CloakedInSmoke |
Beta Run of my Shadowrun 4E team is now a player short, and we're looking for another runner to add to the team. We are playing the Shadowrun Mission "Back in Business." The campaign takes place in Seattle.
Our team consists of: Adam (Face), Kat (Illusionist Mage), and Rick (Unarmed Adept). We are looking for a gunner type or a hacker/rigger type to add to the team. Other submissions will be considered, but gunners & hackers have priority.
We'll use standard 400 BP for character building, Core Rulebook metatypes only (e.g., no Infected, free spirits, or AIs), but you can choose qualities/gear/spells from other books. I don't have the Anniversary edition but generally will defer to it if there is a rules change, just let me know. (I do have the errata/changes summary).
- Core Rulebook
- Runner's Companion
- Street Magic
- Arsenal
- Augmentation
If you use something from another book, please spoiler the full, relevant text on your "character sheet."
We also are using the houserule in which you gain double your Charisma in free BP to buy contacts with. Additional BP to improve or add to these contacts may be allocated from your starting pool as usual, of course.
Once I gauge the level of interest of potential players, I will set a date to submit characters by.
Happy running, and good luck!
Tarlane |
I've been wanting to get back into a play by post for a while now, was thinking of starting one up myself but the siren song of Shadowrun is hard to resist. I'd be very interested in making a char for this.
My initial concept that sounds awful fun for me would be a decker who has a bit of a thing for conspiracy theories so picked up his skills to find the 'truth' and make sure no one was watching him. Getting into running is a good way to pay the bills, get the best tech and have plenty of opportunities to look at corp computers from the inside.
I'll try and get a more real submission together and up for you soon.
Tarlane |
Alright, I whipped up "False Flag" Frank in herolab just to see what his stats might look like. This was using purely the core book, so I didn't dip into any of the others. Broken into two spoilers below so not to spam the thread.
Whenever you get around to picking characters and stuff, if I get picked I'll got and make all the herolab output in a better format to make it easier to tell what is carried and left at home and all that stuff.
Fluff stuff, Character Ideas and Motivations
Because of his beliefs in conspiracy, he has diversified his skills and gear a bit more than most hackers might. While still very focused on decking(and running an impressive program suite to back it up), he has a little talent with firearms and some backup stealth and survival skills in case he needs to get in somewhere quietly or disappear. He keeps some survival and B&E type of gear stashed away in his safe-house.
For motivation its all about information. I describe False Flag as paranoid, but its a paranoia that comes from awareness rather than assuming that everyone is out to get him. His fascination with conspiracies come from seeing how things work in the shadows, people being manipulated like pawns by governments and corporations is a real thing and often even the gangs are in their pockets. Frank may be ready to disappear and make a fresh start if the heat came down on him, but he would never be happy staying out of the front lines for long even if he might be back with a new name and face. Each computer cracked is a new set of documents to be released and every paycheck brings new ways to achieve those goals.
We're all puppets, better to work your own strings.
Herolab Output of Stats
B 3, A 3, R 4, S 2, C 3, I 5, L 5/7, W 3, E 3, Ess 4.8, Init 9, IP 1
Condition Monitor boxes (Physical/Stun): 10/10
Main System Condition Monitor: 11
Obvious System Condition Monitor: 10
Armor (Ballistic/Impact): 9/7
Skills: Con 1, Cracking Group 3, Electronics Group 3, Escape Artist 1, Locksmith 1, Longarms 2, Perception 2, Pilot Ground Craft 1, Pistols 2, Stealth Group 2, Survival 1
Knowledge Skills: American Sign Language 3, Conspiracy Theories 5, English N, Hide outs 4, Japanese 4, Russian 4, Seattle Data Brokers 3, Security Procedures 3, Sperethiel 4
Qualities: Blandness, Erased (Daily), Sensitive Neural Structure
. . Cybereyes (3) with Eye Recording Unit, Flare Compensation, Image Link, Smartlink, Thermographic Vision, Vision Enhancement (3), Vision Magnification
. . Data Lock
. . Datajack
. . Smuggling Compartment
. . Tooth Storage Compartment
. . Touch Link
. . Cerebral Booster (2)
. . Mnemonic Enhancer (2)
. . Actioneer Business Clothes with Thermal Dampening (1)
. . Armor Vest with Feedback Clothing, Fire Resistance (3), Insulation (3), Nonconductivity (3), Thermal Dampening (3)
. . Autopicker (6)
. . Climbing Gear
. . Concealable Holster
. . Concealable Holster
. . Endoscope
. . Gas Mask
. . Hazmat Suit
. . Hidden Gun Arm Slide
. . Latex Face Mask x2
. . Maglock Sequencer (4)
. . Magnesium Torch x2
. . Miniwelder
