Molok Granite Fist |

Holding Ember gently, Molok waits until she has revived from her wounds then helps her stand. When Kenna comes over to heal her, and she can stand better, he releases his steadying hands and turns to address Keena.
"My wounds are slight, Keena. Save your magics for the more seriously wounded."

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton walks toward the others talking like a general addressing his men.
Excellent work! You all fought vallantly, bravely, and fierce! It makes me proud to travel with the group of you and to be seen with you. Let us go forth and strike down all the pirates; land bound or on the open seas! Hark! I hear our destiny calling, we will be the righteous hands that cleanse this world of those who would prey on simple travelers and pillage tradelines. The first round of ale is on me! Hell the second round too! By the gods we have done good work here today!

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 3: Reaver Ambush
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
As the wounded were healed and tended to, the days light was quickly fading away and it would be fully pitch black within less than another half hour. Looking over the region on their Red Larch flyers it showed an inn called "The Bargewright Inn" marked on the map and judging by the distance they could be there in about 2 to 3 hours time, but that would mean traveling in the dark or they could use the campsite here to rest in for the night. They probably would need to scout and search through the tents first just to make sure it was safe.
Searching the tents and the bodies of the fallen turned up nothing of any use. Mostly junk made from seashells and other oceany bits. Nothing of value. Not even a single coin. Which was highly unlike a pirate, if that truly was what they were.
Kenna used 2 second level spell slots (0 of 2 remaining.)
Narnel gains 9 hitpoints from Kenna's Cure Wounds.
Narnel has 20 of 24 hitpoints remaining.
Ember gains 16 hitpoints from Kenna's Cure Wounds.
Ember has 24 of 24 hitpoints remaining.
Kenna used wildshape (Pack Werewolf (Lion)) (1 of 2 remaining.)
Kenna used 2 second level spell slots (0 of 2 remaining.)
Molok has 23 of 28 hitpoints remaining.
Molok used Action Surge (0 of 1 remaining.)
Narnel used 2 Ki Points (1 of 3 remaining)
Narnel has 20 of 24 hitpoints remaining.
Ember used two second level spell slot (0 of 2 remaining.)
Keaton used one first level spell slot. (2 of 4 remaining.)
Keaton used 6 charges from the Wand of Magic Missiles (1 of 7 remaining)
In Game Time: 7:35pm

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton tries to figure out what tent the leader had, then give it a more complete search.
It may be worth our time to bed down here for the night. Camp has already been made, there must be food or rations here someplace, maybe even a cast of ale or rum. It looks like they planned to stay awhile.
Keaton would like to pay extra attention to the leader's tent for any notes, maps, and clues that would make these pirates be land bound. He also is looking for the leader's spellbook, he assumes he was a mage. If the leader has any funky staff, wand, ring, etc... that looks special Keaton will spend time trying to attune to it (do not have detect magic so doing it blindly).
Another thing he will do is spend extra time going through the body of the leader. Looking for spell components, identifying features (tattoos, necklace with emblem, stone with glyph carved in it, etc...)
He then would like to strip all the dead of their gear, only leaving loincloths of modesty on them, and suggests we make a funereal pyre. He also suggests that the clothing may be useful as disguises for later in the event we need to sneak into someplace.
All the useful gear be put into one pile, it can be put on a floating disk tomorrow when we break camp.
Add anything?

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 3: Reaver Ambush
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
So the scavenging/hunting/searching began throughout the campsite. The group focused on the leaders tent first but most of it had been burned away by the fire. No notes, no maps, no leads of anything they might have been doing here besides waylaying travelers on the road. There was also no sign of any spellbook and it was soon determined that his magic was divine and not arcane.
Searching the leaders body turned up little of use. A old chain shirt, a quarterstaff with the conch shell on the end (his holy symbol), and not even a coin.
The bodies of the two personal guards turned up little more. they both had shields made of giant crabshells and they both had shark-toothed longswords. And 11 javelins between them.
The one dead bandit had some old leather armor, a scimitar and a light crossbow with 5 bolts remaining.
Overall none of the gear was quality enough to sell for any value, might could be used in a pinch if someone needed it.
After collecting what they could they considered making a funeral pyre but they were just to close to the road and the scent and the smoke would draw attention from anyone passing so they collected the bodies in a heap and agreed to set them on fire only upon leaving in the morning.
Scavenging the rest of the site there was about 10 days worth of rations, some ale, some rum and some water-skins. To say the camp was spartan would have been a understatement. However that meant that they were probably being supplied by somewhere close or either had a bigger camp nearby.
With all that done the group decided to spend the night in the camp and head out the next morning. The night went by unmolested by anything and the group started out for Wormford at first light, lighting the pyre as they left. Two and a half hours later they were at the Bargewright Inn. They could pass it on by or stop for some breakfast, the choice was theirs to make.
Once a hilltop wayside inn, this site has become a walled community of ramshackle, often-rebuilt wooden towers and buildings now entirely cloaking a hill that overlooks the village of Womford across the river.
Bargewright Inn reeks of manure and filthy mud. It houses blacksmiths, dealers who buy and sell horses, mules, and oxen, wheelwrights, coopers, and wagonmakers. It has inns, stables, and warehouses, and two concentric rings of high protective walls with gates that are firm but currently open.
Picture of the Bargewright Inn and Compound.
Everyone benefits from a long rest.
The magic missile wand regains 4 charges. (5 of 7 remaining.)
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 8:30am

