Burnt offerings, being part 1 of Reptilian's RotRL campaign (IC thread)

Game Master Philippe Kavanagh

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Female Human Cleric lv3
Izbahn Douvurk wrote:
If it doesn't work, at least our cleric is here LOL!

[fake innocence]But I'm not that kind of cleric...[/fake innocence] ;p

Unknown Reptilian

I'm going to assume you are all trying the 'stealthy' approach unless someone post otherwise before tomorrow night.

Zel isn't exactly moving stealthily, but he's not drawing attention to his presence, yet. Perhapshe could serve as a distraction ;)

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 1

Calla draws two throwing axes and moves off behind the building with the others. She clearly has to try very hard not to simply run out and start hacking at the goblins, but for now, she remains calm...

Stealth roll if needed: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9

Female Human Cleric lv3

Seeing one of the people, the women with axes, sneaking off to surprise the goblins, Naomi follows...

Stealth:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Venmirl eyes Izbahn expectantly.

Izbahn, noticing the hulking Shoanti warrior staring at him resists an urge to yell at him, instead motioning him over and whispering to him "I am going to cast a spell on the goblins, which should hopefully keep them...occupied.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3
Izbahn Douvurk wrote:
Izbahn, noticing the hulking Shoanti warrior staring at him resists an urge to yell at him, instead motioning him over and whispering to him "I am going to cast a spell on the goblins, which should hopefully keep them...occupied.

I thought it was already established that we are all waiting on you to act, didn't know you wanted me in a particular spot first. I move where ever Izbahn motions me to be.

OK now Izbahn will lead the rest of the party around the building and through the alley to try to sneak up on the goblins. My stealth roll is posted above btw. Once he can see them, he will cast his spell. He warns the party to keep behind him, and if it doesn't work, they will know right away

Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1

"But let's not wait until they see us ... let's move ... before it's too late."

"Come on ... !"

Hoping I'm not spotted, I try to make it to the alley as silently as possible.

Stealth check: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20
If the spell fails, I have a surprise up my sleave :)

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Venmirl follows behind Izbahn, preparing a charge after the wizard's action, walking as quietly as possible.

Stealth 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Unknown Reptilian

Trying to remain unnoticed, the group make their way to the goblins' back by the Undercliff way and some back alleys. Even a mysterious blonde woman follows them, a light mace in hand. Only Zelazny hangs back, stalking the little pests and ready to make a distraction. Coming out of a very narrow lane, Izbahn starts gesturing towards the beasts, while droning his incantation. The chanting female hears him before he can complete his spell, however, and sees the entire group. She yells out in alarm. "Longshanks! Akhan! Akhan!"

Goblins' 1d12 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Yours' 1d12 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Surprise round
Only the aware goblins (the chanter and another one) can act.

The female starts singing another rhyme, this one nastier and more warlike. You almost feel intimidated by it. Another goblin comes running at Izbahn, madly waving his torch before him. He swings his burning brand at Izbahn's body but it rebounds before hitting him, stopped by the wizard's magical protection.

Your turn
Izbahn completes his spell and all the goblins go silent. They seem enthrall and even more fascinated by the wizard then they were by their fire.

Not one of them made his saving throw, silly goblins …
Anyone other then Izbahn still has an action in the surprise round, if they want to take it. I ruled that Izbahn had half his spell done before the surprise round, so he could complete it with just a standard action. Sorry for taking this long with this situation, btw.

Edit: I forgot to link the map.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1

[ooc]Does Izbahn tell us that we must not grab our weapons etc ?[ooc]

Syeira Iliosana wrote:
Does Izbahn tell us that we must not grab our weapons etc ?[ooc]

Hmmm, I thought I had warned the group about showing weapons in an earlier post, but i cannot find it. Since you can cast spells, I would say you get a Spellcraft check to know this is a Hypnotism spell, and all the effects of it.

EDIT Actually, since I don't need to say anything to keep the spell going, I can warn everyone to keep their weapons out of site (as a free action)

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

I'm not sure what I can do here. According to the fascination rules, any hostile creature approaching them would give them a new save and they seem to be surrounding the cart on fire.

Venmirl is surprised by the wizards's control over the little beasts. He places his morningstar behind his back. "Can you give them orders?" he asks.

Female Human Cleric lv3

Naomi glances at the mage that enthralled the goblins, her mace still held at the ready.

