DM Feral's Player's Choice (Inactive)

Game Master Feral

Current Combat Map

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Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

Hey guys we need a higher perception check, does anyone have any valuable resources to expend here?

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Pfft, who needs Perception? Onward!!!

Pirknok heads for the southern door.

This library features two chairs, one of which lies on its side, before a stone fireplace. A scarf, its reds and golds contrasting with the drab palette of the room, is draped over the side of the fallen chair. A book sits facedown on the floor between the chairs. A stone bookend, carved to look like a praying angel with butterfly wings, lies on its side in the fireplace itself.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

Ventus enters and looks around, getting closer to the chair until he can see what was printed on the book's spine.

Ventus steps into the room and peers over at the book, An abridged history of Varisia.

The moment Ventus approaches the book the room suddenly shakes violently. The scarf suddenly jerks to life and flies across the room.

Victim: 1d5 ⇒ 4

It wraps around Pirknok's neck!

Pirknok roll a Will save and a Fort save.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Will: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
Fortitude: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23

Pirknok feels something trying to influence his thoughts as the scarf strangles him but the party is able to tear the hostile garment free before any real harm is done.

Nonlethal Damage: 3d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5) = 11

As soon as it's removed from the dwarf, the scarf becomes an inert scrap of clothing once again.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

"Ow!" exclaims the poor dwarf, slashing the scarf to bits with his sword. "That thing tried ta kill me!"

HP: 53/58, 11 NL

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12

Jessamy's eyes widen as the murderous cloth is torn to shreds. She looks around, trying to see if anything -- besides the supernatural -- could have been responsible.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

Jessamy spots no hidden wires or pulley systems.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

"You alright Pirknok?" Ventus asked, looking around the room for anything else.

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26 Undead 30

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

"Don't!" Ysme calls out abortively as Pirknok tears the scarf to shreds. Sighing, she contemplates their present situation.
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23, to have an idea what might be going on.

DM Feral:
I suspect we're in a haunt, but I'm not certain Ysme has ever encountered one to recognize it.

Ysme recognizes what the party just experienced as a haunt - a kind of living trap powered by undeath.

Male Human Male Human (Chelaxian) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 9 [HP 71/71 | AC: 17 (25) T: 13 FF: 16 | F: +10 R: +10 W: +6 (+2 vs Poison) | Init +4 | Perc +6 | Effects: Mutagen (+4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Nat), 6 Wis dmg]

Eli pauses to examine the images on the windows while the others search the room.

I have a feeling about this... better take no chances.

He crouches down and unslings his pack. Taking various mixtures and powders out of a box, he combines them and then drinks the resulting liquid.

Create Extract of Fox's Cunning, drink it.
Knowledge: Arcana 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (2) + 13 = 15
Oh fer....

The answer eludes him, and with a sense of disappointment he follows the others, reluctantly, while continuing to glance back at the windows, convinced there's something he's missing... something important...

The scarf almost distracts him from his unease.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

The dwarf shudders, his face grim. "Ah'm tired uv evrybuddy tryin' ta kill us."

With that he urges the group to continue. "Don't wanna stay in here... never know wut else might come alive an' try ta murdur us."

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

"It's not everybody Pirknok. It's not even everything...
This house. The house itself is a kind of undead...
Professor Lorrimor talked of such things when he was lecturing at Pitax...
Let me see if this helps us at all."
As once more a pulse of holy light flares out from her.
Expending 2 LoH for Channel Positive Energy: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 6) = 12 damage to undead/undeath.
3 LoH left.

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12

"So, how do we stop these traps? I mean, I'm OK with normal traps, but I don't think I can do anything about undead ones," Jessamy asks just as Ysme channels.

She looks around to see if anything had changed.

"It looked like it had stopped. Maybe you should save whatever you did in case we need it later?"

Whoops, ninja'd...

Can we still hear the crying woman, btw?

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

"We find thuh persun who dun all this an' we kill 'er."

As Ysme’s burst of cleansing light fills the room she feels the house reel in pain and for a moment the general unease within the area is lessened.

