DM Panic |

The three of you have just recently arrived in the Free City of Greyhawk and are somewhat disappointed to find that the streets are not paved with gold and the fountains don't run with Nyrondese wine. Nonethess, like most new-comers, you passed through the grand Highway Gate and made your way up the city's main avenue which the locals refer to as The Processional.
You were quickly ushered into The Foreign Quarter and found yourselves at the famed Mercenaries' Guildhall, whose reputation for high pay and trained swords are only overshadowed by the promise of an open bar and free drinks to all it's members. A little research by Doruk revealed that new members must first part with ten gold orbs to be granted their first year of membership. Not only that, but both Doruk and Aralynn would be expected to pass some sort of "combat test" to be granted admission. It seemed they were willing to skip the test for Martigan as they recognized his abilities with The Sun Father.
You have all been somewhat unnerved since passing through the gates this morning, as your weapons were expected to be peace-bonded at all times. At least the parts of the city you have traveled have seemed safe and orderly, if not busier than you have ever before seen a city be.
After departing the guildhall, the first inn to catch you eye was the magnificent Silver Dragon Inn. As you approached the entrance, you noted that the Inn boasted three separate restaurants, specializing in frying, grilling and baking. From the second floor drinking hall, a rowdy assortment of drinking cheers and songs could be heard. Weapons were not allowed within, nor were revelers wearing any sort of metal armor.
Given the crowd gathered there, you made your way to the next inn, the nearly-as-magificent Blue Dragon Inn. In fact, this inn bore more than a striking resemblence to the qualities of it's sister - something that would surely be intentional on the part of it's owner. Seeing as there seemed to be more room for foreigners such as yourselves within, you acquiesced to it's policies of checking arms and armor and made your way inside and spent your first night here.
It is now the morning of your second day in the Free City and you find yourselves stabbing at luke warm eggs and bacon and wondering what your collective futures hold.
The three of you have already made a round looking for additional work, but most of the others within having breakfast admit to be fairly impoverished foreigners as well, who are not yet ready to hire a single guard, yet alone a group of three. Many chuckle a sarcastic "good luck" as if finding someone willing to hire a group of three all at one time is an unlikely bet unless you are full fledged members of the Mercenary's Guild.
I made a lot of presumptions here upon where you'd be willing to go, mostly to get the ball rolling quickly here. Feel free to drink and chat about your plans upon arrival, or reminsce about times past. The usual.
You awoke this morning in the small bedroom of your third cousin's small home in the Free City. Thinking back to the past year of studies at the University, you can't help but to think how far you have come. Your final examination had let to much appreciation by your masters and fellow students as you overcame some of the prejudices that hung over your head since admission. Namely, "a dwarf could never be a proper wizard." Unfortunately, your prowess had resulted in the price being set at future studies at two-hundred gold orbs per annum, a loftly sum well out of your reach now that you had eaten through most of the money your clan had provided you with upon your journey.
Your cousin, Theldrat, a local locksmith of some renown, had offered you some menial work within his shop. Up until recently you had been avoiding the topic but he finally convinced you that your room and board would not be provided by his family forever. His business had reached new levels of fame in the recent weeks, as his reputation had grown by leaps and bounds that no lock was beyond his ability to open.
He admitted to having received some threats recently inquiring about his secrets. You had noticed a gradual change in his demeanor the past week, and suspect a letter he received yesterday was the final straw that broke the camel's back. He's given you a bag with a hundred gold orbs and asked that you seek out some "hired help" for protection. He specifically told you to avoid the mercenary's guild hall directly, feeling the swords within were too over-priced. Instead, he all but told you to seek out the assistance within The Blue Dragon Inn and find some "fresh blood" new to the city, who might not quite know their market value yet. He has trusted you with the ability to make this gold cover at least hiring three additional guards for as long as you believe you can secure them for.
You know he has also made arrangements to retain a local knife-expert named Petrel. Men who were good with knives were priceless in the city, as the small weapon was exempt from the city's peacebonding laws, often making them the single most valuable weapon a man or dwarf could carry. He has suggested that you two perform this recruitment together, with Petrel sizing up the prospect's combat capabilities, and you handling the payment and the "other skills" one might wish to have.
You received a note this morning, hastily written by your former "companions" - a small crew that was hoping to garner the attention of the Free City's notorious Thieves' Guild.
The note read:
Dear Petrel,
Simon and myself have finally decided it's best to part ways. You may not have noticed, but he and I have both had an on-and-off relationship the past several months. We have finally given up on what we thought was our dream of being full fledged members of The Guild. Instead, by the time you read this, we should be on our way to Diamond Lake, where Simon's uncle promises him honest work in the mines. I trust you will survive, as you have always been particularly hardy and a survivor at heard.
Best in your future,
Lorela & Simon
As luck would have it, a local locksmith that you had some honest work with offered to retain you at a modest weekly retainer of ten gold orbs a week to provide additional protection. You had noticed this locksmith, Theldrat, was getting more business than ever as his reputation that no lock was beyond his ability to open spread through the city like an unchecked fire. Having not many other options, any jobs planned, and with the news your crew was no more, you had agreed to accompany his cousin, Mukluk in the task, and had met the dwarf this morning outside the Blue Dragon Inn to help him hire some additional guards.
The two of you enter the second floor of the drinking hall together. Petrel was exempt from checking any weapons or armor at the door. The crowd hasn't picked up yet. You spot mostly repeat customers within, men you know to be foreign merchants freshly arrived at the city. There is a group of three that neither of you recognize - two men and a woman with some elvish features.
Theldrat's shop is almost across the street from The Blue Dragon. You are supposed to meet him in about an hour at his shop with whatever additional "guards" you can retain with this short notice.
There are nicknames for all the coins within the Free City:
platinum plates
gold orbs
electrum luckies (worth half a gold or five silver)
silver nobles
copper commons
bronze zee (worth 1/10th of a copper common)
brass bit (worth 1/10th of a bronze zee)
Have at it!

