Black Fang's Kingmaker (Inactive)

Game Master Justin Sluder

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Here's this. Use it as you will.

Male Half (Dark)Elf Rogue/Fighter (3)


Male Half (Dark)Elf Rogue/Fighter (3)

Sorry about the dice roll - didn't know how it worked on the boards. Ok lets test it to see if I have it now; 1d10 ⇒ 4


Not a problem. Just easier using resources from a single place.

Human Psychomancer


Male Half-Elf Bard 1


Erian El'ranelen wrote:

Howdy back at you!

Where is everyone else?

Male Half-Elf Bard 1

Meh, they're all probably running around doing responsible stuff instead of posting random things to a forum...

Hey, I wanted to check on something--it occurred to me as I posted that Erian's bow should probably be darkwood considering its supposed to be "the best of the best" from his father. I tweaked it as such and deducted the funds to reflect the change, but if that's a problem just let me know. It's a flavor thing more than anything else--I figure everything he has is as nice as possible.

Fem Elf Bard 3

Posting to show a DOT. (^_^)

Erian El'ranelen wrote:

Meh, they're all probably running around doing responsible stuff instead of posting random things to a forum...

Hey, I wanted to check on something--it occurred to me as I posted that Erian's bow should probably be darkwood considering its supposed to be "the best of the best" from his father. I tweaked it as such and deducted the funds to reflect the change, but if that's a problem just let me know. It's a flavor thing more than anything else--I figure everything he has is as nice as possible.

If you have the coin to spend, do what you wish with it. Just make sure you hold onto it, okay? hint hint

Male Half-Elf Bard 1
Black Fang wrote:
If you have the coin to spend, do what you wish with it. Just make sure you hold onto it, okay? hint hint

Oh, he will. I'd say nothing short of stealing/harming his bow or armor would actually get Erian riled up...

I'm looking around for any other items he should have before heading out. I don't think there's much he'd need, though.

Female Aasimar Paladin/Inquisitor

Oh, Sorry I had that whole work thing... anyway I'm here now and have my profile set up... this is Xealot btw.

Constance Superne wrote:
Oh, Sorry I had that whole work thing... anyway I'm here now and have my profile set up... this is Xealot btw.

Welcome to the insanity that is a Black Fang game. :evilgrin:

Erian El'ranelen wrote:
Black Fang wrote:
If you have the coin to spend, do what you wish with it. Just make sure you hold onto it, okay? hint hint

Oh, he will. I'd say nothing short of stealing/harming his bow or armor would actually get Erian riled up...

I'm looking around for any other items he should have before heading out. I don't think there's much he'd need, though.

wait...what bow?

*whistles innocently*

Sovereign Court

Glad to see you got into a Kingmaker game in the end Tanner :)

Male Half-Elf Bard 1
Black Fang wrote:
Erian El'ranelen wrote:
Black Fang wrote:
If you have the coin to spend, do what you wish with it. Just make sure you hold onto it, okay? hint hint

Oh, he will. I'd say nothing short of stealing/harming his bow or armor would actually get Erian riled up...

I'm looking around for any other items he should have before heading out. I don't think there's much he'd need, though.

wait...what bow?

*whistles innocently*

Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry!

<a tinge of green spreads to Erian's eyes and skin--then he remembers this is not a M&M game...>

Male Human (Romandan) Warrior 4
Polson Lacey wrote:

Sorry about the dice roll - didn't know how it worked on the boards. Ok lets test it to see if I have it now; 1d10


Yeah I'm tryin it also 1d10 ⇒ 1

This should be good. *looks at the map* Oh, nevermind...

Female Aasimar Paladin/Inquisitor

You know, I didn't realize we had so many Lawful Good types... Awesome! Especially since we have one or two Neutrals and Chaotics to keep things... lively.

Constance Superne wrote:
You know, I didn't realize we had so many Lawful Good types... Awesome! Especially since we have one or two Neutrals and Chaotics to keep things... lively.

Yup, it's gonna be fun fun. :evilgrin:

Female Aasimar Paladin/Inquisitor

:sigh: Remind me again why I get nervous when the DM uses ":evilgrin:"?

Constance Superne wrote:
:sigh: Remind me again why I get nervous when the DM uses ":evilgrin:"?

Because you're the player and not the PC. :D

Male Half-Elf Bard 1

And I'm back! I see the others made it to the settlement. How did the hunting turn out? Once I know that, Erian will show up a bit late with whatever he's found.

Erian El'ranelen wrote:
And I'm back! I see the others made it to the settlement. How did the hunting turn out? Once I know that, Erian will show up a bit late with whatever he's found.

