DM Beckett |
Dang, my bad. I have so many games going on, I normally try to check in daily, but go off of what is showing as new posts. For some reason, this one didn't.
Will vs Rivani: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Will vs Andruss: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
I'm going to give you a 50/50 chance that, if they fail the save, they fall to the ground (1) or simply drop to the top of the roof prone (2).
Rivani calls on strange powers and focuses his will her, calling to her mind to "Fall!", but she is able to push her own will back and resists, just as Andruss gives her the dirty look most husbands convince their wives that dread, and her will, this time, gives in, and she thinks, "Why do you hate me!".
The other ninja further south sees the threat he is in, grabs his naginata and charges in.
vs Jorah (AC 18): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9 <miss>
Seinaru (), Eric (), Jorah (), & Victoria (-33)
Ninja 1 (-5, cursed: -2 saves, roll twice) & Ninja 2 ()
Rivani (-11) & Andruss ()
Ninja 3 ()
Andruss Delsine |
Technically, if Rivani delayed his turn to act after Andruss, the ninja had to roll two d20's and takes the worst result.
Victoria Hennessee |
Victoria smiles at the healing, even though nobody can see her...she hopes.
"Psst. Seinaru. Do you want to fly up and see what is topside? I think some of the meanies are up there.
If Seinaru agrees, Victoria will cast fly upon him.
DM Beckett |
Technically, if Rivani delayed his turn to act after Andruss, the ninja had to roll two d20's and takes the worst result.
I'd considered that, but in reality, the ninja would have passed the save on your Hex and then just fallen prone.
Rivani's, as well as Victoria's hidden wounds begin to close and seal, though in her case, not completely.
Seinaru (), Eric (), Jorah (), & Victoria (-22)
Ninja 1 (-5, cursed: -2 saves, roll twice) & Ninja 2 ()
Rivani () & Andruss ()
Ninja 3 ()
If Seinaru declines, what would you like to do instead? Feel free to unleash some higher level devastation. These guys and gals are a bit tough for the lower level characters if they get lucky.
DM Beckett |
I'll give Eric and Jorah a bit more time, because I know they are busy, but I'll bot them soon, having Eric, who is up on the rood charge vs #1 and Jorah 5ft Step back and basic attack with Morningstar.
Also, I know that Eric, Jorah, and myself are all deployed, (maybe more?), so no real Thanksgiving vacation, but I do understand that everyone else is probably going to be out a lot more than normal, and I fully understand if the game pauses a bit. I do hope everyone has a fantastic time and some good family/loved ones time.
Andruss Delsine |
I'd considered that, but in reality, the ninja would have passed the save on your Hex and then just fallen prone.
So, it's better in the way it is now. :P
DM Beckett |
Just after Seinaru heals the close group, Eric charges at the ninja closest to himself on the roof, grabbing his Kukri, but as he get's closer, she takes a defensive stance, and rolls out of the way at the last moment. Down below, not liking being in such close combat, Jorah takes a step back and grabs his crossbow from his belt, but grasps it wrongly, and nearly drops it as he takes aim and fires.
Eric vs Ninja 1: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 <miss>
Jora vs Ninja 3: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7 <miss>
The two ninja's up on the roof act quickly, the one nearest Eric stabs with her naginata at Eric while the other, rushes and leaps down into a soft roll on the ground and thrusts his blade at Rivani. Neither of them connect, though.
naginata vs Eric (AC 17): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9 <miss>
naginata vs Rivani (AC 13): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9 <miss>
Seinaru (), Eric (), Jorah (), & Victoria (-22)
Ninja 1 (-5, cursed: -2 saves, roll twice) & Ninja 2 ()
Rivani () & Andruss ()
Ninja 3 ()
Eric Brooks1 |
i think he did lol
-Posted with Wayfinder
DM Beckett |
No I didn't. My original post got eaten when internet went down for about 30 mins mid post.
Will Save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (13) + 3 = 16
Stepping back to unleash a third blast of divine light, the other Ninja goes down as well.
@ Rivani: Yes, you can still see the one on the roof. However, the other one (there had been two on the roof), just lept down and is now right next to you, so you probably want to not do something that will draw an AoO.
ROUND 3 & 4:
Rivani (), Andruss (), // Seinaru (), Eric (), Jorah (), & Victoria (-22)
Ninja 1 (-5, cursed: -2 saves, roll twice) & Ninja 2 ()
Andruss Delsine |
Andruss gets more close to Rivani and Seinaru, and he is still cursing his enemy in strange languages.
