DM-Camris' RISE of the RUNELORDS Gestalt (Anniversary Edition) Part 2: The Skinsaw Murders (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

The “Misgivings” is the local name for Foxglove Manor, a region
shunned by locals for years as a place of shadowy menace, bad luck,
and haunts. No one travels the road to the Misgivings today.
Lord Foxglove made attempts to rebuild and reclaim the place, but found few willing to work in the region due to its ill history.

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HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"Maybe we should talk to Ven Vinder before we go off after Erin and Grayst, since the sheriff wants to release him... He's grieving for his daughter, but if he knows anything, it might come in handy for us to know what he does."

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

Midori, having regained control but stayed in the background during the rest of the investigation, speaks up "I also think talking to the witnesses here first might be the best plan. After all, from what I understand, neither of the two men are least not officially. Mr. Vinder is the father of one of the victims and Mr. Thorn a partner of the other. It doesn't make sense for Mr. Vinder to have killed his own daughter like that, even if he wanted to kill her lover. As for Mr. Thorn, if he wanted to kill his partner, he probably would not have picked a night when the man's lover was there, necessitating two murders to cover his crime. Neither of them would have had a reason -that we know of- to have killed those other three men. Talk to them first, and get them released from jail. Clear out the red herrings, then go talk to the other witness, if he's even coherent yet."

She stops to think. "Who does own that mill? Did those two, Harker and Thorn own it? I thought they were referred to as managers, not owners. Perhaps we should speak to the owner as well? Though that could wait until after we speak to the witness to the first crime."

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

"'Spose its the right thing to do. Changin' sides now, sorry Brin. Crazy could wait a wee bit longer, maybe give 'em time to calm the nerves..."

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

"I think the three bodies along with Ibor and Ven should be the first ones we check out, as I'm a bit concerned, and my woman's intuition tells me we should speak with them as soon as possible."

Midori wrote:
Who does own that mill? Did those two, Harker and Thorn own it? I thought they were referred to as managers, not owners.

Both Harker and Thorne are both Owners as well as Operators of the Mill.

Going down to the cell where Ven Vinder sits holding his head, he looks up as you approach down the walkway.
Immediately a look of fury seizes his face, and he lunged at the cell door, reaching his arms through the bars clutching at your faces.
Ven wastes no time in accusing them of murdering his child and calling them jackals, deviants, and worse. Loudly and at length.

The guard looks at you with a questioning look.
"You sure you want to go in there?" He asked.

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin nods "As long as they didn't misdiagnose a were or skinshifter as a lunatic, and we don't arrive to find the caretakers have died a grisly death, I think leaving the lunatic till later is the right way to go."

He follows to the prison.

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Korbin sees the man in the prison. Ain't gonna' get much outta him like this...

Korbin reaches into a pouch as he words of curses leave his tongue. He flicks a small bundle of black-hair to the ground, and it burns up as it falls. His patron tells him what words to say, what gestures to make, and Korbin merely follows.

Ill Omen on Vinder

Korbin starts a chant, planting his feet down, reaching his arms to the sky. As they come down together, his beard splits into two branches, rising at sharp angle. They hook downward, forming some crude, heart-shaped outline around Korbin's face. He finishes his spell.

DC 14 to Resist, Charm person on Mr. VInder. He rolls twice, taking the worst result. In addition, over the next 24 seconds, he has one more roll in which he must roll twice and take the worst result.

Korbin pauses, waiting to see if his spell was successful.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

Rafael watches Korbin curiously, totally clueless as to what his dwarf friend is doing... but knowing Korbin's proclivities, Rafael is sure it won't be harmful to Vinder, or he'd step in and stop it, as the man seems obsessed with grief, not inherently evil.

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

RotRl AE version Page 380: #25 Sandpoint Lumber Mill:

This long building was one of the first to be built when Sandpoint was founded. Owned by the industrious Scarnetti family, the mill and it's daily operations have recently been left more and more to a penny-pinching buisnessman named Banny Harker and his partner Ibor Thorn.

Relevant because the Scarnettis also own the Scarnetti Mill (#32) the only remaining grain mill after a series of -convenient- fires destroyed all the others in the area.

Evidence about those fires can be discovered later in the AP.

Midori listens to the man's rant then attempts to calm him. "Sir, please, calm down. We are not responsible, and we want to find him, her or...other as badly as you do. Believe me, I understand your grief, my father was murdered not to long ago as well. Let us help, please. Is there anything at all you can tell us?"

diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (1) + 11 = 12

sigh...not likely with that roll...

