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NOTE: This thread is for a group that is already formed. It is not currently accepting new players. If this changes I will reopen recruitment.
Content Available for Use in this Campaign: All Paizo published material is available for use with the exception of Mythic Adventures, Mythic Origins, and Mythic Realms.
Third Party Material: No third party material will be allowed for use in character creation.
Ability Scores: Ability scores will be generated via 20 point buy with no ability score starting below 7 prior to racial adjustments.
Races: All races from the core rulebook are available for play along with Changelings, Dhampirs, and Orcs. If you wish to play another race please discuss it with me and provide a bit of background as to why a character of your race would know Professor Lorrimor. Please note that the people of Ustalav are an insular lot and distrustful of outsiders.
Classes: : All Paizo published classes with the exception of Gunslinger, Ninja, and Samurai are available for play. Note: the Gunslinger using the Bolt Ace archetype is okay for play. Barbarian, Monk, Summoner, and Rogue will use only their Unchained versions.
Ultimate Campaign and Horror Adventures Subsystems: Background Skills, Expanded Fear Rules, and Sanity Rules will be in use for this adventure.
Feats: If you choose a feat that has improved and greater versions of itself you will automatically gain the improved and greater versions of those feats when you meet the feats prerequisites.
Traits: All characters will start with two traits of which one must be from the Carrion Crown Players Guide. You may take a drawback to gain another trait but be prepared to roleplay the drawback.
Starting Wealth: All characters starts with the maximum wealth for their chosen class.
Player's Guide: All players are strongly encouraged to download a copy of the Carrion Crown Player's Guide for use in character creation and to get a feel for adventure.
All players are asked to try to post at least once per day Monday through Friday. However I am not a stickler and if you miss a day it is not a big deal to me. If you are going to be away for an extended period please let us know so that your character can be run by proxy if need be. No one is expected to post during Holidays.
QUESTION: At the end of the Carrion Crown Player's Guide there is an optional Harrow Point system. I would like to know whether you would like to use Harrow Point system, the Hero Point system, or neither of these systems?

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Same here. (Zakli in old AP). Looking at a number of ideas, right now, in order of likelihood:
Orc or half-orc slayer (Saved the professor from his orc tribe and thereafter took to a new life)
Dhampir cleric or inquisitor(Kinslayer) - Not sure of concept yet, but never before tried a dhampir and like the inner conflict struggle
Bolt ace/ranger Van Helsing type
Unlikely paladin (small race, maybe)

Aram Greyfeather |

Thanks for taking this on DM. You are a wizard. (Stereotyping, not all GM are Wizards, some are Martial classes too)
I'm stuck between what I want to play. I kinda want to play an Elven Shaman, or a Human Inquisitor, or a Dwarf Alchemist. Ooh maybe a Half Orc Fighter. :( See my problem?
What is everyone else playing?

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Like I said in the character creation guidelines other races may be played besides the currently approved ones. I would just like a bit of an idea as to how they would have become associated with the professor. Also be prepared if you do choose a race beyond the core rulebook races that you may encounter some intolerance or hostility from various inhabitants of the country of Ustalav.
The inhabitants of Ustalav, especially in more rural areas of the country, are insular and distrustful of anyone not from their part of the world.
Other things to know about Ustalav: Ustalav has been overrun in its past by Orc hoards from the Hold of Belkzen, conquered by the Whispering Tyrant and his undead army, and been the subject of infighting among noble families fighting for power that caused splits in loyalties among its people. It is home to horrors only told about in story and fairy tale in other parts of the world.

Kessa |
mid to late next week would be good for me.
Another question for Big Joe:
Are you OK with Kessa identifying as a Knight of Ozem before she takes any levels in the associated prestige class, or even if she never does? I don't get the impression that the organization would reject a paladin of Iomedae who shared their mission. With Lastwall so near Ustalav, it seems like a very natural background, and can be made to fit with Kessa's personality. I would take the Iomedea paladin oath from Inner Sea Gods and adjust it a little to be her personal oath. I will submit her oath to you for approval.