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton talks very matter of factly as the inn gets in sight. He has lost the murderous side, being more animated with a spring in his step and happy go lucky smile.
Before we settle in we need to find the shady "keelboat skipper in Womford" I was told about. He is the one that found all the dwarf books and sold them to a traveling merchant that sold them to the guy in Red Larch. So let us keep an eyed peeled and head straight to the docks. We may need to cross the river if he docks on the town docks. Anyway, shady keelboat skipper.

Ember Draymon |

Back at the ambush camp.
Ember's eyes flutter open after she gurgles down the potion. " Thanks " She groans, staring up at Molok as he holds her steady.
She smiles as Kenna works her healing magics
It's good to know they have my back.
It's not long before Ember is back on her feet and helping with the search of the camp...
Approaching the Bargewright Inn
" Well Womford is where we are headed, but it might not hurt to stop for a hot breakfast and some local rumours? We might even hear something of this shady keelboat Skipper... " Ember replies to Keaton.

Keaton Larroquette |

Aye, but if he is a fisherman, actually you are right. If he is a fisherman he would of cast off at first light, might as well get a hot breakfast and a warm beer. I am buying, my treat.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 3: Reaver Ambush
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
As you enter the gates of the large facility the guards eye you wearily and it seems you are being watched closely all the way to the main building. Upon entering the main room of the inn you notice it is quite large and a good number of patrons and guards are here having their morning breakfast as well. The entire place however is grime filled and the patrons all look to be workers at the various businesses here. To say the establishment looked seedy would have been an understatement.
All eyes seem upon your group as you enter, especially upon seeing the deputy badges that you carry and a few men by the door quickly hurry out. The innkeeper that is currently behind the bar calls out to you.
"Names Nalaskur Thaelond, keeper of the Bargewright. Come on in, all are welcomed here, and deputies of Red Larch are no exception. We have heard of your deeds even out here. What can we do you for? A room? A bath? or maybe some good old country breakfast. Best in the area. Or perhaps you have come to resupply at our many shops. Your coin is good here as elsewhere."
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 8:33am

Keaton Larroquette |

Looks like your gold old country breakfast draws a crowd, and that be what we are here for as well! Call me Keaton, nice to meet you friend. After our meal would you let us pull on your ear and ask which stores you would recommend, it would be most appreciated.
This was more like it. Keaton knew port towns and harbors and liked where this was going. It was a shame he forgot to pull that stupid badge off, it may be hard to make acquaintances with the normal crowd he normally would seek out.
Keaton would of known better to store his coinage and things he did not want stolen before entering the town, he would of made a point to mention it to the group too, saying something to the effect of grimy wharf urchin rats with skinny sticky fingers (pickpockets), and that he had learnt that lesson too many times that it is embarrassing. He keeps 10 gold in smaller coins accessible, and the rest of his coin and wand under his clothes.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 3: Reaver Ambush
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
"Well, Keaton is it, breakfast will be served shortly, only one electrum piece. We try to keep the coin simple. As far as shops go, we have no connection to Ironford over on this side of the river. Our shops are our own, don't need to be paying no stinking taxes to no politician or people that think they are. We have everything from wood crafter's to metal workers, smiths, horses, wagons, carriages, adventuring supplies. You name it. If we don't have it, I bet someone out there in the yard can craft it, borrow it or steal it. If the coin is right I suppose." he laughs and then realizes he is speaking to a lawman.
"Didn't really mean steal it, like taking it without permission or nothing. Was referring to the great price you would probably get. A steal, get it.?" he says while trying to now change the tone and conversation.
"So all of you needing breakfast or are the rest just gonna watch you eat, Keaton?"
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 8:34am