. . Respirator (6)
. . Stealth Tags x20
. . Subvocal Microphone
. . Survival Kit
. . Urban Explorer Jumpsuit
. . Wire Clippers
. . Yamaha Growler
. . Main Commlink with Analyze (6), Armor (6), Attack (6), Biofeedback Filter (6), Biometric Reader: Voice Recognition, Black Hammer (6), Blackout (6), Browse (6), Command (6), Data Bomb (6), Decrypt (6), Defuse (6), ECCM (6), Edit (6), Encrypt (6), Exploit (6), Firewall (6), Medic (6), Reality Filter (6), Response Upgrade (5), Scan (6), Signal Upgrade (2), Sniffer (6), Spoof (6), Stealth (6), System (6), Track (6)
. . Obvious Commlink with Analyze (3), Basic+ Suite, Browse (3), Command (1), Edit (3), Firewall (3), System (4)
. . Main Identity with Fake SIN (4), Middle Lifestyle, Miracle Shooter™ Monthly Subscription
. . Real Identity with DocWagon Basic Contract, Low Lifestyle
. . Ares Predator IV [Pistols, DV 5P vs. B-1, SA, 15 (c)] with Gel Rounds x30, Regular Ammo x30, Silencer, Smartgun System, Internal
. . Ares Predator IV [Pistols, DV 4S vs. I+1, SA, 15 (c)] with Gel Rounds x30, Regular Ammo x30, Silencer, Smartgun System, Internal
. . Walther MA-2100 [Sniper Rifles, DV 7P vs. B-3, SA, RC 3, 10 (m)] with Bipod, Regular Ammo x20, Shock Pad, Silencer, Smartgun System, Internal
. . Monofilament Chainsaw [Exotic Melee Weapons, DV 5P vs. I-2, Reach 1]
. . Stun Baton [Clubs, DV 6S(e) vs. ½I, Reach 1] with Internal Battery x10
. . Survival Knife [Blades, DV 2P vs. I-1]
. . Unarmed Strike [Unarmed, DV 1S vs. I]
CloakedInSmoke |
Tarlane, I like your character concept! Only issue (and a small one) with the crunch is you need to pick which commlink models you are using and their OS's.
Arknight and pocsalclypse, no rush in submitting your concepts. As of yet, I'm inclined to say there will be at least 2-3 more days to get applications in.
I should mention we already have a melée heavy hitter (Rick the physical adept--when I asked why he hadn't bought any weapons whatsoever despite a military and mafia background, he said Rick doesn't have a weapon; he IS a weapon. And he is a deadly one, indeed.) and we don't have any dedicated firearms experts. (Adam, our Face, has Pistols 4 skill, and that's it for guns).
I should also mention that this is my first Shadowrun game, ever, in case that is a dealbreaker, though I have DM'd RL Pathfinder games. Also, most of the players in my two concurrent campaigns are inexperienced as well.
pocsaclypse |
Here's a draft of the character I'm gonna submit. All I've done so far is spent the 400 starting BP, I just want to make sure there are no glaring errors and that the attribute and skill selection is appropriate. I'm making a character who has been kicked out of the military, the police, and more than one private security firm, and now survives as a gun for hire type.
Tarlane |
You are right! I chose the commlinks in herolab, but didn't notice that when I named them it replaced the actual commlink name. His main one is a Fairlight Caliban running Novetech Navi and holding two levels of response increases. The more obvious one is an erika elite running iris orb straight out of the box. Not so easy to crack as to be suspicious, but if someone wants to get in they can and will see what looks like a normal wage-slave's deck.
I made the char while I should have been working and since he wasn't selected I didn't think to send a copy of the herolab home with myself, but on Monday I'll try and find a better export(or just put up a full pdf of it where you could see it) since I think the bbpost format ends up summarizing a lot. Either way, his info will get fleshed out better if things go forward for him or you have any questions.
Also, I was just nosey and looked at your char poc. Not checking for errors or anything, but it is a cool concept. The down and out character is something that is is popular in fiction but you don't see often enough in actual play. That would be fun for the group.
Faed Kaykes |
And then Faed Kaykes was a girl
It's almost like Faed was born to be a runner. As a child she was impetuous, as an adult she was impulsive and head strong. She never understood why people assumed she was as capable, just because she was a girl, and took it upon herself to prove them wrong at every opportunity. There was more than one childhood bully that went home with fresh bruises because they underestimated Faed.
When Faed got older, she decided very quickly that she wasn't destined for the quiet life in a cubical farm, or on a sales floor. Her's was to be a life of action and adventure, and like so many before her, she turned to the military to provide it. Unfortunately for her, she kept running into the same people she had her whole life. People who assumed she couldn't perform as well because of her gender. Once again, Faed found herself having to prove that she could run as far, hit as hard, and shoot as well as any of the men. She proved to be up too the task, but her time was cut short when she received news of the death of her parents.
