1+MT: 1d20 + 22 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 22 + 5 = 29
Perception 2+MT: 1d20 + 22 + 5 ⇒ (16) + 22 + 5 = 43

"Half a minute...I think there's a door hidden over here..." the elf declares, moving to the eastern wall of the room.

Aladir is correct , his excellent senses detected a slight flaw in the wall, revealing a hidden door. A light touch to a nearby inlaid stone allows the door to swing open , revealing a passage that turns immediately to the North...


As you finished your search, Arueshalae speaks in your mind, I am still with Queen Galifrey....she agrees that using my gift with you to communicate is more efficient than using the sending stones. But, one of you will have to activate you sending stone to let the Queen know where you are...

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

We'll get it activated in a moment. I've just found a secret passage and I want to make sure there aren't any unpleasant surprises waiting for the Queen's arrival

After making sure the others are with him, Aladir begins creeping down the hidden passageway, on the alert for any sign of danger. A passage so well-hidden could easily be either unguarded entirely, or guarded exceedingly well.

Perception: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (10) + 22 = 32+6 if there are traps

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

Milamber follows behind Aladir, ready to cast whatever spell the situation may dictate.

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

Iona kept a view on the rear of the group as they moved into the new area.

Male Human Inquisitor 12/Guardian 5 (HP 318/318 AC:25 T:10 F:25 DR 5/epic Saves F:+20 R:+8 W:+15 CMB:+10 CMD:20 Init:+4 Perc: +18 Intimidate: +21)

Hyram also following Aladir while silently praying to The Inheritor.

The group's sensible precautions turn out to be for naught as the passage brings them through another concealed door into the Grinder room, the familiar whispers of the Rift once again assailing their ears.

Going to assume you retire to a safer location and activate the sending stone...


After a moment, Arueshalae responds, "The Rift must be interfering with the Queen's efforts to teleport, she was just injured in her attempt. She requests that you remove yourself some distance from the Rift, perhaps outside the Fane itself, then re-activating the sending stone.

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

Milamber will go outside the fane and cast Secure Shelter. We can activate the sending stone and wait from there.

Sorry guys, getting back into work-at-home and having to deal with home schooling for 3 rambunctious girls really drained any free time I had earlier this week. Getting into the swing of things tho...

Milamber conjures up his shelter and from within the sending stone is activated.

After a few moment, there is a pop of displaced air and Queen Galifrey stands before you, looking quite disheveled; hair out of place, some pieces of her armor dented but not soiled, a twist to her posture that speaks of additional pains in her body.

Rolling her shoulders with a grimace, the Queen addresses you, "That last teleport almost tore me apart! Thank you for moving away from that Rift!"

She looks about, and says with a little smile, "I don't think this is the Fane...did you vanquish it's guardians?"

Cleric(Mendevian Priest) 7/Holy Vindicator 5 | hp 132/145 | AC35 T17 FF 34 | CMD 26 | F +9 R +6 W +14 | Spd 40' | Init +5 | Perception +13

"Yes." Iona said with a nod. "Oh and there is something else." Iona began as she crossed her arms and looked at Galifrey, "We found someone who was thought lost. Yaniel is here, she had been take by a demon but we where able to save her."

Male Elf Wizard 12/Archmage 5 | HP 135/135 | AC 29/17/27 | F+13/R+15/W+17 | Init+12 | Perc+15 | MP 2/13

To the Queen Milamber provides the following brief:

"We also tried to sway the alchemist who was working on the process to convert the crystals. His name is Mutasafen and he doesn't believe that you would allow him to work for the crusade."

To the rest of the party

"Has he left yet? Perhaps we can see if we can convince him to work for us - show him that there are those who can follow a path other than the one forced upon them."

Male Elf Rogue (Scout) 11/Trickster 5; HP 135; AC 27/18/19; F+9/R+23/W+9(+2 vs trap, +2 vs. enchantment); Init +14; Per +22 (+6 vs. traps)

[b]"Our apologies for the rough ride, Your Majesty; we didn't realize there were such protections in place here. We've slain everyone we've seen to slay on this side of the rift. We have yet to cross over to the other side to investigate it."

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