Cassandra Corvellis |

Zavar, the baddies had acted, so it was the party's turn. Everyone posts their actions, and the GM will process them in turn order, but we're not going to wait to post in turn order, or we'll never get anywhere.

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His eyes opened as healing washes over him and the realisation that a spider a really huge one is over him angers the dwarf as this thing was heavy!!!
He swings using his entire body to roll his axe over and into the spider.
The black widow is badly wounded from punches to its abdomen, slashes to its head and one of its legs break from Windom's morningstar. It appears to be preparing a retreat after Zavar's turn.
nDevere-Both attacks hit: 10 damage!
Zavar-action pending
Windom-Your attack hits: 5 damage!
Drasven-Your attack hits for 8 damage if you are still conscious from CON damage taken on Round 3. (reduces your HP 4 per 2 CON damaged taken).
Cass-Your attack hits: 8 damage!
Bads-after Zavar

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Constitution: Damage to your Constitution score causes you to take penalties on your Fortitude saving throws. In addition, multiply your total Hit Dice by this penalty and subtract that amount from your current and total hit points. Lost hit points are restored when the damage to your Constitution is healed.
Before CON damage, Status: 14/34 lethal, 2 nonlethal
Fort DC 17, Round 3: 1d20 + 7 - 1 ⇒ (1) + 7 - 1 = 7
CON damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
After Round 3, CON damage (6/-12 hp) Status: 2/22 lethal 2 nonlethal
Fort DC 17, Round 4: 1d20 + 7 - 3 ⇒ (7) + 7 - 3 = 11
CON damage: 1d3 ⇒ 3
After Round 4, CON damage (9/-16 hp) Status: -2/18 lethal 2 nonlethal.
Fort DC 17, Round 5: 1d20 + 7 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 7 - 3 = 13
CON damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
After Round 5, CON damage (10/-20 hp) Status: -10/14 lethal 2 nonlethal
Drasven fell unconscious at the end of Round 3 because he had 2 nonlethal damage.
Zavar confidently stands from the safety of his perch. He sends a crackling bolt of force that explodes the red hourglass emblazed on the spider's back leaving those adjacent covered in its carnage. The large spider shudders for a second and then collapses. A greenish residue drip from its fangs onto the dwarf leaving him face to face with the dozen-eyed dead spider.
All is not well with your friend. You quickly notice Drasven eyes are closed and his face is pale. His veins begin to bulge as they turn purple. Drasven has not moved after the spider stepped on him just seconds ago.
nDevere-badly wounded spider
Zavar-killed spider (and thus possibly saved Drasven's life)
Windom-your turn
Drasven-unconscious-roll stabilization check
Cass-action pending

nDevere Lvvais |
nDevere calls out as the spider falls. "Heal master Drasven quickly, I was saving some of those lesser restoratives for after my grave yard shift. I'll get them out."

Cassandra Corvellis |

Is it possible for Cassandra to attempt a Heal Check while still entangled to help deal with the poison?

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Treat Poison: To treat poison means to tend to a single character who has been poisoned and who is going to take more damage from the poison (or suffer some other effect). Every time the poisoned character makes a saving throw against the poison, you make a Heal check. If your Heal check exceeds the DC of the poison, the character receives a +4 competence bonus on his saving throw against the poison.
I will allow it once the spider is dragged off.

Drasven Hammers |

Played dead? I was unconsious from non lethel damage. I'm gonna be out for a long time with that amount of Con damage. Based on Con Damage of 10 and negative modifiers, I'm dead. Long Gone Dead. No Healing required.
Con 16 - 10 COn Damage = 6 con.
-10 is way over 6 con = bye bye Drasven.
Poison Save/round is harsh. Too harsh for low level chars lol.

nDevere Lvvais |
Ability damage does not effect your ability score. Like non lethal it counts up, but it applies penalties to appropriate checks.You have a Con of 16 and therefore a Con modifier of +3. The 10 points of Con damage means all Con related checks have a -5 penalty.(net -2 which is like having a 6 Con but not quite.)
Besides on your turn in round 4 you'll be at 2/18 thanks to Windom's wand use. Dropping to -2/14 after your turn in round 5. Assuming we spend our actions getting the spider out of the way rather than giving you more hp.
That said if reaching him to pour a potion down his throat is not possible nDevere would instead spend a her standard action helping to remove the spider.
@gm Is his axe trapped under there with him? or is it accessible to cut the spider open with?

