DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

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Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina breathes a sigh of relief when Ameiko announces closing time. She takes a moment to sit down and take a few deep breaths, flexing her hands to release the tension. After a minute, she speaks clearly again.

"Thanks for the opportunity, Ameiko. It was a little rough at first, but I'm sure I'll get used to it. And sharing the room is fine, I suppose...I've slept through worse than a snoring half-orc" she says, giving Paldak a playful punch in the arm.

Sabina stands up and moves back around the bar, finding a clean rag to begin wiping up the day's spilled beer, whiskey, and sundry booze.

"Oh, Ameiko...what time would you want me here tomorrow? I was hoping to attend the Cathedral opening. It's why I came to Sandpoint in the first place."

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

When Ameiko finishes her last song, Cordwin rises unsteadily to his feet and joins in the chorus of 'Encore!' 'Encore!' but the Tian woman seems determined to close up and seeing how busy she and Sabina were tonight, Cordwin can hardly blame them. Cordwin gives a bow to Paldak and Alexei. It has been a pleasure drinking with you gents! Sounds like we can do more of it on the morrow! Until then good night! He next turns to Sabina as she ferociously attacks the bar with a rag. And it was good meetin' ye, Lassie! Ye did well for ye first day! He slides a silver piece over to her. I can't remember if I tipped ye yet tonight. Finally he comes to Ameiko and with slurred words says, Ye play beautifully! Now what time does this here festival start? I'm hopin' it is not too early! The night's alcohol is rushing fully to his head at this point. Oh! I didn't know ye had a swin tister? With that Cordwin slowly sits back down on the bar stool, slowly slides down to the floor and is soon snoring-a smile of contentment on his face.

Female Human (Tian)

Ameiko looks at Sabina and Paldak and says "Well, I guess that I better let the too of you sort out the sleeping arrangements, if you both insist on being so courteous." She puts her instrument down and starts to help Sabina with cleanup, moving the soup of the stove and putting away to be eaten later. "I don't think that we agreed you would work for the evening, so I will be needing you in the morning. You can go ahead and get up whenever you please."

She laughs a little, obviously highly amused, at the drunken praise from Cordwin. "Thank you for much for your kind words, dwarf. I believe the opening speeches tomorrow will be starting in front of the cathedral around ten o'clock." She giggles even more, surprised as he slides to the floor. "I suppose that this dwarf found his limit, if such a thing exists!"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

To Sabina, Paldak nervously replies, "Well if you insist..." He begins packing up his things for the trip upstairs. "I hope you don't mind if I take the bed closest to the door. Just in case I need to get up during the night for any reason." "Or to get out and away from you!" he says to himself in his head.

After Paldak and Sabina's brief exhange, Paldak sees Cordwin starting to slur, stumble, and then snore. To Ameiko he asks "Where is this one spending the night? Upon being told, Paldak leads him up stairs and gets him to his room unharmed. He then walks out, closes the door, and heads off to his and Sabina's room for the evening. He jumps into bed and quickly falls asleep (but leaves his sword within reaching distance, just in case).

While Paldak falls asleep to pleasant memories of the evening and exciting thoughts for tomorrow, his dreams are anything but. He's quickly transported back in time to when he was exiled from his home. The white hot brand, the blinding pain as it touched his chest, and the smell of charred flesh as it was released after leaving its permanent scar.

Cordwin, if there were still things you wanted to do, you can of course do whatever you want, I just got a kick out of Paldak helping happy drunk Cordwin to bed.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei looks amused as he eyes the dwarf.

"I'm not opposed to additional assistance with research and investigation. But this does require some level of circumspection, so only join me if you believe you are able to keep the secrets we discover."

As Ameiko begins the close up of the common room, Alexei finds himself surprised he wiled away the whole day inside the inn. I lost myself in watching people again. People living normal lives, so unaware... He shakes his head at nothing in particular it seems, an uncharacteristic moment of sadness crosses his face It is quickly replaced with a hardness covering his expression like a mask.

"Sleep well. Until the morrow then," Alexei says to the group in generally. It comes out curtly, but he doesn't notice. He finishes what's left of the ale he'd been given and retires to his room.

Sleep is a long time coming. When it finally does arrive, it is filled with dreams of Chillblight fey driving groups of large wooden birds covered in blood chasing Alexei through a world covered in snow...

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina flashes what she hopes is a reassuring smile to Paldak as he heads upstairs, then goes back to the cleanup. She easily stacks up the chairs on top of the tables in preparation to clean the floors while Ameiko takes care of storing the food for tomorrow.

"So, if the Cathedral ceremony starts tomorrow at 10, I think if I get started at 6 I can get everything set up for you in time for me to make it. Are you sure you don't need any help in the evening? After the opening ceremony I just want to say some prayers and then I'm free again."

After they discussed arrangements for setting up the bar the next day, Sabina headed upstairs and tiptoed around the sleeping Paldak to collapse in her bed. It had been a long day, and she was both physically and mentally exhausted.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |
Paladak wrote:
Cordwin, if there were still things you wanted to do, you can of course do whatever you want, I just got a kick out of Paldak helping happy drunk Cordwin to bed.

Nope. That's fine. I got a kick out of that as well!

Alexei wrote:
"I'm not opposed to additional assistance with research and investigation. But this does require some level of circumspection, so only join me if you believe you are able to keep the secrets we discover."

Me lips are sealed! Cordwin responds and mimics a locking motion over his mouth for emphasis.

That night Cordwin sleeps soundly, but he seems to keep having a recurring dream where he is riding a bird in a child's carousel with an ogre named Chopper going around and around while music from a samisen plays...

