nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

So, just over a year ago a ran a recruitment for a playthrough of this AP where everyone shared a theme, and a special power, and everyone had some built in connection in their background... it's gone so well that I've decided to start another table, with a new special theme and power!
If you're not familiar with Sandpoint, this document is very much a work in progress (in that I just started assembling it now), but please read the sections on the "Late Unpleasantness" and the "Turandarok Academy" before proceeding.
What makes this game special: All of the characters will be orphans who spent most or all of their lives at the Turandarok Academy. All of them, also, will have had a terrible temper as children; this temper climaxed in "the incident" a few days before the first Chopper murder was discovered. During "the incident" several orphans (all the chosen PCs) flew into an uncontrolled rage during which they hit other children and broke Academy property until Ilsoari magically sedated them. In the years since then you will (or can) have gained control over your temper but deep within you there remains a well of magical wrath... see 'wrath-tainted' below for more details
- alignment: no evil (you're heroes), even CN is really pushing the limits of what I'll accept
- *NO 3pp materials*
- we will be using Hero Points; you cannot take the anti-hero option
- max HP at 1st level (1/2 rounded up afterwards)
- average starting wealth by class
other races: Applicants of other races should have lifespans similar to humans (otherwise the timing gets wonky) and be relatively common in Sandpoint. Half-elf, half-orc, and halfling are all acceptable, other races will be considered on a case by case basis (and I will certainly not take more than one of them).
If you choose a class or archetype with a bloodline it must match with the bloodline you choose for wrath-tainted (see below).
In addition, you gain the bonus spells associated with the sorcerer version of your bloodline as spell-like abilities. Each one is usable 1/day beginning when your character level equals the level at which a sorcerer would receive the bonus spell (1st level spell at 3rd character level; 2nd level spell at 5th character level; etc). Your caster level for these abilities is equal to your character level, and the DCs are Cha based. These spell-like abilities (unlike all others) count as spells for the purpose of qualifying for feats, prestige classes, etc.
- barbarians must use the standard version.
- monks can apply as standard or unchained versions.
- we are using background skills.
- no variant multiclassing. (your wrath-taint is kind of already a better version of VMC Bloodrager).
- only rogues get skill unlocks (classes or archetypes like investigator or slayer that have an opportunity to select a rogue talent may choose to gain signature skill as a bonus feat in place of any rogue talent).
- we will not be using the Stamina system (we have enough options, and enough things to track, already)
You're welcome to take item crafting feats but we're going to keep the pace of the game fairly brisk so be warned that the amount of free time you have (or don't have) will restrict how much crafting you can get done. Wizards have the option to select spell focus in place of scribe scroll at 1st level. Other classes that receive a bonus crafting feat may request an alternative.
I tried to be thorough, but I'm sure I forgot stuff. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Recruitment will be open until midnight GMT on Friday January 13th! I'll post the selected 3-4 party members by Monday morning (1/16) and hopefully have gameplay running by the end of the week.

TheWaskally |

Nate, here is the crunch for my submission for this RotRL campaign, Jardan, a shoanti barbarian.
Fluff I should post tomorrow.