"Will they answer questions?" Her voice is soft, but there is no gentleness in it and and something about the way she says it doesn't hint at any to come.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 1

Calla keeps to the back, eager to see what happens and hoping they'll be able to stop the goblins from doing whatever it is that their nasty little minds are trying to cook up.

Izbahn turns to Venmirl, and also a tagalong, a pretty lady who he hadn't seen before.

Addressing the lady:"Unfortunately, I don't speak their language, so no I cannot ask any questions."

Izbahn continues, with a strained voice And yes showing weapons will break the enchantment. Whatever you do do please hurry, the enchantment doesn't last long"

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Puzzled, Venmirl hangs his morningstar on his belt. He walks calmly over to the burning cart and tries to get to the side where he can push it away from any buildings.

Not sure what checks I'll need, but here are a few:

Stealth: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 1

Seeing Venmirl step out, Calla puts her weapons away and moves out as well to stand close to the "chanter."

If I don't have time to put the axes away I'll just leave them in the alley and walk out. So I'm carrying my battleaxe and one throwing axe on me, but I don't have them out yet...

Unknown Reptilian

The more martial members of the group, Venmirl and Calla, put their weapon away and move forward to confront the goblins. Venmirl places himself behind the cart to push it into the street while Calla moves to be close to the singing female.

Round 1
The goblins take notice of these new comers amongst them but most of them return to blankly watching Izbahn. Only the 2 front of Calla, the chanter and a torch wielding one, manage to snap out of it and react to her presence. The female goblin take a step back from Calla and once again starts singing her dreadful song. The warrior tries to bash Calla with his flaming torch but she jumps back and avoids the blow.

Venmirl plans his feet and pushes on the cart with all his might. It moves very slowly at first but Venmirl's constant effort make it gain some speed. The remaining goblin in front of Calla jumps out of the way of the burning cart and it comes to rest in the middle of the street, as far as possible from nearby buildings. Venmirl is breathing and sweating heavily, both from the effort and the intense heat of the burning firewood. He can't help but notice that he's now surrounded by goblins.

Venmirl, roll a DC 12 fortitude save please

Failed save:
Venmirl takes 1d4 ⇒ 4 point(s) of nonlethal damage from the heat.

I took the liberty of acting out Venmirl's turn since it seems like this is what you wanted to do. The rest of you can now take actions for round 1.

Here's your usual map. The goblins marked with an 'F' are still fascinated but probably won't stay that way for long.

Izbahn cursed mentally to himself What the hell was I thinking when I memorized that spell? I wish I had memorized a magic missile! This spell wasn't designed for a combat situation! Next time he vowed he would memorize one. If there WAS a next time. He could see the goblins starting to come out of the fascination effects. Now he found himself playing bodyguard to the Varisian lady, and a Chelaxian lady who were both quite attractive, each in their own way. Timing is everything, he thought. Still the Shoanti warriors will get cut to ribbons, if he didn't do something.

He says to Syeria We need to take that chanter down!

Move 10' south, then 20' east which should put me at the edge of the map, while drawing my club, then cast Daze at the Goblin Chanter, Will DC 13

Female Human Cleric lv3

"If they can't help me, I have no use for them. Should we end them now or have them leave?"

Izbahn on hearing that question, thinks Yep, spoken like a true Chelaxian. She, she did want to help...

Aloud, he replies to the Chelaxian lady, "I think ending their lives is OK by me, do whatever you think is necessary.

Female Human Cleric lv3

"If I could do what I thought was necessary, there would only one other non-goblin fighting with me."

Moving with with quite grace, she moves behind the nearest goblin and, with a smile on her face, brings her mace to bear against it's head.

Light Mace:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Damage:1d6 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Fortitude 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1

I quickly move into position, past Izbahn with my back against the wall.

I pull out my whip, ready to strike at the goblin chanter.

I stand with my back against the house thats on the right side of the map. Within 15ft of the goblin chanter.

Unknown Reptilian

Moving along a nearby wall, Izbahn avoids the fascinated goblin in front of him and casts a spell to distract the goblin chanter. It becomes obvious that his spell has worked when her song is once again interrupted and she just stands there, quite dazed.

Moving with quite grace, Naomi moves behind the nearest goblin and brings her mace down on the creature. This obvious threat breaks the enchantment on the goblin (on all of them actually) and he barely manages to dodge Naomi’s blow. The small mace only brushes one of the goblin’s bat ear, enraging him more then doing any real damage. The goblin yaps a few words, probably insults, at Naomi.

