Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master Euan

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Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

The evening becore, in the armory: Fondo chokes on Barael's words. Well they are paying you. That makes you theirs.

Employer only. Not liege. The cards are my liege now. Desna is my Queen.

"We shall see, brov, how long lasts this acquaintance. I've sworn no oath, unlike our Verik. My fealty lies with fortune and friends, not kings nor queens."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

In the Armory, wrapping up conversation with Fondo:

"Well then, fortunate for you, you're just gonna have to make friends with Kings and Queens." Barael twists at the waist, looking down on his new set of armor. He even goes so far as to tumble past Fondo, trying to talk and move at the same time.

Acrobatics 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (18) + 10 = 28

"Yeeeaaahhh. This will do nicely, brov. You said I was in the wrong business." Barael winks at Fondo. "This new armor, and new friends, tells me otherwise. When sleep takes me tonight, I'm thinking it'll be the best sleep in months. Within these walls, there's comfort. There's security. You see this new blade? I call it Cressida's Boon, I do. Straight from the Armory of Korvosa herself. You of all people should know, you never cross a woman of strength. She gives you steel, you smile and accept it. She gives you protection, you return the favor tenfold."

Barael sheathes his new prize. "You should consider resting your head in our room. Mess hall food ain't bad. Practically comes to you. We'll be a straight shot to Saul's in the morning too."

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Ne'er met a woman gave me steel, like I give unto women. Cressida's fair, but I'll test my metal with softer doves. Another night though. I'm weary unto death. Time to sleep. Elsewheres. Zellara'll protect me fine."

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)

Nikolay heads for the armory and quickly finds a masterwork chain shirt much more comfortable to wear than his own. He happily exchanges one for the other.

It's not quite shiny enough, but I can fix that.

The search for a better longsword takes a lot longer though. Nikolay tries a few and then a few dozen, his blurry eyes barely noticing the difference as he stacks them up next to each other.

It's all in the weight and feel anyway. I won't need to keep my eyes open until the morning to study my spells.

An hour later he's about to resign himself to one of the dozens of tried weapons when he notices a longsword underneath some shelves.

One more I guess.

Nikolay takes a single swing with the sword and stops.

This is the one. It's...perfect.

Nikolay leaves his old sword with the chief purser and heads to his room in the barracks. Not bothering to take off his clothes, he lies down clutching his new sword.

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)

Nikolay rises in the morning and breaks his routine of studying his spells first. He heads to the yard and works with his new sword until he drips with sweat. His arms almost too tired to hold up the longsword anymore, he finally returns to the barracks and studies his spells.


At breakfast, Nikolay encounters Barael. "Saul's? I would join you, but I don't really need anything at the moment. We shoudl find the others then and see if Cressida has any other work for us."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)
Fondo wrote:
Cressida's fair, but I'll test my metal with softer doves.

"Ah, you mistake me, good man. I wasn't talking about Cressida, as the one gave us steel. Twas fair Korvosa Herself, looking to arm us and protect Her."


Barael resists the pull of sleep, and drags himself over to the bed that cushions his kit. Don't clink too loud with the vials. Won't do to wake the others on my time. He begins the time needed to see dawn's light shine as clearly as possible through the distillation.

Craft(Alchemy) 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Barael looks satisfied. Second cork to second vial, his hands start a pattern he hopes to repeat time and again. As he looks up, Barael realizes that he's the only one left in the room, and he gives himself permission to chuckle, almost loudly.


Barael's savoring gaze while eating, upper eyelids drooping slightly, widens as Nik approaches. This man. Focused and to the point, he is. I swear I know him somehow... "Sleep well? Got up to piss last night, and noticed the sword in your bed. Not that I was trying to look, or nothing. Looks like fine metal. Did you name it? I always feel like if the blade has a name, it tries harder." Barael unsheathes his rapier. "Calling this one Cressida's Boon. What do you think?" Not hard to tell that Nik's opinion will color Barael's mood for the day.

"Sure then. You don't have to ask me twice to report to Cressida. If no one else has much cause for a pace down Eodred's Walk, I'm with you."

Barael will spend some of his breakfast in the mess hall looking content while listening to any nearby conversations for stories, uplifting stories about activities on the Guard duties, and rants about inadequate posts and less than supportive guards bound by less by honor than fear of reprisal to stick around.

