Tsadok Goldtooth

Paldak the Outcast's page

82 posts. Alias of Milkmonster.

Full Name

Paldak the Outcast




Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4







Special Abilities







Common, Shoanti

Homepage URL


Strength 18
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 8
Wisdom 10
Charisma 12

About Paldak the Outcast

Paldak is a Half-Orc Barbarian that was raised in the Shoanti Sun Clan. After a successful raid on an Orc camp, a Shoanti female warrior and her war party comes across a half-orc infant (Paldak). This infant would be looked upon as an abomination by the Sun Clan, but the warrior, a mother herself who recently lost her only child, takes pity on the half-orc and defends him from the rest of the raid party. She decides to take Paldak back home and raise him as her own, much to the dismay of the rest of the Sun Clan.
Paldak's upbringing, while arguably better than death, was anything but hospitable. Paldak, from a young age, often found his life in danger. Rather than fight his attackers, Paldak found it was often better to 'scare' them off. While this often perpetuated the racism he faced, he found it in most cases, a better alternative to physical violence.

While daily life for Paldak brimmed with conflict and hatred, he was safe with his mother at his side. That is, until she passed of old age just days before his 18th anniversary of his rescue. The silence felt throughout the camp was palpable; However, days went by with no action. Hoping things would return back to normal, despite his security net now gone, Paldak went about his daily business. Paldak allowed himself a glimmer of hope as a week passed with no violence.

His hope was shattered on the 18th anniversary of his rescue, his pseudo birthday. Paldak awoke, trapped and immobilized by great chains. There was no fighting it, a bear could not have broken his bindings. He was dragged to the center of the village, a great gathering awaited him, a large bonfire met the dawning sun, burning white hot on a raised platform to the front of the crowd. Death was surely imminent.

However, fate shined on him this day, for it was his mother's dying wish that his life be spared. As a great and honored warrior, the clan was forced to oblige. Paldak however was told that he was no longer welcome in the Sun Clan and should never associate himself with the Shoanti again. As a reminder, a giant brand in the shape of an orc skull, was used to mark Paldak's chest. He was then told, if he ever came back again, he would be killed on sight, for they had only agreed to spare his life once.

The Sun Clan members then dragged him miles away from the village with what little belongings he had, and left him for dead. Despite great pain (from the brand and the emotional loss of his adoptive mother and home), Paldak was able to find himself to a road, which eventually lead to Sandpoint.

Paldak has overcome great adversity in his past, and while he is not sure what this world holds for him, he is ready to start his life anew.

Paldak is very large, standing 6'7" and weighing nearly 300lbs. His hair is jet black, and his eyes are dull green like his skin. His muscular frame is only overshadowed by the giant orc skull brand that encompasses his chest. While not quick to anger, when in a rage, Paldak terrifies others with his presence, his strength and fortitude grow, and he is more animal than man.