DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

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Male Game Master

Welcome to Sandpoint!

Located several miles north of Magnimar along the Lost Coast, the bustling coastal town of Sandpoint is busy and vibrant with the excitement of the upcoming Swallowtail Festival. Food vendors and peddlers of all kinds have set up stalls and carts throughout the market square and around the newly built Sandpoint Cathedral.

Several years ago, the old Cathedral burned down in a tragedy that claimed the life of the Cathedral's priest, Father Tobyn, and his beautiful daughter, Nualia. Father Tobyn was well-loved by the town's people, and his passing was mourned by all. Nualia was an exceptionable beautiful young Aasimar woman, who many say was blessed by the goddess Desna herself.

In honor of the completion of the new cathedral, the town is holding the Swallowtail Festival to renew the site's blessings from the gods, and the whole town is full of an immense amount of excitement. Much tragedy has befallen the town over the past years, something the townsfolk call the "Late Unpleasantness." Everyone is looking forward to a chance to relax and finally put the past behind them.

Each of you, for your own reasons, find yourselves in Sandpoint on the 22nd of the month of Rova, one day before the Autumnal Equinox, the date of the festival. With the festivities beginning in the morning, you have each made your way to one of the local taverns, the Rusty Dragon, in hopes of renting a room and filling your stomachs with some hot food.

This large wooden building, which overlooks the Turandarok River, is the first structure one encounters after crossing the southern bridge entrance into Sandpoint, marked by a sizable iron dragon that looms over travelers from the building's roof; time and weather have taken a toll on the sculpture's iron form, which undoubtedly is the source of the tavern's name.

The common room is chalk full with people. The bartender and owner is a beautiful young woman, who is busily bent over the stove adding different spices to a stew boiling away in its pot. She appears to be in her mid-twenties, and of possible Tian ancestry. A tattoo of a dragon and music notes covers her left arm, and a finely crafted rapier hangs loosely from her shapely hip. An elderly halfling woman, constantly on her feet, attempts to fetch drinks and food for the ever growing horde of patrons.

The Bartender

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin steps off of the Sea Drake’s Revenge and waves goodbye to the crew. He is quite surprised when some of them give him a rude gesture in return. Cordwin shrugs it off. It will be a long, long time before I need passage back to me kin, Torag willing. By then I am sure there will be another boat to take me! The Dwarf stands at the end of the dock and takes in all the sights, sounds and commotion of a port town. Many pedestrians give him a strange look as they pass by, but it matters not to Cordwin. After a few minutes, Cordwin decides to find a room and maybe get a bite to eat. Greasy Thumb’s cook was a surly Halfling that liked to skimp on ingredients and some of those ingrediants were questionable to begin with. Excuse me, where is the nearest inn? he asks several people who either ignore him or tell him, in not so many words, to jump off the dock. And to think, Dwarves have a reputation for being unfriendly! Finally someone gives him directions to the Rusty Dragon and off he goes.

Cordwin cannot believe the amount of people crammed in the building. When he spies the bartender, he is almost giddy! He has never met a tian woman before! What stories could she possibly tell him about her homeland? As he makes his way to the bar, Cordwin hears several patrons talk about some sort of festival happening that day. Torag’s Forge! This is my lucky day! What are the odds I arrive in town on the day of a festival? I cannot wait to observe it! He reaches the bar and says to the young woman, Might I trouble ye for a tankard of ale? What interesting tattoos! I am sure there is a story behind it. I would love to hear it. Cordwin smiles as he plunks down a few gold pieces onto the bar.

Female Human (Tian)

The beautiful tian woman looks up from her task of stirring soup and notices the dwarf sitting at the front of the bar. "Right away, my short friend." She puts down her ladle and moves to fill a tankard of ale more than a little bit past the brim, plopping it down in front of Cordwin. Foam erupts around the side of the tankard, begging to be quickly lapped up before it makes a mess on the counter. She eyes the way he is dressed and notes the crossbow strapped across his back, and suddenly breaks into a friendly smile. She bends a little to glance at the dragon tattoo on her shoulder, and then says somewhat ambiguously, "I got this tattoo some years ago to remind myself of a previous time in my life which I lead a little less tamely than I lead the life I do now." She chuckles a bit, but her eyes suggest that the question brings back memories of the past, perhaps along with mixed emotions. She snaps back to the moment and changes the subject by saying, "You look like fellow who has a few stories of his own to tell. Would I be correct in guessing that you are here in town for the festival?"

She then looks down surpised at the smile pile of gold on the bar. "Were you hoping to rent a room, or should I consider this a generous tip?" she asks playfully.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin blushes a deep hue of red as he takes a long sip of ale. Ahhh! It’s been many a day since me gut has tasted decent ale! Me compliments to ye! Oh I got stories to tell if ye be wantin’ to hear the deeds of the Ironbeard kings. There be about 300 of ‘em don’t ye know! Now that ye mention it I do be needin’ a room and some food. Cordwin says as he slides the gold across the counter. Anything left over, consider it a tip for this thirst-quenchin’ ale. Me name is Cordwin, Cordwin Ironbeard at ye service! Now what’s this festival all about and tell me where ye traveled to or from before ye took up the tamely life here? The Dwarf says as he takes another long sip of ale, this time letting it sit in his mouth for a few seconds to fully savor the flavor before swallowing and giving the barkeep a huge grin.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Normally one to avoid crowds and bustling places, the mouth watering smells eminating from the Rusty Dragon's kitchen had proved too tempting to pass up. It had been days, or weeks, or even months since Paldak had been exiled from his home and sent aimlessly into the wild (though he had stopped keeping track of time), and many Suns had set without him enjoying the luxuries of a prepared meal or even shelter.