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)
Barael de Gare wrote:
"Calling this one Cressida's Boon. What do you think?" Not hard to tell that Nik's opinion will color Barael's mood for the day.

Nikolay smiles to find someone else appreciates fine metal. "It's an excellent name. I prefer the longsword, but have had some experiences with rapiers and that looks to be a fine one."

Nikolay looks at his own sword.

You deserve a name, too, but...I don't think it's mine to give.

Barael de Gare wrote:

Barael will spend some of his breakfast in the mess hall looking content while listening to any nearby conversations for stories, uplifting stories about activities on the Guard duties, and rants about inadequate posts and less than supportive guards bound by less by honor than fear of reprisal to stick around.

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

The mood in the mess is subdued. There are a few complaints here and there (a soldiers right!) but they mostly have to do with too much duty and not enough sleep, soldiers doing too much with too few personnel, etc.

One Guardsman complains that if the otyugh aren't fed on time there will be uprisings among them as well, and woe be to all near the plugs if that happens. Others nod in agreement, but it's just soldiers talk...

When you attempt to contact Cressida (eventually), her adjunct lets you know that she's busy, and she'll contact you when she needs you. Unless you have something specific to report? As you converse with the adjunct, a priest of Asmodeus leaves the inner chamber and makes his way out of the Citadel. He has two Guard in tow escorting him into the city.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes

Dandi looks long and hard at the armor and weapons, eventually settling on a lovely sickle and set of studded leather.

She heads to Zellara's with the others, breathing an easier breath once out of the sturdy walls of the Citadel.

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26


Briar selected a MW composite darkwood longbow, turning in his shortbow. (430 gp).

Briar also selects a MW darkwood heavy shield (257 gp), tipping ol' One Arm, a fair amount for it. (-100 gp, aka one of the queen's bars).

Briar will arise for breakfast, eating quickly in his eagerness before finding a quiet spot to pray/ponder and reflect.

He will whisper inwardly and is pleased when his whispers are returned. Briar makes an effort to remember what they say to him.

When finished with his solitude, Briar will immediately take time to scribe some of those thoughts onto scrolls. (-50 gp)

Magic. I have magic.

* * *

Sometime around noon, Briar will find Barael for a return visit to the stores in hopes that the Trappery is open and he can purchase some silver arrows.

Male Half Elf (PER +8 | FORT+7 REF+5 WILL+13 | AC 23 (F23, T10) CMD10) Luckstone

Charlie acquires a Masterwork dagger and set of Masterwork Studded Leather. Is it OK if I upgrade to studded from leather?

He then heads back with the cool kids to Zelaria's for some sleep. Rising with a hangover {ooc}He is not alone[/ooc] He takes his morning dose and puts fond more booze on his list of things to do. If there's some time before we get started he'll go out and find some.

Knowledge Local 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 Diplomacy to get a fair price 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

Charlie - you may indeed upgrade. Most pubs/taverns will sell jugs of their regular offerings for a reduced price, even less if you bring the jug. If you follow the others to Eodred’s Walk, Aram’s Crown offers ale and wine - but nothing harder. While the city is safer, it's still a good idea to roam in groups...

Briar, I believe Barael also wanted to go to the Trapper's Hole to buy a collection of arrows.

You will find the shop open - in fact all the shops on the Walk are open today. Business is not exactly booming, but it is brisker and the jerk-chicken man is no longer alone with his push cart.

The Trapper's Hole is run by an older man who introduces himself as Jope Chantsmo. "Welcome! I trade in all you need to hunt and trap, but I specialize in archery. If there's anything you desire and do not see, please let me know so I may fulfill your order."

The shop certainly is thorough and fairly well organized. You see a number of magical bows here as well as efficient quivers. He even has a section of the shop devoted to arrow blanches and has a small furnace to blanch your arrows.

He'll even do it while you wait if you prefer a professional touch.

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)

Nikolay turns to Barael.

"Well. No work for us today. Shall we find the others or do some shopping? There's nothing in particular I need, but I also haven't had this much to spend in a while."

He considers the last 48 hours and all the fights, and all the injuries. "Perhaps a healing potion or two would be good to have on hand."

Nikolay will head for Eodred's Walk if Barael is interested. Once there he'll purchase a potion of CLW from Saul.

