Baldwin the Merciful's - CoT Campaign (Inactive)

Game Master baldwin the merciful

This is Council of Thieves AP. Westcrown, City of Twilight, once was the center of Aroden's faith, but now it symbolizes despair. By day, the city remains a vibrant center of trade; but, by night only those with a death wish venture out.

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Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10

Commune Q3:

3. Will Restoration or greater restoration spell bring back her memory?

Evil GM

Zizmort and commune Q3 and Q4:

You ask two Questions
"Possibly and yes, respectively.

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10

Commune Q5:

5. Is what caused Lucrezia's amnesia still a threat?
If Yes:
6. Can it be dispelled with dispel magic?

Evil GM

Zizmort Commune Q 5 and 6:

Yes and No.

My little fiendish servant, your deeds have gone noticed, a thorn in Asomedeus' side brings souls to my side. For that service to me, the whore priestess carries the cure.

*I did a small edit

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10

Zizmort bows to his master. I will master. Thank you for your help.

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10

Zizmort heads to the group. A Restoration spell may heal Lucrezia. A greater restoration definitely will. Andrea has the answer to ending the trap that caused Lucrezia's amnesia. She will have to decide how. Zizmort slumps. It is obvious the last few minutes have drained him of energy. He flies over to Faelyn and rests on his chest.

Evil GM

Re-read the last post, you are a bit mistaken on what Andrea can do.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

When she gets her composure back, Andrea will take a watch with Fluer.

We shouldn't spread out so much. Especially since the shadows can move through walls. We can perhaps use the light gems to help dispel natural shadows so creatures like the Shadow Mastiffs can't hide like they used to.

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10
baldwin the merciful wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Lucrezia or winning souls for Lucifer?

Evil GM


I edited the earlier post slightly to clarify. The service of being a thorn in Asomedus side in Westcrown (the country bows to that deity) granted you an additional answer. Lucifer told you Andrea carries the cure for Lucrezia amnesia.

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10
baldwin the merciful wrote:
** spoiler omitted **


Thank you. Sorry I misread it!

Init +3; Senses Darkvision; Perception +12; AC 22; hp 28/28; Fast Healing 2; Fort +3, Ref +7, Will +8 DR 5/good or silver; Immune fire, poison; Resist acid 10, cold 10

Andrea has the cure for Lucrezia's condition.

Not the fix to the trap.

Evil GM
Zizmort wrote:
baldwin the merciful wrote:
** spoiler omitted **
** spoiler omitted **

He did speak somewhat in a riddle.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

Lucrezia will insist on rooming alone for the night, though she will share a watch even though she has no idea what is going on.

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

We know restoration might help and greater restoration definitely will. What else do you have that may work? We need to cure her as soon as possible.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

I have a scroll of the Heal miracle. However, it is an advanced miracle and while I might be able to cast it, if I fail we could lose the spell. Alistar, a Calistrian cleric in Westcrown is more advanced than I an has a better chance.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

"I wasn't there and look what happened... I should have protected her!"

"I'll take whatever watch you need me to but I'm not leaving this spot."

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15

Do you have restoration?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17
Faelyn Sindrel wrote:
Do you have restoration?

I can pray for that, yes.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

With Truk aiding her with his Guidance blessing, Andrea attempts to read the scroll of Heal to cure Lucrezia's amnesia.

CLcheck: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (6) + 8 = 14

Wisdom check: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

Attempt 2

Clcheck: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Andrea stumbles at first, perhaps her exhustion catching up to her, but the second time her lips form the correct words the lettering dissolves into a silvery light that envelopes Lucrezia and rushes through her mind, freing the blocks on her memories.

Evil GM

So orsin and John are on guard the first shift.

Evil GM

DM Only:

Fun: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

fun: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19

Evil GM

Truk make perception check for me.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

Lucrezia went into a bedroom and shut the door before the communing even started. That's when Truk proclaimed he wasn't moving from the spot and prepared to camp out there for the night. No one mentioned getting Lucrezia out of the room to cast the spell on her yet.

Evil GM

I need everybody to make Will save actually, except Zizmort and Faelyn. Who were in deep concentration with the commune spell.

Orsin's Lullaby is quite soothing to everyone.

Wehre did you center the spell, it has 10 ft radius.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Andrea will go to Lucrezia's door once she hears from Faelyn/Ziz that she can use the scroll to heal Lucrezia.

Truk? I have a way to heal Lucrezia by using powerful healing magic. Let us go see her and explain it.

Willsave: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

What watch is this during? Is this before everyone bedded down?

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

will save 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 - 4 = 14

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Does this conversation with Andrea even happen?