Keaton Larroquette |

Yes of course, a steal of a price, I would not of thought of that any other way. Giving the inn keep a wink to sign not to worry about it. Maybe you could point me to one of those salesmen that have great deals. I am actively looking for something and may haps you could point me to him so a purchase could be made. All I know is he is a keelboat skipper in Womford that came across some dwarf language books. A merchant came through Red Larch not to long ago with one he purchased, said the guys had a selection, and I wanted to see if he still had any left.
Keaton rudely looks at Molok as he hands over the gold coin to the inn keep.
EVERYONE ELSE is also here for hot breakfast and beer, I am buying.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 3: Reaver Ambush
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
The innkeep takes the gold coin from Molok as he listens to Keaton's request. "Strange that you show up here looking for a boat captain, you see, the Bargewritght Inn depends on regular supply runs downriver by barge from Yartar, but our regular supply boat is overdue. I am personally mounting a supply run to Waterdeep to talk matters over with my superiors there. Now while I am gone, I will ned to put someone in charge and while I have faith in my staff, I don't really trust any of them, if you know what I mean."
"Seems with your group being lawman and all I should be able to trust or at least know you wouldn't burn the place down while I am gone. So I guess what I am asking is if you and your friends wouldn't mind running the inn for me for a tenday or so while I make the run to Waterdeep, I promise handsome pay and a good recommendation to my superiors." he inquires.
"As far as the man your looking for, well information comes with a price. The more you pay, the more I tell. I doubt a group of lawman like yourself are looking to catch up on your dwarven reading." he says with a smile.
"Oh yeah breakfast." he says as he begins to count heads. "That'll be two gold for the breakfast for four and another gold for all of your ales. So three in total." he says with an outstretched hand, winking at Keaton to let him know to add any informational payment in when the coin was passed.
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 8:37am

Keaton Larroquette |

That is an interesting request. We will talk about it over breakfast.
Keaton reaches into his pocket and pulls out the coin purse he had loaded with ten gold in lower currency. He hands the man the pouch.
Let me know if this will cover our expenses, if it does not please let me know. Maybe you could help me acquire the books as part of us watching your inn.
gives 10 gp in lower coins, mostly silver.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 4: Bargewright Inn
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
"Ahh yes, I do recall, if this mornings report is acurate. There are currently three keelboats anchored at the docks over in Ironford. The one you are looking for is captained by a water genasi, can't miss him. I believe his name is Shoalar Quanderil. The man has a biting sense of humor and tends to laugh at people rather than with them. Best not to be wearing those badges when you meet. Wouldn't make you look like bookworms if you know what I mean." he says as he takes the pouch of coins.
"Your breakfast will be out shortly." he adds.
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 8:38am

Keaton Larroquette |

Thank you.
Keaton will find his seat and eat his meal when it arrives.
So, do we want to manage this inn for a few weeks? I do not mind, as long as we get comfortable accommodations. There is plenty of ale and ladies here to last me a at least two weeks.
Removing the badge from his brightly colored shirt.
And we need to store these tacky bits of jewelry.

Narnel Falerathon |

Narnel addresses the group quietly.
I am more than willing to put in some hard work running this place, but we must not lose site of our goals. How will this help us in our task of ferreting out the source of the books? Seems like the keelboat captain is here now. Do we really think being tied here for weeks get us closer to finding and closing these elemental nodes.

Keaton Larroquette |

What? When did that become our chore? We came out here to get the books and figure out what happened to those delegates. When were we tasked with nodes?

Narnel Falerathon |

That has been my goal from the very start. It is why I left the seclusion of the monastery. It was part of the vision that I had that I shared with all of you. If we really want to stop the greater evil in this area, we must find and destroy the Elemental nodes. If not, nature cannot be restored to balance and the pending danger will come forth unhindered.

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton addresses the group in a friendly way, and his complaments are true.
I have dreams of big breasted loose women pleasuring me beyond the realms of my imagination then paying me for my time. Just because you have a dream doesn't mean it is going to happen. You may really really really want it to happen, but it does not. I do not mind following you around and helping out; I really like you, you are alright for a eunuch. So if there is a greater evil or whatever figure out what we need to do. There is a good chance you could get some information here. This is a busy harbor town, look at all the people, we run this inn and listen to all the news that travels in, then we go to the evilest thing you can find and fix it. We have everything to gain from doing this job. I bet someone in the town knows something about the delegation too, let's just play it slow and ask the right questions.

Kenna Icemane |

"I..." Kenna begins her eyes scanning the patrons as she continues "I would rather not stay here for long. I know something terrible will happen. Dreams are one thing, Keaton, but surely you know of divination magic. And some receive visions without ever casting a spell, Narnel did, and so did I."