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin wakes the next morning and his mouth and tongue are dry. There is a dull clanging inside his head and for the briefest of moments, Cordwin thinks he is in the forge back home. Yech! He says to know one and particular. Then it dawns on him that he is in his room yet he has no recollection of how he got here. The last thing he remembered was drinking whiskey with Paldak and Alexei. hmmm..Whiskey! he thinks to himself before it is replaced with the sudden urge to vomit. Cordwin keeps the vile down and after a few moments of making sure his stomach is settled, he rises unsteadily from his bed. He walks over to the basin on the dresser to wash his face and his mouth is so dry, he is tempted to take a sip of the water but the thought turns his stomach again. It is only then that he remembers the festival and he hopes that he did not miss it. He walks over to the window and undoes the shutters. The light blinds him and the hammers in the forge inside his head increase in their intensity. It is all he can do to gage the position of the sun to estimate the time. Good! I did not miss the festival, unless I slept throughout the day and this is the next day? The way Cordwin feels, the thought is not outside the realm of possibility. He then looks at the street and sees that people are finishing decorating a dais and Cordwin is fairly certain he did not miss the festival. With relief he closes his shutters, dresses and goes downstairs.

He sees Sabina and Ameiko preparing food for after the ceremony. Morning! Could I trouble ye lassies for some breakfast and some coffee? Lots of coffee!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina had woken up early that morning, as had been her habit for many years. She quietly washed her face while Paldak slept, changed into a fresh set of clothes, and went downstairs to do her morning exercises before it was time to help with the tavern.

To her surprise, Ameiko was already awake and sipping her tea quietly. "Oh! I'm sorry to interrupt. I was just going to warm up a bit before the day gets started." said Sabina, edging towards the door.

Ameiko smiled warming and waved her over "It's no bother at all. Get some tea on your stomach first. I'll practice with you. I keep some training swords in the back...there's always a local kid looking to become the next big monster slayer. Most of 'em lose interest after a few weeks."

Sabina obliged, and the two enjoyed a quiet breakfast followed by sword practice. Sabina was surprised at Ameiko's skill, particularly since it was obvious to her that the bard was holding back. Sabina made a mental note to ask Ameiko about her life before running a tavern, perhaps after practice.

After they put the swords away, they got down to the business of setting up the tavern, and were finishing up the food prep when Cordwin appeared. A relaxed, much more comfortable Sabina motioned him over to the bar.

"Have a seat, friend. I'll get you some coffee and biscuits.: she said.

"Fry him up some bacon, too." added Ameiko. "Actually, put on enough for you, me, and the other two as well."

Sabina nodded her assent and quickly got to work on the bacon, frying several rashers on the griddle while whistling a melody that might sound oddly familiar to any fans of Chelish opera.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Another day came. The Swallowtail Festival day. Finally. And tomorrow, he could get back to his investigations into his missing father and the old powerful rune magic of long gone Thassilon.

Alexei debates on actually getting out of bed or just sleeping the day away. He suspects no one would allow that, and sooner or la—, just sooner—someone would come looking for him wondering why he wasn't involved and enjoying the festival. That Ameiko struck him as the type. Or Cordwin.

Hmmm... Alexei pondered the offer he had made the half-orc and the dwarf. There could be a lot of advantages to having help. Especially that of brawn and charm as Alexei sometimes suffered in both categories. His aristocratic features certainly drew attention from many, but he knew his manner sometimes rubbed people the wrong way. So far, no one had been off put by the jovial Cordwin, and Paldak seemed to have quite a high level of etiquette awareness even if his manners marked him as ignorant of high society. The half-orc was trying nonetheless.

A door opens and closes, and Alexei thinks he can hear someone make their way downstairs. A few minutes later, the sorcerer's nose twitches.

*sniff, sniff*

No doubt about it, he smells bacon grease and other food. In response his stomach growls. I suppose I can't lie here all day after all, he rationalizes.

A moment later, Alexei steps lightly down the stair.

"Good morning, sir, lady," he says to Cordwin, Ameiko, and anyone else at the bar. Nodding to Sabina, he smiles slightly, "And especially to you, my dear. Somehow you knew what was on my mind even before I knew it was. If you have some to spare, I'd be happy to buy a plate."

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina set out a mug of steaming coffee in front of Alexei, and plate with a few strips of bacon and a biscuit. "Here you go...Alexei, is it? I think I overheard you talking to Cordwin and Paldak yesterday. I take it you're a strange to this region as well? A northerner?" she asks, coming around the counter and sitting down next to him with her own plate.

"I'm Sabina, by the way. I'm from...well, no point in denying it with my accent. I'm from Cheliax. But we're not all like...well, whatever you've probably heard. I'm here for the Cathedral opening."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

"The world has all kinds in all places," Alexei says somewhat cryptically. "Where one is 'born' certainly doesn't dictate where one is 'from.' Until you choose to summon a devil and force me into some contract, I'm just going to judge you by your coffee and bacon."

Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9

Sense Motive DC 9:
While it is apparent Alexei is more than happy to have everyone choose to be accepting of people's history and background, his eyes are in fact very judging, but not in the way Sabina seems to fear...

Instead they are rather calculating: everyone's worth and use being weighed and measured.

With a wink and smile, the sorcerer takes a bite of bacon on biscuit.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

"You jest, but I assure you that the diabolists of Egorian are no laughing matter. Cheliax is no place for decent folk, yet still some of us remain. Though none of us go unsullied by our Queen's blasphemy." she says ruefully, her left hand tightening into a fist momentarily. She stops herself then, and fixes her face into smile.