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1d2 ⇒ 2
The great axe handle pokes out of the web just enough for you to be able to grab it.
nDevere is correct and your CON score is still 16. Also, the party has a wand of lessor restoration in the loot list. The dice gods has not been kind to Drasven. Falling 20 feet, critical hit by spider, and failing Fortitude checks. On the bright side, those would have killed anyone else. I still think you short changed yourself with your hit point calculation as I give 3/4 max.

Drasven Hammers |

I'm just laughing at the fact Drasven had all that happened to him. 10 Con Damage was really high.... Every Fort Save he failed too even with dwarven resistance. He is cursed I tell you, Cursed.
Also....level 4?? I must have missed it...

Cassandra Corvellis |

Aye, Level 4 when we entered back into this accursed place.
What type of an action is it to get out of this blasted web now that combat is over?

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The web is extremely resilient and remains intact. Breaking through the web requires a Strength check, Escape Artist or damaging it.
Luck, high is good: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Also, the wand of lessor restoration is tucked inside his belt.
At the end of Round 4, you will have CON damage (9/-16 hp) Status: 2/18 lethal 0 nonlethal.
Also, the wand of lessor restoration is missing from your possessions.
nDevere-badly wounded spider
Zavar-killed spider (and thus possibly saved Drasven's life)
Windom-healed Drasven
Drasven-now conscious! Your turn!
Cass-action pending

Drasven Hammers |

His eyes opens.... His bear feels sticky and he feels weak.
A good mug of hearty ale should cure all that.
With a bit of struggle and heaving of his broad shoulders, Drasven attempts to break out of the webs....
Strength Check, 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17

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Drasven rises to his feet as he shoulders the large dead spider off of him. He is still stuck to the webbing, but it is much easier to tend to his grievous wounds. A familiar wand of lessor restoration is dangling from his belt. It somehow was not snapped in half when the 500 lb carcass fell upon him.
STR DC 19 to break the webbing. STR DC 14 to stand.

Cassandra Corvellis |

Heal Check: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18 To help Drasven beat the poison

Cassandra Corvellis |

Apparently Drasven took the Wand of Lesser Restoration from Cassandra at some point. Oh well, deleting it from my character now since he apparently has it.

Drasven Hammers |

lol The gods have got to play some time. Drasven is but their play thing....
Drasven pushes stink, hairy something off him. His mind still fogged and realises that something else is upon him. Flexing he attempts to break.............
[ooc]Strength check to break webbing 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 and fails....
A little put off by a string of failures and feeling that Angrahhd expects something more from him, he breathes in deep and then FLEXES!!!!!
[ooc]Strength check to break webbing 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21