Two move actions: one to move and another to use Cackle to extend the duration of Misfortune by 1 round.
Victoria Hennessee |
Victoria moves invisibly along the wall and draws her longspear.
Still wounded, she will wait to see how her friends do, before she breaks invisibility as a last resort.
DM Beckett |
Rivani takes another step back out of immediate danger while Andruss moves in a bit closer and chuckles, much to the consternation of the afflicted ninja. Seinaru grabs some air while grabbing his longspear, ascending to avoid the ninja on the ground being able to get in a lucky strike as he moves by, but then descending to help flank the other Ninja with Eric, but misses his thrust.
Longspear: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 <miss>
Eric likewise sees a brief opening and strikes, but becomes increasingly flustered as the ninja, mostly luck, avoids another blow.
Kukri: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12 <miss>
Down below, however, Jorah's sting does not, as he reloads and sends another bolt flying, and catching the Ninja in the back of the shoulder, just missing the patella which might have destroyed her ability to continue to fight with that arm. Unseen, Victoria arms herself and gets into position.
Perception DC 40+: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Perception DC 40+: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (18) + 8 = 26
The pair of Ninja, knowing they can not flee nor surrender in their task, go all out, one focusing on Eric and the other charging at Andruss, seeing him as the easier target. <This will draw an AoO from Victoria, which will happen BEFORE the Ninja's attack.>
Ninja 1 vs Eric (AC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6 <miss>
Ninja 1 vs Eric (AC 19): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8 <miss>
Ninja 2 vs Andruss (AC 13): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27 <HIT / Crit Threat>
Confirmation (AC 13): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11 <WOW, not a Crit>
Damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Rivani (), Andruss (-5), Seinaru (), Eric (), Jorah (), & Victoria (-22)
Ninja 1 (-5, cursed: -2 saves, roll twice) & Ninja 2 (-2)
DM Beckett |
I'll update more when there are more posts, but Sen's stab bites deep and looks very painful.
Victoria Hennessee |
Victoria will attempt to intercept the running ninja before it attacks her friend.
AoO Vicoria longspear, haste, flank: 1d20 + 3 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 3 + 1 + 2 = 21 vs CMD to trip (from reach)
She becomes visible.
Actually, it looks like people moved, so she may not have flank for the 19CMD.
Eric Brooks1 |
i misses the post where we were up.... I must have been on when it posted and others posted before i reloaded page. Thats my bad
-Posted with Wayfinder
DM Beckett |
i misses the post where we were up.... I must have been on when it posted and others posted before i reloaded page. Thats my bad
-Posted with Wayfinder
You are up again.
Eric Brooks1 |
Daveak will attack person next to him
atk1: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 17
dmg1: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
atk2: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14
dmg2: 1d4 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
-Posted with Wayfinder
Andruss Delsine |
"Ouch!", screamed him.
"Do your best, buddies", says Andruss to his fellows, while steps back and curses the ninja in front of him.
Move action: Cackle to extend the duration of Misfortune on the yellow ninja by 1 round.
Standard Action: Evil Eye on the green ninja (-2 to AC) for 7 rounds (Will DC 15 to reduce to 1 round).
Free Action: 5-foot step.
DM Beckett |
Daveak will attack person next to him
Um. . . :P
Victoria Hennessee |
Seeing she was unable to trip the ninja, she moves up to provide flank to an ally and stab at him again.
longspear, haste: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 3 + 1 = 23 for dmg: 1d8 ⇒ 7
"Hey, wow! I think I am getting the hang of this!
DM Beckett |
That's close enough that we can wrap this up without the combat getting too bogged down.
You make short work of the two remaining threats, and do so without either VC Bakten or his little friend, Twig being injured or killed.
VC Bakten descends to greet you, seemingly indifferent to the attack upon his life. At 250 years old, Bakten is an emaciated, hairless man with translucent blue-white skin. His legs have withered from years of meditation. Despite his frailty, Bakten is a forceful personality, and he sizes you up almost instantly. But, as he does so, it's almost like a magically sentient, but emotionless golem. His eyes betray nothing of his thoughts, nor does his facial expression or even body language change. He simply looks, and then stops, having found what he needed and not caring beyond that. Finally, without giving any indication of his approval or views of you or your actions, he raises his head up slightly, looking off into the distance, and says “My veiled life; my only failing. For decades, I have communed with my own past lives, in preparation for my passage to the Great Beyond, for only a soul in perfect balance with karma may transcend. Yet this shadow incarnation is silent, and it vexes me. I wonder now, did these assassins know of some slight of which I, myself, am ignorant? Is that even possible. Me?"
