Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master StephNyan

Map of Korvosa
Map of the Dead Warrens (Secret Lair)

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Cressida immediately calls for a guard to take Vendra away. She listens to your report on the mission and congratulates you on how smoothly you handled everything.

"Very well done! We have more than enough evidence to put Vendra in jail. You can keep her personal belongings as part of your reward, along with the 1000 gold per person you get from me. Just don't mention the part about her personal belongings to anyone else."

She grabs the familiar box from underneath her desk and hands each of you 1000 gold.

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Tural looks surprised at the amount of loot on Vendra.
"She seems to have done very good for herself..."
He turns back to Cressida.
"Have you anything else that needs our attention? A lot seems to be going on at the moment."

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer puts the offered gold into her pouch, another good payment for services well-rendered.

"Yeah, what else do you need done?" Baer snorts, getting more comfortable with her position.

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

"Perhaps this woman should be made an example of, so deter others from trying to profit from Korvosa's misery?" Quorthos suggests to Cressida.

Quorthos isn't interested in any of the loot; we can sell it unless someone wants it.

"At some point, I'd like to spend a bit more time examining that spellbook, but if we have another task I am good to go."

"I currently have nothing for you," Cressida responds while putting the box back. "I will of course contact you when I do."

You handled the mission very fast. It's currently 12 noon.

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

"Make an example of her, as profiting from desperation of the masses?
That is a nice idea, Quorthos. Yet what would you propose to do with her, if you would be allowed to?"

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Quorthos pauses at Denario's comment, having not really thought it through until called on it. "Perhaps... a public trial? Something to show everyone that there are unscrupulous people taking advantage of the plague, so they should be careful?"

Or maybe we should just turn the crowd loose on her, hey, Quorthos? That's what we really wanted to do, isn't it? Back there in the shop?"

Quorthos shakes his head suddenly. "No. No, maybe it's best we leave it to the Field Marshall's discretion. I wouldn't mind spending some time with that spell book if we're off-duty for a few hours."

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer has little interest in the fate of Vendra, now feeling a bit conflicted on selling hope, even a false one, if it helps people to carry on and try despite Death's presence on their door.

She stands up.

"Well, if you don't need us, you know where to find us. Thank you for your time, Commander Cressida."

Baer leaves.

* * *

If the party has no other errands to run, Baer goes to her training grounds to continue her work with staff and spell. Though she is getting better, it is clear that she still has much work to do.

She tries to focus on learning and training, but is easily and often distracted by...everything.

Go ahead and post what you want to do this in-game afternoon. I'll make posts accordingly.

I remember you wanted to buy a wand. Maybe you also want to sell some loot?

Baer; Anomanexus College:
You suddenly hear someone next to you, lower to the ground, speak to you. "You form's improved, Baer, but you look distracted."

When you look you see the headmaster of the College. The small gnome smiles at you. "How's your new staff? Has it been useful?"

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

We have a good 13,000 gp (at half value) if we sell all the stuff... the boots of striding and springing would be useful for me, though. They're worth about 1,000 more than my share, so I would like to take them and contribute 1000 to the pool unless someone else wants them.

Quorthos heads home, checking in at his father's on the way, then goes to study the spellbook. After getting comfortable and brewing a strong pot of tea, he casts read magic and gets to work.

Spell research:

He first tries to decipher the ray of enfeeblement spell.
Spellcraft DC16: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14 - 1 hour

Still confounded by it, he tries command undead.

Spellcraft DC17: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17 - 1 hour

Successful, he spends 2 hours copying the spell into his book, using 40gp of materials.

Now dinner time, Quorthos heads back to the tavern to meet up with his colleagues.

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Tural goes to the tavern, having nothing else to do. He sits there talking to his pet. Later in the evening he retreats and starts his daily ritual of talking to his spirit animal to change some spells around.

I don't see anything useful in the loot for me. Selling it would mean I could get a very nice headband!