Grumbaki |

Alright...this sounds awesome. I'd love to be a part of this.
Name Konrad Lichstein
Race Human
Alignment CG
Class Dragonheir Scion Fighter (1)
Bloodline Draconic (Gold)
Languages Common, Draconic
Str (18) Dex (13) Con (14) Int (12) Wis (10) Cha (16) HP (13) Fort (+5) Ref (+1) Will (+0/2) Init (+1)
* Ease of Faith-Apsu (diplomacy as class skill and +1)
* Blood of Dragons (low light vision)
Combat Earthbreaker
To Hit: +5 (+7)
Damage: 2d6 + 10 (13 when raging)
Combat Claws
To Hit: +7 / + 6
Damage: 1d6 + 7
AC: 14 (12)
Touch: 13 (11)
Flat Footed: 11
* Studded Leather (+3 AC, -1 ACP)
* Earthbreaker (2d6, x3)
* Fighter's Kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, 50 ft. of rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 trail rations, and a waterskin, common stonemason tools)
* Arcane Strike (Lvl 1 Fighter: As a swift action, you can imbue your weapons with a fraction of your power. For 1 round, your weapons deal +1 damage and are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. For every five caster levels you possess, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +5 at 20th level.)
* Power Attack (Lvl 1: -1 hit, +3 damage)
* Furious Focus (Bonus Feat: Ignore power attack penalty on first attack)
Wrath Tainted
* Bloodrage (6 rounds per day. +4 str, +4 con, +2 Will, -2 AC. Fatigued for 2x rounds raged)
* Bloodline Power 1 (Grows class while raging. Primary Natural Attack, 1d6 damage)
* Diplomacy: +8
* Intimidate: +7
* Use Magic Device: +7
* Knowledge Arcana: +5
* Background Skill: Knowledge Engineering (+5)
* Background Skill: Masonry (+4)
Konrad is a tall, young man with golden yellow hair and, strangely enough, eyes. As an orphan he has known the Turandarok Academy to be his only home. In Sandpoint, he is known for being more than just a strange looking orphan. He is also halfway decent in the art of masonry, and for having a working knowledge of engineering as well. This is because all things mechanical come easy to him...including magical devices as well. Where others study long and hard, for Konrad the knowledge comes to him the way someone else would remember a long unpracticed skill. If he ever truly applied himself he might have the makings of an artisan. But, because he relies on his natural talent, these skills have never become anything more than passable.
For those who know him, he comes across pleasant enough, and is usually easy to get along with. However, he has a terribly violent temper. One that scares even him. It is a battle for him to control it, for when he gets angry, his hands transform into scaled claws, his eyes become lizard-like, and reason seems to leave him. He also inexplicably can cover his hands (and weapons) in flame and can speak the tongue of dragons untrained. He is convinced that this is due to a blessing from the God Apsu, and that the power of dragons runs through his veins. It is his goal to learn whether or not this is indeed true, and to build upon the power that he sees as his birthright.

Grumbaki |

Rules Question:
Dragon Heir Scion: "At 3rd level, a dragonheir scion gains a +1 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 5 against her energy type. At 7th level, this increases to a +2 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 10; at 13th level, it increases to a +3 natural armor bonus and energy resistance 20.
This ability replaces armor training 1, 2, and 3."
Bloodrager Draconic Bloodline:
"At 4th level, you gain resistance 5 against your energy type and a +1 natural armor bonus to AC. At 8th level, your energy resistance increases to 10 and your natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 16th level, your natural armor bonus increases to +4."
Does any of that stack? And if not, can I take the Primalist option to trade the Bloodrager power for rage powers?

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@Grumbaki- Wow, that's a poorly written archetype (half the abilities are at the wrong level). Those powers don't stack, and you cannot replace the powers from your bloodrager bloodline at all. Honestly you'd be better off with a different archetype... at 3rd level you'll qualify for arcane strike... taking away that and everything that doesn't stack with bloodline stuff pretty much all you're left with is some intimidate stuff. If you want to take it anyways that's alright but I'll have to fix its issues (fearful might, draconic strike, and draconic presence would all come 1 level later, and the second 2 would replace your 4th and 6th level feats).

Jereru |

Hi, nate!
I was a player in your game "The Library", playing Igmutanka Hanhepi.
I'd like to play this RotR, since you seemed a nice GM and I've started the AP like 3 or 4 times and never got to the end of book 1.
I'd like to apply with a ranged character and was wondering if there was a way to alter the bloodrage's benefits (I found the Urban Bloodrager, but that's an archetype for the class so it wouldn't work). Are we meant to all have a rage which gives a boost to Str? In which case, I would consider a Str-based character.
Thank you!
Edit: Also, will being able to cast the bonus spells gained from the bloodline count as "being able to cast arcane spells"? As in the requirements for some feats/PrC.

Sam C. |

Dotting for interest.
Initial concept is a draconic bloodline skald, with a focus on his claws for doing damage in a fight; two-weapon fighting, improved natural attack, and a few other suitable feat thrown in with a few skald feats.
Question regarding the draconic origin of the bloodline; can I fluff it as coming from a linnorm (who are all quite suitably wrathful in their madness) and reskin the draconic powers appropriately?
Further question: would the bloodline spells count as being derived from another source for determining arcane spell failure chance when casting in armor?

