This is the story of Cassandra Corvellis, a young woman of Varisian descent.
Cassandra was born of a Shaonti woman from the Sklar-Quah (Sun Clan). Her father was a Chelaxian merchant from Korvosa. Her mother was in Korvosa and became enamored with the charismatic Chelaxian. Her father was ordered to return back to Cheliax when Cassandra was just a year old. He was not able to take Cassandra and her mother with her.
When the father of her child abandoned Cassandra's mother, and infant, her mother was distraught. She struggled to find meaning in this abandonment, and how a man could do such a thing, with within her tribe, nothing of this sort would occur. After spending about 6 months alone, with her child, Cassandra's mother decided to return to her tribe. Unfortunately, Cassandra's mother was shunned by the Sklar-Quah upon her return, and was set out from the village.
Her mother set out towards the gap between the Mindspin Mountains and the Bloodsworn Vale, in hopes of finding a new life, and a new beginning. While traveling through the mountains, Cassandra's mother became ill, and soon died, leaving Cassandra alone. That first night, Cassandra's soft cries were heard by a passing female Huldra. The "woman", Sylgja, was intrigued by the presence of a small human child, alone in the wilderness. She soon discovered the reason for Cassandra being all alone in the wilderness, her mother had died. Sylgja could not leave Cassandra all alone to die in the wilderness, so she took her home with her. Sylgja raised Cassandra as her own, with the help of her husband. Cassandra had a happy childhood, and learned much of the ways of the Huldra, and others of the First World. Sylgja also taught Cassandra much of the ways of the human world that Cassandra had originated from as well. Sylgja recognized Cassandra's mother as being from the Sklar-Quah, and made sure to teach her of the ways of the fire goddess Sarenrae.
As Cassandra neared the "coming of age", Sylgja encouraged her to break out on her own, and learn more of the human world. Cassandra headed out towards Northern Fangwood Forest, in the Land of Lastwall.