Black Talons of Absalom (Inactive)

Game Master Dave Young 992

The Patchwork City is home to many kinds of people, and a source of wealth unseen in much of the world. Some people make it, others take it. The Black Talons are the second kind.

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Shadow Hunter

Benefit: For class features that depend on your class level, such as the strength of your Judgement and certain Rogue class features, you count both your Rogue and Inquisitor levels together. This does not grant you things like increased sneak attack or more judgements per day.

That's fine. Let's make it so your caster level and domain power progression includes your rogue level (up to 3 rogue levels). So right now, you cast your spells as a 3rd level inquisitor, and your domain powers are tied to character level, not just inquisitor level. That seems worth a feat. Saves you a trait, too.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Caster Level as a 3rd level Inquisitor, right? Not Spells Known or per day, correct?

Also, would it be too weird for me to start out knowing Shadowtongue?

Kheldor wrote:
Caster Level as a 3rd level Inquisitor, right? Not Spells Known or per day, correct?


Also, would it be too weird for me to start out knowing Shadowtongue?

Yeah. Not something you'd pick up on the streets here.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Hey Gangsta,

Would it be ok if I bought gear from the Adventurer's Armory? It's all mundane equipment, but some of it would fit me quite well.



Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Hey gm could you describe the neighborhood we are beginning in you know shops and establishments things like that nearby gangs blah blah blah oh are we going to get a map of the road the parade is going through?


You've reserved the back room of the Happy Harpy Tavern. It's in the east end of the Dock District, ground floor of a 4-story tenement in what I would describe as a rough part of town.

I don't have the means to do more than describe things, as far as mapping goes. You all know The Golden Road. It's the main drag from the Coins to the Ascendant Court. We're kinda 2e, as far as exact maps. More on that later.

Some knowledge religion or even local should clue you in to how that all works for the festival. There are other possibilities, too.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Know Local1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

All I plan on asking about is the small gangs of boys Sidoze would know of, he just plans on paying them to bring information to him and he would pay them well. As well as knowing the owners of local whorehouses and the women themselves as clients always talk. Sidoze would pay for information from them as well

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7

Well, I can't do any better than Sidoze, but maybe I'll be able to add to his check.

Knowledge (Local):1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11

Ok, maybe not. I hope this trend stops, 6 d20 rolls for the character so far and nothing above a 7 on the die.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

We just have to get into an area where you are focused on man.

Starting to work on rough draft plan kinda taking it off of the show Burn notice but could still work was going to wait till IC thread started up but I can lay it out here if needed :) either way works lol

Male Human Rogue 1/ Fighter (Brawler) 3 recap, what exactly is first mission plan? Grigori is ready to break heads whenever told too, also what is price of Guard's outfit again?

Knowledge Local: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 Grigori knooooows...nothing.

Alright, I can see I've missed a few things.

As for casting the tie-breaking vote: how is this really going to surface in the game? How often are we going to be split evenly down the middle, unable to come to a consensus? I mean, is there really a potential for the stubborn lack of cooperation that requires us to nominate one character to a higher status than another?

Why not simply agree that, as people playing and trying to enjoy the same game, we not step on each other's toes too much? Already we've seen some animosity develop among us over this issue, so I think the wisest decision is to avoid this road altogether. We each made a character -- some of them are motivated by desire for wealth, some of them by desire for power -- but each of them, with a 25 pt. buy, is extraordinary and therefore capable of being a leader.

In the end, I'm not exactly comfortable elevating one player's position of power higher than any others', especially this early in the game. I'd rather rely on faith in our ability to just get along, and that issues can and will be resolved in a mature, cooperative fashion. If we feel this is impossible, then I guess we'll have to try something else... maybe GM should have last say?


Moving on, @Kheldor: I agree that, with the similarities between our characters, a background tie would make sense. It is hard for me to know exactly what it is you're looking for in our connection, though, when I know so very little about your character :P.

I see you have a high Bluff score and the Rich Parents trait. Maybe Kheldor and Juno met shortly after she finished working with the street-rat gang that introduced her to the world of crime, and from there she corrupted Kheldor and showed him the potential for economic success with the talents they had found within themselves?