Paldak pushes open the door and is immediately reminded why he prefers the outdoors. People, tons of people... laughing loudly, talking loudly, and carrying on... loudly. But that smell, he had never smelled anything like it, beef? chicken? pork? it encourages him to take a step inside and then another toward the tables.

The patrons quiet down as they see the giant Half-Orc pass by, and knowing how important first impressions are (and especially not wanting to draw more attention to himself than he already had), Paldak squeezes a half smile to them, as if to say, 'I'm just big boned... And I'm just hear to eat.' Most patrons played along nodding back, and carried about their business. This encouraged Paldak as it was, despite no words being exchanged, one of few social interactions he has had that didn't end in insults or violence.

Most tables seem to have been taken, so Paldak sits down gently (hoping that the chair is strong enough to hold him), at the bar in the corner, near a dwarf speaking with a foreign looking barkeep. He waits for a pause in their conversation, gives another half smile to the two of them, then speaks quietly, held back, thinking that his normal tone would be too loud and potentially threatening:

"A serving of whatever you're cooking back there, and a drink to wash it down... Please?"

The "please" felt unnatural coming off his tongue and sounded strange to his ears. How long has it been since he last had talked to someone?

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina paused for a moment on the bridge, setting down her backpack and stretching her sore muscles. It was good to see civilization again; sleeping outdoors on the road to Sandpoint had preserved her meager coinpurse, but had done little to help her aching back.

Her rest was short-lived, as a crowd of people, no doubt in town for the Cathedral ceremony, flowed around her. A flicker of annoyance sparked within her, but she quickly exhaled and calmed herself. This was no time for another episode. Gathering up her things, she headed for the inn she'd spotted during her brief rest: The Rusty Dragon.

As expected, the common room was crowded and raucous, which suited Sabina just fine; crowds were a perfect place to get lost. She parted a path for herself to the bar and sat down next to a gregarious dwarf who was chatting up the cook.

"I hate to interrupt, but how much for a bowl of that soup and a room for the night?" she asked.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin sees the huge half-orc sit near him at the bar. Oh! I bet that one has some stories to tell! Ye should try the ale, friend! It is quite delicious! The barkeep here was just telling me about this here festival they are havin' today. Me name's Cordwin. Are ye here for it or are ye a local? The Dwarf asks.

He can't believe he is meeting such interesting people when a human woman sits down and asks for a bowl of soup. Try the ale, lassie, with that soup. It will wash it down real good! Cordwin says as he finishes off his tankard and places it on the bar with a soft thud. He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and stifles a small belch. Me name's Cordwin, by the way!

He smiles at Ameiko. Since I have been talkin' up your ale, maybe I can get a free tankard as a commission? he says with a laugh.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei Domashev opens his eyes and curses his luck. A festival? Why did this have to happen?

He sits up as the light of the midmorning sun peeks through the shutters. Alexei glances around at the small room he rented in the Rusty Dragon after his ship docked the day before. The room's small chair was still wedged under the door. It paid to be cautious and to secure one's surroundings when vulnerable.

He stands from the bed and moves to open the small shutter letting the light and warmth of the solar orb flood the room. Ah, yes. The heat. Alexei thoughts stray to his youth—a lifetime ago it seemed. It had been some time since he had really been immersed in the warmth of Varisia or any land south of Irrisen. The sea road on which he had travelled had maintained a chill as much of the journey had been overcast with the clouds only relenting the last day of the voyage.

The sorcerer pours water from the clay jar provided as a courtesy into the bowl on the small end table and rinses his mouth and splashes his face. Putting on his outer tunic and tucking his dagger into his boot, Alexei leaves the rest of his gear in the room. He proceeds downstairs having locked the door behind him.

Having already wasted his time the day before, Alexei simply approaches the bar and finds a seat. Wordlessly, he motions for food and drink and places a silver on the bar. Yesterday, he had spent a few hours trying to find anyone in town who might remember his father or any of his retainers, but most often they were too busy with the festival preparations to really speak with him and had politely asked Alexei to come back later, preferably after the celebrations were concluded. He had grudgingly reconciled himself with the need to be patient and wait out the Swallowtail Festival.

Not soon after he had begun nibbling from the meats, cheeses, and bread platter he had received, a smiling dwarf enters the bar and moves to the place two stools down from Alexei.

Cordwin Ironbeard wrote:
"Might I trouble ye for a tankard of ale? What interesting tattoos! I am sure there is a story behind it. I would love to hear it."

The dwarf then throws a wealth of money onto the bar. Alexei raises an eyebrow. Then the patroness Ameiko begins flirting with short humanoid who seems tickled. Pathetic, Alexei thinks to himself but fails to realize he is in fact smirking and shaking his head.

A moment later a half-orc enters and approaches the corner of the bar on the far side of the dwarf from Alexei. Almost immediately afterwards a woman approaches the bar as well. The dwarf (Cordwin he calls himself) greets them both in a friendly way. But his real game shows when he once again attempts to charm Ameiko into giving him a free drink.

Alexei chuckles knowing full well she'll give it to him considering Cordwin had already paid for much more ale than "a free tankard" was worth to Ameiko. But the illusion of getting freebies and being somebody could be a powerful tool. Alexei had seen his father use the same trick back when Alexei was younger. The cheese in his mouth turns slightly sour as Alexei thinks of his father's disappearance and how frustrating the delay of this festival was to him. His lips turn down, and he takes a swallow of ale to try and wash it down.

Patience, Alex, patience, Troyka Elvanna's voice sounded from the depths of Alexei's memory. The more patience you display and lack of concern you have, the more relaxed the deal and the more they will let you take.