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Drasven struggles against the mighty webs like a wild boar stuck in a thorn bush.
Cass attempts to slow the poison in his body by holding his arm and bloodletting one the of bigger bulging veins.
Drasven is in a frenzy and ignores his dire condition. The poison has taken a severe toll on his body and doesn't appear to be acting rationally, but it has not deterred his tenacity. He turns white as a ghost is about to faint while tearing away the webs that entangle him.
I'm imagining Drasven as a patient in ER that is trying to leave his bed while receiving urgent care as Cass the nurse attempts to heal him. He just won't stand still!
At the end of Round 4, Drasven will have CON damage (9/-16 hp/-4 to fort saves) Status: 2/18 HP, poisoned. Cass gives +4 competence bonus on the Round 5 poison save, but it is not enough (rolled earlier).
Fort DC 17, End of Round 5: 1d20 + 7 - 3 ⇒ (9) + 7 - 4 + 4 = 16 (Cass gives +4 competence bonus but it is not enough)
CON damage: 1d3 ⇒ 1
CON damage (10/-20 hp/-5 to fort saves) Status: -2/14 HP, unconscious, poisoned.
Fort DC 17, Round 6: 1d20 + 7 - 5 ⇒ (4) + 7 - 5 = 6
CON: 1d3 ⇒ 1
CON damage (11/-20 hp/-5 to fort saves) Status: -2/14 HP, unconscious, poisoned.
Fort DC 17, Round 7: 1d20 + 7 - 5 ⇒ (14) + 7 - 5 = 16
CON: 1d3 ⇒ 3
CON damage (14/-28 hp/-7 to fort saves) Status: -10/6 HP, unconscious, poisoned.
nDevere-retrieves stored potion
Zavar-action pending
Windom-action pending
Drasven-struggles to break free of webs but fails (succeeds on Round 6 if conscious)
Cass-action pending

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Drasven almost faints after his struggle with the web, but Windom's healing gave him just enough vitality to press on.
Drasven's body is weakened again (save missed by 1) by the poison despite Cassandra's best efforts. Will she try to aid him once again or another tactic?
nDevere, it will be impossible to administer the potion while Drasven is attempting to break free. Drasven would need to use a standard action to drink it if he is conscious. Something to think about for next round.
@Zavar: I sent you a private message.

Cassandra Corvellis |

Cassandra will once again attempt to assist Drasven in ridding his body of the poison.
Heal: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18

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Zavar looks around nervously and then down toward his companions.
"I'm either losing my mind or we are not alone. I fear dark spirits are about."
Can I climb down without getting stuck in the web?
Climb DC 5, accelerated DC 10, failure by 5 you will fall into the web.
Acrobatics DC 5 to swing away from the web after climbing down.

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Drasven manages to finally break free of the webs, but he is stumbling and losing feeling in his legs.
No one else hears voices that Zavar speaks of.
Cass, your best attempts fail again to stop the poison.
nDevere-potion is ready in handy; action pending
Windom-action pending
Drasven-succeeds breaking the webs!
Cass-action pending
CON: 1d3 ⇒ 1
CON damage (11/-20 hp/-5 to fort saves) Status: 2/14 HP, poisoned.

Windom |

CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Was there any anti poison items in the inventory? Phone will not let me access it.
Also who has the wand of restoration?
If two or three people can use it while I keep pumping CLW into him we could save him. Use the wand hand to your left create a restoration wand circle around the dwarf!

Drasven Hammers |

Did you add in the +2 vs Poison? I think you saved for me on the last one but no matter. Being dwarf I have +2 vs Poison. lol. How much Con damage can I go?
The weakness persisted but his will was stronger. He couldn't tell what else was going around him, his heart beats sounding louder to his ears with every single beat becoming a defeaning cresendo. Someone holds him?
Did he accept that support? Why was he still free? His arms feel like lead and his legs molten fire. He grasps for his axe. He flexes once more, something as holding him down?
Strength Check 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 yep here's a very unruly patient.
Next round actions.
Fervor as a swift action1d6 ⇒ 1
War Mind as a standard action, Gives me +1 luck bonus to Saving Throw.
Don't Collaspe Save? Fort v DC17 Dwarven resistance+War Mind+ Cass heal check?1d20 + 7 + 2 + 1 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 7 + 2 + 1 + 4 = 17
His other hand lays itself on his chest asking for his patron's blessings and feels energy slugglish as it maybe begin to enter him.

nDevere Lvvais |
@windom we had some but they were sold, Drasven has the wand
@Drasven damn that dice bot! you only missed by the Con penalty you forgot to include
nDevere puts gravel in her voice as she says in
She then thrusts the potion against his chest removing the cork as she releases it into his hands.
maybe i should knock him out to make treatment easier
nDevere calmly reaches for the axe, as she seems to chew Drasven out in his own language.