Finally, one last thought: it has become apparent that many of us have designed characters that are fit to perform the same sort of jobs. In fact, the only one of us heavily invested in combat is probably Grigori, and the rest of us have chosen to rely on deception and manipulation, and therefore high Charisma, Diplomacy, and Bluff scores. Fortunately, I don't think this should be considered a problem but rather what's to be expected: who would follow a bunch of leaders who weren't charismatic? However, it seems arbitrary to try and pin down exactly what our specializations will be before we even start playing our characters.


Sorry for writing an essay, I just got carried away and haven't been in touch for a while :) I hope everyone had a good New Year!


A little info:

Major Metropolis conventional (Grand Council); AL N
GP Limit 250,000 gp; Assets 3,798,750,000 gp
Population 303,900
Type integrated (64% human, 11% halfling, 8% half-elf, 7%
gnome, 5% dwarf, 2% elf, 1% half-orc, 2% other races)
Authority Figures
Lord Gyr of House Gixx, Primarch of Absalom, Protector
of Kortos, First Spell Lord; Lady Neferpatra of House
Ahnkamen, Grand Councilwoman, Envoy for the Dead,
First Lady of Laws; Goodman Hugen of House Candren,
Grand Councilman, owner of the Sea King Shipyards, First
Harbormaster; Lady Darchana of House Madinani, Senior
Lesser Councilwoman, Archdean of the Arcanamirium,
Second Spell Lord

It's one rockin' town!


Mariana, owner of "Mariana del Mar," a restaurant/souvenir shop in the Docks, got beat up two nights ago. She's been healed up, but hasn't reopened, and isn't talking to anybody.

Capt. Alton Brightwood, captain of the "Lustrous," is reputed to be involved in contraband. Rumor has it that he's not happy with his "business arrangement" with the Pesh Princes.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Am hopin the Guide shows up today or so. I have some of my backstory already planned out, I just need the book to get the details down.

Interesting idea, but I was planing on being a criminal from a young age, family business and all. So there's not much to corrupt, lol.


We'll start out assuming you all have a place to stay and the rent's paid. Some of you might share a space, or all live in different districts. That's up to you.

This being a mostly-city thing, you'll mostly encounter humans and humanoids. Like you, they have levels in various classes, but since they're not you, they don't all have to kill things to get xp. I was just reading a thread about NPCs and the Gamemastery Guide, and thought "So what class and level is the barmaid?" Of course, the answer is "It depends." It's not likely to matter very often.

With 6 of you playing and working on rogue-y stuff, I hope you don't mind dividing duties and maybe even going out alone or in small groups. This goes against the "don't split the party" maxim, but it's a city, and most people can walk from one end to the other without getting killed. Gangsters, naturally, aren't most people. You'll eventually have to be careful in certain areas, TBD.

I'm hoping that we'll have more than one story going on, and you'll be able to decide for yourselves what you want to do. I want to keep things sandbox-y and player-directed. Your ideas are as good as mine (probably better), and the people who post the most will do the most. We'll need daily posting (weekends optional, but encouraged) to keep things moving.

It takes a while to get into a rhythm and get a feel for what you can realistically do. If everybody's patient, we can all have some bracing adventures going on and get to do some cool things. This setting offers a lot of possibilities, but I'll need your help to make it exciting.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

When were we thinking of kicking this off again lol sorry about the footbal maxim all the bowl games hehe


Lets aim for the 4th.


Oh, and I'll do my best to make Absalom as fun and interesting as Rockridge!

Female Human Cleric 4/Rogue 1 HP: 29/29 AC: 18/T:12/FF:16 - Percep: + 10 - Saves: F4/R5/W8 - CMB +4 - CMD 15

Thanks for the Rockridge link, that was pretty funny.


This is the biggest map I found of Absalom. It's not very detailed, so if you need a default district to be staying in, the docks or Eastgate are both close to where you're meeting.

I'll start things off tomorrow. If there are more questions or comments, let's try to keep most of them here in this thread. I'll try to make sure everybody has some fun being bad!

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Without giving away too much just yet, as I am not sure if they will even fit, the most important parts of my history are thus:

Kheldor comes from a family that has been involved in organized crime for several generations. They are not an actual criminal family themselves, instead being a relied upon ally to a few different major gangs.

He's been involved in the family business officially since he the day he turned 12, but was aware of it and even helped out as a much younger child.

He has three aliases that he dons in order to help the cause: Dirk the hard nosed gambler who frequents the docks, Brother Belark a minor priest of Sarenrae who cares for the poor, and Master Rhoaga whose owns a small book stand.


