DM Papa.DRB - Rise of the Runelord 2 (Inactive)

Game Master Papa-DRB

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Male Game Master

The boar is about to be served when the door to the inn slams open and a surly visitor steps through and bellows something angrily in a foreign tongue above the ambient noise. All over, conversations trail off and people look to see who entered. The visitor is a middle-aged Tian man wroth with anger. Hearing no reply, he yells the same thing again and steps further into the inn. His eyes alight upon the heroes.

"Ahh!" he exclaims and begins in the common tongue now. "It's the so called "heroes" of Sandpoint. Take a good look! These are no heroes. During the raid, all they accomplished was endangering the townsfolk with their ill-advised antics." He spits the second syllable of the last word stressing the fricatives. "You all should have left that business to trained professionals, such as the city guard." His insult sinks in. At this point, Aldern, and those of you that have been drinking are a little drunk. Bethana drops a plate on the table and scampers away to the back.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René ignores the man's antics. Or should I say, antics. He was clearly looking for a fight, and he wasn't dumb enough to engage. Although given that, his silence would probably be taken as just as much of an insult worthy of a beating. Besides, he knew who would really suffer from a fight: people like Bethana and Ameiko (In property damage if not actual physical harm in the latter's case). No sir, he refused to repay their hospitality with trouble.

That being said, between the man's mood and his present company, he might not be able to help it. He eyes Aldern carefully while he keeps the newcomer in the corner of his eye. If anybody was going to cause a scene, his bet was on the drunk noble.

Readied action to hex the new guy's to hit if things turn violent.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina turns away from the man's outburst, hoping that the man will settle down if no one rises to be bait. Instead, she turns to her companions, and the delicious looking pork.

"I generally hate to pry, and of course you're welcome to refuse to answer, but might I ask what brings you so far from our homeland, Tylur?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Watching the tirade the old drunkard puts on he almost does not hear Sabina's question.

"Excuse me?" you can hear a slight irritation in his words. He turns and looks at Sabina and a smile creeps over his face while he shakes his head. "The audacity of that man just barging in here and calling in to question our actions?"

"You are not prying whatsoever. Mine is a rather sad tale and not as glorious as our companion Cordwin's. My mentor sent me on my way from Egorian. He provided me of the clothing and items you see me with. I fear he thought it best that I see a different side of the world one where I could be taught lessons that I could not discover in our homeland. I look to repay my mentor for this gift one day. On day very soon. What of your self? What brings a maiden so fair away from her homeland?"

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina fidgets in her seat for a moment, unsure of how to begin. "Serves me right for prying, I guess. I tend not to talk about myself much. I come from Kintargo, on the coast. I lived there happily until misfortune struck a few months ago, and I was forced to leave. I'd always heard tall tales of Varisia as a child, so I thought I'd come up here and see them for myself. I've yet to see any giants or mysterious ruins, however. It's probably for the best; I miss the old quiet days."

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René inclines his head slightly to Sabina. Good job distracting Aldern's friend. Perhaps I should do likewise.

Leaning close to Aldern, René whispers conspiratorially to the man while Sabina is occupied talking to Tylur. To keep up his appearance of being more drunk than he actually is, he makes sure to slur his words. "Shooo...Sabina. Yous gone likin' her, yhuss? Whass yer plan?"

He still keeps the trouble-maker visible in the corner of his eye. To a casual observer, his move closer to the noble was simply to aid in his whispering. In actuality, he was getting a better angle on the angry, if not currently drunk then probably about to be, new patron.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

"Kintargo. Ahh you are Northerner then. Yes since my arrival I have yet to see anything of legend or mystery. I had hoped." you notice that his voice trails off at the end of that sentence. Catching himself he blinks and smiles again at you.

"I had forgot to thank you for your willingness to stand in the way of the boar to protect me. It was a selfless gesture and one I will pay you back for one day. Until that day I will walk by your side ever vigilant." he rests his hand upon Sabina's shoulder and gives it firm squeeze.

"May I inquire on how long have you known your companions here? If I am to walk with you it is best I know your ties with them."