Yes, father, Alexei answers in his head. A lesson well remembered.

Female Human (Tian)

Ameiko replies to the Cordwin's first question about the festival. "From your curiosity, I would assume that you are in Sandpoint just by chance, and it's just your luck, although I am surprised that you have not heard news of the festival before arriving. By the look of it, about half of the countryside is in town already, which I am by no means complaining about; it's great for business." She throws in some self-promotion, continuing, "You should know that for lunch tomorrow, all of the food is being providing by a series of establishments, including my own, free of charge!."

She notices the human and half-orc sit down at the bar as well. "If you will excuse me for a moment, I need to get these two fine patrons, and then attend to the rest of the room again." She is noticeably undaunted by Paldak and moves to serve him a bowl of soup and a tankard of ale. "Feel free to signal either Bethana or I when you are ready for a refill," She says pointing to an elderly halfing woman moving around the room taking orders from other patrons. She moves on to Sabina and takes her question. "What can I do to help you?... The space we have is filling up fast, but we do have a double room left. Is there any chance that you are interested in that? Dinner and the room would be 3 gp."

Ameiko laughs at Cordwin's request and goes to bring him a second tankard. "Keeping in mind your earlier generosity and the understanding that your praise could continue..."

I would say that unless you are spending money something particularly lavish, like a fancy suite for lodging, then we should keep track of living expenses on a weekly basis, as opposed to going by individual purchases. Thoughts?

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak gives a polite nod to a Cordwin and the newly arrived female human, but before he can say anything, his attention is drawn to Ameiko. Paldak's half smile widens into a grin as Ameiko places the soup and ale in front of him. He takes the spoon out of the soup and stares at it curiously, shrugs, then places it on the table before picking up the bowl, bringing it to his lips, and sloshing it down. He allows himself a stifled belch, then picks up the ale and downs it just the same, in one go. As he is finishing the last couple of glugs, he raises his hand to the halfling woman, as a signal to bring him a second round of food and drink.

Setting down the mug, Paldak turns to the side (away from the dwarf and Ameiko) and belches once more, this time quite a bit louder than the first. He turns back to the dwarf with his fist raised to his mouth as if to mask the smell.

"Cordwin is it? I'm Paldak. This ale IS good." He raises the mug again and tries to tap out a few more drops into his open mouth.

"No... Not local. Not here for the festival either. Just passing... through..." Paldak seems to drift off in thought briefly, then asks, "You?"

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Well met Paldak! I am also passing through. I am on my way to visit Janderhoff...eventually. In the meantime I aim to see what I can see including this here festival. As Ameiko brings them their second tankards, Cordwin will raise his tankard to the half-orc. May ye find an' spend a dragon's treasure and may ye never meet a dragon who lost his treasure! Cordwin then takes a long draft of ale. I better stop drinkin' this ale or I'll be stumblin' to the festival!

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak raises his tankard and chuckles. "Well met indeed. I don't think I'd know how to spend a dragon's treasure, though, at this point I feel as though I could eat one." Paldak puts the tankard to his mouth, then after realizing what he had said, squeezes in, "Eat a dragon, that is... Not it's treasure." Paldak then with a last glance at Cordwin to ensure he wasn't musunderstood, drains the ale and then the soup in the same manner as before. "Hunting has proven difficult on my journies thus far, and food has been sparse." Paldak signals for another round of soup and ale for himself. "But enough about me." Realizing that talking about himself is putting a damper on things, and not wanting to ruin one of the few genuine conversations he's ever had, Paldak tries to change the subject. "So Handerjoff eh? Never heard of it. What lies for you there?"

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Hmmm...I'd bet dragons would be a chewy lot. Actually its Janderhoff, and its a dwarven settlement. I figure I'd go and visit and see what they know but along the way I might go to the Windsong Abbey which I believe is north of here and see what they know. Basically I want to learn what everyone be knowin' He smiles at Ameiko and Sabina. Especially learnin' more about these two lovely lassies here!

It is only then that Cordwin notices the human man two stools down seeming to be paying attention to the conversation. And ye, friend, don't be shy. Come and tell us what you're about. If ye got a good tale, I might see if Ameiko can refill your tankard on me coin!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina digs a few coins out of her meager purse and slides them across the counter. " looks like you're pretty busy around here. Are you looking for any extra help?" she asks.

She turns to see who the dwarf was gesturing to, spying a wealthy-looking man with a stern face. With some relief she noted his northern features, and sighed with some relief that it wasn't one of her countrymen. Eager to blend in, she nodded to the dwarf and half-orc.

"Ah, there isn't much to learn about me. I'm just here to see the Cathedral, like most of the folks here. Did you say you were headed north, though? I've heard the roads up there can be a bit rough. You shouldn't travel alone."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Having lost himself in conversation, Cordwin's comment suddenly reminds Paldak of the numerous other people sitting around him; So he decides to button up and simply observe for a while.

He picks up his third bowl of soup and begins drinking it, slower this time, and nods back to Sabina. As Cordwin and Sabina chat, while sipping his soup he sneaks a peak at the gentleman in the corner of which he was previously unaware. He didn't like the idea of being spied upon, but the friendly company around him allowed Paldak to relax more than usual.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei's eye widen when he realizes he was being too obvious in his eavesdropping. Drat, now I should say something, or else I'll stand out too much. Curse overly jolly dwarves!

"Ah, yes. Shy. I suppose I'm generally a tad wary around strangers. My apologies if I seemed to be listening inappropriately." Alexei gestures to himself.

