Curse of the Crimson Throne

Game Master Euan

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Dandilion throw a flask of liquid fire at Verik which connects. Fondo rolls behind his opponent successfully, but failed to connect with a swing. Nikolay misses with his sword, but he puts the finishing touches on with a face full of acid. Briar, giving up on the nonlethal approach cannot connect. Charlie fails to enfeeble Verik as he deftly dodges the rays. Barael reaches out and drops the last weapon P possesses to the ground.

Verik stops to put himself out, and exclaims, "Enough! Enough. There has been enough blood shed. What exactly is it that you propose? That I go back to the Queen's service? She has no idea what it takes to govern. She is a puppet for darker forces surely! ...and I question how the King came to die." He would say more, but even that much is a clear effort for him through his emotions. He lowers his bow. A lowers his sword and wipes acid from his eyes before bending over to B to try and stop the bleeding.

Healing check 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20 vs DC 15.

P though is angrier, "You fool! You have no idea! They'll hang you for sure, and me with you! I'll not go so easily!" He then runs (double move-withdraw) for the exit. Barael gets an AoO as he flees past him.

Now up, the entire party.

Initiative Round 7
Dandilion - 20+
Fondo (-4hp) - 20-
City Guard (B -26hp stable) - 18
City Guard (M -24hp stable) - 18
Nikolay (-13hp) - 16
Briar (-5hp) - 11+
Charlie (-6hp) - 11-
Barael - 9
City Guard (Verik -18hp) - 9-
City Guard (K -18hp) - 8
City Guard (P -5hp) - 8
City Guard (A -7hp) - 7

Updated Map

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Rapier, AoO 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 for 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 damage

"Cressida said nothing about no hangings!"

Knowledge, Local about punishments for deserters 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Round 7, Init 20 {>K16)

Fondo walks over to Verik, sap in hand. "Look, friend. I've no great love for Ileosa. But the people need help. Just last night I faced down a man who's been kidnapping children. Kidnapped my sister, he did. He fed those who didn't obey him to an alligator. Fed my sis..." Fondo's throat closes along the last, but he clears it. "I'm afraid the fight did not go well for him."

Bluff for his different version of the story 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

He stands over Verik, not attacking. "'Twas your duty to protect children like Esmira. Who's helping them now?"

Diplomacy? 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Wait, what am I saying? The guard sucks. Bunch of brutal... But yeah, someone needs to protect folks, and if it's me 'n my friends here, there'll be plenty of blood shed in the process.

"Look, the guard needs soldiers like you, who actually want to help folk. You leave, and who's t' keep the brutes in check?"

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar moves 30' feet closer to the door and the fleeing guards and takes aim with his bow at the back of the fleeing then lowers it.

"We have no qualm nor charge with these men. Maybe by your example, Verik, they will return to honor as well."

Briar yells out to the fleeing.

"We've got what we came for and should be out of here within the hour. Keep yourselves employed and out of trouble."

Briar shuts the door to the outside.

Besides, we know where to find you of we need you now.

Barael de Gare wrote:
Knowledge, Local about punishments for deserters 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Desertion in times of war or strife are typically dealt with by hanging. The impression you got from Cressida is that she wants to handle this 'in house' without the usual punishments. She feels Verik (at least) is salvageable.

Briar, as you look out the door, you see K on the ground in a pool of his own blood, but barely breathing. Looks like he tried to climb the wall, failed, and knocked himself out. If he's not stopped, P will attempt to scale the wall and get away.

Verik speaks to Fondo, "Yes it is the duty of the guard to protect the weak - and I am still doing that, albeit without official sanction. Most of my men go out nightly on patrol. Additionally I've secured a benefactor who has provided this meat at cost to the populace in a time when meat is scarce!"

"True, I have not done it Cressidas way, but hers is not the only way. You are adventurers surely. You can see that there are deep questions and problems with our government. The Queen must be called into account for what she may have done - and that will not happen if we all just bow and scrape before her."

GM Rolls:
1d20 ⇒ 17

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar stops short of closing the doors as he sees the downed guard.