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin looks at his companions and looks at the man. He switches his gaze back and forth several times. He sensed that his companions are trying to avoid the interloper, but his curiosity is getting the better of him. Say friend, it sounds like we have a misunderstanding here. Why don't ye sit down and we can discuss it over some delicious piggy and ale?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

"Think nothing of it. You were unarmed, and I had my sword ready. It would be shameful to have left you unguarded like that." she says, a little stiffly. She stiffens a bit more and begins to visibly blush as Tylur squeezes her shoulder.

"I met them just the other day, right here in the Rusty Dragon. I was seeking work as my money had begun to run out, and Ameiko generously agreed to let me help out in the kitchen. Goblins attacked during the festival, and that's how we ran into Aldern, and apparently ran afoul of this old man." she says, inclining her head towards the angry fellow that Cordwin was speaking with.

"By the way, did I hear you call out to the Dawnflower when the beast charged? Are you a Sarenite? I have to admit when we first met I was a little guarded as I feared that you might have been Asmodean."

Male Game Master

Aldern replies not so quietly to René, "Well, I'll say, either you've been pounding them back without me noticing, you can't hold your liquor gods save you! I can barely make out what you're saying. As she is a women of such beauty and heroism, it would be a little queer to not be taken with Sabina. I hold myself to a motto: I should shy away from talking to a beautiful women, no matter what her station or attributes in comparison to mine. Life is too short for regret of having not done. Don't you think?"

The old man seems utterly pissed at being ignored, and is about to rear himself up to yell something unpleasant, when Cordwin cordially invites him to join their table. He stops, comically confused. He bursts out, "I have no time to sit with a band of vagrants."

Female Human (Tian)

Ameiko bursts out of the kitchen to see what all of the fuss is about. She spies the old man who angrily starts shouting at her and walks over. They argue loudly in the same foreign tongue.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René nods absently, really only half paying attention to Aldern. "Jusht gots ta 'member schome like dere space."

It's a bit of a shame that I don't know whatever tongue they're speaking. Perhaps I'll have to pick it up one day. But seems like my assessment of him was correct. I'm glad at the very least that he seems to have been distracted by our host. He hadn't know Ameiko long, but he suspected she would sort the man out. At least well enough that he wouldn't cause too much trouble while in the tavern.

Hopefully he would leave soon. René had the sneaking suspicion that once he did, their meal would arrive. And while he wasn't as hungry as some of his companions likely were, the pork did smell quite good.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin gives the stranger a look of mock wounding. Vagrants ye say? That's too bad for we have plenty of ale and piggy! Ye sure ye wouldn't want to join us?

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Failing to hide his surprise at Sabina'S question she watches him shift uncomfortably."Ahhh yes I am follower of Dawnflower. I have found her teachings to be in conflict with the general attitude of many Cheliax answer but she has guided me this far so I have started to entrust my life in her hands." He looks around to see who is in earshot and continues."Might I inquire something of you now. You spoke the language of the soul dealers during that battle. Yet you stood with weapon in hand to face the charging boar. Why is that? From the look on your face when the words came out you were not expecting this I must inquire."

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina blanches visibly.

"Ah, so you heard me." She takes a deep breath before continuing. "I know this is going to sound crazy, but I swear to you that I have never prayed to the Lord of Lies in my life. I was part of an Iomedean sect in Kintargo, and during a fight with the Asmodeans I...I guess I was cursed. It happens whenever I fight, or get too excited; I'd hoped to find a cure once I'd escaped from Cheliax, but I've had no luck so far."

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

"A cure for such a curse? I will help you as I can."

Shall I trust her? The Lord of Lies works through many agents and I would be no more than a small insignificant piece in his schemes if I were to exist in them at all. What use would the fiend have in me? I am no more than a bastard. Dawnflower protect me if this girl lies.

"I too am also looking for a cure but for me. I search for something to aid my mentor. His leg is lame and no cure has been able to heal it. These lands are full of tales of great magic and I am determined pay my mentor back for all that he has sacrificed for me. Perhaps are meeting was forseen by Iomedae and the Dawnflower?"

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

"I cannot blame you if you find my story difficult to believe; I doubt even my own parents believed it. I fled to spare them the pain of the decision they'd feel obliged to make as much as I did to save my own life. Perhaps it is as you say, and this is all part of a divine plan. Regardless, thank you for listening. It has been lonely, keeping that secret all this time."

