Black Talons of Absalom (Inactive)

Game Master Dave Young 992

The Patchwork City is home to many kinds of people, and a source of wealth unseen in much of the world. Some people make it, others take it. The Black Talons are the second kind.

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Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Updated character with the Black Talon perk thank you very much GM

@ Quill I marked off 200 gold for that wand hope it helps


I was going to say "No! Just take the first one."

Then I thought about it, and decided that you all can have both. new recruits are limited to the first one.

That's right! You all have tats identifying you as Black Talons of the Night Ravens, with the attendant spell-like abilities: 3 0s and 2 1sts per day. Gnomes have nothing on you!

New members should be expected to get the 1st tat asap. Only Talons can get the 2nd one. They're special-er.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

I need to redo my skills but I am so taking tattooing to become the gang's tattooist.

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7

Thanks for the Tats! Profile updated to include the tattoos (Touch of Fatigue and Shield for the spells)

Alright, Juno should be completed. Also, Quill, I've marked off 150 gp of my gold for the healing wand you're getting.

Should one of us be looking to take Profession (tattoo artist) so that we can actually give the tattoo to new recruits? :P

EDIT: nevermind, I see that Kheldor is already on top of this ;)

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Hey Gangsta,

Should I take both Prof(Tattoo Artist) and Craft(Tattooing) or just one of them in order to be able to make these tats?

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7

Quill, here's another 150 toward the wand.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Fighter (Brawler) 3

Grigori has 200 for wand Miss "Quill" Although Grigori has no idea how he ended up with all this coin in first place. Grigori has bad habit of spending all his wages on drinks at bar.

Updating with Talon Tatoo, trying to think of good place for it on body, maybe left pectoral and Raven on center-back. Good yes?

That's 700 in donations alone for the wand. Maybe we should split the fund in half and try to get two wands of 25 or 30 charges? One for Quill and one for Kheldor?

Kheldor wrote:

Hey Gangsta,

Should I take both Prof(Tattoo Artist) and Craft(Tattooing) or just one of them in order to be able to make these tats?

Prof is good enough. Most artists are a little prof and craft, really, but prof is fine for this. Your character can do pretty decent tattoos.

Unlike myself. I can't draw for beans. What a perfect career for someone who hangs around with the dregs of society!

@ Savvy: 2 wands at 375 each is fine. Use your charm to get another 50 out of somebody. lol

The Exchange

I hope a slot opens up soon I would love to this game it looks like it is going to be a blast.

Female Human Cleric 4/Rogue 1 HP: 29/29 AC: 18/T:12/FF:16 - Percep: + 10 - Saves: F4/R5/W8 - CMB +4 - CMD 15

OK I took the 700 and added my 260 and that gives us 2 CLW wands at 32 charges. So Kheldor, go ahead and add one of these to your sheet. I realize Andrezi is also capable of using these but is less of a caster, but good to remember if both Kheldor and Quill go down.

GM GK thanks for the tats

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

@ Caraldur your hoping one of us drops off the face of the earth or what? Merry xmas to you 2 lol......KIDDING!

@ GM thanks again :) ive taken Raven Detect poison and Talon Shield, the raven is on the back of Sidoze's left hand and the talon.....will be left up to rp perception :)

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Which Reminds Me!!!

Merry Christmas to everyone! Hope you all have a very good holiday tomorrow, i'll be out most of the day so taking time now to wish everyone a very merry XMAS

The Exchange

Lol no. I was actually hoping the dm would like my persistence and add a slot. :). Merry Christmas to everyone.

Goodluck Caraldur! But the campaign was originally meant for 4 characters -- due to the game's popularity he opened it up to 6, so a 7th would be far beyond what was originally intended. Do stick around, though, I was drawn into the idea as well when I was on the waiting list.


6 is a big gang. At least, 6 leaders is. This will be heavy RP, with lots of rolls for stealth, social skills, and the like. City campaigns can get tedious, and typical fights don't include bugbears and dragons, so I expect it may be too slow or repetitive for some.

We may have some people lose interest or drop out for other reasons, so stay tuned!


A brief list of some of the gang names around Absalom, which is by no means complete:

(Most preceded by "The"...LOL!)

Anarchist Bombers, Aroden's Avengers, Ascendants, Badger Gang, Bloody Barbers, Club Club, Coin Clippers, Courtesy League, Dapper Dandies, Dawnfoot Dwarves, Elf Disciples, Fey Phantoms, Forgivenots, Formless, Green Mist Gang, Holy Rollers, Ivy Stalkers, Keen Blades, Kings of Westgate, Lords of Eastgate, Lost Children, Mad Jacks, Murder of Crows, Night Tax, Ogre Kin, Orc Bloods, Pesh Princes, Pretty Kitties, Smoke Knights, Silent Syndicate, Sons of Absalom, Ruckus Crew, Pesh Princes, Petal Rats, Puddle Pounders, Quick Undead, Shadow Demons, Shoreline Sharks, Short Sharpers, Sly Peddlers, Soul Eaters, Watch Watchers, Westerhold Kings

They run the gamut, from street toughs to sophisticated criminal organizations.