As they wander the shops, Nikolay will listen for the latest news.

1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar will enjoin Barael and Nikolay for the shopping, taking his time to purchase some items:

50 cold iron arrows (5 gp)

50 silver arrows (4gp, 5sp) What?! They don't sell them in amounts less than 50?

60 normal arrows (3 gp)

1 tanglefoot arrow (20 gp)

1 tripping arrow (25 gp)

57.5 in total.

* * *

After his purchases, he will visit Phaeton to purchase some additional magical inks and reagents (for later scribing), then follow Nikolay around as the human seeks rumors.

I wonder what Barael is doing.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

After his morning reading, Fondo gathers himself together for breakfast at a nearby tavern, and then deal with a few errands. He welcomes Dandi and Charlie's company, should they so choose. Roleplay along the way is welcome — just wanted to lay out a general agenda.

First, he will head to the market, perhaps encountering there Nikolay, Briar and his idealistic 'little brother' Barael.

His shopping list:

2 cold iron chakrams (4 gp; trading in 2 normal ones if possible for -1gp cost)

Afterwards, Fondo drops by the orphanage to pay any outstanding money for the care and education of Laura. He will try to visit her and provide some good cheer, as well as enquire about any Varisian orphans who might not be native to Korvosa.

Later, assuming no other orders arrive from Kroft, he takes to the streets with some care for his own safety, asking about for children who might have been captives of Lamm. I would know more about Esmira's final days.

Knowledge (Local) to locate them 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17
Gather information should he have no clue 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Nikolay Vasilevich wrote:

As they wander the shops, Nikolay will listen for the latest news.

The roll would be more Diplomacy (gather information) and less Knowledge,Local normally - but rumors abound!

Most of the discussion, as you would imagine, centers around the new Queen. Many are still uneasy about the idea of her being in charge and she is clearly not well liked by the populace.

Other than that, there are all sorts of rumors flying, 'she killed the King', 'she is already making xx illegal' where 'xx' is anything from drying your linens in public to wielding weapons. Oh, a favorite seems to be that she's going to raise taxes to afford her luxurious lifestyle.

Fondo Barondo wrote:
Later, assuming no other orders arrive from Kroft, he takes to the streets with some care for his own safety, asking about for children who might have been captives of Lamm. I would know more about Esmira's final days.

easier to deal with this first...

Lamm was a relatively minor ruffian in the grand scheme of things, and Lamm's Lambs were nothing more than a dozen or so waifs. It's hard to pin down even any rumors of where they may be. Most folks you ask suggest to try the orphanages to see if they've any new guests.

Of course the riots of the last two days mean there are more children at the orphanages (both temporary and permanent) so tracking them down that way might be tough. Many of the populace are still hunkered down and staying in their homes for fear of the streets. It should be easier to track down the whereabouts of the children when the general hubbub has died down...

Fondo Barondo wrote:
Afterwards, Fondo drops by the orphanage to pay any outstanding money for the care and education of Laura. He will try to visit her and provide some good cheer, as well as enquire about any Varisian orphans who might not be native to Korvosa.

You travel back to Old Korvosa and on to the Waydon Orphanage. The building looks just as imposing as before though the skies are now lighter for lack of smoke and quieter for lack of screams. Fewer imps too...

Getting past the guards is a little tricky, but Granger recognizes you from the day before when you finally get to him. "Hello! Have you found other waifs in need of our services this day?"

He looks distinctly frazzled and may have gone the night without sleep as so many others have.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Also at the market, Fondo searches for a doll or toy to give Laura cheer. He gravitates towards the sort of doll that Esmira used to favor. A pretty nice one, but not so nice she gets mugged. One sail's worth.

Fondo greets the guards with measured cheer — not wanting to grate on their frayed nerves. "I've found no other waifs for you, good sir. But funds to keep what children you've got. And cheer, perhaps, to ease your weariness. Would you know what fortune holds? For surely tomorrow shall be brighter."

Should they accept a reading:

Fondo will do his best to do one on the spot, divining what good fortune he can in the cards.

Profession (fortune teller) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7
Perform oratory to make the reading entertaining and uplifting 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Alas, he stumbles on the cards' meaning, knowing little of the men and less to embellish from their lives.

