Agents of the Darklands: A Campaign for Monsters and Madmen

Game Master thunderbeard

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thunderbeard wrote:

Meanwhile, here is a list of the character proposals I've seen so far (in thread or by message), to give people an idea of the general distribution of things (I didn't include the people who are contemplating multiple ideas, and if you change your mind, no worries, I'll update this in a day or several):

Arcane caster:
Quasidragon Lich Wizard | Doomed Hero

Did you miss the ghost summoner?

Iranaset, allow me to refer you to the first post of the thread, you'll find the details you're looking for.

I was coming back to delete that post, I found what I was looking for about 10 minutes ago :p thanks!

Ah! Got it, Orfamay. I thought you were still deciding what sort of ghost to be, but I'll add you to the next list of characters.

Do we have anyone picking up haste currently? I ask because we're light on arcanes* and if we don't, I'll grab Blessing of Fervor which is poor man's haste.

*Ghosts and liches don't weigh much.

I've always thought of Blessing of Fervor as the rich man's haste—it buffs the entire party.

While yes, the buff to casters is nice, I feel like the main job of haste is to max out the melees, and haste does that better, for a spell level lower (2 in the case of summoners).

Blessing of Fervor is nice if say, you know in advance your casters will be silenced/grappled, but it's odd to know that up front.

On the other hand, I have tons of 4th level slots thanks to my ludicrous Wis, I'll nab it. :P

Scarab Sages

Mine shall be le goblin alchemist (:
I took your suggestion, now I just need to put 'em together.

Grand Lodge

Is it cool if I add templates to the Lizardfolk stats presented on page 226 of the Advanced Race Guide? It has the same RP value as a half-orc and less than any of the other core races.

Lizardfolk Stats:



Humanoid (reptilian)0 rp


Medium 0 rp

Base Speed

Normal 0 rp

Ability Score Modifiers

Flexible (+2 Str, +2 Con)2 rp


Xenophobic 0 rp

Racial Traits

Natural armor 2 rp (+5 Nat Armor according to their bestiary entry)

Swim 1 rp (30 ft. +8 racial to swim)

Bite 1 rp (1d4 according to their bestiary entry)

Claws 2 rp (1d4 according to their bestiary entry)

@thunderbeard as you know I'll be submitting a mindflayer. I don't really want to make an alias unless my characters accepted though. Is it ok if I just submit an idea and then do the crunch if I make it in? I could get it done in an hour.

If that's ok, is there anything other than backstory and intended build you would want?

That should be fine, especially since a mind flayer will require less fiddling than some builds, so feel free to just go with backstory etc. for now

And @Kenji: yeah, I have no problems with any ARG races.

Awesome, that's what I was thinking as well. I'll PM ya tonight or tomarrow:)

Just as a thought, a beholder and a mindflayer would make an awesome duo. If anyone's interested in submitting a beholder and would maybe like to intertwine backstories with me, let me know

Thunderbeard, are we ok to create our own new races?

Follow up, the construct type doesnt specify shape, and encompasses animate objects. Would it be suitable for me to be, say, an animated sword? Obviously id have to get a magical fly speed or something to get around when no one is holding me.

Ah, but Tenro, there remains an important question. What is your enhancement bonus? :P

Dark Archive

Ok, Here is my current build. And I may end up changing the type of Oni to the Kuwa or going with the Young template idea. As of now, I'm using the limited customization approach and just relying on the monster stats without a 25-point buy.

Part of why I liked the Oni idea is that they fit really well into the whole disguised as normal people plan. Plus it gives me a chance to play a hulking melee brute. Not a character direction I pick often :)

character sheet:

Unnamed Hero
Male Oni, Ogre Mage Barbarian (Beast Totem) 1
NE Large outsider (native, oni, shapechanger)
Init +7; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception +13
AC 22, touch 12, flat-footed 19 (+5 armor, +3 Dex, -1 size, +5 natural)
hp 105 (1d12+8d10+54); regeneration 5 (fire or acid)
Fort +16, Ref +7, Will +12
SR 19
Speed 50 ft., fly 60 ft. (good)
Melee +1 furious greatsword +17/+12 (3d6+13/19-20)
Ranged +1 adaptive composite longbow +12/+7 (2d6+9/×3)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks rage (10 rounds/day)
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 9th; concentration +12)
. . Constant—fly
. . At will—darkness, invisibility
. . 1/day—charm monster (DC 16), cone of cold (DC 18), deep slumber (DC 15), gaseous form
Str 26, Dex 17, Con 23, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 17
Base Atk +9; CMB +18; CMD 31
Feats Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Power Attack
Skills Acrobatics +10 (+18 jump), Bluff +14, Disguise +14, Fly +9, Intimidate +14, Knowledge (arcana) +13, Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (planes) +6, Perception +13, Sense Motive +13, Spellcraft +13, Use Magic Device +14
Languages Common, Giant, Undercommon
SQ change shape, fast movement
Combat Gear quick runner's shirt; Other Gear mithral kikko armor, +1 adaptive composite longbow, +1 furious greatsword, arrows (60), blunt arrows (20), belt of giant strength +2, cloak of resistance +2, 30 gp
Special Abilities
Change Shape (Small, Medium, or Large Humanoid; alter self or giant form I) (Su) You can change your form.
Combat Expertise +/-3 Bonus to AC in exchange for an equal penalty to attack.
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Flight (60 feet, Good) You can fly!
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Quick runner's shirt (1/day) As swift action, take an extra move action to move on your turn.
Rage (10 rounds/day) (Ex) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Regeneration 5 (fire or acid) Heal HP quickly and cannot die.
Spell Resistance (19) You have Spell Resistance.

Grand Lodge

Then level 7 Giant Advanced (These take my 2 bonus levels for templates, 1 cr each) Lizardfolk it is. My Str is going to be stupid.

I'd be interested in this

Idea so far is for a Goblin Wizard/Magus who, after being killed by his tribe for being able to read, rose as a Worm that Walks(composed of leeches). The first thing he did was kill the chieftain that ordered his death and take control of the tribe. Then he subsequently got bored with them and one by one killed of all others in his experiments.

hallowsinder wrote:
Ah, but Tenro, there remains an important question. What is your enhancement bonus? :P

whatever I can afford! Hahaha

My idea is a psionic soulbolt (ranged damager) who had his consciousness placed into a weapon. I'd make it a transformative weapon so it could assume different shapes, or take an alternate form racial ability to, say, be a sword OR a bow. But someone (either another PC or, less desirably, an NPC) would wield my character, and on my character's initiative he would take shots at the enemy as well. If he was in bow form, it would be a lot like on, say, The Immortals, when Theseus has the bow and when he draws it back, arrows of energy appear.

@Kenji: Huh. How is Advanced not CR +2? I may need to look into balancing some of the templates that everyone is considering, but that's a concern for later.

And @Tenro: If you really want to create your own race, go for it, I guess, but I'd say there are already tons of great races, and unless you want to have a specific and unique race (like RNE, who wanted to be specifically constructed for a task) it's probably not worth it.

Ah, you are right. The Headsman's Scythe seems to be a pretty good race to start with. The ability scores are laughable, however. Would I just use the 25 pt buy, then? I imagine this would confer zero racial bonuses.

Ah—yeah, the scythe's unintelligent, which means not playable. I'd seriously consider being a magic weapon that at least possesses someone to carry you around, because otherwise you're not going to have much luck collecting luck and improving yourself (get your thrall the feats Magic Craftsman and Craft Magic Arms and Armor, and suddenly he can beef you up). Plus, without somebody swinging them, magic items can't hit nearly as hard.

Dark Archive

I was leaning towards taking the thematically appropriate (but highly disadvantageous stat-wise) Tetsubo for my oni as it fit the mythos.

Tenro, I would be more than happy to alter my build around such a weapon (or any other odd weapon fit for a demon) if you wanted a character to be able to wield you. Because the idea of a PC-controlled intelligent psionic weapon as a character sounds awesome to me. Possibly a warpriest or inquisitor and the deity's favoured weapon?

Huh. It's +1000 gp for an intelligent item to gain the ability to cast a cantrip at will (and I'd say Mage Hand would allow you to move yourself at least slowly).