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22

"Mr. Vinder, please calm down.
We wish to find out what actually happened there and who or what killed your daughter."

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin nods: "I'll go in there."

He looks at the human with surprise.

"We are the good folks. Tell us what happened."

"YOU! YOU MERCENARIES RUINED MY SHAYLISS' REPUTATION!!" He shouted, pointing at Alkaid and Brin in particular. (I don't remember who else was there in the first module.)

He flinched at Korbin's facial hair moving around like that.
(Will save, rolls a 1)
The Charm washes over him, making Korbin his best friend, and he gestures at Korbin.
"You. You my friend must understand, don't you? First Shayliss is reduced to... I can't even say it! And now Katrine is DEAD! And THEY are there! THEY had something to do with it! I KNOW IT!" He shouted, overwrought.

Alkaid wrote:
"Mr. Vinder, please calm down."


Brin wrote:
"I'll go in there."

Vin grinned and backed up.

"Sure, sure! Come on in big fella!" He crooned, crooking a finger.
He doesn't bother concealing the fact he intends to beat the hell out of you.

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Who needs Diplomacy?
And yet, I need Diplomacy: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6

Korbin smiles widely, beard wiggling as his smile stretches. He turns back to the party, popping his brow up. His eyebrows grow longer, independent of his will. "I understand." Korbin flashes his deputy badge to the guard as he takes a step into the cell. "Let's get a coupla' things steady though. Ain't one of these ones here. Know ya angry, but ya know it to be true. Barkin' threats ain't gonna make this right."

He takes a squat in the cell, placing himself between the party and Ven Vinder just in case. "We gotta right these wrongs before it happens to someone else. Katrine ain't alone. We need to find the bastard who did this an' make 'em pay. Vengeance ain't gonna bring her back, but it makes swallowin' it a bit easier."

He nods his head to the others. "My friends've been here a bit longer, know more of Sandpoint than I. I know they ain't who did this, if they were I'd have'em hangin' by now." Truth to these words, Korbin has seemed to gain a fair amount of trust for the party in the last few days. "Let 'em ask ya a few questions, we'll be on our way. And when we find this sonuvab%$&%, he'll face yer justice."

Vin seems astonished at Korbin's request.
"LET them ask questions? But they're the ones... Shayliss TOLD me what THEY did!" He pointed at the rest of the party. "The rumors they spread about her ruined her life here!"

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

Midori looks surprised. "Spread rumors? Sir, I just got here, just in time for the pirate attack. I've never met or even heard of this - Shayliss? Please, sir, try to calm down...ranting about rumors will not help anyone find who killed your daughter. There is a huge difference between rumors and murder. let us help, please!

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (12) + 11 = 23

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin nods and says:
"Was it the evil spawn Ryu that despoiled your daughter?"

Brindolfin wrote:

"Was it the evil spawn Ryu that despoiled your daughter?"

"No you ##$%#, it was YOU!" He howled, shaking the bars.

[spoiler=Brindolfin and Alkaid]
You vaguely remember his daughter Shayliss as being a friendly girl, with some unsavory associations, one of which was Ryu. Very friendly.
You bumped into her, but never really investigated during that part of the game.

With the Charm in effect, Korbin manages to calm the man down, though it took walking Brindolfin and Alkaid down the corridor and out of sight.
When asked by Korbin, he swears he was at home, passed out drunk when the murders occurred.
Would you like to ask any other questions of Ven Vinder?

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

"I'm starting to wonder if his memory has been modified..."

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

"Ryu was with us. He probably associates us with his actions."

He turns to the new members of the group with a shrug. "You see my concern about the evil necromancer Ryu. His deeds still dog our steps."

If Ryu comes back as a recurring villian, I would be amused.

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

"'Course his memories been changed, he just admitted to drinkin'... As fer a bad crowd, can't blame yaself for it. Had a pal in Riddleport who'd take anything that wasn't bolted to down. Hid what he stole in my beard he did, I was none-the-wiser 'bout it too." He scratches at his chin, still pondering how such items would disappear behind the bearded veil.

Korbin leaves the cell. He doesn't believe there is much to be found from talking to such a man. "Anythin' anyone need from the sherriff 'fore we head off? Still got the loon in the sanitarium to speak with."

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

"We should also talk to that Thorn person...the victim's partner, the one who found them."

Midori turns to the guard with them. "Can we meet with the other man now?"

The guard nodded, relocking Vin's cell door.