"I'm named Alexei Domashev. And tales I have in abundance, I suppose. I lived a rather unusual childhood. Have any of you ever visited Kaer Maga? When I was a young boy, my father and I stayed there a while. Quite a fascinating city. My father wanted to see the troll augurs in action so to speak, so we visited one of renown in the city..."

Alexei provides a somewhat interesting if dryly told story about a troll seer reading a prophecy for one of his father's retainers, and how the man's death that was predicted happened just as the troll said it would. Alexei glosses over the more gory details of the actual method the troll seers of Kaer Maga use to make their prophecies as everyone is eating, or about to do so.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |
Sabina wrote:
"Ah, there isn't much to learn about me. I'm just here to see the Cathedral, like most of the folks here. Did you say you were headed north, though? I've heard the roads up there can be a bit rough. You shouldn't travel alone."

Aye! I'm sure it is. I'm sure I can find a group headin' north and join 'em-as long as they're interestin' of course!

When Alexi finishes his story, Cordwin is both amazed and excited. Ye mean they pull their guts out an read 'em? He asks again as he did when Alexi first told how the troll augurs saw the future. Then they heal and they do it all over again? Cordwin absentmindedly places his hand over his stomach. And the name of this town was Kaer Maga? I will definitely have to stop and visit these trolls and see what they be knowin'. he throws the amount of coins down on the bar for a tankard of ale (he doesn't want to detract from Ameiko's 'tip'). Brother, that was a great story, you have earned a tankard of ale. They really read their guts?

Female Human (Tian)

The bartender seems well surprised by Sabina's offer of help. She beams and exclaims, "Some help would actually be a godsend. At the moment, it's just Bethana and I managing everything at the moment, and with the festival tomorrow, The Rusty Dragon feels like an overflowing cauldron." The room seems to have thickened even more with costumers since the four of your arrived. " What is your name? I don't believe we have been introduced. I'm Ameiko, the owner of this beauty of an establishment. How about we make a deal? If you can give me help with the bar for the evening, and help with cleanup, then I will throw your meal and room in for free for the night. What do you say to that? And maybe with the extra help, I'll be free enough to entertain the room with some music!"

Male Game Master

A large muscular man near the bar turns away from a conversation that he was having with a well-dressed man in a blue suit that has the look of a nobleman about him. The large man sits down next to Paldak and offers him a hand to shake. "Judging by the look of ye, you must be in town for the festival! I'm Chod. Chod Bevuk." It is immediately apparent that he is missing a finger on his right hand. He also seems to be carrying an array different types of knifes on a belt across his wait. There are smatterings of old blood stains the sleeves of his tunic and trousers.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina brightened up visibly at the mention of a free meal and board. "That sounds great. I'm Sabina, by the way." she says, extending a handshake.

"Do you mind if I go upstairs first to set my stuff down and change? I figure you don't want your barmaids in mail" she says with a smile.

Female Human (Tian)

"That would be a good idea." She laughs. "You can come and see me when you are done and I will get you set up behind the bar."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4
GM Nightingale wrote:
A large muscular man near the bar turns away from a conversation that he was having with a well-dressed man in a blue suit that has the look of a nobleman about him. The large man sits down next to Paldak and offers him a hand to shake. "Judging by the look of ye, you must be in town for the festival! I'm Chod. Chod Bevuk." It is immediately apparent that he is missing a finger on his right hand. He also seems to be carrying an array different types of knifes on a belt across his wait. There are smatterings of old blood stains the sleeves of his tunic and trousers.

"Well I was planning on just passing through, but I hear the food will be served at no cost tomorrow, and I can't pass up a free meal or two... or nine. Well met Chod, the name's Paldak!" He turns to face Chod while reaching out for a shake, and is immediately taken aback by the sight of old blood and knives. Paldak's other hand instinctively twitches, and his thoughts move to the trusty falchion strapped to his back.

While shaking Chod's four-fingered hand and eyeing him carefully, Paldak collects himself, and realizes there must be a logical reason for Chod's appearance. "And I wouldn't suppose that you might happen to be lending a finger... I mean... hand, to prepare some of that food?"

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

"I'll be right back. You won't regret this!"

Sabina wasted little time hefting her gear on her shoulders and heading upstairs to her rented room. Her path through the crowded room is a little less than graceful, but with a mixture of shoulder-checks and apologies she finally makes her way back through the crowd.

Back in her room, Sabina carefully set down her sword and shield, removed her travel cloak, and carefully removed her armor. She didn't have much in the way of spare clothes, but she found a clean tunic in her pack and traded it for dusty one she'd been wearing on the road. Though she had no time for a full bath, she did take a minute to splash water on her face and hands, smiling at her reflection in a nearby mirror. She needed this job; she was down to her last few gold pieces and wasn't keen to go back to living rough.

"Just stay calm, no 'episodes', and she might just give you a real job. Don't mess this up, Sabina"

Sabina headed back downstairs, and returned to the bar. Navigating the crowd was a little easier without the bulk of her armor, but it's clear that Sabina just isn't that graceful. The toned muscle of her arms are more visible now, however, and it's clear that she's done a fair share of physical word before.

"I'm ready to get started, boss. What should I do first?"

Male Game Master

Chod seems to remember his appearance. "I do apologize for the way that I am dressed, but I just came from my shop, The Sandpoint Meat Market. I've been preparing a stall to put out during the festival! Surprisingly enough, my trade is not how I lost my finger. You are looking at a survivor of not one, but two chopper attacks!"

Female Human (Tian)

"Excellent!" Ameiko leads behind the bar and gives Sabina a 5 minutes explanation of how to run the bar and and keep the soup hot. "Feel free to finish your meal while you are working. And call on me if you have any questions. Good luck and thanks again for the help."

