DM-Camris' RISE of the RUNELORDS Gestalt (Anniversary Edition) Part 2: The Skinsaw Murders (Inactive)

Game Master Camris

The “Misgivings” is the local name for Foxglove Manor, a region
shunned by locals for years as a place of shadowy menace, bad luck,
and haunts. No one travels the road to the Misgivings today.
Lord Foxglove made attempts to rebuild and reclaim the place, but found few willing to work in the region due to its ill history.

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Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin approaches the sanitorium and boldly knocked on the door. The sun was high overhead, near noon, as he announced his presence.


HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

"Ain't like none of this. Can't make heads of the targets, wondrin' if it is something just testin' what they can do..." Korbin shakes off the rain on the walk over, or tries to. With his beard wet, he appears almost like a drenched dog. He retracts his beard completely, spraying a mist of water all around him as the hairs retreat back into his chin. He looks to his friends. "Sorry 'bout that."

At the sanatorium, Korbin waits for a response after Brin knocks.

The monk ensures that his deputy pin is polished and visible while reaching for the doors, hardly reaching them. He pushes on them. "Sheriff won't mind, we're on 'fficial business after all."

The wooden verandah creaks ominously under Brin's feet as he mounted the steps. He knocks, but there is no response. There is a flash in the sky and a double BOOM of lightning, and the rain comes down in earnest.

Rattling the doorknob, you find it to be unlocked. Quickly deciding to go inside rather than have the heat sucked out of your body by the cold rain, you go inside.

As you shake off the wet, you take in the room.
This room contains a desk and three chairs—two to the west, one to the east. They are all elderly and look well used, but not dusty, in the dim light. A cord hangs from a hole in the southern wall above a sign that reads, “Ring for service.”


HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Always wary when a map comes into play ;)

"Never one fer rain," Korbin mutters, walking as quickly as his stubby legs take him. His beard returns to him, shooting out and grooming itself to look presentable. It bends around the Deputy Pin, knowing that the importance of the object. "Never say what ya just saw a second ago. Hairless dwarves bring bad luck, like thirteen black cats in a house o' broken mirrors," he says with a wink. He looks around briefly before spotting the sign. Korbin locates the cord and gives it a tug. He doesn't wait long before he pulls it second, third, fourth time. He lets go, taking a step back.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

Rafael waits after the bell is pulled to see if anyone or anything responds... "Saw what?" he says to Korbin with a little wink.

Meeting the Doctor

The south door rattles and opens up. A tall and bony man with iron gray hair strode in, shutting the door behind him. He is wearing a dark gray cassock and a doctors mortarboard.
Turning a sour expression in your direction, he paused and raised an eyebrow at your odd appearance.

"Yes, I am Doctor Erin Habe. Who are you and why are you here?" He demands abruptly.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"We are deputies from Sandpoint... We've been tasked with interviewing the survivor of the murders that occurred near here a few days ago... can you please arrange for us to talk with him?"

diplo: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

"Grayst be the one we lookin' for." Korbin flashes his pin and a smile at the doctor. The pin is far shinier and cleaner than his teeth. "Only need a few words. Promise they'll be quick an' kind. Don't wanna be here longer than we need to." His beard is motionless and unassuming, aware of its place here. Korbin's eyes dart around the room, searching for anything off. Have ta check fer any signs of magic when he gives us a moment. Don't 'magine he'll be too kind for spells and chants...

Sense Motive DC15:
He's a little tense for some reason.

His face softens at Rafael's diplomatic request.
"Look, I'm sorry. I know he's the only survivor of the murders, but hes a foaming at the mouth lunatic! He's in the middle of a treatment regime that I cannot interrupt with your disruptive presence! Your own Sheriff talked to him, he can verify what I say!" He sounded off, looking peeved.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"I'm sorry to hear that, but our own sheriff deputized us to follow the clues to solve this murder, and your raving lunatic might hold the key to unraveling the mystery. On that note, I must most humbly request that you allow us to see him regardless... I promise we will be gentle with his mind and try not to make his condition worse... It is possible we might learn something from this interview that the sheriff did not."

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Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

"We are going to see him."

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

sense: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Alkaid notices and thinks
"He's tense about something.. but what is it that has him tense..."

"I get the impression that you may be hiding something; as your tense, the palm is sweaty and your eyes seem nervous."

"It might be wise to speak now, and confess your sins before a humble servant of my lord and seek forgiveness of your sins."

diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

"Oh, we do understand, sir. What he saw and survived must have been horrible, however...those deaths seem to have been just the start of many. Dr. Habe, in the name of those now dead in the same manor, for the sake of those who may be next, we MUST speak with that poor man."