Unfortunately, the paladin also knows that such countermeasures are temporary at best. The only way to truly silence a haunt is to destroy whatever corruption has caused it.

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

"No. This is far greater than one ghoul. We need to learn what happened here. At the very least we must let people in Sandpoint know the true danger should we fall within."

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

The dwarf pauses in his walk to the next door to look back at Ysme, a puzzled look on his face. "An' how are we gunna do that if we do die in here?"

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

"We don't, we can't. Which is why we need to leave. We are allowing our fear & our outrage compel us now." Turning to Adventus. "One person can't have done this, not in this short a time. This is years of corruption & pain & hatred my friend. One more night & day will not be more than a drop in a bucket, but one more night & day may mean the difference between our success and five more victims..."

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

"Yer sayin' we shud just walk out, an' let that wuhmin — whoever she is — kill more people tuhnight while we jus' sit out there doin' nothin? That don't seem right."

Pirknok looks around at the others to gauge their responses.

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

"When have I ever advocated doing nothing, Pirknok?" Ysme replies, her brows lowering. "I'm saying right now we're spooked & our inclination is to charge in, frothing & raging, because that will make us feel better than being afraid we are retreating because we don't know what we're facing & it has frightened us."
"We're not retreating because we are afraid. If we are retreating, it is because we know, now, that there are factors of which we were previously unaware. Factors which make it very likely we will fail...
and in failing, leave Sandpoint undefended."
"We won't be doing nothing, we will be learning more about what happened here so we can defeat it."
Ysme's tone flattens in implacability at the end.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

"An you'd let her jus' keep killin' people while you go an' let her do it. Ah'm not spooked nor scared, an' ah say we keep goin'. We need ta end this buhfore she kin kill enny more people."

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

"Which we will accomplish when dead, how, exactly? You only insist on continuing the fight when you are scared Pirknok. Or did you think I hadn't noticed?"

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

For someone with such a high charisma, Ysme's quite uncharismatic. There are some things you just don't say to a tribal warrior...

The dwarf's face turns hard and cold as he stares back at Ysme. He seems about to respond, but turns to the others instead. "Wuddoo thuh rest uv you say?"

Outsider Phantom 2, HP: 18/18, AC 15 /t 11 /f 14, F 4, R 5, W 0, Init +2, PasPer 15, Darkvision 60'

I've had this same discussion in another thread. Too many people confuse Charisma with 'likability'. They aren't the same thing. Charisma is 'Strength of Character' or 'Force of Personality'. If they are otherwise someone you will like, i.e.: You & they share values/viewpoints, you will be inclined to like them, if you disagree with them however, you are actually more likely to really dislike them. Basically, the higher someone's Charisma, the more they will be one of those 'love them or hate them, no in-between' kinds of people.

I might have pushed him too far...
Or not.

Ysme's growing expression of concern at Pirknok's rising ire, eases somewhat as he accepts that others might have an opinion to air.

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12

"Well, I suppose Ysme's got some points. If we all die here, don't we leave Sandpoint vulnerable. And it's not like one more day is likely to matter too much..."

Am I correct in thinking there haven't been deaths every single day?

"On the other hand, I think I still hear that woman crying. If that's the one we're looking for ... maybe we can find her or at least explore the whole house and then come back and deal with the haunting?"

Jessamy looks dubious about the whole situation.

I think exploring the whole place makes some sense, with a plan to retreat if we get overmatched. On the other hand, returning to Sandpoint and then coming back tomorrow probably isn't too big a risk, though I suppose a few more people could end up dead in the village.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

"Whatever puts an end to this," Ventus said quietly.

"Care is needed here, I know when I'm out of my depth and the dead are often beyond blades and fervor. I want this 'lady' to pay but I can't do that dead."

Male Human Male Human (Chelaxian) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 9 [HP 71/71 | AC: 17 (25) T: 13 FF: 16 | F: +10 R: +10 W: +6 (+2 vs Poison) | Init +4 | Perc +6 | Effects: Mutagen (+4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Nat), 6 Wis dmg]

Eli looks from Ysme to Pirknok and back again. "I'm not in favour of leaving now. Let's look around some more, and if we do come across something we can't handle, we can leave."