"I would complete our donation for the care of the little girl we brought yesterday, and check after her recovery. May I enter?"

Upon entering, Fondo offers to pay any remaining gold needed for Laura's care and education, and also asks after other children. "Perhaps you've in your charge other children of the road? I should be honored to also pay for at least a few months of care. And also... If you'll allow, perhaps you could give this to Laura. How is she, by the way?"

Should he find some non-Korvosan Varisian, he offers fifty sails — enough for an additional child, and to give Laura just a bit more tutoring. "If you don't mind, I'd like to check on them now and then. Laura especially. She... Well, you see, I lost my little sister and my aunt this week. She reminds me of them very much. Perhaps it's sentimental of me, but we all need each other in hard times."

Diplomacy again to connect with the orphanage staff — just building trust 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Granger is quite flustered by the visit, but the diplomatic Fondo is able to smooth the ruffled feathers a bit. He does not want to take the time for a Harrow reading however.

"I'm afraid visiting Laura is out of the question, she's still very sick from her ordeal and requires bed rest and quiet for some time to come yet. As much as I would normally like to stand and chat, I am quite over extended with the shape the city is in, and really must attend my duties."

He hears Fondo's offer to help other children financially...

"Of course we are happy to take your donation, but I would please ask you to wait a few more days before trying to visit Laura - or any of our little children just now. We've taken on a lot of lost kids in the last day and they're really quite overwhelming!" he sighs, but as a man happy with his work but temporarily overwhelmed by it.

"We're looking for the parents of the more recent children of course. In most cases it's just a case of temporary separation."

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Very well. Know that I will do what I can, and shall return anon to visit."

Walking away from the orphanage, Fondo thinks about the new people around him. Little brother and sister, an uncle, perhaps an otherworldly grand-uncle. He smiles at himself. In darkest hour has Desna blessed me true. My family lost, and now a family new. For the moment, he forgets about delivering news of Esmira's death to his blood kin. Instead, he finds himself at a tavern, drinking a bit too heavily and seeking other, more fleshy relations.

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Barael turns to Nikolay, subconsciously staying a pace behind him while walking from the Adjunct's presence. "Yes, it would do us some good to walk amongst the people, and I've also been meaning to convert some of this gold to more meaningful possessions. I could use a brew of kahve today." Barael adjusts his backpack and belt pouch, fingering the ingots with purpose. "The Old One, I think he was looking to return to the square to acquire arrows as well. Shall we?"


The stroll to Eodred's Walk feels good. A night's rest, a decent breakfast, a new vial tucked safe away, and here he is, wearing his new armor, straight from the Citadel. Armor of the Citadel. Aroden, you've blessed me. Cressida's Boon by my side, I'm ready. Ready, for what now, exactly? Steady, Barry, steady. Remember what she said- hire in from the bottom. So know your place, and know who you're loyal to. They've bled by your side, their hearts are in the right place. Aroden, let them know that, would you?

Saul's shop looks different somehow. More majestic, maybe. A nobleman's house, though he calls himself a shopowner. Barael looks around Saul's wares, takes his time, waits for a quieter moment to approach Saul without distractions. Huh. Wonder if Fondo drinks absinthe. Maybe Charlie could do with a jar of leeches, just in case my skills don't keep contained.

"Good day sir. I've come this morning with simple thanks. From the time you first appraised the brooch, to now, I've seen nothing but fortune favor me. The brooch, it gave me the chance to meet the Queen, it did. She looks sad. And tired. But it didn't keep her from rewarding us for returning what was hers." Barael fumbles around in his belt pouch, and produces a two gold ingots. He reverentially pushes the ingots, seals facing Saul, across the table. "If not for your honesty, I wouldn't be wearing this, or carrying this." Barael shows off Boon. "As token of our gratitude, I'd like you to keep a crown for yourself. Bring some new stock or gear you been meaning to get. That's free and clear. I'd also like to do business with you on other items."

Barael's Shopping List:

Second Wrist Sheath (1gp)
Sap (1gp)
Masterwork Backpack (50gp)
Masterwork Manacles (50gp)

Barael considers one more thing. "Working for the Guard now, and we've had to bring some ruffians in against their will. Would you know of any treatments that could knock a bull out, stopping them from hurting us as well as themselves?"


