DM Nation |

Once everyone gets here, I will open gameplay with a post and then the adventure begins!
First, I find it really helpful to place a character’s vital statistics in profile with spoiler buttons.
Second, I like to roll initiative for characters. I have been thinking about it and it would help me set up combat order on Roll 20 as well.
Third, I would like to work out a way or rather an understanding on how loot is distributed before we start, so there is no argument about who gets what. I would rather not track this.
My expectation is one post per day, but I do understand when real life gets in the way so let me know and I can bot.

DM Nation |

Also, once we get all of the pcs ready and confirmed, I will send the Roll20 link for the maps via pm. I have never played or GMed a Starfinder before. I am aware of the differences. I have many Pathfinder games under my belt.
Typically, I am the default GM/DM. I would love to just be a player someday.

Xond |

Well! If this ain't a motley crew...
Thanks for picking me! I'm pretty excited to get rolling!

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This works for the stat line, yeah?
I'm fine with doing whatever for loot, though, if I don't absolutely need it or think it'll be better on someone else I'm fine with giving it to them. Definitely wouldn't want things getting ugly over it or anything like that.
Also, I've done a session of Starfinder before, but that's about it. I played an Envoy that last time so I know the class too! My PF experience is I recently finished a game of Curse of the Crimson Throne, so that took about a year or so, so I definitely don't have all the math and what's the best optimization thing down, so advice is welcome!

Blacklock |
I also don't care about loot at all. I guess as long as we are getting credits I can buy whatever I want.
Fine with initiative being rolled by DM, as well as perception. I'd prefer rolling my own attacks, damage, saves, and other skills however. That said if as a DM you feel like if you rolled something it would move things along faster, go ahead and I wont complain.

DM Nation |

Great. I only roll initiative for players. Also, I won’t always ask for a skill roll. I leave it up to players to ask most times unless I feel that it is too important to pass by. I have had PCs pass by some nice stuff in a game, but it wasn’t important to the arc. Conversely, I have had players make constant perception checks. That may seem annoying, but they tend to get the most information. I will let players work that part out. It generally settles down as the game progresses.

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I've just been playing on the Paizo boards, so Roll20 will be somewhat new for me. I might make a few minor tweaks to this character, but nothing too drastic. I'd like Buzzsaw's profession to be Miner instead of Mercenary, for example.
In regards to loot, you only get 10% when you sell items, so we should try to use items when we find them. Also, you only get two magic item slots, so I don't think there would be less competition for them. I'm fine with being kind of relaxed about distributing it.
I will say, Buzzsaw uses advanced melee weapons and has a drone that uses advanced melee weapons too, so cool melee weapons would be the main thing he would be looking out for. I also think I'm the only one planning on using heavy armor. If we end up getting that kind of stuff as loot, I am okay with giving up some of my credits to other people in the group. There will be a lot of competition for light armor when we find it.

DM Nation |

@Buzzsaw, in Starfinder, your character gets a speed of 30 feet.
Also, I have to create new character tokens. Paizo site was down yesterday when I created tokens. I will create them directly from your avatar. When you first enter the Roll20 site, you will be in a waiting room of sorts, so as not to spoil the set up.
When Breaker joins, he will meet you at the station. We will RP a bit in the gameplay thread. I will direct you to the Roll20 game when it is necessary to do so.

Alpha-83 "Breaker" |

Sorry! I checked yesterday evening before the results were posted, and just got onto the website today. Thanks for selecting me.
When I GM on the forums, I roll Initiative for my players, so no issue with that. As for loot, my general attitude towards it is "Who can make the best use of it?" I'm mainly focusing on my ranged attacks and a combination of utility and blasting for my spells, so I'll mostly ask for things that have that.
I'll make sure my stat line is accurate, as well.

Xond |

Xond, I really liked your character template, btw. That is not why I selected you though.
I'd hope so! I tried to make an interesting character.
As to you rolling Initiative, whatever makes things easiest for you.
For loot division, I'm ok with a "Whoever can use it best." mentality. If we later decide to have a more mathematical "fair" method I have a couple ideas that might work.

