tom_thiessen |
I squinted at the Ustalav side of the river. In the distance, the Hungry Mountains had just gnawed the sun to death, smearing the sky with blood.
Welcome to the Immortal Principality of Ustalav. Tucked away on the northern shore of Lake Encarthan, it is a grim bastion of civilization amid the barbarian savages of the north. A history rich in tragedies inspires a wary population with skepticism, religious devotion, and superstition.
Hundreds of years of subjugation at the hands of the Whispering Tyrant and the residual horrors that plague the countryside have left the people of Ustalav suspicious of nonhumans, magic, religion, foreigners, and their fellow citizens.
Player Recruitment
Ideally, a party of 4 PCs will get the game rolling, but if there's a character that I absolutely fall in love with, I'll expand the number of players as necessary. It won't be first-come first-serve, as that isn't fair to anyone who happens to come across the thread late.
Recruiting will be open until April 18, at which time I'll go over the submissions over the weekend, and contact those selected. Gameplay will commence on April 21.
Character Creation
Stats: 20 point buy
Books: Core, Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Magic
Races: Any core race
Level: 1
HP: Max 1st level, 1/2 HD or roll (whichever is higher) at subsequent levels
Classes: Any core, advanced player's guide, ultimate magic
Background: All the PCs know Professor Petros Lorrimor. This portion of your background is vital to the first few opening scenes of the AP.
Your Plan: A general outline for your character. A cleric may want to see every shrine in Ustalav devoted to her deity, and build a new temple. A mage may wish to discover a famous tome of spells and teach them, or lock them away forever.
Prestige Class: If somewhere down the road, you want to spend some time in a prestige class, note that as well.
Gunslinger & Firearms
The PCs are aware of firearms, knowing them when they see them.
The pistoleer archetype is not allowed, to make the guns a little more hazardous.
Gunslingers are required to create and repair their weapons, as well as craft their bullets and make their own powder.
Generally, I'll check the game threads at night, between 8 & 9pm PST. If waiting on a response (ie, init roll or NPC interaction) and nothing has been posted, that "turn" will be considered forfeited, and I'll make a ruling on what happened.
When time allows, I'll make more frequent posts throughout the day, but I don't expect everyone to sit on the boards 24 hours a day in the off-chance that I have some free time.
If you know that you'll be unavailable on a certain date, please let the group know ahead of time as far in advance as possible.
AP Generalities
It is a game of gothic horror, akin to Ravenloft, HP Lovecraft, and Edgar Allan Poe.
Your characters don't have the benefit of movies and tv shows to numb them to the horrors of the walking dead, vampiric curses, or jaw-gnashing werewolves. Being only first level, the above monsters may only exist in the realm of fairy tales, or ghost stories told along the trail.
As appropriate, I'll allow some free RPing before combat as the PCs first encounter some of the monsters which are taken for granted in a "normal" campaign.
Glade Wolf |
Will have to remake him a little, he first applied to carrion crown, then he applied to serpents skull, so I readjusted him, and now carrion crown again. Backstory needs modified again, slightly. Buy point back up to 20. The one he applied to was 25 carrion crown, changed to serpents skull with 15.
He is going Gunslinger/Druid multiclass.
Nidoran Duran |
Dotting. I have in mind a bard built very much for utility purposes; support spells, debuffs, skills (especially Knowledge and social skills), and all those other fun out-of-combat things. The general idea would be someone who had a run-in with the undead early in his life, has an association to Professor Lorrimor through that, and whose long-term plan is something rooted in seeking to uncover hidden knowledge or just in general compile information about the undead; it'll become clearer once I've thought on it for a little. Hopefully I'll have something whipped up by tomorrow.
spectrevk |
Myslimira is a young itinerant witch from the hinterlands of Ustalav. She was born in a remote village and learned about folk remedies, superstitions, and legends from her mother and grandmother. They also warned the young girl of allowing herself to appear "too clever" lest she run afoul of the superstitious townsfolk, but Myslimira was too proud to listen, and after "humbling" a Scarzni thug with a fiery display of magic, she was driven out of town by angry villagers.