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5

Certainly not where John or I could be affected by it. We're guarrrds. Down the hall where it wouldn't affect anyone magically, I suppose.

Evil GM
Truk'tosh wrote:
Does this conversation with Andrea even happen?

I'm waiting on Orsin to respond. He took first watch, he needs to tell where he cast his spell. the commune is a long spell to cast and receive answers, so by the time zizmort would have emerged from his commune its a good 30 to 45 minutes into first watch.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

I believe Truk is on the second watch so he's curled up either asleep or falling asleep outside Lucrezia's door?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Let us take this to discussion. There is a problem here.

Evil GM
Andrea1 wrote:
Let us take this to discussion. There is a problem here.

I don't see the problem, a spell was cast a will save potentially needs to be made.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

I guess Truk woke up when Andrea approached to explain the scroll.

Will: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5
Orsino 'Orsin' Bessatte wrote:
Certainly not where John or I could be affected by it. We're guarrrds. Down the hall where it wouldn't affect anyone magically, I suppose.

To clarify, the lullaby was for RP. I'm assuming everyone can still hear me without being actually affected by the 10 ft. burst that I placed way out of harm's way.

M Dwarf Witchhunter16, Init +7, Percep+13, HP140/140 AC31/18/28+4 w/Judge+4SHIELD ,Save F17/R11/W17+4 Spells/Poison, +4 w/Know Def, +4 w/Judge , CMD+31+39vsTrip, 35Bullrush

Will save vs LULLABY 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (2) + 12 = 14
Grimm sniffs hard and spits a lugi on the wall as Orsin sings his tune.
Bah. Give me a bawdy drinkin song anyday. He ignores the tune and rests for his watch, so he'll be ready to fight later. He sets his Breastplate aside so he can get a decent rest.
Gonna have ta learn that prayer what me commander used to use ta sit up at night ...

Evil GM

Nearly an hour into the first watch, Andrea comes out to tell Truk she has a possible cure for Lucrezia's amnesia. She knocks on Lucrezia's door with Truk nearby. There is a soft pleasant melody being sung. So far the watch is uneventful.

Orsin can make a perception check.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

Lucrezia doesn't answer the knock.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Andrea opens the door if Truk will let her.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk nods and gets up off of his bedroll.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Andrea looks inside. Lucrezia? I found a way to lift the curse of Amnesia from your mind.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

With all you strangers around her, Lucrezia had locked the door as soon as she went into the room. Likely Truk heard the lock click from his position against the door.

Male Half-Orc Druid 8/Cleric 1 | HP: 116/116 l AC: 26 (30 with buffs, 32 vs the first 3 attacks per round) /T: 12/FF: 24 l Fort: +15*, Ref: +5*, W: +14* l Init: +0 l Per: +15; Low-light vision l Movement: 30 *Hardy: Gain +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities *Familiar:51/51

Truk knocks on the door.

"What happened to you may not have scarred your outside but it's changed who you are and 'Drea thinks she can fix it. I know this is all confusing and intimidating but we need you to trust us. Please Beautiful, let us in."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Male Elven Diviner 2 Init:6, Perception:9, AC: 13/13/10, Saves: 1/3/3 (+2 enchantments & immune to sleep), HP:15/15
Lucrezia Villanova wrote:
With all you strangers around her, Lucrezia had locked the door as soon as she went into the room. Likely Truk heard the lock click from his position against the door.

Maybe assume she knocked and said what she did then?

M Dwarf Witchhunter16, Init +7, Percep+13, HP140/140 AC31/18/28+4 w/Judge+4SHIELD ,Save F17/R11/W17+4 Spells/Poison, +4 w/Know Def, +4 w/Judge , CMD+31+39vsTrip, 35Bullrush

...zzz...Oh yeah baby, daddy likes that..... yep, right on me beard...snore... *FART!*

Grimm dreams of things that should not be spoken off in polite company...

Male human bard 7/pathfinder savant 5: 83/83 hp, Init +2, AC 24 [touch 14, flat-footed 23], Fort +10, Ref +12, Will +11; Perception +5

Orsin's Perception Check: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Oh, boy.

Female Half Elf Urban Ranger / 7 and Wizard / 1 and Arcane Archer / 1 -- Perception: +18 in urban, +21 traps (otherwise +16) -- Init: +4 -- HP:49/59 -- AC: 23(Touch:15 / FF:19) -- F:7, R:11, W:5 +2vs enchants

perception to hear and wake up? 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Is that enough?

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Lucrezia? *knock knock* It is Andrea. I have a way to undue what that strange mist did to you. You will be able to remember your past. Please, I want you to remember that we are friends.

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