Status Mavor:
HP: 80/80 NL: 0; AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 18; CMB: +13; CMD: 24; Fort: 9, Ref: 10, Will: 5; Init: +1; Perception: +13; Speed: 20 feet
Half-Orc Fighter 1/Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 9

Mavor relaxes in the Three Rings Tavern, He works out in his room, doing push-ups, cleans himself in a bath and takes a nap before dinner aiming to increase his recuperation of the disease that is plagueing him.

Later at night when everyone is sitting down for dinner he comes back down as well and looks for Blythe, hoping that she has no real contagion of Blood Veil just yet.

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

Denario purchases a nifty headband.
Of intelligence +2.

After which, he pays a short visit to a certain card shop and a social talk, before going home.

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Quorthos joins his friends at dinner. "So, we have a bunch of this stuff to get rid of... " Quorthos lists out the gear and its half-value sale price.

Bracers of Armor +2 [x2] = 2 x 2000 = 4000 gp
Chainmail 75gp
Masterwork Dagger 151gp
Masterwork Sap 150gp
+1 Short Spear 1150gp
Boots of Striding and Springing 2750 gp
Pipes of Haunting 3000 gp
Ring of Jumping 1250 gp
Ring of Sustenance 1250 gp

Total = 13776gp / 6 = 2296 gp each

"So, if I kick in 454gp and take the boots, that would be my share. Thoughts?"

Note: I didn't put in the wands, spellbook, or the physician's mask or any of the other stuff - it may be useful or have value beyond gold?

Your thoughts on Quorthos's proposal about the loot? Anything someone wants to claim? If there are no objections by tomorrow, I will assume you agree to the sale of those items.

Three Rings Tavern:
When you return to the tavern you see Blythe and Theandra are doing just fine. Blythe comes up to you when you enter.

"Allyph's upstairs, in bed. She chose to stay in another bedroom for now, to not increase the risk of infection for Baer."

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

I'm good with it, i don't need anything from it.

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Piddlespot...I thought I posted this. Here it is again.

That sounds fine to me Quorthos, but I think you should just take them. We've been doing that, in general. Whatevs.

Gnomic Headmaster wrote:
"Your form's improved, Baer, but you look distracted. How's your new staff? Has it been useful?"

Baer grunts and stops her practicing (mostly just beating a dummy as hard as she can without finesse) to answer the headmaster.

"It is the chaos in the City. The disease. The destruction. I have lived here a long time and the only chaos was pure racism. People hate my kind...and I even hate myself sometimes. But now there is so much more happening. I have seen things in the last few weeks...things are not good out there," Baer says, fingering her new staff.

"Aside of that, this new staff is nice, but still untested. I have nothing but good fights when I have used it, and only mostly died twice without it. So yeah..."

"On the other hand, I have gotten stronger. I know more and strike more quickly than ever before. I cannot complain."

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Already posted it but in case it was missed: can't use anything so please sell it! Also buying a headband of mental prowess with the latest money gains. Everything is noted in my profile.

Having the loot sold Tural decides to also go shopping. Upon returning he wears a copper band with a small yellow gem just above his brow, with his eyes also yellow it gives the idea that he has three eyes instead of just a mere two.
"This small thing is amazing."
He says as he feels the new powers flow through him.

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Hmm, I kicked in cash last time when I wanted all those masterwork daggers... I think it's the fair thing to do. Noted in profile - GM SN, can you please add 454gp to the party loot list?

I prefer to divide loot as equal as possible, so let's do what Quorthos suggested. There are still some items on the loot list that you may want to sell, but you can of course sort those out later.

Everyone but Quorthos gets 2296 gp!

The headmaster gives you a thoughtful look. "You speak of hatred of your kind... Let's say I know someone else who's also different, feared even. She receives unjustified hatred and blame for the mess Korvosa's in, just because of what she is. Mind if I recommend she pays you a visit?"

He points at your staff and grins. "Solving the problem will likely involve the use of your staff."

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer stops her beating and pants, hands on her knees. She looks down at the ground while the headmaster speaks, then looks up when he finishes.

