An Act of Revenge

Game Master Sylirinight

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Grand Lodge

You are criminals, that's all you've ever been called. You are in a shuttle on your way to be executed. As you are being flown, you can hear a faint rattling noise. The noise is gradually getting louder. Then all you can hear is a loud crack as your start to fall. The shuttle you were flying in has two parts to it. The cockpit and the cargo area. You were being held in the cargo area. You fall into the deep, thick woods below you. You land in front of a lumber mill, and it seems that there are people inside.

So we have just our bare fist?

Barackus surveys the area of the crash and looks for his gear or anything that could be used as a weapon.. "Anyone else alive?"

Perc.: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

He appears to be demonic of some sort, standing just over 7' in height with a pair of large bat like wings.. There is an aura of evil about him..

Grand Lodge

Your perception check reveals that there is a chest right in front of the lumber mill. Sorry it took me so long to reply.

EDIT: My bad, you rolled a one. You search for weapons but dust gets in your eyes

Well he'll look around for others before heading to the lumber mill.. Did we know where our gear was being kept? ANd what are the people in the lumber mill doing?

Grand Lodge

Barackus Skullcleaver wrote:
Well he'll look around for others before heading to the lumber mill.. Did we know where our gear was being kept? And what are the people in the lumber mill doing?

Just to let you know, you don't have any items to begin with. You will receive your items. You don't know what the people wre doing inside the lumber mill. But you will find out soon...

AC: 15, CMD: 27, HP: 60/60
drunken brute/rage chemist 5

Derrus towers over barackus, standing just under 11 feet. Derrus is an enormous humanoid with rippling muscles and long tail and rippling muscles and enormous curving horns protrude from his head. he steps from the wreckage to search for a weapon of some sort. then follows barackus to the mill.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13 to look for a weapon

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

Skills never auto fail or succeed, though if they are 5 less than the DC bad things can happen. If they get a low check typically dust gets in eyes and what not.

An elf, with stark black hair gets up from under some rubble. His clothes are rags and much of his body is showing, though he still has a gleaming chainshirt still on and it looks unharmed. Over much of his arms and legs that you can see, is covered in tattoos.

Tall and lean the elf holds his posture straight and true, all 5’9”. His frame is about average for most elves; though you can tell that he is very fit and there is no extra weight on his frame. He appears to be ageless, with not a single grey hair in the pure stark black hair. His unnaturally straight hair is kept in a topknot, which held through the crash. His slightly tarnished pale skin appears spotless, besides the scuffs and minor wounds.

Looking for a weapon of somekind, even some metal wreckage to use as a club. 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20 Perception Check.

"Hail, my fellow prisoners, let us collect ourselves before running off to wreak havoc. I know without a weapon or my spell book I cannot enjoy in creating chaos with you." The sly looking unnatural elf says with a stern voice.

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

A large man with white hair jumps out of the cargo area and plants his fist into the ground as he lands.

He looks up and glances at his surroundings, before standing with a sinister grace.

Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26

Barackus takes a look at his fellow inmates.. "Tis good to be free again.. May Galgurot bless the destruction of whomever crosses our path!.. That lumbermill over there looks like an intrusting place to start.." with that he opens his wings a takes flight, albeit a little clumsy, and heads towards the lumbermill.. He does a circle around it, looking, before landing back with his comrades.. perc.: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19

Fyi this isn't poping up in my campaigns like normal.. Do i need to do somthing different to get it to show up?

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

Same. I think the GM needs to make it an actual game thread, rather than just a post in the PBP sub-forum. :)

Thought we were taking average hps, not rolling so here goes my rolls

1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
1d10 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
1d10 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
1d10 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

54 hps, or 58 if were taking at least average.. Which is it GM?

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

Well if it's average and not rolled (I'm pretty sure we had the option to either roll or take average), then mine's 50, but rolled is 48.

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

I just 'favorited' the link, though it would be nice if it was in my campaigns. I don't remember what her call was, though I had rolled, if she wants me to take average that is fine. Just need to know. :)

Looking... and I am looking, and if we don't find anything in say 5 minutes of searching. By the time our winged ally circles around and back to us with a report of what he saw. I guess we can go unarmed.

Grand Lodge

The GM wrote:

Your perception checks reveal a chest that is locked right in front of the lumber mill. Barackus sees that there are two chests behind the lumber mill that are placed in front of some windows. There are axes lying on the ground, and the whole lumber mill hasn't been used in years. You can hear that there is something in the lumber mill.

If you don't get what I said in the beginning said, I meant that there is a chest that is locked and is placed in front of the mill. I see that most of you post when I'm asleep! Also, this is my first time actually posting the campaign, I've DMed before, but I haven't made the game before, how do I do this?