Keaton Larroquette |

As soon as Kenna begins to speak Keaton gives her his full attention.
Aye, well now. If the two of you be sharing the same dream before you met that has much merit. The inn keep says a tenday, I think that will give us much time to listen to all the news that is coming in and out of here. After that the two of you can point me in the direction of the node so I can magic it better.

Narnel Falerathon |

Narnel simply shakes his head in disappointment as if he is dealing with an unruly child.
Keaton, first off, I know you jest - I am no Eunuch, and your sense of humor is misplaced here. As Kenna has indicated, I recommend that you give credence to the vision I have had. It was a discovery made upon years of study and concentrated meditative states. Was it divine? Was it arcane? I do not know. I do know that it has begun to manifest itself in what we have thus far uncovered in the area around Red Larch. The problem is, I do not know where the nodes are located, but I do know that we will recognize them when we see them, or after further investigation. That is why I have no issue with following every lead, but when we have a potential conclusion to a lead within our sights, I do not suggest tarrying any longer than is necessary. Let us proceed to this keelboat captain and see where it leads. I am no innkeeper.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 4: Bargewright Inn
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
A servant girl soon brings out the breakfast, a mix of three runny half-fried eggs with two plump sausages and pancakes. The plate has enough grease gathered on it to have cooked the entire pig but luckily the pancakes have soaked up most of it. It smells wonderful and upon trying it taste even better.
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 8:47am

Keaton Larroquette |

After eating Keaton goes and talks to the inn keep.
I think we can help you out, if you keep your journey brief. We can run your inn for a tenday or so. We are gonna go run our errand, poke around the town for a bit, we will be back in a few hours so you can give us the rundown on how you want us to run this place. Wonderful cooking by the way.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 4: Bargewright Inn
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
After informing the innkeep and finishing breakfast the group leaves the comforts of the inn and heads out and walks the short distance to the bridge and then crosses into Wormford proper.
Womford is a tiny settlement on the banks of the Dessarin River, south of the Ironford Bridge. A dilapidated dock juts out into the river, and three keelboats are tied there. A large mill sits on the riverbank, with several big granaries nearby and a handful of small, run-down cottages, several of which house tiny local shops. There is a small tavern among the cottages but no inn.
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 9:00am

Ember Draymon |

" A ten day seems an awfully long time to commit to running an inn when we are searching for the missing delegation from Mirabar... " Ember says over breakfast.
Ember tucks her badge into a pocket of her cloak as the group approaches the dilapidated docks. She looks about for the Genasi and then strides up.
" Good morning! We're hoping you might be able to help us? "

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton follows the demon onto the docks. He hopes she does not spook the poor fella.

Molok Granite Fist |

Molok finishes up his two meals and leaves the money on the table as he follows Ember and the others out.
He stands to Ember's right side, just behind her as she speaks to the keelboat captain. The jetty creaks and groans under the goliath's weight.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 5: Wormford Rats
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
As you approached the Keelboat where the water genasi was standing on deck, you saw him and his men preparing for departure. There was the genasi, a halfling working beside him and two humans securing the rigging. As Ember speaks the man stops what he is doing and stands to face the group. The other mens hands go to their weapons but they do not draw them.
The genasi appears jovial and friendly enough "Well, if it ain't one of me own. Fire and water, never quite mix well you know. None the less, I wouldn't mind helping you out, .... of those clothes." he laughs as does his men.
Then looking at the rest of the group "There is even an elf for you Pike!" as he nudges the halfling man beside him "Though she looks kind of feral to me, I bet she's a wild one in the old sack."
Then noticing Molok the man says "We kid, we kid, don't get your stones all up in a bunch. Wouldn't want to be taking your ladies without ye permission now would we."
"So how can captain Quanderil, help you out? Better make it quick, gotta make ye run down river."
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 9:05am

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton smiles at the sailor's games and shoots them an approving look, then waits to see how the demon responds.

Ember Draymon |

Ember looks a little shocked, unused to be spoken to in such a way, then her eyes like hot coals.
" Hmph! Captain Quanderil is it? Please... Keep your snide comments to yourself. We're in the market for Dwarven books and rumour has it you had some? "