"Forgive me. This is neither the time nor place for talk of Chelaxian politics. I have left that place, and may never return, certainly not anytime soon. I'd hoped to see more of Varisia's wonders after the festival, and I doubt there will be much work for someone like me in this town after the crowds die down. If you don't mind by asking, where is your company headed? I can't claim to be a wilderness guide, but I'm a fair hand with a blade, and not without other talents."

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei takes a sip of coffee as Sabina's passion against her own upbringing come forth. A pang of something like regret surfaces, but just as it quickly it swirls back into the murky waters of his memory. The pain of what he is and what he lost (or never had rather) flashes across his face before his conditioning quashes it with his conscious mind none the wiser.

"I assure you, Miss—Sabina was it?—my jest is not meant to make light of the practices of your own former culture, but to assure you more that I, at least, am the last to judge anyone on where they may have been born."

He finishes off a biscuit and then sucks bacon grease off a finger. "As far as my 'company's' destination...that is not yet specifically known, but most likely will be out and around this mythical countryside. I have come to...research the old places and history that once flourished here in Varisia. The 'company' is very newly formed, so I admit I haven't had much time to really determine much more than its purpose. If you're okay with such ambiguity, I don't see a reason to turn you away."

He flashes his most charming smile. "After all, the company of one who can cook bacon so finely and brew a pot so adeptly would surely be welcome within any expedition. A skill with blades only sweetens the pie."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak wakes in a cold sweat, clenching his scarred chest. Though months had passed, the mark still pained him. A few moments pass before he regains his bearings. It didn't take long to realize that he had overslept. A glance outside, past Sabina's empty bed, revealed a mid-morning sun and a town that was already stirring.

The smell of bacon drew Paldak downstairs. A more somber, less social Paldak greets the room. Without the social lubricant of alcohol, Paldak says little, and nods to everyone he met last night.

"If you will, a plate of what's cooking and a cup of coffee." He asks Sabina.

After being served, Paldak takes a seat near Cordwin and begins to eat.

After a moment he turns to Cordwin, cracks a small smile and asks, "How'd you sleep?"

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

The smell of bacon frying is a welcome sensation to Cordwin's nostrils. His mouth is watering and the queasiness of his stomach seems to have subsided if only the forge inside his head! As Sabina places the plate of biscuits and bacon in front of him and a cup of hot, steaming coffee, Cordwin thanks her profusely. Are ye going to the festival today or is Ameiko making ye work all day? Cordwin says with an exaggerated wink at Ameiko.

As Alexei comes down, Cordwin raises his cup of coffee, And good morn to ye as well, Alexei! He then sips from his cup and goes back to furiously sopping up the bacon grease on his plate with a biscuit. When Sabina offers to join the company, Cordwin interjects We're so new, we ain't even got a name yet! Ha!

As Paladak sits down and asks how he slept, Cordwin returns the smile. That's he strangest part, I woke up in me own bed not knowin' how I got there and dreamt I was spinnin' round and round the whole night! Now me head sounds like I have Torag's forge inside of it! But I do like the whiskey! Yes sir! I do like the whiskey!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina chuckles a bit at Cordwin's question. "The festival is the whole reason I'm here; I couldn't possibly miss the cathedral ceremony. I just hope I'll have a chance to meet some of the priests afterwards."

After she has set out plates for everyone, Ameiko claps her on the shoulder and tells her that her morning shift is over. Sabina makes a plate for herself and walks around to the other side of the counter.

"I hope you all enjoy the food; it's been a while since I've had the opportunity to prepare anything other than trail rations."

Sabina doesn't say much else while she's eating, and devours the food on her plate like a woman who hasn't seen decent food in...a while. It doesn't take long, and shen she's finished she excuses herself for a moment to get changed, and returns a few minutes later with her armor and bastard sword.

"I figured I probably shouldn't leave these in the room; there are likely to be a lot of bodies in here very soon, and valuables could easily go for a walk, if you catch my meaning"

Female Human (Tian)

Ameiko scarfs down some food herself, taking a heavy helping of the bacon Sabina just made. She eyes the time on the face of a pocket watch fashioned in the likeness of a dragon and exclaims, "By my time, it's quarter of ten! The opening ceremonies are soon, so if we want to see them, we should be getting a move on towards the town square. I still have plenty to do before lunch, so I will just pop over to see it before coming back to continue the preparations. Sabina, thank you very much for your help last evening and for breakfast. This bacon is lovely. I feel bad about taking any more of your time, since I am not paying you as it stands, so go and enjoy the festival for the day!"

Male Game Master

You all hastily usher yourselves out the door is search of the cathedral and the place of the opening ceremonies. The town is filled with people, and the air is brimming with excitement, as though excitement were a primordial being who had just awakened from an eons long sleep and was ready meet the world in all its power again. You are naturally funneled towards your destination by the crowd, so it would have been next to impossible to get lost. The stream of people opens up into the cathedral square, in the middle of which rests a large erected wooden stage. A good score of merchants have set up shop to vend their wares. A woman with short brown stands upon the stage and behind her sit four wooden chairs, three of them occupied. As the crowd notices her, a hush descends and all eyes turn. She smiles and begins to speak,

"Welcome! As many of your know, my name is Kendra Deverin, the mayor of Sandpoint. It's wonderful to see so many of you here to join us on this proud day. I'd like to extend my welcome to the many new faces I see in the crowd. Our town has much to offer and I hope we can consider you as new friends. Spend some time in Sandpoint and you’ll grow to love it like we do. And even if you don’t stay long, spend your money while you’re here!." This last statements draws vigorous applause from several merchants. "And to all of the old faces I see, thank you for coming and thank you for everything that each of you has done to keep this town strong in recent years. I see that even Larz Rovanky has torn himself away from work to join us today! It is truly a miracle from Desna herself!" There is quite a bit of laughter and many eyes are turned to a serious looking man dressed in all leather and wearing a sour expression on his face. Kendra waves to him and continues. "Thank you especially for all the time, sweat, and love you’ve put into building this fine cathedral. Sandpoint didn’t seem complete without a church. We’ve always had heart. The true heart of Sandpoint is you, her people. But now we have an expression of that heart, and we built it ourselves! Without further ado, let me introduce your Sheriff, Belor Hemlock!"