Myslimira kept moving after that, traveling across Ustalav to seek out wisdom from other witches and help other peasants when she could with her knowledge of herbs and healing magic. It was during this time that she met Professor Petros Lorrimor. The Professor saw a spark of intellect in the young girl, and despite her lack of formal education, he realized that she had acquired an impressive store of knowledge and the two of them developed a rapport. She had never met a "civilized" man who respected her style of magic, and having grown up without a father, she grew quite fond of him. He soon became the main reason that she journeyed to the city, and hearing about his travels and most recent studies. It had been many months since they had last spoken when she wandered back into the city and learned from one of his students that the Professor had passed away. Much to her surprise, there was a letter waiting for her as well, requesting that she attend his funeral...
Myslimira (Witch level 1) and Bogdan (a brown rat)
Chaotic Good Human
Traits: Inspired by Greatness (Burning Hands @ +1 caster level), Resilient (+1 fort)
Languages spoken: Common, Orc, Sylvan, Infernal, Abyssal
STR 10
DEX 14
CON 13
INT 18
WIS 12
CHA 10
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +3
Feats: Elemental Focus (fire), Extra Hex (Cauldron)
Craft (Alchemy) +12
Heal (Wis) +5
Knowledge (arcana) +8
Knowledge (history) +8
Knowledge (nature) +8
Perception +3
Spellcraft +8
Use Magic Device +4
Patron: Spirits
Hexes known: Ward, Cauldron
Spells Known:
0: arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect magic, detect poison, guidance, light, mending, message, putrify food and drink, read magic, resistance, spark, stabilize, touch of fatigue.
1: burning hands, cure light wounds, mage armor
Spells Prepared:
0: guidance, light, stabilize
1: burning hands (DC 16, 2d4), mage armor
Chellian Oaks |
Backstory is under the charectors link. I Havent bought equipment yet, waiting to see what we have to spend. Also if we are allowed to take traits i might adjust those. Other than that Chell is good to go, If i made a mistake on something let me know. Long night at work but wanted to get this all finished before i slept!
Thanks for the consideration! Good luck to all!
tom_thiessen |
This will be the nine's entry, though Chel is not finished. I had a few questions.
traits? one campaign one other? Starting gold? Average? Max? rolled?
2 traits, you don't have to take a campaign trait, but it helps to establish your connection to the professor. You could always use the info from the campaign traits and take something else.
Starting gold is max.
Glade Wolf |
Glade Wolf wrote:what is your view on money gaining traits?Are you thinking Rich Parents?
I don't mind, but most of the money-increasing traits lose all of their benefits once the gold is spent. It is however, your character.
I'm aware of the losing the benefit quickly.
But actually chosen child is better. That gives you 900 extra starting gold, while rich parents give you only 900 starting gold.
KBoom |
Very interested in this one. Will make an alias if accepted. Thanks!
Female Human (Varisian) Cleric of Desna 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +8; Senses Perception +7
AC 18, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 10 (1d8+2)
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longspear +1 (1d8+1/×3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 12, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 6/day—bit of luck
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4):
1st—bless, longstrider [D], protection from evil
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, read magic
[D] Domain spell; Domains Luck, Travel
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 14
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 13
Feats Improved Initiative, Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
Traits chance savior, dangerously curious
Skills Diplomacy +9, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +7, Sense Motive +7
Languages Common, Varisian
SQ agile feet (6/day), aura, domains (luck, travel)
Other Gear breastplate, longspear, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, wooden holy symbol (Desna), ink, black, inkpen, journal, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5), waterskin, 3 gp, 2 sp, 9 cp
They lifted her high above her bed, her room, even the city itself. They showed her a great evil on the horizon, a darkness gathering that the light could not penetrate. She felt that it was her duty, her birthright, that would bring an end to the darkness. But not here.
Gathering her few belongings, and writing a hasty letter to her family begging their forgiveness, she set off on the road away from Karcau, headed south. She didn't know where to begin, but she did know that Desna was in her heart, always at her side. Her faith kept her strong, and she aided those in need. One such man, nearly dying of wounds inflicted by some horrible creature, lay on the side of the road outside a cemetary. She healed the man, and brought him back from the cusp of death. It took many days to break the disease that held him, one that she was not familiar with, but she persevered, as Desna said she would.
One day the man gained consciousness. An elderly man, he was quite thankful and introduced himself as Professor Lorrimor. The two had many interesting discussions as he healed, ranging from theology to philosophy. Eventually, though, they parted ways, with promises from the Professor that he would not forget her. Dawn just smiled and accepted his thanks, just grateful that she could help someone else in need.