"Yes, there is much hatred of my kind. Some of it is earned, but some is not," Baer says, ready to get back to beating the dummy. "Sure, I could look into helping her. I have a free day tomorrow. I could even invite my friends to come along...unless they won't be needed? Some of them are pretty useful, and some are even plantlike."

Baer considers again, then nods her head as if agreeing with herself.

"Yeah, I'll do it."

Status Mavor:
HP: 80/80 NL: 0; AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 18; CMB: +13; CMD: 24; Fort: 9, Ref: 10, Will: 5; Init: +1; Perception: +13; Speed: 20 feet
Half-Orc Fighter 1/Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 9

Three Rings Tavern:
"Good, I guess I should sleep somewhere else as well, as to not infect the other gents and guests. Is there still a free room available Blythe?"

Mavor looks inquisitively at Blythe, taking his time to inspect her face for any signs of Blood Veil, only he takes a little too much time, realizing too late he might make Blythe a little uncomfortable perhaps.

"Uhm.. Sorry.. I was just making sure you're not getting sick as well by catering to me and my friends. I'd hate to see you get sick."

"Good," the headmaster replies smilingly. "I will inform her."

He gives you a polite nod and lets you resume your training.

Three Rings Tavern:
"Yes, we still have a... uhm... free, uh... room," Blythe replies to Mavor, his stare making her feel a bit flustered.

"That's, uh, alright!" she quickly says. "I'm fine. So far I've been lucky enough to not catch the disease."

Theandra butts in as she places some food and beverages on your table. "Use that wand you got before you go to bed, and drink that antiplague stuff Quorthos has been consuming like it's hot choco, if you haven't yet."

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

Denario had taken a stroll before meeting up back at the tavern, looking for an obscure little shop.

As per pm to GM.

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Three Rings Tavern:

Tural, back at the inn, casts lesser restoration on Mavor.
"Better use what I have in reserve first. We'll always be able to use the wand later."
After the spell is cast Tural inspects Mavor a little closer.

Heal check: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

"Do you think you have one of those for me?" Quorthos asks, still feeling weak from his disease.

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer finishes her training and returns to the Three Rings Tavern only stopping to buy her new belt of beating. She returns whistling, having gotten much of her aggression out over the afternoon, but also, new belt!

She comes in and orders dinner.

"Hey chumps! you guys, I think I found a lead on more work," Baer starts, then stops and turns to Blythe. "I need food. Whatever you got that has meat. And if it was hot, that would be sweet," Baer orders before turning back to her companions.

"Seems like the headmaster has a friend who might need us. I should hear in the next day or so. Anything fun happen while I was away?" Baer pulls up a stool.

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

"I think Mavor's the one to ask, he's been in the tavern more than any of us. Rumors are a thing in taverns.
That aside, i saw a bunch of street urchins give the slip on a bunch of drunk loudmouths, them going face flat in the mud while chasing the kids is a great sight."

@Mavor: Could you make the roll for the lesser restoration spell used on you?

You search for a cyber tattoo led you to Old Korvosa, to a shop near Vencarlo's fencing school. You were greeted by a gnome completely covered in tattoos that flashed brilliantly in all colors of the rainbows. All of the tattoos were moving pictures. Some of them were tattoos of animals grazing or fighting, some of humanoids in various poses that constantly changed, and there was a single tattoo of a Gnomish word. Every time you tried to read the word, it had already changed.

"Hello, lad!" the gnome said as he greeted you. "What will it be?"

Up to you if you still want to roleplay the above out or don't, but I figured I'd set the mood for the shop! ;)

"Of course, Baer." Blythe momentarily leaves, soon returning with some beef stew for her. "I just made this. There's plenty more, if you're hungry."