Syeira Iliosana wrote:

I quickly move into position, past Izbahn with my back against the wall.

I pull out my whip, ready to strike at the goblin chanter.

I stand with my back against the house thats on the right side of the map. Within 15ft of the goblin chanter.

Now that the goblins are no longer fascinated, this move will draw an AoO from the one that’s next to Izbahn on the latest map. Do you still want to do that?

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 1

Calla draws her battleaxe and attacks the nearest goblin, moving closer if she needs to. Attack roll: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7. Damage: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1
Reptilian GM wrote:
Now that the goblins are no longer fascinated, this move will draw an AoO from the one that’s next to Izbahn on the latest map. Do you still want to do that?

I do ... with an acrobatics check ... 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Unknown Reptilian

Calla's blow is either too slow or too obvious and the goblins ducks under it. The little creature sticks his tongue out to mock her.

Syeira moves to a position where she can reach the goblin chanter with her whip. As she passes by a goblin, he tries to burn her with his torch but the creature is too slow and Syeira is already out of range. (the Acrobatics failed but he still missed you)

Zelazny is up.

Sorry, been a bit with the joys of the academic process ;)
I continued to advance on the diminuative little monsters, ready to attack while their attention is elsewhere. Drawing back, I jab forward with my rapier, trying to skewer one of the offensive little things.

Do I get Sneak Attack, or are they aware of me?Attack 20 (natural) Damage 5 Crit confirmation 1d20 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 3

Unknown Reptilian

Zelazny's quick approach takes the goblin by surprise and his blade pierces a goblin's shoulder. Had the blow fell a little more to the left, it would have pierced his heart. No crit or sneak, I'm afraid but don't forget your feats for coming rounds (*cough* Improved feint *cough*).

Round 2
Recap: Izbahn has mage armor (about 57 minutes)
the goblin chanter is dazed
Izbahn and Zelazny are both at 7 of 9 hp.

Enraged by his wound, the goblin facing Zelazny tries to cut his legs with his dogslicer. The agile rogue jumps over this blow and avoids any harm. He's a bit off balance however when another goblin moves to his side and he can't dodge the torch blow. A torch being a poor weapon, the hit is too weak to cause any real damage and the thick leather of Zelazny's armor prevented him from suffering any burn.

Nearby, Venmirl barely has time to raise the thick skull on his klar to blocks a dogslicer slash. Naomi also manages to repel the assault of the goblin facing her. On the other hand, Calla, still a bit unbalanced by her previous miss, barely has time to protect her face with her arms. The goblins whacks and slightly burns her forearm with a torch. (2 points of bludgeon damage and 1 of fire) The little creature seems a bit disappointed that Calla doesn't burn as well as dry wood.

The female goblin doesn't do much more then drool on the ground.

Your turn. I've marked the goblin wounded by Zelazny with a W on the map.

Izbahn, seeing his spell take effect, offered a quick prayer of thanks to Nethys. Funny he was never religious before, but maybe being threatened by creatures with his death as their goal, brings out the faith in one.

He yelled to Syeira "It will only last a few seconds. Don't let her cast anything!"

Hand of the Apprentice (Su) at the dazed chanter. Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12

Damage 1d6 ⇒ 4

Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1

I grab my whip, ready to take out the goblin chanter.

Going for the trip again ... 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Which FAILS ... miserably ... dammit :P

Female Human Cleric lv3

Sliding to the left, Naomi spins to bring her mace up against the other side of the goblin's skull.

5ft step to the left and a bit of flavor text.

Light Mace:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Damage:1d6 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Confirmation:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
Damage:1d6 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Venmirl sees the situation grow desperate and swings at the goblin in front of him.

Morningstar:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Damage:1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

He likes his new purchase so he swings with the morninstar.

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 1

Calla cringes in pain as the flames scorch her forearm. She swings at the goblin again, this time not holding back her anger...

Begin rage (round 4/6 today). Attack with battleaxe: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18, damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15. Then, draw throwing axe in off-hand, and assuming the goblin is dead, take 5-foot step "down" (next to the goblin, chanter, and cart).

