Songan |
My apologies for taking so long to get a post in, everyone. Yesterday and today have been very busy to this point, but things should be free for me now and I shouldn't have to wait so long a time before before getting another post up again.
Realizing the dire nature of the situation, the house ready to collapse on the occupants at any given moment, Songan ignores the feline nature within him that screams for him to run away from the fire, instead dashing into the burning building after taking a gulp of air, searching quickly for his friends to help free the others inside.
Breath Hold: 1d100 ⇒ 53 High good, low bad
Fort Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8 If the breath holding is high, this is unnecessary, right?
Strength Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21 And this is needed either way?
Leira |
Sorry, busy weekend. Glad to see things moving on steadily though ^_^
As the last orc fells, Leira gives a look to the fallen guard, looking in particular for any bolts to replace her own, or any fine equipment. She casts detect magic to help herself on this task, and picks up anything of use.
Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
That is before she realizes of the screams inside the house and his companions darting inside the house. The girl runs to there, and looks at her own house afar. She doubts for a moment, fighting against her instincts to dart home It is suicidal to go home alone. Sarah and Agrit need our help... the others need me at the side, and I need them, a last moment of brightness makes her go inside boldly.
Leira finds her way into the house just by the shouts of her companions. As she sees the situation and Delia trying to coordinate the efforts, she attempts to hand Delia or Songan's wand, whatever is the closest and tries to activate the wand on Sara to heal her.
Use magical device: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
Heal: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
She tries to resist the damage of the smoke and fire while doing so.
For round 1: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19
For round 2: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
The girl can hardly see, but tries to better assist the party. She definitively readies herself to pull Sara out of the place, but before that happens, she cast a spell depending on what is the situation.
If Sara is just below a heavy weight, Leira cast enlarge person on the woman to help her sustain and push more weight. Whereas if the problem is she is trapped/grappled somehow, she better casts grease on the woman to ease pulling her out. If she assess that is not going to help, Leira casts enlarge person on one of the companions trying to move the weight, so his maximum load doubles, and giving a strength boost.
In case Sara position makes unfeasable to aid with the spell on her, the target to enlarge is probably going to be Songan as he probably needs the most help there
I think I am up to date respect the others
Delia Everheart |
Well, we actually have four people lifting already; Adir, Delia, Dundin, and Groin. So Songan and Leira should be ready to help pull out Sara and heal her with the wand, like you did, Leira. If you want to use Enlarge Person, Delia would be the best bet, but I'm not sure that's a good idea in a house that's about to collapse.
Songan |
Ah, I'd counted just three people helping lift. Well that's a crappy waste of a nat-20. C'est la vie. I also would agree with Delia regarding the Enlarge Person spell. The house is already close to collapse, multiplying any one person's weight by a factor that large is likely to finish the job.
GM Darkblade |
The others gather round and try to lift, but out of sync, they fail to shift the heavy weight. Leira casts an Enlarge Person spell on the trapped smithy, hoping she can aid in her own rescue. Her body begins to twist and contort from under the weight, shifting it slightly, pressing the burning brands harder into her skin, causing even more pain and screaming. As the magic senses the confined restraint of the pinning mass, the spell stops, leaving the woman somewhat larger, but no less pinned under the debris. As the half-orc attempts to thrash about to free herself, she makes a CMB Check vs DC 15: 1d20 + 8 + 1 - 4 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 8 + 1 - 4 - 2 = 13 to break the pin and shove the mass free but fails to do so, causing it to shift slightly, giving the rescuers a little less space to work with while freeing her. Songan, close by, sees the shoulders he was ready to lift upon so as to drag the woman free disappear under a slide of loose stones and dust, so he kneels down and attempts to dig them free as the group readies for a second, more unified lifting.
As I stated, I presented the actions for Groin, Leira, and Songan to move the action forward, so they will need to stand as written. I will give Leira a bit to rethink her actions for Round 3 and onwards, though it is a bit metagame. While healing Sara may seem a prudent action, most lifeguards, firemen or rescue personnel can tell you awake victims are often the more cumbersome and dangerous to handle. They often sabotage their own rescues through panic and desperation. Sara, being pinned, would not be able to assist effectively in lifting the weight from off herself, and enlarging her may not lift the weight, as highlighted below. As mentioned by others, it may in fact cause unforeseen damage. What if the house has a cellar, and Sara's increased mass, focused so close together with the debris and rescuers, caused the floor to give way, dropping all involved into the basement and sealing you all within. Perish the thought. Healing Sara may be necessary at some point, but that will be up to your group to decide the most opportune time. A dead weight may be easier to move and manage, while a crying, pained one may cause you to hesitate or misstep to avoid causing additional "injury."