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton butts in as soon as Ember played their hand so quick.
Ha! My fiery friend here is of little fun when it comes to kidding, and she is most direct when it comes to business. Grant us a few moments of your time before you set your sails, I believe you will like what we have to say.
Keaton waits to be called aboard to talk business.
Keaton is a sailor that frequently goes to seedy sailor taverns and hangs out with the likes of these people. He would know how to talk to them, me as the player not so much. He is trying to be allowed on their ship to talk business, but asking in a way that they would see as not a threat.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 5: Wormford Rats
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
The captain responds to the fire genasi "Captain Quanderil, at your service!" he gives a bow. "But I am afraid your name has not escaped your lips. As far as my comments, you are at my boat, and as such, then my comments are free of charge." he laughs.
When the conversation turns to dwarven books he says "Rumors, what shall we know about rumors, rumors have it that some deputies from Red Larch showed up at the Bargewright this morning. But have I accused you of being them? Rumors... they are not always what they are intended, are they? But showing up here? Asking about books that I know not of? I am afraid in the case of rumors.... and books.... I can't be of much help."
When Keaton interrupts and ask to board the Keelboat and seeming to be more of the type that the captain is used to dealing with he responds "Now, if you are not part of me crew, then you keep your feet on the docks. But ok, ok. I will admit I ferried unsavory passengers across the river a couple of tendays ago, and how they paid was no worry of mine. The books was what they offered. Now if I did have a way of getting you these books, the ones that you seek. Then I can do so for a modest payment of 150 gold coins for the five books."
He then studies the group over "If we have a deal then meet us at the tavern in one hour, to give me the time to find said books. If you don't have the coin.... Well as we are about to do.... SHOVE OFF!!!"
As both parties are aware, if you want to enter combat at this time then let me know in the Discussion thread and I will roll init and put the map up and we shall get started. If you want to take him up on the offer then you can let him know and go to the tavern. He however is done talking to you at this point, and you can tell any more questions will likely provoke him and his men to attack.
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 9:10am

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton greets the man's offer with a wrinkled chin and a self nod, like a person thinking over the price for the goods.
Captain Quanderil, we are most interested in purchasing the books. Give us one moment to confer together that we are carrying that kind of gold. I do not want to waste your time any more than you want your time to be wasted.
Keaton will back up a bit and get the group to huddle in, so he can talk quiet.
I do not want to fight this guy. If we are going to run this inn for a time this news will travel, and not help our innsitting responsibilities. I have forty gold. Anyone else have gold to contribute? These books might be important for those visions the two of you keep sharing. There was air cult people at the burial mound with the dwarf. Air is an element, and probably has a node.

Kenna Icemane |

"I've half a mind to maul this man and his friends, but I don't think theyre worth it..." Kenna shuffles through her coin pouch, "About 50 gold pieces?"

Keaton Larroquette |

Keaton turns back to the captain.
You have yourself a deal. We will see you back at the inn in an hour.
Unless the captain has more to say Keaton will lead the group away from the docks. When out of sight he will speak up.
We should go back to the inn now. We just flashed around a bunch of gold while we counted it, cut purses are attracted to that like gnats to a good ale. Say we go to the inn keep and start learning our new position.

Narnel Falerathon |

Right...innkeepers. Sounds good. It also appears we may be a couple of 10 days behind the quarry we seek.
40GP removed from Inventory.

DM Asmodeus |

Princes of the Apocalypse
Act 2: Secret of the Sumber Hills
Scene 5: Wormford Rats
Active Maps: Dessarin Valley Map
The group headed to the small tavern along the make shift cottages to await the transaction as directed. As they mingled with the locals of the tavern not to look suspicious they learn the following:
1. That according to old tales, the village was known as Ironford until a dragon was slain nearby. Passers-by began to call the settlement “Wyrm Ford,” a name subsequently corrupted, thanks to the thick local accent, into “Womford.” as it was now called.
2. They also learn that ruffians and thugs seem to take over the village whenever a keelboat is tied up at the dock. In fact, some locals have thrown in with the ruffians— three young ne’er-do-wells named Gorm, Herek, and Shadnil sailed off a month ago to join up with some group.
3. Womforders lock and bar their doors and shutter their windows at night, for fear of the “Womford Bat,” a nocturnal predator that snatches folk it can catch outside after dark. One villager named Darreth vanished only steps from his own front door a tenday ago.
After an hour the halfling that was on board the keelboat when you met Captain Quanderil comes and sits at your table and introduces himself as Pike as he sits a large leather pack down next to a table leg, once he has collected payment he gets up and leaves, leaving the bag behind as if he had forgotten it.
Checking the content of the bag you see five tomes written in Dwarvish.
Please add 250 experience points each for recovering the tombs without combat. Which I think will put each of you at 1400 if I am not mistaken.
Remove a total of 150 gold pieces for the five books. I leave it up to you how to divide the split.
Keaton Wand of Magic Missiles (5 of 7 charges remaining)
In Game Time: 10:10am

Keaton Larroquette |

So, can anyone read Dwarf?
Shrugs shoulders.
Want to go ask the inn keep how he wants us to run things?