Grumbaki |

Given that the last submission was problematic, here is a rework. Should work much better than the last one. Also designed him to be a heroic paladin, while having his code be personal enough so as to not be lawful-stupid or an annoyance to the party. Also really a fan of classes that allow martials to be useful without a weapon, something which this one does.
Will say though, I was really tempted to go Fighter-1 with racial heritage storm giant as Lvl 1 feat, storm soul (immune to electricity damage) as bonus feat, and storm warrior (+1d6 electricity damage each hit) as fighter feat. Add on elemental bloodline-air, for a total of 4d6+9 damage hits at Lvl 1. But at the end of the day, the paladin below seemed more fun to RP.
Name Konrad Lichstein
Race Human
Alignment LG
Class Enlightened Paladin (1)
Bloodline Elemental-Fire
Languages Common
Str (18/22) Dex (14) Con (14/18) Int (10) Wis (10) Cha (16) HP (13/15) Fort (+4/+6) Ref (+2) Will (+2/+4) Init (+2)
* Armor Expert (-1 ACP)
* Adopted-Snap Ignition (As a full-round action, you can produce a small flame at the end of your finger that ignites combustible materials as a tindertwig. Alternatively, you can maintain a flame equivalent to a candle by spending a standard action each round to concentrate on it.)
To Hit: +5 (+7)
Greatsword Damage: 2d6 weapon + 1d6 fire + 9 (12 when raging) 19-20 crit
Unarmed Damage: 1d6 fist + 1d6 fire + 4 (6 when raging) 20 crit
+1 hit and damage with personal trial
AC: 17 (15)
Touch: 12 (10)
Flat Footed: 15
* Chain Shirt (+4 AC, -1 ACP)
* Greatsword
* Fighter's Kit (backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, 50 ft. of rope, soap, 10 torches, 5 trail rations, and a waterskin, common scribe's tools)
* 39 gold
* Power Attack (Lvl 1: -1 hit, +2-3 damage)
* Furious Focus (Bonus Feat: Ignore power attack penalty on first attack)
* Improved Unarmed Strike (as a monk, with his level being 1/2 paladin level. Therefore, 1d6)
* Aura of Law
Wrath Tainted
* Bloodrage (6 rounds per day. +4 str, +4 con, +2 Will, -2 AC. Fatigued for 2x rounds raged)
* Bloodline Power 1 (At 1st level, three times a day as a swift action you can imbue your melee attacks with elemental energy. For 1 round, your melee attacks deal 1d6 points of additional damage of your energy type)
Confident Defense
At 1st level, when wearing light or no armor and not using a shield, an Enlightened paladin adds 1 point of his Charisma bonus (if any) per class level to his Dexterity bonus to his Armor Class. If he is caught flat-footed or otherwise denied his Dexterity bonus, he also loses this bonus.
Sense Perfection
Detect evil, only detects Ki pools
Personal Trial
Once per day, an enlightened paladin can as a swift action declare one target within line of sight as his personal trial. The Enlightened paladin gains a +1 insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against that creature, to his AC against attacks made by the target, and on saving throws against the target's spells and special abilities. This bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +6 at 20th level. The personal trial effect remains until the target of the trial is dead or the next time the paladin rests and regains daily uses of this ability. At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, the Enlightened paladin can use personal trial one additional time per day.
* Diplomacy: +7
* Sense Motive: +4
* Knowledge Religion: +4
* Background Skill: Aristry-Philosophy (+4)
* Background Skill: Profession-Scribe (+4)
Konrad is a tall, young man with flowing red hair and, strangely enough, eyes. Though at a distance they are dark enough not to be noticeable. As an orphan he has known the Turandarok Academy to be his only home. In Sandpoint, he is known as having been a strange child. Polite enough, but always detached, and far too consumed in his self imposed training regimen than what would be considered normal or healthy. But as he harmed no one, he was not bothered in turn.
Known only by few, beneath his calm exterior, a rage burns inside his heart. One that scares him. Years ago 'the incident' happened, and during it Konrad seriously injured another youth. In his rage his eyes glowed with inner flame and his hands burned with eldrich fire. The youth burned as well. While the child did not die, he was left scarred. In a way, so was Konrad.
Since then, Konrad has been wracked with guilt and shame as to what he had done. He feared what he was capable of, as well as what he was. Luckily for him, the only father figure in his life, Ilsoari, was a retired adventurer...
"Enlightened paladins meditate on self-perfection and train relentlessly, knowing that their example can inspire others to excel. Enlightened paladins follow no universal paladin code—each paladin in his service creates his own code as part of his spiritual journey, seeing the adherence to such a self-formulated creed as one of the many tests one must face to reach perfection."
Konrad, under Ilsoari's guidance, has come to accept what is inside of him. He sees his predisposition towards wrath, and unique heritage, as a curse. But it is a curse which he has decided will only consume it if he allows it to. As such, he has deemed that the curse is the path of his spiritual journey, and that it is his responsibility to control it and to use it wisely. Because once a curse is turned to good, it is no longer a curse, it is a blessing.