Male Game Master

The old man just pretends to ignore Cordwin's second request, although though he continues to appear confused at his behavior.

Aside from your table chatting away, the room is mostly silently. All eyes are on Ameiko and the old man. They two of them continue to argue, then the old man yells a loud rebuttal: his ultimatum.
Ameiko, in the common tongue, albeit with a string of creative and shocking profanity, tells him to leaf her inn. Enraged, he tries to grab her by the hair and drag her from the tavern, but she dodges and brains him with her soupy ladle, spattering fish stock and potatoes all over his hair and outfit.

The old man sputters for a moment then finds his voice and utters, "You're as dead to me as your mother." He storms out.

Ameiko seems close to tears. Yet, as the old man leaves, she picks up her ladle, inspects it, pulls a hair out of the mess, and says, "I'll need a well-cleaned ladle now, since jackass stew is not on the menu." The resulting cheers from the room bring a smile back to her face.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin is generally shocked that there is someone who does not like him, especially since he can't remember offering the man any offense. Cordwin shrugs after the man storms out, but it hides a strange feeling the it takes Cordwin a few moments to shake until he remembers...piggy. Forget the stew, he shouts to Ameiko, Bring out the piggy!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

The loud crash of Ameiko's fight with the old man finally tears Sabina's attention away from Tylur. Taken aback by the intensely personal nature of the fight, she waits for a few minutes after the man has left to rise from her seat and try to console Ameiko.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to clean this up while you get some rest?"

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René's eye twitches at the man's last comment and just for good measure, he hexes him. I hope he tricks and knocks that thick skull of his open.

Since she knows Ameiko better than him, he lets Sabina handle any consoling that goes on. Instead he looks around for Bethana to see if she needs any help; a good hot meal would likely go a long way to raise everyone's spirits.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map


Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map
Sabina Fueges wrote:

The loud crash of Ameiko's fight with the old man finally tears Sabina's attention away from Tylur. Taken aback by the intensely personal nature of the fight, she waits for a few minutes after the man has left to rise from her seat and try to console Ameiko.

"Are you alright? Do you want me to clean this up while you get some rest?"

Ameiko gives Sabina a wan smile and sniffles only slightly as she lifts her chin bravely. "No... Thank you, but no. I'll do better to work right now. I've never scrubbed a pan cleaner in my life than just after I've had a fight with my father." She turns to your table and inclines her head in a regal bow. "My apologies if your mood has been disturbed. I thought the only pig in attendance tonight would be upon the plates!" Her regulars reward her with gentle chuckles again and she excuses herself to the kitchen.

Bethana watches Ameiko retreat with a look of caring concern on her face and smiles at René's offer of help in a warm, grandmotherly way. "There's a good lad. Let's get everyone fed. No one can be cross on a full stomach, eh?" Soon everyone's plates are filled with as much freshly roasted pork as they could want. The meat is seasoned with pepper and rosemary, with just a touch of thyme and a basket of crusty sourdough rolls is being passed around. A side dish of quartered new potatoes, glazed carrots and pearl onions accompanies along with a dish of baked apples topped with a candied cinnamon sauce. As usual, the fare at the Rusty Dragon is without compare.

Aldern Foxglove beams proudly. "You see there? Heroes of Sandpoint, indeed. Whether you are saving us all from savage goblin raiders or from the peril of empty bellies, we are uplifted by your presence just the same. Cheers, my friends!" And with that he digs into his meal with gusto.

Just wrapping up the lines that were still hanging in the air so you could reasonably continue any dinner rp you would like. As we are all getting acquainted and waiting to see if Sabina returns, it would do well to linger a bit before we launch into a new combat.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin soon forgets the late unpleasentness as the food is brought out. His mouth waters as the delicious aromas assault his nose. He digs into his plate heartily and raises his glass to Aldern's toast. As we dwarves say, 'May your forge always be lit!' Here Here! He then downs his glass and belches silently. Gristle is dripping into his beard and the dwarf looks content.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina doesn't press Ameiko any further, and returns to her seat. The arrival of the food reminds her of how little she'd eaten on her travels up to Sandpoint, and she recklessly devours her plate, and a second portion. She participates in the occasional toast, but otherwise drinks mostly water with her meal.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

A lull falls over the table as everyone tucks into their meal, the smacking of lips and the soft scraping of forks across plates dominating the scene throughout the tavern. Even Aldern is forced into silence, his appetite consuming his focus for once, though his gaze still flickers to Sabina's face often. He seems to take almost as much pleasure from watching her eat as he does from his own dinner.