Okay, let's start. You'll meet to discuss what you want to do, and go from there.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Will post plan in a second have to head home from work and thought this might give quill a chance to "come in" so we arnt leaving her too far behind

Female Human Cleric 4/Rogue 1 HP: 29/29 AC: 18/T:12/FF:16 - Percep: + 10 - Saves: F4/R5/W8 - CMB +4 - CMD 15

Missed the starting gun, but Quill hit the ground running

Hey GM Gangsta Kingpin, how do you feel about hiring out NPC's? Like, if we wanted to hire a few nobodys to attack the chest and therefore provide a distraction for us? Obviously we'd offer to pay them, but if they somehow got themselves killed... :P

It's much more in Juno's style than wielding a weapon herself, and she could probably convince a couple broke losers that they'd be winning over her heart and beauty, as well.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Fighter (Brawler) 3

Kheldor, I was not trying to Intimidate, if I was I would have rolled it. Grigori does not like people being close to him, especially not when someone he doesn't know casts a spell, which takes a standard action to do, and suddenly just APPEARS next to him, he was telling Kheldor to back away. Personal bubble kind of thing for him. I don't want PVP but the mindset of the character is that if you don't move away he'll want to move you away from him himself. I'm not sure what to do here, I'm just saying what Grigori would do as his mindset and profession dictates.

"Savvy" Juno wrote:

Hey GM Gangsta Kingpin, how do you feel about hiring out NPC's? Like, if we wanted to hire a few nobodys to attack the chest and therefore provide a distraction for us? Obviously we'd offer to pay them, but if they somehow got themselves killed... :P

It's much more in Juno's style than wielding a weapon herself, and she could probably convince a couple broke losers that they'd be winning over her heart and beauty, as well.

Some bluff, some diplomacy, a little magic... Broke losers are easy to find, but probably not too bright. They can screw up a plan as much as enhance it.

I know, because I'm a broke loser, myself!

It's still early in the planning stage. You might decide it's worth the risk. The broke losers could get caught, though, and rat you out.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Grig, Kheldor didn't stay near you for very long. Like, less than a minute.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Fighter (Brawler) 3

Kheldor you are making this extremely argumentative and threatening other players is not the way to start off a gaming session I think. You are pushing me to the point that I have to instigate PVP to play this character in this juvenile pissing match right at the beginning of the game and I don't like that or appreciate it, especially since the GM has ruled that PVP is not allowed. Now please drop it.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

How about you all stop treating my PC like s++&? Sidoze's opening thoughts completely skew me in a negative light. And then, when I show how good I am at disguise, you all give me more crap.

If all you guys are going to do is put me down and treat me in such a piss poor manner, I can leave. I absolutely love this game, but I will not be treated this way, especially since I am trying to play nice(up until the threat) and you all seem against me.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Yeah...opening try and calm down a little were playing a game filled with high strung dirty characters lol

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7

All? I'm not sure where you are getting that from.

I don't see where Quill or Juno have said or done anything to your character.

Yes you have had a confrontation with Sidoze and his hired man, Grigori.

Andrezi may have given you a look when mentioning "spoiled, rich boys", but then again Andrezi was a street urchin that grew up with nothing, so odds are he is going to have a predisposed opinion of a man who flaunts his family connections and wealth (Deservedly so or's called playing a character)

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Sidoze, you just did it again, WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM???

Your not the leader, this isn't your gang, so stop acting like it is and you are. Quit putting me down, I am sick of it.

Yes, your opening thoughts, cause I can read em, even if you didn't say em. You also claimed I wasn't a real criminal cuz i didn't come from a s**@ty up bringing. Then your disrespectful to Juno, why exactly? OH, because your some hardcore badass from the mean streets of Absalom, right? Then you call me a pompous ass, because what? I look nice and said your plan wasn't perfect? And then you insult me once more.

Dude, I get it we're criminals, but you seem to be going out of your way to be a A$!%%@!. Grig wasn't one, nor was Andrezi or Juno. Quill either.

I have played plenty of evil characters, some down right vile, but never once have I treated my fellow PCs like your treating me.

@Andrezi, your right, I was being nice and not singling out the real problem. I am sick and tired of Sidoze and how he's been treating me IC and OOC.

Male Human Rogue 1/ Fighter (Brawler) 3

Ok, Kheldor, you got that out of your system. You've said what you really wanted to. Do you feel better? Can we please continue on?

