
Alenthor Blackfrost's page

20 posts. Alias of Talonhawke.

Full Name

Alenthor Blackfrost




Musket Master Gunslinger 1












Common Osrian Dwarven Kelish (Gnomish if cultural languages are free)



Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 13
Intelligence 16
Wisdom 12
Charisma 10

About Alenthor Blackfrost

Time Zone is USA Central Time

Alenthor was born in the city of Martel in the Mana waste. His father was a prominent gunsmith who was heavily succesful in most of his endeavors. This lead tot the family being fairly well of as a result young Alenthor spent most of his free time with various tutors grooming him to be well educated. He spent most of his early education learning like his father to be a scientist in the employ of the Gunworks. However after spending some time trying to fix the science of guns a wild idea set upon him. He began working to learn about alchemy as much as he knew about guns. This lead him to begin searching for a way to combine to two sciences into a more perfect weapon. During a period of excessive study and work, one of the young mans experiments went a bit wrong collapsing part of a cave network and trapping a traveling professor within. The young inventor used his tools to excavate the man out, and the too became good friends. As the professor traveled he would send samples of various chemicals to Alenthor, and Alenthor kept in touch as best he could with the Professor over the years using him as a sounding board for various ideas for combining mixtures to increase his powders potential.

Personality and Appearence:
Alenthor is a soft spoken man who often smells of gunpowder and a cinnamon scented tobacco he is fond of smoking. He doesn't shy away from conversation as alchemist are sometimes known to do. He tends to wear clothes that can both be worked in as well as adventure in as he never knows when an idea will take him. He has short brown hair which is often slicked back. His greenish eyes are hard to make out sometimes behind the thick glasses he wears to help with reading and to protect his eyes when working.

Skills and Feats and such:

12HP Favored Class
Feats: Gunsmithing* Rapid Reload, Deadly Aim.

Craft Alchemy +7
Heal +5
Knowledge Arcana +4
Knowledge Engineering +7
Disable Device +4
Slieght of hand +7
Survival +5
Use Magic Device +1

Traits. Chance Saviour,Rich parents

Plans on being a close mix of Gunslinger and Alchemist.


Longsword 15g
Chain shirt MW 250g
Battered musket free
Paper Cartridges x20 120g
6 bullets and 6 doses of black powder 6g 6s
Alchemist Lab portable 75g
Gunsmith kit 15g
Acid flask x2 20g
Alchemist fire x2 40g
Paper Candle x10 10g
MW back pack 50g
Eyeglasses 5g
Earplugs 3s
Artisaisn outfit x3 2g
Adventurers sash 20g
Bedroll 1s
blanket 2s
Tent small 10g
Tinder Twig x5 5g
Stove can 10g
Chalk board 1g
Chalk x4 4s
50ft silk rope 10g
Sun rod x5 10g
1l lbs cigar mix (10 lbs tabacco 1 lb Cinamon) 6g
Mule with pack saddle
Light horse with riding saddle
Feed for 14 days for both animals 1g 4s
10 days trail rations 5g
10 days food for good meals 5g
133g left over

Combat stats:

INIT 5= +2(TRAIT)+3(DEX)
HP 12
AC 17=10+3(DEX)+4(CHAIN SHIRT)
BAB +1
Musket +5 1D12 x4 Misfire 1-2 1-6 if broken. range 40ft.
Musket (Deadly Aim) +4 1d12+2
LONGSWORD +2 1D8+0 19-20 x2


Deadeye (Ex):

At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing beyond her firearm’s first range increment. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment beyond the first. The gunslinger still takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed.

Steady Aim (Ex):
:At 1st level, as long as a musket master has at least 1 grit point, she can take a move-equivalent action to increase the accuracy of a two-handed firearm. When she does, she increases the range increment of the firearm she is firing by 10 feet. This stacks with other abilities that increase her range increment.
This deed replaces the Gunslinger’s dodge deed.

Quick Clear (Ex):
: At 1st level, as a standard action, the gunslinger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. The gunslinger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gunslinger spends 1 grit point to perform this deed, she can perform quick clear as a move-equivalent action instead of a standard action.