It was with sadness that she received news of his death years later. But a little confusion as well. Their acquaintance was brief and passing. Why would he include her in his will? Was this the reason she had been selected to do Desna's bidding. She felt that it was. It felt... right.
Once again gathering her few belonging, Dawn once again took to the road, this time with a firm destination in mind. The small town of Ravengro.
Ulam Bone-Cracker |
Hi there! Here is my character for your consideration. I've submitted him to several CC campaigns now and he hasn't made it into any as of yet, but, I've grown fond of him, so I am going to keep submitting him as CC games pop up.
He is full-blooded orc, which doesn't meet your specific requirements, but if you like I could re-stat him as a half-orc, which would be a very sensible change to his backstory. I originally went with Orc as suggested in the player guide. He may also need some other adjustments to meet your character creation.
Thanks so much for running this awesome AP!
Nidoran Duran |
Here's Audra Tanis, Human Bard. She's written with the Chance Savior trait in mind to provide the ink to the professor, but didn't take it mechanically speaking. Although, if you allow drawbacks as asked above, I'd consider slipping one on and taking Chance Savior properly.
As travelers, they didn't have a great deal of money, but enough to take up a home in a poorer part of town and live decently enough. Both her parents had experience with weapons to avoid bandits on the more dangerous roads, and her father had some minor magical talent. She grew up comfortable enough given their living conditions, and as she grew, her parents taught her to sing between the shifts they took, playing in different taverns across the city. Slowly they managed to eke out a better life, finding a home in a nicer part of town and providing their daughter with more safety.
When she was ten, her father died in a fight with a drunk man in a tavern who stole his money, and ended up with a dagger in the gut during the struggle to get his coin purse back. Their spending had to tighten up, and Audra's mother took up double duty, taking her daughter with her to the more respectable of places, and when she didn't want to take any risks, leaving her with a neighbor or a friend. As she grew, Audra showed her own musical ability coming through, and would sometimes sing around the neighborhood to help earn some money for her mother.
When she was fifteen, she was woken up in the night by the sound of her mother screaming. The frightened girl rushed to her mother's bedroom to find a pale human cloaked in darkness, tearing open her neck and drinking her blood. She fled, unable to do anything or save her mother, screaming and crying as she ran through the streets.
In the morning, guards found her passed out with dried tears on her eyes. When they brought her home, they found that the vampire had already fled with the sun, the corpse of her mother drained of blood on the bed. She was left an orphan, with the only relatives she may have had unknown, likely still traveling in some distant corner.
After selling most of her parents' possessions for as much money as she could, she took up residence in the cheapest inns around the city she could find, performing during all waking hours to try and afford to eat and sleep comfortably that night. She scraped by fine, reluctantly dipping into her savings when she had to. The only things she still had with her were her mother's rapier, her father's dagger, a few pieces of jewelry that she was told were family heirlooms, and the clothes on her back.
The memories of her mother being fed on by the vampire stuck with her, and the haunting images angered her, filled her with vengeance and desperation. She didn't have the money to afford books on the subject, nor the time to sit in libraries during the day and read; performing was safest for a teenage girl when the sun still shone. Falling in with some street rats, she learned how to pick pockets and locks (Trait: Vagabond Child [Disable Device]), sneaking about and breaking into libraries to steal books to read in her free time and supplementing days where she earned too little to get by by pickpocketing.
Soon enough, performing became a smokescreen for the girl, who grew streetwise in her orphaned poverty. Her charming smile and sweet voice captivated people as her hand went for their coin purse, proving a much more lucrative trade. Nobody would suspect someone who so willingly drew attention to themself of being a theif, since it would be so counter-productive. She exploited that assumption. When she wasn't reading or 'working', she took lessons in swordplay, learning how to defend herself with the weapons she had, lest someone think her weak and attempt to get physical with her
By the time she was nineteen, she was an adult, still living in inns, but now much better, safer ones. She could defend herself, had fostered her magical talents more than her father ever did, and could afford to buy her way into academic institutions' libraries to get access to their books. Though her goal remained tracking down the vampire that killed her mother, there was only so much she could learn about the monsters, and reading became a bit of a habit for her anyway. (Trait: Historian) Her adjacency to scholarly circles and the ease with which she listened in on the conversations of others let her catch wind that Professor Lorrimor, whose research into the undead was renowned, was going to be in Absalom for a few days. Having burned through everything about vampires publically available in the city, she hoped that there lay more and that it was within his reach.
