Rhia Van der Geist |

"The Lady's will shall be done one way or another Father, perhaps the Prelate will find himself inspired by recent events." Rhia says with a hint of a not-quite smirk.

Christoph Metzger |

Christoph clicks his tongue in shared exasperation with the elderly priest, "Perhaps our shared entreaties will not fall on deaf ears. I can also write to my superior in hope that he will make his own requests. The Voices work eradicating the undead is difficult enough without allowing a breeding ground for those abominations to linger. I appreciate your efforts, and will be glad to stand by your side in asking that a proper hallowing be done. Then again, perhaps Miss Van der Geist is correct and the recent situation will finally see a call to action."

Ereviss Ladyhunter |

Ereviss nods and looks to buy 8 vials of holy water.
"Well, I will just look around while you meet our guests. This place could use some brightening up. Maybe some doilies and curtains?"

Skiia Anamabon |

Skiia shakes her head at Ereviss' remark, but says nothing. She does wonder why he seems intent on baiting the local priest, but is unsure if it is her place to intervene. Temples of Pharasma do not hold happy associations for her either, but she's seen no evidence yet that the priests are not sincere in their belief. She can appreciate the solemnity of the space, even if she's not comfortable with it, and if she had more time she would be tempted to sketch the effect of mass in tension with light and dark in the main body of the temple. It's his funeral, she decides, and he's in the right place for it, so for the moment she keeps her peace. Finding nothing to add to the conversation, she waits to see if the Pharasmins have finished their colloquy.

MaleNPC4 |

"...perhaps the Prelate will find himself inspired by recent events."
Father Grimburrow folded his hands and bowed his head.
"So let it be." He intoned....I can also write to my superior in hope that he will make his own requests.
"Such an effort for my poor parish is above and beyond your call of duty young man; this poor priest is grateful for your efforts." He said, bowing to Christoph.
...looks to buy 8 vials of holy water.
"For the blessed of Pharasma, the price is twelve crowns per vial of Holy Water." He said, smiling at Christoph and Rhia.
"For all others, the price is twenty five crowns per vial." He continued, glaring at Ereviss."Maybe some doilies and curtains?"
Father Grimburrow twitched violently, and for a moment you thought he was going to have a heart attack. But he recovered and drew in a great breath.
"No." Was all he said.
Christoph Metzger |

Christoph casts an irritated glance at his newly found companion. Does he deliberately provoke the good Father? Grimburrow seems to be a model priest who cares about his parish. Unwarranted. Distracted from his irritation by the elderly priest's reply, Christoph smiles and bows, "Not at all, Father. I can only hope that the prelate will take heed of our combined voices. Given the gravity of the mission, I might also beg that you allow Master Ladyhunter to purchase his water in my own name. Our mission is one of gravity and, despite the acerbic means of his request, it will be in the interest of the parish that we would succeed."
Diplomacy (UT): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19

Skiia Anamabon |

Skiia gives Christoph a grateful smile from past Father Grimburrow's shoulder, glad that the inquisitor was able to help ease the tension rapidly building in the room.
Sensing that the group has done what they can, for now, Skiia steps up and pays her diffident respects to the priest. "Thank you, Father. I'm sorry for all the confusion that I gather we continue to lay before you. Some of us have only just arrived, trying to help unravel the tangled web at work around Ravengro, and it's still early on, I'm afraid. There are so many questions for which we're still seeking the answers... We'll let you know when we can, and I hope that next time, I'll have time to see your lovely temple more fully."
Unless called back, she will wait for the others in the nave, inspecting the architecture with a professional's interest.

DM-Camris |

"Yes of course Lady Skiia. I know that I at least am grateful for your efforts here, and are always welcome at this temple."
Skiia can see from the Nave that this temple is basic in its construction, but with many old time decorations that might make it charming, if it had more light available.
There are ten phials of Holy Water available for purchase here.