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

Aralynn sits at the table and tries to find her current place in the universe. Deep circular breaths, in through the nose, out through the mouth. You have to know where you are to know where you're going. She observes the room, its occupants, its furnishings. Are you the candle or the flame?
I'm the unemployed one is what I am.
Aralynn turns to Doruk, "Combat test?! Really?" Araylnn takes a swig of whatever passes for beer with her breakfast. "And then we can't even complete it right then. 'Have to wait to set things up.' You've got to be kidding me. The 10 gold orbs I can understand--it takes gold to run an organization--but there's no reason to make people wait for a test. Better to test them right when they walk in the door--then you'll know if they're ready for the unknown situations they'll face."
"And Martigan, how in the world did you get away without having to complete a test?"
"And what's with this food? It obviously doesn't know its place in the universe because it should be in the dump."
Breathe woman. Breathe. It's only breakfast. Aralynn takes a bite of bacon and follows up with more liquid breakfast.
When can we complete the test? What does it entail?

Martigan the Sun-Touched |

Martigan traced the birthmark on his palm, it's puckered edges drawing his attention as it always did when he was given time to think.
I'm glad we left, but at least on the battlefield I knew where the enemy was. I'm not even allowed to wear armor here.
"Be easy Aralynn. None doubt your bow, but sure you can see they're wanting to keep farm boys and noble's sons from signing on when they shouldn't."
Not that the Sand ever turned down a farm boy or rich noble. Lambs to the slaughter they were.
"For myself I'm like to think a cleric is too rare a commodity to turn down. The divine spark is easy enough to test for anyway."

Doruk |

"I don't fear the test, but you have to have the 10 orbs first and I'm far short of that. Still, wouldn't it be just another mercenary troupe? I can't imagine it would be any better than the one we just left in our homeland."
Doruk stabs at his breakfast.
"Worse I expect. We should find our own way. Surely there must be something worthy of our talents. Some challenge that the common mercenary won't touch."
Am I really to return home so soon after traveling here? Such a cold place to foreigners.

Doruk |

"Might be best you learn to save now we're to fill our own bellies. For now I've the money to lend you. From what I gather we need to pass the test to become guild members and find employment in this town, but might be I'm wrong."
"Martigan you are very welcome and I will take you up on your generous offer. I assure you I am good for it, and I do save, but armor and weapons cost quite a bit these days.
They're that well organized huh? I'm impressed. I would have thought a city this large would be harder to keep well regulated. OK then, shall we pursue our future after breakfast?"
Doruk slides the rest of his cold eggs away. He munches on his last slice of bacon and considers how to approach the coming trial.