Read THIS.

Male Human (Romandan) Warrior 4
Erian El'ranelen wrote:
And I'm back! I see the others made it to the settlement. How did the hunting turn out? Once I know that, Erian will show up a bit late with whatever he's found.

VERY late indeed I suppose well I'll be sure we make use of it xD somehow, bring some honey to make some mead ^^

Black Fang wrote:
Erian El'ranelen wrote:
And I'm back! I see the others made it to the settlement. How did the hunting turn out? Once I know that, Erian will show up a bit late with whatever he's found.
Read THIS.

Hmm, does that mean we didn't actually go hunting?

erian_7 wrote:
Black Fang wrote:
Erian El'ranelen wrote:
And I'm back! I see the others made it to the settlement. How did the hunting turn out? Once I know that, Erian will show up a bit late with whatever he's found.
Read THIS.
Hmm, does that mean we didn't actually go hunting?

Not really a need to, but if you feel you must, feel free.

Thanks! It's not a survival issue, obviously. Just a little something to do...

erian_7 wrote:
Thanks! It's not a survival issue, obviously. Just a little something to do...

And it never hurts to have a little extra in storage.

Caelin, you ate the same thing. It's what they're serving tonight.

Sorry all, I need to unplug for a few hours. Have fun in the tavern, everyone is there for now.

Question for the party.

Would you like more time to roleplay with each other before reaching Oleg's, or would you rather I fast forward things?

Male Half (Dark)Elf Rogue/Fighter (3)
Black Fang wrote:

Question for the party.

Would you like more time to roleplay with each other before reaching Oleg's, or would you rather I fast forward things?

I'm good to move on - will be guided by majority

Polson Lacey wrote:
Black Fang wrote:

Question for the party.

Would you like more time to roleplay with each other before reaching Oleg's, or would you rather I fast forward things?

I'm good to move on - will be guided by majority


I await the party's choice. G'night all.

Male Human (Romandan) Warrior 4
Black Fang wrote:
I await the party's choice. G'night all.

I don't mind the roleplaying, but we do need to advance, you are doing fine maybe a tad slow but really enjoying it.

Since we had only one answer, he's decided. The trip has fast forwarded to a mile from Oleg's, because something is about to happen. ;)

Just posting to show that, Yes I am working at finishing this 'Fifth wheel' of a character...:P

Cheers! (^_^)

Male Half (Dark)Elf Rogue/Fighter (3)

Hey guys I have an early start in the morning so wont be posting tonight. can be back around 6am BST if that helps. Will be back when I can, cheers!

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian/Summoner 1

Sorry about the tardiness, crazy last few days at work. Sheet should now be completely finished and I'll get to posting in the ICC thread.

Male Human (Romandan) Warrior 4

I guess I'll have to search for an avatar that looks more "Ulfen" before even I start thinking that I am a dwarf also lol

Female Human (Ulfen) Barbarian/Summoner 1
Caelin O'Hern wrote:
I guess I'll have to search for an avatar that looks more "Ulfen" before even I start thinking that I am a dwarf also lol

Heh. I was about to make the same mistake before I took a moment to check out your character profile. Hard to ignore a sigpic even though they shouldn't matter much.

And if anyone hasn't figured it out, Tam takes everything literal. So be careful if you're gambling and say "I'm on fire!" You might just get a barrel of water dumped on you.

Encounter map is up, I hope it doesn't suck to much. I tossed it together using Paint. It's my first pbp map.

Hey all, going to the Star Wars exhibit tomorrow with my wife, son, and family friends. So, I provided a bit of extra detail for Erian so my absence won't slow down combat too much (I hope).

Male Human (Romandan) Warrior 4
erian_7 wrote:
Hey all, going to the Star Wars exhibit tomorrow with my wife, son, and family friends. So, I provided a bit of extra detail for Erian so my absence won't slow down combat too much (I hope).

Good luck at the exhibit! Wish I wass around to go there also ^^

Finished! (^_^)

Awaiting any perusal. =)

Much cheers to all!

Male Half (Dark)Elf Rogue/Fighter (3)
Black Fang wrote:
Encounter map is up, I hope it doesn't suck to much. I tossed it together using Paint. It's my first pbp map.

Nice effort dude

Male Dwarf Cleric* 1/Fighter1

I will post as often as I can today, but there are still thousands of us without powere here in the philadelphia it might be more difficult. Sorry

Angus Skulkhiem wrote:
I will post as often as I can today, but there are still thousands of us without powere here in the philadelphia it might be more difficult. Sorry

Wait...what have I missed? What's wrong in Philadelphia?

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