DM Nation |

DM Nation wrote:Xond, I really liked your character template, btw. That is not why I selected you though.I'd hope so! I tried to make an interesting character.
As to you rolling Initiative, whatever makes things easiest for you.
For loot division, I'm ok with a "Whoever can use it best." mentality. If we later decide to have a more mathematical "fair" method I have a couple ideas that might work.
I appreciate any input. I want us all to have a good time!

DM Nation |

After everyone has had a chance to post in gameplay, I will pm link to Roll20 game. You will need to set up a free account if you don't have one already. I have tokens for everyone named, even Gunter the drone.
Typically, I would use the avatars from paizo that match your character, but the site was down when I made the tokens. The green bar represents SP, the blue bar HP, the red bar, Resolve Points. Don't be overwhelmed by it if you are new. It will become clear after first round of combat.

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@Buzzsaw, in Starfinder, your character gets a speed of 30 feet.
Also, I have to create new character tokens. Paizo site was down yesterday when I created tokens. I will create them directly from your avatar. When you first enter the Roll20 site, you will be in a waiting room of sorts, so as not to spoil the set up.
When Breaker joins, he will meet you at the station. We will RP a bit in the gameplay thread. I will direct you to the Roll20 game when it is necessary to do so.
They gave gnomes and halflings 30 ft. movement speed, but dwarves still have Slow But Steady in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. They are the only race in that book with a 20 foot movement speed.

DM Nation |

DM Nation wrote:They gave gnomes and halflings 30 ft. movement speed, but dwarves still have Slow But Steady in the Starfinder Core Rulebook. They are the only race in that book with a 20 foot movement speed.@Buzzsaw, in Starfinder, your character gets a speed of 30 feet.
Also, I have to create new character tokens. Paizo site was down yesterday when I created tokens. I will create them directly from your avatar. When you first enter the Roll20 site, you will be in a waiting room of sorts, so as not to spoil the set up.
When Breaker joins, he will meet you at the station. We will RP a bit in the gameplay thread. I will direct you to the Roll20 game when it is necessary to do so.
Ok. I must have missed that. I looked carefully at size to determine ac bonus of which there is none. That makes sense.

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I just made a few small changes to my starting equipment. Me and the drone are now both equipped with assault hammers and returning starknives. Adjusted a few numbers that were off. Should be ready to go.

DM Nation |

I have, I was unable to move my token, not sure if thats normal or not. Also, I was wondering if anyone knew how to resize the font in the chat window. I googled a bit for an answer but turned up nothing.
Not sure about chat font, but I had to assign your token to you. I have so you should be able to move it.

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Yeah, I was able to get into r20 as well. Couldn't move the picture at the time, but I assume that's fixed now!

Alpha-83 "Breaker" |

I'm starting to suspect that I keep different hours than everyone else does.
I've chimed in on Roll20 so you can link my token. I'll be moving over to Gameplay now.

DM Nation |

The roll20 map is ready. Just a few things to remember. I only have the free version and I am new at it, so the pawns on this one may seem odd. Also, I just learned how to align map and grid. I set this up before that. Red is resolve, (I wish I made it HP, now though.)
Even with the learning curve, I am excited to have an interactive map for combat!

DM Nation |

Something that I did not consider with using roll20 was that typically you can act out of order on pbp combat, but when you have actual tokens, the action will vary depending on the previous characters actions. Otherwise, I would say that a pc could act out of order and then I will sum up the round.
@Buzzsaw, I accidentally included Digdig in the surprise round even though it did not make a perception check. I am thinking that in the future, I won't include the drone unless you make rolls on its behalf, or state actions on its behalf.
Except for iniative. I will roll that always whether it acts or not.

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@DM Nation
The drone doesn't have its initiative. It just acts on my turn and it gets either a move or standard action unless I spend a move action to directly control it, in which case it gets both. In regards to Perception checks, I gave it Athletics as its skill unit, so it can't even make passive Perception checks unless I am actively controlling it, it which case it uses my Perception score. This should make this a little simpler, as you only have to roll one initiative and one Perception for my character.