Sam C. |

Third question! Draconic bloodline claws: always on, or bloodrage only? There's some convincing arguments either way, mostly based around the wording of the abyssal bloodline's own claws power. It specifically calls out that the claws are only present during a bloodrage; the draconic power version omits mention of the bloodrage, but is otherwise identical in wording.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@fangdragon- you'd still have to dip barbarian in order to get moment of clarity, but I could see there being some potential there.
@jereru- no altering bloodrage. I know that's less useful for a ranged character but eventually you can get an adaptive bow to benefit from the increased strength. In the meantime you can carry a melee weapon and count on bloodrage as a backup plan when enemies engage you in close combat.

Grumbaki |

Aye. But as this is PbP that'll take awhile. I've run my own PbP forum before and have had campaigns go on for years. You really need to make a character who comes online immediately and who you are happy to play with right now. If your build idea becomes what you want in several months you'll get bored. In my mind, getting a prestige class is gravy, or a move to keep a familiar character fresh.

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@Sam C
1) you're an orphan, so you won't really know much of anything about where your bloodline comes from... regarding reskinning powers, post exactly what you're hoping for in a spoiler and I'll take a look at it.
2) spell-like abilities don't suffer from arcane spell failure chance.
3) claws only while bloodraging. the general rule is that bloodline powers only work during bloodrage; that's true for every power unless it contains a specific rule that overrides the general rule. The text that the draconic power omits from the abyssal version is completely superficial and the omission in no way constitutes a specific rule.

Grumbaki |

@Grumbaki- I do agree that your character needs to be enjoyable right out of the gate, but it's been my experience that being happy with the RP is better for remaining interested in the game than liking your mechanics...
Oh, without a doubt. I didn't intend to say otherwise. To rephrase: your character concept should come online. If you want to play a character who fired magic arrows, I'd recommend not waiting to play an arcane archer. Start with a magus with that archetype, so your character does what you want.
That said, being mechanically sound at the get-go isn't a bad idea. I mean, starting a Lvl 1 zen archer with 10 Dex isn't a good idea, given that he doesn't get Wis to hit until Lvl 2. That is, unless you plan to RP him suddenly becoming a good archer...