She disappears into a room behind the bar only to return a few minutes later with an exotic three stringed instrument which some of you can identify as a samisen. She moves to take a stool at the center of the room, and a large chunk of of the crowd cheers when they see see her with it. Ameiko starts to play a high energy tune that gets the patrons to clank there glasses and throw spare change at her feet. She is obviously a very skilled musician.

Picture of a Samisen

Video of a Samisen Being Played

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4
GM Nightingale wrote:
Chod seems to remember his appearance. "I do apologize for the way that I am dressed, but I just came from my shop, The Sandpoint Meat Market. I've been preparing a stall to put out during the festival! Surprisingly enough, my trade is not how I lost my finger. You are looking at a survivor of not one, but two chopper attacks!"

"No need to apologize about your appearance. I have grown quite accustomed to people judging me for mine, and you deserve better. Here, let me buy you a drink." Paldak's concerns are immediately assured by Chod's friendly demeanor, and his smile quickly returns. He signals for an ale for his new found friend.

"Now don't let me forget to ask about what you'll be serving tomorrow, but what you said about your finger has intrigued me. Who is Chopper, and why did he attack you... twice?" Paldak straightens his back and broadens his chest. "If this Chopper still needs dealt with, no foe walks away after combat with Paldak!"

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei coughs as Cordwin continues to emphasize the rather gruesome means the troll seers of Kaer Maga use to ply their craft. Seeing Paldak become engaged in conversation with a butcher and Sabina run off to change her clothes, Alexei realizes no one else is paying attention to Cordwin and his conversation.

Shrugging, Alexei turns to the dwarf saying, "Indeed it is. Pretty clever really. Cleverness not being something you would normally associate with trolls, I'd imagine. It is fairly messy however, and the detritus of fluid and viscera that troll is free to discard as it is growing back before they even replace their innards breeds a fairly nasty size of vermin in their quarter of the city."

The sorcerer grimaces at the memory. "One of them bit my foot. My father was pretty upset about it, and so he paid some cleric for a ward around our quarters while we stayed." Alexei takes a long swallow of the ale Cordwin's generosity provided.

"Thank you for following through on your agreement of story for ale. You seem fairly eager to see the world yourself. What have you seen so far? Any tales of your own?"

Sabina returns then and Ameiko moves to take the stage.

Alexei raises an eyebrow and gives Cordwin a commiserating half smile. "A shame that. Now you'll have to re-tip the bartender as Sabina—wasn't it?—didn't see you pre-pay."

Male Game Master

"So you haven't heard about the Late Unpleasantness, then? If you had, then you would probably know that the chopper is already dead, and that he offed himself in the most unbelievably appalling fashion." Chod seems to be to be gaining excitement as he takes a deep breath and launches into the story.

"Well couple years back you see, people started being murdered all over the place. I'll tell you, Sandpoint has seen it's share of murders, but never in such quantity... or gruesomeness. We would find bodies with deep cuts to the neck and torso, and their hands and feet stacked nearby. The corpses were always missing their eyes and tongue, ripped out of their heads." Chod pauses to let the horror of it sink in. "That's where the name came from. 'The Chopper,' he was called."

"During this period of fright in the town, he came for while I was in my shop. The first time I managed to fight him off with a butcher's cleaver, the one I have right here on my side!" he proudly displays one of the knives he is carrying, clearly being a little bit boastful. "But he managed to take off my finger. He fled but came, which I knew he would, so I was ready for him! We fought again, but this time, I managed to take off a finger of his own. He never came for me after is was clear that I was his match!" Several people nearby have started to eavesdrop on Chod's story as well.

"The entire town lived in fear for a while longer, until our current Sheriff, Belor Hemlock, found the old Sheriff dead next to a freshly killed victim of the Chopper's with a trail of blood leading away from the scene. All in all, at that point, the chopper had claimed at more than two dozen of the townsfolk... The Sheriff must have come across the Chopper while he was desecrating a victim's corpse and wounded him before being killed as well. The Hemlock followed the trail of blood all the way to the house old dear Jervis Stoot.

"Being from out of town, I might have to tell you a little bit about the man. Jervis Stoot was an eccentric woodcarver who lived in a house right on the isle above the Old Light he built himself some 15 years before. He seemed to have the notion of carving a bird into the side of every house in Sandpoint, with permission of course. He was incredibly skillful, so if Stoot chose your house as the site for his new project, you seized the opportunity. It was a bit of a bragging point to be 'Sporting a Stoot'. He'd often be seen wandering the streets for days before noticing a hidden bird in a fence post, lintel, steeple, or doorframe, which he'd then secure permission to "release" with his trusty hatchets and carving knives. He had moved up to that house in order to be closer to the birds as he had said.

"With the blood trail leading right to his house, the town refused to believe the implication, and were inclined to believe that actually the Chopper's had come to claim Jervis as another victim. That would have been a kinder story to tell, but sadly, it did not turn out to be the truth, you see, no after they the sets of of eyes and tongues of all the victims that the chopper had claimes atop a horrific alter to some vile demon lord who's name should not be spoken aloud. Jervis himself was at the base of the alter, having plucked his own eyes and tongue out in a final offering to his god." The people who are had been listening around have grown silent and some have slightly sickened looks on their faces.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Before Cordwin can even respond to Alexei's questions, Paldak's new conversation companion begins telling a story right in line with the previous gruesome topic. Since Cordwin seems to enjoy such stories, Alexei makes a gesture to draw the bard's attention to Chod and his increasingly dramatic recounting of a rampant murderer from recent history.