A dour looking man wearing a worn breastplate and a longsword belted at his waist stands and walks to the center of the stage. His head is shaved and he his eyes are constantly moving about the crowd. Paldak instantly recognizes him as a man of Shoanti birth. He shakes the Mayor's hand and begins to speak.

"Thank you Mayor. Even in the heat of celebration, let us not forget the sad events that brought us to this day. And also let us not forget the souls that were lost five years ago. I would like you to all join me in a moment of silence to remember the lives that were lost in the fire that claimed our previous chapel on that fateful night." The Sheriff lowers his head and the crowd joins him, many of them quite awkwardly as the silence persists. After the moment is over, the Sheriff raises his head and begins to speak again."In remembering let us also not allow these events to repeat themselves. I am of the understanding that a bonfire is planned for tonight. I urge you all to observe caution during this event. I would like everyone to be aware that additional guardsmen have been added to each patrol detail over the next four nights. Members of the Sandpoint Militia have also agreed to add their support during the festival. As sheriff, I am confident that between the guards and the militia volunteers, we will be able to handle any disturbances that may occur during the festival." He clears his throat and smiles awkwardly. "And ummm... Enjoy yourselves. Let me introduce the next speaker; give your attention to Cyrdak Drokkus, proprieter of the Sandpoint Theater!"

He nods to the crowd and walks back to his chair, passing the next speaker who is already on his way up to the center-stage. This man is quite a contrast to the Sheriff; he is brightly dressed, sports a well-groomed beard, and seems to be thoroughly enjoying the day. As he reaches the center stage he loosens his collar a bit, winks into the crowd and starts to talk,

"Well, thank you, Sheriff, for that uplifting oratory. Even though our previously scheduled speaker, Lonjiku Kajitsu has "fallen under the weather" today and could not make it, it is my sincere pleasure to be addressing you fine people. Now I know this town has been through some hard times, but look at what we've accomplished," he says, motioning towards the church. "And I'm telling you, they spared no expense with this place. Father Zantus' chamber pot? Solid gold. I kid you not, our generous nobles put a pretty copper into the construction of this joint. I think the Churches even chipped in a silver or two! I even heard a rumor that all of the Gods got together and scrounged up four gold pieces to help get this thing built! But don't take it from me, the Father over here is the one with the direct line, he's the one you want to hear from! But before I let him get things going I'd like to take this opportunity to extend my personal invitation to each and every one of you to the new production of The Harpy's Curse starring the world-famous Magnimarian diva Allishanda as Avisera the harpy queen! It's all premiering tomorrow evening at the Sandpoint Theater and it is going to be fab-u-lous! And now join me in a bit of applause for his holiness himself, Father Zantus!"

The crowd cheers as Cyrdak motions Zantus to the center stage. The young priest looks noticedly abashed at the reception set up for him. He wears the traditional ceremonial robes of a priest of Desna and a shiny silver holy symbol about his neck. He smiles and tries to calm the crowd down, eventually speaking when the applause has subsided.

"Ahem, thank you. Thank you Cyrdak. And thank all of you for coming to join us on this most Holy day. Today is a day of new beginnings so without boring you with long speeches, I declare the Swallowtail Festival officially underway!"

There are a great deal of things going on, and about everyone in town is here, as well as many more from out of town. Shops are open and stalls are set. A long list of contests and games have been set up by various individuals, including but not limited to an archery contest, a lizard race, a beanbag toss, an arm wrestling tourney, and a drinking contest. A gnome seems to be running an illusion show observed by several spectators, many of them children.

Mayer Kendra Deverin
Sheriff Belor Hemlock
Cyrdak Drokkus
Father Abstalar Zantus

Male Game Master

There are several more games and festivities happening if one were to go looking as well.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

As Ameiko ushers him and his companions outside, Cordwin just goes with the flow of the crowd, to do otherwise would be like spitting in a wind storm Cordwin supposes. Of course, Cordwin has never tried spitting in a wind storm, there aren't any in the underground caverns of his homeland, but he now truly understands the metaphor. He then listens to the mayor welcome them all to the festival. Aye! Your whiskey gave me more than a welcome last night! When the sheriff begins his spiel, Cordwin will nudge Paldak and whisper, What a party pooper that one is! As the next speaker takes the stage and advertises his play, Cordwin makes a mental note to check it out. He likes a good play, especially one with an entertaining story. As for Cyrdak's attempt at humor, Cordwin smiles as he thinks to himself, If ye tried those jokes at a dwarven festival, ye would soon find yourself dodging tankards! Cordwin is glad at Father Zantus brief speech. He was about to remark to Sabina that it was a good thing Father Zantus is not an Iomedean as some of those priests feel the need to recite every act of The Inheritor at every festival. Then he realizes he is not sure which deity she worships so he feels it is probably best to keep that observation to himself. Cordwin then turns to Sabina, Alexei, and Paldak, I think I'm goin' to go see if I can find a good storyteller. What are ye all goin' to see?

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4
Cordwin Ironbeard wrote:
...Cordwin then turns to Sabina, Alexei, and Paldak, I think I'm goin' to go see if I can find a good storyteller. What are ye all goin' to see?

