Shaundakul DM |

Welcome to the Brevoy Buccaneers OOC. Is the name too cheesy? We'll start out by talking about backgrounds and goals. Once everyone has checked in, I will ask questions of everyone to establish exactly why they are on the boat that we'll be starting on. I also want to know what areas of Brevoy we want to explore. I have some ideas, but I'm interested in what others are looking for. Eventually we may venture out of Brevoy, but that's further down the road. I'd like to start the game thread by Monday or Tuesday.

Gustav Merval Weynolt |

Gustav leans quietly on one of the ships' rails. He has traveled far in these many months on the road, and holds out hope that Silverhall will contain a way to reach Mendev. Perhaps by way of Port Ice or Winterbreak. It may be good to stop by Greyhaven or Highdelve to see if house Garess has any interest in sending a group with me, or me with them.
The chill of the lake invigorates his lungs, and stays on deck as often as possible.
Checked in!

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Thank you, Shaundakul DM for taking me on this adventure.
I too will have a few questions for you about background and finishing my gear but that can wait for your questions.
By the way the braids are gone, I will present a picture in a day or two of my character but I want a mean, lean, fight'en machine, not a green Pippi Longstocking. :)
As he approaches its dock, it seems for a moment that a look of fear crosses his face, swiftly replaced by stern resolve. Humming battle hymns quietly, Zaxarii stomps up a ramp to the ship that creaks alarmingly under his massive weight. He presents his Lebeda pass, denoting him a ranking member of the family, and is quickly shown to the best cabin. Refusing to give into weakness, he stomps over to the side of the ship to stare down his enemy - the water. Noting the young man, dressed as a warrior, standing by the rail, he greets him. [b]"Blessings of strife and battle upon you, warrior. I am Zaxarii, Son of Domna, of House Lebeda."

Kerri Corynian |

I hope you guys don't mind, but I tend to play in first person. It helps me really get into the head of the characters I am controlling
I am rushing backwards and forwards on the ship, desperately trying to see everything. But I am mostly paying attention the water, trying to understand how this HUGE, heavy wooden thing is staying atop the water. But whenever I see someone, I try to hide very quickly and wait for them to move on, before looking at the magical, water walking thing. At the site of the big, green skinned being she hides behind a crate. But when he gets onto the the wooden thing she runs away to the other side of it, terrified at how much the thing creaks under his weight. I don't want to fall into the water, I won't be able to get back up!
If anyone does manage to see me, I am wearing VERY little. Just a few furs, covering up my curves and waist. I have extremely white skin, as white as snow, with only slightly darker hair, which is let down and touches my waist. I am quite skinny and don't look very strong at all. The only thing that gives me away that I am not a human child, is the size of my curves.
I am trying to gain knowledge of my ancestors, which is slowly being lost. So I shall continue to travel as far as I need to so that I can learn everything about them. I don't mind where we go or stop, as long as I can continue to learn of my past.
Checking in, just got to sort out gear.

Harbador Hex |

Flee they said! Did Aspex the Even-tongued flee when pursued by Taldan dogs? Did Alysand Benedict flee when confronted by the diabolical forces of house Thrune? Then again, the patient blade is the one that remains sharp...or something like that
Harbador wraps himself deeper in the folds of his black coat as winds catch the furrowed sails. Peering out over the edge of the ship towards the port, the young half-elf looks for a familiar face but finds none. He steps away from the edge of the ship and mutters absentmindedly
The journey is a struggle fit for a Shepard so that he may know the hardships of the flock. That was Andoran if i'm not mistaken.
Harbador seeks his uncle in Silverhall first and foremost, though bitter from fleeing Galt he's beginning to have doubts over whether he should continue as directed or break for Skywatch in pursuit of the mysteries that lay behind its ancient walls.
Checky check check :D

Shaundakul DM |

So far everyone has good reason to be on the boat.
Kerri, while you are still fascinated by the boat gliding on water, we are going to say you boarded the day before. There is a small logging and fishing village on the northern end of the lake. They are aware of a feral halfling village in the forest, and avoid it while logging, which is why you received the initial reaction you did. New Stetven will definitely have halflings as part of the population, but the size of it is too intimidating to you, so you have decided to stay on until you reach another less scary port.
I see everyone has interest in Skywatch, and I definitely see that in the future. I think we'll start out around Silverhall, and see where it leads us.

Alistair Frenholm |

Alistair stomped down the dock to the awaiting boat. He fumed over the situation. Sent off like a misbehaving schoolboy! And for what? Being a patriot of Rostland! The Issian's increasing depredations were an insult to Rostland. The Suratova's had probably engineered the disappearance of the royal family just so they could take complete control. If Alistair's father thought that sending him off to Silverhall would prevent him from helping to free Rostland from Issian dominance, he was sadly mistaken.
I made the assumption that you were following the current situation with Brevoy, if not, let me know.