The Rising Phoenix |

Alright so I'm seeing an inquisitor, a healing witch, a paladin, and Aram is undecided between Alchemist, Inquisitor and Shaman. Here's where I am.
I can definitely retool Ariela as investigator, but she was sort of designed for the Hells Rebels and may not fit as well
I really am interested in trying a bladebound Magus for the RP angle, but I'm not sure I like the concept of waiting to level three on a PbP game to get it. That'll likely take something to the effect of more than a year.
The idea of playing cavalier sans mount and inquisitor also appeal.
Anyone have any thoughts?

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I was trying to come up with a cavalier without a mount, but every way I looked at it, it would have been better to just go paladin or fighter. If you go that route, I will be interested to see what you come up with!
I am good with 5 or 6. Five tends to move a little faster, I think, but 6 adds more buffer for tough situations.

DarkestHeart |

So here is my Inquisitor, let me know what you think Big Joe.
Race Dwarf
Gender Male
Age 65
Class Spellbreaker Inquisitor (Spellkiller Inquisition)
Init +3; Senses Perception +7, Survival +7
Candles (10)
Torches (10)
Rations (5)
Cure Light Wounds (2)
Brand, Detect Magic, Guidance, Read Magic,
1st Level
Doom, Wrath
AC 16(18), touch 11, flat-footed 15(17)
(+5 Armor, +1 Dex, +2 Shield)
Hp 11 Temp hp []
Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +5
Speed 20ft
Battleaxe +3 (1d8+3(+4)/x3)
Dagger +3 (1d4+3(+4)/19-20x2)
Mace +3 (1d6+3(+4)/x2)
Crossbow +1 (1d8/19-20x2)
Dagger +1 (1d4+3/19-20x2)
Str 16, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 12, Wis 16, Cha 7
Base Atk 0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Judgement Surge, Disruptive (Inquisition)
Drawback Loner (-1 AC / Attack while adjacent to Allies or using Aid Another)
Traits Chance Saviour (Campaign), Axe to Grind (Combat), Cosmopolitan (Regional)
Climb +3 (+3 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, -4 AP)
Knowledge (Arcana) +5 (+1 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +5 (+1 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Knowledge (Religion) +5 (+1 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Perception +7 (+3 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Sense Motive +7 (+3 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Spellcraft +5 (+1 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Survival +7 (+3 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Background Skills
Craft (Weapons) +5 (+1 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class)
Linguistics +6 (+1 Ability, +1 Rank, +3 Class, +1 Trait)
Abyssal, Common, Dwarven, Undercommon
SQ Spellkiller Inquisition, Judgment 1/day, Orisons, Stern gaze, Strong-willed
Comat Gear Scale Mail armour, Heavy Steel Shield, Battleaxe, Light Mace, Dagger x2, Light Crossbow, Bolts x20
Adventuring Gear Inquisitors Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, candles (10), a cheap holy text, a flint and steel, an iron pot, manacles, a mess kit, rope, soap, a spell component pouch, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), a waterskin, and a wooden holy symbol.), Artisans Tools (Weaponsmith-Common)
Magical Gear
Scroll of Cure Light Wounds x2
Gold 29Gp
Height 4ft 5
Weight 185lbs
Eye Color Grey
Facial Hair Color Black
Region of Origin Highhelm - Five Kings Mountains
Deity Gorum / Torag
Physical Description
Orin wears his beard long, braided in to thick braids that hang down to his waist, adorned with black and red beads at the end of every braid. His hair had been burnt from his head long ago, in its place a mass of burn and scar marks that cover the right half of his head and stop just above his eye. Due to the scarring, Orin keeps his head shaved fully. He wears a pair of silver hoop earrings in his left ear, a silver bar in his left eyebrow and a silver spike stud in the centre of his lip. Orin is covered from head to toe in scars and burns, earned from the forge, the battlefield and from his time at the hands of the Mages who tortured him.
Orin dresses in dark clothing, greys, browns and blacks. He wears a long black cloak with a deep cowl, to cover his scarred head, when travelling, over a light grey tunic and a black leather vest. His pants are a dark grey canvas material, tough and sturdy, worn over black leather boots, turned down at the knee. His belt is a thick leather with a dull, heavy iron belt buckle in the shape of a holy symbol of Torag, the last reminder he has of his family.
Orin has a small, intricate scrollwork tattoo above his right eye, right where the scarring begins. This tattoo is to symbolize his escape from the Mages who held him captive and his revenge upon them. He intends to cover the scars on his head with the tattoo, by bringing evil mages and magic using entities to justice.
Orin was born to two of the greatest Smiths to have ever graced the face of Golarion. He grew up a bright and happy young man, learning his trade from his parents, who travelled a lot when he was young, taking their trade on the road. It was during one of these trips, when Orin was around 35 years old, that they were beset upon on the road. They had just made camp for the night, surrounded by a ring of heavy boulders in a small valley, when the bandit group attacked.