As the party starts cajoling and intimidating, Doctor Habe tried to argue back, but had little luck against you.
"If you would just list... No, I'm not hi... You can't just... You'll set my patient back..." He pushed his hands out.
"Alright alright! ALRIGHT!" He said, throwing his hands up with exasperation.
"You can see Mister Grayst, but only for a few minutes! Hopefully you'll realize he is useless as a witness and LEAVE!" He said disgustedly.

He turned and opened the southern door and led you into the main workroom. It has three tables and a number of chairs scattered about.

"Grotus!" He called out.
A hulking, and somehow deformed tiefling in an orderlies uniform ducked through a door and looked at you with a glowering surliness.
"Could you please find your brother and bring Mister Grayst down here for a consultation? Thank you." The doctor said impatiently.
Grotus nodded and trundled down to another door south of you and went through.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

Rafael follows the Doctor closely, watching him carefully, in case he might try any subterfuge on the way.

Sense Motive DC15:
The doctor is somehow nervous and twitchy, with no real reason to be as far as you can tell.


Soon, two tiefling orderlies come back into the room hauling a sick looking man between them. They seem a little afraid of the man, and treat him with the care another might show a barrel of Alchemist's Fire.
Grayst is mostly nonresponsive, wrapped as he is in a straitjacket. You can catchs a few mumbled words, like "...razors..." and '...teeth.'
Grayst’s skin is pale and looks gangrenous, his hair wild and eyes milky white.

Heal check DC14:
Anyone seeing him who makes this Heal check realizes he’s quite sick and close to death.

Heal check DC24:
Anyone who succeeds at this Heal check realizes Grayst is in the advanced stages of ghoul fever.

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

heal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

"There's something seriously wrong with this man, he's sick, not just demented... he needs a priest! and quickly, as he's near death now."

"Grayst... Grayst, can you hear me? What happened to you and the men you were guarding?"

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Heal: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (15) + 12 = 27

"OI! AIN'TCHA A DOCTOR?!" Korbin's eyes are wild. His teeth are gritted together. His beard frenzies out upon seeing Grayst. "Boy has Ghoul Fever, ain't gonna last long." His beard shapes into two large fists.

Korbin makes steps towards Grayst. "Won't hear ya, Raf, close to being a ghoul now. Ghast maybe even, kid's big... Someone fetch a priest. Need someone to heal what's been done to him. Boy's under my care now, step aside." He gives glares to anyone that makes a step towards him.

IF anyone goes to Intercept:
Korbin's beard grabs anyone who get close to him.

Grapple Check: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29

I have Heroism as a spell, is there a way I can determine when his next save will hit so I can cast it on him? I am going to be providing Longterm Healing and Disease treatment to this man.

Heal, Treat Disease: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (14) + 12 = 26

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Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin shrugs: "I said the mad man would probably be turning into something. Too bad it is a ghoul. I hope we got here in time."

Brin points to Habe: "You are no longer responsible for this patient. We're taking him. Give us all the notes and records on this man. Hope no one finds about your mistakes here, he could have infected your whole staff!!"

He points to the other orderlies: "You will be telling us everything this man has said while in your care. Not as a group, but individually."

Looking back to Habe and locking eyes with him as he approaches Brin speaks slowly and ominously: "Tell me again who you think is in charge of this situation."

HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

"I wonder what other atrocities are going on here... "

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

"I'm wondering that myself, Rafael."


I have Heroism as a spell, is there a way I can determine when his next save will hit so I can cast it on him? I am going to be providing Longterm Healing and Disease treatment to this man.
For all that you need time to examine him thoroughly at the very least.

At this point, everyone freezes as Grayst gave a shriek.
His eyes are bulging as he stared at Midori and he speaks:
“He said.
"He said you would visit me. His Lordship.
"The one that unmade me said so.
"He has a place for you. A precious place.
"I’m so jealous.
"He has a message for you. He made me remember it. I hope I haven’t forgotten. The master wouldn’t approve if I forgot. Let me see… let… me… see…”

He stood up straight and spoke directly to Midori.
“He said that if you came to his Misgivings,
that if you joined his Pack,
he would end his harvest in your honor.”


HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Readied Action:
Attempt to grapple anything that threatens to attack or flee. Willing to grab at any sporadic moves by Grayst, Habe, or his men.
Grapple on Hit: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (14) + 16 = 30

Knowledge Rolls:
Know History: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Know Arcana: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Know Planes: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Know Religeon: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8

Misgivens. His Lordship. His Pack. Do any of these things make sense to Korbin?

Korbin gives a look to Midori. His eyebrows rise and his eyes widen. The dwarf looks for an answer to the man's response. Korbin edges forward, careful to try not to agitate the to-be-Ghoul. He moves with a strange, undulating fluidity. Like calm waves, Korbins ebbs forward taking short, nibbling advances. His hair flows with a cautious rippling. While his movements are calm, his eyes dart sporadically. He eyes Grayst, shoots to Habe, back to Grayst, to Grotus, back to Grayst. King Krab foams wildly, trying to communicate with Korbin to no success.