Shaundakul DM |

Alistair stomped down the dock to the awaiting boat. He fumed over the situation. Sent off like a misbehaving schoolboy! And for what? Being a patriot of Rostland! The Issian's increasing depredations were an insult to Rostland. The Suratova's had probably engineered the disappearance of the royal family just so they could take complete control. If Alistair's father thought that sending him off to Silverhall would prevent him from helping to free Rostland from Issian dominance, he was sadly mistaken.
I made the assumption that you were following the current situation with Brevoy, if not, let me know.
I have been, unless there is more than what is in the world guide and the first installment of Kingmaker. I was planning on putting in some political intrigue as well.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Long day today, have to sleep, more Sunday morning. So you all know, unless the specific post says otherwise, you can all read and react to my spoilers, I tend to use them to make things neat. So the IC in previous post meant - In Character - and was meant for everyone. See you all when I'm awake. Bye.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Here is a link to a picture I tried to make of Zaxarii.
Zax's picture number one
I am still trying to figure how how to make a good image of Gorum's holy symbol on my chest armor. Other than that it's about as good as I can do.
Shaundakol DM (or anyone who wants to make a suggestion)
Here is a list of questions for the set-up of the campaign.
1) The write-up of Gorum in Faiths of Balance seems confused, like the writer tried to have it both ways, that Gorum is a (almost) mindless butcher but isn't evil because he doesn't take sides based on morality. But the pathfinder alignment system is absolute in its morality, it's what you do that is evil not your intentions. Bloodshed for the sake of bloodshed would therefore be evil. There are a number of ways to play this less absolutely but I would like your thoughts on this before it comes up in play.
2) Now, about the organization of the Church of Gorum itself, I borrowed the term Bloodletter to use as a title for an inexperienced Priest of Gorum but are there any reference to titles or any day to day description of this Church using other resources than the wiki or the above mentioned book? Is there anything about this you want to do for your game or is it left in my hands?
3) What does the Church really do in Brevoy? It's a major faith there and I thought I read somewhere that there is a temple in New Stetven but Brevoy appears to be mostly peaceful since the Conquest. Who is the Church fighting and where?
4) What does Zaxarii know about the political relationships of the Church to the other major faiths, Abadar and Pharasma? ... to the nobility, particularly the Surtovas and the Lebedas? Just assume I take 10 on Knowledge(Nobility) giving me a 15.
1) For the purposes of the selection process I made Zax's mother the Aunt of the Head of Lebeda, making Zax her first cousin. Is this too close a relationship for you? Are there any revisions you would find helpful to your plans?
2) I assume that relations between Mother and cousin are strained, and having an acknowledged bastard show up, is troublesome, but house honor and all that causes at least a formal politeness. I presumed a little so far on the House relations (rich parents) and a few points of Noble privilege but I don't want to overstep bounds. Please let me know if I do overstep.
Is it possible to buy masterwork or anything magical before play begins?
Zax is a young man still finding a way of his own in this world. He is near the top of a society that really doesn't want him. He goals, right now, are nebulous. If family, church or (almost) anyone asks him, he will go to fight something/anything. He is not a rebel though and would not fight family without very good reasons. But he does want to achieve something glorious. His only interest now in Skywatch would be if there is something to fight, otherwise it's a mystery for wizards. Political intrigue is great and he understands it, but he is not sure of what he wants or why. His motives, now, do not run to grand goals but individual ones.
I have not played on these boards (or in any PBP) so how do I roll the dice for attack, damage, skills, etc.?
Do you have a better method of posting a character, I'm using PCgen but the output leaves a lot to be desired.
Short of total manual entry or buying anything (like Hero Labs), is there anything I can do to have a better character sheet?
Is there anything I can do to make things easier on you?
Ah well, I'm sure it's Sunday Morning somewhere still. :)