@Sersi: that sounds great, GM willing. I am not tied to any specific weapon idea, so any kind you like to wield sounds good to me.

@GM: I've no problem getting some sort of power for possession to facilitate the logic of being an intelligent magical weapon. in a game long ago i played an intelligent dagger, and i used Unseen Servant to carry me and Major Creation to put clothes on it, so it looked like a crappy Invisible Man. Of course, the unseen servant couldnt attack with me, but was sufficiently powered to attack with myself (according to the character class i was at that time, which was different than what I'd be this time)

What sparked this idea was Link's sword in the old Zelda games, when you could charge it up and shoot a blast of energy.

Here's Doomed Hero's tiny little dracolich.

He's a cat-sized tangle of greed, envy and cold, calculating hatred. He doesn't like you, but if he thinks there's a decent sized reward in it he can keep his opinions to himself. Probably.

Like every tiny predator in the world, he's more about cunning than brute force. He's really smart, patient, and has a bag of tricks that never ends.

Anaxian's personality is based on a combination of Kain from the Legacy of Kain games, Lex Luthor, and the evilest cat you've ever met.

Grand Lodge

Actually, I'm going to go with Giant Half-Fiend Lizardfolk Antipaladin 7.

@thunderbeard - can we use THIS?

Huh—hadn't seen that conversion before, Oceanshieldwolf. It's interesting. For the sake of balance and what i already said, I'm going to go with the rules I've mentioned before as standard, but if there's something from there that you specifically want/need, I can take a look at it.

thunderbeard wrote:
Huh—hadn't seen that conversion before, Oceanshieldwolf. It's interesting. For the sake of balance and what i already said, I'm going to go with the rules I've mentioned before as standard, but if there's something from there that you specifically want/need, I can take a look at it.

Right, so the Monsters as PC's link you provided in THIS post.

I don't actually understand it very well. Specifically, I'd like to submit a Shae with levels in the Dreadmasque class (essentially an Inquisitor archetype).

What level would I be, and is the class something you'd OK? The Savage Species conversion has Shae in it, but I don't really get why you'd get the bonus to Strength etc…

Actually, in this case, the Savage Species conversion and Monsters as PCs rules should work out exactly the same—you'd get 4 levels of outsider and 3 class levels, although you could turn one outsider level into a class level if you prefer.

Meanwhile, I'm not sure how I feel about homebrew classes, but anything that combines inquisitor and bard without even keeping spells is probably not going to be very broken. (and the masks connection is interesting).

Ok, so I just add three Dreadmasque class levels to a base Shae?

Would a Drow Noble Dread Vampire have 4 class levels?

I've been thinking about it. Here is my official submission:

Tiefling Graveknight cleric of As Asmodeus who goes into the Diabolist prc and has two IMp minions.

I believe that gives me all the cool factor I was looking for without straining credulity too much.

Further refining my concept. A Half-orc Demonic Vermin (+1 CR) Worm that Walks (+2 CR) Scarred Witch Doctor 6. It has the cool factor of hiding a mass of worms behind a mast, a lot of resilience (and Con), but also the potential to lose the fetish mask, particularly if he discorporates (although I may have to think about ways to reduce or avoid this eventuality).


Backstory for Bognar, the Dragon-Prince

Taken as a pup during an above-ground raid by derro slavers, Bognar was sold several times over until finally ending up in a Duergar gladiator fighting pit. These Duergar were looking to breed/design/capture the finest, most lethal, most ferocious close-in fighters to unleash upon their neighbors in the Darklands. To that end, every gladiator who won their first few bouts underwent the ministrations of their alchemist/flesh-crafter, a derro by the name of Squelkidget.

Squelkidget tinkered, poked, prodded, and finally settled on the most appropriate means of enhancing Bognars latent ferocity and killer instinct. He used material extracted from a fallen red dragon whelp, along with many, many kobolds which he fed to the young orc. Combined with ritual surgery, alchemical solutions, and more than a bit of transformation magic, he created a half-dragon orc. Kept docile by repeated castings of charm and dominate spells, Bognar proved to be a puissant warrior and ruthless killer.

