Blood in the Water - A Skulls & Shackles Adventure

Game Master GM Cello

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Since no one is going to try and revive the old meme of ninja vs pirate, I'll do it my self, back-story and crunch are both complete.

Alright, after some lengthy thoughts, I've decided that I'll actually play a Chaotic Neutral Inquisitor (not a bard).

As Inquisitions are a lot weaker than domains, would you allow me to have two inquisitions instead of a domain, or purchase an inquisition in the future with 2 feats?

If not, no worries, I'll think of something, but I have an idea. One is an Inquisitor who can control the weather and well, most things around him. The second is more combat focused.

Oh and I might be wrong, but we might not need to worry about not being the face of a crew/the party when we may all have high charisma, because we could probably just acquire another ship for ourselves and take the leadership feat....then we'd be an unstoppable fleet. ;)

And yea, what I found of my original build, my pirate guy will have a large focus on being a sailor, as he needs to control his own ship full of crew.

@Adelaine - I don't need too much crunch - just a general idea of your character's concept.

@Apollo - I'm not sure - which two domains would you take? We'd have to figure out if that'd be fair.

Here's an updated list.
Chumtooth - Kuru Fighter - Besmara's Blessing
Zale Trelebor - Human Paladin - Besmara's Blessing
Alexander BadAxe - Human/Orc Barbarian (Invulnerable) -
Lani - Halfling Monk (Maneuver Master) - ??

Faratim - Dwarf Cleric - ??
Four Skulls - Human Oracle of Bones - Besmara's Blessing

Alain Shadestrom - Human Sorcerer - Barrom Talespinner
Nedra Seaborn - Changeling Witch - Touched By The Sea

Randall McNally - Human Bard (Sea Singer) - Barroom Talespinner
Adelaine "Addy" Harthos - Half-Elf Rogue - ??
(Apollo Randasian ) - Human Bard (Daredevil) - ??
Isabella D'Rosini - Half-Elf Rogue - Touched by the Sea
Young Tully - Human Bard (Sea Singer) - Peg Leg
Akira of the Forest Wraiths - Human Ninja - Eye for Plunder

I think they were called anger and convergence.

If not, I may just go druid as there are already two bards here it seems. Funny really. I was one of the first to express interest but am still playing about with who I want this guy to be. I even considered anti-paladin, but I want a viable spell based combatant who has access to better spells than that if the magus list.

My campaign trait will be buccaneers blood btw.

I went with the Peg Leg trait, I thought it added some nice flavor :)

Undine wizard (water elementalist) - And since nobody has chosen it, I'm thinking either ship's surgeon or I might stick with peg leg.

We could have 2 peg legs!

Grumpy peg legged pals?!? I like it!

If not too late Id like to throw a submission in
Rocco FarReacher Gunslinger(Buccaneer) Buccaneers Blood
Filling out Profile Now

How Often can i Post: at least once a day (tho for the most part not till evening EST)
Know the AP: Know nothing of it except what i am reading in the players guide
What Do i Contribute:Range Attack and Being a sailor seamanship

Its getting late here I'll finish my profile tommorow

@ShadowyFox that would be fantastic!!!

Lani has the Ship's Surgeon trait as she is a carpenter by trade, just like her father.

I also still have an older idea for this AP, which is a Kobold Waves Oracle who eventually goes to become a Dragon Disciple through the Scaled Disciple feat. He'll turn blue through association with a Brine Dragon, which is the source of his visions. He would be a caster as well as a small package of teeth and claws.
He is an outcast from his clan, the Dankblade Crew from Shark Island in the Shackles due to his freakish scale color (the tribe is black, he is gold/yellow) and was sold to a pirate ship where he was the ship's mascot.
Eventually he was replaced by a Charau-Ka in the role of mascot and was abandoned near Port Peril, set over board in an empty barrel. In there, dehydrated and malnourished, is where he had first vision, a blue dragon soaring over the waves and he was that dragon. Afterwards he felt the urge to leave the barrel behind and to his own surprise found he could now walk on the water's surface, so he walked to Port Peril and is there looking for a new job.
Touched by the Sea would probably work best for him, but I could make him an Ilazmagort Native with some tweaking of his background (quite a few kobold tribes on Ilazmagorti)

EDIT: Didn't submit the kobold at the start because of your preference for standard races and while it, mechanically, could be done on a human via the racial heritage feat the flavor would just be off.

