mdt |

Discussion open!
If you dot the gameplay thread, please delete the post after you finish posting it. That way the thread isn't filled up with 'dot' messages. :) Still puts it on your campaign tab.

Pixie! |

Happy to be picked! I'm in the process of setting up my profile now. For my OCV/DCV/ECV, should I use the adjusted stats while in the Pixie form, or would you rather just using the base stats?

Pixie! |

Okay, cool! Thanks.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Sweet, got all my stats to fit in the byline!
Jedi Jack, dos your character's name going to include the stars, or is that a placeholder?

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Just figured it was more mentioning before avatar names get fixed at 10 posts.
If the two games take place in roughly the same world... hmm. Our team seems to have slightly more connection to law enforcement, so that could lead to an interesting legitimacy difference. Maybe not, though, depending on how/who we're "recruited."
Jack: another "local university" student over here, but a few years older. As far as character connections go, maybe I was your biology lab TA a year or two ago?

mdt |

Thanks Janice, I like your name format better.
Have we got the city yet? If St-Louis, Jack will attend Washington U and Tulane if New Orleans.
How do you want the introductions? Are they scenes when the characters received public notice? Or something else.
You should go to Loyola instead. Much better school... :)
You can check the Table 1 gameplay thread if you like for an idea of how the intros are going.
As I said over there, you should assume you are *not* from the city you are in, unless it's in your backstory already. Some of your contacts/etc may be picked up early in game...

"Jedi" Jack Straw |

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Hmm... my backstory is definitely local. (Also: I'm police! I don't actually have handcuffs, and I don't think I can actually arrest people, but I figure I've got about the same resources as, say, one of the CSIs on any show other than CSI). I'm picturing something where eventually I can purchase access to a police archive that lets me look up the villain of the day's henchmen/women and impersonate one of them (or the eventual power to show up as an FBI agent to "arrest" people once we've already knocked them out).
Also, Jack: I actually picked this name format because "Snapdragon" was taken. It works well, though.

mdt |

Loyola where? I'm only familiar with the one in Chicago.cheers
-10 XP for Jedi Jack for not realizing that Loyola University, New Orleans is directly adjacent to Tulane University, New Orleans. :)

mdt |

Ok, Table 1 intros are up. I'll get the Table 2's up today/tomorrow.
Note, not all your character abilities may be there at the intro. In other words, part of your intro might add them, or they might not be available until the first few weeks/months of game time. Some might have to be RP'd out gaining (like contacts, etc). Just depends on how I can weave the story together.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Loyola alum, mdt? I'm nostly familiar with the Loyola out here in LA tbh.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Hey, Chess. Glad to see I'm not the only one with superhuman intelligence. Is the reason you went with "Chess" over the more common "Chessmaster" a reference to The Cape?

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Er... maybe? I doubt Janice would have any interest in botanical gardens before becoming part plant. It's kind of like how zoologists don't go to zoos much—by the time you're 12, you've seen 'em all, and would rather read textbooks instead.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Heh, I mean, "botany," but forensic botany is mostly looking at plant cells under a microscope (think what Hodgins does in Bones, but with pollen instead of bugs)

mdt |

@Snapdragon - Yes, Loyola. Miss the old trolley car on St. Charles Avenue. Miss Cafe Du Monde even more (hot chocolate and beignets for breakfast!).
@Jedi - Still waiting on Hotaru to pick one or the other, but he's leaning toward St. Louis, which would send you to NO. And thanks, glad you like them.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Hmm. New Orleans puts us in Swamp Thing territory. Maybe I should learn some water tribe swamp bending.
So… did anyone else tap into a “real” superhero for inspiration? I was originally planning on going with Silver Age/Neil Gaiman-era Black Orchid (who disguises herself via makeup and Mission Impossible masks, flies solely via density manipulation, and has Poison Ivy’s mind-control powers), and instead wound up shifting a lot more towards New 52 Black Orchid (who works as the government’s contact to the Dark Justice League, and gets her powers through plant-based shapeshifting into wings, vine arms, tree fists, etc)

mdt |

Ok, you're all officially New Orleans.
Just a note, it's actually unlikely you'll actually have been from New Orleans before the game starts. It's possible, but unlikely. If you really want to have been from there, it's fine.
Some bits of character may be gained 'in game'.
I'll get Snapdragon's intro up either late tonight or tomorrow. I've been working hard, and am tired. Unfortunately for Snapdragon, she's last on the list (alphabetically speaking that is). Don't you wish you'd selected 'Amarante' as your name now? :)

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Heh. If I'd started with Black Orchid, I'd be lot higher up. But I can wait.
Am pretty excited to play this character, though. Feel like she's going to be one of those theater nerds who quotes way too much Shakespeare.

The Chess |

Hey, Chess. Glad to see I'm not the only one with superhuman intelligence. Is the reason you went with "Chess" over the more common "Chessmaster" a reference to The Cape?
Hey Li! Nice to meet you. "Chess" comes from his powers... Not a reference to anything :) He isn't exactly a chess player per se. And he's not exactly human... And, at the same time, he's very much human. Does it make any sense?
By the way: excellent intros. Very fun read so far!

