Chaosorbit's PFS PbP Gameday IV - 6:02: The Silver Mount Collection
Game Master
Museum Lower
Museum Upper
This is the official recruitment thread for the Fourth Online Play by Post Gameday. We will be playing Scenario #6-02: The Silver Mount Collection, A Pathfinder Society Scenario designed for levels 3-7.
Play will begin on September 19, 2015.
The esteemed Blakros family—famous for their museum in Absalom—receives a large shipment of artifacts from Numeria but fears that the ever-vigilant Technic League will attack to reclaim its "stolen" property. When they request the help of Pathfinders to help guard the collection, the PCs discover that the Technic League is the least of their worries.
Who's ready for a romp through the Blakros Museum?
I will join you only if you need another. If you get four or more people then I will drop. If you need me then I have a sylph magus. I have run this before.
Kaylee would be interested in playing in this one! I have GM'd this one before.
@Kaylee - sounds great
@Nohwear - When you say run, do you mean GMd or played? If played would you be using a replay or playing for no credit?
@Nohwear -- okay no problem, if you want to play it you are in!
Hey happy to join you here.
I have Farg availble as well as
Gunnar Graubart Dwarven Druid who is either level 5 or 6 as well as
Master Mido level 3 Gnome Ninja.
Farg excellent to see you!
One more and we are good to go.
So Kaylee your profile says level 2, will you be level 3 (or higher) by the time we start?
Nohwear what level is you sylph magus?
I would like to participate in this adventure if thats okay. This would be my first Play-by-post but I've read the guides and I am ready to give it a shot. I've been playing pathfinder for 5 years and PFS for 3 or 4ish. So if you guys'll have me I'm ready to have some fun !
Board name: Codanous
Character name: Beauregard, the Brawler 60921-10
Brawler 4, Grand Lodge
cartmanbeck here, mis-counted Kaylee's XP and so she's not eligible for this one, instead I'll run with Giltman Pennywhistle here, who IS Level 3, just have to update him :)
As Farg doesn't like playing with little kids it'll likely be Master Mido to join you in his stead.
Alright, so far we have:
1) Nohwear w/ Slyph Magus
2) Giltman Pennywhistle - Warpriest 3
3) Master Mido - Ninja 2, Cleric 1
4) Beauregard, the Brawler - Brawler 4
Again this will kick off on Sep 19th when the Pbp gameday starts. I'll take 2 more players up to that point.
I'd like to join with Miyako, my level 4 oracle!
Just levelled to 3, so I wish to play this scenario.
Is there an empty spot?
Okay -- we now have a full party and a party full of healing power!
1) Nohwear w/ Slyph Magus
2) Giltman Pennywhistle - Warpriest 3
3) Master Mido - Ninja 2, Cleric 1
4) Beauregard, the Brawler - Brawler 4
5) Miyaki Okori, Oracle 4
6) Arbiscar, Warpriest 3
The game will start on Saturday (Sep 19). You begin in Absalom at the Grand Lodge so well free to go ahead and post character introduction posts in gameplay.
Also see discussion for administrative stuff.
@Nohwear - just wanted to check what you are playing as you posted a level one.
Sorry, I have yet to update his stats. I actually forgot that there were ANY stats listed on his profile.
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