Well, now. Isn't this a more fascinating piece of history than I expected, Alexei thinks. If I didn't know better, I would think the Chillblight fey had addled this Chopper's mind. That madness certainly sounds like their sort of 'fun'.

Unable to stop himself, Alexei interrupts Paldak and Chod's conversation to ask, "Demon worship you say? Well, that's certainly a rather unusual event in this small community I would imagine. Was it some sort of bird demon? That would certainly explain his obsession with carving them, wouldn't it?"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak's ale turns sour in his mouth, and his smile droops into a dark grimace. To himself Paldak starts, "Demons, dark rituals, murder..." Paldak's muscles tense, and the grip on his tankard tightens "desecration..." Just saying the word disgusted Paldak. Under his breath he growls, "My blood boils..."

Looking back to Chod, Paldak continues, "You have done a great thing, fighting this despicable coward; and it is good that these people have been rid of this craven. I only wish that the town of Sandpoint would have been allowed the opportunity to deliver retribution on its own terms." Paldak clenches his off-hand into a fist. "Make him pay for each life he took."

The sound of Ameiko's music and Alexei's question cut through the anger that clouded Paldak's mind. Paldak's senses seem to come back to him, and his mood starts to return back to normal. After a moment, and a few deep breaths, he adds, "I thank you for sharing this tale. After such dark times, it is good that the town of Sandpoint can still find reason to celebrate."

Paldak pushes away the remainder of his meal, after the story, his appetite had left him. He nods to Chod, then to Alexei, and turns in his chair to listen to Ameiko's song; though, he still keeps an ear open to hear an answer to Alexei's question.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin is just about to regale Alexei with the time that King Holter Ironbeard fought and slew an ettin in single combat when Alexei motions to the man who is currently speaking to Paldak.

He is telling Paldak a gruesome tale about a series of murders that happened here some time ago. Cordwin is memorized as the man, Chod, it seems his name, does not skip any of the bloody details and Cordwin is just amazed. After the stories he has heard today and the people he met, Cordwin does not question his decision to leave his home and explore the world.

Do folks still have them birds carved into their houses and such? Seems to me after what he did folks would want them removed.

Cordwin secretly hopes that the answer is yes. He would like to see these bird carvings for himself.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina listened intently to Ameiko's instructions, then did a double-take as she left Sabina alone at the bar. She had little time to let panic sink in, however, as Bethana ran up and began firing off customer orders.

"Five bowls, two loaves, and three pitchers of Goblinhead Ale for table five! Six pints for table three! Four boilermakers for table nine!"

Another traveler, fresh from the road, pushed his way towards the bar. "A pint of whatever's cheap, and keep 'em comin!"

The crowd parts, and an older woman approaches the bar.
"Young lady! Young lady! I want a whiskey, neat. Sometime before I expire would be nice."

Sabina fumbles with arms full of bottles, bowls, plates, and loaves of bread, counting coins while tracking the various numbers and orders being sent her way. She doesn't complain, or even seem to reply audibly, but anyone looking can see that she's a bit nervous and out of her depth. Anyone listening can likely hear her struggling to keep her voice down to a whisper, muttering in an unfamiliar language.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Amused Ameiko so callously threw this relative stranger to the wolves, Alexei waits for Chod to collect his thoughts by watching Sabina's reactions to the rather hungry and increasingly thirsty crowd's demands.

"I hope my question wasn't out of line. I am Alexei, and allow me to get you a proper drink for tales of blood and demons."

Snapping his fingers at Sabina, Alexei requests four whiskeys for Chod, Paldak, Cordwin, and himself. He takes his neat and allows the other three to order it however they want it. Placing four silver on the bar, he taps his fingers on the polished wood until Sabina delivers the drinks.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina hurriedly tosses four glasses on the bar and begins pouring, when suddenly she's distracted by Bethana returning with another set of orders. The bottle slips out of her hand and tumbles towards the floor. Sabina reaches out for it twices and misses, and a frustrated shout escapes her lips just before Bethana manages to catch the bottle with practiced ease.

"Slow down, hon. We need you to last the whole shift" she says with wink.

Sabina tries to thank the Halfling, but the words seem to stick in her throat. Stammering for a moment, she settles for returning Bethana's smile and giving her a 'thumbs up'. Her heart still pounding, Sabina picks up the bottle again and finishes pouring, then sets it back in its place with a sigh.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin feels sorry for Sabina as she seems to be overwhelmed in her new profession. He smiles but is careful not to let Sabina see so she doesn't feel bad. With is glass full, Cordwin turns to Alexei and says, Thanks Friend! I have never had whiskey before. I've drunk ale all me life and some elven wine on occasion, but this be me first whiskey! He smells the strange brew and then he downs it like he would a tankard of ale. He starts to cough and slaps the bar a few times and a smile appears on his face. I like it! I like whiskey! As his head feels a little lite-headed he thinks to himself. Oh! Me head will be hurtin' in the morn! He then tries to bob his head in time to Ameiko's song but after the whiskey and two tankards of ale, his rhythm is a tad off.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak eyes Sabina suspiciously as he hears the strange mumblings. Though, his attention is quickly drawn to the drinks placed in front of him and he decides to simply write off the occurrence as 'random' noises due to the busy tavern.

Cordwin's reaction to the whiskey improves Paldak's dour mood from the Chopper tale, and a toothy smile reappears on his face. As Cordwin coughs, he pats him on the back a few times and while eyeing Alexei, Chod, and Sabina he taunts, "No, no... Like this!"

Paldak grabs the glass of whiskey, tilts his head back, and downs it in one gulp. He then turns to look at Cordwin and say "See?" but the words never came out, for this had been Paldak's first time drinking whiskey as well.