Just a heads up, I will probably disappear for the 3 days leading up to New Years and possibly the two or three days afterwards. I know that the campaign wasn't going to pick up until January, but I probably won't be able to be very active at all until the 3rd or 4th at the latest. I might miss the first day or two, depending on when we start ;)

I am currently planning a very chaotic adventure that potentially involves driving down the entire west coast of the United States multiple times and I have no idea whether or not internet will be an available or realistic commodity.

Hope everyone's Christmases went/are going well!


Anarchist Bombers, Aroden's Avengers, Ascendants, Badger Gang, Bloody Barbers, Club Club, Coin Clippers, Courtesy League, Dapper Dandies, Dawnfoot Dwarves, Elf Disciples, Fey Phantoms, Forgivenots, Formless, Green Mist Gang, Holy Rollers, Ivy Stalkers, Keen Blades, Kings of Westgate, Lords of Eastgate, Lost Children, Mad Jacks, Murder of Crows, Night Tax, Ogre Kin, Orc Bloods, Pesh Princes, Petal Rats, Pretty Kitties, Puddle Pounders, Quick Undead, Ruckus Crew, Silent Syndicate, Shadow Demons, Shoreline Sharks, Short Sharpers, Sly Peddlers, Smoke Knights, Sons of Absalom, Soul Eaters, Watch Watchers, Westerhold Kings

Sorry. Kinda screwed up the list before. This one is all shiny and Christmas-y!

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

So many ideas so little time haha

Well id vote for a smaller gang.

Id prefer more White collar crime, Spying work for hire,Especially focusing on Nobility and even fleecing Merchant lord types. Would rather stay away from crime involving the common folk cause it is just not profitable and really has nothing to gain from it. Slavery would be just outright not nearly as profitable and far to problematic not wanting to deal with the Bell Flower society.

Jinchi wrote:

Well id vote for a smaller gang.

Id prefer more White collar crime, Spying work for hire,Especially focusing on Nobility and even fleecing Merchant lord types. Would rather stay away from crime involving the common folk cause it is just not profitable and really has nothing to gain from it. Slavery would be just outright not nearly as profitable and far to problematic not wanting to deal with the Bell Flower society.

I'm guessing you're not scrolling up, because you've been removed from the game. It's explained in a previous post.


A little on how people get around:

Transport in Absalom
In large part due to its size, Absalom is a city of animal-aided travel. Steeds and saddles can be rented in most districts, merchants are often ranked not by goods but by number of beasts of burden, and owning a personal steed (in a city where it must be stabled and food imported for it) is an important symbol of wealth. Even for commoners, animal transport can be critical—long bench-wagons make regular circuits through the major roads, allowing commoners to ride along for a copper, and halflings with dog-pulled travois will haul any shoppers’ packages back to their homes for a similarly low price.

However, horses are extremely rare in Absalom. No native herds exist on the island, and those released into the wilds are either killed by angry centaurs (who see them as a direct attack on their small plains) or eaten by harpies. Instead, camels are the most common mounts. Breeds imported from Osirion have proven extremely well adapted to the island, and are the steed of choice among nobles and merchants alike.

Camels are also used as beasts of burden, to pull chariots and wagons, and as farming beasts for the fields around Diobel. Most of Absalom’s district guards have at least one small unit of camel cavalry, and camel barding is more common than horse armor within the city’s shops. Rumors claim a breed of winged camels exists on the northern end of the isle of Kortos, but if so their numbers must be very small, as none have ever been captured.

Giant flightless birds called axebeaks are the next most common portage animals, though they are also herded for food by some Vudrani families. Bladebeaks are much more aggressive than camels, but also faster and more able to defend themselves, making them popular for Diobel-to-Absalom caravans. Riding dogs, various huge lizard-like creatures, elephants, and even monstrous (non-venomous) centipedes are also found as beasts of burden in and near the city. Occasionally a centaur banished from its home clan also takes up work in Absalom as a steed, though doing so is always a sign of its great shame and dishonor.