I'm going with the undine, but I have a full day after having to do some unexpected travel, so it's going to be after 5 est before I can post up the build & fluff.

ShadowyFox wrote:
Grumpy peg legged pals?!? I like it!
Faratim wrote:
@ShadowyFox that would be fantastic!!!

Bah! You both came late to the Peg Leg Party. But, you're welcome to hobble up on deck with me. =P

I've in a PbP of this that just got started but it seems our GM has departed so going to throw in here as well. We've only got to the first night.

Stats et all are in profile. Dwarven cleric of Gozreh

Jagray, my character is Doc in the other one lol

I've made this character up for a previous recruitment drive for Skull & Shackles so I figure I'll throw my hat into the ring.

Character Concept: All relevant info is in the alias, but tl;dr: a free-spirited Oracle of Waves of Tian descent who just received her powers and wants to get her pirate career off the ground. She has the campaign trait "Touched by the Sea."

Posting: I can post at least two times a day, although I work evenings in the Eastern U.S. Time zone so I probably won't post very often during that time unless it's a quick one off my phone.

Familiarity: I'm extremely familiar with the AP, since I'm currently running it. I can keep player knowledge and character knowledge seperate.

Character Role: In combat-- emergency healing, support, some melee. Out of combat-- support, helpful spells and revelations, party face.

Good luck everyone!

Posting: lots

Familiarity: nothing past the player's guide

Character role:

In combat:

-Lots of attacks via two weapon fighting line

-Lots of AoOs




-Sneak Attacks


Out of Combat:

A large assortment of skills detailed in the character sheet.

"Ya needs a gobbo! Wha' kind o' crew in da Shackles don't have a gobbo aboard, eh? Me and old Missy here will joins ya!"

A late and light-hearted submission; Ploggy is a goblin gunslinger with a blunderbuss and an oversized tricorn hat...

For GM Cello's info:
I'm in your Jade Regent campaign (Cally Pertwee) which recently commenced, and I just couldn't help myself from offering Ploggy up for this one. I don't expect you to choose him unless you really want some light-comedy in your game. However I would be interested in helping you GM this AP as a way of getting my own feet wet at running a PbP campaign.

Taken as a impling aboard an Ilizmagorti pirate ship from his Shackles island home, Ploggy grew up as the ship's pet, learning the pirate way of life and absorbing what passed for 'civilization' amongst the crew. Despite being separated so young from the Squidwhistler tribe, he still shared the goblin fascination for fire, fireworks and explosives - a fascination which led him to obsessively pestering the crew of his first ship into teaching him the rudiments of using firearms. Eventually he got ahold of an ancient and decrepit blunderbuss during a raid, and the weapon, which he calls 'Missy' for reasons unclear to everyone else, has been his pride and joy ever since. Recently he has parted company with his old crew in Port Peril, with the intention of finding a ship heading out deeper into the Shackles, and hopefully finding the lost island of the Squidwhistler goblins.

I could post several times per day or more easily most of the time; occasionally I have to go and do two or three days out in the field for research, but even then I'd usually have internet access.

I've GM'ed the first two parts of Skull & Shackles for a taletop group, so I'm pretty familiar with it.

Ploggy actually would make an effective ranged support combatant once he gets ahold of a musket or a couple of pistols. In the interim he can blast aside enemies at close range with his blunderbuss. He is also very sneaky and highly observant, so makes a good scout, and he knows his way around a sailing vessel.

Actually forget feinting, after checking my feat build again, it turns out I don't even have the space for improved feint.

So it's still gonna be an undine wizard (water elementalist). Since my main of is down, I'll post the basics under spoiler.

Water Caster:

8, 14, 13, 18, 12, 8

Bruising Intellect
Peg Leg

Craft (ships) +9, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (Arcana) +9, Knowledge (Nature) +9, Profession (sailor) +5, Swim +5

Not sure on feat, and I'll work more on his history tomorrow evening. Job Training and medical tests are not a fun combo.

At the Formidably Maid, a fairly inebriated man looks around as he takes another swig of rum. In a gruff, slurred voice, "Arrr! T'plunder the dungbies 'at be sailin' Besmara's oggin once more..."


Hi GM Cello. I'm also from the same PbP that Jagray and Faratim were in, lol. Seems to have died, with no sign of the GM after over two weeks.