If insufficient room is available for the desired growth, the creature attains the maximum possible size and may make a Strength check (using its increased Strength) to burst any enclosures in the process. If it fails, it is constrained without harm by the materials enclosing it--the spell cannot be used to crush a creature by increasing its size.
Sara would make a CMB check to break the Pinned Condition, penalized by the prone condition and a base -2 situational modifier for unfavorable conditions (it's a burning chimney, ceiling timbers and part of the wall after all.)
Groin Ironhouse |
Holdbreath low good: 1d100 ⇒ 87
Groin manages to inhale another lungful of the acrid black smoke. Eyes watering, he tries to power through.
Fort save: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Strength(?): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7
Songan |
What action could Songan take that would be useful in this situation? I hate just standing around. What if he and Leira could find something that would help the others get better leverage? Or douse then with water?
-Posted with Wayfinder
Leira |
Not wanting to cause more trouble, Leira just stands ready to pull Sara at the first opportunity. She seems sure open to listen whatever suggestions on how to help on the current situation.
Delia Everheart |
Round 3
Delia's rolls... I will be busy the rest of the day.
Hold Breath: 1d100 ⇒ 87 High good, low bad
Fort Save: 1d20 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 4 + 2 = 7 If needed.
Str check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
That's one success, two more! Use those hero points folks!
GM Darkblade |
If Dundin makes his strength check this round, you will have managed to life the weight off Sara's torso. Next round you will have to succeed and thus shift it off her legs and out of the way.
For everyone calling high/low, let us assume moving forward that high is good, low bad so we are all on the same page.
GM Darkblade |
Actually, I realize I missed Dundin's post. Indeed you did manage the lift for the 2nd round of lifting, only need to do so again on the 3rd round to free Sara. As you lifted part of the weight, Sara would only face a round of smoke damage, 1 point. While technically Delia would have failed on the 2nd, as you cannot use two Hero Points in a round, as some of you may be new to them, I will hand-wave it this time, and this time only.
Delia is the first success of the 3rd round, need two more to effect the rescue and have the others pull her free. You can all then move to get the heck out of the burning building.
Leira |
Leira also tries to withstand the smoke as she waits to pull out Sara.
Fort: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
Delia Everheart |
You are right, Darkblade. Sorry I made that mistake. Groin, might I suggest you use a hero point on your Fort save? We really need to make the saves this round, otherwise we start all over again.
Leira |
For: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Leira pulls Sara out of the trapping wall, and makes an effort to move her out of the building hastily.
Once outside, Leira tries to help tend to the most dangerous injuries.
Heal aid another: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (14) - 1 = 13
"You cannot die ok? I am here despite my home is burning. You cannot die. Do you listen to me?" the girl pushes the woman's breast trying to make her lungs work, while the others arrive from the inside with real healing resources.
Songan |
Gaah. Earlier post got eaten. Was wondering why my post hadn't been responded to yet. Sorry!
Rather than take the time to pick up Sara and begin moving her, given her uncertain condition, Songan focuses his mind on the first aid station that he knows is nearby, picturing it in his mind and under his breath muttering the incantation to a spell.
100 feet or so away, the clerics will notice the sudden appearance of a large, brightly glowing sign, emblazoned with the words "SURVIVORS AT MORNINGHAWKS; HEALING NEEDED!" flashing ostentatiously, further augmented by arrows highlighting the ground and leading in the direction of the group for perhaps a further ten or twenty feet.
I don't know if the Silent Image spell requires actually -seeing- where you're casting the spell, but I figured that since Songan has been a long-time resident of the community he would know the layout of it well enough to drop the spell where he needs it dropped.
GM Darkblade |
And so Shadowrun holo-ads first arrived upon Golarion...
A single priest, a fresh faced acolyte, scolded and berated by his peers, leaves the safety and security of the first aid station, running towards your group. A single arrow flies at him from a hidden position, narrowly missing.
The man reaches Sara's side, and in a quick minute has assessed her condition and recommended you help him in getting both Agrit and Sara, now conscious but still greatly diminished, back to the line for better care.
Delia Everheart |
Delia squints against the burning of her eyes and grunts from the heavy load they are holding up. Once Leira and Songan drag Sara out from the house, Delia lowers the wait she's holding and follows behind them. She gasps for breath once free from the burning building and out into the cool air again. She rubs her eyes as Jace bounds up to her, nudging her chest with his big head. "I'm okay, boy." She says in between coughs as her lungs attempt to expel every bit of the noxious fumes.