Ereviss Ladyhunter |

Yes. We need to get ready to go. I will help you lock up the house."
Ereviss make sure they buy the holy water. If the clergy doesn't take advantage of their discounts, Ereviss pays full price with a scowl.
"You would think there would be discount for saving the town from disaster."

Christoph Metzger |

Price appears to be 12 gp for Ereviss, which is 1/2 cost of production for holy water.
At the temple.
Christoph bows to the priest, tracing another Spiral as he does so, "My thanks to you, Father, for your assistance. May the Lady of Graves judge you justly."
In front of the Outside Inn.
Christoph walks with his companions back from the Church, deep in thought as he considers why the prison has been untreated for so long.If the situation there was as dire as the Professor's friends suggest, then the prelate should have acted. Or at least have sent the Voices to investigate. Why did he not? Troubling... but a matter for another day. He nods to Kendra, "After a fashion. The jail will continue unhallowed, as the good Father is not strong enough. I will be writing a few letters which I hope will prompt further action. We will see, I suppose."

DM-Camris |

Agrimar: With a little help from you, Vesorianna was able to dismiss the ghosts and haunts that infested the prison to the river of souls on the astral plane, departing herself afterward. The place still has a negative energy aura about it that could allow it to be re-inhabited by those creatures that thrive in such an environment; spirits or undead for example.
Hallowing would get rid of that; but its a large area for only one guy to do. Unless the Avatar of Pharasma herself showed up, it would take a team of senior prelates to get the job done.

Christoph Metzger |

I thought the prison was hallowed again, or at least stable with Vesorianna taking the place of her husband...
Even if that is the case and there are nothing else haunting the prison, Christoph would still see her as a soul that needs to be sent to face Pharasma's judgement and then go to the appropriate plane (Heaven, Nirvana, Elysium, etc).
Having already donned his armor, Christoph retrieves the rest of his gear.
Christoph declines Ereviss' offer of holy water, "Thank you, but I already carry a supply for myself." The Voice taps two glass vials on a bandolier on his chest.

FemNPC1 |

Kendra accepts a picnic basket and puts it aboard the coach.
"For lunch." She commented.
She accepted a lesser one wrapped in news sheets and gave it to their driver.
She looked at you all.
"If you are ready, it's time." She said, motioning towards the open door of the coach.
"ALL ABOARD!" Called the driver.

DM-Camris |

The distance from Ravengro to Lepidstadt is about 100 miles.
No journey in Ustalav is without risk, but the old Mountain Road is generally regarded as the best route. This road follows the southeastern foothills of the Tusk Mountains, passing through the towns of Tamrivena and Courtaud before following the Lesser Moutray River up to Lepidstadt.

Rhia Van der Geist |

Agrimar wrote:I thought the prison was hallowed again, or at least stable with Vesorianna taking the place of her husband...Even if that is the case and there are nothing else haunting the prison, Christoph would still see her as a soul that needs to be sent to face Pharasma's judgement and then go to the appropriate plane (Heaven, Nirvana, Elysium, etc).
Having already donned his armor, Christoph retrieves the rest of his gear.
Christoph declines Ereviss' offer of holy water, "Thank you, but I already carry a supply for myself." The Voice taps two glass vials on a bandolier on his chest.
Then you might have some issues when you see my powers in action.
"Thank you Ereviss." Rhia says quietly taking one of the vials and adding it to the one already stored within an inner pocket within her cloak.
Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
As they settle into the coach she turns to Kendra, "So we're taking the old Mountain Road then?"

Skiia Anamabon |

Skiia makes herself as comfortable as she can for what is sure to be a bone-rattling ride, and demurs when Ereviss offers the holy water around. "How are your own options for fighting the undead? It's not quite as much on the whole, but I have a cantrip that I can - and, recently, do - prepare, and it has a greater reach. Thank you, but I think it might be best for you to keep more of the holy water, for now."
An utter stranger to the area, she listens with mild curiosity as Rhia and Kendra discuss the route.