It takes some restraint, as Barael hears the rumors. I've met the Queen. She didn't seem concerned about lifestyles... Walking over to see what Briar's activities in the archer's shop, Barael makes a couple of purchases himself, watching what the elf favors.

Barael's Arrow Stash:

Arrow, Dye (2) (2gp)
Arrow, Splintercloud (1) (25gp)
Arrow, Thistle (12) (12gp)
Arrow, Trip (1) (25gp)
Arrow, Cold Iron (50) (5gp)

Barael pulls out two thistle arrows, and looks down at Briar's collection. "Would you be willing to trade a couple of thistle for some of your silver? There seems to be an arrow for every occasion." Given the group's interests, Barael will look to drop off the new purchases before trying to keep up with Fondo and his return trip to Old Korvosa.

If he can sway Fondo and the group, Barael will try to stop by the Church of Aroden, and make a tithing.

Barael de Gare wrote:
"Good day sir. I've come this morning with simple thanks. From the time you first appraised the brooch, to now, I've seen nothing but fortune favor me. The brooch, it gave me the chance to meet the Queen, it did. She looks sad. And tired. But it didn't keep her from rewarding us for returning what was hers." Barael fumbles around in his belt pouch, and produces a two gold ingots. He reverentially pushes the ingots, seals facing Saul, across the table. "If not for your honesty, I wouldn't be wearing this, or carrying this." Barael shows off Boon. "As token of our gratitude, I'd like you to keep a...

Saul looks surprised at the largess, but none the less takes it with gratitude. "That's very generous kind sir - and honest too. I'll remember this."

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

At the marketplace, palling around with the Citadel HarrowCast: "It seems you've much to teach us, Briar, of arms that meet near every circumstance. Well bought."

Barael politely refuses Barael's invitation to pay tribute to Aroden. "I've ties to bind among the smaller folk. Yon orphanage and Laura do my heartstrings call." And that god's taxes... I'd rather not pay.

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Barael politely refuses Barael's invitation... chuckle

Barael grins at Fondo. "Nah, I don't need your coin, just your strength, negotiating Old Korvosa in numbers. Can't say as I want a pack of imps on my arse without you somewhere around. There are folks in the Church I call friend, and I would see them for two things today. One, to see that the Church didn't suffer too much during the insurrection, and two to learn a little bit more about what a priest of Asmodeus does in service to the Citadel."

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Asmodeus? Aren't Chelish kings and queens
his right domain? The town guard's Abadar's,
if any god's. You're right to wonder, brov."

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26
Barael de Gare wrote:
"Would you be willing to trade a couple of thistle for some of your silver? There seems to be an arrow for every occasion."

Briar shrugs silently and holds out his silver bundle to Barael.

He'll take a pair of thistle arrows and wait to see how many silver arrows Barael takes in return.

* * *

Briar spends the rest of the time in the market enjoying the sun and return to normalcy.

See? Things are getting better. Nothing can possibly go wrong.

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes

In the morning, Dandi thinks to go with the others, but remembers her failed work the day before.

"I better stay here this morning. I'll catch up later."

Once alone:
she spends some quality time with Wraith, laying in a greasy ray of sun and letting the spider climb over and around her. The spider does as spiders do, and Dandi lazes in the raw effects before eventually summoning the will to get up and gather the webbing very very carefully.

"I could stay here all day, Wraith, but I have work to do before the others come home." She let's the spider stay free, but goes to work.

Alchemist's Fire, take 10=20

Any other activities that day, feel free to post them, otherwise I'll fast forward to tomorrow morning...

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Forgot one important errand... At the market, Fondo also inquires after locksmiths who don't ask too many questions.

"My aunt, you see, has lost her key, and I
would buy another for her. Now, mayhap?"

Bluff if necessary to pretend he claims right to install locks 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 "Perhaps one of your more expensive locks?"

There are no locksmiths per se in the Walk, though Saul does sell some locks. You think that Barael might be able to install a simpler lock. Feel free to buy what you like - there is no regulation about who can buy a lock and install it.

Barael visits the church of Aroden and has an opportunity to chat a little with Sadon. "Your friend is right, Abadar is more known for it's dealings with the guard. Perhaps you are making something out of nothing - it could have simply been a report given, a message passed, or some friendly chat. You youngsters are so ready to see meaning behind every casual glance."