The dizzying array of possible mounts found throughout Absalom used to mean most riders either had to have their gear custom ordered or visit a dozen shops to match the saddle and tack needed for their own beasts, but this changed a decade ago with the opening of the Hackamore House.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

In an amazing burst of awesome coincidence, my older brothergot me some sort of beginner's guide to crime, which ranks 50 different criminal activities. Suffice to say I will attempt to use as many of them IC as possible

Female Human Cleric 4/Rogue 1 HP: 29/29 AC: 18/T:12/FF:16 - Percep: + 10 - Saves: F4/R5/W8 - CMB +4 - CMD 15

It took a long deliberation to assign my tattoos. I think the Shield was a good choice made by some of the others, but I wanted to do something different. I am going with Vanish as the 1st Level and Jolt as the Zero Level.


Interesting. A few rounds of invisibility is usually all you need. Jolt is a weak spell... unless, of course, you're adding sneak damage to it!

Ranged touch at-will sneak attack without a weapon or V,S,M components? Yes, please!

I'd recommend Acid Splash, though. No save, no SR.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Hey gm so when Sidoze shoots enfeebling ray with sneak attack it does 1d6+2 str damage and 1d6 regular damage?

Hmmmm... now I'm considering taking a rank in Ride... lol

Sidoze wrote:
Hey gm so when Sidoze shoots enfeebling ray with sneak attack it does 1d6+2 str damage and 1d6 regular damage?

Correct. It does normal damage, plus 1d6 necromantic damage. Anything that isn't undead takes 1d6 untyped damage, and gets a fort save for half.

Undead get healed for 1d6, no save needed. They still get the strength damage, though. Fort saves are based on cha, which is lousy for most of them.

You should seriously consider the Arcane Trickster PrC. It's way different from the books, with the options given. One level of rogue can give you a lot with this feat:

Street Mage:

Your rogue and arcane training complement one another.

Prerequisites: 3 ranks in Spellcraft and Stealth, rogue
level 1st, arcane spellcaster level 1st

Benefit: Choose one arcane spellcasting class. Your caster level for that class increases by one for each level in the rogue class you possess, up to a maximum of 3 higher than your actual spellcaster level. In addition, when you become able to cast 3rd-level spells with an arcane spellcasting class, your sneak attack damage increases by +1d6.
Special: If you have fewer than 3 rogue levels when you take this feat, and later take additional rogue levels, your caster level continues to increase.

This increased caster level only benefits the power of the spells you cast: for all other purposes, such as qualifying for feats, your caster
level is still equal to your actual spellcaster level. This feat has no effect on which spells you know or how many you can cast per day.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

What? no reaction/response to my above post??


Kheldor wrote:

What? no reaction/response to my above post??


I saw it! That's awesome. I imagine Kheldor will always be the one with the new ideas for innovative criminal enterprises.

Feel free to share... lol

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Hmmm ill consider it its really tempting was going to take 2nd level of rouge next but now .... lol

Sidoze wrote:
Hmmm ill consider it its really tempting was going to take 2nd level of rouge next but now .... lol

It would do a lot for you. Your CL equals your character level, you get sneak attack, and you can go up as a sorcerer without losing any caster levels, or BAB, with the fractional BAB we're using.

Spells like Acid Splash, Ray of Enfeeblement and Scorching Ray become very useful when you can add sneak damage to them. I'd drop a feat and add that one, if it were me.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Drop what feat? one thing is is its not going to help me qualify for all the bloodline powers I recieve later on does it?

Sidoze wrote:
Drop what feat? one thing is is its not going to help me qualify for all the bloodline powers I recieve later on does it?

Bloodline powers continue with caster level, unlike the pathetic AT class as written in RAW.

It's a great concept that was lost in translation.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Wow now a couple of my characters really need to be rethought I just thought it meant the power of the spell just goes up no bonus perks or nothing

...sooo what feat were you saying I should drop was slightly confused

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Couple of questions for ya Gangsta:

We're rapidly approaching the new year, any idea when we'll officially start?

How do you feel as a GM of allowing non-standard magic gear, or GM boons to be given to players? I always feel either or both help to really make a PC more unique and special.

Given some of your prior comments, and of course assuming its possible with regards to us players and yourself as GM, how high could you see this game going? I like to have goals both mechanically and RP wise set up when possible. Could you foresee this gaming going epic or at least near epic??

Sidoze wrote:

Wow now a couple of my characters really need to be rethought I just thought it meant the power of the spell just goes up no bonus perks or nothing

...sooo what feat were you saying I should drop was slightly confused

There's the "official" AT, where your bloodline stuff cuts off when you enter the class, and my version, where it doesn't. You can take this feat at 3rd, and cast as a caster of your character level. I'd trade it for one of the feats you have now, if you want it, and pick the other feat up later.