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

"I assure you I am good for it, and I do save, but armor and weapons cost quite a bit these days."
Aralynn slides up close to Doruk and pats him on the back. "And you sure have enough of those. You do just fine with your guisarme and you know I've got your ugly but covered with my bow, so what do you need the flail, hammer, dogslicer, and short bow for? You're an artist with your weapon. Don't shy away from your place in this world. You'll lose more than just your money."
"Might be best you learn to save now we're to fill our own bellies. For now I've the money to lend you. From what I gather we need to pass the test to become guild members and find employment in this town, but might be I'm wrong."
"I've got you covered there too Doruk. You know I'm a simple woman and can spare the gold. Someday I'll get myself a better bow, but right now this one and I belong together--nothing too special about us, but we get the job done."

Doruk |

"Aralynn, thanks to you as well! Yes, I do have too many weapons, but one never knows what will be needed in any particular situation. Best to have the basis covered. Frankly though, had I known we would stick together for so long, I'd have left the bow behind!"
The bow is handy for hunting though.
"So, shall we head back and test our metal?! I'm eager to get started on my debt payments!"
Doruk smiles and stands ready to move. All this inactivity has him a bit frustrated.
I will need to learn patience if I'm ever to become great. I'm too quick to move in.

DM Panic |

A couple of the merchant-folk settle their shared bill, stand and exit the Blue Dragon's drinking hall.
At the top of the stairs that make up the inn's main entrance, a hardy looking Oerdian man and a dwarf seem to be scanning the room.
Another pair of merchants excuse themselves as they pass by, deeply engrossed in a conversation of their own...
The heavy-set one, "I'm just saying, the mayor should consider gladiatorial combat in the Free City Arena, then it wouldn't sit empty six days a week."
The skinner, "But there could be political repercussions for the blood, a gladiator is one step closer to a slave."
Again, the heavy set one, "Ah, but there are enough free men about to compete, think of the coin such competitions could generate..."

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk grumbles into his beard.
"You sure we need guards, Petrel? Is there not some of your associates that we can call upon?" Mukluk disliked even thinking about asking for help from among those that Petrel dealt with.
Meh. I'll handle this.
MM will take to standing on a chair, surveying the crowd.
Clearing his voice, MM will address the assorted vagabonds and posers within the tavern.
"I need me 3 or 4 stout guards! I'll take no gunsmiths nor gnomes nor halflings. Yer kind be not welcome. But I need guards for a simple task. You'll get paid well and it should be quick work." Mukluk pauses to think for a moment.
"I be Mukluk Muletender, friend of the Clan Highforge, and I'll be sitting there if you wish to inquire."
Scratching his beard, Mukluk gets of the chair and sits down the table, not eager to face the likely line of yahoos and cutpurses who would no doubt seek his coin and then flee at the first sign of danger.
"Petrel, if you're up and about and getting a drink, I could use one as well." MM flicks a noble to his friend.

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

"I be Mukluk Muletender, friend of the Clan Highforge, and I'll be sitting there if you wish to inquire."
Aralynn grabs her mug and stands up. "Excuse me gentlemen, but I believe that dwarf has the answer to at least some of our problems. Give me a second to grab another beer and then I'll make our introductions. You guys fight well, but lack a lady's manners. Of course so do I, but my looks make up for it."
Aralynn stops by the bar to see who else might approach the dwarf first. She will get her mug refilled and request a good brew for the dwarf also. She'll pay and then take the beers over to the dwarf's table. She'll set down the beer in front of him and slide into an empty chair or even the bench beside him if that is all that is open.
"No gunsmiths, gnomes, or halfings? Not a problem. I appreciate you said nothing about us ladies." Aralynn will point over to Doruk and Martigan, "My friends and I are likely exactly what you're looking for. Fresh from the fighting, our skills are sharp and we work well together. We'll keep safe whatever needs keeping safe; I'm guessing it's not you." Aralynn will then take a large drink of her 2nd breakfast.

Mukluk Muletender |

"I appreciate you said nothing about us ladies." Aralynn will point over to Doruk and Martigan...
Mukluk stops her right there with a raised hand.
"Those aren't ladies. I got no problem with women. Nor men. Just women who dress like men."
Mukluk looks more closely at the two stoutshielded men.
"Are you sure they are women?"
Mukluk pauses....then just can't keep his smile hidden.
"I'm just kidding you lass, you should know right off that I'm not funny, but I'll just as soon keep trying."
Mukluk guffaws for a few moments before turning serious.
"You say your boys can fight? We'll see what Petrel says when he gets over here. He is quick with his knives, but sometimes seems to dawdle."
While waiting for Petrel, MM will make small talk.
"Where are you all from? New in the city?"