He laughs lightly but grows somber quickly.

"In these dark days there are enough things to worry about without creating new problems. Let your mind rest easy and try not to allow your imagination to run so wild my son. No go with god and be safe from evil. I must meet with Hardien. Farewell!"

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Fondo does ask Barael for his help installing a lock, and purchases one of masterwork quality. "If her spirit remains in residence, I would ensure that her home is a proper shrine." In the evening, he invites Dandi, Charlie and the others to join him at Exemplary Execrables in Old Korvosa, a playhouse known for its... colorful crowd. He lingers, looking for companionship...

Diplomacy to seduce her, him, them. He's persistent with trying different folk, so might as well take 20... 20 + 6 + 1 charming...

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Barael looks pleased that Briar takes the thistle arrows. Observing the lot of silver arrows, Barael takes 4, and nods.
Sense Motive on Briar1d20 ⇒ 6 Hope that looks fair.

Barael nods, as much for courtesy as for thinking. "Perhaps, Sadon. It's good to know the clergy are well. Say hello to Hardien, will you?" Barael makes sure to leave his usual donation before departing.


Looking at the lock, Barael worries a bit. "I can always try, I guess." Barael pulls out his tools. Always practicing on my lock to get these things open. Haven't thought about installing 'em.

Assuming Disable Device, in Reverse Take 10--->19, Take 20--->29

Barael takes his time, trying to avoid even the slightest mar on the new lock. "Thinking about it, might do to bang this thing up superficial like, so it looks like every other lock on the street. New locks can draw the eye."

Finishing the work, Barael settles in to Zellara's. Should Barael witness Dandi's work, he perks up to quietly but intently watch her prepare her agent(s).

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes

Looking up as evening draws close, Dandi smiles as she sees Barael watching from the doorway of her room. Slightly embarrassed at being caught, she slips the vial into her sash and closes up her kit.

"Good Eve, Barael. What fun are we off to tonight? Surely there must be some normalcy in these dark times. Shall we join Fondo at this...where did he say we were off to tonight?"

whether Barael will go or not, Dandi will join Fondo, though give him plenty of room for his dalliances once there.

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)

The uneventful day leaves Nikolay frustrated.

A peaceful day is good for the populace at least.

Upon hearing Fondo's offer, "Why not? Our talents do not appear needed today."

Nikolay will stop by his apartment sometime during the day and store all, but 50 gold pieces. It would not do to be robbed of too much while drinking or engaged in other activities.

You buy a Good Lock no problem. Barael, what is your 'usual donation'?


The group heads out to see the show at Exemplary Execrables, but sadly it is closed due to the riots. It's pretty calm on the streets, but people are still skittish. There is an open pub nearby though and the group manages to find a lively crowd there. Some of the folks are in fact from the theater killing a little time while the show is delayed.

The party had a great evening and much fun is had by all. Everyone gets a decent nights sleep as well. As the sun rises the next day you all do your usual morning routines.

Cressida Kroft sends those of you at the Citadel a note and a package early in the day.

"This morning we hanged Verik and his so-called Cow Hammer Boys. While it is true that his crew was rounding up miscreants who opposed the Queen, they were also killing them and adding their meat to the meat from the animals they slaughtered and selling it to an unsuspecting populace. I do not believe Verik was aware of this, nor would he have condoned it if he had been. Unfortunately he was the leader of these men and their lawlessness became his. It is a sad day for the Guard."

"Most of their gear was Guard, but Parns did (he returned to the slaughterhouse and was captured) have a bag of ill gotten gains on him from those they killed. Some of the items were returnable to family members, but the remainder is yours by right. Also Verik had a dagger that we cannot identify - certainly not of the Guard and so that is yours as well. It is magical, but a quick glance by our sorcerer didn't reveal much beyond that."

Enclosed you find 1800gp worth of coins and gems and a beautifully carved silver dagger.

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar will nod at Barael as he puts the thistles in his quiver.

Fair enough.

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar asks to see the dagger, relying on what magical training he had with the elves and combining it with whispers from morning dreams.

Cast Detect Magic.

1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 = 19 Spellcraft

"Interesting. I see so much more now...things make more sense."