But Sabina is not the only one who seems to be drawing looks tonight. A group of young ladies sit at a table nearby and they are not nearly so focused on their appetites... at least not for the food before them. They talk amongst themselves and often glance toward you all, eyeing the male specimens at the table. Meeting their eyes causes them to turn away quickly in a cascade of girlish giggles. Before long, the boldest of their number rises and sashays over to stand before you, clearing her throat softly.

She is a buxom redhead with full, sensuous lips and striking green eyes which travel brazenly over the attributes of the men seated at your table. "Hello, please excuse me, but are you going to eat that?" She indicates one of the baked apple halves that sits untouched on a platter at your table. "I don't mean to bother you, but they really are my favorite. Would you mind?" She asks, turning her head to the side in a coy manner. "I'm Shayliss, by the way. Shayliss Vinder."

Image for Shayliss can be found on the second slide here: Maps/Images for RotRL.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René chuckles at the "good lad" comment. "I might be knowin' one'r'two people who'd be disagreein' with that." He winks as he grabs a plate and sets to dishing some of the food out to various people. He whistles a merry, if a bit off-key, tune softly as he does so.

Once all the food is served, he hesitates briefly, sizing up his options. Finally, with a slight shrug, he announces to no one in particular, "Well, Ma ain't here 'bouts no way," and promptly starts in on the dessert before coming back to the main meal.

As they eat, he pretends not to notice the attention of the women, though anybody silly enough to pay attention to him rather than the glorious meal before them might notice his silent laughter every time the girls get caught staring and turn away. When Shayliss walks over, he easily picks up the platter and holds it out to her. "Go 'head. Ate me fill a'ready." His lips twitch up in amusement as he waits to see what she, or any of the other people at his table, do next.

Will Aldern's attention be diverted from Sabina? Or perhaps his friend Tylur will step up to bat. She didn't seem disinterested in Cordwin, so that could also be entertaining. It's too bad Sabina seems so shy or it'd be rather hilarious to see how Shayliss might respond to her given her rather obvious interest in exclusively the men. René idly wondered if Shayliss' apparently lack of a favorite at the table meant she would genuinely be happy with any of the choices (or more likely, any of the 'heroes' she could lure out) or if she was secretly hoping to start them fighting over her. He had met a few girls like that. In his experience, they generally stopped liking him once they realized he wouldn't play their games.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

After Cordwin finishes his dinner he picks up his plate to lick it clean as dwarves are wont to do. He then remembers his non-dwarven fellow diners and has second thoughts and returns his plate to the table. He then spies a baked apple half and is about to reach for it when a pretty for a human lass asks for it. When Rene offers it up, Codwin does not contest it, but adds, Ye can have it but first ye has to tell us a tale 'bout yeself, Ms. Vinder. Ye can feel to join us if ye like. Cordwin was so interested in his dinner, he did not notice whence she came from. She is pretty enough, aye, but she doesn't have a beaard like a good dwarven lass does!

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Sabina watches Shayliss' shameless flirting through the corner of her eye. "I see they don't raise ladies up here in the wilds of Varisia..." she mutters under her breath.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin sucks in his breath when he hears what Sabina says. He looks up at Shayliss to see if she heard the insult. He might have been amused at what Sabina said if it didn't cost him hearing a story.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

"Why, thank you." Shayliss smiles and leans forward from the waist to reach for the proffered baked apple, affording René a prime view of her ample cleavage. Aldern Foxglove flashes a rakish grin and nudges his friend Tylur in encouragement. But as Cordwin invites her to sit down and share a tale, she stands straight drawing back her hand, blinking and bewildered. She seems genuinely but pleasantly surprised to find someone more interested in what is inside her head instead of her bodice, for once. She chuckles, "So I'm to sing for my dessert, am I? I think I can do that, let me see..."