Anyway, to answer your questions...



1. Come up with a character concept (obviously). This includes your background (this can be basic - I don't need a novel if you don't already have one), race, class, appearance and reason for being in Port Peril. You don't need to have a completed stat block to apply.

See this profile, plus...

GM Eyes Only:
I also plan to take sea reaver (barbarian archetype) and Inner Sea pirate PrC levels in time, to better model my character concept.

2. Share how often you can post. I'm asking for a minimum of one-two posts per 24 hours (on weekdays).

I can keep up with posting 1-2 times per day. More frequent to be honest would prove difficult for me; otoh, I am a very loyal and reliable player and won't disappear without very good reason or prior explanation.

3. Share how familiar you are with the AP - and be honest. Having prior knowledge of the plot isn't going to keep you from getting in, but it does help me get a sense of what my players know going into the game.

I've played twice - once in person, once via PbP here via Paizo, and in both cases we didn't get too far. The first time was a while back when the AP was first released and perhaps a dozen days in, while the second game lasted one day and night. Overall I think I have a general handle of how it's run (e.g. ship actions).

4. Share what you hope to contribute to the game mechanically - both in battles and out of them.

For GM's Eyes:
In combat, Reijo is a dirty fighter. Expect to see not merely two-weapon combat, but also dirty tricks, trips, sneak attacks, and intimidation. Out of combat, Reijo is an experienced pirate: trained in sailing, ship repairs, and navigation. My plan is to develop these skills so well he will become a renowned navigator and helmsman in time. Possibly even captain... as he's also extremely intimidating. His intense glare can strike fear into the hearts of the sturdiest of pirates.

I plan on being very good at sundering. As I said before specialize in hurting people and breaking things.

Hey GM, is this recruitment still open?

It is. I'll be making my selections by Friday at the latest, but there's still plenty of time to get your applications in.

I updated Tully's stats and bought most of his equipment. Spell selection is still a little up in the air for me, and may be partially dependent on party composition. But, crunch is largely complete.

I updated Addy's crunch, also. Equipment has not been bought, though. I'll hold off and finish if selected.

Dark Archive

If it makes any difference:

I've been playing since 1978 (obviously, not Pathfinder). I usually GM, which is why I'd like to get in on a few of these APs. I've probably heard of, if not played, any game system you can name. I started on D&D (Holmes-edition) and cut my teeth on the classics like Star Frontiers and Gamma World. I've been playing Pathfinder for about a year-and-a-half and I consider myself very familiar with the rules.

Makor is an undine who was born on a small island in the Shackles. He grew up knowing the sea as playmate, since he was more of an outcast for his elemental nature. No one ever openly beat him or caused any problems that could be traced. After all, if bad weather came or the ships were destroyed, nobody wanted to have the finger pointed at them. So it was with a heavy heart that Makor left his island, in search of purpose and a life less destroyed by questionable closed minded natives.

It was only a week or two before the undine managed to catch a ride on the ship Gozreh's Blessing. Makor was constantly asking questions of the captain and the crew, but especially of the first mate, who was a practitioner of the arcane arts.

Many months were spent in tutilege, but it was not meant to be. One day, Makor decided to take lessons into his own hands, both figuratively and literally, when he stole his mentor's Spellbook. The response from the crew was what one would expect. They tried to force the item from his hands, by coercion first and then by force (and blade) second. Rather than lose the access to the materials, he made yet another rash decision by jumping overboard.

The blood seeping from his body left him as a dangerous source of chum. Thankfully, the elemental being manifested enough of his arcane abilities amongst the blood and trauma to make his way to shore. Many years later, with more study under his belt, a peg to replace his lost limb, and many years away from the open sea, he felt it was time.

Sadly, that was not the appropriate tavern, or so it seems.

Undine wizard (water elementalist)

I can post multiple times per day, mostly in the evenin right now, since I'm in job training. I just finished one play through of the game, started another, and hoping to make this my first with a purely magical sort.

I think I can bring a nice caster to the party with plenty of battlefield control and some damage potential. I see him as being cantankerous and entirely overflowing with knowledge, as time goes on outside of combat.

I didn't bother purchasing equipment for Alain because unless they're a very considerate press gang I didn't think we were going to have any starting this AP. Am I wrong?