"And here I thought you were a shoe-in for the drinking contest." Paldak says to Cordwin with a slap on his back.

"Stories sound nice..." Paldak fearing most the stories and locations would go over his head, had other interests in mind.

"...But I was thinking of giving the arm wrestling tournament a shot."

Sizing up the completion, and feeling a bit cocky he says to Alexei, Cordwin, and Sabina, "If any of you know how to mend an arm, your skill may be needed for some of my competitors." A grin spreads across Paldak's face. He feels very comfortable around the group, much more comfortable than he ever felt growing up in his village. His thoughts then drift to the Shoanti Sheriff Hemlock. Paldak thinks to himself that it'd probably be best to keep a low profile, lest Belor recognize him, and he be forced to leave his new friends.

"Once I've won my prize, I'll be sure to catch up with you and the story-teller."

Male Game Master

Paldak observes the arm wrestling tourney taking place at table underneath a canopy. A line of people wait their turn to try and match the current champion, an armored man with a shaven head and a thick build. He holds a giant scowl on his face, and laughs when he beats each opponent, taking a sip from a tankard he has to the side near his left hand. Two large red mastiff dogs, probably belonging to him lounge about his feet. Near the booth, a sign which has been set up explains that to play, you must ante a silver piece. The winner takes the other contestants pot, so if you have won several games in a row and then lose, you would lose all of your earnings. The man up at the table has a small pile of silvers in front of him.

Three children walk by the bald man and tease him with a chant while he is in mid contest. They sing,

"Here sits crazy-man Das Korvut,
Mad as a cut snake in a wagon rut.
See how his chops go bouncity-bounce?
How many people has he trounced?
One! Two! Three! Four ... "

The children see that he has won the round and scurry away before he can respond to their taunting. He somewhat aggressively launches a big wad of spittle in their direction.

We will resolve each conflict with a series of opposed strength checks. Once one of you is in the lead by two won rolls, then they win the competition by knocking the opponents hand to the table.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina let the crowd carry her towards the festival opening, happy to take in the sights and sounds of the town. The joy of the crowd was infectious, and soon she too was wearing a broad smile, even if she wasn't too fond of Drokkus' jokes at the expense of the church. After the opening ceremony was complete, she tried to approach Father Zantus.

"Excuse me, Father Zantus. I was wondering if we could speak privately; I'm in need of spiritual guidance. If you are busy with the festival though, I understand..."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak struts up to the table and tosses a silver piece on the surface. "You get that pile of silver from arm wrestling those children? No wonder they're so angry." Paldak then takes his seat adjacent to Das Korvut, and looks him in the eye sizing him up. After a moment while raising his arm, he says with a smile, "Let's see how strong you really are!"

I'm going to roll 10 times, just in case we alternate a few times. I'm assuming you'll just resolve them in order.

Strength Checks:

1. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
2. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
3. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
4. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
5. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
6. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
7. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8
8. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
9. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
10. Strength Check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei observes the speeches with a rising sense of impatience. He quashes it by reminding himself that the delay is unavoidable. It's not like I could force everyone in the village to answer my questions about my father. He is certain someone here knows something about either his father or whatever his father had been researching. He idly fantasizes about a cadre of Chillblight fey sweeping through Sandpoint and dominating the festival goers with magic so he could get his answers. The smile that blooms unwittingly on his face is cold and cruel.

That sheriff should spend some time up north, Alexei finds his mind wandering as the Father Zantus takes the podium. People like the infamous Chopper who lacked the mental fortitude to stand up to demons would be handled long before they could bring such danger to a community by their ruling witch in Irrisen. Sherrif Hemlock would learn how to really protect his community.

Upon being released to the festival by the priest's declaration, Alexei finds himself wandering over to lizard racing. The sleek reptiles are a variety of colors, scaly and lithe. Having not seen very many cold-blooded creatures during his stay in the world of winter that was his birthplace, he recalled in his youth how he had spent time with the servants' children chasing such things. The memory of a laughing boy running through the tall grass felt hazy, like it belonged to someone else. Another pang of...something came and went through his mind before the cold calculations of which lizard to pick to win began to take over. Again, the sorcerer didn't even realize what had happened.

I'm guessing Knowlege (nature) is the winner here for knowing about lizards, but if lizard racing is even semi-common in Varisia, would you allow a Knowledge (local) check even with a penalty or higher DC? Here's one just in case.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |
Paldak wrote:
"And here I thought you were a shoe-in for the drinking contest." Paldak says to Cordwin with a slap on his back.

The slap on the back almost causes the still unsteady Cordwin to lose his balance. He smiles at the half-orc Normally I would have to represent Clan Ironbeard's honor after all, but me head is still fighting the battle from last night! Of course if I happen to pass by one on me way to find a storyteller, well I might be persuaded to throw me tankard into the ring.

Cordwin begins to wander the festival taking in all the different sights and sounds and making a mental note so that he can record them in his journal tonight.

Male Game Master

Father Zantus turns his attention to the young woman standing before him amidst the crowd. He is wiry and has a thin, but has kind face, wrinkled a bit by the touch of age. "In need of spiritual guidance? What is it but my duty to offer guidance to all those who are in need? I am always available to those who seek my aid! Would you like to follow me inside the cathedral? Then you can tell all about whatever you need my help with..." With a friendly smile, he extends his arm on Sabina's shoulder in a gesture to guide her towards the entrance.

Male Game Master

Cordwin wanders the festival for a while with the hope of find a storyteller of some kind. After some time, having seen a great many happenings of other varieties, but not having managed to find storyteller, he finds himself in front of a cute shop with a comical sign depicting a wide-eyed goblin reading an upside-down book nearly as tall as he is hanging above its door. The lettering on the open door reads The Curious Goblin. And in slightly smaller script: Books Open For Perusing Upon Your Pleasure On An Extensive Assortment of Topics.