Shayliss Perception: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
As she takes a seat, she stiffens and sniffs haughtily, casting narrowed eyes briefly toward Sabina, but she is too preoccupied with holding the attention of the men at the table to acknowledge the slight against her character. "Hmm... Well, I work at the General Store here in town. My family owns it, you know." She beams proudly, knowing that merchants are quite well thought of in Varisia. "Not many people know this, but my papa keeps an almost scandalous supply of spirits in stock. You have to ask him about the 'wine cellar' to see it, but I'm sure he won't mind your knowing since you saved the town and all. Not too long ago, my sister Katrine stole a very expensive bottle and gave it to her beau, Banny Harker, for his nameday present. They got so drunk that night they passed out in the storage room at the lumber mill and Ibor Thorn found them there the next morning. Our folks were so embarrassed by the whole thing that Papa has been watching Katrine like a hawk ever since!" She finishes with a cheery laugh and then raises her hand to reach for the baked apple again. "Will that do, Master Dwarf?"

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Watching as Aldern comes over to Sabina again and again he feigns a smile towards the nobleman. When will this man end this facade? All smiles and laughs. He wears his mask like some actor. Why does it matter anyway? He gets what he wants through those smiles or with the coins that hang in his purse. But Sabina wouldn't be interested in this foppish man. Would she? She saved your life but it doesn't mean I have any right from stopping Aldern's advances. The man is not likely to harm her anyway. He'll just pull on the strings of her heart. Then move on to his next fancy.

His thoughts are interrupted when the food is laid down in front of him and he stares at it dumbfounded. The entire table is soon covered with the roast and its accompaniments. He had never seen so much food before. Shaking off the look he waits as the others dive in and slowly takes a slice of roast. Biting into it he lets the succulent juices drip down the corners of his mouth. The food was divine! He looked over at Aldern and the others wondering if this was how they always ate. He could not help but feel a little conflicted in this moment. From the slums of Egorian to being waited on. Dining on all this food, that could probably serve several families, left him feeling a little guilty. I've not forgotten you Eraji. I shall repay you. But if you could see me now what would you say? 'Eat now for who knows when you shall eat again if ever.'

Tylur is lost in thought as Shayliss approaches them. He looks up at hearing her question and cannot help but stare at the buxom woman before him. He snaps out of it at Sabina's barb and breathes in a sigh of relief as Cordwin chimes in with his quick wit.

Finding his voice after Shayliss tells her tale "There is food for all here, Lady Shayliss. Although you should invite your friends over as well. It would look rude of us to offer you food yet not your companions and probably rude of you to dine with us and not your companions."

Tried to find a good avie for Shayliss, but this was the best I could come up with. No red hair, but has a good Varisian look anyway.

Tylur Thorn wrote:
Finding his voice after Shayliss tells her tale "There is food for all here, Lady Shayliss. Although you should invite your friends over as well. It would look rude of us to offer you food yet not your companions and probably rude of you to dine with us and not your companions."

Shayliss giggles and waves away his concerns. "Oh, they won't come over here. Watch." She turns to her friends and tries to beckon them to the table. They blush and titter, but shake their heads vigorously. Wide eyes glued to Shayliss as their own plates of food sit virtually untouched before them. She turns back to Tylur with a shrug. "Too shy, I guess. We have plenty of everything else, but the apples tend to go fast. I should get back to them though. Thanks again for the apple, and I hope you liked my story. Bye now..." She picks up her prize and stands to go on her way, but first she pauses and turns to Sabina with one hand on her hip.

"And for your information, Miss Lady. We may not meet your high standards, but at least Varisia does not produce frigid prudes! Hmph!" Shayliss chides and then flounces back to her coterie with a triumphant smile. Her friends eagerly press her for details and before long they are all glaring daggers at the Chelaxian Oracle. Their expressions are much softer for the men among the group, however.

Are you all ready to wrap up this evening and head into the next day? Any spots in town you are interested in seeing?

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur is rather new here so he has no other places to visit right now.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |
Shayliss wrote:
"Will that do, Master Dwarf?"

Cordwin raises his glass in salute. Bravo! Bravo! Me dear! The reward is yours!

When Shayliss insults Sabina, Cordwin let's out an Oooooh! Cordwin is conflicted. He was hoping that the other lasses would have come over to join them and tell tales, but seeing that Sabina and Shyliss don't get along it probably wouldn't be a good idea. He avoids Sabina's icy stare and sips his ale.