Sam C. |

Instead of a draconic origin based on a red dragon, it would be a tor linnorm. Breath weapon would still be fire, in a 30-foot cone, but it would be flame and ash instead of just flame. Unlike the breath weapon of tor linnorm, however, there wouldn't be any secondary smoke effect; just a thin haze that dissipates before it can do anything like obscure vision or inflict damage (a cosmetic effect, essentially).
A bit of weirdness makes itself known at 12th level, when the dragon wings power is gained; the power to fly is gained during a bloodrage as usual, only there are no visible wings to explain it.
It's at 16th level, when the dragon form power is available, that the source of the draconic bloodline makes itself apparent; instead of assuming a traditional red dragon's form, it's the very distinctive appearance of a tor linnorm instead. This answers some questions, but raises others, of course. Fun story stuff abounds. However, this is also the point where some crunch modification becomes necessary, as linnorms aren't covered by the form of the dragon spell.
- Linnorms don't get wing attacks (no wings), but do have a tail attack that allows grab and constriction to be used;
- Resistance would fire, 20 or 30, no vulnerability listed (maybe cold iron?);
- Breath weapon would still be a cone, not sure if the full tor linnorm effect would be available;
- Tor linnorms can swim and climb in addition to their flight, so at least one addtional movement mode would probably be available;
- Linnorms also have an ugly poison, varying by species, that is delivered by their bits. And tor linnorms have, by reason of four arms, four claw attacks as as well.
That's about all that I can see that would pose issues.
Since linnorms are not possessed of spellcasting prowess like true dragons, the gained spells might be a bit problematic to explain, but that can either be hand-waved away (and leave an interesting puzzle as a result), or explained as the inherent magic of the species interacting with the magic of the skald's art to express itself in a comprehensible form. Or something like that.
2) Missed that tidbit. Good to know.
3) Hmmm. Then I need to find another way to get claws that are available all the time. If I'm spending feats from my very limited pool of character feats to improve them, and build a viable fighting style, having them available a handful of rounds when everyone else's weapons are available on demand is not on. Dang it, I was hoping to avoid having to level dip or go with a race that would require special consideration.
Edit: Since you stated that classes with bonus craft feats can trade those feats out for something else at your discretion, could I trade the skald's Scribe Scroll for Aspect of the Beast (claws)?

![]() |

With all this attention on melee, perhaps I should go with a more aggressive casting bent. Perhaps a Blade Adept arcanist, only using his weapon if need be. Abyssal tetori sounds fun, but something a little more arcane sounds pretty useful.
I'll put more thought into it in the coming days. For now, New Year's.

Arachnofiend |

I'm considering a character with Black Blood, but there isn't a matching Sorcerer bloodline for a spell list. I've taken the liberty of conjuring one up based on the bloodrager spell list and things that generally make sense, let me know what you think:

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@Sam C
1) I'm going to have to say no to that. I was willing to consider purely cosmetic changes, but not altering mechanics at all.
3) I would allow you (or anyone else) to take the aspect of the beast feat as long as the benefit you gain from it is somehow related to your bloodline (so claws with the draconic bloodline would be fine).

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

I'm considering a character with Black Blood, but there isn't a matching Sorcerer bloodline for a spell list.
Crap. I forgot Advanced Class Origins introduced two bloodrager bloodlines that don't have a sorcerer counterpoint...
*You must select a bloodrager bloodline that has a sorcerer counterpart.*sorry to anyone hoping for black blood or Kyton)
@Aachnofiend- if you really want to do something with blackblood you could always take black blooded oracle archetype?

Sam C. |

@Sam C
1) I'm going to have to say no to that. I was willing to consider purely cosmetic changes, but not altering mechanics at all.
3) I would allow you (or anyone else) to take the aspect of the beast feat as long as the benefit you gain from it is somehow related to your bloodline (so claws with the draconic bloodline would be fine).
1) Meh. Dragon Bloodline: 1d10 ⇒ 6 Then I'll go with the utterly pedestrian brass dragon as the source--as determined by a random roll--because that surely hasn't been done to death already. A random roll is as good as a choice, now that I have little reason to care about it.
And chromatics and metallics are apparently the easiest draconic lays on all of Golarian, what with all the dragon-blooded this and that running around descended from them alone...
3) Good to know, but is the trade permissible, Scribe for Aspect?

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@Sam C- metallic and chromatic dragons are the easiest lays (of all dragons) because a number of them have shapechanging abilities... I shudder to think of the mechanics of having a linnorm ancestor... and, if you're making a natural attack wizard I suppose I'm fine with trading scribe scroll for aspect of the beast.