Starting Kracken Style, careful advancement to L14, Readying Action. Assuming combat isn't starting yet and this could be surprise round stuff.

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

"Oh boy, another thing from his lordship"

init: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 2 = 18

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin moves in with his quickly manifested sword.]
"Speaking of harvests. Here is mine."

Assuming we will be fighting.

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

Midori, shaken by the reaction, shakes her head, glances at Alkaid as if trying to send a message, then tries for more information on this 'Lordship'. "But, I don't know where it is...please tell me more."

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Korbin takes a cautious step forward. His eyes still shoot from one man to the next.

"Oi Grayst, his Lordship would be might displeased if we dint show to his Misgiven, eh? Ya want ya lord to be happy, no? Wheres the Misgiven at again?"

DC 15 Knowledge (local):

You recognize “the Misgivings” as a local name for a rundown and abandoned estate further south—a place called Foxglove Manor.

Grayst collapses and issues a low moan.
His moan rises to a shriek, and as he lurches to his feet, his arms tear free of the old straitjacket.
"Thats done it now. You idjits set 'im off." Said Orderly 1.

The man has nearly succumbed to ghoul fever, and although severely ill, remains as strong as he ever was. He lunges at Midori, eager to kill the one whom his “master” loves more than him.
"You can't have him. YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" He shrieked, clawing at Midori in a frenzy.
Attack 1: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31 for a possible 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
Attack 2: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (13) + 16 = 29 for a possible 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

Orderly 1 does his best to get Doctor Habe to safety.
Orderly 2 tries to break free of Korbin's hairy grapple.
CMB break free: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Grayst collapses and issues a low moan.
His moan rises to a shriek, and as he lurches to his feet, his arms tear free of the old straitjacket.
"Thats done it now. You idjits set 'im off." Said Orderly 1.

The man has nearly succumbed to ghoul fever, and although severely ill, remains as strong as he ever was. He lunges at Midori, eager to kill the one whom his “master” loves more than him.
"You can't have him. YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!" He shrieked, clawing at Midori in a frenzy.
Attack 1: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17 Auto Miss.
...Fumble confirm?: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (18) + 16 = 34 No. Ordinary miss.
Attack 2: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (11) + 16 = 27 for a possible 1d6 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

Orderly 1 does his best to get Doctor Habe to safety.
Orderly 2 tries to break free of Korbin's hairy grapple.
CMB break free: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (6) + 13 = 19 Fail! He's still stuck in Korbin's hairy grip.

Round 1_____________

Players take their turn in order of posting, enemies will go last.


HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Korbin immeadiantly lets go of the orderly. He attempts to give him a glare before rushing to Grayst. "Stand down, boy."

"Arms down, we can still help him!" Korbin grabs at the man, attempting to secure him with his beard. His hair stretches out, wrapping around the man. He attempts to hold back the arms of Grayst, trying to secure him without injury, trying to hold him back from Midori. The small dwarf tries to hold his ground against Ghoul-to-be.

Grapple Attempt: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25

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HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

Alkaid will help Korbin keep the ghoul to be pinned

Grapple: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

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HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

Rafael attempts to assist with the grapple.

cmb: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

Brin moves in to hit with the flat of his force blade.
nonlethal : 1d20 + 14 - 4 ⇒ (15) + 14 - 4 = 253d6 + 14 ⇒ (3, 5, 2) + 14 = 24

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

Korbin gives a glare to the two orderlies, jerking his head to beckon them. "Ya gonna help or just sit there?!" The dwarf thinks that the party should have it under control, but a couple more holding down the to-be Ghoul would assist in helping him look over the man and determine how long he has as a human.

Round 1_____________

Korbin Steelsoul_____
Korbin immeadiantly lets go of the orderly.
He attempts to give him a glare before rushing to Grayst. "Stand down, boy."
"Arms down, we can still help him!" Korbin grabs at the man, attempting to secure him with his beard. His hair stretches out, wrapping around the man. He attempts to hold back the arms of Grayst, trying to secure him without injury, trying to hold him back from Midori.
The small dwarf tries to hold his ground against Ghoul-to-be.
Unfortunately, Grayst’s insane strength simply rips through Korbins hair strands. Grapple fails.

Alkaid will help Korbin keep the ghoul to be pinned
Unfortunately, Grayst’s insane strength simply rips out of Alkaid’s hands. Grapple fails.

Rafael Morganis_____
Rafael attempts to assist with the grapple.
Unfortunately, Grayst’s insane strength simply rips out of Rafael’s hands. Grapple fails.

Brindolfin Cloudcap_____
Brin moves in to hit with the flat of his force blade.
Unfortunately, he missed.