After that meal and ale, Cordwin would probably be ready for bed.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

As Shayliss walks away, René resists the urge to goad Sabina into starting a fight. True, it'd be entertaining. But likely there had already been enough trouble for the night, and he wasn't about to risk throwing out free room and board by annoying Ameiko just for his own entertainment.

Shrugging, he munches absently at a bread roll, smiling to himself. Well, at least I got a bit of a show.

René does not especially have any place he wants to check.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Aldern smiles knowingly over the ruffled female feathers and does his best to soothe Sabina's mood. "Do not trouble yourself over the opinions of your lessers, my dear Sabina. You couldn't be more correct about that little trollop and she knows it. No doubt she will lower herself even further now to smear your good name, but I assure you that no one will believe one ounce of her tripe. You, dear lady, are a shining example of womanhood. I would stake my honor upon it!" He flashes his best ingratiating smile and rewards himself with another drink. Before long he is deep in his cups and forgets himself enough to stare long and hard at the good lady Sabina, and without a trace of his usual gentlemanly manner.

You spend the rest of the evening peacefully among your newfound companions. Ameiko returns with a freshly scrubbed, shining face and hands that look pink and raw from her exertions in the kitchen. She plays a soothing, lulling tune that seems to have the desired effect as many a head nods, drooping as eyes flutter closed. After her performance she is praised by a light smattering of applause and she gently lets everyone know it's time to close the Rusty Dragon. Only a few folk groan their disappointment, but based on the stretching and yawning that follows, everyone is more than ready to toddle home to their warm beds. Fortunately, yours await you upstairs, freshly turned down.

You can narrate yourselves some sleep and waking business as you prefer and I'll jump in with someone seeking your help afterwards.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

As Ameiko ushers the other patrons out of the inn Tylur stands up. "I will be retiring for the evening. My thanks for your gracious hospitality today Sir Aldern and for all of your company." he pauses and looks at everyone quickly passing over René and stopping momentarily at Sabina, "Perhaps I will see you all at next sunlight. Until then." he bows slightly and gathers his baggage and supplies heading upstairs to his room.

Tired from the hunt and the hours spent feasting he closes his door and locks it. Throwing down his bags beside the bed he looks at the modest accommodations of the room provided by Ameiko.

Lighting a candle he sits down on the floor beside the bed and removing a small book from the bottom of his bags he begins to read it softly to himself.

"The best battle is a battle I win. If I die, I can no longer fight. I will fight fairly when the fight is fair, and I will strike quickly and without mercy when it is not."

Closing his book he stands up and blows out the candle. Climbing into bed he reflects on the words as he drifts off to sleep.

Grand Lodge

Female Human Oracle | HP 10/10 | AC 16 | Touch 10 | Flat 16 | CMD 12 | Fort +2 | Ref +0 | Will +4 | Init +0 | Perception +1 | Sense Motive +5

Despite her previous ambivalence towards Aldern's flirting, Sabina flashes a smile.

"I'm not usually so...catty, but I've never seen that kind of behavior back home, or even in Korvosa. That girl's poor father..."

Sabina spends another hour or so downstairs with Aldern to be polite, but before too long his leering begins to remind her of her initial wariness, and she excuses herself to her room to sleep for the night, being careful to lock the door behind her. She changes into her sleeping clothes and says her evening prayers to Iomedae, then settles down to sleep.

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin bids goodnight to Tylur and sometime later bids the same to Sabina. As he sits there with René snd sees that his tankard is empty and the piggy a happy memory, he rises from the table and bids René a good evening. He goes wearily to his room, the busy day finally taking its toll and is soon sound asleep emitting thunderous snores.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

Once everybody is gone, René takes a moment to stuff a few extra food stuffs into his bag. It never hurt to stock up even if you did have (temporary) unlimited access to food. Retrieving Hadley from where he had hopped off to explore, he slowly makes his way back to his room. It had been an interesting night. Although a contrary part of him was a bit sad no fight had broken out. Even if he had done his best to avoid that. Shrugging, he makes a small nest for his fuzzy friend, complete with a small piece of apple he had smuggled out, and settles down to sleep.