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

"Where are you all from? New in the city?"
What does that matter? And who are you to be making jokes Mister Dwarf in a dress? *deep breath*
"Yes. We arrived but yesterday and were going to seek employment at the guild hall, but they told us to return later for a test."
"As to where were from it is only proper that I speak for myself. I'm Aralynn Huntinghawk from Admundfort in the Shield Lands." She offers her right hand for a handshake, her ring intentionally obvious. She also waves over to Doruk and Martigan to join them.
"And you, sir. What brings a dwarf out of the mines and forges to Greyhawk?"

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk looks again for Petrel.
That man disappears far too easily.
Mukluk debates whether to shake her hand or not. In the end, he decides it's appropriate behavior for the city.
Extending one hand, Mukluk says "Mukluk, but you can call me MM. Well met."
Mukluk watches to see if the two other ladies come over to join them.
"Oh, business. It's always business. And when it's not business," Mukluk gets a mean look in his eye, "...it will be war."
Mukluk features soften, as the war he wishes to fight is a long ways off.
"No war now, though. You'll learn more after we have Petrel look at you."

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk looks over the approaching human.
@Doruk: "You there. Can you fight? How do you fight? Tell me how many men you've slain and women you've bedded. Make me believe you can fight."

Doruk |

@Doruk: "You there. Can you fight? How do you fight? Tell me how many men you've slain and women you've bedded. Make me believe you can fight."
Doruk looks the Dwarf over calmly and says, "Well sir, I've killed enough to not want to brag about it, and bedded enough to know where my tongue belongs."
Firmly in my head!"I fight with many weapons, too many at times as my companions will attest, but I prefer the guisarme when the right opportunity presents itself.
I think you'll find our team capable for nearly any task you may present. However if it is a foolish one we will not be interested."
I hope this guy isn't as brash as he seems. That will lead us into trouble surely enough.

Mukluk Muletender |

So...none and none. They are truly green.
Mukluks eyes dip down for a moment of introspection.
But who am I to judge? I score the same as he on both accounts.
Mukluk smirks at Doruk's reply. "That sounds about right, but we'll see what Petrel thinks."
MM looks about for Petrel again.
MM nods over to the lass at the other table. "That one there. The Pelorite? Does he travel with you?" MM asks of Doruk.

Mukluk Muletender |

@Martigan: "Well met. Blessings of the Sun Father upon you." Mukluk smiles to the man of the cloth.
"Tell me, father, do you travel with this lady and this man? Would you hold your hand upon that holy symbol and swear that they would be good & trustworthy guards?"
Mukluk is keenly interested in the opinion of the Pelorite.
"And how long have you traveled with them? What would you tell me true of their character?"

Martigan the Sun-Touched |

That's more like it.
"It's interesting you should say that Mukluk, for my hand is my holy symbol."
Martigan holds his hand palm forward for Mukluk to see
"As for the character of these two men, I'd say they are scoundrels and men of the worst sort, and a finer pair of bodyguards you'd be hard pressed to find at this table. They'll serve true while the coin flows, or at least a hot meal in their bellies."
Leaning back in his chair
"I have traveled with them for a year now, and they are hard men, not given to back down or run from a fight. In the Shield Lands we faced many horrors and fought in many battles, and their courage remained, their sword arms unfailing."
Well that should get us the job at least.

Petrel |

"Petrel, if you're up and about and getting a drink, I could use one as well." MM flicks a noble to his friend.
Petrel reflexively snaps the coin from the air, frowning. He makes his way to the bar and blends in with the group.
Grumpy stumps wants to be a stupid drunks, huh? Nothing like a drink to make bad decisions and leave us hiring a bunch of farmers. Still he is related to the boss, which makes him the mini-boss.
Getting the bartender's attention, he quietly orders a Lager Shandy for delivery to Mukluk. "The weaker the better," he says with a grin.
Seeing the men and woman approach Mulmuk, Petrel 3 empty cups and heads back to the table.
"Fast fishing, is it Mulmuk?"
Addressing, the three, he says "Strong, perhaps, capable, perhaps. You two are packed for vigorous camping... or military campaigning. Are you patient for guard work, or will the first orphan to mope along break your heart and send you off on a quest?"
After some answers
"What do you say Mukluk, some tests? Lets see how good their eyes work. All you have to do, toughs, is keep your eye on this coin." He slaps one of his own gold orbs on the table and then the cups, covering the coin with one. "All you need to do is follow the coin, see," and he begins shuffling them around. "Now pretend this is your new employees most valuable of valuables," Petrel narrates while moving the cups, occasionally tip one to reveal the coin, "but where has it gone off to?! Tap a cup to make your choice. And add a wager to show how confident you are in your seeing."
Sleight of Hand vs Perception 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
Random setting question:

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk doesn't care much about whether or not they find the coin...but instead he watches their faces to see how they react.
I like that the priest has faith in them. That is enough for me...provided he can actually heal, of course. A relationship with a follower of the Sun God would be good to nurture if what is rumored to exist in the Pits of Azak-zil is true.

Doruk |

Addressing, the three, he says "Strong, perhaps, capable, perhaps. You two are packed for vigorous camping... or military campaigning. Are you patient for guard work, or will the first orphan to mope along break your heart and send you off on a quest?"
"We are mercenaries of the Shield Lands. Our word carries weight, and if we sign on with you, we won't waver half way through the job. Guard work may not be the most interesting of tasks, but it has value to us, and to you, and will suffice for now."
"What do you say Mukluk, some tests? Lets see how good their eyes work. All you have to do, toughs, is keep your eye on this coin." He slaps one of his own gold orbs on the table and then the cups, covering the coin with one. "All you need to do is follow the coin, see," and he begins shuffling them around. "Now pretend this is your new employees most valuable of valuables," Petrel narrates while moving the cups, occasionally tip one to reveal the coin, "but where has it gone off to?! Tap a cup to make your choice. And add a wager to show how confident you are in your seeing."
"A good guard will protect all three cups given the possibility they do not know what is of value to their patron. However, if you simply wish one cup guarded I chose that one!"
Perception 1d20 ⇒ 18 - fail so guesses at random. :)
Doruk points to the middle cup, but wagers nothing on the task. He is interested in the broader meaning that might be hidden in this test, but is not interested in games of chance - or in losing more cash than he'll be paid!
BTW- all I see unless I hit reply is the placeholder. I only knew there was something there due to MM's post. :(

Doruk |

Sadness. There is a replacement post. I won't do placeholders again since you weren't getting the update... maybe shift-refresh to force a reload without checking your browser cache?
Yeah, shift reload doesn't work either. I can only see it if I reply to the post. Are we going to have an OOC thread for this game as well?

Petrel |

Doruk points to the middle cup, but wagers nothing on the task. He is interested in the broader meaning that might be hidden in this test, but is not interested in games of chance - or in losing more cash than he'll be paid!
Doruk guessing, wrongly.
This warrior doesn't realize it is a trick but is either wise enough or poor enough not to throw his money away. Or not greedy, that could be useful.
Martigan questions the merits of the test.
The holy man is suspicious, that is good. Can't be too trusting with all these thieves about.
As another note D30, I noticed you had your sneak attack with the hand crossbow listed as d8, it's actually d4 for a Knifemaster.
Thanks, missed that in my copy/pasting. You said "another note".. was the first that the post wasn't displaying? Painlord pointed me to a link saying this is a known issue. Workaround seems to be: don't update posts after the fact.

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk tries to cover his smile by taking a sip of a drink.
Well played, sirs. I'd rather have the smart & wise on guard for me than dumb brutes.
Mukluk awaits for the 'lady' to answer.

DM Panic |

The only detail you second cousin left you with was that you were hiring "protection" for him and his shop. He didn't say against who, but you'd suspect if he truly has a secret to opening any lock, there would be many interested in it.
A number of others filter into the Blue Dragon to order their breakfasts at this early hour. A serving wench makes her rounds, refilling the watered-down ales, waters and Amedian coffee that everyone is drinking.
The next trio of traders or laborers seem engrossed in another topic.
The first, a plain looking sort, "There musta been a' hunred peoples crowded out'side I says."
The second, a shrewd looking halfling, "Aye I saw it me-self as I made my way down th'Processional. Ne'er seen so many folk outside the Great Library."
The third, a skinny man with a ponytail, "Heh, maybe the old wizards got robbed, would serve those stuck up snobs right!"
Continue along with your roleplay. Time will eventually lead to when M.M. is supposed to meet his cousin outside his shop. Probably in about another half hour. He could always go to the shop early too!