The group that attacked their small nomadic clan would usually be no trouble, had it not been for the enemies powerful magics. His family had healers and priests of Torag but could not stand up to the sheer onslaught of Arcane savagery that besieged them. Orin watched as one by one his extended family fell, his uncles and aunts, his cousins, till only he and his parents remained.
His parents fought bravely, facing down the enemy mages, allowing Orin time to escape. He watched from the nearby ridge as first his father, then mother fell victim to the torrent of Arcane might. With tears in his eyes he fled, fast and hard, but soon sleep overtook him. He found a small secluded cave in a ditch and held up there for the night, presuming himself safe. He could not have been more wrong as, come morning, he found himself roughly dragged from the cave and slapped into irons. The bandits found him and took him hostage, seeking to learn the secrets of his clans art, seeking to learn where they kept their valuable materials and their wealth.
The torture and atrocity he faced, at the hands of those mages and bandits, he does not speak of, but it awoke in him a new power. He lay in his cell one night, bleeding and bruised, when he was visited by the vision of a huge dwarf in heavy full plate armor, eyes burning like the Forge. He cried out Torags name and the entity laughed a sinister laugh, shaking his head firmly; it was not the Father of the Forge. Growing up a disciple of Torag, he could not truly give up the worship of the Father of Creation, but he willingly swore his soul to the Lord in Iron, knowing that one man may not be able to serve two masters, but one Dwarf was more than up for the task.
With his new found power, and the newly discovered steel in his spine, Orin escaped his confinement, only stopping long enough to murder the mages in their beds, before he escaped the compound.
He returned to his family holdings in Highhelm and has based himself out of there ever since, travelling occasionally forth to hunt down wayward mages he hears tales of. It was during one of these trips that he met the Professor, aiding the man in his time of need and becoming a fast friend of the Lorrimir family in the process. The Professor understands Orins need for solitude and does not harry him, choosing instead to allow the Dwarf man to come and go as he pleases, in his own time.
When Orin heard about the death of Lorrimir, his heart grew colder, and even before he was summoned, he had begun the long trip to the mans home, seeking out answers and a way to make things right.
Standard Racial Traits
-Ability Score Racial Traits: Dwarves are both tough and wise, but also a bit gruff. They gain +2 Constitution, +2 Wisdom, and –2 Charisma.
-Size: Dwarves are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
-Type: Dwarves are humanoids with the dwarf subtype.
-Base Speed: (Slow and Steady) Dwarves have a base speed of 20 feet, but their speed is never modified by armor or encumbrance.
-Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.
Defense Racial Traits
-Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype. Spell Smasher
-Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities. Stubborn
-Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground. Relentless
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
-Greed: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on Appraise checks made to determine the price of non-magical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
-Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Senses Racial Traits
-Darkvision: Dwarves can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Offense Racial Traits
-Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.Spell Smasher
-Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Alternative Racial Traits
-Relentless: Dwarves are skilled at pushing their way through a battlefield, tossing aside lesser foes with ease. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 bonus on combat maneuver checks made to bull rush or overrun an opponent. This bonus only applies while both the dwarf and his opponent are standing on the ground. This racial trait replaces stability.
-Spell Smasher: Dwarven families who are threatened by hostile magic-users, especially those who face duergar foes, train intently to thwart spellcasting. They gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against creatures in the process of casting spells or spell-like abilities. This racial trait replaces defensive training and hatred.
-Stubborn: Dwarves are renowned for their stubbornness. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on Will saves to resist spells and spell-like abilities of the enchantment (charm) and enchantment (compulsion) schools. In addition, if they fail such a save, they receive another save 1 round later to prematurely end the effect (assuming it has a duration greater than 1 round). This second save is made at the same DC as the first. If the dwarf has a similar ability from another source (such as a rogue’s slippery mind), he can only use one of these abilities per round, but he can try the other on the second round if the first reroll ability fails. This racial trait replaces hardy.