"Someone watch my back. I'm going to out to get the one that's down."

Briar will go the unconscious guard inside. Should be in no danger of dying...he took 18 nonlethal.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Fondo nods. You've got me there. But... "So what you gonna do when you decide someone's committed a crime? You get to judge them guilty or no? Execute them yourselves? Ship them off to Cressida and hope she'll take them in? Does the Crown decide? Do the smallfolk?"

Fondo peaks his head over the vat and sniffs. Needs... Rosemary?

"Look, maybe the Queen's claim is false. Who'm I to say. But if we go your way, it'll be civil war, and innocent folk'll die. Sure enough, more children like my sister'll go missing. Let's find a better way, and get you back to your post."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Round 7, Init 9


AC = 18, 19 with Combat Expertise, -2 for the Charge -1 for warhammer in offhand
HP = 20/20
Weapon Equipped = Rapier, on hand, Warhammer off hand

"I'm right behind you." Barael mutters, flying past Briar on his way to attacking P. She said it. An infection. Make sure the body lives, even if an arm must be lopped off. Unfortunately, the new weight in his offhand throws his point control off, and it fails to land.

Rapier, on Charge Attack 1d20 + 3 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 2 = 8 for 1d6 + 2 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + 2 + (2) = 9

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Fists, Barael, fists!"

Male Half Elf (PER +8 | FORT+7 REF+5 WILL+13 | AC 23 (F23, T10) CMD10) Luckstone

Charlie will make sure the bleeding is stopped on B and set bones and bandage the guards. He will then use the wand on the party. If P is apprehended and willing to be treated Charlie will do that while making sure his bandages are tight enough.

Wand CLW for the party
Nikolay 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Fondo 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Briar 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
Charlie 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5


AC 12 (10 +2 leather)
CMD 10
HP = 8/14

The spells/day listed will include the casting (if any) that I made this round

Orisons DC:14 (Create Water, Mending, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound)
First Level: DC:15 (3/4 per day) (Bless, Ray of enfeeblement, Shield of Faith, Cure Light)

Oracle Revelation: Eldritch Bolt 6/7 times per day.

Sociable Trait2[/b]/4 rounds per day

wand CLW 41/50

Weapon equipped = Biting wit
Shield equipped =OMG please don't hurt me

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)

Nikolay sees the guard run off and raises his hand for a spell, but then holds.

It's not what we asked, but it'll do.

Nikolay will stabilize (sacred touch) anyone left and thank Charlie for the headling. He then turns to Verik, "People frequently distrust those in power and change is a difficult thing, but do you have any proof of your claims and what exactly do you accuse the Queen of? Regicide? How? Do you have any evidence? What actions of hers would you question?"

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes
Fondo Barondo wrote:
"Fists, Barael, fists!"

Dandi hesitates, an alchemist's fire held in one hand.

"We're done? Prala baro? Nikolay?" She looks from Fondo to Nikolay, then to the guards "They're going back?"

sense motive to know what's going on: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1

thank goodness she's beginning to trust her friends, huh?

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)


HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar helps Charlie make sure the guards live before going to address Verik.

"Do we need to tie you up?  Maybe you'll walk back in of your own accord, head held high, eh?"

Briar looks around the knackery, anxious to leave the place.

"We have what we came for...we should get back, eh?"

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

"Fists, nothing. I got air, and he got away. Maybe Verik will be kind enough to tell us his name, so at least that won't have escaped."

Barael looks around the room. "Anything we have to worry about behind to the other doors?" Barael tries to open the two sets of doors to make sure there aren't others to take back.

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)
Briar the Lesser wrote:

Briar looks around the knackery, anxious to leave the place.

"We have what we came for...we should get back, eh?"

"Agreed. We're not looters. If there are good people here that want to continue feeding the masses, then they can do so. We were just tasked with bringing Verik back."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Barael eyeballs Nik. "Ahhhh, I get it. Make speeches before we leave so the folk we leave hiding behind understand the true intent of our visit. Glad you thought of it." Verik's organized. He might have correspondences stashed. Cancer. Infection.