Sam C. |

@Sam C- metallic and chromatic dragons are the easiest lays (of all dragons) because a number of them have shapechanging abilities... I shudder to think of the mechanics of having a linnorm ancestor...
Aside from the wrathful aspects of the linnorms, that was the second reason--of three--I had in mind for choosing a linnorm. He does his form of the dragon, and everyone does a "Wut? No, seriously, wut!?!" in response. With maybe some horrified speculation from anyone who knows what a linnorm is and how they're not at all like true dragons... particularly in the area of magic that would permit their changing shape. And him being a skald in a land not all that far from the region where linnorms are most common? Yeah, he would definitely know what a linnorm is, and why the fact that he can become an itty-bitty one is not a good thing :D.
Seemed like an good backstory bit with potential for some killer plot hooks. But, even the most interesting story idea has to work with the rules available, so angry brass dragon-blooded skald it is! Now I just need to juggle feats for right balance between skald enhancements, rage enhancements, and natural attack enhancements. And, maybe, figure out a means of getting a bite attack as a human...

Grumbaki |

Might I recommend wyrm singer skald?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald/archetypes/paizo---ska ld-archetypes/wyrm-singer-skald-archetype
Skald song doesn't stack with rage. Same bonuses. But this archetype changes it to +2 hit and Dmg, which will stack with everyone's free bloodrage. Also seems to fit the character bloodline
As for a human bite attack. Trait Adopted and pick up Tusked. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/race-traits/tusked
Gives you a 1d4 bite attack.

MordredofFairy |
Not trying again, as I've never had any luck in Nate's recruitments(I think my characters don't really work for him), but I'm in a second table run by someone else from that other recruitment and it's great fun so far.
So, best of luck to everybody who submits, and enjoy the game those who get picked.

FangDragon |

As far as I understand it rage overlaps with rage song so you get both sets of rage powers, but no double dipping stat bonuses / penalties.
For what it's worth wyrm singer sounds like a cool archetype, but I don't think it's the right feel for this. Also in a way you might as well just play a bard if you're not going for rage song :)

Sam C. |

Might I recommend wyrm singer skald?
http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/hybrid-classes/skald/archetypes/paizo---ska ld-archetypes/wyrm-singer-skald-archetype
Skald song doesn't stack with rage. Same bonuses. But this archetype changes it to +2 hit and Dmg, which will stack with everyone's free bloodrage. Also seems to fit the character bloodline
As for a human bite attack. Trait Adopted and pick up Tusked. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/traits/race-traits/tusked
Gives you a 1d4 bite attack.
Wyrm skald was considered. But the loss of the Strength increase from inspired rage makes Skald's Vigor and its follow-up feat nonviable, while trading a scaling bonus to Will saves for a scaling bonus to saves against paralysis and sleep (really, sleep?) is a poor trade in my book. Further, the archetype eats a rage power slot from a list that's already frightfully small as it stands. If the Extra Rage Power feat could apply to inspired rage--in that the selected power affects everyone under the inspired rage's effect, not just the skald--it might be a different matter.
Raging song, while not stacking with bloodrage, does allow the affected to choose whether to use their own set of stats or the skald's for the various thing affected, whixhever is better, with the added bonus of no fatigue afterward (unlike bloodrage). So everyone can enjoy the stat boosts provided under raging song and when that runs out, trigger their untouched bloodrage duration for--roughly--more of the same.
Mind, wyrm singer isn't entirely off of the table, but it's definitely not a frontrunner either.