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Fair enough. But yeah, Chess, check out this guy's eyes. (one of the biggest criticisms The Cape got was the sheer generic-ness of its characters and villains, but it was definitely so bad that it was good)

Drider |

I'm reading over your tutorial, and I'd like to point out a few things. First of all, if a target has Resistant defenses, they get to use their nonresistant defenses against the Stun of a Killing Attack, I'm not sure if you mentioned that. Second, Killing attacks are multiplied by the Hit Location modifier to determine stun before applying any defenses. Stun First, Body After is sort of a mantra at my live games. Rereading the book to make sure, I realized that said mantra does not apply to normal attacks, however. So I learned something today!
Reading further, you list Flash "damage" as applying in Phases, but it applies in Segments. Your 3 Speed character taking 3 points of flash would not be blind for all of his phases. They would be blind, for example, on segments 6, 7, and 8.
I'm not sure where the book says Clinging characters get to use their casual cling strength to reduce knock back, unless that's a held/aborted action thing I'm not aware of.
Hope you don't mind the bit of critique and feedback.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Hmm. Just re-read regeneration, and it automatically stops bleeding to death, so that works well with the backstory! Neat.

Pixie! |

Alright, so when everyone else's intros are done, we'll change scenes and everyone gets to meet?

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Whoops, better update my backstory with geographic specifics.
Also, sorry for posting so manically—I've been bored on the bus for most of today, and I'm also eager to catch up with the beginning of this game's story.

Caitlyn Warren |

Might have to go a little bit more basic on the tutorial for me. What all can I do in one turn? And does my shadow sense not work through walls or something? If so, any way we can rework it so it does? Not being blocked by walls was part of the idea I had in my head. I can understand if you wanna hold off on that though since it'd probably affect the way my current situation would play out.

mdt |

You have to have N-Ray vision to sense through walls. That would be 25 more experience points.
In one turn, there are 12 phases. You act on the phases that have circles on your character sheet (3, 6, 9, 12).
Each phase, you have one full phase action, or two half-phase actions (think of them as Move Action/Standard action or full round action from Pathfinder). You can move and then attack in champions, but not the reverse.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Caitlyn Warren |

I mean, if you added in that shadow sense only sees through walls when she's in shadow form and that it has the same range as her limited teleport, then it'd be a lot lower, right? I'd gladly trade away Bump of Direction and Double Jointed to make some space; Bump of Direction doesn't fit my idea at all and Double Jointed only barely does. Sorry if it seems like I'm being difficult but I didn't even realize that walls stopping a supernatural sense would be a thing when you sent me the sheet and the explanation of the abilities. Kinda ruins my idea of a super mobile and slippery infiltrator if all it takes to trap my character in a room is to close the door. =\

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Well, you could always take Doorman's powers—the ability to teleport through any wall 6" thick or less by creating a temporary shadow "door"
EDIT: Spatial Awareness might be more appropriate for you than N-Ray vision, though it's expensive.

mdt |

We can certainly work toward it, Caitlyn. Spatial awareness is about the same as N-Ray.
Note, your shadow sense is only blocked by solid walls, like a bank vault, that's air tight. Anything you could see through the cracks of would still let you sense the shadows. Not glass, but lattice that would block sight, but not air, would.
I actually had to work pretty hard to capture you. :)

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

I actually had to work pretty hard to capture you. :)
...as did the NPCs, I assume?

mdt |

The NPCs are just extensions of the GM to tell the story.
So, if the GM had to work hard to figure out how to make it possible for the NPCs to capture the character, based on their personality and profile, then the GM had to work hard.

Pixie! |

Does Faye have her locket back by this point?

Pixie! |

Oh! How did I miss that? Whoops.

Drider |

Very close actually, yes! The mandible aren't that monstrously big, the arms and legs aren't that thin, and the feet are far more human. Otherwise, that's very close to how Drider looks, carapace covered, with four spider legs sprouted from her back.

Janice "Snapdragon" Li |

Ah. So an *actual* spider woman. I was picturing more of a traditional drider, but that's a cooler build (and more concealable; we'll just need to rig you up a "left shark" costume or something else roomy.

Caitlyn Warren |

I really don't see my character sticking around, watching dvds all day, and sulking back to the people that imprisoned her because she learned her lesson. She's rebellious, overconfident, and now she's really angry because a bunch of psychopaths with special powers kidnapped her for (as far as she can tell) absolutely no reason other than "you're a crook." That's not something normal people do.
There has to be something on the island that floats - bunch of taped together empty water jugs, the plastic from the tv, or maybe even the front of one of the solar panels. Tape, glue, tie, nail, or whatever some clothes or a tarp over the top of that and she's basically made a raft she can travel in all day. I know it's probably not what I'm supposed to do, but it's 100% out of character to sit around, pout, and then be perfectly calm when her kidnappers show back up.