Cromora's Finest (Inactive)

Game Master Kelsey MacAilbert

A modern fantasy law enforcement campaign set in a fantasy version of New England.

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Right now this is for dotting and adding characters to the Players/Characters tabs. Once I have four, the gameplay will begin.

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

Tanfastic. Again, Dot.

Female Half Elf (Water Child Alternate Racial Attribute) Sorcerer (Arial Stormborn Bloodline) 4 (Uses Wisdom as casting stat)

GMNPC/Possible future PC dot.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Dotting ^^

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1


Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4


On Cromora's northern coastline lies Crysthor, a city known chiefly for the ports that make it a major center of trade, whaling, fishing, and naval operations. Lately, one of the elven communities in the surrounding woodlands has been reporting sightings of some sort of creature. So it was that a group of Rangers found themselves before the village mayor, a somewhat harried looking middle aged elven woman with hooded eyes and downcast demeanor. Though they knew something was going on, the messages they'd received from the community weren't quite clear, so they didn't know exactly what the problem was yet.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Evelina had somehow picked up word of the goings on while doing...whatever it is that she does in the city most of the time, and had arrived, if only slightly late with the rest of the group. This was one of the rare moments in which she actually wore her own form. That of a mostly plain looking Nestoran woman, with weathered, wide brimmed hat and a thick grey cloak draped over her shoulders. She'd smile to the Elven woman, bowing to her slightly. "Hello Miss, I'm Ranger Passero of the Service, I was told you could use our help with some creature wandering about? If you'd be willing to spare some details I'll get right on sorting it out"
Diplomacy just because
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Ormr watches silently as Evelina speaks with the mayor. He is a tall man with a pale skin tone and shoulder length brown hair. His light blue eyes are very serious as watches.He looks around the town wondering to himself "Wonder what this creature really is and what this problem they are having." He than looks back at the mayor.

Thanks for posting, Ormr is not the talking with people type.

The elven woman says nothing for several seconds. It looks almost as if she is making a rather difficult decision. Then she swallows as if preparing to do something she rather wouldn't and points to the east.

"They're out in the woods that away, digging some type of den or tunnel. Goblins, it looks like. Not too many of them that we can tell, but you never know with them."

You can't tell exactly what, but something seems very off about her.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Evelina smiles and nods "I see. I'll get on it right away, Would you happen to have an special conditions as to their removal?" While Eve keeps up the veil of helpfulness, She is extremely suspicious of the woman. Her gold eyes darting about under the shadow of her hat, searching the room idly while she attempts to read the woman's expressions and movements.
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21
And Sense Motive
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (15) + 9 = 24

"No, I just want them gone. I could send someone to show you where they are, if you like." she says.

You notice nothing blatantly unusual in the room, but her body language seems suspicious, though you can't exactly say why. You get the feeling there is something more than she's telling you, but you have no actual evidence to that end.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

She nods again, looking back to the other members of the group "Well then, I see no problem with this. I do need to make a quick stop before I head out, So I'll leave the rest of the team to inquire about anything else" She nods to the rest of them before bowing to the Mayor, and turning to leave the building. Once she was outside she would invoke the glamor effect of her hat, taking on the disguise of an older Elvish woman (( 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (5) + 22 = 27 )) And set about wandering town, attempting to overhear any new bits of information, or speaking to "the young people" about "How awful those things in the forest are". If she found out that the reports of the Goblins are false, she'd attempt to play it off as being a bit off in the head, Not being able to tell the truth from the stories anymore.
(( Diplomacy-Gathering information 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (4) + 10 = 14
2nd roll with Follow Up 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (16) + 10 = 26
Another Sense Motive 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20
And Bluff if called for it 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23 ))

I have to head out for the evening, this should hopefully cover it until I get back ^^

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Ormr watches, as Evelina leaves before looking at the mayor he than says in an oddly rough and deep voice "They have only been digging you say? They have not attacked anyone or stolen anything?"


Things get even weirder from there. Not only is nobody talking about the goblins in the forest, nobody is speaking to you, period. The whole town is holing up in their houses and reluctant to speak to anyone, even a fellow elf. It seems as if something has them cowed.