What about those windows? You don't know everything, do you?

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Pirknok nods in agreement with Eli's words, and heads for the next door. Sixteen years old, she said... thinks she has the whole world figured out. Let's just hope I can keep her alive long enough to do that.

This oak-paneled chamber must have once been breathtaking, but is a sad sight now the floorboards are warped with moisture and the paneling scratched and spotted with mold. A grand piano, its surface splotchy and keys warped, leans tiredly in the southeast corner.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Pirknok takes a brief look around the room, then shrugs and moves to the door back to the entryway, and on to check the doors in the entry hallway.

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
For pinano room.

Pirknok finds nothing of value in the piano room (besides maybe the piano).

Doubling back to the long hallway, the party discovers stairs! One set leads up a floor and the other descends into the basement.

Going up the stairs the party is haunted by echoing footsteps but no hostile neck-wear attacks... this time.

The second floor opens into a long perpendicular hallway.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Pirknok shrugs and heads south.

This bedroom features a child-sized bed, a chair next to a toy box, and a looming stone fireplace big enough for a child to get lost in.

Perception DC:20:
You hear the faint sound of a child crying from inside this room.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Zee dorf is still bothered by being called a coward, and sees nothing.

Beyond the things mentioned above, Pirknok sees nothing of interest.

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10

Jessamy, still creeped out by all the undead, notices nothing of interest.


Male Human Male Human (Chelaxian) Alchemist (Chirurgeon) 9 [HP 71/71 | AC: 17 (25) T: 13 FF: 16 | F: +10 R: +10 W: +6 (+2 vs Poison) | Init +4 | Perc +6 | Effects: Mutagen (+4 Dex, -2 Wis, +2 Nat), 6 Wis dmg]

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19

Eli eyes the room nervously, but doesn't find anything except a sense of unease.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17 21 for undead.

I don't know if haunts count as undead as per favored enemy

Hmmm. I'm leaning towards yes.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

"Hold on, there is a kid in here," Ventus said, walking into the room.

"Hey! Can you hear me kid? We're here to help."

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12

Jessamy looks around.

"He knows the room is empty, doesn't he? Is this the Pesh talking?" she quietly asks her companions.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

"I'm sorry," Ventus paused for a moment, struck by the rather blindsiding comment

"Pesh? Really? How many Pesh addicts have you met, kid? Nevermind, don't answer that. You're a whole can of worms I'd rather not deal with right now." With that, he resumed searching for the errant child.

As Ventus pokes around the room's contents in search of the missing child, his eyes suddenly go wide in terror and he falls to his knees.

You're a child and you see your parents arguing. Suddenly your mother grabs a torch, and your father, festering with tumors, draws a long knife. The two begin struggling to kill each other. You know, without a doubt, they will come for you next...

Will: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
Wis Damage: 1d4 ⇒ 4

The images fade from view and you realize, though that scene never happened to you, it did happen - to another child. The trauma has a lasting effect on your mind.

A moment later, the ranger snaps back to his senses gasping for breath.

Male Dwarf Barbarian 12 [ HP 62/185* (0 NL) | AC 28 Tch 13 FF N/A (23) | Fort +18* Ref +10* Will +10* | CMD 33* | Init +4 Perc +15 | Effects: rage, 2 negative levels ]

Pirknok hurries over to his friend's side. "Ventus? Ventus, you okay? Wut happind?"

HP 93/93, AC 26/17/26, F +6, R +13 (+3 vs. traps), W +5, Init +9, Per +15 Feral Rogue 12

Oh, yeah, definitely pesh.

Jessamy waits -- very nervously -- to see if anything else happens.

Male Human (Chelaxian roots) Ranger 11 [ HP: 28/91 | AC: 25 T: 14 FF: 22 CMD: 26 | F: +11 R: +16 W: +8 | Init: +5 Perc: +14 (G: +16) (U: +18) (Giants: +18) | Hunter's Tricks: 5/5 |]

"Something in here. I think, I think I'll be fine. The sooner we get out of here the better." He was pale and sweating now.

"Gods damned place is haunted."

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