Barael turns to Verik. "Is your benefactor going to be as generous with the people around here with you returned to your duty? Maybe you could write a letter expressing your regret before we leave?" Barael turns the warhammer over in his hand, after sheathing his rapier. "Duty. Eh, you're probably just going to wait your time, and abandon it again when the chance occurs, maybe when your strength is most needed. You would have us understand that the Queen might have done something. Why not try to change the government from within? Cressida still thinks you worth it."

Barael proceeds to check behind doors, and up stairs.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Fondo starts poking around the butcher shop. "Tis true, you've done the smallfolk here a boon. But why must folly lead this good to end? While you take up the guard, there's surely folk who'll keep the poor well stocked with meat to eat?" Stirring pots, prodding sides of... Is that beef? Fondo sizes up what could be tomorrow's breakfast.

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar stands next to the door out, waiting to leave with their quarry.

We elves don't usually spend this much time talking to our prey when we hunt.

Briar will draw and knock an arrow in preparation to leave.

Verik is polite and acquiesces handing over his weapons to the group as does his adjunct. "I do not have any proof of the Queens actions or I would bring it before the Magistrates. However no sitting royal has ever given up the throne without giving up their life - usually violently. Who's to benefit in this case? The Queen. Already she pronounces new edicts and her husband barely cold." He goes on to bring up a series of complaints against the Queen all theoretically 'possible' but all without justification beyond his own world view.

Barael chases P (also known as Parns according to Verik and the leader of the Cow Hammer Boys - the title they called themselves by) but he gets away over the fence. Briar brings Karroalo into the main slaughterhouse chamber with the others. Barael takes a quick peek into the other rooms on this level but doesn't find anything of particular interest, just more pens with a couple boars and a meat locker.

The party doesn't really look around much however, focusing instead on Verik who continues, "I am resigned to my fate however. I will not try to run. I only ask clemency for Allain here. He's been my adjunct for years and came along with me out of loyalty rather than greed as these others did. They were well paid for their loyalty, but Allain has done nothing wrong but back the wrong leadership."

"I do not know that anyone will take over here when I've left. You should find someone to take over - at least to distribute the meat still here." (The meat locker is nearly full and there are 3 cows, 2 boars, and a pig ready for slaughter.)

Updated Map

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

"Will we find anything interesting upstairs, Verik?" Barael studies the steps, looking for wires or bellstrings.

Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20

If nothing strikes him as odd, Barael stealthes up the stairs for one final go-around. "Anyone care to follow me up there?"

Stealth 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Perhaps the butcher'd sell his wares to those who're nothing else to occupy their time? You've but to give his name, and I'll enquire." Fondo follows Barael, keeping an ear cocked for renewed resistance below.

Upstairs are two rooms, a meeting room of sorts and an office. On the desk are a smattering of papers outlining purchases of cattle, hogs and boar from nearby farms.

There are no traps, nor more people. That's all you find with a cursory glance around.

Verik's men will have to be carried as they're out cold. Verik offers to carry one and his adjunct will carry another leaving one to be carried by one of you. Assuming you're ready to go...

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

"Wait. Why are we taking those other men with us at all? They weren't our charge and they should continue to conduct the business of this place. We can con back to get them if we need them. In the meantime, people need food lest the riots get worse."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Infection. Cressida said more important than Verik is the reason why he did it.
Take 20 Perception, 25

"There's papers and orders..." orders for slaughters?

"Another pair of eyes couldn't hurt..."

The other men are also from the guard and away without leave. Up to you if you want to bring them back.

The papers are just basic record keeping. Nothing nefarious.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"They're guards, and all. Not I. Not her. Not you," Fondo says as he returns from upstairs. "The more return to post, the more we're left to do...," He looks at his hands, wiggles them artfully. "To do what arts and crafts our hands command."

"Let's high them back to Citadel and then... And then the people's needs we shall attend."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

"Aye. Cressida will be most impressed we accomplished this on the first night. She's bound to have more important things for us to do next." If Barael had a tail, it would be wagging now.