"Se...cawwwwwshhhh" He does his best to close his mouth and save face.

To Cordwin and the rest of the group, Paldak's eyes are quite visibly watering and he is doing his best to hold back the tears. The dull green skin of his face begins to turn purple as he holds back the coughing fit.

After a moment, seeming to have won the battle against his body's natural reaction he goes to speak, carefully... "See?" As the word leaves his lips, the alcohol burn from the whiskey hits his throat, and Paldak begins hacking loudly.

While coughing, the smile on Paldak's face grows as he realizes how ridiculous he must look, and as soon as the coughing fit is over, he begins to laugh.

While laughing, he thanks Alexei for the drink, and then decides it would probably be best to stop drinking for the night, and instead, listen more to Ameiko's music.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei watches his fellow drinkers' antics, and one eyebrow shoots up. Shaking his head with a slight up-curl to one side of his mouth, he sips his whiskey and after a moment of letting it sit in his mouth, he swallows then takes a mouthful of ale.

"You're welcome," he replies to their thanks. "I'm glad you enjoyed it."

Unsure if Chod is going to answer him, Alexei watches Sabina's fluster and finds himself trying to understand what she's saying under breath.

Male Game Master

After Chod finishes his story, the room around him comes back to life. People start to conversing about the Late Unpleasantness (locals sharing their own stories and visitors from out of town asking more questions, some with a shockingly morbid curiosity.) Chod replies to Alexei's question with a shrug. "No one knows the nature of the being that Stoot seemed to have worshiped. Before he started killing, he was kind fellow, and everyone who received one of his carvings felt very honored. Many people still don't believe that he did it, but I am convinced the evidence points to him! Those like me who do, most likely removed his carvings, others leave them their as a testament to the man he was before the incident. All in all, it's entirely possible that he had just gone completely bonkers. Living like he did, all up alone away from people, he would not be the first to do so. I can tell you that if he had been under the protection of a demon, I might have known when I fought him."

At this moment someone pipes up over Chod and says "Don't listen to him. No one actually believes that his story that he fought The Chopper. I think that lost his finger when working and told his story to cover up the embarrassment!"

Chod goes a little red and then spits hard in the direction of the quip. "You be quiet, Daviron!" he says.

Daviron, is a rather fit man who appears to be somewhere in his early thirties. He has obviously had a good amount to drink. He stands up, takes a swig of his ale, and then puts his glass down. "Why don't you make me shut up, Bevuk," he calls to Chod. "You could show us how you fought off The Chopper." The room around grows completely silent again. Chod slowly stands up as well and sets his drink down, completely flushed.

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Whiskey on his breath, inhibitions dimmed, and without a second thought, Paldak jumps from his chair and situates himself between the two men.

"Now is this really worth fighting about? Let's put the past behind us and celebrate today." He turns to the rest of the crowd and asks, "Isn't that what this festival is about?" He then directs his attention to the woman who was playing music. "Ma'am you are gifted with your instrument, it would do me and everyone else here an honor to hear you play once more tonight."

Lastly, Paldak turns back to Daviron and places his hand on his shoulder. He says the following low enough so that only Daviron and perhaps a few patrons nearby would be able to hear. "One of the hardest lessons for me to grasp was to learn how to pick my battles. You would be wise to learn it here tonight, the easy way; before things slip out of your control and you have to learn it the hard way." He tightens the grip on Daviron's shoulder, not enough to hurt him, but enough to let him know he's serious.

After a moment passes, Paldak says a little louder, "Let's forget about this, and let me buy you a drink. My friend Alexei recommends the whiskey." Paldak cracks a friendly smile with his last quip, then asks, "What say you?"

If you would like a skill check, here's an intimidate roll just in case. Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina's flurry of activity comes to a sudden stop when CHod sets down his drink and confronts Daviron. Her hand reaches over her back for a weapon that is no longer there, the darts back to her side. She looks relieved when Paldak speaks up to calm the situation, and more than a little surprised.

She looks over to Ameiko and gestures towards the potential fight with her head, slapping one hand against her fist, as if to ask 'should I be throwing them out?'

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin is surprised in the rise in tensions. Now why would anyone be mad. The music is good, the ale is good, and the whiskey is REAL good.

Male Game Master

Paldak's voice booms above the conversations in the tavern. People immediately turn their attention to the large half-orc, whose large shape is easily visible from anywhere in the room, not wanting to be the one to and talk over him. People who were unaware of the conflict taking place near the bar probably assume that Paldak is making some kind of toast, and his mention of the festival brings cheers and the sound of people slamming their drinks down. More applause follows after he addresses Ameiko. She stands up and gives a curt bow to the room.

Daviron takes a look at Paldak towering over him, and the large sword he has visibly equipped. He mutters, obviously backing down"You're right. I must have had too much to drink this evening. I thank you for the drink, but it's getting late and it might be wise for me to turn in for the night." Mustering his dignity, he walk out of the room, not making very much eye contact as he leaves. Chod sits back down, obviously relieved, but makes a few cracks to the folks around him about Daviron's lack of courage. Ameiko acknowledges Sabina's gesture with a shake of her head and looks at Daviron as he leaves. She goes back to playing her samisen. The room is back to life.

Daviron Will Save: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin is glad when Daviron leaves. Bah! What a party-pooper! Glad you handled him before I had to! says the small, slight dwarf with a chuckle to the huge, strapping half-orc.

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei finds himself a tad disappointed that Paldak stepped into it. Watching conflict unfold was always so fascinating. Both sides equally sure of their righteousness. The moment when lawfulness was only to be solved by that most basic principle: might. Whether physical, mental, or mystical, might was always the ultimate deciding truth of any law. The strong determined what was "right."