I seem to have been wrong about our natural ability to just "get along."

"Savvy" Juno wrote:
I seem to have been wrong about our natural ability to just "get along."

Greedy crooks having a clash of egos? Why, that's preposterous! Completely unheard of!

Next thing, there'll be halflings and dwarves running around...

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

This is just making me laugh

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Really? That's how your going to respond? Can I ask why your being such an ass??

May need to kill you after all.

Male Half Elf, Taldan Rogue 1 Sorc 4// Current Hp 28 /28 // AC 16/ Tch 12/ FLF 14

Dude we are not even past 50 posts like the gm said egos will clash im trying to rp how my character would act around you at the BEGINNING!

As we continue to play more we are all are going to become more accustomed to each other. Hell man my best friends were people I wanted to kick their asses the first time I met them.

As to why I am Role playing being an ass....its because he is focused on power same way you are a smooth thief. Same as Juno being the woman who "distracts" ;) and favors direct assaults. Same way as Grigori is the big tough guy who beats the s$~+ out of people. Andrezi is the cold killer, Quill is the calculating ...uhh person :)

We made characters, characters that you read and pretend to be in a different world. I am not trying to pick a fight with you. Sidoze just (on his first impression) does not like your character.

Im sorry but get over yourself

Male Human Rogue 1/ Fighter (Brawler) 3

I think he's just laughing because he's decided that this confrontation isn't going anywhere, so have I. You are the only one keeping it alive anymore Kheldor, so may I please ask you to just play the game? We get that you have connections and have the means with which to acquire items that augment your skills or allow you substantial abilities in hiding or disguises. I hope you get that Sidoze is of the mindset that he grew up without all the things you were given, and so grew to view people of higher class as softer or people who rely on things to get them through life. I am not saying this is what you are, I merely have experience with people who see others in this light. You're both Rogues, you just grew up differently, now can we please please just stop?

GM only:
GM not that I'm asking you to pick sides here but can you please step in impartially and end this silly little debacle? I may have started it but I see no reason why it needs to continue, as both I and Sidoze had stopped fighting because of its ridiculous nature and the fact that now threats are being made to actually instigate PVP to kill off other PC's. could you please just move us along so we can all enjoy the game? You'd have my deepest thanks because I really just want to move on with this story.

Grigori Hammerhands wrote:
You are the only one keeping it alive anymore Kheldor, so may I please ask you to just play the game?

I must interject here, and say that I can see how Sidoze's roleplaying could get on Kheldor's nerves. The way I've been seeing it, it's not what Sidoze (the character) is saying that's offending Kheldor, but the description and writing that Sidoze (the player) is providing.

Describing a character's input as "yapping" in what is essentially an out-of-character description, especially in the context of the argument that's taking place here, I'd call that passively antagonizing Kheldor.

Anyway, I'm of the heart of Grigori, and that goes for both sides. We're all here to have fun, and we all can have fun, but we have to be willing to let other people have fun they want to have fun for it to work.

- Apparently some people don't like being insulted, even if it's "in character:" so try to cut back on that.
- Apparently some people will roleplay a bit roughly: so try to understand that it's just their way of playing the game.



I hate to be a jerk, but I'll have to ask you to leave this game. Your character will storm out angry, and we'll leave it at that. This group is overpopulated as it is, and I'm just not enjoying your guy. I decided this last night, but gave it some time to make sure I wasn't overreacting, and I still feel the same way.

Sometimes things get off to a bad start, and the best thing to do is leave it. I see you have other avatars and hopefully other games that you will find more enjoyable.

Male Shadeling Shadowcaster Wizard 5(Shadow Subscool)/Veiled Illusionist 1

Odd, can't see Gangsta's post. Says he posted 10 minutes ago...

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7

GM Gangsta Kingpin:

I realize we have started already, but since it has not been used yet, how would you feel about me switching the effect of the Talon tattoo to Vanish instead of Shield?

Another question related to the tatoos:

The tatoos as described mimic the rogue talents minor and major magic. Do these tatoos prevent us from choosing that talent when we are available to choose one?

Do they effectively work as satisfiying the requirements for choosing any subsequent talents? (For instance, there is a talent called familiar in Ultimate Combat that gives the rogue in question a familiar that is Rogue Level -4 in strength).