AC: 15, CMD: 27, HP: 60/60
drunken brute/rage chemist 5

derrus walks over to the chest and attempts to break the lock.
strength: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

From what I recall there should be an option at the top asking you to set it up as one. :)

Walking slowly and menacingly over towards the Lumbermill, Nelo approaches the chest and gives it a mighty kick.

Sunder: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29

Not sure if you spotted it Derrus, as I think the perception check was for me. Don't quote me on that though, as I'm not the GM. :)

Grand Lodge

The lock falls apart.

it was an old lock, a wimpy gnome could've broken it! XD Everyone saw the chest, it was right in front of the mill.

The chest has three daggers, two longswords, a bastard sword, a warhammer, and a red crystal ball that radiates a strong aura of magic.

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

Good to know our armour was left on us!

Reaching down to grab his Bastard Sword, the dark figure lifts his placeholder weapon, holds it high above his head and laughs, before flicking it downwards with incredible strength, as he heads into the Lumbermill.

AC: 15, CMD: 27, HP: 60/60
drunken brute/rage chemist 5

I dont think it is your flaming bastard sword since i would assume all of our stuff is being held together.Derrus takes the warhammer. slightly disappointed that there isn't anything bigger.

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

Ah, guess not then, because Barackus wields a Scythe and there isn't one there. Ah well, it'll do. Hopefully we'll find our weapons soon! :)

Grand Lodge

Yea, it wasn't your sword, just coincidental. You will get your stuff though.

AC: 18, Touch: 11, FF: 17 __ Speed: 20ft, Init: 3 __ Fort: 7, Ref: 5, Will: 5 __ Climb: 14, Intimidate: 9 (11 Demoralise), Know (Planes): 15, Perc: 6, Surv: 9, UMD: 9
-[HP: 48/48]- Masked/Unmasked Fighter (Two-Handed)/Magus

Edited my post accordingly anyway. :)

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

Keston waits for the others to take what they want, after all he is the support! Seeing no bows he is a bit miffed, but what about this red glowing crystal ball? He thinks to himself.

He twitches his hand quickly doing the simple somatic and says, "Vorhas." His eyes begin to glow blue. Detect Magic

He takes a moment to see what schools of magic are on this orb and to see how powerful they are, 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29 Spellcraft Check. Perhaps even identify the object.

Are any of the weapons magical?

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

Were we concious in our cells on the shuttle, if so Keston has his orisons and a few other tricks prepared. Otherwise he would start meditating, looking at his tattoos for reminders, and preparing.

I could have unleashed a lightning bolt to sever the two parts of the shuttle, if you want a reason why the shuttle dropped, or just mechanical failure, just offering an option, I need to know if I still have the spell or not basically.

Barackus watches the two brutes smash the chest with ease.. Good to see ive been blessed with powerful allies "I saw two additional chests in the back of the sawmill.. Looks like someone knew we were coming.." He takes a Longsword in a two handed grip..

Casting Bull's Strength and assisting the wizard on detect magic for the orb

Spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13


Pally 1st-Death Knellx2 (DC17), Sentry Skull

Oracle 1st-8/day

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

It looks like Barackus and Keston are going to get along just fine.
So once we figure out what this is, we should go check those other chests for better equipment. I am sure the brutes will yell if they need help or find something fun to smash. Oh, by the way just call me Bane, and you? He grins at the fellow in armor, looking at you with curiosity likely trying to figure out what you are, racially that is... Once they are done identifying the orb;
1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22 Knowledge Planes,
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15 Knowledge Nature,
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24 Knowledge Arcana,
1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18 Knowledge Religion.
Understand that I have done my best to not look at races or character sheets, so until given permission, AKA through my checks, I will still be oblivious.

Grand Lodge

The orb has a powerful aura of transmutation. As you pick it up, two figures burst out of the lumber mill. By the looks of it, it is a gnome and a human. And they don't seem very happy.

You will kearn more about the ball soon. I wouldnt piss off these people. Don't post just yet, I have to post again, I'm in school right now, so I'm posting hike I'm in class...

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Druid 5

Hey Rienn! Isn't that your Star Ball?

Just a fyi we dont have armor out armor just yet :)

Barackus unarmored looks pretty intimidating.. He has a powerful build, with arms like tree trunks. His skin is coal black in color and his eyes are deep red and give off a very commanding presence when looked at.. He sports a set of large bat like wings that are also coal in color.. "Names Barackus, some have called me "The Head Collector" in other areas.. Indeed i shall follow the brutes around ann attempt to clean up behind them.."

DC 17 Spellcraft for spell he cast:
Bulls Str.

Know planes of 22 let you know he a Thanatotic Titanspawn +1 question

Grand Lodge

Female Razzari Sorcerer 10

Yeah it's my Star Ball! And they better give it back!

Are you going to roll a Intimidate check?