Cassandra Corvellis |

We have a couple potions of Restoration, Lesser, a scroll, and a wand.
"As soon as these blasted webs are removed, I will use the scroll on you. Save the wand until we use up the harder to use items."

Windom |

Dammit you stubborn dwarf! I do not mean what I am about to do!
In addition to using another CLW charge from the wand he begins to give Drasven "Last Rights."
....and may the Lady comfort you and keep you. Let her guiding hands deliver you to an eternity of peace...
CLW: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

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Did you add in the +2 vs Poison? I think you saved for me on the last one but no matter. Being dwarf I have +2 vs Poison. lol. How much Con damage can I go?
You took the Stubborn racial trait which replaces hardy so no bonuses vs poisons.
The weakness persisted but his will was stronger. He couldn't tell what else was going around him, his heart beats sounding louder to his ears with every single beat becoming a defeaning cresendo. Someone holds him?
Did he accept that support? Why was he still free? His arms feel like lead and his legs molten fire. He grasps for his axe. He flexes once more, something as holding him down?
Strength Check 1d20+3 yep here's a very unruly patient.
Next round actions.
Fervor as a swift action1d6
War Mind as a standard action, Gives me +1 luck bonus to Saving Throw.
Don't Collaspe Save? Fort v DC17 Dwarven resistance+War Mind+ Cass heal check?1d20+7+2+1+4His other hand lays itself on his chest asking for his patron's blessings and feels energy slugglish as it maybe begin to enter him.
Cassandra is your support and you feel much better after Windom's second cure light wounds charge. Please only post actions for the current round. It is time consuming tracking actions over multiple rounds.

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nDevere is correct as you have a -5 to fort saves from the CON damage. Good news is that this is the last round of poison. Bad news is you failed the roll.
nDevere-potion is ready in handy; action pending
Windom-cures Drasven a third time
Drasven-War Mind, last round of poison
Cass-action pending
1d3 ⇒ 3 OUCH!

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Dammit you stubborn dwarf! I do not mean what I am about to do!
Drasven receives a +2 bonus on any future roll for his role-playing stubborn racial trait when it was disadvantageous to do so. Nice job!
My apologies to Cassandra. I won't be switching gear around like that again.
The giant black widow spider is dead and the Drasven barely lives to tell the tale. No threat is obvious from your position. Zavar's dancing lights the cavern as he remains 20 feet above the dangling rope grining like usual. It is the only known route back to the surface.
Give me a knowledge Arcane and Sense Motive check.

nDevere Lvvais |
nDevere will again attempt to hand Drasven the potion and then cut Cassandra loose using the axe.
"Losing your mind Zavar? Dammit! You read that spellbook. Cass, you should check him when you check the others for the curse's influence."

Cassandra Corvellis |

"Save the wand until we use our other options first."
"Get me out of these damned webs and I can deal with Drasven then."

Drasven Hammers |

In regards to poison saves, I stand corrected on all accounts. I also print Screen Drasven's status lol. Am Saving it to show others how much the dice bot hated me.... Come on!!! How many max rolls on a d3?
He aches.
He feels numb.
Someone's talking about the lady wlecoming him to her home....Wait!!! I ain't Dead yet!!!! That last thought galvanises him
lol Attempted Fort Save.....1d20 - 7 + 7 ⇒ (7) - 7 + 7 = 7 Wow....Seriously Dice Bot? Triple 7s? Las Vegas lately?
"Blazes with that and give me mah durned AXE!!!!" he fairly roars even as he attempts to grasp for his axe and stand. His legs shaking and his breath labored. He does nothing else but stand stotically as the others tend to his wounds even as they can note his pale pallor and harsh breathing.