Everything changed when the Crimson Wanderer appeared on the scene, however. The Duergar were unprepared for a lightning raid led by suicide goblins, enraged kobolds, and similar cannon-fodder. They managed a fighting retreat, but yielded their living space, along with their "livestock" and the vast majority of the large and heavy equipment, like the alchemical labs and flesh-warping apparatus.

Seeing a truly vicious and ruthless warrior in his eyes, the Crimson Wanderer gifted Bognar his freedom, both physical and mental. He immediately swore to fight for her army, asking only for armor and weapons and the right to eat his fallen foes. Laughing, the Wanderer granted his request and drafted him to the growing army.

Crunch So Far:

Half-Red-Dragon Orc. Fighter 7.
Abilities: Strength 26, Dexterity 14, Constitution 20, Intelligence 13, Wisdom 14, Charisma 12.

While incredibly physically gifted, the years of experimentation and final grafting of the dragon essence into his orc body left Bognar quite sharp in both reason and attention to detail.

Items "gifted" to Bognar: +1 adamantine full-plate (17,500 gp), +1 adamantine longsword (5015 gp).

The rest of his money will go to basic adventuring equipment and some healing potions.

TL;DR version: Half Red Dragon Orc Fighter 7. Former slave gladiator and all-around warrior.

And Bognar's tentative alias...

Okay... I may have lied. I'm switching my class to Oracle, because that looks like more of a Cleric with Sorcerer mechanics, which I am faaaaaaaar more familiar with. The story still stands ("Praise to Aroden! The mighty gopher of the gods!"), but mechanically, it'll be far more sane.

I'll get to working on that stat crunch in a bit...

As for his background and personality?

Athraz was once a lowly miner, a part of his tribe that nobody expected to go anywhere. He would spend his days mining, digging and generally serving the tribe as best as he could.
That all changed, when the duergar attacked.
Beset by a huge contingent of the dark dwarven reflections, Athraz's tribe was caught offguard and virtually wiped out. Athraz himself was fleeing into deeper tunnels when they collapsed on him. Caught in a hopeless situation, Athraz did something he'd never done before: prayed. He prayed for some deity, any deity, to rescue him from his cramped, pitch-black, slowly-losing-oxygen death chamber. And that the moment, a gopher appeared.
Happening upon Athraz's tunnel, the gopher was startled back into it's own, tunneling a way up and out to safety. Athraz was stunned by this turn of events, and more so by the fact the gopher bore a very strange mark on it's head: a lone eye. (Or so he thinks. Given he was low on oxygen, it was pitch dark, and he was terrified out of his wits, it could've been anything.) Following the gopher to freedom and survival, Athraz fell to his knees and thank whatever deity had saved him. But he wasn't sure which one to thank.
Athraz spent month after month pilfering books, sneaking into libraries and learning all he could to thank whatever deity had saved him, seeking that eye he saw on the gopher's head. Finally, an answer came to him: the dead god Aroden. Athraz was initially shocked by this news, but the more he thought about it, the more it seemed to make sense to his little mind. Praying to the original dragon Apsu long and hard, Athraz was struck by divine powers and had everything answered. Aroden was not dead, not truly; after all, Apsu was the father of all creation, and the creator of many worlds. Who was to say he couldn't bring back a dead being, even a god? After all, such powers existed for mortals, so surely the lord of all existence could do it on a grander scale! And Aroden was known for his many disguises travelling the world; but who was to say that a god had to look like a mortal alone? Why not an animal? Like a gopher?
Athraz has since spent years preaching this great knowledge and good joy; Aroden was not dead, not truly! It was all a perspective of time. True, he may not have existed for some time, but he still did exist, technically! Athraz has used his newfound powers to aid those in need of assistance since then.

Dotting as a dot for now.

Sadly, no imediate idea for a creature nor class.

Shall consult the Bestiaries when possible. As a question? Has any one chosen Drider yet?

Much cheers to all.

Heh, the one thing that really tempts me about the Erinyes back up character is the idea of an Erinyes/Succubus catfight. :P

Dot, no, I do not believe anyone who has posted their idea has included a Drider yet.