Male Game Master

The lizard race is marked by a sign that reads There's been talk of starting Dragon farming in Sandpoint, so we've gotta find out which ones are the fastest so that we have the best dragons! Pick yourself a dragon and pit it in a Dragon Race against your friends. Only one copper piece to play!

Two double lane tracks are set up next to each other with a three-foot wide gap between the two tracks. The tracks are 30' feet long. Near the starting line there is a large cage with 12 lizards in it. Each one has a set of twig and cloth wings attached to their backs and are painted a different color so that they look like little dragons. Four people at they same time are all trying to coax their "dragon" without touching them to the end of the track. Bystanders appear to be placing bets on the outcome of the race.

Unfortunately, I don't think that lizard races are common enough for something like using a Knowledge (local) check. You could definitely get a closer look at the dragons themselves or watch a few games before deciding on one to pick. For the race itself, I would have you make a Handle Check untrained each round to see if you manage to move your lizard.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina walks with Father Zantus into the Cathedral, her mood brightening noticeably.

Finally, I'll find out what's wrong with me

When they are inside and have a reasonable expectation of privacy, she begins to speak. The words seem to tumble out all on their own, in a flood of nervous rambling.

"I apologize for bothering you, I know you're a Desnan and I grew up in the church of Iomedae; I'd hoped to find an Iomedaean here, but you seem like someone who might be able to help me. I've been a faithful follower of Iomedae all of my life, and I had hoped to become a cleric, a defender of her faith, even though it meant I would likely find my death at the blades of the Thrunes and their diabolic lapdogs. But something happened, and...well...I don't know how it happened by somehow their corruption has infected me. I ran from my friends who tried to help because I thought they were going to hurt me, but now I wonder...should I have stayed and let them? It happens whenever I get too nervous, or feels like nothing is happening, but my words become...well, I can't speak normally. Everything comes out in Infernal. And I know what the language is, though I've never studied it. I swear, I'm no diabolist! Please, help me find a way to undo...whatever this is."

She pauses there for a moment, gauging his reaction before she continues.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin looks at the sign. Well that's about the truth of it! Never knew a smart goblin! The word books draws Cordwin like a moth to a flame and he steps through the door. Me pleasure is perusing a lot of different topics! he announces as his eyes adjust to the dimness of the shop from the brightness of the day outside.

Male Game Master

Das scowls deeply at Paldak as he approaches and suggests that he might have won all this silver by matching little children. "And do you win all of your fights by bullying others?" he demands. "I would not be surprised! Let me show you the way a man wins his fights, and then you can kindly leave me to drink and to wallow in my grief. The whole damn town sees this festival as a celebration, but all it does to me is remind me of my loss." He extends his right arm to take Paldak's and immediately tries to force it to the table with immense strength when the contestants are signaled to start.

1. Das Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21 vs Paldak Strength 21
Their two arms remain dead center, neither of them able to break the other's strength.

2. Das Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 vs Paldak Strength 11
Das' muscles bulge and his face flushes little as he manages to push Paldak's arm down a bit.

3. Das Strength Check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23 vs Paldak Strength 14
And with a final a burst of energy, Das slams his the half-orcs hand to the table. The crowd seems extremely surprised with this outcome, considering Paldak's bulk and physique.

"That is how I got this silver. And now, I will be taking one from you too. Maybe I'll use it to buy myself another drink. There is still plenty of time left before the day is over."

Male Game Master

As Sabina approaches with Father Zantus, she sees that the cathedral is easily the largest building in Sandpoint. From side to side it spans at least 200 feet. Entering inside, the light is much dimmer, lit by sunlight from outside streaming and candles dotted all over the place. There are only a handful of people in here, all speaking only in very hushed voices, some of them praying, some obviously devouts devoted to the cathedral, and others appear to just be taking a peak inside to see what the new building looks like.The atmosphere is really quite beautiful and invokes inside of Sabina a deep feeling of serenity and belongingness.

The inside of the cathedral is arranged into three different wings, each filled with benches, and divided in half. Each of the six half-wings have the name of a god engraved in the floor in front of it. The middle of the temple descends into an open courtyard, decorated with seven standing stones placed evenly in a circle. This is where a most of the ambient light from the outside streams in.

Layout of the Cathedral

Father Zantus leads Sabina into the circle in the center so that they can talk. He listens to what she has to say quietly and intently before responding, "All those who follow Desna's wondering path are travelers at heart, so I am more than happy to extend my blessing and aide to those from afar or of a different faith. Please hold still a moment. If you don't mind, I would like to take a moment to glean more about the nature of this curse." He extends his hand to take hers. A blue immaterial butterfly emerges from his hand and then circles around Sabina's head while Zantus holds his eyes closed in concentration. The butterfly disappears and he opens his eyes to regard Sabina once again. "I can feel that you are one of strong faith and of good heart, but that you have also been touched by something evil. May I ask if you have been taken by one of these episodes and felt your free will touched in some way? Or have you ever heard strange voices in your head, perhaps in the same infernal tongue?"

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei pays his copper and surveys the "dragons." With a serious manner he looks them over for the most hearty and possible the energetic one. One has some bluish coloring reminding him of the snows back home.

"This one," he says decisively. Once the race is ready to get started, Alexei stares down the chubby boy who picked a green lizard for the opposite side lane. The boy returns the stare of his elder with equal animosity. Alexei's eyes narrowed. O-ho! A rival unbowed has appeared!

The two turn now to their champions and wait for the signal to begin goading them down the path of destiny. There can be only one winner here.

