Baldwin the Merciful's - CoT Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful

This is Council of Thieves AP. Westcrown, City of Twilight, once was the center of Aroden's faith, but now it symbolizes despair. By day, the city remains a vibrant center of trade; but, by night only those with a death wish venture out.

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Evil GM

I think there was some miscommunication there. When the dagger slide by the magnetic door - after the switch was pulled down -, it kept on sliding by the door. In other words, the metal in the dagger was not pulled to the magnetic doors. The magnetic doors are off

Evil GM

When the switch is pulled down, Lucrezia realizes the door are off.

Khazrae suggested there would be a turn off switch but nobody looked for it.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Okay, Truk will leave it off.

"Let's get outside."

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Right behind you.

M Dwarf Witchhunter16, Init +7, Percep+13, HP140/140 AC31/18/28+4 w/Judge+4SHIELD ,Save F17/R11/W17+4 Spells/Poison, +4 w/Know Def, +4 w/Judge , CMD+31+39vsTrip, 35Bullrush

Grimm is keen for some killing. It was a new day in a hostile area. Should be plenty of things to kill.
Let's get too it and may our enemies fall, crying and bleeding in a mess o thier own entrails. Praise Angradd.

Evil GM

The double doors open quite easily. You observe that dozens of pillars support a wooden terrace that surrounds a weed-choked inner courtyard. Underneath the terrace, a variety of weapon racks rest against an outer stone wall, protected from the outdoor weather. In the center of the open courtyard sits a raised dais composed of a mysterious blue metal. The strange circular stage is fifty feet across. There are the remains of broken wooden walkway hanging from the southern building that once connected the southern and northern upper floors of the lodge. The dwarf finally getting his nerve from the day before back leads the way with his armored hellknight companion.


Evil GM

Grimm and John can make perception checks.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

Kicking a small piece of plank that was once part of the above walkway, Lucrezia looks around.

"Well, this is definitely the courtyard that Shadow fell into. Did the pathfinder used to have concerts or staged duels out here or something?"

perception 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Strumming their lutes no doubt.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

"There's weapon racks over there. Maybe they did combat demonstrations on the stage."

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

We waiting on those two to make perception checks?

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

Detect magic focusing on the weapons rack.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

ooh, good call for the weapon rack. wonder if anything good got left behind. :)

Evil GM

I do need the two perception checks. I'll DMPC that in few minutes.

There are at many normal weapons of most types on the racks, although
none of the weapons is particularly well made. Most any weapon in the core book. All weapons are secured with padding, and until these pads are removed as a full-round action, the weapons inflict
nonlethal damage only.

Evil GM

John Perception: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (2) + 11 = 13
Grimm Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Grimm only:

You definitely hear high pitched talking that ends in laughter. "Looki company." It's nearly childlike.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

It looks like these are just ordinary practice weapons for sparring. No need picking over them unless we really need a replacement.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Are we waiting on John and Grimm to lead us into the courtyard?

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15
Truk'tosh wrote:
Are we waiting on John and Grimm to lead us into the courtyard?

I am here and ready.

M Dwarf Witchhunter16, Init +7, Percep+13, HP140/140 AC31/18/28+4 w/Judge+4SHIELD ,Save F17/R11/W17+4 Spells/Poison, +4 w/Know Def, +4 w/Judge , CMD+31+39vsTrip, 35Bullrush

Grimm draws his hammer, We're bein' watched.
He casts Divine Favor. Arm yourselves!

He roars in the direction of the noise.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk glances over the heads of the party for a look at what the danger was.

"What is it? Are we under attack?"

Evil GM

Everyone can read Grimm's perception check as he would have repeated it. Then decide what you want to do or how you want to react.

Looks like Grimm responded when I was posting.

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (6) + 15 = 21

Faelyn attempts to spot what is making the sounds.

Evil GM

You see two tiny figures climbing on the blue disk but once they are on the disk they are no longer visible.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk's not going to start burning spells until he sees or hears something hostile.

Evil GM

The weeds growing in the courtyard average 2 feet in height, and provide concealment for small creatures.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

"Uhm, yes, you do have company. Very curious company who are wondering who is out here in the courtyard with us. Since you aren't howling at us or attacking with shadows yet, shall we assume that you aren't going to try to kill us or at least willing to talk first?"