Taking you down the corridor and around a corner, the guard stops at another cell door.
"This'n is Ibor Thorn. 'E found the bodies 'e did." He said laconically.
Ibor himself is a young man, handsome if a bit narrow-faced.
Sitting on the bench in the cell, he seemed dull with shock; his hands cupped his chin as his elbows rested on his knees. Even with you all there, he just stared into space.

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Didn't plan in being the questioner

"Did you see something out of the ordinary? Just walk us through what happened step by step. I know you have been through a lot."

Brin puts a rather gentle touch on his shoulder.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

hmmm, I didn't get an update or I wouldve asked myself... thanks for stepping in Brin

He flinched at Brin's words, but he covered his face with his hands. "I already told the Sheriff everything I know! There ain't nothing more!." He said.

Sense Motive DC15:
He is almost stammering with nervousness.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13

Rafael seems satisfied with the man's reply. sigh... i hate the dicebot sometimes, lol

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

SM: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
"Well, walk us through it step by step. Once you tell us, whatever or whoever did this has no reason to kill you to keep you quiet because you have already talked."
Brin says hopefully.

Ibor sighed heavily.
"What is there to tell? I went there to start stacking the lumber for the mill. I saw the blood...
"I thought it was an accident! Then, I saw him... nailed to the wall..."
He gritted his teeth and swallowed convulsively.
"I... knew Banny was... seeing that Katrine girl. I know that Ven is real protective; I can see him beating up Banny, but to do that to him, and his little girl too?" He shook his head. "I just dont belive it." He said decisively.

Sense Motive DC20:

You have a feeling that Ibor’s holding something back.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

SM: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

Korbin's beard rustles, but he quells any other movements it tries. A pouch at his side hums lightly, King Crab is sensing it too. Somethin' is off, and playin' nice ain't doing what we need. Korbin takes a step forward, eyeing up at the man, gaze unwavering.

"Spit it out boy, I ain't got the patience like the others. Either ya tell us it all, or the Sheriff'll have ya without meals and we'll see how ya fare in a few days."

As his focus on halting the beard stops. the hair begins to crawl slowly, winding around Korbin like auburn ivy. It's twists into small braids is gradual, almost unnoticeable if not being actively observed.

Alarmed at Korbin's beard, Ibor backed up against his cell wall.
"Hey now, wait, wait WAIT!" He exclaimed nervously.
"OK, maybe Harker's been... ah... “cooking the books” you might say for a while.
"Now, I never did touch any of that; I wanted no part of scamming the actual owners or help it in any way.
"But... Harker might have stashed away a LOT of money. He was skimming from the top of the sales over the past few years."

He looked around nervously.
"The actual owners are the Scarnetti family, and, well, they got a reputation for being real ruthless."

Knowledge:Nobility DC12 or Knowledge:Local DC16:

—there are rumors that they’re responsible for burning several competing grain mills in the region, after all.

"I wouldn’t put it past the Scarnettis to hire someone to kill Harker if they found out somehow he’d been embezzling their money."

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"That's a familiar name..." he scowls slightly as he tries to recall who they are... lacking the requisite knowledges... he shrugs.

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

"Skurnity?" Korbin says in error. He grins. "Ain't heard of 'em. But if they know somethin', may be time we get friendly." Korbin takes a step back, putting his focus back to the beard and away from Ibor. He looks to his friends. "Know the family? 'Ready dealt with pirates, can't see 'em being more ruthless then 'em..."

You press him for more, but that appears to be everything he knows with regard to your case.
Where to next?
You've got the bodies from the previous murders in the cold room, you've got the minion of the dead guys in the insane asylum, and you've got the Scarnettis.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"Let's check the bodies, then go see the guy in the asylum... I suggest that order, so if there's anything to see on the bodies, we can ask the witness about it."

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

On to the bodies then the asylum.

Sheriff Hemlock met you outside the cells.
”The bodies right? This way.” He said hobbling outside and down the road a block.
He explains on the way.
”A couple of days ago, a patrol along the Lost Coast Road was assaulted by a deranged man near an abandoned barn south of town along the banks of Cougar Creek.
“The man was obviously sick and insane, his flesh fevered, eyes wild, mouth frothing, and clothes caked with blood. The guards subdued him, but when they checked inside the barn they discovered the mutilated bodies of three men. Although all three were far too disfigured to identify, one of them carried a piece of parchment.”