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

Another long day comes to a close in Sandpoint and the combination of exertion, fresh air, full bellies and revelry have left you more than ready to retire. Blessed sleep takes you easily into her warm embrace and delivers you to the next morning hale and hearty. Refreshed and raring to go. Ameiko and Bethana must already be preparing breakfast downstairs as the smells of hot coffee, ham steaks and warm breakfast rolls blend into a tempting melange of appetizing scents that wafts it's way to your noses.

As you tromp down the stairs, you hear a small voice speaking with Ameiko. A young boy with a pale countenance, haunted eyes and deep shadows beneath them is fighting a losing battle with a trembling chin as he speaks. "But he can't be gone... I... I need to talk to him. Is he coming back soon?" He looks hopeful at this last question, but Ameiko shakes her head sadly, looking like she wished she had better news. "I don't know if or when he might come back, but if I see him, I'll let him know you asked about him, ok?" He nods, but his head stays hanging down as he turns away and walks toward the door with a defeated, hopeless look about him.

Ameiko watches him leave, her brow tightened in concern, but her humor brightens considerably as she sees your group. "Ah, I'm glad you're up. Sheriff Hemlock came by and asked me to let you know that he would like to see you all at his office once you've got some breakfast into you." She smiles, seeming proud that her patrons warrant the attentions of Sandpoint's authority.

Aldern Foxglove comes down during your meal and looks like he is feeling some ill effects from his rather extensive revelry the night before. Ameiko brings him a disturbing looking concoction, which he downs as best as he can, trying with difficulty not to gag. "Hangover cure" she mouths and grins while the nobleman spends a moment trying to remaster himself.
"Alas, dear friends, I must leave Sandpoint today. Please, keep the horses if you like, or if you rather, you may return them to Hosk for a quantity of coin. I may return before too long, but in the meantime, my business in Magnimar requires my attention. I hope you all enjoyed the boar hunt. Perhaps we can do it again when I return. Do take care of yourselves and call upon me if you should come to Magnimar. Lady Sabina," he takes her hand and kisses it in a courtly display. "I hope you will remember me fondly, as I will most certainly remember you. Good tidings, my friends, and fare thee well!"

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Thank you Lord Aldern! I will definitely take you up on your offer when I make it to Magni... Seeing that Aldern is not paying him any mind, Cordwin sits down. As the breakfast is set before him, he attacks it with zeal as if he hadn't had a meal the night before. Can't keep the sheriff waiting now can we? Cordwin says before shoving a roll into his mouth. With his mouth still full, he says to Ameiko, Who's the lad?

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René raises an eyebrow at the boy but says nothing about it. It wasn't his place to meddle. Although given Ameiko's expression, I wonder if perhaps the kid's talking about the angry man from last night? Shrugging, he dismisses the thought as he eagerly tucks in to some ham steak, slipping Hadley some fruit from his satchel seeing that he would likely not enjoy the rest of the food.

His mouth half full, René raises his cup of water to Aldern. "Fanks fer horshis." Catching Cordwin's eye, he smiles and then rolls his eyes as the dwarf's comment goes unnoticed. He briefly considers making a joke about how female dwarves tend to be mistaken for males by non-dwarves, but can't think of a good way to pull it off, so he remains silent.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

Tylur walks in to the taproom from outside just as Ameiko is concluding her conversation with the boy. He is dressed in simple travelling clothes and you can see a long chain wrapped around his left forearm. Sweat drips from his face as he catches his breath after going through his morning training routines.

Finding a seat at the bar he turns around when Ameiko indicates that the Sheriff wants to see the others and realizes she probably meant him as well. Saying nothing he waits as Ameiko offers him some water.

Interested why the Sheriff wants to talk to him Tylur misses it when Aldren presents himself and only comes to when Aldern turns his attention towards Sabina.

Keep the horses? Nice of him to believe I am indebted to him. Good riddens to this one let him find someone else to torment with his prattling.

"Thank you for the gift, Sir Aldern. May your travels to Magnimar be a little less adventurous." ,after he finally leaves Tylur turns to Ameiko. "Hmmm any idea what the Sheriff is intending of us, Lady Ameiko?"