FemNPC1 |

Kendra shrugged at Rhia.
"I don't really know the route myself; it has been years since I came here as a baby. Perhaps our coachman knows."
Spotting Councillor Hearthmount trundling up to the carriage in his overcoat, she charged up to him.
"Young lady, I..." He got out before she kissed him on the cheek.
"Thank you for looking after the house Vashian!" She said brightly as she handed him a small ring of keys.
He turned a bright red and tipped his hat as she ran back to the coach and boarded.

DM-Camris |

"Moving out!" The coachman called out. The lanky footman with his crossbow boarded up at the last second
With a "Heyaa!" and a crack of the whip, the brace of horses lurch forward and start the coach rolling.
The sound of the coach rolling over the bridge was a hollow boom before they turned left onto the road and leave Ravengro behind.
The coach is well sprung and ingeniously padded for a surprisingly comfortable ride, moreso since you aren't travelling with the full eight passengers it is rated for.
There is a four sectional table which can be set up between the two facing couches, and some books and broadsheets tucked into side pouches for reading.

DM-Camris |

You find several lurid articles.
The city of Lepidstadt is currently the scene of intense local excitement.
The dreaded Beast of Lepidstadt—a terrifying abomination that has terrorized the people of Vieland for years—has been captured.
Hundreds of people have flocked to the city hoping to catch a glimpse of the horror and watch it burn for its crimes.
The first day's journey passes without incident. There are rest breaks every two hours, and you are able to eat and sleep at an inn at another village.

Christoph Metzger |

Christoph spends most of his time poring over his copy of The Bones Land in a Spiral, which was gifted to him by one of his superiors. It's pages are filled with various notes and musings and he contents himself with marking the pages of a few passages that might be relevant to the dangers his newfound companions had faced. When he's not reading, he studies the countryside as the miles quickly pass them by.

Ereviss Ladyhunter |

Ereviss seems content to ride beside Kendra. He asks her questions about her childhood, and relates some stories about his. All in all, he seems happy to be with her without fighting haunts and crazed prisoner ghosts.
KN local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22
He explains to the others: "It seems the people want to burn this Beast that has been terrifying the people around Leipstadt. We will be arriving during interesting times."

DM-Camris |

Roughly a third of the way to Lepidstadt, having passed through moorland and dark, dismal foothills, the coach comes to a sudden halt as you hear the coachman yell “Whoa!”.
The lanky footman is down on the ground next to one of your doors, nervously fingering his crossbow.
”Sorry gentlefolk, but theres some… people? Blocking the road.”
Looking out you can see that a caravan of nine covered Varisian wagons pulled by nags are laagered in a circle just off the road. The wagons are gaudily painted and depict the show’s
performers beneath the legend, “The Crooked Kin—Ustalav’s Greatest Traveling Cabinet of Curiosities!” Each wagon has a front and back door opening onto cramped living accommodations inside.
Various members of the troupe are milling aimlessly around the stopped caravan and spilling over onto the road itself. You hear the sound of women crying and someone (or something) is howling sadly.
As soon as they realize that strangers have arrived, a man in motley formal finery emerges from his wagon. See his picture here.]PICTURE
Spotting you, he strode forward to meet with you.
In all his finery, he approaches your side door.
”Good evening gentle sirs and medames. I apologize for interrupting your journey, but I find myself in dire straites.” He began, doffing his top hat.

Christoph Metzger |

The sudden stop sets Christoph on edge, and he looks impatiently out the window, fingering the bow stave laying unstrung between his legs. He watches the man approaching, trying to gauge his intent. He nods to the man, asking, "And what might be your problem? Is there something amiss?"
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16 Edit: Bummer, I didn't get the DC 20 for a hunch. :(

Ereviss Ladyhunter |

Ereviss steps down smiling.
"Varisians, some of the more colorful people I have met."
diplomacy/kn local/sense motive: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 151d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 301d20 + 5 ⇒ (5) + 5 = 10
Ereviss recognizes the man, something about him seemed familiar.
"How can we help you?"