Arachnofiend |

Race Human
Alignment N
Class Oracle (1)
Mystery Dark Tapestry
Curse Tongues
Bloodline Aberrant
Languages Common, Aklo
Str 11 Dex 16 Con 14 Int 12 Wis 12 Cha 18
* Reactionary (+2 Initiative)
* Desperate Focus (+2 trait bonus on concentration checks)
Initiative: +5
To Hit: +0
Dagger: 1d4, 19-20x2 crit
HP: 11
AC: 17
Touch: 13
Flat-Footed: 14
Oracle's Kit
Chronicler's Kit
54 gp
* Extra Revelation
* Mad Magic (You can cast spells from any class that grants you spells while in a bloodrage, and you keep your rage benefits when using moment of clarity during a rage.)
Wrath Tainted
* Bloodrage (6 rounds per day. +4 str, +4 con, +2 Will, -2 AC. Fatigued for 2x rounds raged)
* Staggering Strike (At 1st level, when you confirm a critical hit the target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be staggered for 1 round. The DC of this save is equal to 10 + 1/2 your bloodrager level + your Constitution modifier. These effects stack with the Staggering Critical feat; the target must save against each effect individually.)
Cloak of Darkness
You conjure a cloak of shadowy darkness that grants you a +4 armor bonus and a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by +2. You can use this cloak for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.
Pierce the Veil
Your bond with the alien denizens of the Dark Tapestry allows you to see in even the deepest darkness. You gain darkvision 60 feet. At 11th level, you can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even in absolute darkness or the darkness created by a deeper darkness spell.
Spells Known
0th - create water, detect magic, read magic, stabilize
1st (4/day) - bane, inflict light wounds, ray of sickening
* Diplomacy +8
* Intimidate +8
* Perception +2
* Spellcraft +5
* Stealth +9
* Use Magic Device +5
* Perform (Sing) +5
* Artistry (Poetry) +5
She was bullied often by the other boys and girls at the orphanage, correctly identified as a weak target who would make no effort at retaliation beyond wounded whimperings. This went on for many years until the "incident". A boy was poking fun at her, pulling her hair and generally being a nuisance; nothing new to Ellen, but this time she snapped. Ellen herself does not remember exactly what happened, but others told her later that she pounced on the boy and wrapped her arms around him, babbling in a language no one could understand. The boy's face grew paler and paler until the youthful spectators realized something was wrong, pulled him away and called the teachers for help. Apparently, Ellen had been draining his very life essence with an inflict spell.
Five years later and the other kids are still scared of Ellen. They stay far away from her. Ellen still speaks in that strange language sometimes, especially when she is scared or upset, though she never seems to realize when she is doing it. Her first concern right now, though, is that she is about to age out of the orphanage program; Sandpoint is a small enough town that most prospective employers would know about her... strangeness. Nobody had ever wanted her before, it was difficult to imagine that anyone would want her now.
Done with my submission; ended up going with a dark tapestry theme, a confused young lady with the voice of the Old Ones in her mind. Mechanically the concept is a debuff/control caster, taking the role typically assigned to the wizard in the party. Let me know if you noticed any errors that I missed.

TheWaskally |

Nate, here is the crunch for my submission for this RotRL campaign, Jardan, a shoanti barbarian.
Fluff I should post tomorrow.
Um..I'm afraid I'm withdrawing my submission for this campaign. Over the holidays, I've had an embarassment of riches in the form of being selected for multiple pbp campaigns, and I think I've hit my limit. This is a great concept for a campaign and I wish the other submitters good luck in the coming year!

nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |

@Sam C- that reaction was the main reason that I considered allowing it, lol (though it would probably have been something more mundane, like an Ulfen barbarian who ate the still beating heart of a linnorm he killed and then went home and conceived the progenitor of the bloodline).
@Arachnofiend- I was wondering how long it would take for someone to pitch an oracle (and I'm kind of partial to that combo because I used to play a dark tapestry oracle with the eldritch heritage [aberrant] feats).
@Waskally- congrats, enjoy your new games!
@Everyone- it's been a busy weekend but I will be adding more details to the Sandpoint primer soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions about where you could have learned various classes (or from whom) please feel free to ask. Wizards and magi could be trained by Ilsoari; spontaneous magic classes figure it out alone mostly and he would have fostered that; martial classes might have received training from a benevolent member of the watch; prepared divine casters could be trained at the Cathedral (even if they don't worship one of the six there's probably someone there who would train you to use your power, unless your god opposes them).

Josie Fizzwicket |
Okay! Submitting Josie the unchained summoner and her fiery eidolon Incandescence. Cheerful and rather delusional, she'll be a mounted build and there are some plans for a fighter dip at 2nd level to pick up some necessary feats and proficiencies. Everything should be there on each profile but let me know if there are any questions or quibbles.
Also, will we be getting the bloodline feats for our bloodlines or just the powers and the SLAs?