Confirmation Group B (Inactive)

Game Master OG3

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The Concordance

Multi-gendered Vine Leshy Phytokineticist | hp 12/12 | Init +1 | percep +6 (Low Light, Darkvision 60') | AC 15 T12 FF14 | CMD 10 | F+6 R+3 W+2 | Burn 0/7 | Kinetic Covers 0/4

Pinpin, still breathing hard from all the running, comes over to Janira, and starts "Here, let me help you regrow from those injuries.."

Two Healing Infusions, 2 burn to Pinpin: 2d6 + 8 ⇒ (5, 1) + 8 = 14

"Ummm... so... we found a big ol' cave in there. There was a shrine to the old, dead human god, Aroden. It had lots of paintings on the walls of a bunch of different forms of her..mmm, wait. Him. We met an old, deaf gillman in there. He was pretty nice, but a little stand-off-ish. I tried to give him back this cloak that we found, since it looked like it maybe belonged to one of their pilgrims, but he didn't seem to want it..
Oh, we found some undead and destroyed 'em. There was this dead dhampir in the room where they were. I think he was trying to make an army of undead gillman, but he was bad at it so they killed him and kinda ate part of him. We found a couple magic doodads, but no one could figure out what they were. Maybe you could help us? Ummm. Oh! there was a secret door in the room where we found the dead guy, and I heard you shouting at the minotaur from there, so we all hustled to get to you because we wanted to help! It seems like we made it in good time! Uh... I think that's everything. Do you all have anything to add?"
Pinpin looks at the group quizzically.

Grand Lodge

Consort Compact Maps | Character Details |

Three days following your test with Janira, you are summoned to a ceremony led by the Masters of Sword, Spell, and Scroll. Kreighton Shaine, who invited you to your confirmation speaks, Congratulations, Pathfinders. You have performed admirably and expertly. Janira has shared your reports of the gillmen’s cave as expected and we are quite impressed with your thoroughness and creativity. May we present to you a personalized wayfinder to signify you as a Pathfinder in the world. Remember always our principle duties: explore, report, and cooperate. Good luck on your future adventures.

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