Delixia Valane |

So here we have Delixia Valane, Human Varisian Vampire Hunter inquistor of Pharasma.
That may have been one of the hardest character creation periods I have gone through, it took me way more than time than I thought. I gave a two-handed melee inquisitor a good go, but wasn't satisfied with the outcome. I just didn't feel like I could pull it off effectively without giving up too much. I'm not ruling it out, but I think I'd need to take a dip into fighter to revisit the concept. We'll see.
Next I tried the polearm inquisitor, thinking I'd try to go the trip route. And once again wasn't super excited about where I ended up.
So I'm a bit of an everything at the moment, carrying a little gear for here and there. I've got a longspear and will plan on using that initially and see how it goes. I picked up various other close range weapons in case it doesn't feel right.
Crunch is done pending GM approval, I'll write up the background and description soonest.
GM - Are you ok with some of our characters having known each other prior to the start of the game? I love RP hooks and would like to work some of that in if possible.

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All characters have been reviewed. Please see your individual notes below.
Sanity Score: Your sanity score is equal to the sum of your mental ability scores (Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom) minus any ability damage taken to those ability scores.
Sanity Threshold: Your sanity threshold is equal to the bonus of your highest mental ability score minus any ability damage to that score (minimum 0). When you experience a sanity attack, if the sanity damage from that attack equals or exceeds your sanity threshold, you gain a madness, either lesser or greater depending on the relation of your current sanity damage and your sanity edge (see below).
If your sanity threshold is 0, you always suffer a madness upon taking 1 or more points of sanity damage.
Sanity Edge: Your sanity edge is equal to 1/2 your sanity score. When you experience a sanity attack that causes you to gain a madness (see Sanity Threshold), compare your total amount of sanity damage to your edge to determine the potency of the madness. If your current sanity damage is less than your sanity edge, then you manifest a lesser madness.
Sanity Score: Your sanity score is equal to the sum of your mental ability scores (Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom) minus any ability damage taken to those ability scores.
Sanity Threshold: Your sanity threshold is equal to the bonus of your highest mental ability score minus any ability damage to that score (minimum 0). When you experience a sanity attack, if the sanity damage from that attack equals or exceeds your sanity threshold, you gain a madness, either lesser or greater depending on the relation of your current sanity damage and your sanity edge (see below).
If your sanity threshold is 0, you always suffer a madness upon taking 1 or more points of sanity damage.
Sanity Edge: Your sanity edge is equal to 1/2 your sanity score. When you experience a sanity attack that causes you to gain a madness (see Sanity Threshold), compare your total amount of sanity damage to your edge to determine the potency of the madness. If your current sanity damage is less than your sanity edge, then you manifest a lesser madness.
Sanity Score: Your sanity score is equal to the sum of your mental ability scores (Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom) minus any ability damage taken to those ability scores.
Sanity Threshold: Your sanity threshold is equal to the bonus of your highest mental ability score minus any ability damage to that score (minimum 0). When you experience a sanity attack, if the sanity damage from that attack equals or exceeds your sanity threshold, you gain a madness, either lesser or greater depending on the relation of your current sanity damage and your sanity edge (see below).
If your sanity threshold is 0, you always suffer a madness upon taking 1 or more points of sanity damage.
Sanity Edge: Your sanity edge is equal to 1/2 your sanity score. When you experience a sanity attack that causes you to gain a madness (see Sanity Threshold), compare your total amount of sanity damage to your edge to determine the potency of the madness. If your current sanity damage is less than your sanity edge, then you manifest a lesser madness.
Sanity Score: Your sanity score is equal to the sum of your mental ability scores (Charisma, Intelligence, and Wisdom) minus any ability damage taken to those ability scores.
Sanity Threshold: Your sanity threshold is equal to the bonus of your highest mental ability score minus any ability damage to that score (minimum 0). When you experience a sanity attack, if the sanity damage from that attack equals or exceeds your sanity threshold, you gain a madness, either lesser or greater depending on the relation of your current sanity damage and your sanity edge (see below).
If your sanity threshold is 0, you always suffer a madness upon taking 1 or more points of sanity damage.
Sanity Edge: Your sanity edge is equal to 1/2 your sanity score. When you experience a sanity attack that causes you to gain a madness (see Sanity Threshold), compare your total amount of sanity damage to your edge to determine the potency of the madness. If your current sanity damage is less than your sanity edge, then you manifest a lesser madness.