Kheldor wrote:

Couple of questions for ya Gangsta:

We're rapidly approaching the new year, any idea when we'll officially start?

The 3rd or 4th?

How do you feel as a GM of allowing non-standard magic gear, or GM boons to be given to players? I always feel either or both help to really make a PC more unique and special.

We'll see how it goes. I've pretty much given away the store so far.

Given some of your prior comments, and of course assuming its possible with regards to us players and yourself as GM, how high could you see this game going? I like to have goals both mechanically and RP wise set up when possible. Could you foresee this gaming going epic or at least near epic??

It would be nice to make it to 15th level, if it lasts that long. My other game could go to 20th, maybe, but other than having goblins instead of "normal" races, it's a pretty standard adventure.

I find the gang thing intriguing, but I'm not sure how long it would take for 6 characters to "rise to the top of the underworld." This is a new thing for me, and I don't have much of an overarching plan, really. It's more sandboxy.

So far, we've got a name and some awesome tats. There are still questions of organization and which actual crimes to commit, and that's up to you guys.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

For the record, in regards to my second question, I meant once the game actually starts.

In catching up on the James Jacobs thread, he mentioned how he likes magic items that go beyond the standard fare of +x to this stat and such.

As far as what crimes we commit, I'm thinking starting with a list of what each PC would excell at, and then picking a handful from that list for the gang to engage in.

For Kheldor, that would be:

Breaking and entering,
Information selling,
Identity theft,

Off the top of my head.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

How would you steal ones identity in a medieval world? Not like you can take someones credit score here...

Sidoze wrote:
How would you steal ones identity in a medieval world? Not like you can take someones credit score here...

Illusions, disguise, mind control, forgery...

You can't "be" someone else, but you could impersonate them with the right magic and some good rolls for a while. A forged note from a merchant could get you inside a warehouse or something. Gather info can get you tips on who's doing what. Spying can get you all kinds of useful secrets.

It should be fun to concoct some elaborate schemes and see if you can pull them off. Let's see what happens!

Sidoze wrote:
How would you steal ones identity in a medieval world? Not like you can take someones credit score here...

Yeah, but you could always kidnap somebody, disguise yourself as them, waltz into their usual place of business, and then rob them blind when nobody's looking.

Juno's strong suits:

Covering up messes (via bluffing, etc.)
Gathering information/dirt on somebody
Bargaining (Diplomacy, not Appraise)
Manipulation (w/ both skills & enchantments)
Pretty much any social situation: recruiting, talking to the law, relations with other gangs, etc.

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7

Andrezi's Specialties:

Breaking and Entering
Gambling (Fair and Otherwise)

Maybe we should plan this out a bit more firmly in character once the game starts, but to kick things off I think our first few goals should be figuring out our HQ situation, then recruitment, and then fast money-making (to draw in recruits w/ promise of riches, or something). The second and third goals could go in either order and, really, they should maybe happen at the same time.

To start things off simple, though, what kind of HQ are we looking/hoping for? Obviously, this sort of thing might get moved around a few times as we play through the game, especially if our original gets discovered by the police, a rival gang, or what have you.

Some things to consider:

- Something w/ centralized location to gang's activities, whatever those may be.
- Perhaps the entrance(s) are secret doors?
- An emergency exit, for getting out when we really really need to get out.
- A place to live, or a place to work?

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14


Racketering organization

Real Estate

Information selling


Social Manipulation (Other Gangs and Nobles)

Female Human Cleric 4/Rogue 1 HP: 29/29 AC: 18/T:12/FF:16 - Percep: + 10 - Saves: F4/R5/W8 - CMB +4 - CMD 15

Quill would be good at:

-Information Broker


-Numbers and Gambling

-Real Estate Investments (Legit but perhaps bought under different pretenses)



-causing mysterious deaths

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Gangsta, I was wondering if you'd allow a feat similar to Street Mage, but for Rogue/Inquisitor.

I was thinking something like this:

Night Hunter

Benefit: For class features that depend on your class level, such as the strength of your Judgement and certain Rogue class features, you count both your Rogue and Inquisitor levels together. This does not grant you things like increased sneak attack or more judgements per day.

Kheldor wrote:

Gangsta, I was wondering if you'd allow a feat similar to Street Mage, but for Rogue/Inquisitor.

I was thinking something like this:

Night Hunter

Benefit: For class features that depend on your class level, such as the strength of your Judgement and certain Rogue class features, you count both your Rogue and Inquisitor levels together. This does not grant you things like increased sneak attack or more judgements per day.

If you want to make it more specific, I'll consider it.

@ Everyone: Make some gather info rolls. Perhaps you could start the game with a few ideas for some quick revenue generation!

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