It's a silver dagger and clearly magical, but it's exact nature eludes you.

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)


Barael considers his recent good fortune, and recalls the demonstration of the Air Walk... and hands Sadon two crowns. "Your faith in Aroden, Sadon. Is it weathering the death of the King alright?"


Barael smiles at Dandilion. "Good evening, miss Dandi. I find it a cannonball's flight from normal in our present company." Barael nods his head in Fondo's direction, and chuckles. "Thank you for the help on that lock the other night, by the by. If it wouldn't trouble you, I might learn a thing or two from your... skills with mixtures." Barael pulls out a vial of clearish goo. "Those imps were good for something." Barael looks at it like an aged family whiskey, then squirrels it away. "I would very much join you tonight, in proper settings, with proper entertainments. Let's see if Charlie can make Fondo blush."


Barael takes the letter's message in, and looks to each HarrowCast.

Verik is no more. His fate sealed by those he would lead. To think, the people of the Northern District were provided what they believed to be pure, freshly cut fare... Cressida made the right decision. Of course, she did. Verik was no green tomato.

"Looks like Cressida was right. An infection, now cut from the body. Might not spread now. 'Less there are other spots of black on the bottom of the foot, or on the small of the back, you know, like the spot you can't quite reach yourself. Need someone else's help to get at it?"

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Fondo responds to the news of Verik's execution badly, and chooses not to speak of it. Fair enough. Would I have judges any better? How can any of judge without the wisdom of others around us? Poor fool. at least Lamm confessed his evils readily before we delivered unto him his fate. He quietly draws a card and applies it to the dagger.

Spellcraft 1d20 + 5 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 5 + 10 = 24 = CL 9

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes
Barael de Gare wrote:
Barael smiles at Dandilion. "Good evening, miss Dandi. I find it a cannonball's flight from normal in our present company." Barael nods his head in Fondo's direction, and chuckles. "Thank you for the help on that lock the other night, by the by. If it wouldn't trouble you, I might learn a thing or two from your... skills with mixtures." Barael pulls out a vial of clearish goo. "Those imps were good for something." Barael looks at it like an aged family whiskey, then squirrels it away. "I would very much join you tonight, in proper settings, with proper entertainments. Let's see if Charlie can make Fondo blush."

The young woman blushes at being caught at what has always been a... solo... activity. "What, this? I...I suppose that could be managed, though 'tis nothing much, really." She puzzles over the small vial of clear goo for a moment, before grinning widely, "From the imps, truly? Oh, now that I would give good coin to study. Do you mind?" if allowed to do so, she'll study the poison, almost cooing over it.

She laughs at the last as they head out, "I'm not sure anything can make that one blush, unless he thought it would land a partner for his bedroll tonight."

"Looks like Cressida was right. An infection, now cut from the body. Might not spread now. 'Less there are other spots of black on the bottom of the foot, or on the small of the back, you know, like the spot you can't quite reach yourself. Need someone else's help to get at it?" Her brow furrowing, she tries to make sense of that. "What do you mean?" having not been at the Citadel, she didn't receive the message, methinks.

"Thank you my son, that is most generous. You are doing well I see." he notes your new equipment and your generosity. "My faith is unshakeable." He grins widely.

Fondo, sure the deck is giving him all, finds nothing but frustration. The dagger is clearly magical, but it's exact nature continues to hide - even from the Harrowing.

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Barael pauses, pre-squirreling, and gently places the vial in Dandi's palm. "I think I've been careful enough to, you know, keep it well corked. I think the kind of goo the imps use, it needs to injure you to work its strength, so you should be fine either way." Barael smiles like a new father as Dandi coos. Or maybe like a son brought a fresh bottle home to Mum... She sees its worth, she does. That's not a shallow girl, then. Her well runs deeper than the eye can tell. "The trick is to grind the muscle, but not too fine, otherwise the poison can't be separated in any usable amount. Of course, this was just refining what was already there. One day, I think I can work materials enough... well, I don't want to run out of things to talk about, and there's all night ahead of us."


Barael asks Nik to show Dandi the message Cressida sent. Nik's the official go-to at the Citadel, so the message likely arrived to his attention, right? "There was coin and gem too she gifted us from our excursion to All the World's Meat. Ooooo, and a dagger, silver sheen. The boys are trying to figure out how it's been magicked." Something in Dandi's frown makes Barael reconsider. "Well, yes. It is a sad day, like says Cressida, so it's probably not proper to talk of the dead like they were just a scab on society. Not today, at least."