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This recruitment is being reopened to replace two players that have dropped out. Currently we are still at the beginning stages of book 1 of the AP. All PC's are currently 1st level.
The party currently consists of the following.
Female human (Varisian) Inquisitor (Vampire Hunter) of Pharasma.
Male Dhampir Inquisitor (Kinslayer).
Female human (Varisian) Witch.
Recruitment will close on July 20, 2017 at 18:00 EDT.
Content Available for Use in this Campaign: All Paizo published material is available for use with the exception of Mythic Adventures, Mythic Origins, and Mythic Realms.
Third Party Material: No third party material will be allowed for use in character creation.
Ability Scores: Ability scores will be generated via 20 point buy with no ability score starting below 7 prior to racial adjustments.
Races: All races from the core rulebook are available for play along with Changelings, Dhampirs, and Orcs. If you wish to play another race please discuss it with me and provide a bit of background as to why a character of your race would know Professor Lorrimor. Please note that the people of Ustalav are an insular lot and distrustful of outsiders.
Classes: All Paizo published classes with the exception of Gunslinger, Ninja, and Samurai are available for play. Note: the Gunslinger using the Bolt Ace archetype is okay for play. Barbarian, Monk, Summoner, and Rogue will use only their Unchained versions.
Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Campaign and Horror Adventures Subsystems: Hero Points, Background Skills, Expanded Fear Rules, and Sanity Rules will be in use for this adventure.
Feats: If you choose a feat that has improved and greater versions of itself you will automatically gain the improved and greater versions of those feats when you meet the feats prerequisites.
Traits: All characters will start with two traits of which one must be from the Carrion Crown Players Guide. You may take a drawback to gain another trait but be prepared to roleplay the drawback.
Starting Wealth: All characters starts with the maximum wealth for their chosen class.
Player's Guide: All players are strongly encouraged to download a copy of the Carrion Crown Player's Guide for use in character creation and to get a feel for adventure.
POSTING: All players are asked to try to post at least once per day Monday through Friday. However I am not a stickler and if you miss a day it is not a big deal to me. If you are going to be away for an extended period please let us know so that your character can be run by proxy if need be. No one is expected to post during Holidays.

Ace Matthews |

In full disclosure, I Have been through this campaign through book four one time. I took a Bastard sword wielding swashbuckler from beginning to end. I'll not be considering bringing him out of retirement, but I have several other concepts. I'd love to bring a slayer or investigator around.
Before building, though, I'd love to know whether it's a problem that I've seen most of the campaign from a player perspective. I'm good at using only character knowledge in game, as I've had to pull this roundabout before. (I'm literally playing through Hell's Rebels while GMing it twice)
I really want to play in a Carrion crown that goes all the way, and I like seeing how GM's do it differently.

