
Alexei Domashev's page

68 posts. Alias of pinvendor.




Sorcerer (Rime-Blooded) | HP 6/8 | AC 11 | T 11 | FF 10 | DR 1 (CI) | CMD 10 | Fort +2 | Ref +1 | Will +2 | Init +1 | Perc +1 |



About Alexei Domashev

Alexei Elvanna (Domashev)

Male human (Jadwiga) sorcerer (wildblooded - rime-blooded) 1 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 70)
LE Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +2
DR 1/cold iron
Speed 30 ft.
. . dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
. . quarterstaff -1 (1d6-1)
. . unarmed strike -1 (1d3-1 nonlethal)
. . dagger +1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Magic & Special Abilities
Touch Attack:
. . melee -1
. . ranged +1
Bloodline: Rime-blooded
. . Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the cold descriptor, you may select one target of the spell to be slowed (as the spell) for 1 round. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + the level of cold spell + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect.
Bloodline Spell-Like Abilities: (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 7/day—cold steel
Sorcerer (Wildblooded) Spells Known (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st (4/day)—burning hands (DC 15), snowball (DC 16)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, drench[UM] (DC 14), mage hand, open/close (DC 14), ray of frost
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 18
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 10
Languages Common, Giant, Skald, Thassilonian
Feats & Traits
Feats Elemental Focus[APG], Eschew Materials, Irrisen Icemage
Traits: Chillblight Emissary (Irrisen), Scholar of the Ancients (campaign)
Bluff +8
Intimidate +8
Knowledge (local) +3
Spellcraft +6
Use Magic Device +8
scroll of color spray, scroll of color spray; Other Gear dagger, quarterstaff, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, canteen, flint and steel, mess kit, scroll case, soap, torch (2), trail rations (5)
Tracked Resources
Cold Steel (Frost 1 rds, 7/day) (Sp) - 6/7
Irrisen Icemage (3/day) - 3/3
Torch - 2/2
Trail rations - 5/5
Wealth: 8 gp, 1 sp, 7 cp
Special Abilities
Chillblight Emissary (Irrisen) You gain Damage Reduction (1/cold iron). Become sickened for 1 round if damaged by a cold iron weapon.

Cold Steel (Frost 1 rds, 7/day) (Sp) Touch a weapon to grant the Frost power for 1 rds.

Elemental Focus (Cold) +1 DC to spells that deal damage of the chosen energy.

Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.

Irrisen Icemage (3/day) All of your spells with the cold descriptor are cast at +1 caster level. Any spell with a different energy descriptor is cast at –1 caster level. Three times a day you may alter a spell you cast to deal cold damage instead of its normal damage; your +1 caster level for this feat applies to this variant casting.

Rime-Blooded (Mutant Bloodline of Boreal) The wintry origin of your magic flows like ice water in your veins.

Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell with the cold descriptor, you may select one target of the spell to be slowed (as the spell) for 1 round. A Fortitude save (DC 10 + the level of cold spell + your Charisma modifier) negates the effect.

Bloodline Powers: Sometimes you must bring the cold to your enemies.

Cold Steel (Sp): At 1st level, you can touch a weapon or up to 50 pieces of ammunition as a standard action, giving it the frost property for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your sorcerer level (minimum 1). At 9th level, you can confer the icy burst property instead, but the duration of the power is halved. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Icewalker (Ex): At 3rd level, you gain resist cold 5 and can move across snow and icy surfaces without penalty and without leaving tracks. At 9th level, you gain resist cold 10 and can climb icy surfaces as if using spider climb.

Freezing Bolt (Sp): At 9th level, you can cause the air to erupt in freezing sleet. This 10-foot-radius burst does 1d6 points of cold damage per sorcerer level (Reflex half). The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your sorcerer level + your Charisma modifier. At 9th level, you can use this ability once per day. At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day. At 20th level, you can use this ability three times per day. This power has a range of 60 feet. This bloodline power replaces snow shroud.

Blizzard (Sp): At 15th level, you can create a savage winter storm centered on you. This power acts as control winds, but in addition the entire area (not including the “eye” at the center of the storm) is affected as a sleet storm and all in the area are exposed to extreme cold. You may use this ability once per day.