Korbin Steelsoul_____
Korbin gives a glare to the two orderlies, jerking his head to beckon them. "Ya gonna help or just sit there?!"
Idril ran up and jumped on the first table. Whirling a scarf she threw it around Grayst in a grapple attempt.
Unfortunately, Grayst’s insane strength simply pulls Idril off the table. Grapple fails.

The orderlies simply interpose their bodies between Grayst and the doctor and escort him back away.
”Don’t worry doctor, we got this.” The first one said, thuggishly ignoring Korbin.

Grayst attacks Midori in a frenzy.
First attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (8) + 17 = 25 for a possible 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (3) + 7 = 10 bludgeoning damage.
Second attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20 for a possible 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 bludgeoning damage.

Round 2___________

Players take their turn in order of posting, enemies will go last.


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HP 15/49 | AC 16, 16, 15 | BAB 4 melee 6 missile 8 | saves: F 7, R 8, W 11 | CMB 10 , CMD 22 | init +2 | move 40 | 5/6 ki | 3/4 loh | 2/2 smite | wand clw 24 | aasimar (garuda-blooded) plumekith paladin (divine hunter)/monk (zen archer)/5
acro 11/15, bluff 3, craft: fletcher 4, diplo 2, heal 4, intim 7, perc 13, perf. voice 6, prof soldier 9, sm 10, stealth 6, surv 4, swim 7

Rafael strikes the Grayst for non-lethal damage, hoping to help subdue him.

to hit, magical, bludgeoning: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
dmg if hits, non=lethal: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3

Half Giant; (Soul Knife 5 Psychic Warrior 5)hp=58/58 CMB: +11 (+13 trip) CMD: 20 Senses PER +9 Sense Motive +4 AC:25 T:10 FF: 25 F+7 R+5 W+9

"Well, we have to do this the hard way."

lethal attack flank: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (5) + 16 = 213d6 + 1d8 + 14 ⇒ (3, 2, 1) + (6) + 14 = 26

HP: 55/73 Saves: +6,+6,+6, Cleric(theologian) + Brawler 5

"He's too strong to restrain, he needs to be put down..."
Alkaid switches to kicking.

attack1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5

attack2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

HP 54/48 | AC 17/16/16, +4vs Giants| BAB+3 | F5/R5/W8, +2 to all if Spell, SLA or Poison | CMB(Grapple+14,Trip+9) | CMD(Grapple21, else18) | Init+3 | Move30 | Ki 5/6 | 1st 2/5, 2nd 2/3, 3rd 2/2 | Punishing Kicks 2/5 Dwarf Whited Haired Witch/Hungry Ghost Monk of the Iron Mountain

"No we don't, no he ain't! Boy ain't wicked yet!" Korbin retracts his hair and takes a solid stance. He takes sand from his spell pouch, holding it in his open palm. A voice of wisdom comes to his head and speaks in a language long forgotten. Korbin recites the words and blows the sand, casting his spell.

Casting Sleep on Grayst, DC 14.

Female Human [Tian-Min] Bard/Artisan-4

Midori snaps out of her shock at the attack, draws her katana and attempts a non-lethal strike.

subdue with katana: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 - 4 = 18 for non-lethal damage: 1d8 ⇒ 8

And, somehow, connects!

Round 2___________

Rafael Morganis_____
Rafael strikes the Grayst for non-lethal damage, hoping to help subdue him.
Rafael connects, but Grayst seems to ignore the damage.

Brindolfin Cloudcap_____
"Well, we have to do this the hard way."
Brin hits with a blow of shocking power; it seems to jar Grayst down to his toenails, but he keeps on attacking.

"He's too strong to restrain, he needs to be put down..."
Alkaid switches to kicking.
Her first kick just bounced off, but her second one connected.

Korbin Steelsoul_____
"No we don't, no he ain't! Boy ain't wicked yet!" Korbin retracts his hair and takes a solid stance. He takes sand from his spell pouch, holding it in his open palm. A voice of wisdom comes to his head and speaks in a language long forgotten. Korbin recites the words and blows the sand, casting his spell.
Casting Sleep on Grayst, DC 14.
Will save: 1d20 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 9 + 4 = 29

Midori Masaki_____
Midori snaps out of her shock at the attack, draws her katana and attempts a non-lethal strike.
She managed to connect, but again Grayst seemed to ignore the damage.

Idril pulled again on her scarf, trying to trip Grayst, but again he simply shrugged her off.

Grayst attacks Midori again in a frenzy of jealous hatred. His eyes gleam red.
First attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (16) + 17 = 33 for a possible 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8 bludgeoning damage.
Second attack: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (19) + 17 = 36 for a possible 1d4 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 bludgeoning damage.


Grayst: 100

Round 3___________

Players take their turn in order of posting, enemies will go last.


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