Unknown Reptilian

As he did in the last fight, Izbahn throws his club at the female goblin with supernatural speed. More out of reflexes then conscious thought, she ducks under the swinging club. Next to the wizard, Syeira also attacks the chanter. She cracks her whip and sends it toward the goblin's leg. It doesn't correctly wrap around the creature's legs however, and Syeira's tug has no effect.

Naomi gracefully dodges and parries every blow thrown at her by a goblin, waiting for an opening. When the goblin overextend himself, she smashes her little mace on the side of his face. Cracking of bones is heard but the goblin somehow manages to stay on his two feet.

On the other side of the cart, Calla and Venmirl fight 2 goblins. Venmirl's attacks with his new morningstar prove too slow for the quick moving goblins. On the other hand, Calla, raging with anger, hits a goblin's neck with an extremely powerful axe strike. With a great splash of red blood, the creature's head comes flying off and lands into the cart's flames. Calla draws another axe and steps over the corpse of her enemy.

Zelazny moves as if he was stabbing at his enemy's midsection but quickly switches to try to drive his rapier into the creature's eye. This fancy move fools the goblin but Zelazny stabs just a bit too high.
Zelazny 'auto'-continues to attack the same goblin. He also feints before attacking.
Bluff check for the feint: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24
Attack roll: 1d20 ⇒ 10
Sadly, even if his feint is successful, his attack doesn't hit.

Unknown Reptilian

Round 3
With one of them clearly dead and their attacks having little success, the goblins stop trying to fry you with their torches. They rather go for the kill with their sharp dogslicers. However, neither the goblin facing Naomi nor the one fighting Venmirl can find any opening their opponents' defenses. The 2 goblins attacking Zelazny have more success by surrounding him and overwhelming him with attacks. The rogue gets cut two times (3 points of damage each, so 6 total). The pain is almost too much for him but he's still on his feet. He's feeling a bit dizzy and light headed from the lost blood however. The 2 goblins shriek, cheer and continue their attack.

The goblin female, now with a clear mind, takes a step back from the enraged 'longshank' that just killed one of them and starts to murmur a few arcane words.

Spellcraft DC 16:
She is casting lesser confusion
Calla's mind is suddenly filled with all sort of compelling and weird ideas: dance, make a headstand, kill Venmirl, check how sharp her axe is with her own face …

Make a DC 12 will save Calla.

if you fail that save:
For your next action you will:
1. Act normaly,
2. Do nothing but babble incoherently,
3. Deal 1d8 points of damage + Str modifier to self with item in hand,
4. Attack nearest creature (could be a goblin or Venmirl).
1d4 ⇒ 4

Recap: 1 goblin down, 2 severely wounded
Izbahn has mage armor (about 57 minutes)
Calla is raging
Wounded PCs: Izbahn 7/9
Zelazny 1/9 (ouch)
Calla 14/17

Edit: Map

Spellcraft check 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

Frustrated by his inability to slow the chanter down, he sees her cast the spell at Calla. He recognizes the spell being cast but can do little else to stop it.

Realizing the damage she can do if the spell takes hold, he watches Calla closely...and yells to Syeria "She has been spelled! Be ready to trip Calla if she moves to attack you!

Ready action to cast Daze Will DC 13 at Calla if she fails her Will save.

Female Human (Varisian) Bard 1

"Bloody hell ... This time I must not fail."
"Desna, guide my next strike!"

I crack my whip again, determined to bring the ugly goblin down.

Trip attempt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (20) + 2 = 22

Guess asking for Desna's guidance worked ;)

Female Human Cleric lv3

Hearing goblins cherring, Naomi glances in the direction of the horrible laughter, and sees a man being attacked from two directions. She looks back at the goblin next to her.

"See ya later little one, it's not fair for me to play favorites."

Remembering how some of her brothers dodge attacks by tumbling away, Naomi repaeats what they do so she can go help Zelanzy.

Acrobatics:1d20 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 2 = 12

Leaving her goblin behind, Naomi steps past the burning cart and runs at the goblin standing at the other end, her mace swinging down and up as she closes in.

5ft to the left, then 15ft down, to attack the wounded goblins.

Light Mace:1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6
Dmamge:1d6 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3

Determined not to miss again, Venmirl yells "Grithe Skoan-Quah" to initiate his judgement for the day. (Destruction type activated) He brings the morningstar down onto the goblin facing him.

morningstar: 1d20 + 3 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 3 + 1 = 22
damage: 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

If the goblin is slain then he uses his move action to close in on the spell caster foe.