Accosting him on the street seemed a bad idea, so she took to stalking him, following him around in the hopes he would end up in some place where she could approach him and not seem off. She didn't get the opportunity to, because as she tailed him after lunch, she a mugger she recognized bearing down on him from a nearby alley. Not thinking, she ran forward, drawing her rapier as he threatened the old man with a knife, and struck him down her sword.
It wasn't how she intended to greet the professor, but it worked. He was grateful for her arrival and protection, and it earned her an audience with him once his previous appointments were over. Conveniently, she left out the fact she had been tailing him.
In her meeting, she explained the tragedy behind her mother's death and her interest in the undead and the applications of swords into the bodies of the undead. As repayment, he allowed her to return to his home and study some of the writings he had himself composed on the subject of vampires.
After she returned home, they kept in touch, corresponding for the next three years, until the latest letter she received from Ravengoro, reporting the scholar's untimely death, and a request that she attend his funeral. Without hesitation, she rented a horse and set off for Ustalav to bid the old man goodbye.
Chaotic Good Medium Humanoid (Human Female)
Init +2; Perception + 3
AC 14, touch 12, flatfooted 12 ( +2 Dex +2 Armor)
HP 9 (1d8 (8) + 1 Con)
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +1
Speed 30 ft.
-Rapier +2 1d6+1, 18-20/x2, P
-Dagger +2 1d4+1 19-20/x2 P/S
-Shortbow +2 1d6 x3 P/B (+3 1d6+1 within 30 feet)
Spells Known
1st (2/day) DC 15: Cure Light Wounds, Grease
0th (infinite) DC 14: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand, Prestidigtation
Str 13, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 8, Cha 18 (16+2 racial bonus)
Base Attack +0; CMB 1; CMD 13
Feats: Point-Blank Shot, Weapon Finesse
Traits: Historian, Vagabond Child
Favoured Class: Bard (1 Skill Point)
Acrobatics +6 (1 rank + 3 class skill +2 Dex)
Bluff +8 (1 rank + 3 class skill +4 Cha)
Diplomacy +8 (1 rank + 3 class skill +4 Cha)
Climb +1 (+1 Str)
Disable Device +7 (1 rank + 3 class skill +1 Trait +2 Dex)
Disguise +4 (+4 Cha)
Escape Artist +2 (+2 Dex)
Heal -1 (-1 Wis)
Intimidate +8 (1 rank + 3 class skill +4 Cha)
Knowledge (Arcana) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Geography) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (History) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Local) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Nature) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Nobility) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Planes) +3 ( +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Knowledge (Religion) +7 (1 Rank + 3 Class +1 Trait +1 Int +1 Bard)
Perception +3 (1 rank + 3 class skill -1 Wis)
Perform (Sing) +8 (1 rank + 3 class skill +4 Cha)
Ride +2 (+2 Dex)
Sense Motive -1 (-1 Wis)
Stealth +6 (1 rank + 3 class skill +2 Dex)
Swim +1 (+1 Str)
Survival -1 (-1 Wis)
Use Magic Device +4 (+4 Cha)
Languages: Common, Elven, Dwarven
Equipment: Leather Armor, Rapier, Shortbow, Dagger, Blunt Arrows (20), Masterwork Backpack, Hemp Rope, Thieves' Tools, Signal Whistle, Caltrops, Traveler's Outfit, Spell Component Pouch, Belt Pouch, Sack (4), Glass Vial (5)
Current encumberance: 56 1/2 lbs
Money: 22 gold, 5 silver
Carrying capacity: 58, 59-116, 117-175
-Class Abilities-
Bardic Performance: 8 rounds/day
Performances: Countersong, Distraction, Fascinate (DC 15), Inspire Courage +1
Bardic Knowledge +1
tom_thiessen |
Nidoran Duran |
Oops, spent so long on Audra's backstory I forgot about the need for a plan for her.