F Half-elf Arcane Trickster/3 Sorceress (Ele: Air)/4 Unchained Rogue/3 (HP 63/63 | AC:22 [+1 vs. Traps*] | T:16 [+1*] | FF:16 | CMB:6 [10 vs. Grapple/Pin] | CMD:21 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+11 [+1*] | Will:+7 [+2 Enchant] | Init:+6 | Perc:+13 [+1*; +1 to avoid surprise by foe] | Speed: 30)
Lv1: 8/8 | Lv2: 8/8 | Lv3: 5/5 | Elemental Ray: 8/8 | Impromptu SA: 1/1

There are some footsteps on the stairs. A couple of seconds later Allyph appears at the bottom of the stairs, waving at you. Her face is still covered in a red rash. "Did you buy that wand? Could you give me a tap or two?"

I assume yes, because 700 gp investment.

Lesser Restoration: Con: 1d4 ⇒ 1
Lesser Restoration: Con: 1d4 ⇒ 2

Allyph stays where she is, but lets Tural approach to give her two taps with the wand. "Thank you!"

She covers her mouth and coughs. "So... what did you do today?"

*Cue summary of the day that brings Allyph up to speed*

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8


Denario nods.

"Good day to you, sir gnome.
Indeed, i'm looking to get one of those energy tattoos.
I'd like one of a queen of hearts on my left hand, red at its appropriate places."

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer eats, listens, waits.

Not sure what the current hooks are. Maybe none...and we're just waiting for things to happen?

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

The masks and the symbol of the plague doctors, i think, we haven't found the origin of yet.
Should we ask Vencarlo about it, or the boss?

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Quorthos asks Tural for a tap of the new wand as well. lesser restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 1 Sigh... and a second...lesser restoration: 1d4 ⇒ 3

I think the doctor's mask is the thing to follow up - if the people who came into town to help cure the plague are the ones who started it, we have a treasonous conspiracy afoot...

Status Mavor:
HP: 80/80 NL: 0; AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 18; CMB: +13; CMD: 24; Fort: 9, Ref: 10, Will: 5; Init: +1; Perception: +13; Speed: 20 feet
Half-Orc Fighter 1/Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 9

lesser restoration Con: 1d4 ⇒ 1

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Tural goes around poking everyone with the wand before storing it away. Whilst doing that he tells everything that happened today to Allyph.
"... Wasn't an all that exciting day actually."

Status Mavor:
HP: 80/80 NL: 0; AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 18; CMB: +13; CMD: 24; Fort: 9, Ref: 10, Will: 5; Init: +1; Perception: +13; Speed: 20 feet
Half-Orc Fighter 1/Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 9

"So here's hoping that tomorrow will bring health to us all and for a more eventful day. Now I'll need a good night's sleep to recover. When I'm better I'll treat everyone on a round. I reckon Theandra and Blythe don't drink on the job, so whatever I can get you, within limits of course, I'll do for you."

Mavor waits for an answer and for any more conversation to spark up, else he'll head to bed early.

"Of course, of course! Take a seat!"

The gnome shows you multiple designs of the queen of hearts. You choose one, maybe state what you'd like just a bit different, and once you're all happy the gnome gets to work. Half an hour later, you've got your cyber tattoo.

"If you ever want another one, you know where to find me!" the gnome artist says as he puts away the money you paid for the tattoo.

Your current hooks: the queen physician's mask, the unholy symbol of Urgathoa, and the physician's corpse. Basically, research the doctors! :)

But first...

Just before you decide to go to bed, when it's already pitch black outside, there are three knocks on the tavern's front door.

"Helloooooo...? Helloooooo-ooooo...? May I come iiiiin...?"

The voice you hear is female, but unfamiliar to you.

"I'd really like to come iiiiin...? May I...?"

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

My sense is tingling.....

Hrm, let's see, does Denario stay at the tavern or go home after dinner.
Preferably before pitch black.

1 Home 2 Tavern: 1d2 ⇒ 2

Denario turns his sight from his seat.
"What in the this time?", he looks back at the others with a raised brow.
"This is a tavern, one could just walk in, if looking for a place to sleep. Why ask if they can come in....."

His eyes look like something struck him.
"...unless.... we took out three vampires, right? But there were four coffins. Remember what the priestess told us, those blood suckers can't enter a house or dwelling unless invited by the one with authority to do so."