Faed returned to Seattle to help take care of some of her brothers who were still too young to take care of themselves. One of the few friends she had managed to make in the military, helped Faed get a job with the Seattle police. For a time, it seemed like the police force was a good fit. She found people to be less presumptuous about her capabilities and she even found herself advancing, if perhaps slower than she thought she should.
During her time on the force, Faed caught the eye of a recruiter for Knight Errant Security. She was promised all the action she could want, and a larger paycheck to help her family. Of course she accepted the offer. After several months, however, Faed began to notice a pattern. She was only set on assignments that featured a large amount of public relations and not so much action. It wasn't until she saw a bill board with her picture on it that she figured it out though. She had been hired as part of a PR campaign to improved Knight Errants image. Unable to stand being made a joke of, Faed quit immediately.
During her period of unemployment afterwards she was approached by someone with a job. This person told Faed that there was a job that required a fairly specific set of skills that Faed had spent the last decade acquiring. Faed took the job, for lack of any other options, and found the life suited her. There were no superior officers to suck up too, a persons reputation was all that mattered, and if someone insulted her, it was acceptable, even expected, for Faed to knock their lights out. Even all these years later, Faed still finds herself thinking that it's almost like she was born to be a runner.
(I may have been drunk when I wrote that so please forgive any spelling or grammar errors. Or the fact that it may be terrible).
Arknight |
I will be submitting 'Gunsmith' :)
He's a tech specialist with a specialization in firearms. He's also able to use them extremely well.
Also, here's a bit of his background as he tells it.
"Who am I you ask? In my mother's tongue, I am called Atsadi Wohali or Fishing Eagle. However, since I am not near my mother's people, you can call me Masahira. Or, if you prefer, you can use my handle. Gunsmith. My mother was a Cherokee and my father was a Japanese businessman. They lived together for a while, but eventually his family came to retrieve him forcefully and it killed my mother to see him go. Literally. They didn't want it known who was taking him, so they killed her. Me, I saw it, but I was hiding beneath the floor, playing. I guess I was five at the time. Shortly after, the house burned but my grandfather found me and raised me, never letting me forget what had happened but tempering it with how vengeance would come on its own.
My grandfather was a mechanic, so I grew up learning about mechanical and electronic things. If it has tech in it, I can do something with it. However, I found that my specialty is more along the lines of firearms. If it deals death, I can really do something with it. People started calling me a real gunsmith and it took. I may not have an actual degree on paper like some folks, but I'm probably more knowledgeable about Guns and weapons than anyone else. Oh yeah, and other tech too.
What? Oh, cyber? I'm not real good with that, but I know the trends. I try to avoid much of it though for myself because I've seen a few too many folks just let it drive them over the edge to where they were no more than a machine. Biotech and this Nanotech? Nano is cutting edge, but not something I've kept up on. Biotech though, almost as good as cyber, and a lot less impacting on who you are as a person. I prefer that stuff.
Now that you've got my story, you said you might have something for me?"
Tarlane |
The above mentioned link to a pdf of the character sheet that can be looked at a bit easier while decision are being made. Linked
And its very cool to have some of the players in the game chiming in here, looks like a good group. The other personality samples look good too, if I don't get into this game I'll be keeping an eye on it, it seems like it will be fun to follow.
As a side note, did you guys see they announced SR5 for the summer? I guess they put it up a couple months ago and I had totally missed it.
Maeyan "Hellcat" Kithalond |
And... I just noticed the thread. Hi everyone! Kat gives an embarrassed little wave.
Just as a little heads up, I'm getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow afternoon and don't know how doped up I'll be going into Friday so I may be quiet the next couple days, but I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.
Oooh, I went through that a few months ago. Not fun at all. I was just really out of it for a day, although I wasn't totally back to normal for another two or three after that. Good luck!
CloakedInSmoke |
Thanks for the well wishes! I'm not 100% better, but much better than I was, and the show must go on :) I have decided to welcome "False Flag" Frank and Faed Kaykes to Beta Run. Head on over to the Discussion thread and officially say hi to your teammates :)
Please roll for starting pocket nuyen there, although I noticed that Kaykes needs to gear up first as well. (You did save BP for buying gear, right?)
Consult the Starting Money Table and roll randomly. Add up the total results of all dice. If you have any nuyen left over from Resources, you may add +1 to the dice roll for every 100¥ left over, up to a maximum of 3 times the number of dice rolled (in other words, you may add up to half the maximum possible dice result). Multiply the result by the appropriate factor listed, and the result is your character’s starting nuyen.
We will discuss how to integrate you guys into the team in game over in the Discussion thread too. :)
Tarlane |
Thank you so much for letting me in, it sounds like its going to be a great game. I'm sorry I got quiet over the weekend, that whole wisdom teeth thing didn't go as well as hoped and pretty much had me out of commission and I'm still a little shaky on the thinky-bits. I'll get an alias made for my char along with stats posted up and over on the discussion thread ASAP.