"We'll want to be back to the Citadel before the shop opens for business. If there's time, maybe we can have someone here before folks arrive. Ahh, let me retrieve my lock and chain, and we can be off." Barael nods at the elf at the door, sees the arrow prepped, and decides to draw his shortbow as well.

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar will happily cover Barael as he does his thing.

"We should leave one or two of them behind to carry on the business. We're not helping at all if we just add to the chaos by letting these animals suffer."

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Fondo thinks about butchers who might share the guardsmen's zeal for feeding smallfolk. Knowledge Local 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

A noble venture, true. But theirs, though? "Nay. On us there falls the task: recruit butchers. For now though, yes: leave one or two to butch. Allain? Your sergeant hails your honor. You?"

Okay, I'm not sure how long I can do this iambic pentameter, but it's fun!

You do know of a few butchers, but they all have shops of their own. Might be best to approach one of them to collect the meat from here for their own places. No need to rush at it though, the livestock is fine for a day or so where it is.

Anyone have any sort of farming or animal husbandry skill?

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar is ready to leave with Verik and return to Cressida.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Of other butchers have I some real ken.
Zellara's neighbor and that old Larenz.
The one whose fennel sausage tastes so good.
Perhaps they'll buy what's fresh and toss the rest.
With Queen's request, mayhap they'll charge folks less."

Okay, in future I might save the verse for inspire courage and harrow readings. No Bard of Avon I.

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

It's in the practice, Fondo. The Bard himself had to start somewhere. Perhaps Korvosa herself will see its own Fondo in the Round one day.

Barael also appears ready to depart. Does night time still cloak the group's activities? "I'd see every man brought back. Let Cressida sort them out."

Looks like two votes to bring the guards and one against with three abstentions. So we'll bring them along...

The trip back tot he citadel is uneventful - partly due to the very late hour (11:30ish). The Citadel is well lit when you arrive however and there are tired looking Guard coming and going. The guards and Verik are taken from you to the cells. You are assured they will be well cared for and not left to die from their injuries.

Cressida, it also seems, is up and you are escorted to her office quickly. "Thank you for your efforts! I hear your task was a success! You have Verik and a number of others in custody. Well done! I will question Verik in the morning after he's had the night to think about his future. But please, tell me, what did you learn?"

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

What did we learn?
That these men were still carrying on the guard's work and attendant to their duty.
That these men were providing food and meat to those who need it in uncertain times.
That Fondo likes the guard despite his words to the contrary.
That we should have asked for badges or paperwork before leaving here.
That we should share our preys description with others before we break and enter.
That there is magic power within in me that I do not yet understand.
That this group needs a leader.
That there is little magic in the butcher shops of this city.

Briar has nothing to say.

Male Human (PER +6 | FORT+15 REF+9 WILL+11 | AC 26 (F24, T14) CMD28)


Nikolay stands stiffly at attention.

What did we learn? Not much really, but that's not a good answer.

"Verik believes there to something nefarious in the king's death and the queen's ascension to the throne. However, he had no specific accusations. He admitted his guilt in leaving his post, but asked for mercy for his own adjunct, Allain. He took responsibility for him and said he only acted out of loyalty. The other men he said came with him only for the gold they were paid."

"Verik claimed that he and his group were patrolling to keep the streets safe. He also claimed to be feeding the people through the generosity of an unnamed benefactor. We discovered nothing to prove or disprove his claims, but he was operating from a slaughterhouse. Whether he was selling things for a reasonable price, profiteering, or fabricating the whole thing is yet unknown."

Nikolay continues to stand at attention.

Why am I standing at attention? I'm not a guard anymore. It just seems proper though.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"We found, Field Marshall, a shop with citizens well fed. They doubt Ileosa's claim, but kept the people's weal at heart. Verik claims his men stood guard o'er folk. There remain a shop, a store of meet, and mouths to feed."

"If I may, the people need a show of care from Ileosa and the guard. Would it not do to let these men remain, serving and guarding from within the neighborhood? Community guarding, as it were, but under the command of one unified guard. Would clemency and care win loyalty?"

Let's see if she does truly fairness hold. Shall Cressida my trust and blade abide?