@Denario: It's been a while since it came up, but the tavern's currently not open for anyone but you. Read the 'Three Rings Tavern' spoiler in this post to know why.

Theandra casts a nervous glance at the door. "Thus I hereby remind you that no one but me has the authority to invite new people in..."

She looks at you. "What now...?"

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer does not concern herself with the new guest, leaving it to the proprietors to handle unless they need something.

Baer continues to eat.

Ain't my business.

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Tural raises an eyebrow at the door and looks at the others.
"I am not going to invite anyone in at this hour. Certainly not someone who comes calling that way..."
He does the same as Baer does and continues eating.

Status Mavor:
HP: 80/80 NL: 0; AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 18; CMB: +13; CMD: 24; Fort: 9, Ref: 10, Will: 5; Init: +1; Perception: +13; Speed: 20 feet
Half-Orc Fighter 1/Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 9

Mavor grumbles and gets up as he was already underway to bed after finishing his meal. he walks over towards the door and says in a loud voice.
"Who is it? It's late, we're sick and tired and in no mood to entertain. So unless you give us a good reason to open the door 'miss', you'll keep seeing the door locked in front of you."

Mavor takes a closer look at the woman or girl that's standing outside through one of the windows.
"You bring trouble or are in trouble?"

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Quorthos ambles over to a window (different from Mavor's viewpoint) and looks out into the street, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever is at the door. At Denario's discussion about vampires, he eases a throwing dagger out of its sheath.

A short woman who looks like she's in her early thirties, with beady yellow eyes, stares at you from the other side of the window. "Hellooooo! I was starting to worry no one was heeeeere!"

She smiles at you, showing you teeth that are at least ten shades more yellow than you're used to. "My name's Eries. A friend of mine told me I'd find a person named Baer heeeeere? He said she agreed to help meeeee. May I come iiiiin, or shall I return in the morniiiiing?"

Status Mavor:
HP: 80/80 NL: 0; AC: 19, T: 12, FF: 18; CMB: +13; CMD: 24; Fort: 9, Ref: 10, Will: 5; Init: +1; Perception: +13; Speed: 20 feet
Half-Orc Fighter 1/Rogue (Skulking Slayer/Scout) 9

Mavor frowns, then turns to Baer.
"She says you agreed to help her, thanks to a mutual friend or acquantance you have. Ring any bells?"

Mavor looks outside to see if it's raining or bad weather, he doesn't feel comfortable leaving someone out in the rain.

F HalfOrc Barrister 7 (HP 57/57| AC:21 | T:13 | FF:18 | CMB: +9 | CMD:24 | Fort:+7 | Ref:+6 | Will:+6 | Init:+3| Perc: +16 | Speed: 30 ft.)

Baer nods, trying to wave the woman entrance.

"Ayep. She's our new work, I think," Baers says, wiping her mouth with her arm and making ready to speak rather than eat.

"C'mere, Eries, what do you need?"

Male Hellspawn Avenger 10 (HP 73/73 | AC:21 | T:14 | FF:18 | CMB: +7 | CMD:21 | Fort:+6| Ref:+9 | Will:+7 | Init:+3| Perc: +13 | Speed: 40 ft.)

Quorthos sheathes his knife, and goes to sit at a table near Baer.

(HP 83/83 | AC:21 | T:12 | FF:19 | DR5/magic | Fire resistance 10 | Electricity/Cold/Acid resistance 5 | CMB:5 | CMD:17 | Fort:+5 | Ref:+7 | Will:+15 | Init:+8 | Perc:+25 | Speed 20)
PoP level 1: 2/2 | Battle spirit: 6/6 rounds | Channels 4/4 | Flight 9/9 min | Beastshape 9/9 min

Tural still looks a bit mistrustful of the situation but goes with it.

One more vampire wouldn't matter that much...

Human Magus 10 Hp 82/82, AC 19/15/15, F+8, R+7, W+9, Spd.30ft. CMB+8, CMD22, Perc.+2, Init+8

Denario isn't trusting this, but like Tural plays along.

The city on lockdown and at this hour, of all, to come here.

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