Grand Lodge

oops! Forgot to roll for your spell.

1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Grand Lodge

The human is seething in rage that you are touching what they are calling her Star Ball.

Barackus stands to his full height, unfurling his wings he says.. "Well its our ball now, and i think your heads will be too!" Swift action to detect good on her and standard to intimidate

Intimidate: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (14) + 14 = 28

If this leads to combat which im sure it will, my initiative is rolled twice..

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

It was stated that we get to start with our armor, though seeing each other without armor would be even more cool!

Thanatotic Titanspawn? So outsider any other types I get with general info? Any background info? My question is any special abilities such as gaze attacks, auras, or such supernatural abilities?

1d20 + 13 ⇒ (12) + 13 = 25 Spellcraft check

What happened to our brute squad? So were we able to identify it DC = 15 + CL.

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

Yeah, you gotta understand our 'evil' tendencies basically would make us think we are superior to most.

"What claim do you have to it, especially since you just leave it around. What are you both deaf? Could you not hear the crash of our shuttle, are you rude or just oblivious?" Bane gets more brazen since Barackus has already included him in his group.

AC: 15, CMD: 27, HP: 60/60
drunken brute/rage chemist 5

derrus just stands by and looks scary brandishing his hammer and snorting.

Due to background i rate him as rare, so knowledge 15+CR.. So 20 would get you Outsider, which has Darkvision..

Background on Thanatotic Titanspawn..
Thanatotic Titanspawn are strong and charismatic like there progenitors, but to often let emotions play more in their decision making than tactics.. Titanspawn range anywhere from 6'6" in height to 7'6" tall, there skin ranges from coal black to dark red..

Thanatotic Titanspawn are said to form when Galgurot, The One Who Seethes, bleeds in combat, which explains why there are so very few of them. Raised to be Generals in his demonic horde, the Titanspawn are forced to enter the Material Plane and learn what the enemy is all about, not to return until The Great Destroyer is satisfied they have learned enough to lead his legions against the "Good" in the world..

Anyone who makes a DC 20 Knowledge Planes can read the Keston spoilers about me..

Grand Lodge

You detect that they are both Neutral Evil. Yor intimidate check succeeds.

Grand Lodge

Male Gnome Druid 5

That ball was given to her! She forgot she left it in that chest! We don't really care about what you take considering all the gold we'll get if our plan works!

I can only detect if they are good or not.. If not i simply get nothing in return, as is the case..

After determining the two aren't good aligned Barackus's Eyes narrow.. "You are no goodie goodies, what are you doing here?"

Grand Lodge

Female Razzari Sorcerer 10

As My friend here mentioned, we are planning to do something. I'll tell you what it is if I know I can trust you.

Grand Lodge

The human seems less hostile to you at the sight of Barackus. She is trembling slightly and keeps eyeing the Star Ball.

Grand Lodge

Fhew, I thought you were about to kill a main character, who is level 10 by the way!

With a loud laugh Barackus says "Trust Me? You would not be wise too, but know this if you plan killing, maiming, or eating goodies you can count me in.. I have only just met the others here, so i cannot speak for them but we all seem to be here for a reason.. Do you believe in destiny little one? Well its mine to lead the legions of Golgurot in a decimation of all thats good in this world.. If your plans suites my needs i will help you.. As to the question of your shiny, you'll have to speak with the elf on that.."

yea we can see there levels, somthing you might wanna remove.. Up to u.. However i doubt her level would have made a difference if we had chosen to eat her lol..

AC: 15, CMD: 27, HP: 60/60
drunken brute/rage chemist 5

do I have the ingredients for my bombs/mutagen/extracts?

Shadow Lodge

HP: 56/56, AC: 19 _ T: 14 _ FF: 15 _ Perception +10/+13 in dark, Initiative: +6, Sense Motive +7, Fort +7 _ Ref +8 _ Will +6 (+8 vs. enchant) _ CMB: +8 _ CMD: 22, Speed: 30
Acrobatics +11, Appraise +9, Climb +7, Diplomacy -1, Heal +8, Escape Artist +4, Handle Animal +3, K(A, H, P, N, R) +10, Linguistics +11, Ride +9, Stealth +11, Survival +10, Spellcraft +13, Swim +9

Yeah, three tanks would wipe the floor with a sorceress unless she got a mind spell on them quick. Let alone my beefy character. LOL, we would have likely eaten them. DM I am wondering if I identified the item or not. If it has a low caster level, which it would likely have being that it was put in a simple chest. But if I can't identify it I will not be handing it over knowing that it is likely a very powerful item. On you DM.

Grand Lodge

Female Razzari Sorcerer 10

If we can pull this off, there will be plenty of killing. But with your current weapons, you wouldn't be able to hurt anything. We have equipment in the back if you decide to help.

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