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

Barael quickens his pace towards Cressida, will all intentions of stating their affairs. When Nik comes to attention and lays out all information articulately, Son of a... Barael's jaw remains open, no words coming forth immediately.

Barael tries to assume an at-attention posture, realizes he's standing next to Nik, and remembers to close his mouth.

"It's as he said, Field Marshall, and Fondo's description is apt too. I looked through the office papers, and found nothing evil in their plans, save how they were going to distribute their meats fairly. The work in the shop probably made the guards look more human to the locals, but I'm inclined to think just as poorly of Verik for paying gold to a local gang to assist him in the slaughters. The Cow Hammer boys, ha. One of them got away. Parns, was his name I think. Got his hammer, if he wants it back."

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes

Dandilion's mutagen wears off on the way to Citadel, leaving her less and more confused than usual, and though she returns to her usual grace, the fall from the supernatural boost has her feeling awkward in her own skin. God's, I hate the hangover from that stuff.

she ponders Cressida's question for a moment before answering, "meat stinks. A lot. But Verik seemed like his heart was in the right place. I think. He just wasn't making very good choices." the young woman says, before realizing everyone else had answered the Field Marshall already.

"Well then, at least he was doing something useful with his time away from us. Yes, my plan is clemency if they'll return to their posts - after a few days in the hold to make a point of course. Even as stretched thin as we are there must be some punishment." Cressida smiles thinly. "Again I thank you for your service in this matter. As I promised, please head down to the armory and pick out any MW weapon and, within reason, any MW armor you like." She laughs, "I don't think we have any plate mail for you though."

"When you're done, take some time for yourselves. I don't have anything for you just now. The city is beginning to stabilize a bit, so it may be a few days before something comes up. I appreciate what you've done here - I only hope now that Verik will see things our way and can be saved."

"I will send some men to the slaughterhouse and find a butcher to reopen it tomorrow at least. We'll give away the meat that remains in the name of the Queen."

With that she dismisses you from her office and gets back to her paperwork. You get the sense she's not slept since the upheaval began. You are also quite tired having spent a rather busy and largely sleepless two days. It's just after 1am when you finish your report.

today's stuff, various:
Saves: ------------- HP: 96 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:10 AC: 24 T:24 FL:14 Mutagen: Dex/Wis, lasts 20 minutes

"a master work weapon? Any kind of weapon?Hmmm... Maybe I want something bigger than that useless dagger I have." she ponders the possibilities of a nice weapon and nice armor of her very own.

The full armory of the Korvosan Guard is very well equipped. The Korvosan Guard has been stationed here for hundreds of years and has accumulated much. Most of the masterwork gear (even the esoteric) is saved for promotions, and with few exceptions it is returned at the end of service where it is repaired and added back to the stock so even the unusual is to be found here.

Cressida's intent is to give each of you ~500-600 gold worth of armor and weapons. If you prefer two weapons and no armor that's fine, but if the weapons are then expensive you'll be asked to pay something toward the Guard's expenses. You're also expected to turn in your old gear without compensation - again to defray the expenses of the Guard.

Still a good haul for one nights work...

The chief purser of the armory is a gruff old soldier with most of one arm missing (just below the elbow). He's not that pleased that non-Guard are getting the pick of his gear and gets quite gruff when you drift toward the magical gear here. He makes it abundantly clear you're ONLY permitted Masterwork gear - and if he had his way it'd be only the stuff the normal Guard can't use.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Fondo whispers to Barael, "Little brother, 'Cow Hammer Boys' is what the guards were calling themselves. Those were all guards."

Fondo bows to the field marshall with a flourish. "Tis right to treat your well intentioned guards so fair. You have my thanks, and trust that all'll be well."

Fondo chooses a well-balanced rapier from the armory, as well as a nice, weighty, good quality truncheon with silver lining. He happily pays for the excess costs of both (320 sails for the rapier, 321 for the sap). I already have a nice one of my own, but why not sell it? He then readies himself to return to Zellara's. "Uncle? Jel'enadra? Shall we leave our soldierly friends to their rest?"

Too tired to think of ought but sleep, Fondo bypasses any taverns, shapely lasses or comely lads on his trudge to Zellara's.