Child of Ancient Winters (Su): At 20th level, you gain the cold subtype and you become immune to fatigue and exhaustion. In addition, you gain immunity to sneak attacks and critical hits. This power causes you to gain vulnerability to fire.

Alexei Elvanna was born the only son of six children to one of the many grandsons of Queen Elvanna. Alexei's father, Troyka Elvanna, was a man of stern and cold bearing whose martial and arcane prowess had seen him the victor in many battles. However, it was the conquests of his skilled mind in court and at the negotiation table which first brought Troyka to the attention of his icily beautiful grandmother. She sent him as an ambassador south to the lands of Varisia to spread goodwill and negotiate trade. Knowing the favoritism which his five daughters would be granted, Troyka chose to bring his then four-year old son Alexei along with him to learn by his side.

Of course, this was just a cover. Instead Troyka was there to investigate this place of legendary magic and power, and report back to the Queen of Irrisen anything of value to know about what magic and artifacts could possibly be found. The Queen had become quite fervorous regarding researching mythical powers these last years...

A good portion of his younger years were then spent with his father and their retinue traveling to some of the larger cities in the area. Magnimar, Korvosa, and Kaer Maga were all visited as Troyka moved from one city to another to pursue trade and foster propaganda all for the sake of Irrisen. As he got older, Troyka used his son Alexei to gain information. An idle boy's curiosity about the legends of the times of powerful runes and magic, nothing more.

Alexei barely recalled his home country of Irrisen, and thought of himself more a Varisian, even learning at the feet of some scholars in Magnimar the lost tongue of Thassilon. When he awoke one night to find his room coated in a hard layer of rime, his manservant frozen to death in his cot, then his life changed forever. Troyka knew Alexei could not stay abroad now that his Jadwiga blood had coalesced and shipped off him to Irrisen with stout guards.

Once a mere after thought, the only male descendant of his father displayed the powers of the winter, the powers of tainted Baba Yaga's blood. Still not as good as a daughter, Alexei's newfound magical ability was considered enough to warrant special tutorship. His aunt, Katyena Elvanna first brought him in to try his hand as a witch, but this was not to be. Alexei was only able to manifest his abilities under great duress, almost instinctively, and was never successful in summoning a patron to be granted the witchly pacts. In disgust, Katyena sent him to the fey of Chillblight seeing as how it was his blood that was causing the magic, surely they could bring his wild power under control.

But under control is never what a fairy is after, and instead, under their cruel and alien tutelage, Alexei finally learned to let go. By releasing the wild, mutant strain of his wintery heritage in all its glory, Alexei was finally able to find his way. The years of cruelty and near madness under first his aunt and then the fey of Chillblight had changed Alexei forever...

It was with great surprise that a mere two short weeks following the epiphany allowing full control and development of his rime-blooded sorcery that he was summoned to Whitethrone and the court of his great-grandmother Queen Elvanna. After a frightening experience before her throne where the Queen unexpectedly tested him in his power and bearing...but more strangely his ability to read and write and understand Thassilonian and knowledge of its runic magic, the Queen had a more private audience with Alexei. She advised him without preamble that his father had gone missing and was presumed dead somewhere in Varisia. He had been investigating some of the more powerful legends, and had sent word that he was following up on a strong lead. his last none location was a coastal town called Sandpoint from whence he departed but has not been heard from since. Queen Elvanna's composure broke then, and Alexei could feel the need, the obsession.

"You will find me whatever powerful magics and mystical artifacts you can. Varisia is a trove waiting for me! But I cannot leave here, and this cannot become known. You have the knowledge I need. You can find this. You will find this."

The wild light of madness seemed to wash over his great-grandmother's cold and icy beauty, but Alexei still remembers the feel of her magic. The power that compelled him to do as she asked. The most important thing was yet to be said.

"You will let no one else claim the magic or the power, but me, Alexei. No one."

And so Alexei set off once more for Varisia, the Land of Legends. He would discover its magical secrets, or he would die trying. Because his Queen needed him. She needed the power. Alexei didn't ask why, and he didn't need to do so. For what reason could Queen Elvanna need more power? Most likely to conquer the world, Alexei mused. The whole of Golarion covered in ice became one of his favorite dreams at night.

One day, he would sigh upon waking in the night. One day...