Handle Animal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

Male Game Master

Inside The Curious Goblin is just a single room. The walls are lined with shelves of books, and there are comfortable looking chairs scattered throughout, and the light is set at a pleasant level for reading. A venerable man sits at the counter, a book in his lap, having a conversation with what appears to be a costumer or a friend of his, a man in his middle age with with a receding hairline and white hair. He wears large spectacles on the end of his nose and pears directly over them at the man at the counter, holding several tomes in his hand. A golden tabby cat circles his feet loudly purring and rubbing itself on the man's leg.

The Man with the Cat

The man at the counter says to the other with the cat, "This new work of yours is very interesting stuff, Brodert, although quite radical! However did you manage to arrive at the conclusion that The Old Light is not in fact an old light house, but an engine of war from before the Starfall during the time of Ancient Thassilon?"

Brodert replies, "Well, you know that for the past couple years I have been steeping myself in the history available to me about the Thassilonian empire. In my research, I have found a good many indications that The Old Light was in ruins well a long time before the Star Stone fell. If you look at one of the illustrations in my book..." He paws through the pages of the book on the counter to a certain page, dropping the stack of other volumes he was carrying down. "...Most scholars think this picture depicts the Earthfall, the Star Stone, and the fall of Thassilon, but I am confident that it depicts the Old Light as a war machine capable of hurling balls of fire upon its enemies a great distance away!"

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina fidgets nervously while Zantus examines her, afraid of what he might find, but still curious to know. She looks relieved when he says she has a good heart, but soon looks troubled again after hearing the rest of what he has to say.

"No, I don't think I've ever felt my will being altered, or heard any voices. The first time it happened everything was a blur; it was the first time I'd ever had to fight for my life. I can remember the other times, happened briefly yesterday while I was helping out at the pub. I felt overwhelmed with the customers and all, and I just...I couldn't speak any natural language anymore. I kept quiet until it passed, and I think nobody noticed."

Male Game Master

Three contestants beside Alexei line up with dragons picked to have a go in the dragon races. One of them is a chubby boy of about ten years, another is a hard looking man with a dagger strapped to his side on his side. The last is a handsome nobleman dressed in fine blue set of tunic. Bets are placed by bystanders. The man running the race blows a whistle and the dragons are off!

I've changed my mind. For simplicity of mechanics, we will just do one handle animal check from each. And then use initiative to resolve a tie if one occurs.

Handle Animal Boy: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Handle Animal Man: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (6) - 3 = 3
Handle Animal Nobleman: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Alexei skillfully herds his blue dragon towards the finish line only a couple times being unsuccessful in his experts to get it to move. The other contests at some point do so abysmally, that their dragon ends up moving in completely the wrong direction, to the amusement of the crowd, or at least those who are not losing their wagers. Alexei is awarded 2 cp and a badge which reads "1st Place Swallowtail Dragon Races."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

In embarrassment, Paldak slams both his fists into the table knocking several coins from Das Korvut's stack onto the ground.

"What trick to is this?! You cheat!"

Paldak stands up and spits on the ground. The veins in his neck pulsate and his arm muscles tighten.

Paldak refusing to believe he had been bested starts to say, "You think you have won?! My strength never..."

Paldak finally notices the crowd around him. Most of them are standing with their mouths open, and some are visibly frightened. Just what he didn't want to do, he was drawing attention to himself, and negative attention at that.

Wanting to exit the situation before it escalated any further, Paldak throws a few extra silver pieces on the table (4 additional, 5 sp spent total) in front of Das Korvut.

"I... I, apologize. You won. Fair... I must leave to find my friends, I hope this makes up for my... outburst." Paldak quickly leaves without waiting for a response to find one of his companions (and to quickly leave as center of attention).

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin starts to read the various titles on the shelves. If I had a dragon's wealth! he thinks to himself. He tries not to eavesdrop on the two at the counter but when they start talking about something called 'The Old Light' and 'Starfall' and 'Old Thassilon' he can't help it. When the one identified as Brodert offers his theory that this 'Old Light' was a weapon, the dwarf can no longer remain silent. He bounds up to the counter, smiles broadly and says, Excuse me but I could not help but overhearing ye. I must know about this 'Old Light' that you speak of and where it is? Does it still stand? I like to fancy meself a scholar of the past and would love to hear all about your theory, Brodert was it? Me name is Cordwin! The dwarf hardly realizes that he is crowding Brodert's former conversation partner out of the way.

Male Game Master

Zantus listens as Sabina answers his further question. "If that is the case, and you have had this affliction for some time without a more serious incident occurring, then your affliction may be nothing more than a severe nuisance. Unfortunately, I don't think that there is anything that I can do for you in terms of removing it. Perhaps an individual possessing of much greater power than I would be capable."

He finally releases her hands. Sabina is completely unaware that he been still holding them.

"If I were to shed a word of advice, I would advise that you keep your condition as discrete as possible, for quite obvious reasons I hope... It looks to me as though it's about time for me to make another appearance outside since noon is approaching up us. I thank you for seeking my aide, and I do hope that I have been of some help, if although I was incapable of disposing of your problem."

Male Game Master

Brodert extends his hand down to Cordwin to be shaken. Yes! Yes it is! Brodert Quink is the name. It's always a pleasure to make the acquaintance of others who interest themselves in old history. I was just elaborating upon some of my new research with my good friend Chask here."

Chask sends a wave and a small in Cordwin's direction.