Shaundakul DM |

1) I think Gorum revels in the battle. Battle isn't really the same as murder. He's not interested in motives behind battles and war, but neither is he for unmotivated bloodshed. That's how I see it.
2)I haven't seen any entries outside of Faiths of Balancs and the world guide. I think we'll establish the workings of the church as needed.
3) I think the church is important because of the history of Brevoy. Brevoy, especially in the north has a hist of raiding similar to the Linnorm Kings. The main population is more likely to worship Pharasma.
4)I would think the Lebeda's a going to be more in the vein of worshiping Abadar, since they are focused on trade. As far as I know there are no strains between the 3 faiths. Abadar isn't overly fond of Gorum, but understands battle is a necessary part of politics.
1) I think the relationship is find, and works great for my initial plans with Silverhall being the seat of Lebedar.
2) Relationships may be strained due to her movement away from the family business of trade, and they would have rather her been a priest of Abadar. I agree that you will receive politeness, and acknowledgement from family, but there will not be a lot of affection.
The interesting thing about Brevoy, is that they are much more accepting of half-orcs than other societies, so while some might find you disgusting or frightening, overall you will be accepted.
Masterwork is okay.
When you are adding posts, you will see BBCode tag button beneath. That tells you how to roll dice. If you follow the instructions, and hit preview, you will see the result of the roll, and then can add anything additional you might need afterward. It's pretty easy. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
I use HeroLab, so I'm not aware of any other programs and compatibility. I noticed your entry seemed a little jumbled and had a lot of extra info. You could use their entry, and then go in and clean it up. That would go a lot faster than manual entry.
I hoped I answered your questions to your satisfaction, some of this stuff we will work out as we go along.

Kerri Corynian |

I have finished buying Equipment and sorting everything out.

Gustav Merval Weynolt |

Gustav is fully equipped and ready for the road.
As far as physical appearance goes, Gustav primarily wears shades of dark red and dull gold, a grey fur-lined cloak, and a very light backpack. He has brown hair, cropped short and without a beard, and brown eyes. When he is not in action or conversation, he pulls out a deck of cards and begins shuffling them, and is happy to take offers for a game ifmthe situation warrants.

Shaundakul DM |

Just to confirm, we have max starting gold right? If so then Harbador is ready to go :D
Max gold is correct. Just waiting on one person to check in. Since it is a holiday weekend, assuming people are located in the US or Canada, I will give until tomorrow evening to check in. If he doesn't check in by then, we'll see what happens. We'll probably start out with the group as is, and if he joins in the next day or so after, I will figure out a way to work him in.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Zaxarii is good to go. Equipment is bought and on the character sheet. It's as neat as I can make it.
My appearance in battle is as pictured in the link in my previous post.
A very large, light green half orc in breastplate and leather stomps nervously about the deck. On boarding he wore a large, well made backpack. His quality greatsword hangs from a scabbard on his back. An iron and silver Symbol of Gorum drops from his neck. If anyone can see the signet ring, the arms of House Lebeda are visible.
On to adventure, to glory, to ... ah I'm too tired, good evening everyone.

Shaundakul DM |

Zaxarii is good to go. Equipment is bought and on the character sheet. It's as neat as I can make it.
My appearance in battle is as pictured in the link in my previous post.
A very large, light green half orc in breastplate and leather stomps nervously about the deck. On boarding he wore a large, well made backpack. His quality greatsword hangs from a scabbard on his back. An iron and silver Symbol of Gorum drops from his neck. If anyone can see the signet ring, the arms of House Lebeda are visible.
On to adventure, to glory, to ... ah I'm too tired, good evening everyone.
My only comment, is that I can't tell which spells you have prepared.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

I live in a far northwest suburb of Chicago, IL. near Wisconsin, just a forty minute drive from Lake Geneva, Home of the EGG that started it all.
I plan to post the default spell selection here and in the play area
(spoilered of course), tomorrow when I am a bit more awake. Would you prefer it posted on the character sheet; it's potentially a moving target?

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

My spell defaults, if there is any questions about this or anything else, please let me know.
- Detect Magic
- Mending
- Stabilize
Cleric Level 1
- Bless
- Command
- Magic Weapon(War)
- Create Water
- Purify Food and Drink
- Stabilize
Cleric Level 1
- Bless
- Command
- Enlarge Person(Ferocity)

Shaundakul DM |

My spell defaults, if there is any questions about this or anything else, please let me know.
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **
You can either do default, or you can do what you said earlier as it makes sense, and just tell me which spells you memorize at the beginning of each day.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

I'm not trying to be difficult but I am confused here, what you said above makes me think that you believe I did something different from what I said in my earlier post; I see it as following it.
How's this?: I post those defaults on my character sheet and give in play indications like: This village can water and feed us. or This deep in the forest, we haven't seen anyone in days. This is for if time is passing in routine, I forget to post selections, or (hopefully not) need to be DMPC'd, otherwise I'll post my selection for that day only when in play. If this isn't good for you I can just have one default and select as necessary.