Her main motivation for everything is to kill the vampire that killed her mother, but she's spent so long researching the undead and learning what she can that, after the shock of Lorrimor's passing wears off, she may consider becoming a scholar herself and trying to continue his work.
hustonj |
I have a character to submit, but I need to adjust his statistics, since he was originally built for a Carrion Crown offering that specified 25 point builds.
He is a Harrowed Dirge Bard Varisian Wanderer. My intent is to have him grow into the Harrower Prestige Class.
He has effectively been thrown out of the culture he grew up within, because traditionally, only Varisian Women have the gift of the Harrow. He's not got big long-term plans. He's still trying to figure out what his place in the world is supposed to be. He was coming close to making a decision about whether to simply keep doing what he's been doing for the past couple of years, or to follow his gift instead, when he received the missive requesting he attend the funeral.
I expect the adventuring life will lead him to depend upon his gift, which will then open other paths for him . . ..
I will post the character later today, all required material in a single post, after I handle some chores and adjust the build to 20 points.
Cronax |
Upon using this power to cure his love, Vitaliy’s body rotted and his will twisted, turning him into a veritable monster. At the Pallid Princess’s will, he stalked the streets his former city, preying on its citizens and sowing destruction wherever he went. He was eventually captured by the town guard and was scheduled for execution. A passing scholar by the name of Lorrimor was able to convince the townsfolk to remand this creature to his custody for research. Using a few rituals of his own, the professor was able to restore Vitaliy’s wits. Wracked with guilt over his crimes and unable to face Katerina in his current state, Vitaliy fled Ardis to contemplate his existence. He remains grateful to Lorrimor for all he had done to this day, and the scholar’s funeral was enough to give pause to the broken man’s self imposed seclusion.
Vitaliy is little more than a skeletal corpse now. He hides his features behind thick wrappings and speaks with a gravelly voice. Flies and a smell of decay follow him wherever he roams.
Vitaliy Vladovich
True Neutral Dhampir Oracle 1
Scores (str 12, dex 14, con 6, int 12, wis 10, cha 18)
AC 19 (Flat Footed 17, Touch 12)
CMD 13
HP 9
Saves (Fort -2, Refl +2, Will +2) +6 vs disease, +2 vs fear
Speed 20’
Initiative +2
Languages (Common, Necril)
Stealth [1 rank +3 class +2 dex -6 ACP] +0
Knowledge: Religion [1 rank +3 class +1 int] +5
Disguise [1 rank +3 class -4 curse] +0
Profession: Ostler [1 rank +3 class] +4
Sense Motive [1 rank +3 class] +4
Intimidate [1 rank +3 class +4 cha] +8
Feats (Toughness)
Oracle’s Curse: Wasting (-4 to charisma skills except intimidate, +4 save against disease)
Mystery of Bones
Undead Servitude Revelation 7/day DC 15
+2 save vs disease and mind affecting
resist level drain
SLAs Detect Undead 3/day, CL 1st
Darkvision 60’
Low Light Vision
Light Sensitivity
Negative Energy Affinity
Traits (Making Good on Promises, Sacred Conduit)
Attack (BAB 0)
CMB +1
Sling +2 (1d4+1)
Morningstar +1 (1d8+1)
Spells (Caster Level 1, DC 14+level, Concentration +5)
1st level 4/day
Inflict Light Wounds
Cure Light Wounds
Murderous Command
Heavy Wooden Shield
Scale Mail
10 Bullets
Oracle's Kit
30 gp
hustonj |
I just realized that my plans for this character depend on books not on your list, that are not included in Paizo's SRD (though they are included in the d20PFSRD).
I will not post the character for consideration without direction to do so, since you will need to willingly expand your character source material for me to build him as intended.
Chellian Oaks |
I have been running through Chel's hope and dreams and direction and to be honest Im coming up a bit of a blank. The thought i have would be that perhaps her parents financially are having problems and she has been trying to do extra work as a guide and trapper to make coin and work in her fathers shop to help out. I assume the funeral is going to propell her into something more.
Ulvidanu Leskev |
For your consideration, Ulvidanu "Vido" Leskev...
Ulvidanu's family, depending on the fortunes of the particular century, straddled the line between the lesser nobility and the higher gentry. The second son of the current patriarch, Ulvidanu left the family's comfortable estate in the Palatinates for the University at Liepstadt. He quickly found an aptitude for the arcane arts, as well as a passion for his land's dark history.