MaleNPC4 |

The man replaced his top hat and swung his hands wide.
"I am Kaleb Hesse, the Ringmaster of our little troupe!"
He is an albino man with red eyes and long, white hair that hangs below his knees. His top hat is tall and red, his long red coat is rich with gold buckles, and wears striped trousers.
Taking a closer look at the people milling about, you can see a large, shockingly ugly man; three women with tiny heads, a boy who has hair all over his body, a mwangi man with no arms wearing a fez, a lovely eastern lady wearing silk scarves and four arms, and more. All bizarrely shaped somehow, by magic or nature.
"One of our troupe has gone missing! Aleece wandered off more than an hour ago, and with dusk upon us we are fearful for her safety. Young Aleece is too young to defend herself from the creatures of the countryside, and despite our monstrous appearances, we are ill suited to fighting. None of us have the skill to track her, especially in the lowering light.
"I beg of you sirs and ladies! If any of you have any skill that could be of aid, I offer an enchanted dagger as a reward for her safe return!
"Can you help us?" He pleads, kneeling at the last.
You sense that this guy is pretty slick with a turn of phrase, but he seems sincere.

Skiia Anamabon |

Skiia steps down from the coach, following Ereviss, her mail tinkling gently. "I have some skill in tracking," she says quietly, eyes briefly flicking to the others to see if anyone else does. She helps Kaleb to his feet and pursues Agrimar's line of questioning, "Does Aleece often wander off on her own? What does she look like, and what was she wearing? What would help us recognize her?"
She speaks gently but briskly, knowing time is of the essence, her mind already turning to the sort of path a young girl might take through the moors, recalling her own less reckless rambles in her own childhood.

Ereviss Ladyhunter |

Ereviss looks concerned:
"We need to find the little one. Can you show us where she was last seen too?"
Ereviss takes out his new book. It seems to be Act 2 of the Whispering Way drama, and begins to check the list of dramatic persona to make sure everyone is listed. He gives a short inspiring oration.
"The lives of all are linked, including this little one. Finding her will set our cause to be favorable to the bards of old."
Ereviss invokes his bardic song:
Ereviss can use his bardic performance
to keep his allies coordinated, alert, and ready for action. All allies
within 30 feet gain a +2 bonus on Initiative checks, Perception,
and Disable Device checks for 1 hour. They also gain a +2 insight
bonus to Reflex saves and to AC against traps when they are
flat-footed. Using this ability requires 3 rounds of continuous
performance and the targets must be able to see and hear him
throughout the performance. This ability is language-dependent
and requires visual and audible components. This performance
replaces inspire courage.

Christoph Metzger |

I am also skilled in tracking.
Christoph winces as the Ringmaster explains the nature of the troupe's problems. I can't well just leave a child to wander the wilds, but there's a duty to see the books safe as well. Huffing, he opens the door of the coach and steps out, shouldering his pack and retrieving his bow. He strings his bow stave with a swift powerful motion born from countless repetitions. "In addition to what my companions have asked, I'd like to know if you know of her purpose in wandering off? Did she want to find something? Escape some punishment, perhaps?"
In an aside to his companions, he says, "Are we sure the coach won't leave us stranded here? We have another mission that we must carry out, so let's not forget that in the rush to save the girl. We must manage both."
Survival: 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 = 23 +9 total with my inquisitor tracking bonus.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 9 + 2 = 25 Includes Ereviss' bardic bonus