Shaundakul DM |

I'm not trying to be difficult but I am confused here, what you said above makes me think that you believe I did something different from what I said in my earlier post; I see it as following it.
How's this?: I post those defaults on my character sheet and give in play indications like: This village can water and feed us. or This deep in the forest, we haven't seen anyone in days. This is for if time is passing in routine, I forget to post selections, or (hopefully not) need to be DMPC'd, otherwise I'll post my selection for that day only when in play. If this isn't good for you I can just have one default and select as necessary.
Sorry I misread your first post regarding spell selection, I understand what you are doing now.

Shaundakul DM |

I have added the game thread.
Our sixth player has not yet responded, but if he does prior to anything exciting happen, I will have come out the general gathering area.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

Talking to a friend, I became aware that the cousin Elanna is not the House Head of Lebeda but the Ambassador of the Silver Court to the Ruby Court. Her brother is the heir and her mother is the Regent. It make no difference to my background but I'm sorry for any confusion I might have caused. Mother's letter would be to the head of the household unless she would believe that Ehlanna's request was personal rather than official.

Shaundakul DM |

Talking to a friend, I became aware that the cousin Elanna is not the House Head of Lebeda but the Ambassador of the Silver Court to the Ruby Court. Her brother is the heir and her mother is the Regent. It make no difference to my background but I'm sorry for any confusion I might have caused. Mother's letter would be to the head of the household unless she would believe that Ehlanna's request was personal rather than official.
I didn't know that you though Elanna was the head of the household, so it makes no difference. Her being on the same ship as you is pure coincidence.

Shaundakul DM |

Well, we are definitely down one player as I have only heard from 5 of the 6 I offered, but that doesn't concern me as much as not having heard from Alistair since Sunday. As long as Weynolt continues to post, we will still have a party of four which is pretty well rounded, so I don't think I'll need to go out and recruit. Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Unless one or both of the other two characters posts today, I will wait til tomorrow to advance the story and let you continue interacting with each other.

Kerri Corynian |

If we do find ourselves short a player, a friend of mine (CaptainCortez) would like to join this campaign as his current campaign has come to a stand still. He would play a fighter type character.

Shaundakul DM |

If we do find ourselves short a player, a friend of mine (CaptainCortez) would like to join this campaign as his current campaign has come to a stand still. He would play a fighter type character.
Tell him/her to work the character up. Since I orginally six picked, the worst that could happen is we'd be back up to six. He can either work up a background as Elanna's body guard for this trip, or he can come out of the crew area, and we'll assume he boarded the boat before the others arrived.

Shaundakul DM |

My work prevents me fro.m time to post more than once per day, and that is not always going to be the same time every day. If you think this is too slow, I will not at all be offended and can bow out to the next runner up.
I have no problem with once a day posting. I understand that different people have different posting speeds in a PbP game. We'll just assume Gustav is the strong silent type. The only time it could appreciably slow the game is in combat, and that's only if all the other players and myself are posting at a much faster rate. I'm going to submit a separate post on this thread regarding how I will do combat a little later.

Kerri Corynian |

CaptainCortez will have a character up later on today. He is willing to be the bodyguard of Elanna. He will most likely be a 2 handed weapon fighter, so will deal huge amounts of damage. I think he will be using a Greatsword, if my memory is correct.

Kerri Corynian |

I also have another friend who is really interested in playing this campaign. He has never played PbP before, but wants to get into one with a friend, so he can understand it easier. He will be making a Gnomish Alchemist if you like the idea of him playing. I know you can only pick 1 other player, so I shall leave the choice to you if you want 1 of them or neither of them.

Zaxarii Domnoff Lebeda |

I am fine with a party of seven, however with that many, the chance of someone not being able to post promptly will go up, so I think if anyone doesn't post after 24 hours the game will need to move forward anyway or it will stall. We are a party with a large number of melee types, our spellcaster(s) have most of the ranged attack power, I don't think that's a problem often but a bow or two eventually would be good. Zaxariii won't bother much with that but he's inept with archery anyway.

Shaundakul DM |

This is the way I'd like to handle combat.
I will roll initiative for everyone, to speed up the process of starting combat. Afterward, I would prefer to have everyone post in initiative order when possible. However, if more than one day has passed since the characters turn comes into play, I will make the characters move for them. If you think this might occur, put your characters most likely combat tactics in your character profile, so I play them the most likely way you would.
Does anybody have any problem with this? If so, it is up for discussion, as I would like this game to be as enjoyable for everyone as possible. I will advance the story tonight regardless of whether or not we have heard from the pending players.

CaptainCortez |

Just gonna post my stats up now. I'm not going to do much of a back story unless I'm actually chosen to take part though.
The character's already made as it was my back up character for a previous tabletop Legacy of Fire game (party didn't get far and my guy gave his life to try and save the other members), so it'll be my submitted character for this who has chosen to be Elanna's bodyguard to exact revenge on....
Just gonna put them in now.