Once she is able to finally blink away all the tears and stinging from her eyes she spots the healer and the obnoxious sign... "What the...? Whoever did that, shut it down now!" She sighs, realizing that others may not have the combat experience she does. "Never give away your position like that, especially when it comes to wounded. That will draw the attention of the enemy faster than a fly to rancid flesh. I think we can cover their retreat back to the healer's area, but not only we are all out."
Songan |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
The sign wasn't conjured where the group is, it was conjured way back where the healers were stationed, 100' or so feet away from where the group presently is.
Also, HA! to the holo-ad reference!
Songan nods silently in response to the priest's request for assistance; now that Sara is conscious and able to move on her own power, getting her back to more active healing should be a much easier task.
"Give us some cover, everyone. Won't do us any good if we get shot in the back getting Sara back." Songan states, standing up beneath Sara and letting her lean on him as he gets ready to escort her back to the line.
Delia Everheart |
Hmmm... that's what I get for reading your post while distracted... Sorry, Songan! We can ignore that portion of Delia's last post.
Leira |
"Yes, let's go please, I cannot almost hold myself of running alone to check my house within the fires while these people runs from one side to another trying to help the survivors." Leira looks impatient to her house. She will most probably end running there alone if the group does not move soon.
What about Leira's checks at the well? I never got an update on if I found something before going to Sara's building
Groin Ironhouse |
Groin stays close to escort the wounded Sara back to the line, using his shield trait in case of any other arrow sniping.
Songan |
"Running off on your own would not be a good idea, Leira. I understand your haste, and I want us to get there, too, but doing so to the neglect of others who need our help is not an action I can condone." Songan responds to the girl.
"Speaking of which, we should get back to it. Others may, and likely do, need our help." he adds, reading another arrow to his shortbow.
-Posted with Wayfinder
GM Darkblade |
You leave Agrit and Sara with the healers, the pair offering you a great deal of appreciation and respect. They indicate they are in your debt, and wish you safety and luck in completing your mission.
Watching out for the hidden sniper, you make your way back to the well. The dead guard draped over the edge of the well may have dropped his crossbow into the water 20 feet below, as you find no trace of it. His other armaments remain on his person, including a longsword, a heavy steel shield, 8 crossbow bolts, a fully stocked healer’s kit, 50 feet of hemp rope, a long iron key on matching ring, and an empty belt pouch. His scale mail is broken—a long gash runs down the side where the soldier was fatally wounded, likely by a falchion, and two broken arrows protrude from him, one in his leg, the other his back. Leira's magical sight located a small potion vial mark with Abadar script as one of cure light wounds lying half buried in the bloody mud at the base of the well where the dying man dropped it before he could make use of it.
An Arrow: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 flies at your band, aimed at: 1d8 ⇒ 5 Jace, missing the great cat who hears the missile in flight, crouching under as it passes. The shot came from the direction of the Killin' Grounds. Dundin notices a figure dart into the bar, a dirty cloak flapping with a now familiar twisted nail design crudely painted upon it. It is likely other enemies may be present in the area, though you are not yet able to see them. The smoke and darkness creep in all around, only the fires of village homes and businesses lighting your way.
DM Roll 1: 1d5 ⇒ 5
Enemy A: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (12) + 0 = 12
Enemy B: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (14) + 0 = 14
Enemy C: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Enemy D: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Enemy E: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Adir: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Delia: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Dundin: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Groin: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Jace: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
Leira: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Songan: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Tuzak: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Round 1 Begins
First Group: Delia, Dundin, Jace, Tuzak, Enemy D & E
Second Group: Adir, Enemy A & B
Third Group: Groin, Leira, Songan, Enemy C
First Group is up, 36 hour timer counting
If you take anything from the guard, please mark who is carrying what, for capacity and encumberance purposes please.
Leira |
As I know waiting everybody to pick up what they should in an assertive and clear way as Darkblade wants us will most probably not happen, I will force Leira's doing the job by her picking things up and giving them. I hope this helps to keep it fluid while coherent and world consistent as Darkblade wishes. You can always pick up something more, or give it to someone else.
Leira picks the bolts and saves them with her own "Most probably I will need this before the end of the day. Thanks Jack"
She then finds the potion upon her detect magic and hands it to Adir. Similarly she gives the medical kit to Delia, and the hemp rope to Dundin.
The iron key on matching ring, she keeps herself when the first attack arrives "Let's go find out what is going on in the Killin Grounds!"
As I am not sure if I would be able to post during the weekend at my turn. Please, assume Leira will cast daze over any enemy within range (30 feet), or otherwise try to look for the easiest target to attack with her crossbow. Thanks.