If the tatoos do satisfy the prereq requirments for the talents AND do not eliminate our ability to choose the magic talents, would you be opposed to my switch of my rogue talent from Fast Stealth to Major Magic and picking up the other spell that way?

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on the matter.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Really dude? Really? After all I the work I've done and how much effort I put into to trying to make this gang unique and cool your going to kick me out??

I've barely played my character, hardly gotten in the right mindset, and your not enjoying him??

Edit: How about instead of just kicking me out we try and work out whatever probems/issues there may be?

I have some really cool stuff in mind for this character, both in game as well in his backstory. I'm just waiting for Guide to Abasolm to come in. Oh yea, that's right I'm so into this game, I went ahead and bought a book just so I can make a better character for it. That's the kind of dedication I have, and should show you how interesed in YOUR game I am. I bought a $20 or so book because of you.

And now your going to just up and kick me out, instead of trying to handle whatever it is that your not happy with.



Please don't make this more unpleasant than it already is. There's too much antagonism, and somebody's got to go. You. I've quit games, been kicked out, and kicked people out. It's no fun.

Right now, I'm not having fun and you're the biggest part of that. There's no fixing it. I'm trying to make this game enjoyable, and for me, this is the best way to do so. There's nothing to discuss, and no way to turn back the clock. I'm sorry you spent money for a game you can't be in, but I've done the same thing, too. I don't want to cause resentments, but it's too late for that. Kheldor will leave and have nothing more to do with this ridiculous gang, and that's it.

Andrezi Zeldana wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

It's fine to switch it to vanish. I don't think the tats qualify you as having the rogue talents. If you want to get a monkey or whatever, you'll have to get minor magic, major magic, etc., separately. You can switch your talent if you want. We haven't really done anything yet, so no harm done.

Male Varisan Human Cleric (Varisian Pilgrim) of Desna 5 | HP 33/36 | AC 18 T 13 FF 15 | Fort+6 Ref +5 Will +9 (+10) | Initiative +3 | Perception +4 | Channel Energy 0/7 | Bit of Luck 7/7 | Agile Feet 7/7
GM Gangsta Kingpin wrote:
Andrezi Zeldana wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

Cool. I'll switch the tat to Vanish. I would also like to switch the rogue talent to:

Terrain Mastery (Ex): A rogue with this talent gains a favored terrain as the ranger ability of the same name, though the favored terrain ability does not increase with her level as the ranger's ability does. A rogue can take this ability multiple times, each time applying it to a new terrain, and granting all other favored terrains a +2 increase to the favored terrain bonus.

This rogue talent is from Ultimate Combat and can be found online here. Obviously, I would pick Urban as my chosen terrain.

Male Weremonkey Rogue/Ranger/Trickster

Since ya decided to do me dirty, I figure I owe ya the same.

Sidoze posted awhile ago a post that contained a spoiler. In said spoiler, which I read but kept my mouth shut about, he very clearly was against me and Juno. I think you all need to know what your dealing with. Honesty after all, is the best policy:

I just find it frustrating that when we first set out and made our characters everyone had their own characters in mind and what they would do. Quill the contacts and accounting. Andrezi the assassin, Grigori the bruiser and Kheldor the thief. So I know gang organization always has a leader so I made the character's persona with that in mind. Then Jinchi had to leave and this other person comes in, after saying they would make a different character because we already had a sorc/leader type, and then just tells me under no circumstance would her character listen to Sidoze. So I have to ask IC why would she join the gang at all? If we are saying Grigori, Sidoze, and Andrezi all knew each other from orphans running out on the street they all would know Sidoze plans on running the gangs. And they seemed fine with it. I just feel frustrated cause I like the character I made and now just seems like im just pissing off two characters that go out of their way not to give and take a little. We need a decision on whether or not to proceed with how we originally planned this campaign or do we have to start from square one again because of a replacement character coming in and starting up an argument of leadership. And I feel that this decision needed to come from you instead of me arguing all about this and pissing someone else off.

There ya have it, Sidoze's dirty little secret. He came into the game disliking Juno and I from the start.

Also, it would appear our DM has no backbone, he was asked to handle this situation, and did nothing about it. Seems like when he's presented with a confrontation, you either ignore it, or in my case, go to the extreme and kick me out.

What's sad is this little spat tween Sidoze and I could have been dealt with, if instead of making a snide little remark, you actually stepped up, grew a set of testicles and settled it, like a real DM.

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