Unknown Reptilian

As Syeira prays to Desna and cracks her whip again, the goblin chanter tries to sidestep the trip attempt but the young Varisian anticipated such a move and expertly wraps her weapon around the goblin's legs. She sends the spellcaster tumbling to the ground.

Naomi tumbles away from a goblin to rush to the aid of Zelazny. Sadly, her attack is a bit too rushed and she fails to land any telling blow on the wounded goblin.

Venmirl yells out to his ancestors to judge his enemies. Filled with a sacred sense of duty, he strikes the goblin's skull with great force, sending him to the ground. Stepping over his vanquished foe, he moves next to the prone goblin chanter, a gory morningstar in hand.

Destruction is the weapon damage boosting one btw. Not that it changes anything for this attack but I'm going to assume you used 'Justice' instead. You get +2 next round :).

Calla (don't forget your save) and Zelazny haven't acted yet.

Male Human Shoanti Inquisitor 3
Reptilian GM wrote:
Destruction is the weapon damage boosting one btw. Not that it changes anything for this attack but I'm going to assume you used 'Justice' instead. You get +2 next round :).

You are correct, I meant Justice, thanks. I think I'm going to like these judgements!

Female Human (Shoanti) Barbarian 1

Will save (+2 from raging): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15 vs DC 12. Success.

Calla lets out another yell of rage as the goblin begins chanting, practically drowning out the words of the spell--- which seems to have no effect on the Shoanti warrior. With a quick step towards the chanter, Calla attacks with each of her axes in swift succession.

Rage round 5/6, battleaxe 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6, damage 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6. Throwing axe 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16. damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6.

Unknown Reptilian

Now that Calla made her save, Izbahn can take another action if he wants (I'm treating this more like a delay then a ready action, since it wasn't to act in the enemies' turn).

edit: 6 pts of damage isn't enough to bring the chanter down, if that matters for Izbahn.

Izbahn will try to finish off the Chanter.

Hand of the Apprentice Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15, Damage 1d6 ⇒ 5

Unknown Reptilian

With a few steps, Calla is right next to the prone goblin chanter and attacks her with both her axes. The goblin rolls on the ground, frenetically trying to avoid the axe blows. She manages to avoid one but Calla's smaller axe digs deep into her right shoulder. "Bad longshanks!" She yaps in pain.

Relieved that Calla was able to shrug off the chanter's spell, Izbahn once again launches his club at the goblin female. Perhaps a bit too careful not to hit Calla or Venmirl, his weapon hits the dirt just short of his target. Frowning, he catches the returning club.

Just a friendly pointer: prone characters get +4 to AC vs. ranged attacks and you got -4 for firing into melee, so you had little chance to hit here.

Zelazny is relieved that someone came to his aid. He takes a step back to stand next to Naomi and holds his rapier firmly, ready to parry any dogslicer blows coming his way.
5-foot step and total defense for Zelazny.

Round 4
Cracking and squeaking, the half burnt cart axle can't hold the weight of the burning wood anymore. The whole cart topple upon itself, sending hot embers and burning logs in every direction. Anyone within 5 feet of the cart (just Naomi actually) must make a DC 12 reflex save or take 1d3 ⇒ 1 fire damage

Wounded, on her back and surrounded by well armed and angry 'longshanks', the goblin chanter is quickly running out of options. She concentrate and tries to chant another incantation but the 2 shoanti warriors easily exploit this distraction. Axe and morningstar find their mark and silence this goblin warchanter forever.
Calla's AoO: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20,1d8 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 ; Venmirl's: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23,1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4.

Seeing his leader is dead, the goblin on the NE side of the street (the one that was attacking Naomi) decides that this fight isn't fun anymore. He runs away from the group, fleeing into a nearby alley.

The two goblins attacking Zelazny are too busy trying to finish him off to notice what's happening to the chanter. This time however, thanks to Naomi, they can't totally surround him. The little freaks strike and yell in their hideous language but they can't find any hole in the rogue's defences.

Recap: 3 goblins down, 2 severely wounded (one fleeing), 1 intact
Izbahn has mage armor (about 57 minutes)
Calla is raging
Venmirl has a 'Justice' judgement (at +2 this round)
Wounded PCs: Izbahn 7/9
Zelazny 1/9
Calla 14/17

Map. Your turn ... mop up crew in aisle 4

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