Despite the lack of fireworks, Paldak's actions had only supported Alexei's view of the world. Once again the strong prevailed over someone wise enough to know they were weaker. Now if only he could figure out who knew more of where his father might have gone, or, better, what his father had been after, Alexei could exercise his own might. He needed to find the secrets of the old Thassilon magic his father had been seeking.

"Where will you be off to then, after this festival, Master Dwarf, mighty Paldak?" He gestures to the hard-working Sabina. "Or do you also plan to seek a place here in Sandpoint?"

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak watches Daviron walk away to ensure he stays to his word, then takes back his seat at the bar as soon as he sees him step outside. Paldak is relieved to hear Ameiko start playing again, and he smiles at Cordwin's jest. Internally he breathes a sigh of relief, he shouldn't be so quick to get involved. He got lucky this time. But a half-orc with a two-handed blade on his back, acting the aggressor would be viewed as a danger to observers more times than not, regardless of the circumstances.

He looks to Cordwin, "Well how do you think I got him to leave? I told him my dwarf friend here and his axe would have something to say if he didn't pipe down!" He gives a friendly smile to the group, then turns to Chod.

Hopefully Daviron doesn't remember the night, but if he does, Paldak may have made himself an enemy. It probably wouldn't hurt to learn more about him. "Tell us about this Daviron. Did he have a reason to be this aggressive, or was it really just the ale talking?"

As he waits for a response from Chod, Alexei asks a question, a question Paldak hadn't yet put much thought to, what's next?

He turns to Alexei, "Oh besides travelling the countryside, breaking up tavern brawls? To be entirely honest, I haven't much thought about it." Realizing that must sound queer, Paldak quickly follows, "I'm..." Nothing. He didn't know what to say.

After a moment, he finally finishes his sentence, "I'm still... deciding. How about you, where will you be off to?"

Male Human Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |

Alexei smiles at this stammering answer. "Mayhap you should inquire about serving here as well. Since this one, " Alexei wave his hand in Sabina's general direction, "seems to have lost the battle with speech due to the workload. She could likely use the help." He laughs at his own jest.

"But seriously, if you have no plans, perhaps you would like to accompany me on my travels. I am here in Varisia doing research. I could use someone with your obvious...," Alexei moves his hand up and down indicating Paldak's physique, "charm in the event I find myself in any tavern brawls during my adventures."

In response to Paldak's question, Alexei gives an emphasized half-shrug. "Let's just say, my time here in Sandpoint will likely determine the direction I—we—would take. There's some things I need to see to first."

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin is thinking of all the places he wants to go in answer to Alexei's question when suddenly Alexei mentions the word 'research'. I'd be happy to accompany ye, Alexei, if ye'd have me. Research is me specialty. I might not be as Paldak here he gives the half-orc a good-natured slap on the back but I'm good with a quill and parchment and I'm right at home in a library.

Male Game Master

Chod replies to Paldak. "Daviron has a hide as tough as leather. If you don't know his reputation, I would say that I have never known to hate goblins as much as that man, which is saying something. He kills them for pleasure and even named his business after his hatred: The Goblin Squash Stables." He raises his voice a little to spread some gossip about the man. "People are saying that he has had quite scandal with an elven ranger who passes through town occasionally, which makes a lot of sense considering that they are almost the same person, except she is a good deal prettier." He chuckles. "To answer your question, he is not normally aggressive, he just has too big mouth on him and had a little too much to drink this evening I would think."

The hour has drawn late, and Ameiko wraps up her performance. She announces that she will be closing up shortly, and all the people here should finish up their drinks and get some sleep for the festival tomorrow. The crowd meets this announcement with sparse cries of disapproval. She calls back, "There will be plenty of opportunities to get yourself drunk again tomorrow at the festival!" Met with cheers this time.

Female Human (Tian)

Ameiko makes her way over to the bar. "It seems to me that have been managing at the bar," she compliments Sabina. "I must say again, I do very much appreciate your help. I will just need a little more aid with cleanup, and then you will be free to go off to bed."

She turns to Paldak. "I would like to thank you for dealing with conflict almost had here. Unfortunately, it happened at a time when I was distracted, but you stepped in in the nick of time. I would love to offer you a free room for the night as an expression of my gratitude, if the both of you don't mind sharing, since all we have left is a double room with two beds." She looks at Sabina and Paldak for confirmation for confirmation on whether or not that would be all right. "Otherwise, I am sure that we could make room somewhere else in the Rusty Dragon, since there is plenty of floor space."

Male Half-Orc Barbarian | HP 12/18 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +2 | Will +1 | Init +4 | Perc +4

Paldak is flattered by Alexei's offer, though he is a little hesitant to accept it so quickly. That is until Cordwin jumps in and offers to accompany Alexei as well, boosting Paldak's confidence.

"Alexei, thank you for the offer, I'd be honored to join you and Cordwin on your journeys. Perhaps I will find my place in this world during our travels."

He then turns to Chod who answered his question concerning Daviron. "I'm glad to hear that we won't have to worry about him. Though, it seems goblins have plenty to fear." A smile forms on his face, for Paldak too, shares no love for pesky goblins and their annoying nature.

Lastly he addresses Ameiko who so kindly offered a room for the night. "Thank you Ameiko, I appreciate your offer, though, some floor space here in the tavern, or perhaps a firm booth would suit me just fine." Secretly Paldak is still unsure about Sabina and her strange talking. He'd rather not risk it.

He turns to Sabina, "You worked hard this evening, and you earned a good night's sleep without my snoring waking you up." Paldak laughs and starts unpacking his necessary belongings onto a nearby table.

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