It was during his research into the early histories of the Palantine Eye that Ulvidanu and the Professor first came to each other's notice. Ulvidanu had completed the basics of his education and apprenticeship, and had settled into the sedentary, sheltered life of the academic, exchanging occasional letters with the Professor: He, warning the professor not to grow so wild as to be hunted when he came to town, the Professor's, warning him not to sit so still his expanding gut would burst his waistcoats...
Lorimor's missives,however, frequently contained more serious advice and warnings. After being badgered for over a year, Ulvidanu had finally added the cantrip "Disrupt Undead" to his daily regimen, and, mere days later, was instrumental in helping to put down a mass rising at a charnel house near the university. That was two years ago. Lorimor became a hero, an inspiration to the younger wizard. Based on his expereinces, he chose then an there to focus his arcane attentions on evocation and to prepare to go out into the nighted hearths of Ustalav...
Then came word of the Professor's death.
Ulvidanu "Vido" Laskev
Human (Varisian) Wizard 1
NG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +1; Senses Perception +1
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10 (+1 Dex)
hp 7 (1d6+1)
Fort +1, Ref +1, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee club +0 (1d6/×2) and
dagger +0 (1d4/19-20/×2)
Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +7):
Str 10, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 13, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +0; CMD 11
Feats Combat Casting, Eschew Materials, Scribe Scroll
Traits focused mind, inspired by greatness, magic is life
Skills Diplomacy +2, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (nobility) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Spellcraft +8
Languages Azlanti, Common, Draconic, Hallit, Necril, Osiriani, Ancient, Varisian
SQ arcane bonds (object [ring] [1/day]), force missile, intense spells, opposition schools (conjuration, enchantment), specialized schools (evocation)
Other Gear Club, Dagger, Ring, Courtier's outfit, Explorer's outfit, 28 GP
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Ring) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook 1/day. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Combat Casting +4 to Concentration checks to cast while on the defensive.
Conjuration You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Conjuration school.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Evocation Evokers revel in the raw power of magic, and can use it to create and destroy with shocking ease.
Focused Mind +2 to Concentration checks
Force Missile (7/day) (Sp) Magic Missile hits for 1d4+1
Inspired by Greatness (Magic Missile) Whether you knew Professor Lorrimor well or only in passing, as a colleague or competitor, his career and lifetime of discovery inspired you to be better at what you do. As you honed your craft, you and the professor corresponded, and he was delighte
Intense Spells +1 (Su) Evocation spells deal listed extra damage.
Magic is Life While under the effects of a spell, gain +2 to save vs. death effects, and automatically stabilize bleeding.
Ulvidanu is fairly short, slender (The unkind or uncouth would say scrawny) and a little fastidious about his appearance. He dresses as richly as possible, usually in a long green or royal coat, a dark waistcoat, piped trousers and long, turned-down boots. He carries a heavy, iron-cored, brass-knobbed cane (On the character sheet, it goes by 'club') of black walnut, and usually disdains the hats so popular in polite company. His dark brown hair, showing a little premature grey, is cropped shorter than fasionable, and his dark brown Varisian eyes have an academic's tendency to squint a bit. His manner tends to be slightly condescending and rambling when he is distracted, but he sets a great deal of stock in personal courtesy. Being from the Palatinates, he has less of an ingrained subservience to nobility than others might.
His recent awareness that there are still true horros in the world might lead him to follow the lead of 'Men and Women of Action" with slightly exaggerated faith.
Vido will most likely stay to the wizard class throughout his career.
Having spent almost all of his career in acedmia and the relative safety of cities and estates, Ulvidanu is now experiencing deep desires to see his magic actually used. While he is most likely not prepared for the hard life of an adventurer on the road, he is eager to try. Well aware, now, of the presence and impact of the undead in Ustulav, he will be seeking out new evocations, and will have the experimenter's interest in field-testing them. If time and resources permit (and if the GM is feeling generous), it could lead to study and development of new spells, such as higher-level version of Disrupt Undead.
Malcolm d'Varre |
Info in complete under the alias.
Malcolm is a solid fighter. Looking to stay mobile on the battlefield and make the baddies regret getting up that morning.