"Friends, indulge an old man’s curiosity. If you can travel to the loci of my lives before and after, then two relics there may point toward the mystery and lift the veil. I am too frail to travel, but I have an item here that may allow you to show me those relics from afar.”
“One is the skull of an elven daimyo, Haraka Sorin. He died alongside Malash, he who was reborn as my veiled self. The skull now rests in the Haraka family shrine, in the Court of the Ancestral Sky in Ayajinbo. The other is a cradle that once held Malikeen, my most recent incarnation. It is on display in the village of Dallo, in western Wanshou.”
Seeing you all looking at the VC with more tan a little confusion, Twig helps out with "And just how are they going to show you those relics from afar", Bakten friend?"
For the first time, you notice the faintest look of irritation on VC Bakten's otherwise emotionless face, but he replies, still coldly, monotonely, "Ah yes," taking a small candle out of one of his pouches to show as he speaks, "with this. I will perform a small ritual. I'm certain that, while it is minor, is far beyond your abilities, which will allow you to travel through my past lives. And also with THIS, . . ." as he hands over a piece of paper. It appears to be a hand written timeline, cataloging his deeds and defects over the past 2,000 years, calling it “It is a single soul’s journey, whose history puts your Pathfinder Chronicles to shame. You must keep it with you for all that is to come.”
Twig again speaks up on your behalf, "Master. It's possible that the agents might have questions for you about their mission."
Jorah |
Is it possible to question any of the ninjas? The 4 that went down from my color spray were only unconscious after all.
After cleaning himself and his weapons off after the battle with the ninjas, Jorah bows slightly to Baktan before adressing him, "Do you have any idea who sent these assassins? Have there been previous attempts on your life? It's almost as if they knew we would be coming."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20
DM Beckett |
Is it possible to question any of the ninjas? The 4 that went down from my color spray were only unconscious after all.
It's possible, but it will be a little bit, (a minute or so off the top of my head, before any of them "wake" back up after your treatment. Just let me know what you want to do. Keep in mind, you really have no idea of just how long they will be out, and most of them where not injured at all. Binding them? Other protective measures?
After cleaning himself and his weapons off after the battle with the ninjas, Jorah bows slightly to Baktan before adressing him, "Do you have any idea who sent these assassins? Have there been previous attempts on your life? It's almost as if they knew we would be coming."
With very little delay, almost as though he was anticipating this question, “They have watched me from afar for two lifetimes. Several times, I chased them away, but they always came back eventually, and hid better. Never until now have they sought my life. If you learn more of their motives on your quest, I would be keen to hear of it.”
Andruss Delsine |
"We salute you, wise Bakten. It's an honor for us help you."
Andruss was suspicious about a man with so much experience like Bakten, just didn't know why he was attacked so constantly.
"Well, it seems that we'll travel a bit. So, once we get the skull of Haraka Sorin, how we get back to here, or travel to your another 'past life'?", asked the witch.
If anyone has some rope so we can tie them up that would be great. After securing all their weapons of course.
I don't.
Victoria Hennessee |
Victoria digs through her haversack, and after pulling out a myriad of items, combs, cosmetics, with a smile she pulls out a prize...a ball of twine.
"Well, I found this...not exactly rope. But maybe we can double or triple it up? Hmm, ok maybe not. What about these guys. Can we use their own belts or clothes to bind them?
Turning to Bakten.
It must really be annoying to have these men in black pajamas chasing you every day. Do you have something they want perhaps?"
DM Beckett |
Dang it. Post got eaten. Internet here is terrible, and normally I copy before posting, but I guess I didn't this time.
It must really be annoying to have these men in black pajamas chasing you every day. Do you have something they want perhaps?"
"As I said, they have been a part of many of my lives. I believe they seek something from what I call my Veiled Life. For my kind, we do not have the gift of faith. We know, without doubt that when we die, we will be reincarnated, for we remember our past selves. Normally. Two incarnations ago, there is a life I do not fully remember, and it is during this period that I believe these noble warriors in, as you outsiders so disrespectfully say, "in black pajamas" hold something against me. I do not know what."
"This is my final incarnation. When I die, all of my past deeds, throughout all incarnations shall be measured and balanced. That time of Enlightenment is nearing for me. I suspect that my Veiled Life is somehow, . . . I am not sure how to explain it that you would understand? I think there may be something I do not know, even about myself."
The psychic will give a respectful bow to the old man. I would love to read the history of your life, Grandfather.