Grand Lodge

How do we figure hp after level 1 roll it or half +1, or something else?

HP: 6d10 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 10, 5, 4) = 32 In case we roll.

, wrote:

Dotting as a dot for now.

Sadly, no imediate idea for a creature nor class.

Shall consult the Bestiaries when possible. As a question? Has any one chosen Drider yet?

Much cheers to all.

I know thunderbeard may not approve it, but HERE is a Drider Cavalier archetype...

thunderbeard wrote:
Ah! Got it, Orfamay. I thought you were still deciding what sort of ghost to be, but I'll add you to the next list of characters.

Ghosts come in sorts?

If you're wondering about the base creature, I think I'm going with half-elf (half-drow-ish), with a lot of built-up resentment against the various full-blooded drow, basically for treating him like a skuzzweasel while he was alive all those thousands of years ago. Be careful how you treat your slaves, as they may return as restless undead millenia from now and wreak untold vengeance against your g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'g'great grandchildren. Or, if you're an elf, against you.

For a plot hook, I'm basically stealing a little more from Red Dwarf (hey, if you steal, steal the good stuff). Normally a ghost is bound to his death scene and can only be freed by undoing whatever great task holds the ghost to this mortal coil. But through the Awesome Power of Plot, the All-Powerful Patron has managed to shift this guy's binding to a specific mobile MacGuffin that can be brought with the party as needed. (I'm thinking of flavoring this MacGuffin as an otherwise mundane ring that is worn by the eidolon, but really any piece of vendor trash would do.) The inspiration for this is, perhaps obviously, Rimmer's "light bee" which generates his holographic form.

This gives a lot of room for psychological hooks and preserves a lot of the traditional ghost limitations while (I hope) not interfering with your ability to run an adventure.

There's a feat I would like to take: Self-Delusion. It basically substitutes Charisma for Wisdom for Will saving throws, and also seems to tie into holding-it-together-through-sheer-force-of-personality that typifies a ghost for me.

It's a 3PP feat (Super Genius Games), though, so I need GM permission.

So, this mysterious patron of ours:


A wanderer moves through the Darklands, unseen by most, clad in the garb of a simple human traveler—and, somehow, she is gathering an army. There are rumors spoken in the dark places and undertaverns of an ancient queen a fallen god, a demon lord of trickery risen from the Abyss. All you know is that, when you heard her summons, you came.

She's real? As in, we've met her? Or is this a dream-sequence where I was riding a giant chocolate donut when the Jack of Diamonds started telling me that she was really a demon lord of trickery and that I should proceed immediately to the nearest exit without stopping to gather my carry-on bags? And then, just before I woke up, I realized that I was wearing a penguin costume but had forgotten to put on my trousers.

(Yes, I've had that dream. Haven't you?)

hallowsinder wrote:

Heh, the one thing that really tempts me about the Erinyes back up character is the idea of an Erinyes/Succubus catfight. :P

I believe there are people who would pay money for a scrying image of that.

I didn't see do we keep the monster feats or can we pick others?

Working up the partial crunch of the ghost summoner here. By the way, I can recommend the myth-weavers site as a very good spot for electronic character sheets. I'll probably put this aside for a few hours and see what else is being done, so that we can get reasonable coverage in the party. Just as an example, i've got pretty rocking Intimidate scores -- actually, pretty rocking social scores generally, but Intimidate is my only class skill. So I could be the party face if I spent a trait or two, or I could be the backup-face specializing in Intimidate right now with no further adjustments.

Comments welcomed, of course.

Thunderbeard, would you accept the Nightmare Creature template? I'm thinking of statting up a nightmare fey. I'm not sure if a Nightmare Nymph would be allowed; that's a CR 8 with no levels (and I'm fine with no levels; it's a very versatile druid/debuffer). If not the Nymph, then what about a Nixie or Pixie? Nightmare Pixie sounds absurd, but that template is just so darn cool.

Might try my hand at making an equivalent of the 'Scylla'. Game needs more tentacles.

Heh...or maybe a baby Moon Beast? (^_^)

Much cheers to all.

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