Plan? Malcolm would like to solidify the family fortune. Perhaps move up the odd rung or two on the social ladder. He has secret hopes of marrying well and becoming a 'real' noble but he will be quite happy building his and by extension his families reputation through good deeds and splattering zombies
Daxiongmao87 |
Have a few characters i'd be interested in playing, and also can whip up a character from scratch to fit what you guys need. But here are my two entries if interested! Sorry if the backgrounds are too generic, they are still being fleshed out.
Armored Hulk (5)
DualCursed Oracle(Clouded Vision) (Tongues [Stagnant]) (Stone) (5)
Rage Prophet (10)
Glarin Bullbasher is a proud dwarf who's life has always been, and always will be, full of trials. Whether it be the humor of the gods or some other divine unjustice, Glarin was born with both the loss of sight, supernatural visions, and an utterly eerie gift of tongues. First following his father's footsteps, Glarin sought to train as a mighty, bellowing warrior. For were it not the curses he bore, he would have continued his father's legacy for all his life. This was not what the Fates have decided for Glarin.
After years of strife, Glarin embraced his rare abilities as a message from a greater power, and has stepped out the gates of his home in search for answers.
Upon one of his journeys Glarin had the opportunity, and great fortune, to cross paths with a Professor Petros Lorrimor. Due to his poor eye-sight and losing his way in an abandoned labyrinth, it was Professor Petros guidance and care that led Glarin out of that wrteched maze and ultimately kindled a warm reputation Glarin would soon have with humans. For a while they traveled together, the professor deeply interested in Glarin's disposition in life, and Glarin's interested in the professor's worldly knowledge.
After many months of traveling, their paths eventually took them in different directions in life, and it was not until hearing of Professor Petros Lorrimor's death, that Glarin decided to make his journey to Ravengro.
TL:DR Glarin is a dual cursed rage prophet who easily finds himself in a roaring frenzy, though cursed with both tongues and clouded vision, he finds himself searching for his adversaries more than actually engaging in fights.
Bonus He earned his surname while in a drunken stupor, compounded with his clouded vision, unknowingly engaged in a wrestling match with a tavern's bull.
8 Ragechemist
2 Hurler
10 Master Chymist
Xavier is the only child of a prosperous alchemist and loving mother. While he spent little time with his father during his childhood, the times he did spend with him were precious. For as long as anyone can remember, Xavier always had a short temper, shorter than most people. As a growing boy, if things did not go his way, poor be the fellow who happens to be nearby. His violence was so extreme and uncontrollable that those who have been left in his wake with only scars were considered fortunate . What little patience he had he made up for with his sharp mind, during the calmer moments of his life, anyway.
Now in his early years of adulthood, Xavier grew to be a tall, scholarly looking man. His light brown hair tied neatly behind him, and a pair of simple bifocals framing his eyes, one could not suspect an ounce of volatility from his solemn visage. Seeking to remedy his shortcomings, and the avenue he decided was to follow the footsteps of his father. With hopes of finding some alchemical solution for his condition, Xavier left his home with the world to discover.
Seeking the scholarly wisdom of a well known Professor Petros Lorrimor, Xavier traveled to Ustalav. Though both curious and concerned for Xavier, Petros Lorrimor took him under study, but ultimately Petros Lorrimor was unable to assist Xavier in any hopes for a remedy to cure his unnatural rage, but it was he who had educated him in what he knew of the Barbarians, and how they controlled and channeled their rage so that it was advantages.
In trade, Xavier provided his expert knowledge in the art of alchemy, the effects of mutagens, and the possibilities that they can bring to the world.
Their like-mindedness and thirst for knowledge fostered a strong bond of friendship, and over the years Xavier learned to gain some control over his rage, exercising it through combat training and other various activities.
After a few years, Xavier said his farewells, leaving with a profound wealth of knowledge, the slim greatsword he trained with, and the most cherished gift of all, a good friend.It was not until the professor's death that he would return, paying tribute to one he considered a kindred spirit.
Edit: Formatting
Mekura |
Clarify something for me. I believe Gunslinger is an available class, yes? Going by your specific mentions on it. But you indicates that the only books available for usage are core, ultimate magic, and advance players guide.
But I was under the impression that Gunslinger came from Ultimate Combat, along with Samurai and Ninja, which would make it unavailable? Or did a later edition of the Advance Players guide include it?