Half-Elf Barbarian (Urban Barbarian) 1, Alchemist (Internal Alchemist, Vivisectionist) 15
Init +12 | Per 22* | F +17* R +19* W +10* | AC 35* (t20* f27* i22*) +1 crwd | CMD 34 | *many buffs

"I'd know what tempted Verik's lot... Or no. It's as the cards said. We have been given our lot, and now we must needs accept it."

Fondo makes a note to pay his respects to Verik in the Gray, but quickly forgets.

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes
Barael de Gare wrote:

Barael pauses, pre-squirreling, and gently places the vial in Dandi's palm. "I think I've been careful enough to, you know, keep it well corked. I think the kind of goo the imps use, it needs to injure you to work its strength, so you should be fine either way." Barael smiles like a new father as Dandi coos. Or maybe like a son brought a fresh bottle home to Mum... She sees its worth, she does. That's not a shallow girl, then. Her well runs deeper than the eye can tell. "The trick is to grind the muscle, but not too fine, otherwise the poison can't be separated in any usable amount. Of course, this was just refining what was already there. One day, I think I can work materials enough... well, I don't want to run out of things to talk about, and there's all night ahead of us."

Dandilion handles the poison like an old pro, treating it as gently as she would pure venom from Wraith when harvesting. "Yes, I see! It looks good! So clear, none would suspect it was there, either. I mean, if that was important to you, it's done well. " No idiot, though it might often seem so, Dandilion proves a knowledgeable companion, at least so long as the conversation details poison and other alchemical subjects.


Barael de Gare wrote:
Barael asks Nik to show Dandi the message Cressida sent. Nik's the official go-to at the Citadel, so the message likely arrived to his attention, right? "There was coin and gem too she gifted us from our excursion to All the World's Meat. Ooooo, and a dagger, silver sheen. The boys are trying to figure out how it's been magicked." Something in Dandi's frown makes Barael reconsider. "Well, yes. It is a sad day, like says Cressida, so it's probably not proper to talk of the dead like they were just a scab on society. Not today, at least."

The young girl that flinched not a hair when nearly removing Lamm's head from his shoulders blanches as she reads the letter, finally dropping it from trembling fingers. "I thought we had saved them." she says, simply, then proves quiet for the rest of the journey. An hour into the night, she grows more talkative, smiling frequently.

perception:11 +proximity:

sleight of hand:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 Dandilion waits until Fondo is busy, and Barael's attention is elsewhere, before twisting her ring to snort the contents in one single go. She relies on the crowd and the noise to keep her activities her own, but can't help sighing happily as the drug works its way into her system.
Fort:1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

Fondo notes the flushed look and dilated eyebrows on Dandi, and the odd fidgeting of her fingers twirling her ring. He feels a surge of protective moralism, and then the shame of his own over indulgences. It's not for me to say...

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes
Fondo Barondo wrote:
Percwption d20 + 4

dangit, she was sure you weren't looking, too.

Male Half Elf (PER +8 | FORT+7 REF+5 WILL+13 | AC 23 (F23, T10) CMD10) Luckstone

Charlie will get a jug of wine and keep it at the pad.

"Um, the people who were feeding people to people, are they the ones that ran away? Is anyone else worried that they may try to feed people to people again? How do I know if I am eating people? If you cook a person who has a tattoo, does the ink get cooked away? Is anyone else losing the precious little sanity left in the bucket?"

Charlie will refill his wineskin.

Perception roll to see if the taste of people is in my mouth 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes
Charlie Buckminster wrote:

Charlie will get a jug of wine and keep it at the pad.

"Um, the people who were feeding people to people, are they the ones that ran away? Is anyone else worried that they may try to feed people to people again? How do I know if I am eating people? If you cook a person who has a tattoo, does the ink get cooked away? Is anyone else losing the precious little sanity left in the bucket?"

Charlie will refill his wineskin.

Perception roll to see if the taste of people is in my mouth 1d20 +4

brave soul. I'm not sure Dandi wants to know if the taste of people is in her mouth. :)

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