"Not so far. We've been trying to avoid them and let the authorities handle it." she replies.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

I probably should have linked what Follow Up does before I leave lol
Follow Up:An Investigator can roll twice on any Diplomacy check made to gather information , and receives the information of both results. This takes the same amount of time as one check. If the lesser of the two checks reveals false information, the Rogue is aware of it. False information is not revealed in this way if the people she questioned do not know it to be false.

And with that! I'm off! ^^

Evelina Passero wrote:

I probably should have linked what Follow Up does before I leave lol

Follow Up:An Investigator can roll twice on any Diplomacy check made to gather information , and receives the information of both results. This takes the same amount of time as one check. If the lesser of the two checks reveals false information, the Rogue is aware of it. False information is not revealed in this way if the people she questioned do not know it to be false.

And with that! I'm off! ^^

In this case, people are actively avoiding speaking to you, so it doesn't work. All you glean is further suspicion that this situation is not what it seems.

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Vinland Forever wrote:


"Not so far. We've been trying to avoid them and let the authorities handle it." she replies.

Ormr thinks on what he remembers of goblins after hearing the mayor speak.

Knowledge Local:1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Used knowledge local because it gives you information on Humanoids.

Your check tells you that Goblins depend heavily on raiding and theft for survival, which is part of the reason they are so rare near large cities: the authorities do not tolerate them, and generally get rid of them pretty quickly. They are mostly found in rural areas with less ability to fight them off. They tend to hit quickly, then run before the local police can go after them. If noticed by locals, they will generally either attack before they can respond or flee.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Apparently I still have time o.o

At the complete and utter strangeness displayed by the people of this town, Eve decides to change up her tactics. She would attempt to sneak about to the nearest place with the highest number of people, Even a crowded house would do, and attempt to overhear anything of note being said. If at any point it seemed she was to be spotted, she would assume the disguise of a beggar, and attempt to fake illness / drunkenness

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20
Perception to overhear
1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22

If needed...
1d20 + 22 ⇒ (14) + 22 = 36
1d20 + 12 ⇒ (6) + 12 = 18

You overhear individuals debating whether the mayor (Named Annwyl, which I should have mentioned earlier) called in the Rangers or if someone else did, whether Annwyl would go against somebody named Ceinwen in such a manner, and whether Ceinwen is going to have to kill the Rangers to keep them from finding out whatever it is she's doing. You do not learn precisely who Ceinwen is or what she is doing. You hear nothing whatsoever about any goblins.

Your presence is not noticed.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

"Interesting..." She thinks to herself, She knew there was something more going on, and judging by the conversation she just overheard, it seems to be alot worse then some Goblins. She stops to think for a moment, running some ideas of what would be the best course of action in this situation.
Can I get a bit more description on where Eve overheard this? if it's a house, can I get a bit of an idea of the layout? ^^

Also! If I get too spammy, or start trying to hog the spotlight, please tell me o.o I get a bit over zealous in these games sometimes -.- ))

It's a house, but the curtains are shut. You were able to hear some snippets of conversation, but cannot see inside.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

I'm not derailing the game by posting so much, am I? >>

Evelina would stick close to the house, keeping an ear close to the window in an attempt to overhear something else of value 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17. She also keeps an eye on the doors, hoping that the inhabitants of the house would leave soon.

I do think it would be a good idea to give the other players a chance to act. Lets say your character is sticking close to the house until the rest of the team acts?

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Sounds good ^^ I'll wait until the rest of the team goes before I do anything

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

Sorry; like I said, I had work tonight. Anyways, done with that, so now to this:

Drannum stays quiet as Evelina and Ormr pose questions the mayor, and once they are done, steps up to pose a question of his own.

"Well ma'am, who's this person 'at can lead us to the goblins?"

Sense Motive for Drannum to catch onto the mayor's strange behavior:
1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17

If that's good enough:

Drannum knows the mayor is withholding something, but decides it mustn't be something important or life-threatening, or surely she would let them know. Therefore, he says nothing about it, though he makes a mental note to discuss her strange behavior with the rest of the group later.

Regardless of whether I made the check or not:

His second question he poses is: "Do ye know if these goblins 'ave a leader among them? It ain't unusual for weaklings such as their type to band together under somethin' stronger." Though he says this from experience with people rather than goblins, he figures it still applies.