Just trying to get a good sense of what's available.
tom_thiessen |
Mekura, yea, that was an oversight on my part. What happened was listing the suggested books from the AP, and then throwing the gunslinger in there. I'm guessing Ultimate Combat wasn't released at the time. On that note, Ultimate Combat is available for use :) sorry about any hiccups.
While talking about optional rules, is anyone NOT interested in sanity rules? It comes up later on in the AP (adventure #4), but it can also be useful the first time the PCs see an undead rise from the grave.
tom_thiessen |
Are you okay with multiple submissions from the same player Tom? This is a character I played CC in real life with. I also had a thought to try out a musket master, but will hold off for the moment if you don't want to be too swamped.
You could submit as many as you like...but I'll only be choosing one.
I like Echo, except 2 things.
1. She needs some kind of background.
2. Where you have spells, that should be Extracts.
Chellian Oaks |
Sanity rules sounds indeed fun.
As for furthering Chel's character plans, I've added a leveling pattern to it and perhaps a bit more flavor as well. In short, her uncle who raised her of course told her of her father and what an honorable warrior he was. The fact the local lords wife accused him of accosting her and was hung bothers her and her uncle. In fact that is part of their recent troubles financially, the lady has returned and is in fact running things for her father.
Vergil Archimedes |
I give you Vergil Archimedes
Vergil is the product of one such union. A being whose blood, in the eyes of the public, is tainted. Half a monster is still a monster, they said. Half a human is no human, they said. Archimedes grew up being told this. Being feared. Being hated. Being pushed aside.
He decided one day, that he refused to be what they said. He refused to be a monster.
So he decided he'd rid the world of monsters. He'd prove to humanity that he wasn't another evil to be slain. He'd push himself, to not only meet their expectations of good but exceed them. He took it upon himself to prove that his Orc blood did not make him inferior, but rather, made him an asset to those around.
Yet, as he slew villains, it dawned upon him that, in the end, he wasn't really that different. The insane human murderer who gutted children? The gnoll hunter who stole and raided caravans? The brutal orc who conquered villages? They were all the same. They were people, driven to evil, by society, by chance, or by design. Monsters were not evil. They were a product, at least amongst mortals Yet, if humans themselves, it registered to Archimedes then so could an Orc be a saint. Archimedes doesn't know where he belongs. But he refuses to accept himself as a monster, or those like him. He will fight any evil. But more importantly, he intends on fighting the real monster- Those who damn another with the brand of evil, regardless of their actions.
He does through word, through action, and through law, a skilled lawyer as well as a capable of fighter. He believes that diplomay is a tool sharp as a blade, though does not hesitate to use the latter. However, his mind is not dull either, and he spends more time pondering the meaning of evil than directly facing it. If one cannot understand his enemy, then how will he ever truly vanquish it?
Vergil Archimedes became acquainted whiles traveling alone whiles in a forest of Ustalav. He came across the professor and his carriage under assault by bandits, and immediately moved to save the man. He managed to fight off the bandits, and earn the professors trust and companionship. The man was quick to see Vergil for what he had become, not what he was born as. The two formed a quick friendship, but due to the nature of their professions, they had only a handful of direct meetings. Instead, the two kept in touch through primarily letters, the speaking of their travels and the mysteries they encountered. His death has hit Vergil hard, as it is one of the few people beyond his parents whom he never had to prove anything to. Archimedes attends his funeral in a melancholy, though he hopes the professors other acquaintances to be of a similar mentality of the professor, and thus, worthy friends.
Meet the chain spinning court-savvy half-orc Paladin, Archimedes. I intend to have him juxtapose the usual "Dumb strong paladin" with a keen-minded agile and pensive individual whose beliefs struggle with the realities of a human dominated country. His build will be that of a dex-based fighter, capable of both melee and ranged. His damage will not be stellar, but he will be capable of secondary healing, be fairly skilled, and utilize the law as a tool against opposition.
In terms of feats, its a shame that most of the spiked chain feats on the srd won't be available, however, even with the Cornugan tree, I can play around with the chain. The straight-up best way, minus aforementioned tree, to improve my character would be to acquire an agile chain, but that'll be a while. In the mean time, I'll probably go for opening volley next, so I can easily switch from ranged to melee. Late game though? Dunno. First time playing a Paladin.
Edit: Crap. My profile stats didn't save. I'll have to fix it in the morning x.x