Petrel |

Mukluk tries to cover his smile by taking a sip of a drink.
Well played, sirs. I'd rather have the smart & wise on guard for me than dumb brutes.
Mukluk awaits for the 'lady' to answer.
After she answers...
"Cautious, focused, those are good traits. Mukluk, can you think of other tests, or will we accept these three as the best the inn has the offer?"

Martigan the Sun-Touched |

You said "another note"..
Apologies, that is leftover editing on my part, I was going to point out the OOC thread to Doruk but then figured he'd found it.
To the traders walking in
"Excuse me, what is all the excitement about?"
We go from paupers waiting to take a test to the middle of everything at once.

DM Panic |

The shrewd looking halfling hesitates just long enough to respond to Martigan.
"Oh? A big crowd standin' bout the Great Library this morn. Not sure what it's about."
As if that was sufficient reason enough, he returns to his companions to be seated.
Once M.M. agrees these 'three will do' I'll jump you guys ahead to the next scene.

Mukluk Muletender |

Once M.M. agrees these 'three will do' I'll jump you guys ahead to the next scene.
I completely agree with you, however, I wait for the wise words of the lady. I want to see how she responds. But if you want to jump, jump!

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

"What do you say Mukluk, some tests? Lets see how good their eyes work. All you have to do, toughs, is keep your eye on this coin." He slaps one of his own gold orbs on the table and then the cups, covering the coin with one. "All you need to do is follow the coin, see," and he begins shuffling them around. "Now pretend this is your new employees most valuable of valuables," Petrel narrates while moving the cups, occasionally tip one to reveal the coin, "but where has it gone off to?! Tap a cup to make your choice. And add a wager to show how confident you are in your seeing."
Aralynn smiles and sips her beer as Martigan and Doruk hold their own against the dwarf and the man with fast hands. Maybe they have been listening to what I say.
Unable to follow the coin, Aryalnn responds, "It's unwise to bet against one's employer. If you lose the bet, you lose the gold. If you win the bet, the employer loses and you lose his favor. We are interested only in winning."
1d20 + 13 ⇒ (7) + 13 = 20
And Martigan, I'm not a man.

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk takes another sip of his weak ale, still smiling.
Nodding to Petrel as if to say "meh", Mukluk will address the group.
"You've sold me. Not on your eyes of course, I think most of you are blind. And not on your skill in battle because I doubt any of you have ever slain a man...but because I believe you all have heart. I believe that you have a certain zest for life and for adventure..."
Mukluk just can't keep the smile from his face and finally guffaws at his own private jest.
"You can be hired. I pay 5 silver nobles per day, plus an additional 3 per day for meals. We start now, any questions?"

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

"You can be hired. I pay 5 silver nobles per day, plus an additional 3 per day for meals. We start now, any questions?"
Araylnn turns to the Petrel, "My eyes might not be as quick as your hands this morning, but I know I didn't miss your name. I'm Araylnn Huntinghawk. And you, sir?"
"Otherwise, I believe my companions and I are quite ready to depart."

Mukluk Muletender |

Mukluk smiles.
My cousin, Theldrat, was right. The new blood to the city does not know their own value. I have just hired the 3 for more than a month of service.
Mukluk finishes the last of his ale quickly as he prepares to leave.
I'll keep true to my word on the deal and might even tip them some extra should there be trouble. I'd like to keep on the good side of the Pelorite...his kind are useful.
"Very good. Let us go...it's not a long trip and you'll hear more about the job when you get there."

Petrel |

"Good answers. I like this bell," Petrel says, pointing his thumb at the half elf.
Hope these guards are happy about being hired so quick like. I heard the Mercenary Guild is charging 10 orbs just to get on a waiting list
"I know I didn't miss your name. I'm Araylnn Huntinghawk. And you, sir?"
"My partner's Mukluk, the boss is Theldrat. I'm Petrel."
"Now we need some space outside to test their if you can fight as well as you talk. Just a little demonstration between friends."
Pointing at Doruk, "You fight up close with that halberd? Then throw a punch or two. Just stop if you land one," he adds. Considering the archer, he looks around for a breakfast roll or donut. "And you can toss this for a laugh. No bruises now."
Elfy archer chucking pastries, now that is funny.
Assuming there is some kind of baked good they are including for breakfast. Basically looking for the combat test I was supposed to run without lethal damage, open to suggestions.
Petrel bounces up and gets ready to find a place for this little performance fight.
Assuming people go for it and there is a convenient place in the inn / outside out of the way / behind back etc Petrel will take a total defense starting once he gets to the fight area. Once there his AC is 20, before that it is 16, (14 touch, 12 flat footed)