DM-Camris |

"Does Aleece often wander off on her own? What does she look like, and what was she wearing? What would help us recognize her?"
I'd like to know if you know of her purpose in wandering off? Did she want to find something? Escape some punishment, perhaps?
Kaleb shook his head.
”No, not at all. She was outside playing with her sisters, Lettie and Poppy. They said she said she heard some small creature crying in the brush and went out to find it. They kept playing. Until it grew late, and they tried to find her.” He said, gazing at a wagon where two girls with exaggerated microcephaly were crying on each other’s shoulders.”Like her sisters, she is a pinhead, which is distinctive enough I would imagine. But she also has on a blue and white play dress.”
Are we sure the coach won't leave us stranded here?
The coachman shook his head.
”No of course not! I have to stay with the coach though; union rules. But Pietro here can go with you!” He said, slapping the footman on the back.”He also knows how to operate the Bullseye Lanterns.” He said, dismounting the four big Lanterns from the coach and handing them to whoever wanted.
The laconic Pietro (your footman) gave the coachman a dirty look, but dismounted and took up one of the lanterns as well as his trusty crossbow.
"Are you headed to Lepidstadt?"
Kaleb nodded.
”Yes indeed, we are on the way to Lepidstadt. There is a big crowd there now with the trial of the Beast drawing in everyone who can travel for miles about. That’s the best time for a travelling circus!” Kaleb said smiling and rubbing his hands together.Where was she last seen?
Can you show us where she was last seen too?
”Yes, yes, over here!” Kaleb said, moving quickly past the caravan and into a field.
He went over to where a line of bushes marked the boundary of the field and pointed.”Somewhere around here!” He said.

DM-Camris |

Despite the dimming light, both Skiia and Christoph quickly pick up the tracks made by the girl.
The tracks run for about half a mile as they head down into a boggy river valley, and then into a densely vegetated, midge-infested marsh.
The marsh is a shallow bog (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 427), with high reeds between 6 and 8 feet high that affect abilities and movement in the same way as heavy undergrowth in dense forest (Core Rulebook 426).
The sun has fully set now, leaving only a dimming light in the sky.
I need another Survival roll to Track.

Skiia Anamabon |

Hesitating briefly at the edge of the marsh, Skiia is glad there's another pair of eyes who know what to look for before the group plunges into such difficult terrain. Christoph is better at tracking than Skiia, so she'll "aid another" if she can. Survival, with slayer tracking bonus: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 5 + 1 = 18

Christoph Metzger |

Christoph huffs into his mustache, irritated, as the trail seems to lead into the treacherous ground of the bog. "It seems that we're not going to have a peaceful search in the woods. I hope you all have sturdy boots or this may be unpleasant. There'll be no telling what's in the bog, so I suggest we keep weapons at the ready. Who knows what the girl has been following for so long."
Hefting his longbow and nocking an arrow, he begins to follow the trail while watching carefully for sign of the girl or anything amiss.
Survival: 1d20 + 7 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 2 + 2 = 25 With the Aid Another bonus and Inquisitor Bonus to tracking
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

DM-Camris |

Aleece’s tracks soon all but vanish under water.
DC 20 Survival check to follow.
Christoph is just able to find and follow the girl's tracks, which lead further into the bog. Your footsteps squish noisily as you proceed forward, the lanterns throwing moving shadows everywhere as you press aside the tall reeds to move.
The tracks continue for another hundred yards or so to a cramped clearing filled with dismal-looking gray flowers.
Suddenly, the shriek of a little girl in terror erupts out of the bog line, perhaps a score of yards to the East.

Ereviss Ladyhunter |

perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25
Ereviss uncanny senses detect something off in the voice.
"I suspect an ambush. Let's proceed as if it is such."
He turns to Kendra: "We are up against something inhuman. Magical preparations may be indicated."
Ereviss draws his bow and knocks an arrow.
"Paladins first!!"

Christoph Metzger |

Christoph carefully follows the tracks as they lead deeper into the fetid swamp. At the sound of the scream, he takes a moment to pray for Pharasma's blessings. His bow begins to glow, faintly at first, but it quickly becomes as bright as the torches the others carry. He listens to Ereviss' warning, nodding, "Fair enough. Let's not be caught off guard."
Christoph takes another few seconds to chant a prayer. His hand glows faintly and on touching on his chest, a shimmering golden shield springs into being around him. "Lead the way, master Agrimar." He nocks an arrow, following behind the half-orc carefully watching the nearby reeds for an indication what was ahead.
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10
Casting Light on my bow and Shield of Faith on me. Duration 4 minutes.
Active effects:
Light - 40 minutes
Shield of Faith - 4 minutes