He returns the bow before adding, "If you do as I ask, you will have the opportunity to experience some of it in a much more personal manner. Now, please, if there is nothing else, I am not certain how much time we all have. I'm not entirely sure what would happen to you should this last incarnation pass on with your own mortal souls linked to me via the magic of the candle, and if you will help me to understand this, there is much to be done."
Feel free to ask more questions if you like, but otherwise, assuming everyone is okay with his ritual and venturing into his own mind via the candle, it's up to you if you want to travel to the Haraka family shrine to commune with the Skull or to the village of Dallo to seek guidance from another mystical candle.
As you bind the ninja would-be assassins,
for branches.
Victoria Hennessee |
This ritual sounds interesting. If it gives access to memories of past experiences, count me in..." Victoria chimes in without hesitation.
Then looking down at the few injuries she has, she decides to pull out a cure wand to heal herself before the next ordeal.
Are any of you proficient with these? I am always hit and miss for some reason
Assuming she can get someone to operate the wand, she will take 4 taps
clw: 4d8 + 4 ⇒ (1, 1, 4, 2) + 4 = 12
Jorah |
"I would be happy to help you with that Victoria." As he uses the wand to heal her wounds, he says a quiet prayer to Desna
Jorah turns to the group after listening to Baktan, "Shall we go investigate this shrine first?"
DM Beckett |
Bakten takes you all to a small meditation room, giving you some time to rest and relax as he makes the final preparations for the ritual.
feel free to heal up
Once he returns, he asks you to have a seat in a circle, while he lays down the bone white candle and conducts an elaborate ritual taking well over an hour. The ritual that culminates with lighting the candle. Once alight, the candle functions as a Continual Flame. "This can only be extinguished if one or more of you, or myself, dies, or departs the plane that is my past life's memories. Finally, if all of you, now bound to the flame, and to me, mentally agree to end the effect, the flame will vanish, ad you shall return here, to me."
As the ritual completes, a soft green flame springs to life from the candle, offering no warmth, but powerful light.
It also acts as a Status spell between bound creatures.
Handing the candle over to Victoria (I presume she would be the best choice to hold it), you all feel a strange power, and a binding sensation course through you. You can hear, and feel, and even in some other new sense know each others heart beats, as you do.
With the ritual complete, your own souls bound to the candle, and thus to both Baket and each other, you seem to fade away, reappearing in a totally different place, on a road. Again, you seem to know without knowing that you are on the way to Jinin and travel approximately 300 miles through dense forest. This journey shall takes about 16 days on foot. Fortunately, Jinin is a peaceful land, and the journey proceeds without incident. Along the way, you do have the opportunity to ask other travelers a few questions, and possibly find out:
striking a mirror and granting good luck to any who behold it.
There is more, but wanted to give a small break so it's not a huge post.
Andruss Delsine |
"We salute you, wise Bakten. It's an honor for us help you."
Andruss was suspicious about a man with so much experience like Bakten, just didn't know why he was attacked so constantly.
"Well, it seems that we'll travel a bit. So, once we get the skull of Haraka Sorin, how we get back to here, or travel to your another 'past life'?", asked the witch.
Jorah wrote:If anyone has some rope so we can tie them up that would be great. After securing all their weapons of course.I don't.
@DM Beckett, I believe you missed my questions... :)
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (3) + 10 = 13
DM Beckett |
"Well, it seems that we'll travel a bit. So, once we get the skull of Haraka Sorin, how we get back to here, or travel to your another 'past life'?", asked the witch.@DM Beckett, I believe you missed my questions... :)
I thought I answered it above, but with so much going on, not clearly or specifically enough. When you utilize the candle to examine the two items you seek, Bakten will realize it, and you can simply move to the other objective. You can also attempt to do so as a group, by simply agreeing to it mentally. You know some of this, because in some ways you are linked to Bakten's memories, and have bits of insight into what he knew in a similar way that he does about his own past lives. As for getting back, you simply need to choose to do so as a group, ending the ritual.
Jorah |
Spellcraft: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (16) + 14 = 30
During the long journey, Jorah talks to as many passersby as he can, trying to find out more information about their destination and it's history. He shares all he learns with the party as they walk along.
Everyone can read all checks
Victoria Hennessee |
Victoria continues to look at the candle's flickering flame
with intense fascination while listening to the lore Jorah has to share in addition to her own observations of the Ley lines in the dream.
spellcraft: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
Just to make sure I am following, are we in the same day in the "real" time, but 16 days later for the dream walk? (Just want to know if any spells restored etc)