In the morning (should he rest that long), Fondo does another reading.

Harrow cast:
1d6 + 1d9 + 1d2 + 1d6 + 1d9 + 1d2 + 1d6 + 1d9 + 1d2 + 1d6 + 1d9 + 1d2 ⇒ (5) + (1) + (1) + (1) + (7) + (1) + (1) + (2) + (2) + (3) + (5) + (1) = 30
Profession (Fortune Teller) 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24

Winged serpent rules over me today. When to strike and when to hold. The Fiend. The Big Sky inverted. The Teamster.

"Calamity has had it's way with us.
But now we've newer ties that bind our fate.
For other forces drive our course today.
The Harrow speaks, and Desna's will abides."

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

Oops. Make that a masterwork rapier, masterwork sap and silvered light mace. 320 + 301 + 25 = 646 sails.

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

"I know, but wouldn't do to have Cressida think them redeemable. I'd rather call them the thugs they'd named themselves. Weren't no guards who took money to leave their posts..."

Barael bows to Cressida. "Your generosity will be put to good use, I hope. Sure there's not anything else we could do, let you sleep better this night? When you cut a vein, you put pressure on it, and hold it till it stops bleeding." Barael is looking for her to throw a stick for him to chase.

As for the Armory, Barael watches intently on the party's selections. A sap, that's for sure. New rapier? Well, I'm just jaycalling whatever Fondo picks. Is that a bad thing? Wonder what Nik's picking. Then again, he'll probably pick a masterwork stick long enough to replace the one he's got up his own arse.

Barael continues to look, much to the disapproval of Un-Armed.

HP:113/113 AC: 21 (f17/t16)): K(Arc) +17, K(His) +7, K(Pl) +20, K(Rel) +20, Per +24, Sense +12, Spllcft +24/26

Briar steps through the armory with an eye towards the wooden and leather implements, ignoring anything made mostly of metal.

No, those won't do at all.  Too bad there is nothing here of dragonhide, but my be-rosed armor will have to do.

Briar will examine several bows and several wooden shields, looking for the exact right fit for his body and strength...and other restrictives.

At the end, Briar will turn over his older gear in exchange for the newer.

Actual shopping list to come tonight.  Need time at home to figure out...but we can move along, yes?

* * *

After finishing with the Armory, Briar will return to the barracks for a night's rest.  Before sleeping, he will fill his waterproof sack with water and set his be-rosed armor within, as to give it time to absorb moisture to keep the armor and roses fresh.

No, I did not expect to see an armor like yours in the armory here.

Briar will sleep the night in the comfort of the barracks, happy for the safety it provides.

Morning stuff later.

Male Human (Init +7 | Per +16 | Fort +16 Ref +15 Will +11* +1 enchant, +4 language & sonic | AC 32 (f25/t19) | CMD36*)

"Little brother, I would hope Cressida finds all but the worst murderer redeemable. Let the guard protect us from murderers, and mercy protect us from the guard."

Male Human (Per +18 | Fort +12 Ref +16 Will +12 | AC 24 (f 19/t 17)| CMD 30/f 25)

"But the infection... I... I guess you have the right of it. About the redeeming and all. You think we should tell her about... you know... the fishery? Still, we shouldn't have to fear the Guard. We are the Guard now, you, me, Nik, Briar, Dandi, and... well, not so sure of Charlie."


Barael finds a MasterWork set of Studded Leather Armor, just a little large for his torso. A shame really. Not being able to wear a set of Parade Armor. It would have been glorious. Secondly, he wields two or three Masterwork Rapiers before raising one up for acknowledgment from the one-armed man. A nice blade to be sure.


Settling in for the night in the Barracks, Barael readies another piece of Imp flesh for the dawn's alchemical work. "So, Old One. The fletcher on the morrow? I'd like to look into a quiver of arrows. We still haven't thanked Master Saul either, and the morning at Eodred's Walk, after a good breakfast, should be on our agenda." Barael looks for Nik in the room. "What say you, Nik? Care to join us with a walk over to Saul's?"

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