Martigan the Sun-Touched |

D'oh, forgot Aralynn was a woman. Well I am Sun-Touched...
5 nobles and 3 a day for meals? So it's banditry we're into now.
"I've some questions for Mukluk while the others are food fighting. How long's the job for, and how many boxes we hauling? 8 nobles a day is the going rate for day labor not mercenaries."
I may not be the sharpest tool on the shelf but at least I know what a hammer is worth.

Doruk |

Pointing at Doruk, "You fight up close with that halberd? Then throw a punch or two. Just stop if you land one," he adds. Considering the archer, he looks around for a breakfast roll or donut. "And you can toss this for a laugh. No bruises now."
Sigh. So it's to be fighting without the benefit of weapons or armor on our side, and equipped on his? This will looks foolish and lame all around. Still, it's what we're being paid to do.
Doruk prepares himself as best he can and takes a swing.
Fist attack 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 vs AC 20.
This is foolish. Well, they want to see my skills, might as well show them. He plants himself and takes another swing, this time to trip.
Trip attack 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21 vs CMD of ??

DM Panic |

Based on DM fiat, the three Shieldlanders were staying at the Blue Dragon last night. As you entered the city, all your weapons (besides daggers and staves) would have been requested to be peace-bonded. This generally involves a strip of leather or cloth that keeps a sword fastened into it's hilt, a wrap around a large weapon's blade (like a scythe).
The gate guards examined Doruk's hobgoblin-made dog slicer, and felt that it required peacebonding as it was not a dagger they were used to.
Inside the Blue Dragon, wearing metal armor was not allowed, so also by DM fiat, you checked it in. So the assumption is you are not wearing anything heavier than studded leather at the moment.
Readying a peacebonded weapon is a full round action that provokes an AoO.
I'll allow use of the spells from the 3.5 book Cityscape with regards to peacebonded weapons. These spells were: Peacebond, False Peacebond and Secret Weaponry.
My question to everyone is how do they arm themselves on the way to Theldrat's this morning?

Aralynn Huntinghawk |

Considering the archer, he looks around for a breakfast roll or donut. "And you can toss this for a laugh. No bruises now."
"'For a laugh?' So are we being hired as circus performers, jesters, or guards? Do you wish us arrested for breaking the peace before we can even begin our employment? You have very interesting ways of hiring people."

Petrel |

Petrel wrote:Pointing at Doruk, "You fight up close with that halberd? Then throw a punch or two. Just stop if you land one," he adds. Considering the archer, he looks around for a breakfast roll or donut. "And you can toss this for a laugh. No bruises now."Sigh. So it's to be fighting without the benefit of weapons or armor on our side, and equipped on his? This will looks foolish and lame all around. Still, it's what we're being paid to do.
Doruk prepares himself as best he can and takes a swing.
Fist attack 1d20+5 vs AC 20.
This is foolish. Well, they want to see my skills, might as well show them. He plants himself and takes another swing, this time to trip.
Trip attack 1d20+7 vs CMD of ??
Speaking of looking foolish...
Petrel bounces around performing some pointless weaving, preparing some insults, only to have his smirk punched away before being tripped and thrown to the ground.
His goony eyes wide with surprise, he lays motionless for a moment before dusting himself off and getting up. Sporting a frown and red with embarrassment, he says "Yeah, you'll do, you'll do. Lets head out, we have things to do."
Gained a bruise, lost respect

Petrel |

"Doruk, you're no toy soldier, and you knocked me down fair, and that's a nod to you. I think you'll do well for Theldrat but if ever gets bored, you ever think of the gladiator ring? Lot of money to be made there. Just let me know and I'll set you up."
How hard can it be right?
Knowledge: Local 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Doruk |

"Doruk, you're no toy soldier, and you knocked me down fair, and that's a nod to you. I think you'll do well for Theldrat but if ever gets bored, you ever think of the gladiator ring? Lot of money to be made there. Just let me know and I'll set you up."
"Thanks Petrel for the offer, but I'm not eager to fight for fighting sake. I'm taking this job as I'm a bit strapped just now, but I am not after gold for gold's sake."
Is that really true? You do fight just to fight you know...