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Drannum Grunnar wrote:

His second question he poses is: "Do ye know if these goblins 'ave a leader among them? It ain't unusual for weaklings such as their type to band together under somethin' stronger." Though he says this from experience with people rather than goblins, he figures it still applies.

Ormr nods to this statement.

(Your check was successful.)

"I assume they have some sort of leader, but I have no idea who it might be.", she responds. "I could send one of the local constables to show you where they are."

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Still waiting on one person, right? o.o

Yep. Talking IC is fine, but lets keep it to that. No deciding what to do about the situations until Dark Sun is available.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Hmm, Ima wait a bit longer then, Since Eve's just waiting for the people to leave so she can sneak in, and hopefully get some answers.

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

As his last question, Drannum asks, "What other sorta beasties should we expec' in them woods?"

After that, he'll exit the mayor's office and talk with the team about this assignment. Once they're out of earshot of the office, he says, "Somethin' ain't sittin' right with that lass's answers. Ya get that feelin' as well? I don' know what, but somethin' just don' seem right." He ponders over what she said, though it is hard to catch any discrepancies given that he hasn't another's word to compare it to.

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1
Drannum Grunnar wrote:

After that, he'll exit the mayor's office and talk with the team about this assignment. Once they're out of earshot of the office, he says, "Somethin' ain't sittin' right with that lass's answers. Ya get that feelin' as well? I don' know what, but somethin' just don' seem right." He ponders over what she said, though it is hard to catch any discrepancies given that he hasn't another's word to compare it to.

Ormr shrugs at Drannum's questions once they leave the office before saying "I do not know but I know goblins do not act the way we are being told these goblins have been acting. They normally raid quickly than leave. These have not stolen anything or attacked anyone and are digging."

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Evelina is still calmly waiting for the house to be empty. While she knows that unauthorized entrance into a home is more or less frowned on, She figures that a -possible plot to assassinate members of the Rangers Service- likely trumps such a ruleing. As such, she lurks behind the Elvish home, pulling her hood up (( Activating Cloak of Elvenkind for a +5 on Stealth checks )) and leaning lightly against the wall. More then willing to wait as long as she must to get her answers.

1d20 + 15 ⇒ (19) + 15 = 34

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

"Well, if someone's taskin' them to it, I'd bet they'd dig. I'm thinkin' we shouldn't go in there assumin' we're just slayin' some goblins. Just speculatin', a course." Drannum is very leery of the situation, as there seems to be more going on then what the surface is showing.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Anyone else getting some Shadow Over Innsmouth vibes? O.O

Male Dwarf Wizard (Abjurer) 4

Thank you for the reference. You just made my day.

And yes, I am.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Bit of a Lovecraft Fangirl ^^ lol

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

And I hope Darksun hurries up and posts, I really want to get the plot going

Yea, me too. I have the first combat encounter planned out.

Eveline, you would need a warrant to search this particular house legally. In this case, you have enough reasonable cause to acquire one. A search and seizure warrant for any connected evidence (though your Ranger training tells you it should be made out to the mayor's house, not the one you are listening in on) can be obtained after about half an hour of conversing with a judge on your voice rune, and will be delivered via a court mage using teleportation magic to send it directly to your hand. You do not need to leave the village to get the warrant. Once Dark Sun posts, I will allow the party to fast forward 30 minutes so you don't have to wait for the warrant in real time.

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

The, until now, silent Samael Hopkins speaks up:"Okay then, let's get this show on the road."
sense motive: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

You fail to notice anything unusual about the mayor.

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

Yeah, it didn't escape me that I blew that roll.

So, should we wait for Evelina to get the warrant?

Male Human Trapper Ranger 4

I'm fine with it.

Male Half-Elf Summoner/1

Wait away. Need everyone together so we can talk about stuff.

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

Alright, I do believe I'll do that then.

Evelina would slip out of earshot of most of the homes, and speak into her voice rune, requesting a warrant to search the mayors home, and possibly a few others, on suspicion of plans to assassinate members of the Rangers Service. After this, she would try to meet back up with the rest of the team, and inform them as to what strangeness was occurring in the town while she waits for the warrant.

Excellent. Shall we fast forward to the warrant being delivered, or would the PCs like to talk amongst themselves first?

Female Human (Nestoran) Rogue 4 (Investigator Archetype)

I'm good with whatever ^^

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