Delia Everheart |
Delia gladly accepts the healer's kit and then quickly stashes it into her backpack just as the arrow soars over Jace. "Take cover, now! Move to the west!" Delia puts an arrow to her bow as she moves towards the building south of the Killing Ground, looking for any enemies that may present themselves. Jace rushes behind her as they both move away from the open ground.
Arrows - 38/40
Tuzak |
Round 1
Unable to see anything, Tuzak stays close to Adir, hoping for direction.
Hold action.
GM Darkblade |
As Delia and Jace move off, Dundin stands his ground firm, planting his feet and readying himself for battle (Total Defense).
As he does so, a hulking looking human, clad in a fashion similar to the assassins you fought previously, comes stumbling out of the Killin' Grounds. He dashes over to the wall of the shielding building, likely moving up to the corner.
Following him is a half-orc, taking a similar position. Neither appeared to be armed with bows.
Round 1 Update
First Group: Delia, Dundin, Jace, Enemy D & E
Second Group: Adir, Tuzak (Holding), Enemy A & B
Third Group: Groin, Leira, Songan, Enemy C
Second Group is up, 36 hour timer counting
Updated Map Remember, each square is 10' x 10'.
Adir Bloodmoon |
Round 1
"We need to light that beacon!," Adir reiterates. Seeing Delia and Jace move forward, he and Tuzak follow, wary of the shooter and the sneaking orcs.
Adir & Tuzak: Move 30', then Total Defense.
GM Darkblade |
An orc with a bow comes running out of the tavern, dodging to the corner and letting fly with a Single Arrow: 1d20 + 2 - 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 - 2 = 12 at Leira as he does so, missing just high and to the right in the attempt.
Round 1 Update 2
First Group: Delia, Dundin, Jace, Enemy D & E
Second Group: Adir, Tuzak, Enemy A & B
Third Group: Groin, Leira, Songan, Enemy C
Third Group is up, 36 hour timer counting
Leira |
Leira only steps 5 meters closer to the team hiding behind the building as she starts casting a spell.
Enlarge person on Dundin
Songan |
I don't think there's going to be any beacon-lighting, is there? The orcs have already trashed it, right?
Songan moves northwest to position himself behind the well, crouching to take cover there and hopefully give himself a good vantage point from which to act against the orcs taking cover next to the tavern. If he can get an unobstructed shot on any of the orcs from this position, he immediately takes it. If not, he nocks an arrow to the string of his bow and partially draws it, waiting for any foe to show itself enough to get a shot on it.
Move to the square above the well; if I can attack any orc from there without them getting cover, do so. If I can't, ready an action to fire at the first orc that a clear shot can be taken at.
Shortbow Attack: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Shortbow Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
GM Darkblade |
One beacon remains, the one near to the Hopespring.
Songan takes a risk and gets a shot off at the orc archer as it checks it's line of sight to the approaching group. The shaft sinks deep into the thing's left arm, causing it to howl in pain.
Round 1 Update 3
First Group: Delia, Dundin, Jace, Enemy D & E
Second Group: Adir, Tuzak (Holding), Enemy A & B
Third Group: Groin, Leira, Songan, Enemy C
Third Group is up, 19 hours remaining
GM Darkblade |
Groin creeps closer, cautiously. The smoke and stench of battle way heavy over the area, the warrior noticing a small stuffed doll crushed into the mud, no sign of the child who lost it.
Round 2
First Group: Delia, Dundin, Jace, Enemy D & E
Second Group: Adir, Tuzak (Holding), Enemy A & B
Third Group: Groin, Leira, Songan, Enemy C
First Group is up, 36 hour timer counting
Delia Everheart |
Delia silently grinds her teeth as that fools standing in the open as an archer takes pot shots at them... 'Cannot force people to abide good tactics...'
One question, Darkblade. Is the building that Delia is standing next to collapsed? Or is it still standing? If it appears to be still standing and accessible, Delia will open the door and let Jace into it first, following behind him with an arrow ready to fire. If it's not... Then I guess she'll follow directly behind Jace as they clear that northern corner of the building. I'm assuming she is not aware of the enemies on the map.
Delia Everheart |
Gotcha! In that case... I think Delia would move around behind Jace and then ready an action to attack the second the first one presents itself.
Delia quietly ushers Jace in front of her, as she stands behind her warcat and places an arrow to the string of her bow. She sights keeps her aim sighted down towards the corner of the building, ready to feather the first orc that presents himself to her...
Attack: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28Uh oh!
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
Crit confirm?: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Crit Damage: 2d8 + 6 ⇒ (2, 3) + 6 = 11If applicable.