Quink continues, "If you do not already know about the Old Light then I would immediately assume you are not from around here and have not been in town long. The Old Light is the name of the old tower in ruins at the edge of town by the coast. Just look in that direction from anywhere in town and you will be able to spy it, since it is still quite a tremendous structure. Almost everything we know about the Old Light comes from oral history and also the ruins themselves. It's very common belief that the Old Light used to be a lighthouse on the coast. But I speculate that this is not the case at all. By investigating the Old Light itself, it looks to over 7 millenia old, at least! This places creation during the time before well before when we can place the Earthfall, when most of the coast fell into the sea; the Old Light was not built on the coast at all, hence it cannot have been intended as a lighthouse. It makes sense that across thousands of years, stories of firing raining from the tower could have evolved into stories about large beams of light, if you follow. I do apologize, I am prone to rambling if allowed. Is there anything in else in particular that you were curious about or that you care to share?"

Cordwin, please feel free to make Knowledge check if you would like to know if you already have some relevant knowledge.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin pumps Broderts hand enthusiastically. Pleasure to meet ye, sir! When he is introduced to Chask, it is only then that he realizes that he has butted into the conversation. he turns and extends his hand to Chask as well. And a pleasure to meet ye too, sir! Cordwin listens intently to Broderts theory and lets out a low whistle when he is finished. Have ye been inside? Cordwin asks wondering how long it will be before Alexei and the new, nameless company move on. I might want to have a look inside it, if possible.

Knowledge History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20

Cordwin searches his memory about lighthouses that weren't really lighthouses.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina's heart sank, and she couldn't help letting out a disappointed sigh. She felt like a fool, getting her hopes up like that.

"Thank you for your time, Father Zantus. I know that you've done your best. I'm sorry to have bothered you with my problem."

Crestfallen, Sabina manages a weak smile as she says her goodbyes to Zantus. Before leaving the Cathedral entirely, she takes a few minutes to compose herself, then heads back into the crowd. After wandering through the crowd for a bit, and finding it difficult to cheer herself up, she decides to head for the drinking contest.

Male Game Master

Cordwin's Knowledge Relating To Thassilon:
Thassilon was a vast empire ruled by wizard kings in the land that is now called Varisia. Most leading scholars place the height of the Thassilonian empire at about 7,000 to 8,000 years ago. The Thassilonians left behind monuments all over the country whose size and unnatural endurance to time comment on their former power, and skill with magic. Cordwin also remembers hearing once in a tale that the rulers of Thassilon were masters of rune magic, but of course this could likely be fiction.

Male Game Master

Father Zantus walks with Sabina out of the cathedral back to the square. The sun is at its zenith. Father Zantus and some of his acolytes wheel a large covered wagon into the square, and after recounting the short parable of how Desna first fell to earth and was nursed back to health by a blind child whom she transformed into an immortal butterfly as a reward for her aid to the crowd, they pull aside the wagon's cover, releasing the thousand children of Desna - a furious storm of swallowtail butterflies that swarm into the airin a spiraling riot of color to a great cheer from the crowd. Throughout the rest of the day, children futilely chase butterflies, never quite quick enough to catch them.

Lunch is wheeled out, offered completely free by most all of the fine establishments native to Sandpoint. Ameiko seems pretty busy running her stall in the midst of the bustle. The Rusty Dragon is offering a curry spiced salmon and winterdrop mead, which seem to become immediately popular. The Hagfish is offering a lobster chowder, and the White Deer, peppercorn venison.

Sabina looks for the drinking contest that was previously taking place, but it seems to have been put on hold until after lunch. In the meantime, you seem to be able to get a drink from anyone of the 6 taverns that have setup.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak, thoroughly embarrassed after his arm wrestling performance seems to get lost in the crowd. Though some time had passed, even the beautiful display of butterflies weren't enough to raise his spirits.

As he walked be picked food from each of the stalls he passed. First of course was Ameiko's stall, he grabbed some mead and salmon and avoided Ameiko's glance, hoping that she didn't see or hear about Paldak's loss in the arm wrestling match. Fortunately, she was quite busy assisting other patrons, so despite Paldak's large stature he was able to slip by unnoticed.

The food was delicious, but his failure still left a bitter taste in his mouth. Paldak decides to walk the festival grounds and try to find another game that would test his strength.

If there is another game of strength Paldak would want to play it. If there aren't any more tests of strength, I'll just have him eventually run into one of the other PCs.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin compares his knowledge of Thassilon to that of Brodert and Chask. He can tell by the look of surprise on their faces they were not expecting a dwarf to be knowledgeable in the subject. Ye think them old Tassilon rulers be knowin' rune magic? I heard it be a tall tale, but I be anxious to get your take on the matter. Cordwin asks in earnest.

Male Game Master

Brodert replies, "I don't know very much about rune magic. I have never have gotten around to learning anything of the arcane arts. I'm too busy with academia, I suppose. It would make a good of sense in my opinion, based on the sheer resilience of the Old Light and other remnants of the old empire." He opens his book to a page bearing an illustration of a kind of seven-pointed star and bends down to show it to Cordwin. "Symbolism at least seems to have been of big importance in Ancient Thassilon. This item is called the 'Sihedron Rune,' and seems to have been on of the most important symbols of Thassilon."

Sihedron Rune

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

"Sorry girl, you're too late for the drinking contest. Come back later"

Sabina slumped sadly and walked away, dejected. It seemed that nothing was going her way today. All around her, the playful laughter of children running through the streets chasing butterflies filled the air. As she approached the food stalls she hesitated for a moment, not sure if she wanted to be around Ameiko in her present mood. With a sigh, she listlessly headed towards Hagfish's lobster chowder. The scent of boiling shellfish, absent from her life since she departed the ports of Kintargo, offered her something akin to comfort.

Sabina sat down with a bowl and ate quietly, hoping that the day wouldn't get any worse.

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