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map
Cordwin Ironbeard wrote:
Thank you Lord Aldern! I will definitely take you up on your offer when I make it to Magni... Seeing that Aldern is not paying him any mind, Cordwin sits down. As the breakfast is set before him, he attacks it with zeal as if he hadn't had a meal the night before. Can't keep the sheriff waiting now can we? Cordwin says before shoving a roll into his mouth. With his mouth still full, he says to Ameiko, Who's the lad?

Cordwin, your pony is of lesser value than the light horses, so we'll upgrade it to a combat trained animal and give you some spending cash besides.

As Aldern is on his way out, he plunks down a small purse in front of Cordwin. "Here you are, my good dwarf. I hope it helps you track down the stories and knowledge you seek." And without further ado, he takes his leave. (Cordwin gains 30gp to even things out)

Ameiko shakes her head in an amused manner at Foxglove's antics. "His name is Aeren Barett, and he's usually a chipper young fellow. Strangely enough, he was asking about a 'Lord Alex'. I believe he must have meant the fellow who left with your half-orc friend, Lord Alexei Domashev. Sort of surprised me, I wouldn't have expected him to be the type to befriend a local boy. But he seemed quite intent on speaking to him, but I have no idea what about." She shrugs, unsure of what to make of it all.

"The Sheriff was all business, as usual, but if I had to guess, I suspect he wants to talk about this goblin business."

Male Dwarf Bard (Archaeologist) 8 | HP 50/ 50 | AC 15 | T 12 | FF 15 | CMB +5 |CMD 17 | Fort +4 | Ref +9 | Will +7 | Init +2 | Perc +17 |

Cordwin notices René's smile. I guess we ain't as good-looking as Ms.Sabina he whispers.

Cordwin's mouth hangs open as the bag of coins hit the table, bits of roll falling from his mouth. Thankee! This should help me track down quite a few stories!

Cordwin gulps a cup of coffee. Aye! Alexei was to take us with him, but I for one ain't done with this town yet. I still would like to check out this festival. Do ye know if its been rescheduled?

Female Human Pathfinder Society GM Wounded Wisp Map

"Oh, I'm sorry... I thought you knew. The Swallowtail festival normally goes on all day and into the night, but the goblin attack put a stop to the festivities. A very quiet, somber consecration ceremony was held yesterday, inside the cathedral. But that's all there is to it, I'm afraid. At least until the autumnal equinox next year. Now it's back to business as usual." Ameiko looks sad to have disappointed you.

Just putting in some dates so we don't lose track. Swallowtail festival was Rova 23, 4707. Then the boar hunt was the next day, now it's the morning of Rova 25.

Male Human (Chelaxian) Fighter Level 5 HP 51/51| AC:21| T:13 | FF:18| CMB: +7 | CMD:19 | Fort:+5 Ref:+3 Will:+2 | Init:+4 | Perc: +1 | Status:

"I bet the Sheriff will have more than a few stories to fill your ear, Cordwin. I would like to hear what the Sheriff has to say at everyone's earliest convenience. Let me gather the rest of my gear from my room and meet you back here momentarily. That should give you enough time to finish your meal." Tylur gets up from the bar and heads to his room upstairs.

If there was something living as an urchin in Egorian had taught him it was always be prepared to leave at a moment's notice. True he doubted the Sheriff had any dealings with his father or that his father even knew he was here, but you could never be certain. His father had thrown to the streets to be feasted upon by the dogs and he had survived by the Dawnflower's grace. Forgiveness his old mentor had said does not deny one anger it only meets it head on. Still he fought hard to control the rage he felt for what his father had done not only to him but to so many others.

As he opened and closed the door to his room he stared down at his bag which was already packed – yes old habits did die hard. Grabbing his book from his bag he sat down and looked for some wisdom to subside his emotions.

Male CN Male Human
Spells: Mage Armor, Bless x2, Ear-Piercing Scream, Shadowmind x2, Mirror Hideaway, Accursed Glare, Heroism, Hollow Blades | Fortune used on: X | Ward: Trox
Witch 6 HP 38/38 | Mage Armor AC 18 14 T 12 FF 12 | CMD 15 | Fort 6 Ref 6 Will 7 | Perception 7

René finished up his meal and stood, ready to leave. The slight wiggling from his bag suggested that he already had Hadley with him. It will be interesting to see what the Sheriff wants.

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