It's taken from you, Alain, but still somewhere on the ship. What's more, you might be able to conceal a small, crucial item on your person (a holy symbol, thieves tools, etc.). One way or another, equipment will need to be figured out before we get started, although I don't think the GM is looking for a completed build just yet if you don't feel like it.

Submitting Ricia Moon for consideration.. Slyph Wizard(Evocation)

All pertenant info is in her alias profile, Thanks..

1. Come up with a character concept (obviously). This includes your background (this can be basic - I don't need a novel if you don't already have one), race, class, appearance and reason for being in Port Peril. You don't need to have a completed stat block to apply.

DM Only:
This info is in profile alias

2. Share how often you can post. I'm asking for a minimum of one-two posts per 24 hours (on weekdays).
DM Only:
Im a frequent poster in my other Pbp's, at least 3-4 times per day, every day..

3. Share how familiar you are with the AP - and be honest. Having prior knowledge of the plot isn't going to keep you from getting in, but it does help me get a sense of what my players know going into the game.
DM Only:
I've read a little about the campaign, but never have played in it.. This will be my 4th attempt to play the AP

4. Share what you hope to contribute to the game mechanically - both in battles and out of them. 

DM Only:
Ricia is a blaster/support character.. Expect her to blast stuff in combat and buff her allias when higher levels are reached.. Out of combat she brings high knowledge rolls to the table, as well as Craft Alchemy.. Her attitude is very flirty, but short tempered and easily pissed off, so should be some great RP opportunities with her..

All right <sigh>. I've purchased equipment for Alain. After all, why shouldn't press gangs have nice things :-)

Due to some upcoming major life events, I am going to wiithdraw my application.

Thanks for your consideration. Please know, I am only withdrawing because there will shortly be several weeks where my posting will be irregular at best. It looks like you'll have a strong crew, regardless. Best of luck to all!

Um, it occurs to me that if we start having been press-ganged, and if most of our equipment will be confiscated, does that mean that arcane spellcasting characters with familiars will be separated from their familiars? If so, that could be a HUGE problem for a witch character, as for a witch a familiar is not only a companion but also a living spellbook... So the question becomes could Nedra hide her snake familiar in her clothing when the party gets press-ganged?

Not to speak for the GM here, but...

Don't worry about the equipment-getting-stolen bit too much, guys: It's a major part of the opening story, and dealt with as such. Have faith that the AP will let you do what you need to do, and don't go to the trouble of designing your character around it.

Viscount is correct. Don't worry too much. I'm a generous GM and good things come to those who wait.

Along this lines, I intend to announce the party today. As such, no more apps will be considered; I have a daunting enough task ahead of me as it stands.

"So apart from them two b#~$~es and that cheating, gambler gnome fella, who else we bringin' aboard?" an unpleasant-looking, gold-toothed man says to an equally unpleasant-looking man wearing a blue scarf. "Cap'n Harrigan needs a crew and thems three ain't going to cut it alone."

"There are five of 'em we can take," the man responds in a raspy voice. "See that sad-sack of a man over there? Word is he's a fancy-ass paladin in the service of Besmara. Never heard of such a thing, but seems like his devotion could be of some value to the crew. Next we've got our eye on that halfling woman over there…" the gold-toothed man shoots him a look, but says nothing. "Yeah, I know we already got one of 'em, but this one's just as tough and capable. Plus the crew like having them little women around. Third is that peg-legged dwarf over there. Seems he's been on a ship or two in his day. We could use more experienced sailors aboard. Fourth we like that skinny, bookish fella. He looks like a dandy, but apparently one of the boys overheard him mentioning something about his spell skills when telling some ol' pirate story." He scans the room to find the last person he had picked. "Ah, there she is," he says, smiling. "That half-elven woman over there. Apparently she's lost her husband and has been investigatin' his disappearance. Don't know if she'll be of much help aboard the ship, but she's a sight to look at, in't she?"

The gold-toothed man nods. "So that's it, then? Fine. Don't suppose there's much better choices among this lot." He stands to leave. "I'm headed back to the ship. Get them aboard. We'll be heading out in less than five hours - don' be late."


The selected party is:
Zale Trelebor
Alain Shadestrom
Isabella D'Rosini

Once again, well-played, friends. There were some amazing characters here.

Those selected, please head over to the discussion thread to check in.

Congratulations to the successful press-gangees.

GM Cello:
Still looking for folks to help run NPCs for the AP?

Ah well, and so it goes.

Congrats all!

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