Javell DeLeon |

I got this guy: Morbury Dedlock I still need to fix him up mechanically but this is the gist of him.
He was in a game orginally that made it near the end of the first book I think(it was a long time ago so hard to remember). He later came in as a replacement in Book 3(again, it could've been book 2 but the memory's fuzzy on that) but that one didn't last long at all. A couple of encounters I think before the DM had to call it quits.
And I play this game according to how my pc would react and not based on what I know. Otherwise, it's no fun and what's the point? :) 'Sides, it's been so long I can barely remember much anyway. :P

Kevin O'Rourke 440 |

Here's my Human (Varisan) Fighter, judging off the classes I was thinking someone a bit tanky would be of use.
Name:Felix Matei, Hair: Black, Eyes: Brown
Felix grew up for several happy years alongside his family travelling around various counties in Ustalav. However when he was fifteen years old the group was attacked by a group of mindless undead. One of the few survivors he set out to learn how better to combat and defeat these foes. He became an adventurer for a time. It was during this period he met the Professor during a brief stint as a caravan guard.
The Professor used his contacts to get Felix the opportunity to begin training with the Pathfinder Society and had even done a few odd jobs for him while training. However even with the aid of his mentor helping inspire him to complete his training and pass the final tests word came to him of the Professors passing. With a heavy heart he set out to pay his final respects to his mentor.
Human (Varisian) Fighter
Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 10
HP: 16, AC: 22, FF: 20, Touch: 13
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1
Traits: Subject of Study (Undead) (Campaign), Defender of the Society (Combat)
Feats: Fast Learner, Toughness, Weapon Focus
Languages: Common, Varisian
Skills ACP -6
Climb 1=1+3+3-6
-Dungeoneering 5=1+1+3
-Religion 2=1+1
Survival 5=1+1+3
Swim 1=1+3+3-6
Background Skills
Handle Animal 4=1+0+3
-Engineering 5=1+1+3
Gear: Cold Iron Longsword, Breastplate, Armored Kilt, Fighters Kit, Heavy Steel Shield, Shield Sconce, Javeling x5, Cold Iron Dagger, Club, 11gp

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@DM Bigrin: Put together something so that myself and the players have something to work with when we make our choices.
@Redac: Play what you will enjoy. Yes, there are still multiple roles that could be filled.
@Ace Matthew & Javell DeLeon: I have no problem with folks that have previously participated in the AP playing so long as you only use character knowledge.

Florian Paran |

Redac here. I decided an alchemist might be fun, so I'm submitting this guy. The crunch is done; hopefully I didn't goof on it.
Backstory isn't quite finished yet, but the basic concept is this:
Florian was born and raised in Ustalav (haven't decided exactly where, any good ideas?), and showed a sharp mind and an aptitude for alchemy, academics, etc. early on. He later attended the University of Lepidstadt, studying to become a proper alchemist. His time there is when he met the Professor, and they developed a good rapport with one another. Even after that specific period, Florian would still correspond with the Professor occasionally. At the time of Lorrimor's death, Florian was pursuing further knowledge outside of Ustalav.
I can write up something more detailed or otherwise flesh it out more if you need it.

Florian Paran |

Hmm. It occurs to me that the professor wouldn't have still been actively teaching when Florian would have been a student there, since he apparently retired 15 years ago. Would he still have been giving talks and lectures occasionally, or would they have to have met some other way? I'm open to reworking some stuff to fit that if need be.

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@Redac: The professor still ventured out on various trips and did occasionally do speaking engagements but they were few and far between. Most of his time was spent on his personal studies and pursuits for which he often hired people to act as guards and escorts.
DM Bigrin: No problem. Take your time. Recruitment will not close until July 20, 2017.