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

Lucrezia will quietly ask Faelyn: "Those things looked kinda tiny. Are they some kinda imp like Zizzy there?"

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15
baldwin the merciful wrote:
You see two tiny figures climbing on the blue disk but once they are on the disk they are no longer visible.

Anything I notice about them allow a knowledge check?

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

Hey lil s+! did you like the fire that Lucrezia here sent your way?

Evil GM

You only caught a glimpse but one looked like a tiny pull-toy wooden dragon and the other one looked like a stuffed bear. But it could be you eyes playing tricks on you since they did disappear nearly immediately after getting on the blue disk.

Evil GM

There is no answer to Lucrezia, nor Faelyn's, comments.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk watches the exchange happen in confusion.

"What are they? Are they dangerous?"

M Dwarf Witchhunter16, Init +7, Percep+13, HP140/140 AC31/18/28+4 w/Judge+4SHIELD ,Save F17/R11/W17+4 Spells/Poison, +4 w/Know Def, +4 w/Judge , CMD+31+39vsTrip, 35Bullrush

Grimm shouts again, No funny business or I'll smash ye!
Everything we seen has tried to kill us so far!

Evil GM

Your funny fatso and you are too ugly...hehehehe the tiny voice trails off.

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10

Maybe these guys aren't so bad. Hah! Ziz laughs at the dwarf.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17


Well who are you? Do you live here? We are adventurers who are on a quest to destroy the evvvillll Shadowlord Ilnerik. We even have a story about it. Would you like to hear? There is even singing to go along with it.

Evil GM

Orcy is smelly...stinky orcy...oink oink oinki orcy, oinki orcy, oinci orcy." The second woody voice sings.

Evil GM
Andrea1 wrote:


Well who are you? Do you live here? We are adventurers who are on a quest to destroy the evvvillll Shadowlord Ilnerik. We even have a story about it. Would you like to hear? There is even singing to go along with it.


Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Oh comon, please don't be mean to him. He is so big and loveable.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (19) + 11 = 30

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

Faelyn keeps an eye on the surroundings in case they are holding our attention while someone else sneaks up.

He casts ghost sound to make a dog growl behind the two voices.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

"Are they talking about Trouble?"

"Hey you little buggers, I happen to like how the half-orc smells!"

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17
baldwin the merciful wrote:
Andrea1 wrote:


Well who are you? Do you live here? We are adventurers who are on a quest to destroy the evvvillll Shadowlord Ilnerik. We even have a story about it. Would you like to hear? There is even singing to go along with it.


Well...You are right. We did take from the horsey. There is no excuse! Can we give it back to the horsey and things be ok between us? Pleease. I'm sorry.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (9) + 11 = 20

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

At least he isn't a cute little furry teddy bear!

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

"Well, furry teddy bears aren't too bad. I did have one when I was little. It was pink."

Evil GM

I'm going to eat yoru flying rat pointy ears. One voice hisses at Faelyn.

"Oooo Fluff, the cuddly one sez she'll put horsey back together."

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk laughs and shakes his head.

"That's what you were worried about?" he asks while pointing into the empty air of the courtyard. "It sounds like children."

The big orc leans over and taps on Orsins's shoulder.

"Why don't you try showing them that Pathfinder trinket of yours. It's gotta give you some right to be here or something that they'll understand."

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Andrea nudges the others. That is right! We'll put him back together, we can't wear horsey armor anyways! Tnen maybe we can tell stories? Plus singing, This fellow loves to sing. A great tale about the adventurers who want to defeat the Lord of Shadows Ilnerik and have come here to meet the wise Bisby.

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

So do we somewhat see them or not at all?

Evil GM
Truk'tosh wrote:

Truk laughs and shakes his head.

"That's what you were worried about?" he asks while pointing into the empty air of the courtyard. "It sounds like children."

The big orc leans over and taps on Orsins's shoulder.

"Why don't you try showing them that Pathfinder trinket of yours. It's gotta give you some right to be here or something that they'll understand."

Looki Dragon the smelly orcy speak....ichi stinky slobbery orcy.

Evil GM

whe'd da doggy come from...good eats dog is."

They are not visible to anyone.

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