He stopped and pulled out a folder. Taking a note out, he glanced at it and gave it to you to read.
The note seems to identify the bodies as Tarch Mortwell, Lener Hask, and Gedwin Tabe.
”Three notorious con men and swindlers. We’ve dealt with them before.
“Last time they were in town they almost caused a riot with their con games; almost got themselves lynched. I personally ran them out of town and told them not to come back.
“Ain’t really a huge surprise them ending up dead. Only a matter of time ‘fore they tried to swindle the wrong guy.
“But, seein’ what happened with the mill murders, well… See for yourself.”

He led the way down a stairway and unlocked a door into a cool basement. The stench of decay is present. He pointed the way towards where three figures lay silently on stone slabs.
When you inspect the bodies, the connection becomes clear. They all bore the same seven-pointed marking on their chests that Harker did.

Heal DC15 :
All three bodies bear claw marks similar to those that you discovered on Harker’s body.

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

"We ready to see the lunatic now?"

Bryn seems unaffected by the grisly scene.

"The extent of human on human violence ceases to surprise me."

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"Perhaps this 'lordship' lured them to that place to kill them... I don't suppose there were any notes found at the mill? Though that seven pointed sigil is enough to connect the murders without another note."

heal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

"Look, these claw marks... same as on Harker's body at the mill. Another tie to the second murders."

"Yes, let's go talk to the survivor, before there's more killings."

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

Midori nods. "Yes, I think we should. By the way, if it's a branch of the same family (and I think it is) the Scarnettis are a powerful noble merchant family both here and in Magnimar."

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Korbin nods, pretending to know about the family now. He spies the bodies, a passing glance letting him confirm what Rafael said aloud. He gives a cautionary glance to Alkaid, bouncing his glance between her expression and the stars once more. What is this, five, six now? His fist clenches.

"Ain't been to Magnimar before... Still feel like we're bein' pulled on a string. How many'll share the fate on this chase of ours..."

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

"Looks like his Lordship, is the mastermind behind the killing, but to find him, we need to know more about how these people are connected and who else they may be connected to?"

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Korbin does not share the same nonchalant mood as Brin. Perhaps his time at the abbey made him all too disjointed with the terrors outside its walls. Soft even, he thinks. There was once a time when such horrors would be seen by the monk, acts by monsters and men that would keep him restless, wary, guarded. But these are fresh, in his mind, close to home. A wandering monk can keep to the road in the views of such acts, hide in his Abbey and meditate it away. A hero cannot. After a quick cast of Detect Magic and Detect Poison, Korbin turns from the bodies.

"We gots a couple stops more, ain't got the time to give a pause for the dead. We'll visit that Scarnettle bunch if these thread ain't takin' us somewhere."

The sheriff nodded at you as he locked the door to the cold room after you came out into the sunshine again.
"Oh, one other thing. There is this guy, he sent a note. Said he had information on the 'sigil' relating to the murders, whatever that is.
He sent a card along with it."

The card reads:
Author of numerous books on the history of Varisia

Knowledge:Local DC15:

This guy rented a cabin on the coast near the Old Light; supposedly to research a book about it.

OK guys, do you have a consensus as to where you want to go next?

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

I think we were going to the asylum next to talk to the survivor... unless folks want to visit the sage first... but I suggest that can wait, just mho, of course.

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin wanted to go to the asylum first, but was outvoted. He is probably staying quiet, as the others were quite sure of where they wanted to go. But our posting rate has dropped to an average of one total post a day, so he may have to speak up.

After discussing options, the heroes decide to interview the madman. With luck, he might be able to shed some light on what the three swindlers had in common with the people in the sawmill.
Sheriff Hemlock says that the insane man has been identified as one Grayst Sevilla, a local Varisian thug.
He’s been given over to the care of Erin Habe, caretaker of an independent sanatorium south of town.
"Good luck boys and girls. That Grayst is “a bit off his rocker”, if you know what I mean. Don't be too disappointed if you don't get much."

The sanitarium is a little out of the way.
To get there you must travel south on the Lost Coast Road a couple of miles, then turn inland on the farm road following Cougar Creek another two miles to a foothill of the massive inland escarpment.

The weather closed in while you went. First overcast, then a miserable drizzle that soaked through your cloaks.

When you top the rising wagon trail leading to the sanitarium, you see the building for the first time in the dull gray light.
The squat, stone building has three floors under a stout, stone-flagged roof, the window embrasiers are narrow and barred, and is built in the lee of the limestone escarpment known as Ashen Rise.

There are several low steps leading up to a wooden veranda in front of the main doors. The great double doors are closed.

You may approach at whatever time of day you wish.

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